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1. Andaman Nicobar 10. Goa
2. Andhra Pradesh 11. Gujarat
3. Arunanchal Pradesh 12. Haryana
4. Assam 13. Himachal Pradesh
5. Bihar 14. Jammu & Kashmir
6. Chandigarh 15. Jharkhand
7. Chattisgarh 16. Karnataka
8. Dadar & Nagar Haveli 17. Kerala
9. Daman & Diu 18. Lakshwdeep

*List of NGOs and GOs is given with respective State details.

19. Madhya Pradesh 28. Punjab
20. Maharashtra 29. Rajasthan
21. Manipur 30. Sikkim
22. Meghalaya 31. Tamil Nadu
23. Mizoram 32. Tripura
24. Nagaland 33. Uttar Pradesh
25. New Delhi 34. Uttaranchal
26. Orissa 35. West Bengal
27. Pondicherry


1. Abdesh Gangwar 38. M.A. Haque

2. Ajith Kumar 39. M.C. Mehta
3. Anuj Sinha 40. M.S. Swaminathan
4. Arun Jindal 41. Madhav Gadgil
5. Asad Rehmani 42. Madhav Gopal Khare
6. Ashish Kothari 43. Madhav Karki
7. Ashok Khosla 44. Madhu Phull
8. B. Bandopadhyaya 45. Mamta Pandya
9. B.M.S. Rathore 46. Manoj Pattairiya
10. Belinda Wright 47. Medha Patkar
11. Bindeshwar Pathak 48. Meena Raghunathan
12. Biplab Bhushan Basu 49. Mohan Dharia
13. Bittu Sahgal 50. N.K. Sehgal
14. C.K. Varshney 51. N.S. Tiwana
15. C.L. Trisal 52. Nandita Krishna,
16. D.K. Biswas 53. Neelam Gulati Sharma
17. D.K. Pandey 54. Neelima Jerath
18. D.N. Pandey 55. P.D. Grover
19. D.P. Singh 56. P.K. Sen
20. D.R. Baluragi 57. Pradeep Monga
21. Dalip M. Salwi 58. Pradeep Shrivastava
22. Desh Bandhu 59. Prakash Gole
23. Erach Bharucha 60. Prithi Nambiar
24. Gyan Singh 61. Puspashree Pattnaik
25. Harjit Singh 62. R. A. Mashelkar
26. Indu Puri 63. R. Mehta
27. J.C. Daniel 64. R. Sukumar
28. J.S. Gill 65. R.C. Nag
29. Jayant V. Narlinkar 66. R.D. Sharma
30. Justice Kuldeep Singh 67. R.K. Pachauri
31. K. J. Ahmed 68. R.S. Paroda
32. K.C. Malhotra 69. R.S. Siddiqi
33. K.P. Nayati 70. Rajendra Singh
34. K.S. Bath 71. Ram Boojh
35. Kartikeya Sarabhai 72. Ramesh Pandya
36. Lalit Pande 73. Ranjana Kanitkar
Hemant Kanitkar
37. Laxman Prasad 74. Rashmi Mayur

75. Ravi Chellam 93. Samir Ghosh
76. Ravinder Kaur Dhaliwal 94. Sanskriti Menon
77. Ravinder Keskar 95. Sarjit Talwar
78. Renee Borges 96. Seema Bhatt
79. Ruchi Pant 97. Sejal Worah
80. S. M. Pattnaik 98. Sharadchandra Lele
81. S. Moudgal, 99. Shekhar Singh
82. S. Srikant 100. Shivani Jain
83. S.B.S. Mishra 101. Soumyadeep Datta
84. S.K. Mukherjee 102. Sudha Mehnadiratta
85. S.K. Saxena 103. Suman Sahai
86. S.K. Sharma 104. Sunder Lal Bahuguna
87. S.M. Nair 105. Sunita Narain
88. S.S. Dhillon 106. V. Vinayak
89. S.S. Ladhar 107. Valmik Thapar
90. S.S. Rizvi 108. Vandana Shiva
91. Samar Bagchi 109. Walter Fernandes
92. Samir Acharya 110. Yash Paul

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Society for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology 78

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Andaman & Nicobar Council for Science and Technology 79

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Society for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology

Contact Person Sh. Samir Acharya, Environmentalist
Address Tarang, Middle Point, Port Blair 744 101,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Tel.No. 91-3192-32929, 35002
Fax 91-3192-33072

Area of focus Environment & community based education

Activities with respect to Community based Natural Resource & Biodiversity

environment education Conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Andaman & Nicobar Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Mr.Rishikesh
Address Dollygang, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India
Tel.No. 03192-50370
Fax 01392- 51395
E mail

Area of focus Science and Technology popularization

Activities with respect to Popularization of space science, promotion of S & T literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Solid waste management

environment education

Activities with respect to Project on vermiculture biotechnology for income generation

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Action Association for Rural and Tribal Development 84

2. Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and Vocational 84
Education (ACTIVE)
3. Action for Community Service Society 84
4. Action For Poor Relief Organisation 85
5. Action For Rural Development 85
6. Andhra Pardesh Rural Reconstruction Mission (APRRM) 86
7. Andhra Pradesh Natural History Society 86
8. Arthik Samata Mandal 86
9. Asian Academy for Rural Development and Population 87
10. Association for Social and Humanize Action ( ASHA) 87
11. Aware 88
12. B.M. Birla Science Centre 88
13. Birdwatchers Society of Andhra Pardesh 89
14. Brighter Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS) 89
15. Centre for Development Studies: Anantapur 90
16. Centre for Environment and Rural Technology (CERT) 90
17. Centre for Environment Concerns ( CES ) 90
18. Centre for Integrated Rural Development ( CIRD ) 91
19. Centre for Rural Education and Development Society 91
20. Chaitanya Development Society, 92
21. Chaitanya Shravanthi 92
22. Citizens Against Pollution ( CAP ) 92
23. Collective Order for Rural Reconstruction Education 93
24. Community Development Society, Cuddapah 93
25. Community Development Society, Guntur 94
26. Comprehensive Rural Operations Service Society 94
27. Consumer Education Centre 95
28. Cuddapah District Rural Welfare Development Society 95
29. Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Memorial Education Society 95
30. Deccan Development Society 96
31. Development Action for Rural Environment ( DARE ) 96
32. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Society 97
33. Environmental Society of Tirupati ( ESOT ) 97
34. Gandhi Marg 97
35. Gandhian Organization for Rural Development (GORD ) 98
36. Geetha Prachara Sevasrama Society 98
37. Girijana Seema Welfare Association (GSWA) 99
38. Good Samaritans Rural Development Society 99
39. Gram Pragati Society 99

40. Grameena Vikas Samithi 100
41. Green Pastures Rural Development Service Society 100
42. Ground Water Investigation and Farmers Training Society 101
43. Guttur Rural Education and Development Society 101
44. Hyderabad Puppet Theatre 102
45. Institute for Rural Development & Service ( IRDS) 102
46. Integrated Rural Development Society 102
47. International Association of Extension for Rural 103
48. Jagriti 103
49. Jana Chetna 103
50. Janavikasa Society 104
51. Jyothi Youth Association 104
52. Kovi Social Service Society 105
53. Krushi for Agricultural Development 105
54. Learning in Field Training (LIFT) 106
55. Modern Architects for Rural India ( MARI) 106
56. Natural Resources Development Cooperative Society 106
Limited (NRDCS)
57. NATURE 107
58. Nature Environment & Education Development Society 107
59. Nehru Yuvajana Seva Sangham (NYSS) 108
60. Peoples Action for Social Service ( PASS) 108
61. Peoples Action in Development (PAD) 108
62. Peoples and Environmental Education Centre (PEEC) 109
63. Peoples Environment Protection Society 109
64. Prasanna Mahila Mandali 110
65. Rajiv Institute For Technological Advancement 110
66. Rayalasseema Vikas Parishad 110
67. Research in Environment, Education and development 111
Society (REEDS)
68. Rishi Valley Education Centre 111
69. Rural Development Organization (RDO) 112
70. Rural Development Organization (RUDO) 112
71. Rural Development Society (RDS) 113
72. Rural Environment Service Society 113
73. Rural Health Educational Awareness Development Society 114
74. Rural Institute for Social Education (RISE) 114
75. Samaritans Rural Development Services 115
76. Sanghamitra Service Society 115
77. Sarada Valley Developm ent Samiti ( SVDS ) 115
78. Scientific Society for Ecosphere Awareness ( SEA ) 116
79. Social Education & Development Society ( SEEDS ) 116
80. Society for Community Service ( SCS ) 116
81. Society for Environment and Education (SEE) 117
82. Society for Human Development & Rural Prosperity 117
83. Society for Human Integrity and Prosperity ( SHIP) 118

84. Society for Information Dissemination on Environment 118
85. Society for Integrated Development Through Environment 118
Awakening (IDEA)
86. Society for National Integration Through Rural 119
Development (SNIRD)
87. Society for Preservation of Environment & Quality of Life 119
88. Society for Rural Integration (SIRI) 120
89. Sri Triveni Yuvajana Sangham 120
90. Swamy Babu Vajramma Charitable Trust 120
91. The Grace Ministries 121
92. The Naglapuram Rural Agricultural & Health Education 121
Development Society
93. The Society for Nature Conservation 122
94. The Society for Rural Development ( VENTURES) 122
95. Vasavya Society for Rural Development (VARSOD) 122
96. Vijaypuram Praja Seva Samithi (VPPSS) 122
97. VIKASA 123
98. Warangal Consumers Council 123
99. Weaker Communitys Action for Development & Liberation 124
100. World Wide Fund for Nature India 124

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. A.P. State Council for Science & Technology 126

2. Environment Protection & Training Research Institute 126
3. Population and Environmental Education Centre (PEEC) 126

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Action Association for Rural and Tribal Development

Contact Person M. Gurudatt Prasad, Executive Secretary
Address 30-7-1, Mummadi Vari Street, Rajahmundry 533101,
Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel.No. 0883-61442.
Fax 0883-68449

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Awareness programmes in west Godavari distt.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Environment Education booklet for school children.

Name Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and

Vocational Education (ACTIVE)
Contact Person K. Jayanand, General Secretary,
Address 4-75/B, U.P.S. Street, Kalloor, Khammam 507209,
Andhra Pradesh , India

Area of focus Socio- Economic development & Environment Education

of Tribal People

Activities with respect to Promotion of non-conventional sources of energy.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, Flood & draught management.

environment education

Activities with respect to Vocational Training for smokeless chullahs and biogas
livelihood education plants.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Action for Community Service Society

Contact Person G. Dasaratha Reddy, Project Coordinator
Address 2-48, School Street, V. Kola, Chittoor 517424,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08587 57297

Fax 08587 57297

Area of focus Rural Development, Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness for social

environment education forestry, waste land development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated Rural development activities

Name Action For Poor Relief Organisation

Contact Person Shri P.Sudhakar
Address Church Street, 30 Th Ward, Tanuku, Wg
District, Andhra Pradesh- 534211, India
Tel.No. 08819 23000

Area of focus Science education for upliftment of poor

Activities with respect to Promotion of science literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organizes camps, workshops, seminars, lectures &

livelihood education trainings for technologies for livelihood education.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Action For Rural Development

Contact Person Shri C. Kishore
Address Flat No. 310 A, Iii Floor, Janapriya Aravind
Avenue,Opp Tvcolony,Ramanathapur,
Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500039, India
Tel.No. 040-7033247

Area of focus Rural development through Science &

Technology education

Activities with respect to Programmes for creating scientific temper in

Science & Technology masses and popularization of new technologies
Education for rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Andhra Pardesh Rural Reconstruction Mission
Contact Person Saran Kumar, Executive Director
Address 1-69, Beside KBR Mills, Cross Road, Piler, Chittoor
517214, Andhra Pardesh ,India

Area of focus Environment, Health & sanitation & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Health & Sanitation Education ,promotion of scientific

Science & Technology temper

Activities with respect to Environment Education, Establishment of nurseries for

environment education social forestry and orchards, soil and water conservation
methods in agriculture & tree plantation activities

Activities with respect to Training on establishment of nurseries, livelihood

livelihood education education for agricultural laborers & small and marginal

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Andhra Pradesh Natural History Society

Contact Person K.S. R. Krishna Raju, Honorary Secretary
Address 11-2-6, Dasapalla Hills, Visakhapatnam 530003,
Andhra Pradesh ,India
Tel.No. 0891-563682.

Area of focus Eco-development, Environment Education

Activities with respect to Nature education & eco-development camps in 300 tribal
environment education and 200 other villages. Ornithological surveys in state,
EIA studies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of Kingfisher (quarterly magazine )& audio


Name Arthik Samata Mandal

Contact Person G. Vijayam
Address Nasthik Kendram, Patamata, Vijaywada 520006,
Andhra Pradesh ,India
Tel.No. 0866-52330

Area of focus Environment Education, Agriculture and Socio-cultural

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific livestock improvement &

Science & Technology agricultural development

Activities with respect to Environment education in schools, social forestry, waste

environment education land development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Women development programmes

Name Asian Academy for Rural Development and

Population Studies
Contact Person K.M. S. Rao
Address 2-1-339/A. Vijaya Apartments, Nalla Kunta, Hyderabad-
500044, Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel.No. 040-663414

Area of focus Environment education and Rural development.

