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Spring 2017Intermediate Conversational English Course

Community Language Program (CLP)

Teachers College, Columbia University

Student Profile & Needs Assessment

I. Personal Information

Name: Preferred name:

Country of origin: Job:

Mobile phone no. Email:

II. Language and Education Background

What is your native language? How long have you been studying English?

How long have you lived in the U.S.? What other languages do you use?

How long was your college/university study? What was your major?

Have you taken any English proficiency tests? If yes, what were they and what were the results?

III. Self-assessment of English Language Skills
Directions: Please check in the column that best reflects your level of the corresponding skill.
1 = Very limited 2 = limited 3 = Average 4 = Strong 5 = Very strong

Part 1

Skills Level 1 2 3 4 5






Total points: _______

Part 2

Skills Level 1 2 3 4 5

Answering personal questions

Choosing vocabulary

appropriate to the topic

Asking questions appropriate

to the topic

Giving responses and


Managing turns in the


Total points: _______


IV. Areas for Improvement in Speaking
Directions: Please check in the column that best reflects your learning needs.
In this course, I want to
Much needed Needed No need
Improve fluency.

Improve pronunciation.

Use vocabulary more accurately.

Ask and answer questions


Others (please indicate areas you want to improve in speaking):

V. Preferences of Learning Approaches

Directions: Please check in the column that best reflects your preference of the corresponding
learning approach.
1 = Hate 2 = Dislike 3 = No preference 4 = Like 5 = Love

App. Pref. 1 2 3 4 5

Individual work

Pair work

Group work


Public speaking

VI. Language Learning Background
1. Choose the following speaking topic(s) that interest(s) you (check all that apply):
socializing cross-cultural insights travel fashion and design
current events food and entertainment technology and social media
offers and invitations requests apology giving criticism
compliments and compliment responses

2. How much English do you use every day (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing)?
(Check only one indicator)
Almost the whole day Only at work/school Little use Others:________

3. In what situations is English useful for you? (check all that apply)
Academia Daily life Business/work Others: _________

4. What is your purpose of taking this course?

5. Are you motivated in studying English? Why or why not?

6. In what ways did you study English before? Please briefly share your learning experience.
(e.g., received formal English education at school)

7. What are the biggest challenges for you in speaking English?

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