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Student Teacher Lesson Planning Template

Sample Lesson Plan for observation

Date 5-3-2017 Student Mariam Juma.

Time 10:00 School AL Bahjah Kindergarten School.

MCT Ms. Noora Abdulla Altayar. Class Kg1- Section 1.

Lesson Unit: Geometry. No of 22 Children.
unit/page Lesson: Identify 4 shapes (circle, students Boys: 12
rectangle, triangle and square) Girls: 10
Teaching goal

-Teach children 4 shapes which include: circle, rectangle, triangle, and square.
Learning objectives
By end of the lesson, children will be able to:
1- Name a circle, rectangle, triangle and square when they see them.
2- Identify a circle, rectangle, triangle and square when they mixed with other shapes.
3- State that a triangle has three sides, the rectangle and square have four sides, and the circle no
4- Draw a circle, rectangle, triangle and square.
5- Sorting the shapes.

Assumptions about prior learning

- Students are already having the background about the name of some shapes. For example, they
know the circle.
- Some students know how the circle look like and square.
- Some children have the ability to draw the circle.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
Problems: Solutions:
1 Students start to misbehaving. - I will use I massage to express my
feeling about children behavior. For
example, am side because of Ahmed
hot his friend, I will be happy if h stop

- Use eye connects to keep kids

- Change place.
2 If any child doesnt understand the
concept of the lesson. - I will teach him individual or ask his or
her friend to help them.

3 If the student starts to been noisy and - I might clap my hand to grip their
start to talk while am talking. attention.
- I might use eye connect strategy.
4 if some children answer my question - I might use total physical respond I
without raise their hand. will raise my hand so, the children
will be reminded that they have to
raise their hand if they want to
5 If the child cant complete activity - I will use ZPD approach to help him by
because he need help. giving instructions or first step so; the
child can complete the activity
Personal focus for this lesson
1- Support and teach children to collaborate by prepare group work activities.
2-Set high expectations for student achievement.
3-Apply classroom management techniques.
-Rule, Positive reinforcement, transition strategy, eye connect, model good behavior, pairs and time management.
4-Planning according to student ability (differentiated instruction).
5-Proived resource and materials that help me to achieve the goal of the lesson.
6-Print extra copy and collect the useful and clear image.
7-Write journal for the record the observation note, comment and student skill develop.
8-Preper well.
9-I will introduce the lesson in the clear voice and use simple words so, the children will understand.
10- Total physical response, by use my body to express the phrase, idea, and instruction of activities.
11-Praise children work and motivate them.
12-Donot ignore children if he answers wrong, I should explain to him why it's wrong and explain the right answer.
13-Donot frustration children how answer wrong by saying wrong, not correct, I should encourage him by say Thank you for
trying even its wrong.
14- Praise children to motive them.
15-Support children cognitive development by provides open-end questions.
16-Preapers activities that support children to achieve outcomes.
17-Provides students with a better chance to learn and have fun.
18-Proived save the environment for children by chose to keep materials for activities and put sharp tools on the shelf so children
cant reach it.

Target language Teacher language

In a geometry lesson, I will use the word that I want - Can you please
to teach children and practice it. Which include: - Have you ever
- Shapes. - Sorry.
- Circle. - Thank you.
- Tringle. - Can you show me what do you done.?
- Rectangle.
- Square.
- This shape has 3 sides.

Main tasks or activities Resources and teaching aids

- Engage: Puppet show Open- end - Engage: Puppet show & shapes pictures.
questions. - Explore: Shapes pictures.
- Explore: Shapes game. - Explain: No materials.
- Explain: Ask questions. - Elaborate:
- Elaborate: Low activity: Flash cards.
Low activity: Ask questions. Middle activity: four boxes, each one has one picture
Middle activity: Classify shapes in the boxes. of shape- shapes.
High activity: Create shapes by clay. High activity: clay-roll.
- Evaluate: Draw shapes. - Evaluate: Pencils and A4papers.

Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
- Engage: - Engage: Circle area.
Puppet show- whole class. - Explore: Circle area.
Ask questions- individual. - Explain: Circle area.
- Explore: - Elaborate:
Shapes game- whole class. Low: table center.
- Explain: Middle: math center.
Ask questions: Individual. High: art center.
- Elaborate: - Evaluate: Draw center.
Low: Individual.
Middle: Group work.
High: Pair.
- Evaluate: individual.

Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model

Key Question:

Questions for whole group discussion:

-Do you know my name?
-Can you found for me square shape in the classroom?
-Can you show me how to draw a square in the air?
-Can you draw the circle on the board?
-How many sides does the rectangle have?
-How many sides does triangle have?
-Where do you found some circle shape in your home?
-Give me two shapes that have same numbers of a team?
-Give me any materials in the classroom similar to any shapes that we take?