Activities with respect to Tree plantation activity, Projects for safe drinking water
environment education and better sanitation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Association for Social and Humanize Action (ASHA)

S. Subhani, Secretary,
Contact Person Mothugudem, Khammam 507113, Andhra Pradesh,
Address India

Area of focus Environment education and Tribal development.

Activities with respect to Awareness campaigns, participation in distt.

environment education Environment brigade, tribal development through forest
protection and watershed development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Contact Person P.V. Ramana, Director
Address Shanthivanam, Nagarjuna Sagar Road, Hyderabad
500035, Andhra Pradesh India
Tel. No. 040-4031185
Fax 040-4031184
E-mail website:

Area of focus Integrated rural development with focus on social

transformation, protection & promotion of environment,
economic development, education

Activities with respect to Education on modern rural technologies & improved

Science & Technology methods of agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage
Education industry

Activities with respect to Environment education promotion and protection, better

environment education hygienic methods, promotion of nurseries, sustainable
agricultural practices, tree plantation, soil conservation &
water harvesting, pollution control

Activities with respect to Establishment of rural vocational training centers to

livelihood education provide technical education to the poorest of the poor
and various income generation activities and its cost
benefit analysis

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Various publications focusing on peoples problems and

activities of AWARE

Any other activities Education on weights and measures

Name B.M. Birla Science Centre

Contact Person Dr. B.G Sidharth, Director
Address Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad-500063 Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-3235081, 3241067
Fax 040-3237266

Area of focus Science & Technology Education/ Research

Activities with respect to Projects for explaining scientific concepts to students

Science & Technology and general public, information on new technologies,
Education organization of camps and courses related to Science
and Technology, consultancy and supply of Science
Centre Exhibits and Planetarium programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if 1969

Publications, if any Publications of several books & pamphlets

Any other activity Organises scholarly international and national

symposia in the fields of Advanced
Mathematics, Fundamental Physics and
Ancient Indian Astronomy

Name Birdwatchers Society of Andhra Pardesh

Contact Person Rajeev Mathew, Honorary Secretary,
Address 6-3-912/1 Kapadia Lane, Somajiguda 500082, India
Tel.No. 040-310721

Area of focus Environment education relating to study of Birds.

Activities with respect to Environment awareness especially study of birds

environment education Environment education through talks, lectures, films
shows for habitat protection & bird census.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Brighter Integrated Rural Development Society

Contact Person G.P. Obalesu, Director
Address 1/182-B 32 Somnath Nagar 515004, Andhra Pradesh ,

Area of focus Environment awareness, biodiversity

Activities with respect to Environment education for biodiversity conservation,

environment education social forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Development Studies: Anantapur

Contact Person S. M. Basha, President
Address 4/697, Yuvajana Colony, New Town, Anantapur
515004, Andhra Pradesh , India

Area of focus Environment Education & Promotion of renewable

sources of energy.

sources of energy.

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper and encouraging

Science & Technology renewable energy through media.

Activities with respect to To promote sustainable development through

environment education awareness and education.

Whether GO / NGO date NGO

of registration if applicable.

Publications, if any Quarterly publication Darpanam ( Telugu )

Name Centre for Environment and Rural Technology

Contact Person G.A.G. Prakasa Rao, Director
Address CERT NGO, RCM Street, Bobbili-535 558 Vizianagaram
District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08944- 53276

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment protection workshop/ seminars,

environment education environment education in schools, community
development programmes through environment and
biodiversity programmes, tree plantation, horticulture

Activities with respect to Joint Forest Management, Vocational trainings for

livelihood education tribals, Minor Forests Produce (MFP) collection,
marketing programmes, MFP skill trainings

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Any other activity Micro credit programmes, Women Groups and Health
education development programmes, farmers training
and senior citizen welfare programmes

Name Centre for Environment Concerns ( CES )

Contact Person Nisha Rao
Address Plot No. 14, Jyoti Cooperative Society, PO Trinulghery,
Secunderabad 500015, Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel.No. 040-849252.

Area of focus Science and Environment education.

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temperament amongst youth.

Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education programmes in schools, training

environment education programmes for teachers, seminars / workshop.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Integrated Rural Development ( CIRD )

Contact Person Sree Hari Naidu, Chairman,
Address 7-1-995 Shanker Street, Secunderabad 500003,
Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel.No. 040-801084.

Area of focus Rural development & Environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of biogas and smokeless chullhas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment & its conservation related activities.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Poverty alleviation activities

Name Centre for Rural Education and Development Society

Contact Person C.N. Venkatesa Prathap, President
Address 2-163-1 Chakala Veedi, Goranta, Anantapur 515231
Andhra Pradesh,. India.

Area of focus Environment Education and Rural development through

Science and technology application.

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific methods in agriculture &

Science & Technology appropriate technologies.

Activities with respect to Environment Education in Rural areas

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Chaitanya Development Society
Contact Person K. Sivavaraprasad, Secretary
Address Akber Pet, Bapatla, Guntur 522 101,
Andhra Pradesh ,India

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology and

Health Education.

Activities with respect to Promotion of renewable sources of energy & Agricultural

Science & Technology development & Health Education, promotion of scientific
Education temper in society

Activities with respect to Improvement of Village/ slum Environment &

environment education afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Chaitanya Shravanthi

Contact Person V.B. Mani, Director
Address Gudem Village, via Chintapalli, Visakhapatnam- 531133,
Andhra Pradesh ,India.

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Tree plantation activity, natural resource conservation,

environment education and environmental surveys.

Activities with respect to Nursery raising training construction of check dams

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities To provide socially relevant education in tribal areas

Name Citizens Against Pollution ( CAP )

Contact Person Dr. K. Purushottam Reddy, President
Address 1-9-633 Vidya Nagar, Hyderabad 500044, Andhra
Pradesh ,India

Tel.No. 040-616115

Area of focus Environment education and peoples sensitization

against Environmental Pollution

Activities with respect to Environment education in schools, campaigns against

environment education pollution especially anti-nuclear plant agitation in

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of literature on Environment & Pollution

Name Collective Order for Rural Reconstruction Education

(Core )
Contact Person B. G. Naidu, President & Director
Address 14-65-5, Palace Road, Kuppam, Chittoor 517425,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Rural development, Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper and popularization of

Science & Technology smokeless chullahas & biogas

Activities with respect to Awareness on forest protection, afforestation &

environment education desiltation,

Activities with respect to Livelihood Education for Rural development.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Community Development Society, Cuddapah

Contact Person S. Yesurathnam President
Address Near Govt. Hospital, Pulivendula, Cuddapah 516390,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08568-24112

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Tree plantation & soil conservation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Community Development Society, Guntur

Contact Person P. Prasad Kumar, Director
Address PO Jaladi, Edlapadu Mandal, Guntur 522233, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08646-8732

Area of focus Environment, Science & Health education

Activities with respect to Promotion of smokeless chullahas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Eco-development, plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Developing Self-employment opportunities.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Comprehensive Rural Operations Service Society

Contact Person M. Kurian, Executive Director
Address 1-69 Snehapuri, Nancharam, Hyderabad 501507,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & technology

development & Self employment

Activities with respect to Biogas production, wind mills

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Awareness and protection of birds. Making of low cost
environment education toilets.

Activities with respect to Development of Nurseries

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Consumer Education Centre
Contact Person V.K. Parigi, Secretary & Managing Trustee
Address No. 4, Sesha Vilas, 3-6-293 (FF) Hyderaguda,
Hyderabad-500029, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education , surveys

Activities with respect to Usage of Alternate Sources of Energy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Pesticide use regulation& Environment related surveys

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Cuddapah District Rural Welfare Development

Contact Person C.H. Rajanna, President
Address Kokkarayapalli Colony VPO, Chennur Mandal Cuddapah
516162, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, cottage industry, health care

Survey & research, social forestry

Activities with respect to Environment Awareness & Education, social forestry

environment education health care

Activities with respect to Developing Cottage industry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Memorial Education

Contact Person Panny Babu Rao, President
Address 12-1-1237 Shanthi Nagar, North Lallaguda,
Secunderabad-500017, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & health care

Activities with respect to Environment education & plantation activities ,

environment education environment and health activities

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Deccan Development Society

Contact Person P.V. Satheesh, Director
Address A-6 Meera Apartments, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad - 500
029, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 040-3222867/ 6663452
Fax 040-3222867

Area of focus Science/environment education, Biodiversity

conservation through S&T application

Activities with respect to To assist people in planning and implementing

Science & Technology development programmes through popularizing modern
Education science and technology

Activities with respect to Programmes for environment education for rural people,
environment education soil conservation, tree plantation, biodiversity
conservation and preparation of biodiversity registers,
workshops, seminars etc.

Activities with respect to Promotion of traditional crops especially amongst rural

livelihood education women

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1983

Publications, if any Vermi-compost, Organic compost, Traditional crops of

Medak region, Our crops-Our cuisines, Crops of Truth,
Fact finding committee report on Kuppam-Israel
Technology, Sustainable Development, Poster on
Biodiversity Registers

Any other activities Empowering women and promotion of equitable benefit

sharing in communities

Name Development Action for Rural Environment ( DARE )

Contact Person K. Sridhar, Executive Director
Address 1-1-770/5 Gandhnagar, Huderabad 500380, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation, Public health

Activities with respect to Environment education & surveys

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other activities Public health

Name Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Society

Contact Person V. Venkat Narsu, President
Address 15-51/1, Venkateshwara Colony, Nakrekal, Nalgonda-
508211, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness through camps audiovisual

environment education shows and talks

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environmental Society of Tirupati ( ESOT )

Contact Person G. Ramaprasad, Secretary
Address Deptt. of Civil Engineering SVU college of Engineering,
Tirupati 517502, Andhra Pradesh, India

Tel.No. 08574-24166 ( Extn. 338 )

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Public health

Activities with respect to Environment education, eco-clubs, problem identification

environment education and plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Public health

Name Gandhi Marg

Contact Person Dr. K. Chiranjeevi, Executive Director
Address Jangareddygudem, West Godawari 534447, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 088212-5555

Area of focus Environment education, health care, sanitation,

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, conservation &

environment education protection of forests , sanitation and health issues

environment education protection of forests , sanitation and health issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Disaster relief work

Name Gandhian Organization for Rural Development

Contact Person A. Prabhakara Rao, Secretary
Address 6-10-138-2&2A, Near JLB Junior College for Girls,
Repalle, Guntur 522265, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, eco-development, Gandhian


Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, nurseries, plantation, soil

environment education conservation, wasteland development, water

Activities with respect to Promotion of village industry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Gandhian philosophy

Name Geetha Prachara Sevasrama Society

Contact Person S. Gantappa, Secretary
Address Ramaswamy Temple Street, Villae Yadiki, Anantapur
525408, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing camps, seminars & lectures for creating
environment education environment awareness amongst masses & providing
environment education to women & children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Environment and religious issues

Name Girijana Seema Welfare Association (GSWA)

Contact Person V.B. Chandrasekharan, Chief Project Administrator
Address Chinturu, Bhadrachalam Taluk, Khammam 507126,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environmental Awareness ,Care for handicapped,

destitute women & aged Rural development,

Activities with respect to Environmental Awareness & Education, plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Rural development through promotion of appropriate

livelihood education technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Care for handicapped, destitute women & aged

Name Good Samaritans Rural Development Society

Contact Person M. Raja Giri, Project Director
Address 12-16-2E Daya Mansion, Nidadavole, West Godavari-
534301, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education awareness & plantation,

environment education sustainable rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Pragati Society

Contact Person Surya Prakash, Secretary
Address V.R. Nagar, Kavali, Nellore 5242002, Andhra Pradesh,

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy, promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Grameena Vikas Samithi

Contact Person L. Surya Narayana Reddy, Founder Volunteer and
Address 6-8-947 NGOs Colony, Tirupati, 517507,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 91-08574-30594
Fax 91-08574-30594

Area of focus Agriculture & Allied Activities, Environment and Nature

Conservation, Women and Child Development and
Health & Family Welfare

Activities with respect to NADEP & Vermi composting with sugarcane trash
Science & Technology experimentation/demonstration, Participatory
Education Technology Development (PTD) process in Integrated
Farming Systems (IFS), bilateral project of GOI & The
Netherlands government, Bangalore/ Madanapally

Activities with respect to Environment awareness campaigns/ demonstrations

environment education

Activities with respect to Support women groups for poverty

livelihood education alleviation/eradication through micro credit approach

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Publications, if any Booklets

Any other activity Success story in reproductive health, Rural Womens

Status and Development/ women engaged in rearing
milk animals, Serving
the Commission on Education and Communication of
IUCN, Switzerland, as a member, special Consultative
status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations

Name Green Pastures Rural Development Service Society

Contact Person G. Emmanuel, President
Address 6-3-1216/39 Methodist Colony, Begumpet, Hyderabad-
500016, Andhra Pradesh, India

Tel.No. 040-310651.

