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I (name) _______________________, an adult (sex) _____________ person,

ordinarily resident at
with contact number (cell or landline)________________ declare as follows:

I am a client of and investor in 4th Power Investments (Pty) Ltd and invested an
amount of R__________ on (date) _________.

I am satisfied with the services rendered by the company so far and request that it
continue business as it did prior to 29 September 2016 and as such I am satisfied
that the company does not operate a Ponzi or pyramid scheme.

4th Power Investments (Pty) Ltd has not defrauded me at any time.

The company has not rendered the services it did since the police search and
seizure operation 29th September 2016. As a result of this I have suffered harm in the
following way (mention amount in rands as well as any events):













In light of the above I believe that the police search and seizure operation as well as
the unlawful intervention by the banks and the timing thereof was aimed at causing
prejudice to myself as investor because I expected an interim payment by 30 th
September 2016 and prior to the operation I was satisfied with the service in respect
of my investment and now I am n not.

The company has an obligation to fulfil my expectations in respect of my investment
and any and all impediments thereto should be removed.
David Cupido and 4th Power be restored with possession and control of anything
seized he needs to sustain himself and continue his business until he is convicted of
a serious criminal offence without the option of a fine.

In terms of section 40 of the Financial and Intermediary Services Act the company
and David Cupido and employees and or representatives have to continue to fulfil
their obligations in respect of the client, and therefore myself and nothing in the Act
should prevent same.

Any funds I have invested in the scheme are my own and I wish to dictate how these
funds are to be dealt with and the actions of the police and banks are a denial of my
constitutional rights.

All funds deposited and any and all funds owed to me are to be dealt with in
accordance with the sole discretion of David Cupido and 4 th Power Investments.

I do furthermore declare that the funds I expect are well in excess of my deposit and
therefore 4th Power Investments (Pty) Ltd cannot fall within the definition of a bank
in terms of the Banks Act 94 of 1990.

I wish to maintain my contractual relationship with 4 th Power Investments and
associated companies until further written notice.

I do further agree to the constitution of 4 th Power Investors Association as amended
and to membership thereof and mandate said association to defend and promote my
rights as an investor in any way it deems fit.
I wish to state further that in light of my relationship with 4 th Power I do not require
any protection from any authority or statute.

I do not care how much commission anyone receives in respect of my investment as
long as I receive my returns.

I know the contents of this affidavit and depose thereto freely and voluntarily.


I certify that the deponent acknowledged that he/she knows and understands the contents of

this statement, that he/she has no objection to taking the prescribed oath, and that he/she

regards the prescribed oath as binding on his/her conscience. I then administered the

prescribed oath, where he/she signed the statement in my presence on this______ day of

November 2016 at Bhisho.

Commissioner of Oaths

(ex officio)

Full Names :

Rank :
Address :

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