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English as an International Language

In recent history English has enjoyed a privileged position among the Worlds languages.
Millions of people in the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Canada, New
Zealand and other countries speak it as a native language. The number of speakers of
English as a second or people do not speak it, but read it. The world of politics and
diplomacy has made of English its preferred medium of speak and written communication.

What has made English one of the most important languages in the world?
Why is it necessary for people to continue to learn it?

With respect to the first question, the most generally answer is the political and economic
power of English speaking countries like England and the United States in the last two
With respect to the second question, many reasons come to mind.

Travel to countries where English is the official language is common for tourists
and business people.
In countries where English is not the official language, for instance, Holland or
Germany, Knowledge of English is essential to understand people and to make
yourself understood.
The scientific community which is constituted by scientists with different native
languages, has adopted English as the most common channel of communication.
Scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge is disseminated in publications
in English, University students, and professionals are the first ones to recognize
the crucial importance of English in their activities.
In todays world, technological advancement is dictated by the industrialized
countries with Japan, the United States and some European countries at the head.
When we buy, for example a Japanese or a German product, we notice that
although English is not the official language in those countries, an English version
of the manual is never absent.
In conclusion, English has gained over the years considerable prestige as the
language of business, politics, diplomacy, tourism, science and mass communication.
On January 15-1990, we lived an unfortunate example of the importance of English as
an international language. The war between: Iraq and United States and its allies was
watched by millions of people around the worldsitting comfortably in their homes in
front of their television sets. The language in which the broadcasting originated was
English. The reason for this is not that only reporters who speak English are good, but
that the audience that was interest in the news, in this case world, was better prepared
to decipher information in English than in any other language.
Taken from: MATERIAL DE APOYO para el Programa de Ensayo de Ingls de Primer
ao E.M.D.P. Marta Antonini, Sara Fernndez, Leyla de Lindorf 1992. Entonces CO-
POSTER 1: Things That Will Make You a Better Person.
Things we should put into practice.
I am a good person no matter what everyone does.
It is ok to make mistake because everyone does.
Money cannot buy happiness.
I am a lovely people
When I smile, I feel better.
I can do things well.
I am unique a chance to better is my only decision.
I Think about my choices and choose what is the best for me.
I can only change myself. What I learn today will help me in the future.
When I am angry, I use self-control and do not hurt others.
1. I treat others the way I want them to treat me.
2. I am a good professor. I follow the rules.
3. It is ok to laugh at funny things, but not laugh at others
4. If I can not anything helpfull, I do not say any things at all.
5. When I am sad, I help myself feel better by thinking of thinks that are good in my
6. In order to have friends, I must act in a wind way.
7. I believe that I am someone who can do important things.
8. What I say and how I say it tells others the kind of person I am.
9. I appreciate my family, my teachers and myself.
10. I treat everyone with respect.
11. I am being a good citizen when I volunteer to help others.
12. Each day offers a new start to do my best.
13. I try to understand what my friends are feeling everyone make mistakes, soyou
never give up your dreams be polite and say: thank you.
14. When I smile at people, then usually smile back.
15. I encourage my friends to do their best.
16. My values guides me to do what is right I am honest.
17. When I am angry I use self control and do not hurt others.
Organized outline or sketch of a lesson where aims, content, strategies,
materials and evaluation are clearly stated.
Sequence of tasks and activities a teacher must follow in order for students
to accomplish aims proposed.

Objectives Content Strategies Material
By the end of lesson, Recipe Eliciting Recipes
the students will be Ordinal Demonstration Real Objects
able to: numbers Examples Pictures
Give and follow Matching from Concept map.
directions in how content Chart.
to prepare guessing Drawings
spaghettis. synonyms. Flash cards
Describe Using pictures
related to food. group work,
Exchange discussions,
information about simulations
food from
different parts of
the word.