Area of focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy, promotion of science in rural

Science & Technology areas

Activities with respect to Environment education, use of renewable energy,

environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ground Water Investigation and Farmers Training

Society (GIFTS)
Contact Person Suresh Anantham, Secretary
Address 1-1014 Nehru Nagar, Pamidi, Anantapur 515775,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Eco-development environment education

environment education Wasteland development, social forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Guttur Rural Education and Development Society

Contact Person M. Hepzibath Margrate, President
Address Ammavarupalli, Guttur Post, Penukonda Mandal,
Anantapura-515164, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 085572-2326, 8134, 2235

Area of focus Environment Education & rural development

Activities with respect to Promotion of science and technology literacy in rural

Science & Technology areas

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, soil conservation, plantation,

environment education conservation of biodiversity, check dams
Activities with respect to Rural development
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Hyderabad Puppet Theatre
Contact Person M. Srinivasa Rao, Director
Address # 2-2-1153/2, New Nallakunta, Hyderabad 500044,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-41600

Area of focus Awareness on science, environmental & social issues

through puppet shows

Activities with respect to Awareness on scientific issues through puppetry

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environmental & Social Issues Through Puppet Shows
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Rural Development & Service ( IRDS)

Contact Person K. Krishna Reddy, Secretary
Address 6-1-2N, R&B Office Road, Tirupati 517507, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08574-21413

Area of focus Environment Education welfare of women, children &


Activities with respect to Environment awareness, eco-clubs, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Welfare of women, children & handicapped

Name Integrated Rural Development Society

Contact Person P.V.V. Prasad, Executive Director
Address 7-1-34, Kothakotavari Street, Amadalavalasa,
Srikakulam-532185, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Eco-development ,Environment education & plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name International Association of Extension for Rural

Contact Person T.P. Sastry, Honorary Secretary
Address 18-3-61/4, Shanti Nagar, K.T. Road, Tirupati 517502,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08574-23426

Area of focus Environment education,& rural development

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy, promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, wasteland development, social

environment education forestry

Activities with respect to Integrated Rural development through promotion of

livelihood education appropriate technologies and skill development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jagriti
Contact Person G. Gopalkrishna Murthy, Secretary,
Address Lucky Board Centre, Balaji Nagar Extension, Nellore
524002, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 0861-28171

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation, conservation of

environment education costal ecosystem

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jana Chetna

Contact Person Majji Sankara Reddy, Secretary-cum-coordinator

Address Gondi Village, Seethampeta Mandal, Srikakulam
532443, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, hygiene & sanitation, tribal


Activities with respect to Smokeless chullahs, biogas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education awareness surveys, wasteland

environment education development, social forestry,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal development

Name Janavikasa Society

Contact Person P. Subharayudu, President
Address Christian Colony, Pathuru PO, Khajjpet Mandal,
Cuddapah-516203, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education and rural development

Activities with respect to Biogas production

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education awareness, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development

Name Jyothi Youth Association

Contact Person A.V. Narasimha Reddy, President
Address 1-570, Reddi Street, Kettamanchi, Chittoor- 517001,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development and water


Activities with respect to Management of Drinking water supply

Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Environment education, social forestry

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kovi Social Service Society

Contact Person S. Sudha, President
Address 20/21, Akula Street, Cuddapah 516001, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, eco-development

and renewable energy sources.

Activities with respect to Promotion of science in society through popularization of

Science & Technology Biogas & solar appliances

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, soil conservation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Krushi for Agricultural Development

Contact Person Devi Prasad
Address 3, Madhupala Enclave, Akbar Road, Secunderabad
500009, Andhra Pardesh India
Tel. No. 0091-40-7756773
Fax 0091-40-7846776

Area of focus Environment Education and Agriculture

Activities with respect to Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops,

environment education meetings and publishing reports, documents, news
letters for mass awareness of environment.

Activities with respect to Agriculture related issues

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Learning in Field Training (LIFT)
Contact Person A.A. Srinivas, Secretary
Address T.R.T. 174, Seethaphalmandi, Secunderabad-500361,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, eco-developm ent

Renewable energy

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation,

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Modern Architects for Rural India ( MARI)

Contact Person R. Murali, Secretary
Address 16-7-219 Dayanand Colony, Lakshmipuram, NSPT
Road, Warangal-506013, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08712-23706

Area of focus Environment education & promotion of sustainable


Activities with respect to Promotion of Smokeless chullahs, biogas production &

Science & Technology technologies for water pollution control

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness through cultural

environment education shows, social forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Natural Resources Development Cooperative

Society Limited (NRDCS)
Contact Person P.V.S.L. Prasad, Secretary
Address 3-5-886/4/A, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad 500029,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-235853 / 231217

Area of focus Environment education, research & livelihood

Activities with respect to Monitoring water quality & research on desalination of

Science & Technology ground water

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness
environment education

Activities with respect to Livelihood Education and training through watershed

livelihood education development project

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Contact Person Dr. R.J. Prasad, President
Address 2-438/5-1, Teachers Colony, Waddepally,
Hanamkonda-506370, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08712-73176

Area of focus Environment education, rural technologies & tribal


Activities with respect to Epidemiological survey on health hazards due to

Science & Technology pollution

Activities with respect to Environment education & Awareness, plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of rural technologies for livelihood generation

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal development

Name Nature Environment & Education Development

Society (NEEDS)
Contact Person A.V. Ramana, Secretary
Address Thimmapuram, S Rayavaram Mandal, Visakhapatnam-
531083, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Science and technology literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, water & soil conservation, social
environment education forestry, wasteland development

environment education forestry, wasteland development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nehru Yuvajana Seva Sangham (NYSS)

Contact Person P. Vasantha, Secretary
Address 4-105 Teachers Colony, Pichatur, Chittor District-517587
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Science and technology literacy amongst youth

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation, environmental

environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Action for Social Service ( PASS)

Contact Person K. Balakrishna Moorthy, General Secretary
Address 10-12, Maruthi Nagar, Tirupathi East, Chittoor 517502,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08574 24262

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education promotion of organic manure

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Action in Development (PAD)

Contact Person T.M. Swami Das, Chairman
Address Ex-military Colony, Kadiri, Anantapur 515591, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 2297

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, health care & eco-

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, watershed

environment education development, plantation, desiltation of tanks

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples and Environmental Education Centre

Contact Person Prof. R. Ratna Swami, Director
Address Velgode, District Kurnool-518533, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08517-35300, 35200
Fax 08517-35300

Area of focus Science/environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Meetings on science subjects in schools, conducting

Science & Technology simple experiments on technology education

Activities with respect to Environment education, social forestry, waste land

environment education development, plant nursery raising

Activities with respect to Vocational trainings for diesel mechanism, fitters,

livelihood education electricians, tailoring

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publication, if any Publications on EE, health, family welfare, etc.

Any other activity Health & family welfare programme

Name Peoples Environment Protection Society

Contact Person Prof. T. Shivaji Rao
Address Deptt. of Civil Engineering, Andhra University, Waltair-
530003, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmentally safe technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, consultancy on

environment education legal aspects of environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Prasanna Mahila Mandali
Contact Person P. Subbaravamma, President
Address Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar, Guntur 522001, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, livelihood education for women

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Education on general environmental issues to women

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajiv Institute For Technological

Contact Person K. Raju
Address H.No. 5-51, 5th Ward Pentayya Quarters,
Amadalavala, Srikakulam Distt. Andhra
Pradesh 532185 , India
Tel.No. 08942-86756

Area of focus Science & technology education

Activities with respect to Science and society programmes, Development of

Science & Technology literature, Science popularization through workshops,
Education seminars, Promotion of new technologies etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rayalasseema Vikas Parishad

Contact Person Prof. R. Jagadiswara Rao,
Address 63A, Vidya Nagar, Tirupati, Andhra Pardesh 517502. ,
Tel. No. +91-8574-29433
Fax +91-8574-27499

Area of focus Environment & Scio-Economic Development for

socially and economically backward people of
Rayalaseema, comprising of Distt. of Anantapur, Chittor,

Rayalaseema, comprising of Distt. of Anantapur, Chittor,
Cuddapah and Kurnoo.

Activities with respect to Promotion of Non-conventional sources of energy.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Management of land and water resources for optimum
environment education exploitation on a sustainable basis, water shed
development, , conversion of various wastes in to value
added fertilizer through vermiculture.

Activities with respect to Rural industry for rearing and weaving of silk with a grant
livelihood education provided by the E.Z.E of Germany.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Research in Environment, Education and

Development Society (REEDS)
Contact Person The Executive Director
Address 17-1-386/S/22, S.N. Reddy Nagar, P.O. Champapet
Hyderabad 500660, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 040-4076701, 4078942

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Scientific temper in society through low cost chulhas &
Science & Technology biogas

Activities with respect to Educating youth on changing global environment and

environment education natural resources conservation, educating farmers on
sustainable agriculture, soil and water conservation
programmes, ecological farming

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rishi Valley Education Centre

Contact Person Geetha Iyer
Address PO Rishi Valley, Chittoor 517352, Andhra Pradesh,
Tel.No. 08571-22037

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Biogas production & solar appliances
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, wasteland development,

environment education plantation, organic farming, conservation of birds &
medicinal plants, use of innovative methods for
environmental awareness of children and public

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Development Organization (RDO)

Contact Person J.G. Prakasam, President
Address 6/42 Gadicherla Rama Rao Street, Cuddapah-516001,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08562-3419

Area of focus Environment education, livelihood education, eco-


Activities with respect to Environment education in rural areas yhrough camps

environment education and lectures, plantation, wasteland development

Activities with respect to Livelihood education through nursery development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Development Organization (RUDO)

Contact Person R. Gangi Reddy, Secretary
Address Post Box-51, 173, P.K. Street, Tirupati-517 501, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08574-56594
Fax 08574-27191

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, eco-development

in rural areas

Activities with respect to Rural technology demonstration-cum-training center set

Science & Technology up in association with NRDC, development of directory
education of rural technologies

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, organic farming,

environment education smokeless chullahas, biogas, wasteland development,

Activities with respect to Trainings on animal husbandry, rabbit rearing, swine
livelihood education cultivation, cultivation of medicinal plants, wood carving
works & other income generation schemes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Any other activity Seed banks of medicinal plants, wood carving

handicrafts articles

Name Rural Development Society (RDS)

Contact Person K. Soma Sekhar, Executive Secretary
Address Ramanagar, Ist Line, Ongole-523001,Andhra Pradesh,
Tel.No. 08592-22450

Area of focus Environment Education & awareness/rural development

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in rural areas.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment Impact Assessment studies of various

environment education projects

Activities with respect to Training on entrepreneurial development programmes,

livelihood education module preparation for rural livelihoods

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Publications, if any Publications on Environment & Health

Any other activity Girl Child education award, encouraging vedic studies

Name Rural Environment Service Society

Contact Person G. Sampth Rao
Address # 2-12-5, Vidyaranyapuri, Hanamkonda, Warangal
506009, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08712-78873

Area of focus Environment education & awareness & eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness in rural areas,

environment education conservation of medicinal plants & biodiversity,


Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Health Educational Awareness Development

Society (RHEADS)
Contact Person B.A. Jabbar, President
Address D. No. 26-4-881/A , Tyagaraya Nagar, Guddam,
Hindupur 515201, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 0855621391, 20827 (R)

Area of focus Environmental education and promotion of women group

& community health

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in rural areas and health
Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Nursery raising, afforestation

environment education

Activities with respect to Organizing trainings regarding tailoring, bantu nuking,

livelihood education entrepreneurship development, dairying, livelihood
opportunities through local resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Any other activity Promotion of Women Group self help mechanism- Micro
Enterprises, Youth Development

Name Rural Institute for Social Education (RISE)

Contact Person D. Ramakrishana, Project Coordinator
Address North Palace Road, Kuppam, Chittoor 517425, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural technologies

Activities with respect to Rural sanitation and scientific literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, soil

environment education conservation, plantation,

Activities with respect to Promotion of rural technologies for socio-economic

livelihood education development

livelihood education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samaritans Rural Development Services

Contact Person K.S.T. Henry, Director
Address C/652, allwyn Colony, PO IDPL, Hyderabad-500037,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development

Name Sanghamitra Service Society

Contact Person Sivaji, Secretary
Address 1/188, Krishna Nagar, Vijaywara, Krishna 520007,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 0866-52002

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Smokeless chullahas, water conservation

ActivitiesActivities with Smokeless chullahas in rural areas

respect to Science &
Technology Education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, social forestry,

environment education water conservation through peoples participation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarada Valley Development Samiti ( SVDS )

Contact Person K.J. Naidu, Secretary
Address Thummapala, Anakapalli Mandal, Visakhapatnam
531032, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 0891-2941

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education, eco-development,

environment education plantation, smokeless chullahas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Scientific Society for Ecosphere Awareness ( SEA )

Contact Person S. Hyma Singh, Secretary
Address Aripake Village, Sabbavaram Mandal, Visakhapatnam
531035, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08924-85255

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper through popularization, of

Science & Technology renewable energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education Natural resource

environment education management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Social Education & Development Society ( SEEDS )

Contact Person Rajan Joshua, Project Director
Address Anandapuram, Peddamanthur PO Penukonda Taluk
Anantapur 515124, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation,

environment education watershed development, wasteland development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Community Service ( SCS )

Contact Person K. Ramesh Babu, Secretary
Address 10-2-15, Mamilagudem, Khammam-507001, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education, community development

Activities with respect to Promotion of renewable energy sources
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education wasteland development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Environment and Education (SEE)

Contact Person Dr. P. Narayan Rao
Address B-98, Hal Colony, Balanagar, Hyderabad 500046,
Andra Pardesh India
Tel. No. 91-40-3877106

Area of focus Environment Education for Children and Youth.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness by organizing camps and

environment education distribution of literature.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any A monthly bi-lingual magazine: Environment and


