IMexamen Tema 3 ACE 5 PDF

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1 Listen ond tick (rz) the boxes. @3:

1 Which room is Poultolking obout? 4 Which room ore theg tolking obout?

AT Bn Ctr AE BT cI
2 Which historic house ore theg in? 5 Which ploce ore theg discussing?

An BE cI AI BT cn
3 Which bedroom ore theg in? 6 Which house oretheg Looking ot?

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AL] cn AE ctl
I Listen ond write. @U
Amg bought (1) o, ne*klorp mode of (2) . Corlo bought
(3) mode of (4) ond (5)

mode of (6)

3 Reod, choose ond write the words.

stone ised to heoting ore didn't use to wool were jocket
Mg grondporents lived in o viLloge coL[ed Brotton. Theg (1) go to the some
school. Theg wore uniforms thot (2) mode of heovg (3) to
keep worm. It wos cold becouse there wos no (4) ond the school hod
(s) wo[Ls. Theg {6) hove mong togs so theg spent their
free time ploging outside with their friends.

Total: 115
Resource cD-RoM o oxford universitg Press Photocopioble

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