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(i) Short Description (What happened? What is being examined?

I had two MSTs, I observed that the First MST sort the groups on the
same level student high, medium and low. and my second MST uses
mixed level groups.
(ii) Interpretation
(What is most important / interesting / useful / about the object, event or idea?
How can it be explained? What caused it? What does it mean?
How can it be explained e.g. with theory? Can it be explained in comparison to other experiences?
How is it similar to and different from other situations?)
Its important that the teacher uses same levels groups sometimes
but I think that using this way always will have some effects to the
students in medium and low level group. because the teacher always
make activities that matches their level without challenging them
however the activities in higher level group are always challenging
and harder. On the other hand My second MST uses mixed groups
which I find more helpful for students because each groups work on
the same activity even if it was higher with lower level, and I asked
my MST about the mixed groups and she said that mixed groups will
help the lower level students to improve and the higher level will
understand more. I think that the first MST uses same level group
because it easier when making the activities also easier when
marking their work. To link it with my other experience in the Kg
level the teacher were always using mixed level groups and I
observed some lower level student when working with higher level
students and I found that they are concentrating in the class also
they were trying to solve the task correctly like the high level.

(iii) Outcome
(What have I learned from this?
What does this mean for my future?)

I learned that using mixed level groups are very helpful for the
students because all of them will improve their understanding in the
topic also I will use challenging activities for all the levels.

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