Name Society for Human Development & Rural Prosperity

Contact Person Sita Ram Singh, President
Address B-2, Indl. Estate, Renigunta Road, Tirupati, Chittoor-
517506, Andhra Prades h, India
Tel.No. 5204

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific technologies for Water

Science & Technology harvesting, check dams,

Activities with respect to Environment education, nature clubs, conservation of

environment education biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Society for Human Integrity and Prosperity ( SHIP)
Contact Person T. Haranath, Chairman
Address 9/81 Gandhinagar, Nuzvid, Krishna 521201, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08658-406 (O), 08656-321
Fax 040-47823

Area of focus Environment education & rural development

ActivitiesActivities with Promotion of scientific temper through use of alternate

respect to Science & energy sources
Technology Education

Activities with respect to Environment education, conservation of western ghats,

environment education biodiversity awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development activities

Name Society for Information Dissemination on

Environment (SIDE)
Contact Person D. Narsimha Reddy, Secretary
Address 605, Maheshwari Complex, Masab Tank, Hyderabad-
500028, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-395534
Fax 040-47332

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment educ ation and awareness through public
environment education camps, lectures and audio visuals

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Pamphlets on environmental issues

Name Society for Integrated Development Through

Environment Awakening (IDEA)
Contact Person K.J. N Gowtham Shankar, Chairman
Address Thatipudi, Vizianagaram 531160, Andhra Pradesh,

Tel.No. 08922-75246

Area of focus Tribal development, protection of environment

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness and education, Eco-

environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal development

Name Society for National Integration Through Rural

Development ( SNIRD)
Contact Person Godfrey G.P. Jawahar, Executive Director
Address Railpet, Ongole, Prakasam 523001, Andhra Pradesh,
Tel.No. 08592-22008

Area of focus Environment Education, eco-development, livelihood


Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for Wasteland management

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation on wasteland, water

environment education management, conservation of marine resources

Activities with respect to Livelihood training to local population, youth

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Preservation of Environment & Quality of

Life ( SPEQL)
Contact Person S.R. Vijayakar, President
Address 3-6-369/A/20, 1st Floor, Street No. 1, Himayat Nagar,
Hyderabad-500029, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-631883

Area of focus Environment Education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of Vermi-composting, solar cookers and rural

Science & Technology technologies

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Rural Integration ( SIRI)

Contact Person M. Ramachandra Reddy, Project Coordinator
Address Gurramkonda, Chittoor 517297, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation, Renewable

energy sources

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific methods of Soil conservation,

Science & Technology check dams construction, biogas, smokeless chullahas,

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, social forestry

environment education

Whether GO / NGO date NGO

of registration if applicable.

Name Sri Triveni Yuvajana Sangham

Contact Person Maddu Sambamurthy, President
Address Rolugunta Village & Mandal, Visakhapatnam 531114,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environm ent education & tribal development

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, social forestry

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal development

Name Swamy Babu Vajramma Charitable Trust

Contact Person Babjee
Address Chitra Street, Narasanna Peta, Andhra Pradesh
524321, India
Tel.No. 91-08942-77063

Area of focus Socio-Economic development, Environment Education,
& Energy Conservation.

Activities with respect to Energy Conservation , promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Rural Environmental issues, Wildlife conservation &

environment education animal welfare.

Activities with respect to Training on Issues related to Rural development.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Grace Ministries

Contact Person Shri C.D. Raju
Address Near G.D.M. Church,Prattipadu
Pentapadu Mandal,
Distt. West Godavari
Andhra Pradesh 534146, India
Tel.No. 08818-81330

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science and society programmes,Promotion of

Science & Technology scientific temper , Workshops, lectures and
Education camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Naglapuram Rural Agricultural & Health

Education Development Society
Contact Person A. Vajruvelu, Secretary
Address SS Puram, H D C Colony, Via Nagalapuram, Chittoor-
517589, Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation on wastelands

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Society for Nature Conservation
Contact Person Brig Lokaranjan (Retd.), President
Address 593/43A, Gaganmahal Colony, Huderabad-500029,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness on conservation

environment education and sustainable utilization of natural resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Society for Rural Development ( VENTURES)

Contact Person B. V. Raju, Executive Director
Address Kodur, Hindupur Taluk, anantapur 515, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment, health & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, conservation of

environment education forests

Activities with respect to Popularization of appropriate technologies

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name VASAVYA Society for Rural Development (VARSOD)

Contact Person G.V.V.S.D.S. Prasad, Executive Director
Address 6-3-597/A/17/4 Banjara Avenue, Hyderabad 500004,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 0842-226486

Area of focus Environment awareness & education, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education, biogas, smokeless

environment education chullahas, social forestry, water conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Name Vijaypuram Praja Seva Samithi (VPPSS)
Contact Person V. Ramamoorthy, Secretary

Address PO Pannur, Vijayapuram Mandal, Chittoor-517, Andhra
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment and health education

Activities with respect to Rural Drainage work through appropriate use of science
Science & Technology & technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education , plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Nursery raising for income- generation

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Contact Person P. Viswanath, Executive Director
Address Coop. Colony, Chodavaram, Visakhapatnam 531036,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Scientific approach to Wasteland development, soil

Science & Technology conservation, renewable energy

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, discussion on

environment education environmental issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Warangal Consumers Council

Contact Person A. Sudarshan Reddy, Convener ( Environment Cell )
Address 2-6-44, Nakkalagutta, Hanamakonda, Warangal
506001, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 08712-78192,78651

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education through

environment education participatory programs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Consumer awareness

Name Weaker Communitys Action for Development &

Liberation ( WCADL)
Contact Person C. Francis, Director
Address Plot No. 98, Madhuranagar, Shamshabad, R.R.Dt.
Andhra Pradesh-501 218, India
Tel.No. 08413-23287
Fax 08413-23287

Area of focus Environment, Social and economic upliftment of the rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for Soil and water

Science & Technology conservation, wasteland development, clean

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, social forestry & soil

environment education Conservation, afforestation and healthy environment

Activities with respect to Self help activities, income generating programmes for
livelihood education weaker sections

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1976

Publications, if any A monthly journal MANA MARPUKOSAM published

since 15 Years

Name World Wide Fund for Nature India

Contact Person State Director
Address Andhra Pardesh, State office, A-22, A-Block, 6-2-1, View
Towers, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad 500004, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Tel.No. 040-248194

Area of focus Environment education, conservation & protection

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, Participatory

environment education action for conservation & protection , nature clubs

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several booklets & books

Government Organizations

Name A.P. State Council for Science & Technology

Contact Person Prof.K.Ramamurthy Naidu
Address 12th Floor, Eastern Wing,Gaganvihar,
Opp.Gandhi Bhavan Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
500001, India
Tel. No. 040-4619675

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Environment Protection & Training Research Institute

Contact Person Gayathri Ramachandran, Director General
Address 91/4, Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032, Andra Pradesh,
Tel.No. 040-3001707, 3000489, 3001241, 3001242
Fax 040-3000361
E-mail website

Area of focus Environment education & training

Activities with respect to Providing environment education through camps &

environment education campaigns, environment protection, encouraging
environment conservation, ENVIS center, short term
trainings on technical and environmental issues,
consultancy, technology transfer for pollution control

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any ENVIS Newsletter, several books & reports, catalogue


Name Population and Environmental Education Centre

Contact Person Prof. R. Ratna Swamy, Director

Address P.O. Velgode, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh-518 533,
Tel. No. 08517-85042

Area of focus Environment , Science & Technology Education.

Activities with respect to Natural resource management, pollution control ,

Science & Technology biodiversity , energy , urban issues ,protected areas
Education Environment Legislation , agriculture & related issues.

Activities with respect to Workshops, training programmes, seminars, symposia,

environment education conferences, nature camps, exhibitions for environment
education and awareness. Participation in national
environmental awareness campaigns.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Status Report on Srisailam Nagarjunasagar Tiger

Reserve, DeSSvelopment of Educational material

Non-Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Abotani Seva Sangh 130

2. OJU Welfare Association 130
3. Tanyi Jagriti Foundation 130
4. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-India) 131

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Arunachal Pradesh State Council For Science & 132


Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Abotani Seva Sangh

Contact Person Mr. Padi Yubbe-Member Secretary
Address PO Ziro 791 120, District Lower Subansiri,
Arunachal Pradesh. India
Tel.No. 037892-4464

Area of focus Environmental education, promotion of khadi and village


Activities with respect to Afforestation, tree plantation, horticulture and agricultural

environment education activities.

Activities with respect to Promotion of Khadi and village industry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name OJU Welfare Association

Contact Person Ms. Binny Yanga, Chiarperson
Address PO Naharlagun 791 110, District Lower Subansiri,
Arunachal Pradesh. India
Tel.No. 0360-44453, 44784, 44659
Fax 0360-44659

Area of focus Environmental education, population education, child


Activities with respect to Livestock development, wasteland development,

environment education agricultural development, afforestation, tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Tanyi Jagriti Foundation

Contact Person Mr. Tai Tagak, Chairman
Address PO Box 237, Naharlagun 791 110,
Arunachal Pradesh. India
Tel.No. 0360-23234

Area of focus Training, environmental awareness, child and women

welfare and development.

Activities with respect to Wasteland development, environmental education,

environment education agricultural development, afforestation, tree plantation,

environment education agricultural development, afforestation, tree plantation,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Community schools, adult learning centers, population

education, child development, Community empowerment
through awareness generation programmes and
strengthening of local voluntary organizations.

Name World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-India)

Contact Person Dr. S.P. Singh, Senior Programme Officer
Address PO Box 161, Bank Tinali, Itanagar 791 111,
Arunachal Pradesh. India
Tel.No. 0360-211210
Fax 0360-211336, 212655

Area of focus Environmental education, action programmes to conserve


Activities with respect to Documentation of fauna and flora, field based partnership
environment education projects with Government and NGOs to conserve
biodiversity, policy support to Government to safeguard
the biodiversity as well as the interests of the local
communities, development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Arunachal Pradesh State Council For Science &

Contact Person Dr.G.Ch.Chennaiah
Address Vivek Vihar, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh -791
11, India
Tel.No. 0360-212934

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization

Science & Technology amongst masses and students, workshops,
Education seminars & trainings on new technologies,
creation of scientific temper.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Aaranyak Nature Club 135

2. Academy of Science and Technology 135
3. Adhyatmik Sarvoday Seveshram 135
4. AID for the Disabled Somity 136
5. Alaknanda Human Welfare Association 136
6. Appropriate Technology Mission Assam (ATMA) 137
7. Assam (Bhoreli) Anglers Association 137
8. Assam Rural Development & Research Foundation 137
9. Assam Valley Wildlife Society 138
10. Association of Youth Voluntary Organization 138
11. Ata Bhowkamari Society Development Association 139
12. Assam Valley Wildlife Society 139
13. Barkhetri Unnayanj Samity 139
14. Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha 140
15. Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha 140
16. Bokajan Sangram Samity 141
17. Boloma Yuva Vikas Kendra 141
18. Bor Asom Gosthi 141
19. Bosco Reach-Out 142
20. Brahmaputra Foundation 142
21. Churchs Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) 143
22. Desh Bandhu Club 143
23. Don Bosco Communications 144
24. Early Birds 144
25. Evergreen 144
26. Gana Bigyan Sangstha 145
27. Ganaparishad Samannairakhi Unnayan Samiti 145
28. Gharoa 145
29. Gram Lok Seva Sangh 146
30. Gram Swaraj Parishad 146
31. Gram Vikas Parisad 147
32. Green Heart Nature Club 147
33. Green Heritage 146
34. Green Society 148
35. Green Valley Social Voluntary Organization 148
36. Harbinger 148
37. HELP 149
38. Hills Socioeconmics and Environment 149
Development Board
39. Hornbill Nature Club 149
40. Human Resource Development Foundation of South 150
41. Indo-German Social Service Society 150

42. Jaluguti Juvak Sangha 150
43. Kandali Janajati Sikhita Nibanua Unnayan Santha 151
44. Karbi Anglong Seva Kendra 151
45. Kasturba Bikash Sangha 152
46. Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust 152
47. Katigorah Gram Unnyan Parishad, Behara 152
48. Kaziranga Wildlife Society 153
49. Khadi Aur Gramudyog Bikas Somiti 153
50. Khongia Mahila Somitee 153
51. Kinangaon Mahila Samity 154
52. Kokila Vikas Ashram 154
53. Konwargaon Pragatisil Mohila Samittee 154
54. Krishnanagar Social Welfare Education Centre 155
55. Mohammadpur Blue Star Club & Library 155
56. Morigaon Mahila Mohfil 156
57. Nabin Sarma Smritichora 156
58. Narayanpur Anchlik Gramdan Sangha 156
59. Nehru Yuva Kendra 157
60. Om Shanti Shiksha Niketan 157
61. Pragjyotish Amateur Astronomers' Association 157
62. Rajgarh Anchalik Mahila Samity 158
63. Shankar Jyoti Sangha 158
64. Shanti Sadhana Ashram 158
65. State Organising Council 159
66. Takunabari Sunjyoti Mohila Somity 159
67. The Greens 159
68. Universal Brotherhood Association (UBA) 160

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Assam Science , Technology & Environment Council 161

2. Centre for Environment Education 161
3. Tezpur University 161

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Aaranyak Nature Club

Contact Person Mr. Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, Secretary General
Address EVER GREEN, Samanwoy Path (Survey), PO
Beltola,Basistha Road, Guwahati 781 028, Assam,India
Tel.No. 0361-566087
Fax 0361-566087

Area of focus Environmental education, training, action programmes,

wildlife protection.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, afforestation, tree plantation,

environment education environmental legislation, ecological awareness,
campaigning against environmentally destructive
development, development of educational material,
wildlife research, ecological survey.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Academy of Science and Technology

Contact Person Dr. S. Bujarbarua, Working President
Address Centre of Plasma Physics Campus,
Sapta Swahid Path, Dispur, Guwahati 781 006, Assam
Tel.No. 0361-564117

Area of focus Environmental education, consultancy, rural

development, biodiversity, gender issues, wildlife.