Describe what students
With the language
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Complain with someone about something.
Tell the time.
Ask and give directions.
By the end of the class, participants must be able to:
Identify objects in a house and classroom.
Describe people and places.
Narrate events the past
Use possessive adjectives.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will have developed ability to:
Read to identify the main idea.
Write a paragraph describing his/her hobby.
Speak about his/her family
Listen to instructions on how to prepare food.
By the end of this class students will be able to:
Discuss about importance of Human Rights.
Interact with partners to solve a problem.
Roleplay a situation at the airport.
Hold a presentation about a chosen topic.
Refers to LANGUAGE ASPECTS (grammatical structure, vocabulary,
idiomatic expressions). And TOPICS or SITUATIONS worked in class.
Each content should be related directly to the specific aim present in the
lesson plan.
Teaching techniques applied by teachers during the lesson to achieve aims and to
help develop communicative competence in students.
Aids used by teachers to help students understand meaning, such as:
Real objects
Visuals (pictures, posters)
Newspaper articles
Basic Vanilla Cake

This moist single-layer vanilla cake has a delicate texture and delectable crumb,

but it's the old-fashioned browned-butter glaze that gives it a nutty flavor.

Use this Basic Vanilla Cake batter for Cupcakes Americana, Old-Fashioned Jam

Cake, and Crunchy Coffee Cake as well.


1 c. sifted cake flour

1 tsp. baking powder

tsp. salt

c. unsalted butter

1 c. sugar

2 large eggs

tsp. vanilla extract

c. whole milk

1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coat an 8-inch cake pan
with butter and dust with all-purpose flour. Sift the cake flour, baking
powder, and salt into a large mixing bowl.
2. Beat in the butter one heaping 1/4 teaspoonful at a time, using an
electric mixer set on low speed, until the mixture resembles coarse
sand. Beat in the sugar a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture
resembles fine damp sand. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the
vanilla and milk, and beat on medium-high, just until blended. Do
not overbeat.

3. Pour into the prepared pan and bake until a wooden skewer
inserted in the center comes out clean 30 to 35 minutes. Cool
cake in the pan on a wire rack for 5 minutes.

4. Un-mold and cool completely.

English as an International Language
In recent history English has enjoyed a privileged position among the Worlds
Millions of people in the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia,
Canada, New Zealand and other countries speak it as a native language. The
number of speakers of English as a second or people do not speak it, but read it.
The world of politics and diplomacy has made of English its preferred medium of
speak and written communication.
What has made English one of the most important languages in the world?
Why is it necessary for people to continue to learn it?
With respect to the first question, the most generally answer is the political and
economic power of English speaking countries like England and the United States
in the last two countries.
With respect to the second question, many reasons come to mind.
Travel to countries where English is the official language is common for
tourists and business people.
In countries where English is not the official language, for instance, Holland
or Germany, Knowledge of English is essential to understand people and to make
yourself understood.
The scientific community which is constituted by scientists with different
native languages, has adopted English as the most common channel of
communication. Scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge is
disseminated in publications in English, University students, and professionals are
the first ones to recognize the crucial importance of English in their activities.
In todays world, technological advancement is dictated by the industrialized
countries with Japan, the United States and some European countries at the head.
When we buy, for example a Japanese or a German product, we notice that
although English is not the official language in those countries, an English version
of the manual is never absent.
In conclusion, English has gained over the years considerable prestige as the
language of business, politics, diplomacy, tourism, science and mass
communication. On January 15-1990, we lived an unfortunate example of the
importance of English as an international language. The war between: Iraq and
United States and its allies was watched by millions of people around the world
sitting comfortably in their homes in front of their television sets. The language in
which the broadcasting originated was English. The reason for this is not that only
reporters who speak English are good, but that the audience that was interest in
the news, in this case world, was better prepared to decipher information in English
than in any other language.
Taken from: MATERIAL DE APOYO para el Programa de Ensayo de Ingls de
Primer ao E.M.D.P. Marta Antonini, Sara Fernndez, Leyla de Lindorf 1992.
Entonces CO-BO.

Basic Vanilla Cake Recipe

This moist single-layer vanilla cake has a delicate texture and delectable crumb, but it's the
old-fashioned browned-butter glaze that gives it a nutty flavor.
Use this Basic Vanilla Cake batter for Cupcakes Americana, Old-Fashioned Jam Cake,
and Crunchy Coffee Cake as well.

2 cups sifted cake flour
teaspoon baking powder
cup butter (One half)
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs
teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk
Lemon Zest.


