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Toasty memes

The dank quiz set

Customary rules and content
While the top element in the poll was politically incorrect memes, the difficulty in
making a quiz entirely about memes whilst retaining quiz-like quality was high.

So, please dont take this as a purists work - its a gen quiz with a high meme

BUT, I promise you this - all questions are a ) workoutable, b ) stuff youve
probably heard or seen and c ) intricately tied to silly puns and funny tidbits - the
stuff of internet culture, even if theyre not directly memes.
16 questions to start
Q1 - Makemytrip referencing something. FITB
That escalated quickly
When writing for the Daily Californian, Chris reports regretting the creation -
something he did just for fun after browsing 4chan - and started with 10 friends , 3
of whom left quickly. The explosion in popularity happened after they were part of
a vigil for _____ on campus, driving them to mainstream status.

He sometimes thinks of putting it on his Linkedin page, but cant bring himself to -
itd be too awkward.

Give the creation and FITB.

UC Berkeley memes for Edgy teens, Harambe
The quote occurs in the animes 2nd season, when the characters are discussing
the proper method to have a tea party and a suggestion is made to tie the hair
backwards in a ponytail-like knot in the classical style of Nobunaga, in order to
properly have a tea-drinking ceremony.

What remark - made about the way to prepare tea and tie hair - am I on about ?
Q4 - FITB with a very specific phrase
The following is an excerpt from a Slate article investigating something.

Youve seen them. Peeking out from sidebars, jiggling and wiggling for your
attention, popping up where you most expect them: those ___ ____ _____ ads.
These crudely drawn Web advertisements promise easy tricks to reduce your belly
fat, learn a new language, and boost your credit score by 217 points. They seem
like obvious scams, but part of me has always wanted to follow the link.
One Weird Trick
FITB and explain the meme

As in, what is the origin of the

Gay frogman bit ?
Mike Pence, Barron Trump, Atrazine on frogs
I was just looking for Alex jones/Infowars
When native Americans used to see this - then called the English-American -
being used, they would be puzzled and call it the ______ , as this group was their
first introduction to European culture.

The term stuck, and now ______ ( followed by another word ) constitutes the
standard way to refer to this since Kinseys work in the 1960s. What am I talking
about ?
The missionary position
The joke started on 4chan in the early 2000s with the spread of internet to the
developing world. In a heated argument lost to the servers of time, the exact
exchange went something along these lines :

British poster : Theyre so primitive, they have ______ ______

Indignant reply : We dont have ____ _____ . People are civilized here, we have
________ _______ ______.

Give me this now-famed three word phrase.

Designated Shitting Streets
Till being removed recently by Google as the top result for the word senate ,
whose face would you have seen upon googling the word - in fact, thats all youd
have seen - thanks to the effort of a certain meme group ?
The Guardian ran an invective op-ed on this , aptly called Selective ____ ,
arguing that the institute ends up deliberately using the most archaic translatory
norms possible , including terms that have never been used since the middle
ages, to create highly distorted text.

The organization mentions no formal headquarters , and states that the reason is
the fear of getting attacked over its content.

Either name the organization OR its infamous Indian counterpart.

According to an informal survey , this is the most commonly used phrase to name
a quiz about Bengal, specifically calcutta.

The tradition started in a college quiz festival where people were starved for ideas
to name the quiz theme, and decided to combine the name of an iconic Calcuttan
landmark with the name of a clothing brand you likely arent going to use because
quizzes have a demographic like Haryanas.

Explain the pun and the name.

Victorias secret
Two plus two is four. Three plus one is four. Partly cloudy, partly sunny. Glass
half full, glass half empty. Those are _____ ______.

Excerpts from a follow-up interview. Whats the blank ?

Alternative facts
The speaker, of course, is Kellyanne Conway
Widely considered as one of the worst movies ever made ( it holds the coveted
0% rating on rotten tomatoes ) , Garbage Pail Kids ( 1987 ) tracks the lives of
several kids each deformed in some way such as being grossly fat, cursed with
bad breath or a violent attitude. Their existence revolves around avoiding contact
with the _____ ( one of the earliest uses of the term ) out of fear of persecution.

Give me the EXACT term

A doujinshi is a parody of a manga series - although of course, this isnt an anime
quiz, so in short : a doujinshi usually exaggerates a manga so massively that even
serious-toned anime like Attack on Titan gets turned into comedy.

Sometimes, doujins become mangas in their own right. An example is One Punch
Man parodying most action animes as a whole.