Activities with respect to Community organization, environmental research,

environment education livestock development, environmental awareness,
agricultural development, tree plantation, watershed
management, popularization of renewable energy.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Adhyatmik Sarvoday Seveshram

Contact Person Narayan Barman, Chairman
Address VPO Kakaya, Nalbari 781304, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment & Science Education through educational &

cultural education

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness in all villages of
environment education north east India, social forestry

Activities with respect to Employment generation through developmental

livelihood education schemes, improvement of agriculture & maintenance of
scientific dairies and veterinary services in rural areas,
promotion of public health

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name AID for the Disabled Somity

Contact Person Md. Hussain Shah, General Secretary,
Address Ward No. 3, Morigaon town,
PO and District Morigaon 782 105, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 036743-352

Area of focus Training, environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Creating awareness on various issues related to

environment education environment, agricultural development, tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Alaknanda Human Welfare Association

Contact Person Atul Chandra Nath, Secretary
Address VPO Niz Dandua, Nagaon 782104, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education in Dandua Mouza area of

Nagaon District, Science & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness amongst villagers, promotion of

environment education social forestry, water conservation

Activities with respect to Creating employment opportunities for poor farmers and
livelihood education cultivators through livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Appropriate Technology Mission Assam (ATMA)
Contact Person Mr. Parimal Kumar Das, Executive Director
Address Zuroni, M.G. Road, River side Uzanbazar,
Guwahati 781 001, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness, action programmes,


Activities with respect to Appropriate technology for rural roads construction,

Science & Technology appropriate technology for earthquake resistant low cost
Education housing

Activities with respect to Forest and wildlife conservation, flood

environment education management/protection, environmental research ,
wasteland development, population education,
environmental education, watershed management,
development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Assam (Bhoreli) Anglers Association

Contact Person Mr. H.N. Agarwala, President
Address C/o Tezpur Station Club Ltd., Tezpur 784 001,
Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 03712-20397

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, afforestation, conservation of flora

environment education and fauna in and around Bhorelli River, conservation
and propagation of Golden Masheers of Bhorelli River.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Assam Rural Development & Research Foundation

Contact Person Mr. Pankaj Kumar Pathak, General Secretary
Address Sri Sri Vishnu Path, Village Rupnagar, PO Indrapur,
Guwahati 781 032, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Rural development programmes.

Activities with respect to Social work, community organization, disaster

Science & Technology management, livestock development, wildlife
Education conservation, wasteland development, population
education, environmental awareness, agricultural

education, environmental awareness, agricultural
development, afforestation, tree plantation, watershed
management, development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Assam Valley Wildlife Society

Contact Person Chairman
Address Pertabghur Tea Estate, PO Chariali, Sonitpur 784176,
Assam, India
Tel.No. 03715-2074
Fax 03715-2299

Area of focus Conservation and environmental education

Activities with respect to Conservation of natural habitat, maintaining game

environment education reserves in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and
Meghalaya, protection of useful and rare wild animals,
birds and fish, locating and protecting white-winged
wood duck in the Doom Dooma and Tingri Reserve
Forests and captive breeding, conducting programmes
on nature education for the rural population, creation of a
60 ha Safe Haven for the capped langur at Mijicajan
Tea Estate and a deer park at the Bargang Tea Estate,
awareness campaign for protecting the Gangas dolphins
in the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Association of Youth Voluntary Organization

Contact Person Mr. Anup Kumar Dey, Organizing Secretary
Address C/o Youth Co-ordinator, Nehru Yuba Kendra,
PO Ratanpur Road 788 155, District Hailakandi, Assam

Area of focus Training, action programmes, consultancy

Activities with respect to Social work, community organization, wasteland

Science & Technology development, population education, environmental
Education awareness, agricultural development, child development,
afforestation, tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities National integration, adult literacy, youth leadership,
vocational trainings, mobile library services

Name Ata Bhowkamari Society Development Association

Contact Person Mr. Lal Mamud Ahmed, General Secretary
Address PO Sarupeta 781 352, District Barpeta, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0366689-22290

Area of focus Training, social work

Activities with respect to Population education, environmental awareness, child

environment education development, tree plantation, development of education
and communication material

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Assam Valley Wildlife Society

Contact Person A.M. Khan, Chairman
Address Pertabghur Tea Estate, PO Chariali, Sonitpur 784176,
Assam, India

Area of focus Science & Environment Education, Conservation of

natural habitat

Activities with respect to Creating scientific temper amongst youth

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Maintaining game reserves in Assam, Arunanchal

environment education Pradesh, Nagaland & Meghalaya to protect wild
biodiversity, locating & protecting white-winged wood-
duck in Doom Dooma and Dangri Reserve Forest
Nature education programmes for rural population
Project to save the Ganges Dolphin in Brahamputra

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Barkhetri Unnayanj Samity

Contact Person Umesh Ch. Medhi, Secretary
Address PO Mukalmua, Nalbari 781126, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education, promotion of

scientific technologies

Activities with respect to Science education
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & training in rural areas

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion for employment generation, vocational

livelihood education training

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha

Contact Person Dr. D.N. Borthakur, President
Address Dighalipukhuri East, Guwahati 781 001, Assam.
Tel.No. 0361-564373 (R)

Area of focus Socio economic development, training, action


Activities with respect to Disaster management, environment research, livestock

environment education development, wildlife conservation, wasteland
development, population education, environment,
afforestation, tree plantation, watershed management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work, community organization

Name Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha

Contact Person Dr. Anil K. Goswami
Address Dighali, Pukhuri (East), Guwahati, Assam-
781001, India

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Science popularization activities through

Science & Technology workshops, camps, lectures & projects for
Education students and masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bokajan Sangram Samity
Contact Person Mr. Atul Borgohain, General Secretary
Address PO Bokajan 782 490, District Karbi-Anglong,

Area of focus Environmental education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, development of educational

environment education material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Boloma Yuva Vikas Kendra

Contact Person Mr. Rosheswar Chetia, President
Address PO Boloma 785 112, Via-Teok, District Jorhat,
Assam ,India

Area of focus Training, wildlife, population education, child


Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development,

environment education environmental awareness, agricultural development,
afforestation, tree plantation, watershed management,
development of educational material

Activities with respect to Livestock development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work sports, health programmes.

Name Bor Asom Gosthi

Contact Person Dr. Bhaben Choudhary, Secretary
Address Kharghuli, Guwahati 781 004, Assam ,India
Tel.No. 0361-542267

Area of focus Tranining, action programmes, social work, environment


Activities with respect to Population education, wildlife conservation, wasteland

environment education development, environmental awareness, agricultural
development, afforestation, tree plantation, development
of educational material.

of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Child development

Name Bosco Reach-Out

Contact Person Father Paul Kuttala, Director
Address Provisional Office, Don Bosco,
Guwahati 781 001, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-546162, 510457
Fax 0361-522822, 510457

Area of focus Training, action programmes, environment education,

child development, socio-economic programmes.

Activities with respect to Wasteland development, agricultural development,

environment education afforestation, tree plantation, environmental education,
watershed management,

Activities with respect to Non-formal cooperatives, livestock development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work, community organization

Name Brahmaputra Foundation

Contact Person Mr. Indrajit Narayan Dev, Chairman
Address Little Hillock, Ranibagan, Beltola Tinali,
Guwahati 781 028, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-561122

Area of focus Environmental awareness, documentation of people and

their life-styles, development of environment and eco-
friendly modules.

Activities with respect to Environmental research, livestock development, wildlife,

environment education agricultural development, child development,
afforestation, tree plantation,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Develop print and audio-visual media.

Any other activities Social work, community organization

Name Churchs Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)

Contact Pers on Mr. A.K. Goldsmith, Co-ordinator NEI
Address CASA Office, Satribari, Guwahati 781 008, Assam, India
Tel.No. 0361-522152

Area of focus Livelihood education, training, consultancy, advocacy,

liasoning, networking, facilitation, non-formal education
(environmental, drug abuse, AIDS, gender issues,
strategic planning etc.) action, research and

Activities with respect to Community organization, income generating

environment education programmes, dissemination of information, skill
development, capacitation, community health through
both allopathic and herbal medicines, conservation,
protection, watershed management, plantation, action
base research and documentation, sponsorship in rural
development studies, self employment and
entrepreneurship programmes, promotion of organic
manuring, food for community development
programmes, material procurement, disaster
management (training, relief and rehabilitation,
preparedness, mitigation), resource support to

Activities with respect to Conduct training of trainers, managers, community

livelihood education leaders, training on skill development, facilitation on
major issues, enable forums, awareness camps on
issues, seminars and workshops.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Desh Bandhu Club

Contact Person Mr. Kali Kumar Saha, Secretary
Address Village and PO Behara Bazar 788 817,
District Cachar, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 03845-2152

Area of focus Training, action programmes, environment education,

child development

Activities with respect to Agricultural development, watershed management,

environment education

environment education environmental awareness, development of educational
material, afforestation

Activities with respect to Floriculture, diary development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Health education and family welfare, free eye operation
camps, laparoscopy camp, social work, community

Name Don Bosco Communications

Contact Person Mr. George Plathottam, Director
Address Don Bosco, Guwahati 781 001, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-546162, 510456
Fax 0361-522822

Area of focus Environmental awareness, training, consultancy.

Activities with respect to Social work, environment education, development of

environment education educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Early Birds

Contact Person Mr. Dipak Sagar Das, President
Address Guwahati College, Guwahati 781 021, Assam
Tel.No. 0361-550512

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental education, tree plantation,

environment education development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work, community organization

Name Evergreen
Contact Person Mr. Bhupen Das, Chief Secretary

Address Galiahati No. 1, N.B. Road, Barpeta 781 301
Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental research, wildlife conservation,

environment education population education, environmental education,
afforestation, tree plantation, development of educational

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gana Bigyan Sangstha

Contact Person Mr. Asit Kumar Mukherjee, President
Address C/o Modern Hardware, Rangirkhari (Opposite
Netaji Statue) Silchar 788 005, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 03842-21465

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Social work, environmental education, tree

environment education plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ganaparishad Samannairakhi Unnayan

Contact Person Golok Bora, President
Address PO Simaluguri, Sibasagar 785686, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Creating awareness of issues like, pollution,

environment education deforestation. Promotion of afforestation programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gharoa
Contact Person Mr. Ashish Kumar Dey, Secrtary
Address 616/A, Accounts Colony, Lumding 782 447,
District Nagaon, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 036746-3302, 3349

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Wasteland devleopment, environmental

environment education education, tree plantation, development of
educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Lok Seva Sangh

Contact Person Dwarika Barua, General Secretary
Address PO Dhamdhama, Nalbari 781349, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment, Science & Livelihood Education in Nalbari


Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation, etc.

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of rural development through cottage &

livelihood education village industries, livelihood educ ation for sericulture,
dairy farming, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Swaraj Parishad

Contact Person Niranjan Kalita, Secretary
Address PO Rangia, Kamrup 781354, Assam, India
Tel.No. 314

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Creating awareness on the benefits of afforestation, soil

environment education conservation, preservation of natural ecosystems
Scientific promotion of social forestry & provision of
clean drinking water

Activities with respect to Promotion of production activities by village people &

livelihood education welfare programmes for women & children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Name Gram Vikas Parisad
Contact Person Md. Siraj Uddin Ahmed, General Secretary

Address Village Rangaloo, PO Jumarmur 782 427,
District Nagaon, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Social work, wasteland development, population

environment education education, environmental education, agricultural
development, child development, afforestation, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Heart Nature Club

Contact Person Mr. Bablu Dey, Director
Address Ward No. 6, At & PO Kokrajhar 783 370,
District Kokrajhar, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 03661-70970 (R)

Area of focus Wildlife and forest protection especially, birds and

wetland conservation, monitoring and study of the wild
habitat, environmental awareness.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness and training, environmental

environment education education by conducting nature camps and wildlife tours,
tree plantation, development of environmental education
material, regular bird watching camps, study of wildlife
habitat, exhibitions, forest and wildlife conservation and
protection initiatives through forest villagers
organizations, social work.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Heritage

Contact Person Mr. Bikul Goswami, General Secretary
Address Ward No. 8, North Lakhimpur 787 001, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness, preservation and restoration

of natural heritage within north-east, scientific and
systemic studies on the various aspects of nature and

Activities with respect to Environmental research, livestock development, wildlife

environm ent education conservation, wasteland development, agricultural
development, afforestation, tree plantation, nature
conservation cum-motivation camps, training
programmes, development of educational material.

programmes, development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Society

Contact Person Mr. Pradip Gogoi, Director
Address C/o Praecocial Computer Academy, Milan Nagar,
Dibrugarh 786 003, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0373-22840