Teacher: Children:
- I will welcome children.
- I will tell them that we will we get to know - Children will sit in circle area.
four new friends. - Observe puppet show and had fun.
- Engage activity: I will do the puppet show - Provide answers to my questions.
and ask children question include three
different levels:
-Do you know my name?
-Can you found for me square shape in the
-Can you show me how to draw a square in the air?
-Can you draw the circle on the board?
-How many sides does the rectangle have?
-How many sides does triangle have?
-Where do you found some circle shape in your
-Give me two shapes that have same numbers of a
-Give me any materials in the classroom similar to
any shapes that we take?
Activities (list) Driving Question
Shapes game:
1- Shape with four sides.
The instructions of game are: 2- Go to shape that no have the sides.
1- All student will be walking around 3- Triangle.
circle area. 4- Rectangle.

2- I will play the shapes song when I (here I will tell the children to describe or
stop the song and say the name of name the shape to play the game)
any shapes or number of the side
does that shapes have. For
example, if I say the shape that has
three sides so, children will stand in
triangle part, children should walk
quakily and stand in shape part. For
example, if I say triangle children
should stand in triangle part. (the
carpet will be divided four-part; each
part has one picture of shapes.
Teacher Student
Shapes game: Shapes game:
- I will tell the children that we will
play the fun game. - Listen and follow game instructions.
- Play the game and had fun.
- I will play with the kids game in - They will sit back to their place.
circle area.

- I will explain the game for

children to make it clear and I will
model it in front of them before
we start.

- I will model the game in front of

children. For example, I will play
the song, and I will stop it after
seconds. I will ask children to
choose one shape than I will run
to stand in circle part.

I will remind children to:

1-Be careful.
2-Donot push anyone.

- When the game has finished, I

will ask children to go back to
their places.
Teacher Student
Questions activity:
-Student provides an explain for my
I will hang each shape on the board so, questions.
all children can see, and I will discuss
with the kids and ask questions. -Student shows me evidence of my
questions. For example: when I ask him
The questions are: Can you draw a triangle in the air? As a
1- What called this shape? sequence child, will draw the triangle in the
2- How many sides circle have? air and when I see it I will know if he or she
3- How many sides do triangle has? know the triangle shape.
4- How many sides does rectangle
have? -Build their knowledge.
5- Can you draw the square on the
6- Can you show me how to draw the
triangle in the air?

Transition from circle area to small

-I will call each group to stand in line.
-I ask each group to move in one area.
For example, blue star group in table
work. (The children divide into four
groups which are blue star group, red
circle group, yellow triangle and green
Activities: Teacher Student

Low: Low:
-Low activity: display -I will ask children to -Children will move in
flash card include move to table center. table center.
pictures of 4 shapes with
ask children questions. -I will explain for student -listen to teacher.
what is an activity. For
-Low activity in table example, I will show you -Provide answer for my
work center. pictures of 4 shapes, and
you have to say which
called this shape.
1-Flash cards.
-I will raise the flash card
and ask children how is
-Individual. know which called this

-Middle activity: Classify Middle: -Move to math center.

the shapes in the boxes -I will explain the
has same shape picture. instructions: -Follow activity
1-There are four boxes, instructions.
-Middle activity in math each box has one picture
center. of the shapes. -Classify and sort the
2-There are 3D shapes in shapes in the boxes.
Materials: the math area.
1-Four boxes, each one 3-You have to sort the
has one picture of shape. shapes in the box has the
2-Shapes. same picture. For
example, circle shape in a
-Group. box with circle image.

-I will ask one group to

move to math center.

-I will observe children,

help, comment and
High: motivate by praise.
-High activity: create 4
shapes by using clay. -They will move to art
-High activity in art High:
center. -Work a pair.
- I will explain the
-Materials: instructions: -Crate the shapes by
1-Clay. 1-Create any shape by using clay.
2-Roll. using clay.

-Pair. -I will ask one group to

move to art center.

-I will observe children

and help them if they
need any help.

-I will encourage children

work by praise.

Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
-Physical skill-fine motor skill, by using I will observe them while they doing the
their hand to touch materials and activities. For example, in physical skill, I will
create shapes by use clay. watch them when they touch materials to do
the activity and when they use their hand to
-Social skill: contact and share idea create shapes and sorting shapes.
with friends.
In social skill, I will observe them when they
-Classify skill: by sorting the shapes in collaborate with his partner in small groups.
the boxes.
In classifying skill, I will observe how they
match the shape to boxes have the same
picture of form.
Knowledge Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
- Name a circle, rectangle, triangle - I will assessment the children by
and square when they see them. asking them to draw shapes and
when they finish drawing I will ask
- State that a triangle has three sides, each child Individual.
the rectangle and square have four
sides, and the circle no sides.
- I will use chick list to evaluate what
- Draw a circle, rectangle, triangle and have children learned from shapes
square. lesson.
- When they finishing draw I will ask
each child questions.
The questions include:
1- What called this shape?
2- How many sides circle have?
3- How many sides do triangle has?
4- How many sides does rectangle

Teacher Student

I will: - One group come to draw center.

- Ask one group to come to draw - Take a paper and draw shapes.
center. For example, I will ask - Provide the answers to my
blue start group to evaluate questions.
- Ask each child take one paper.
- Ask them to draw shapes.
- Ask questions through they draw
to evaluate their knowledge by
use chick list.

-What called this shape?

-Do you know how many sides does this
shape has?

- I will evaluate each group alone.

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