A certain doujinshi called Densha De D decided to parody the street racing manga
genre by turning all the cars into trains. The doujin follows the lives of train racers
and their signature move - the ____ ____ ____ .

Give me the three words, not popularized in an anime context.

Multi-track drifting
Simply explain
After Martin Shkreli hiked the price of Daraprim ( a life-saving drug ) by an insane
amount, he appeared on various late night shows using the analogy that ...the
drug was like a Rolls royce being sold at the price of a bicycle. I simply hiked it up
to the level of a Toyota, and people think its a crime

Bill Maher chose to take this on with a slight twist on the line. Specifically :

Owning a Rolls royce isnt a matter of life and death - I mean, till its bought by
_____, of course - then you get to die for free..

The remark became hugely popular, due to the controversy over the company and
Shkreli himself at the time. FITB with the name of the company.
The emission scandal
The original definition of the term was to steal an idea from your friends and make
it your own, to either commercial success or fame or both , and was created in
urban dictionary by an anonymous guy from Boston during 2007 at the apex point
of a legal controversy that is now well known.

Over time, the term has become greatly shortened, and now refers to something
different entirely.

Give me the original OR the current variant.

The original term was Zuckerberged
Random discworld round
This is a round with 6 questions.

All questions refer to discworld by Terry Pratchett

If youve ever read Discworld, you know how Terry likes to make almost
everything a reference to something funny.

Knowledge of discworld is almost irrelevant here, though - guess on !

In The Last Hero, Death ( a character in Discworld of nearly godlike power
responsible for causing deaths on time and carrying souls to the afterlife ) talks to
a character about the only situation in which he is puzzled as whether or not to
take a soul to the afterlife.

This situation was described in 1935 in a paragraph that was explicitly aimed to
take the limits of determinability to absurd levels, and starts with the line :

One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A _____ is penned up

Schrodingers cat
Death, insofar as it was possible in a face with no movable features, looked surprised. RINCEWIND? WHY ARE YOU

Um, why not? said Rincewind.


Oh no, not


But thats five hundred miles away!

An Appointment in Samarra

The Night Watch in Discworld ( the equivalent of the police ) have a special motto
written in broken latin :

Fabricati Diem, Punc

Just give me the well-known english variant.

Make my day, Punk

In Soul Music, Glod is a rule-breaker, a monk who ran away from his order. He is
given the chance to join a band and become a horn player of legend. The quote
goes as follows :

Do you want to be the greatest horn player in the world or just a _____ monk ?

________ is a word that translates to convict and is a play on words. Give me

the pun.
Felonious monk, Thelonious monk

In a play on the words smoking gun, the group of anarchist, anti-government

hackers in Going Postal are called The smoking _____ , and are modelled
almost explicitly on Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds.

The blank is a common word people have encountered in the world of tech, and
was first developed by Stallman at MIT. I am sure most people here have used a
____ product.
The smoking GNU

There is a popular myth that the word arises from Port Outside, Starboard Home
and refers to the cabins on a ship that would stay the coolest on a long voyage to
India from Britain. Since only the richest men could afford these cabins, the words
became associated with aristocracy and the upper class. Terry uses the word
extensively in his writing, as all British writers do, preferring it over equivalent
words such as upper-class.

Though the above etymology is likely false , what word is it describing ?

Round 2 - 16 questions
In Peter Watts Blindsight ( a fantastic hard sci-fi novel in its own right ) humanity
resurrects an ancient predator extinct for thousands of years due to its highly
advanced intelligence.

According to the novel, this predator can visualize two contrasting geometries at
once, making their abilities to work with high dimensional data extraordinary, with
one weakness - viewing a perfect right angle makes their brain go into seizures,
and that is how they were driven into extinction.

Name this predator of humanity and the right angle bit ( funda will do )
Vampires and the cross
When Hillary clinton came to West Virginia to deliver her speech, she started by
saying Its true what the song says, this is ___ _____

The song in question has for over 50 years been one of the most popular songs in
the state, played in almost every occasion and has been subject to movements in
the senate and other administrative levels.

ID the song or the blanks

Country roads, almost heaven
The washington post - noted liberal outlet - ran a story exploring the history of this
phrase, which, till very recently, was a compliment. Used since the 1800s, the
meaning was twisted during GamerGate in 2011 ( a controversy over whether
game developers intentionally sexualized women all the time ) to turn the meaning
from a noble activist to something different.