Area of focus Social work

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development,

environment education environmental awareness, afforestation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Valley Social Voluntary Organization

Contact Person Mr. Deepak kumar Pegu, Chariman
Address Village and PO Khokanguri 785 001 (Mising Gaon)
District Jorhat, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0376-324730

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, action programmes

environment education Social work, community organization, wildlife
conservation, population education, environmental
education, agricultural development, child development,
afforestation, tree plantation, development of educational

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Harbinger
Contact Person Mr. Saumitra Paul, General Secretary
Address Abahan Book Stall, Premtola,
Silchar 788 004, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 03842-22940

Area of focus Environmental education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, child development
environment education Social work, disaster management, wasteland
development, afforestation, tree plantation, development
of educational material, environmental education.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Contact Person Mr. Sujit K. Sen, Vice President
Address C/o Presidency School, Tulsibala Road,
Opposite B.K. Kakati Road, Ulubari,
Guwahati 781 007, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, environmental education,

environment education afforestation, tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Hills Socioeconmics and Environment Development

Contact Person Rev Bikau Pame, Coordinator
Address Longmang, PO Bageter, haflong, North Cachar Hills-
788819, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Protection

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation & waste land

environment education development projects in 60 Zeme Naga villages & 200
Dimasa Kachari villages in North Cachar Hills district.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Hornbill Nature Club

Contact Person Mr. Anjan J. Goswami, Secretary General
Address Katara Satra, PO Chengnoi 781 337,
Via-Milanpur, District Nalbari, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, trainings

Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development,

environment education environment education, tree plantation, development of
educational and communication material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Human Resource Development Foundation of South

Contact Person Mr. Kabindra Chandra Das, President
Address Village and PO Mirza 781 125, District Kamrup,
Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness, training, action programmes,


Activities with respect to Developmental and educational assistance to the

environment education backward classes, social work, community organization,
environmental research, wildlife conservation, population
education, environmental education, agricultural
development, tree plantation, sports, development of
educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indo-German Social Service Society

Contact Person Mr. Paul Lokho, Regional field executive
Address M.M. Taimurs Building, Navagiri Road,
Chandmai, Guwahati 781 003, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-521973

Area of focus Environmental education and awareness

Activities with respect to Development of marginalized poor people.

environment education Funding for all types of development projects, training of
trainers, community organization skills.
School children, non-school going children, adult
educators, general community, tribal community.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Name Jaluguti Juvak Sangha
Contact Person Md. Abidur Rahman

Address PO Jaluguti, Nagaon 782104, Assam, India

Area of focus Science, Technology & Environment Education

Activities with respect to Science & technology education to village youth,

Science & Technology vocational training

Activities with respect to Environment education & provision of clean drinking

environment education water in villages

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kandali JANAJATI Sikhita Nibanua Unnayan

Contact Person Santha
Address Md. Osman Ali, General Secretary
Village Dakhin Gamariati, PO Jumarmur 782 427,
District Nagaon, Assam ,India

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development,

environment education environmental education, agricultural development, tree
plantation, watershed management, development of
educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Karbi Anglong Seva Kendra

Contact Person Sh. J. Pathak, Secretary
Address PO Sarihajan, Via-Bokajan 782 480,
District Karbi Anglong, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental education and awareness

Activities with respect to Rehabilitation of jhumias, wasteland development,

environment education population education, agricultural development,

Activities with respect to Agricultural farming, fishery, weaving training schools

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Medical treatment of rural poor, leprosy works,
organizing model villages, development & establishment
of schools and hostels for the poor students

Name Kasturba Bikash Sangha

Contact Person Lahar Chandra Bora, Secretary
Address P.O. Japjup, Lakhimpur District, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness programmes

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities To study cause & effects of floods and arranging relief

Name Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust

Contact Person Ms. Swarna Devi, Pratinidhi
Address Ulubari, Guwahati 781 007, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-544534

Area of focus Training, action programmes, population education, child


Activities with respect to Livestock development, environmental awareness,

environment education agricultural development, afforestation, tree plantation,
health and hygiene, solid waste management,
development of educational material.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Katigorah Gram Unnyan Parishad, Behara

Contact Person Mr. P.C. Sinha, Secretary
Address PO Behara-IV 788 817,
District Cachar, Assam ,India

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Disaster management, agricultural development,

environment education afforestation, population education, environmental

Activities with respect to Income generating programmes through khadi and
livelihood education village industries, training, action programmes,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kaziranga Wildlife Society

Contact Person Mr. P.C. Barthakur, Secretary
Address C/o Govt. Press Road, Adventure Brahmaputra,
Guwahati 781 021, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0361-551277

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, environmental education,

environment education development of educational material

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Khadi Aur Gramudyog Bikas Somiti

Contact Person Mr. Satram Das, President
Address Village and PO Manipur 782 105,
District Morigaon, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Disaster management, tree plantation, watershed

environment education management, population education.

Activities with respect to Action programmes, livestock development, agricultural

livelihood education development and promotion of village & handloom

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Khongia Mahila Somitee

Contact Person Nizumoni Gogoi, Secretary
Address PO Chepangani, Via Nazira, Sibasagar, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of natural resource conservation and water
environment education management through women participation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kinangaon Mahila Samity

Contact Person Hailes D. Sangma, Secretary
Address C/o Limbasingh D. Sangma, Headmaster, Kinangaon
ME School, PO Kinangaon, via Boko, Kamrup 782311,
Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Educating tribal women on environment issues such as

environment education water use & problems of shifting cultivation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kokila Vikas Ashram

Contact Person Mr. Haresh M. Bhatt, Secretary
Address Village and PO Sonapur 784 168, Via-Gohpur,
District Sonitpur, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Training, tree plantation, sanitation

environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting self-employment amongst bodo tribal women,

livelihood education livestock development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Konwargaon Pragatisil Mohila Samittee

Contact Person Mithamai Konwar, Secretary
Address PO Nemeguri, Sibsagar 785674, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Awareness of general environment issues

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Krishnanagar Social Welfare Education

Contact Person Centre
Address Mr. Kalidas Dev Sharma, Chairman
Krishnanagar Road, Krishnanagar,
Jorhat 785 001, Assam ,India.
Tel.No. 0376-323180

Area of focus Science and Environment education, Environmental


Activities with respect to Science research

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to To create awareness saving the Ganga, Yamuna,

environment education Brahmaputra rivers from pollution, wildlife conservation,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mohammadpur Blue Star Club & Library

Contact Person Mr. Abdur Rahim, General Secretary
Address Village Mohammadpur, PO Kadong 781 314,
District Barpeta, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness, training, action programmes,


Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development,

environment education population education, environment education, tree

Activities with respect to Livestock development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Morigaon Mahila Mohfil

Contact Person Wahida Rehman, Secretary

Address PO Marigaon, Nagaon 782105, Assam, India

Area of focus Education, S&T Literacy

Activities with respect to To develop agriculture and livestock by science

Science & Technology education of farmers & cultivators, information
Education dissemination on cleanliness & hygiene

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nabin Sarma Smritichora

Contact Person Ms. Chayanika Sharma, General Secretary
Address Subject Teacher, Geography,
Gopal Boro Higher Secondary School,
Guwahati 781 006, Assam ,India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Science education, training, child development

Activities with respect to Training in scientific model making and decorative items
Science & Technology from waste materials

Activities with respect to Community organization & environment awareness,

environment education agricultural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Child welfare through music recitation, drama, art etc.

Name Narayanpur Anchlik Gramdan Sangha

Contact Person Niran Borah, Secretary
Address Village Charaiddoni Madhabpur, PO Madhabpur,
Lakhimpur 784164, Assam, India

Area of focus Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & training for social forestry &
environment education waste land development

Activities with respect to To create employment opportunities by developing

livelihood education cottage & village industry and livelihood & environment
education to rural people

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Nehru Yuva Kendra

Contact Person Dipankar Nath, Youth Coordinator
Address D.K. Road, North Lakhimpur 787001, Assam, India

Area of focus Development of Youth

Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology education amongst

Science & Technology youth through workshops, seminars, rural & urban
Education development projects

Activities with respect to Providing environment education, training for promoting

environment education water management & soil conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Om Shanti Shiksha Niketan

Contact Person Kumar Amrit Phiju Deuri
Address Shanti Nagar PO Bor Deuir Gaon, Lakhimpur, Assam,

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness programmes

environment education

Activities with respect to Development of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries,

livelihood education cottage industries and their scientific management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Socio-economic development work amongst tribals &

weaker sections of society

Name Pragjyotish Amateur Astronomers'

Contact Person Prof Anil Kumar Goswami
Address C/Ongc Gallery, Guwahati Planetarium
M.G.Road, Uzanbazar, Guwahati, Assam-
781001, India

Area of focus Science and Technology Education

Activities with respect to Popularization of astronomy amongst students and

Science & Technology masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajgarh Anchalik Mahila Samity

Contact Person Dipti Handique, Secretary
Address PO Rangiti Chariali, To Dhalpur, Lakhimpur 784165,
Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Awareness of Women

Activities with respect to Encouraging water conservation, forest development &

environment education tree plantation through women

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date 0of registration if

Name Shankar Jyoti Sangha

Contact Person Jadav Chandra Kalita, General Secretary
Address Kayakuchi, PO Ghograpar, Nalbari District, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & Awareness about pollution,

environment education sanitation & health, soil & water conservation
Activities with respect to Promotion of literacy & adult education programmes for
livelihood education livelihood education, particularly for women by
encouraging cottage industry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Shanti Sadhana Ashram

Contact Person Babulal Vidrum, Manager
Address Shantivan Basistha, PO Beltala, Guwahati 781028,
Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Networking of NGOs

Activities with respect to Education & training for nursery raising & afforestation
environment education programmes, studying ecological problems of Assam

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name State Organising Council

Contact Person Shri Manoj K.Patowary
Address Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha, Bjgvj, Dighalipukhri(E),
Assam 781001, India
Tel.No. 0361-636695

Area of focus Science and Environment education

Activities with respect to Popularization of science through workshops,

Science & Technology seminars, camps, training programmes.

Activities with respect to Environment education in schools and society

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Environment and science literature

Name Takunabari Sunjyoti Mohila Somity

Contact Person Silzan Begum, Secretary
Address Takunbari, PO Jaluguti, Nagaon 782104, Assam, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Nature Conservation, Science


Activities with respect to Science education for management of agriculture,

Science & Technology sericulture

Activities with respect to Environment Education & Training on water issues in

environment education urban & rural areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Greens

Contact Person Sankar Chakravarty, Secretary

Address Ekdalia Road ( College Road), PO Silchar, Cachar-
788004, Assam, India
Tel.No. 03842-3185

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education for tree plantation, wildlife

environment education protection,Member of Paryavaran Vahini Scheme of
Govt. of India (Environment Brigade)

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of quarterly journal in Bengali and

educational material on nature & wildlife for students

Name Universal Brotherhood Association (UBA)

Contact Person Abdul Matin, Secretary
Address Rangaloo, PO Jumarmur, Nagaon 782427, Assam,

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology and Livelihood


Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific technology in agriculture, animal

Science & Technology husbandry, etc.

Activities with respect to Environment education & training for conservation of

environment education fruit, timber & fuel wood trees, improving drinking water
supplies & sanitation, encouraging renewable sources of

Activities with respect to Vocational training for better livelihood

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Assam Science , Technology & Environment Council

Contact Person S. Bhattacharjee
Address Technology & Environment Council, U.N.B.
Road, Silpukhuri, Guwahati, Assam 781003,
Tel.No. 0361-662232, 664415
Fax 0361-668475
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization

Science & Technology amongst masses and students, workshops,
Education seminars & trainings on new technologies,
creation of scientific temper.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Centre for Environment Education

Contact Person Scientist-in-charge
Address K.K. Bhatta Road, Chenikuthi,
Guwahati 781 003, Assam, India
Tel.No. 0361-565382
Fax 0361-565914

Area of focus Environmental education in schools,

development of educational resource material
and innovative environmental education
programmes, eco-development, interpreting
nature, media and urban programmes.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, documentation and

environment education dissemination of environmental information to
fulfil its role as an ENVIS center, networking,
development of locale specific educational
resource material, training, action programmes.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Tezpur University

Contact Person Dr.Ashok Kumar
Address Tezpur University, Napaam, Assam 784028,

Tel.No. 03712-67111

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Formal and non-formal science education to

Science & Technology students/ youth, organizing seminars,
Education workshops, training programmes

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Abhiyan 164
2. Action For Social Change 164
3. Bihar Seva Sansthan (BSS) 165
4. Development Research Consultants 165
5. Eco-Task Force 166
6. Ganga Devi Mahila Vikas Samiti 166
7. Gram Nirman Mandal, Bihar 166
8. Kamla Nehru Samaj Kalyan Sansthan (Harnaut) 167
9. Koshish 167
10. Lohiya Jai Prakash Khadi Gramudyog 167
11. Lok Basti Mahila Jagriti Kendra 168
12. Lok Sewa Sanstha, Darbhanga 168
13. Manav Samaj Kalyan Sansthan 168
14. Manorama Mahila Seva Sansthan 169
15. Muzaffarpur Zila Gram Vikas Sangh 169
16. National Development and Social Welfare Council 170
17. North Bihar Samaj Kalyan Sangathan 170
18. Pandit Shree Ram Sharma Sewa Sansthan 170
19. Rastiya Manav Kalyan Samitti 171
20. Samastipur District Samagra Vikas Parishad 171
21. Saran Zila Samagra Vikas Sewa Sansthan 171
22. Sarvangin Vikas Seva Sangh 172
23. Sarvodaya Gram Vikas Sansthan 172
24. Sarvodaya Seva Sangh, Pardih 172
25. Shaheed Bachchan Smarak Pustakalaya 173
26. Society of Active Volunteers for Env. ( SAVE) - 173
27. Society of Hill Resource Management School 174
28. TARU-MITRA Students Forum For Environment 174
29. Vanvasi Seva Kendra 174

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Bihar Council for Science And Technology 176

2. Sanjay Gandhi Biological Garden 176

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Abhiyan
Contact Person Chandrabhushan, Secretary
Address Ram Krishna Colony, PO Mahendru, Patna 800006,
Bihar, India
Tel.No. 0612- 682874
Fax 0612-669106

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Provide scientific education on bio-fertilizers, compost pit,

Science & Technology tradle pump and construction of ponds for water
Education conservation & irrigation of land.