1. Heat the oven to 180 C. Lightly coat an 8-inch cake pan with butter and dust with
all-purpose flour. Sift the cake flour, baking powder into a large mixing bowl.
2. Beat in the butter one heaping 1/4 teaspoonful at a time, using an electric mixer set
on low speed, until the mixture resembles coarse sand. Beat in the sugar a tablespoon at
a time, until the mixture resembles fine damp sand. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the
vanilla and milk, and beat on medium-high, just until blended. Do not overbeat.
3. Pour into the prepared pan and bake until a wooden skewer inserted in the center
comes out clean 30 to 35 minutes. Cool cake in the pan on a wire rack for 5 minutes.
4. Un-mold and cool completely.
El ingls como lengua internacional
En la historia reciente el ingls ha disfrutado de una posicin privilegiada entre las lenguas
del mundo.
Millones de personas en los Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Escocia, Australia,
Canad, Nueva Zelanda y otros pases lo hablan como lengua materna. El nmero de
hablantes de ingls como segundo o las personas no lo hablan, sino que lo leen. El
mundo de la poltica y la diplomacia ha hecho del ingls su medio preferido de
comunicacin oral y escrita.
Qu ha hecho del ingls uno de los idiomas ms importantes del mundo?
Por qu es necesario que la gente contine aprendindola?
Con respecto a la primera pregunta, la respuesta ms general es el poder poltico y
econmico de pases de habla inglesa como Inglaterra y Estados Unidos en los dos
ltimos pases.
Con respecto a la segunda pregunta, vienen a la mente muchas razones.
Viajar a pases donde el ingls es el idioma oficial es comn para turistas y gente de
En pases donde el ingls no es el idioma oficial, por ejemplo, Holanda o Alemania, el
conocimiento del ingls es esencial para entender a la gente y para hacerse entender.
La comunidad cientfica, constituida por cientficos con diferentes lenguas nativas, ha
adoptado el ingls como el canal de comunicacin ms comn. El conocimiento cientfico,
humanstico y tecnolgico se difunde en publicaciones en ingls, estudiantes
universitarios, y los profesionales son los primeros en reconocer la importancia crucial del
ingls en sus actividades.
En el mundo de hoy, el progreso tecnolgico est dictado por los pases industrializados
con Japn, Estados Unidos y algunos pases europeos a la cabeza. Cuando compramos,
por ejemplo un producto japons o un producto alemn, notamos que aunque el ingls no
es el idioma oficial en esos pases, una versin en ingls del manual nunca est ausente.
En conclusin, el ingls ha adquirido a lo largo de los aos considerable prestigio como
lengua de negocios, poltica, diplomacia, turismo, ciencia y comunicacin de masas. El 15
de enero de 1990 vivimos un desafortunado ejemplo de la importancia del ingls como
lengua internacional. La guerra entre Irak y Estados Unidos y sus aliados fue observada
por millones de personas alrededor del mundo ... sentndose cmodamente en sus
hogares frente a sus televisores. El idioma en el que se origin la emisin fue el ingls. La
razn de esto no es que slo los periodistas que hablan ingls son buenos, pero que el
pblico que estaba interesado en las noticias, en este caso el mundo, estaba mejor
preparado para descifrar informacin en ingls que en cualquier otro idioma.
Tomado de: MATERIAL DE APOYO para el Programa de Ensayo de Ingls de Primer ao
E.M.D.P. Marta Antonini, Sara Fernndez, Leyla de Lindorf - 1992. Entonces CO-BO.
Pastel bsico de vainilla

Este pastel de vainilla hmeda de una capa tiene una textura delicada y miga deliciosa,
pero es el esmalte de mantequilla dorada pasada de moda que le da un sabor a nuez.
Utilice esta masa de pastel de vainilla bsica para las magdalenas americana, pastel de
mermelada de moda y pastel de caf crujiente tambin.

2 c. Harina de tarta tamizada
cucharadita. Levadura en polvo
c. mantequilla
1 c. azcar
2 huevos grandes
cucharadita. extracto de vainilla
c. leche entera

1. Caliente el horno a 180 C. Ligeramente cubra una cacerola de torta de 8 pulgadas con
mantequilla y polvo con harina de uso mltiple. Tamizar la harina de la torta, polvo de
hornear en un tazn grande de mezcla.
2. Batir la mantequilla amontonando 1/4 cucharadita a la vez, usando un mezclador
elctrico a baja velocidad, hasta que la mezcla se asemeje a la arena gruesa. Batir en el
azcar una cucharada a la vez, hasta que la mezcla se asemeja a la arena fina y hmeda.
Golpe en los huevos uno a la vez. Aadir la vainilla y la leche, y batir en medio-alto, slo
hasta que se mezclan. No lo pise demasiado.
3. Verter en el molde preparado y hornear hasta que un pincho de madera insertado en el
centro salga limpio - 30 a 35 minutos. Enfriar la torta en la sartn en una rejilla de alambre
durante 5 minutos.
4. Desmoldar y enfriar completamente.
3 cups (750 ml) unbleached all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon (15 ml) baking powder