ID the phrase ( acronym will do )

Social Justice Warrior
In a very recent ( March 20th interview ) to the New Yorker, the editors of ____
confessed that they were, for the first time, lost : Weve been writing Trump
articles for years and have been sued relentlessly. Were tired of it now, and were
not even sure how to cover his presidency - our job has been to cover such things
from all angles and we feel like were done.

The _____ s motto is Tu Stultus Es, Latin for You are Dumb, and though not
exactly a meme website, _____ produces some of the highest grade OC on the
The Onion
Vintage internet poetry. FITB

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I porn-surfed, weak and weary,

Over many a strange and spurious porn-site of "hot chicks galore",

While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning,

And my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour,

"Tis not possible," I muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"

Quoth the server, _____

Under severe thermal stress, it is possible that materials which seek to expand
both ways end up radially sagging, transferring stress to the adjacent material - in
this case, concrete. This can happen at as little of 60% of the required value,
which makes this claim not entirely wrong, yet misleading.remember that the
ranges in question are 900-1500, maybe 1800, as opposed to 2500+

Lifted from a reddit post explaining what ?

Jet fuel cant melt steel beams ( but they sag )
The values were temps in Fahrenheit
In an interview, the actor confessed that he has mixed feelings about his roles:

Ive gotten used to it now. They end up living on..long afterwards on the internet,
what do you call them ? Memes ? Things like that. ____ ____ ___ ____ ask
for a drink , I see that with my face , making that hand gesture, I dont mind, really,
even though they say my casting spoils it all.

FITB or give the actor speaking

Sean Bean
One does not simply
He started his career with the critical and commercial hit Cheerleaders at a pretty
late age of 28. The role allowed him to sign on with producing giant ______, and
he went on to appear in over 500 productions and 150+ full-length films.

Some of his films are :

2 young to fall in love

Asian fever fortune cookies
Blazed and confused
Johnny Sins, blank = Brazzers
Q9 - Whos the guy on the left ?
Art Garfunkel ( from Simon and Garfunkel )
This legends FB description simply says:

I respect those who respect me

and forget those who forget me.
Simple as that.

He doesnt say anything about feet.

Or about growing too proud.

Who is he ? Or rather, where was he ?

The following paragraph had to be translated from Hindi by me, so apologies in
advance for terrible translation.

I was just approaching him as part of a routine was a fine morning,
quite cold, of course, but I didnt expect that, the entire month had been really
good for journalism, we had been getting so many opinions on what was going
on..but his opinion was truly anoukha(unique)....

Just explain
Wojak was a regular poster on the international 4chan board whose broken
English usually led to him getting made fun of. During the origin of polandball, a
parallel meme roughly featuring Wojaks sad face began to gain popularity , to the
point where this has become an overall phenomenon across memes.

Whats the face in question ?

Feels guy
What originally consisted of these and a few others ? I cut out the ones from more
niche series such as Sailor Moon.

Yu Yu Hakusho - Raizen ascends into Yusuke

Pokemon - Ash creates Raichu
Attack on Titan - Eren uses Titan form
Bleach - Ichigo becomes hollow
Top 10 anime transformations
Around 50-100 English terms entered Japan during WW2, one of which was
____-_____-Taimuzu. Notably, this was one of the few terms to enter that did not
directly relate to war. The japanese thought of the 150 year old X, widely
considered as the best element of its kind, as a giant source of fuel to the war,
something that motivated the spirit of every American, and was thus essential to
know about.

Nyo-Yoku-Taimuzu - the NYT
Buzzfeed ran a piece in 2015 on X before the 2016 election mired the symbol in
so much controversy. Specifically, they tried to ask digital artists the process of
determining the value of a _____ X , keeping in mind the difficulty of assigning a
value to digital art in the first place.

Nevertheless, there is a market for original ____ Xs. Matt Furie, the original artist,
says that a good one can go for up to 400 dollars if the sketch quality is good.
Rare pepe
A seinfeld meme.
Whats the ref ?
The Shining
Written Lit round
+10 each
10 bonus for all

Each question is a famous work of Lit turned into a Buzzfeed article.

1. The Prince
2. The Picture of Dorian Gray
3. Romeo and Juliet
4. Frankenstein
The terminal connect
Meta clue before last 2 clues - + 60/-30
The connect is a Lit connect.

It has earned its spot on a meme quiz by becoming one of the richest sources of
memes in literature, including sprouting its most famous meme ( which is given in
the last clue ) .

The author of the book was fond of the term meme, and was friends with Richard
Dawkins ( who coined the term ) as well.
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy
Genghis Khan
Heart of Gold
Ford, Dent
Vogon poetry
Hitchhikers guide to Europe

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