Activities with respect to Imparting environment education to students & school

environment education teachers, conducting exposure visits and essay
competitions in schools to make children aware about the

Activities with respect to Provide education on modern agriculture and to children for
livelihood education self employment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1976

Publications, if any Bulletin on Women rights

Any other activities Working on agriculture development, anti-dowry

programmes and campaigning against child labour

Name Action For Social Change

Contact Person Vinod Kumar Patel
Address Kanhauli, Via-Mahua, Distt. Vaishali,
Bihar 844122 , India.
Tel.No. 06227-83222

Area of focus Environment education, tree plantation & providing

vocational trainings

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology literacy

Science & Technology through meetings, conferences, scientific
Education broadcast, competitions, etc.

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, meetings, conferences,

environment education workshops on enviornment education, tree
plantations , Pollution control education

Activities with respect to Promoting vocational trainings and providing livelihood
livelihood education education to children & women

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997

Any other activities Cultural, Health and family welfare, Women and Child
welfare, National integration, Drug de-addiction

Name Bihar Seva Sansthan (BSS)

Contact Person Ms Saurabh Suman
Address P.O. Bargaon, Via-Narhut, Dist- Nawada- 805122 , Bihar,

Area of focus Rural development through promotion of literacy,

environment education & health education

Activities with respect to Education & awareness of latest Science & Technology
Science & Technology issues and Health Education for the development of
Education people in Rural Areas.

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness in Rural Areas.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Development Research Consultants

Contact Person The Director
Address Shyama Niwas, East Boring, Canal Road, Patna - 800 001
Bihar, India.

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Conducting Researches on Science related issues creating

Science & Technology awareness and consultancy.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets & information brochures.

Name Eco-Task Force
Contact Person Sister Doris DSouza, Secretary
Address Patna Women College, Beli road, Patna , Bihar , India.

Area of focus Science & environment education

Activities with respect to Organising competitions , awareness programmes,

Science & Technology workshops, seminars for the students on scientific issues.

Activities with respect to Student awareness programmes on environment,

environment education organizing rallies , promotion of natural resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ganga Devi Mahila Vikas Samiti

Contact Person The Director
Address Mahadeva, Dist. Madhuwani , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Science & Environment education

Activities with respect to Health Education & awareness , Promotion of Scientific

Science & Technology temper.

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness, tree plantation with
environment education women participation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Women empowerment related issues.

Name Gram Nirman Mandal, Bihar

Contact Person Shri Chandra Sekhar Azad
Address Gram Nirman Mandal, Sarvoday Ashram,
Sokhodevra, Distt. Nawada, Bihar 805106, India.
Tel. No. 06324-22342

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Science popularization ,Promotion of Science &

Science & Technology Technology literacy in villages through camps,
Education trainings, lectures, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Kamla Nehru Samaj Kalyan Sansthan (Harnaut)

Contact Person The Secretary
Address North-East of Bhainsasur, Chauraha, Muhalla- Kagazi,
Bihar Sharif- 803 101, Distt. Nalanda, Bihar, India.

Area of focus Integrated rural development & environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education through workshops, camps, public

environment education meetings for environment conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment friendly technologies.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Koshish
Contact Person Mr. Rupesh , Secretary
Address Abdin House, Fraser Road, Patna-800 001, Bihar, India.
Tel. No. 0612-226196

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environment Education and awareness through seminars,

environment education workshops, etc. Promotion of sustainable development
programmes through public participation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lohiya Jai Prakash Khadi Gramudyog

Contact Person The Director
Address Manav Vikas Sansthan, AT P.O. Baghra, Dist. Samstipur,
Bihar, India.
Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environmentally compatible village development,

environment education Environment education and awareness of other issues.

Activities with respect to Promotion of cottage industry
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lok Basti Mahila Jagriti Kendra

Contact Person The Director
Address Vill. Bai Jalpur Area, P.O. Arus Ghat, Madhubani 847 222
Bihar, India.

Area of focus Science & Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment and health awareness amongst women,

environment education women camps, promotion of tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Women empowerment

Name Lok Sewa Sanstha, Darbhanga

Contact Person The Director
Address Vill. Bihrauna, Darbangha , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment education, Health education

& Rural development.

Activities with respect to Health Education & awareness, promotion of Science &
Science & Technology Technology in masses.

Activities with respect to Environment conservation, Environment education and

environment education awareness for Rural development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manav Samaj Kalyan Sansthan

Contact Person Arun Kumar, Secratary
Address P.O. Mahnar, Ganinath road, Dist. Vaisali 844 506 ,
Bihar, India.
Tel.No. 06269-35993

Area of focus Rural development, Creating awareness towards

establishing society on the basis of equality and justice

establishing society on the basis of equality and justice

Activities with respect to To promote science education & scientific temper for
Science & Technology societal improvement

Activities with respect to Seminars for preservation of Environment and wild life
environment education Rural sanitation programmes

Activities with respect to Vocational training to unemployed, Knitting and sewing

livelihood education training to women, women welfare programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO, 1997

date of registration if

Any other activities Child development programmes, Seminars on AIDS

awareness , problems of handicapped, consumers rights,
family planning

Name Manorama Mahila Seva Sansthan

Contact Person The Director
Address Vill. P.O. Akhitiyarpur Pateddtha, Dist. Vaisali, Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment Education & Women issues

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness through seminars ,

environment education camps ,mahila mandals.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Education to women, Organizing meetings & camps for
rural women

Name Muzaffarpur Zila Gram Vikas Sangh

Contact Person The Director
Address Indra Gandhi Sevasaram, Shekhpur ((Akharatgahat)
Distt. Muzzaffarpur 842 001, Bihar, India

Area of focus Environment & rural development

Activities with respect to Sanitation, health & environment education

environment education Water conservation, promotion of renewable resource of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name National Development and Social Welfare Council
Contact Person Dr. Mokhtarul Haque, Managing Director
Address Beli Sharif, Station Road , Nawada - 805110 , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Livelihood and Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness for masses.

environment education

Activities with respect to Livelihood Education by providing trainings to the masses

livelihood education for self employment.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name North Bihar Samaj Kalyan Sangathan

Contact Person The Director
Address Vill. &P.O. Pargambarpur, Via Silout, Distt. Muzaffarpur-
843 119 , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & technology , Promotion

of natural resource conservation

Activities with respect to Science & society programmes , Promotion of Science &
Science & Technology Technology Literacy.

Activities with respect to Environment education through camps, workshops,

environment education seminars , participatory activities for natural resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Pandit Shree Ram Sharma Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person The Director
Address Rashulpur, Hathwa, Distt. Gopalganj-841436 Bihar, India
Tel.No. 06150-31147
Fax 06150-31992

Area of focus Environment conservation and development

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness through camps and
environment education Lectures.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1991

Name Rastiya Manav Kalyan Samitti

Contact Person The Director
Address At Sinaur Gopal, P.O. Laheria Sarai,
Distt. Darbhanga, Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness for rural

environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samastipur District Samagra Vikas Parishad

Contact Person The Director
Address Netaji Subhas Marg, Dist. Samastipur- 848101,Bihar,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars for natural resource conservation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Saran Zila Samagra Vikas Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person The Director
Address Chapura, Saran , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Rural development

Activities with respect to Health education and awareness for rural development,
Science & Technology promotion of scientific temper.

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness for rural

environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarvangin Vikas Seva Sangh
Contact Person The Director
Address Vill. Basidpur, Samastipur , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment education , Youth & children welfare .

Activities with respect to Sustainable rural development, Environment education &

environment education awareness of related issues amongst children & public.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social Welfare programmes for youth & children

Name Sarvodaya Gram Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person The Director
Address Mahua Mukundpur, Vaishali , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Rural environment improvement.

Activities with respect to Conservation of water & soil through promotion of Science
Science & Technology & Technology.

Activities with respect to Sustainable rural development and agricultural

environment education development through environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarvodaya Seva Sangh, Pardih

Contact Person Lakshmi Narayan Roy, Chief Functionary,
Address P.O. Chandan, Via-Jasidih, District-Banka, Bihar, India
Tel. No. 06432-22225

Area of focus Environment awareness, education and social


Activities with respect to Environment education, wasteland development and tree

environment education plantation

Activities with respect to The institution also provides livelihood education amongst
livelihood education youth & women

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1952

Name Shaheed Bachchan Smarak Pustakalaya

Contact Person Shashi Bhushan Singh, General Secretary
Address Mahadeva, P.O. & Distt. Siwan-841226, Bihar, India
Tel.No. 06154-24934
Fax 06154-24934

Area of focus Environmental Awareness, Ecology Environment, Social

Science Research, Rural Development Programmes

Activities with respect to Social Science Research, Promotion of Rural Technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Undertake detailed study of water pollution, create

environment education Environmental Awareness among children using
exihibitions, audio-visuals, demonstrations

Activities with respect to Income generation programme: Knitting and sewing

livelihood education centres, Art and Craft, Beekeeping, Horticulture

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1986

Publications, if any Number of publications-Leaflets, brochures and guides -on

the environment education

Any other activities Promotion of health and development of children,

adolescent health and development, womens
empowerment, rural development

Name Society of Active Volunteers for Env. ( SAVE) -

Contact Person Mr. Ajit Kumar, Executive President
Address Post Box No. - 229, Bandar Bagicha, Behind Maurya Lok,
Patna - 800001 , Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness of masses and

environment education children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society of Hill Resource Management School
Contact Person The Director
Address Chakriya Vikas, Abadganj (Near Railway Crossing),
Daltonganj, Palamau - 822 101, Bihar, India.

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Natural resources conservation & management through

environment education public participation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name TARU-MITRA Students Forum For Environment

Contact Person Er, Robert Athickal, Co-ordinator
Address Tarumitra Ashram, Digha Ghat, Patna 800011, Bihar ,
Tel.No. 0612-266947, 271781
Fax 0612-227903

Area of focus Promote ecological sensitivity involving schools and


Activities with respect to Science awareness through programmes on air, water

Science & Technology pollution, solar energy like solar cooker, solar dryer, solar
Education light etc.

Activities with respect to Tree plantation, protection & conservation of trees

environment education especially medicinal and rare species , environment
education of students and masses , Survey on hospital
waste, air pollution, water treatment plant, campaign on
nail removing from trees and sand, vehicular pollution

Activities with respect to Awareness programmes for street children on income

livelihood education generation activities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997

Publications, if any The Last Tree, Bargad (bi-monthly), Taru-Mitra times

Name Vanvasi Seva Kendra
Contact Person Sadanand Rai, Secretary
Address Adhaura, District Kaimur (Bhabhua) - 821116, Bihar, India
Tel.No. 0612-670045, 06184-21725, 06189-33617, 68210, 68220,


Area of focus Agriculture and irrigation, education, health environment,

income generation programs

Activities with respect to Organizing trainings, seminars for promotion of nutritional

Science & Technology garden.

Activities with respect to Self Help Groups, vocational training on agriculture and
livelihood education related subjects.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1969

Publications, if any Krishi Diary, Annual Report, Pumphlet, Leaflet on different


Any other activities Awareness generation regarding social, political,

economical, cultural, & human right issues

Government Organizations

Name Bihar Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Dr. R.N. Singh
Address B Block, 3rd Floor, Maurya Lok Complex
Patna, Bihar 800001, India.
Tel. No. 0612-226497, 227696
Fax 0612-226497
Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars,
Education creation of scientific temper.

Activities with respect to Promotion and Training of new technologies for

livelihood education income generation

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and Pamphlets

Name Sanjay Gandhi Biological Garden

Contact Person Director
Address Shashtri Nagar, Patna, Bihar , India.

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment & Biodiversity Conservation, conservation of

environment education germ plasm & Environment Education & awareness for
children & masses use of Biological gardens for awareness

Whether GO / NGO date GO

of registration if applicable.