1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) salt

4 eggs

2 cups (500 ml) sugar

1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract

3/4 cup (180 ml) canola oil

1 1/4 cup (310 ml) milk


1. With the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven to 180 C (350
F). Butter two 20-cm (8-inch) springform pans and line the bottom with
parchment paper. Set aside.
2. In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, and vanilla with an electric mixer
for about 10 minutes or until thick, pale and triple in volume. Drizzle in
the oil while beating.
4. At low speed, add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk until the
batter is smooth. Divide the batter into the pans and bake for 50 to 55
minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake comes out
clean. Let cool for 15 minutes. Remove from the pans and let completely
cool on a wire rack. If necessary, cut and remove the cake tops to level
each cake before frosting.
3 tazas (750 ml) de harina de trigo sin blanquear
1 cucharada (15 ml) de levadura en polvo
1/2 cucharadita (2,5 ml) de sal
4 huevos
2 tazas (500 ml) de azcar
1 cucharada (15 ml) de extracto de vainilla
3/4 taza (180 ml) de aceite de canola
1 1/4 taza (310 ml) de leche
Seleccionar todo
Con la rejilla en la posicin media, precaliente el horno a 180 C (350 F). Mantequilla de
dos 20 cm (8 pulgadas) molduras de forma de primavera y la lnea de la parte inferior con
papel de pergamino. Dejar de lado.
En un bol, combine la harina, el polvo de hornear y la sal. Dejar de lado.
En otro recipiente, batir los huevos, el azcar y la vainilla con una batidora elctrica
durante unos 10 minutos o hasta que estn gruesos, plidos y triples en volumen. Roce
el aceite mientras golpea.
A velocidad baja, agregue los ingredientes secos alternativamente con la leche hasta que
la masa est lisa. Dividir la masa en las ollas y hornear durante 50 a 55 minutos o hasta
que un palillo insertado en el centro de la torta sale limpio. Dejar enfriar durante 15
minutos. Retire de las cacerolas y dejar enfriar completamente en una rejilla de alambre.
Si es necesario, cortar y quitar las tapas de la torta para nivelar cada torta antes de
Prelaci Cdigo Materia U.C.
31011 Iniciacin Universitaria 2
31012 Lenguaje y comunicacin 3
31021 Mtodos y tcnicas de estudios 3
31022 Terminologa en Estadstica e Investigacin 3
31031 Pre - Clculo 4

Prelaci Cdigo Materia U.C.
31013 Idioma Moderno 6
31022 31023 Estadstica I 3
31025 Metodologa de la Investigacin 3
31041 Psicologa General 2
31051 Pedagoga General 2
31052 Fundamentos de Andragoga 2
31053 Ideas Educativas de Simn Rodrguez 2
31054 Filosofa de la Educacin 3
31023 31024 Estadstica II 3
31025 31026 Metodologa de la Investigacin II 3
31041 31042 Psicologa Evolutiva 2
31041 31044 Orientacin Educativa 2
31061 Sociologa General 2
31062 Educacin Ambiental 2
31063 Realidad Socio-Econmica de Venezuela 2
31071 Planificacin de la Educacin 3
31072 Administracin de la Educacin 3
31073 Sistema Educativo Venezolano 3
31081 Planificacin Curricular 3
31082 Diseo para el Aprendizaje 3
31082 31083 Evaluacin de los Aprendizajes I 3
31088 Educacin Ambiental 3

Prelaci Cdigo Materia U.C.
31087 Corrientes del Pensamiento Pedaggico 2
31089 Sociologa de la Educacin 3
Prelaci Cdigo Materia U.C.
31111 Ingls I 3
31112 Ingls II 3
31113 Ingls III 3
31114 Ingls IV 3
31120 Introduccin a la Literatura 3
31125 Proyecto I

Prelaci Cdigo Materia U.C.
31134 Ortofona del Ingls 3
31135 Ingls de Nivelacin 3

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