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WRITTEN TEST (Choose ONE of the following options; 250-300 words)

Adequacy and content: 40 marks

Coherence: 20 marks
Grammatical cohesion: 10 marks
Lexical cohesion: 10 marks

1. Speaking is perhaps one of the most demanding skills from the parents to teach. Explain
the main techniques you use to promote speaking among students as if you were in a
parents' meeting. Give them some examples of classroom activities that develop oral
communication for the subject field that you teach.

2. Explain the 4 Cs framework and write down how you would plan and design a CLIL unit
following the steps it proposes.


Choose A, B, C or D. Only one answer is correct.

Correct answer: 1 mark

Wrong answer: - 0,25 marks
Blank answer: 0 marks

1. A person who likes to read and is happy among books and written assignments is likely to belong
to this type of intelligence:

a. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence.
b. Intrapersonal Intelligence.
c. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence.
d. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence.

2. Should minority languages be learnt at school?

a. Yes, because well-implemented bilingual programs in a minority language do not have

any negative effects on childrens development in the majority language.
b. It is not clear, because although it would raise his self-esteem at the beginning, it would
make things more confusing for the child in the end.
c. It depends on the minority language to be learnt.
d. No, it is a waste of time.

3. What is more difficult for children involved in CLIL lessons?

a. To hypothesize.
b. To remember specific terminology.
c. To compare two different results.
d. To describe the process of experiments.
4. Who elaborates the school linguistic project?

a. The teachers of each subject.

b. The families and the students.
c. The school board.
d. The Pedagogical Coordination Committee.

5. The guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe is

a. Language Education Policy Profile.

b. European Language Portfolio.
c. Common European Framework of Reference.
d. Pluralistic approach to languages and cultures.

6. Authenticity, as a core feature of the CLIL methodology, involves.:

a. only paying attention to students' interests.

b. translating materials from the students' mother tongue.
c. using current materials from the media and other sources.
d. obliging the students to ask for the language help they need.

7. Which of the teaching strategies below is not appropriate to support language learning in
content classes?

a. Avoiding the use of other languages in the school environment.

b. Providing students with a wide range of opportunities to interact among themselves in
c. Trying to use the CLIL language in the classroom as much as possible.
d. Providing students with images and other resources to clarify contents in L2.

8. The difference between assessment and evaluation...

a. is not important in the education field.

b. is based on the fact that each serves a different purpose.
c. is based on the fact that evaluation is formative and process-oriented.
d. doesn't really exist, both terms can be used indistinctively.

9. With regard to the Taxonomy of learning domains,...

a. it is a didactic approach used for the initial assessment of the students.

b. there is consensus about the exact number of skills or levels.
c. it is a theoretical framework without any practical application.
d. thinking skills are usually divided into higher and lower order ones.

10. Scaffolding, as a core feature of the CLIL methodology involves...

a. increasing student language awareness.

b. building on a student's existing knowledge, skills, attitudes...
c. using current materials from the media and other sources.
d. translating materials and resources in the students' first language.
Are these sentences true or false?

Correct answer: 1 mark

Wrong answer: - 0,5 marks
Blank answer: 0 marks

According to Bloom, evaluating is a lower order thinking skill.
The promotion of language learning and linguistic diversity is one of the
specific objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Diagnostic assessment establishes a baseline from which to observe growth.
Three crucial characteristics of a community of practices are domain,
community and practice.
The Harvard Style is a generic author-date style for citing and referencing
According to Krashen, it is not the same to acquire a language than to learn a
The classification of education programs has been based on three elements:
the territory, the basic learning language and students usual language.
Assessment is part of the teaching process. Therefore, it is relevant only after a
didactic unit.
Repetition will help students to grasp meaning and create a sense of security.
Methodologically, the CLIL classroom should not be characterised by

SPEAKING (Choose ONE of the following topics)

Pronunciation: 3 marks
Lexis: 3 marks
Morphosyntax: 3 marks
Textual cohesion and coherence: 3 marks
Paralinguistic aspects: 3 marks
Content: 3 marks

How can a group of teachers facilitate the learning of the language according to Cumminss CALP
theory (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) when a subject is taught in a CLIL environment?

We cannot think of CLIL without its link to ICT. Explain that statement.

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