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial Development 178

2. Indian Council for Env. Education 178
3. Morning Star Fellow Ship Society 179
4. The Environment Society of India 179
5. WWF-India, Chandigarh office 179

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Central Scientific and Instrument Organization 181

2. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research Training 181
3. Chandigarh Science and Technology Department 181

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial

Development (CRRID)
Contact Person President
Address 2A, New Complex, Sector 19, Chandigarh
Tel.No. 0172-725136, 725406
Fax 0172-725125
E mail

Area of focus Rural development

Activities with respect to Dissemination of information on environmentally friendly

environment education rural development & ecological agriculture; organizing
workshops & seminars for awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Several books & reports, catalogue available
Publications, if any

Name Indian Council for Env. Education

Contact Person Mr. Vikas Kohli
Address DAV Sr. Sec. School Building, Sector, 8-C Chandigarh.
Tel.No. 0172 780322, 9814101857
Fax 0172-544257
E mail

Area of focus Environment and science education in Schools &


Activities with respect to Organising seminars & awareness programmes for

Science & Technology science & technology popularisation

Activities with respect to Organizing State Level and Regional Level programmes
environment education for providing environment education amongst children,
nature study camps

Activities with respect to Providing demonstrations for projects like Vermiculture

livelihood education Biotechnology, Low cost sanitation, Green house
maintenance, nursery raising, water harvesting, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1995

Publications, if any Booklet titled Developing scientific attitude

Name Morning Star Fellow Ship Society

Contact Person Secretary
Address 1738, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops/seminars/competitions for

Science & Technology promotion of science education amongst school children
Education and villagers

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Environment Society of India

Contact Person Mr. S.K. Sharma
Address Karuna Sadan, Sector 11-B, Chandigarh - 160 011, India
Tel.No. 0172-746832
Fax 0172-746832

Area of focus Science & Environment Education

Activities with respect to To promote eco-clubs & science clubs in schools

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Mobilization of children for nature conservation

environment education programmes including desiltation of Sukhna Wetland
Teacher training, workshops, seminars

Whether GO / NGO date of NGO

registration if applicable.

Publications, if any Publication of literature related to environment

Name WWF-India, Chandigarh office

Contact Person Education officer
Address Room No. 4, Ist Floor, Karuna Sadan, Sector 11-B,
Chandigarh-160011, India
Tel.No. 91-172-746231
E mail

Area of focus Science/environment Education & Nature Conservation

Activities with respect to Organizing competitions, seminars & lectures on science

Science & Technology education & Publication of Literature related to science


Activities with respect to Mobilizing children for nature conservation, promoting

environment education environment education in schools and providing
Networking with likeminded NGOs and other agencies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Central Scientific and Instrument Organization

Contact Person Head,
Address Sector 30, Chandigarh, India
Tel.No. 0172 657811, 651761, 656285
Fax 0172- 651745

Area of focus Science ,Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of science education and scientific temper in

Science & Technology society

Activities with respect to Development of environment monitoring instrument

environment education Environment education in school children

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Central Soil and Water Conservation Research

Training Institute
Contact Person Officer Incharge
Address Madhya Marg, Sector 27A, Chandigarh,160019, India
Tel.No. 0172-650783, 659365

Area of focus Watershed management, soil and water conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of watershed management, rain water

Science & Technology harvesting, soil and water conservation techniques,
Education Promotion of community participation in environment

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Many books related to environment and water harvesting

Name Chandigarh Science and Technology Department

Contact Person Director,
Address Additional Town Hall Building , Sector 17, Chandigarh-
160017, India
Tel.No. 0172-715053

Area of focus Science education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science and technology literacy, science

Science & Technology popularisation research projects on science

Science & Technology popularisation research projects on science

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha ( Baloda ) 184

2. Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha (Champa) 184
3. Prayog Samaj Sevi Sansthan (PRAYOG) 184
4. Society for Action Research on appropriate Technology 185
and innovations (SARATI)

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Chattisgarh State Council for Science and Technology 186

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha ( Baloda )

Contact Person Devendra Patil, President
Address PO Baloda, Bilaspur Distt., Chattisgarh 495559 , India

Area of focus Science/Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of science education through seminars,

Science & Technology exhibitions.

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmental education & awareness,

environment education organizing seminars for promotion of environment
conservation , conservation camps

Activities with respect to Training on traditional arts & crafts

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha (Champa)

Contact Person Ram Kishore Shukla,
Address P.O. Janjgir, Bilaspur District- Chattisgarh- 495668, India
Tel. No. 07819-45618
Fax 07819-45384

Area of focus Science/Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of science education through seminars,

Science & Technology exhibitions, public meetings.

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmental education & awareness,

environment education organizing seminars for promotion of environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Prayog Samaj Sevi Sansthan (PRAYOG)

Contact Person R.V. Rajagopal, President
Address Village Sasaholi, P.O. Tilda Neora,
Raipur District- Chattisgarh, 493 114, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Encouraging interest in science and education,

Science & Technology encouraging use of smokeless chullhas .

Activities with respect to Campaigning for environment awareness, organizing

environment education seminars for promotion of environment conservation.
Raising environmental issues in public for building public

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Action Research on Appropriate

Technology and Innovations (SARATI)
Contact Person K.N. Ramachandran, Director
Address 44/1 Kota, P.O. University, Raipur
Chattisgarh-492010, India
Tel. No. 0771-530323

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing campaigns for environment awareness,

environment education providing environmental education and research,
conservation of biodiversity, afforestation.

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies in rural areas for

livelihood education income generation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Chattisgarh State Council for Science and

Contact Person Secretary,
Address Pt.Ravi Shankar Shukla University Campus,
Raipur,Chattisgarh-492010, India

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T in rural areas, Organizing

Science & Technology lectures and public hearings on science related
Education issues.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Dadar & Nagar Haveli Council for Science and 188


Government Organizations

Name Dadar & Nagar Haveli Council for Science and

Contact Person Secretary, Deptt. of Science and Technology
Address Administration of Dadar & Nagar Haveli,
Cilvasa, Dadar & Nagar Haveli-396230, India

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T in rural areas

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Department of Science & Technology 190

Government Organizations

Name Department Of Science & Technology

Contact Person Sandeep Kumar
Address Ut Administration Of Daman & Diu
Collectorate, Moti Daman,Daman & Diu
Tel. No. 02636-396220

Area of focus Popularization of Science, promotion of formal

Science & Technology Education, environment

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization

Science & Technology amongst masses and students, workshops,
Education seminars & trainings on new technologies,
creation of scientific temper,

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. All Goa Science Teachers' Association 192

2. Goa Animal Welfare Trust, India 192
3. Goa Research Institute for Development (GRID) 192
4. Green Ray Foundation 193
5. The Goa foundation 193
6. WWF, India 193

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Department of Science Technology & Environment 195

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name All Goa Science Teachers' Association

Contact Person Sh.Vishvasrao S.Nagvenkar
Address St.Elizabeth's High School, Pomburpa,
P.O.Carona, Bardez, Goa- 403523
Tel. No. 0832-293483

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Student projects for science popularization &

Science & Technology education, promotion of science & technology
Education literacy.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Goa Animal Welfare Trust, India

Contact Person Grace. D. Kare, Secretary,
Address 335, Prof Kossombe Street, Comba, Margo,

Area of focus Community Service and Volunteering Education,

Environment, Health, Wildlife and Animal Welfare.

Activities with respect to To ensure the welfare of animals in Goa through public
environment education education and motivation. Awareness for environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Goa Research Institute for Development (GRID)

Contact Person Rggie Gomes, Director
Address 9, Despamont Building, Sana Inez,
Panjim 403001, India
Tel. No. 0832 7936

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Orientation programmes for environment, environment

Science & Technology research, and impact of Selanlim Dam on Goas
Education environment.

Activities with respect to Information dissemination on livelihood issues like,

livelihood education fisheries, toddy tapping, tourism, transport, etc. Research

livelihood education fisheries, toddy tapping, tourism, transport, etc. Research
& training programmes,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Ray Foundation

Contact Person Ms. M. C. Pintoo
Address Panaji, Goa

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness for children &
environment education masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Goa Foundation

Contact Person Claude Alvares, Executive Secretary
Address Above Mapusa Clinic, Mapusa 403507
Tel. No. 0832 263306

Area of focus Environment Education, Environment Conservation &

Research, public interest litigation.

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Preparation of Goa Environment Report

environment education Education & training for protection of Goa beaches,
campaigning against industrial pollution & environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wide Fund for Nature India

Contact Person Divisional Director
Address Goa Divisional Office, Hillside Apartments, Block B, Flat
No. B-2, (GF), Fountainhas Panaji 403001, India
Tel. No. 0832 226020

Area of focus Environment Education & Nature Conservation

Activities with respect to Environment protection through research, field projects,
livelihood education education & training , establishment of nature clubs.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Department Of Science Technology &

Contact Person Dr. N.P.S. Varde, Director/Joint Secretary (STE)
Address Office Of The Director, Deptt. Of Sci,Tech & Env.
Opp. Salgiao Seminary, Saligao Baedez,
Goa 403511, India
Tel. No. 278186, 278187, 278189
Fax 278186
E-mail &

Area of focus Popularization of science, Environment science &

technology education

Activities with respect to Remote sensing applications for whole of the state,
Science & Technology setting up of GPS node, mini space museum for
Education science popularization, setting up of non- conventional
energy park, popularization of non-conventional and
renewable energy gadgets and systems

Activities with respect to Coastal & marine area management, watershed

environment education management, implementation of National Green Corps
in schools for environment awareness of students,
biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Economic development of Goa through S&T

livelihood education application

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Annual magazine Parayavaran, quarterly magazines

Pursuit and Nirmal Vishwa, Aqua World and several

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Aga Khan Rural Support Program [India ] (AKRSP) 199

2. Agriculture Tools Research Centre 199
3. Ahmedabad Study Action Group 200
4. Anand Niketan Asharam ( ANA ) 200
5. Anumukti Sampoorna Kranti Vidyalaya 200
6. Behavioural Science Centre (BSC) 201
7. Bhailabhai & Bhikabhai Polytechnic 201
8. Centre for Eco-development & Management 202
9. Centre for Health Education, Training & Nutrition 202
Awareness (CHETNA
10. Consumer Education & Research Centre (CERC) 203
11. Darbar Shri Alakachar Natural History & Environment 203
12. Darpana Academy of Performing Arts 204
13. DISHA 204
14. Environment Preservation Society ( EPS ) 204
15. Environmental Sanitation Institute ( ESI ) 205
16. Gram Swarjay Sikshan Kendra 205
17. Gramya Vikas Trust 205
18. Gujarat Ecological Education & Research Foundation 206
19. Gujarat Nature Conservation Society 206
20. Gujarat Rajya Gram Vikas Sangh ( GRGVS) 207
21. Hingolgadh Nature Conservation Education Program 207
22. International Society of Naturalists 207
23. International Tree Crops Institute India 208
24. Jalaram Seva Sangh 208
25. Jivdiv Agroforestry Centre 208
26. Lok Vidyalaya, Valukad 209
27. Lokshala Khadasali 209
28. National Tree Growers Cooperative Federation Limited 210
29. Nature Education & Environment Development School 210
30. Nehru Yuva Kendra 210
31. Prakruti Premi Sangh 211
32. Samvardhan Association for Propagation of Indigenous 211
Genetic Resourc es ( Samvardhan APIGR )
33. Sardar Patel Yuvak Mandal 212
34. Sarvangeen Gram Vikas Mandal ( PRAYAS ) 212
35. Sarvodaya Parivar Trust 212
36. Self-Employed Womens Association ( SEWA) 213
37. SETU: Centre for Social Knowledge & Action 213
38. Shree Rama Krishna Seva Mandal 213

39. Shree Sarasvati Gram Vidyapeeth 214
40. Sundarvan A Nature Discovery Centre 214
41. Utthan Mahiti 214
42. Vikarm Sarabhai Centre for Development Interaction 215
43. Vikas Centre for Development 215
44. Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre 216
45. Volunteers Of Charity (Voice) 216
46. Wildlife Conservation Society 217
47. YUVA 217

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Centre for Environment Education (CEE) 218

2. Centre For Adult and Continuing Education 218
3. Gujrat Council on Science & Technology 218

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Aga Khan Rural Support Program [India ] (AKRSP)

Contact Person Apoorva Oza, Chief Executive Officer
Address Choice Premises, Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-6427729, 6427029, 6427205
Fax 079-6420864
E mail

Area of focus Betterment of rural communities by promoting

sustainable national resource use and human resource

Activities with respect to Conceptualizing & implementing JFMs programmes,

environment education participatory irrigation management programmes,
participatory integrated watershed management, roof
rain water harvesting, tree plantation, etc.

Activities with respect to Development & training of village institutions in the

livelihood education skills to plan & manage development strategies,
construction of bio-gas plants for individual homes,
demonstration of improved agronomic practices for dry
land farming

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1985

Publications, if any Publications on water resources development, drip

irrigation, agricultural extension programme, equity
issues, and contour bunding land leveling, etc.

Any other activities Relief activities for occasional floods, drought

situations, earth quake, etc.

Name Agriculture Tools Research Centre

Contact Person Ram Kumar Singh
Address Suruchi Campus, Suruchi, Bardoli, Gujarat
394601, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02622-20258

Area of focus Science & Technology literacy

Activities with respect to Research & Education for new Technology in

Science & Technology agricultural sector

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ahmedabad Study Action Group

Contact Person Rajesh Bhatt
Address Dalal Building, Behind Hotel Kapri, Relief Road,
Ahmedabad-380001, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-22841 / 42

Area of focus Environment Conservation & Appropriate Housing

Activities with respect to Science awareness through construction of biogas

Science & Technology plant, energy saving devices

Activities with respect to Environment Education for slum children

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Low cost housing for poor in rural & tribal areas

Name Anand Niketan Asharam ( ANA )

Contact Person Harivallabh Parikh, Chairman
Address PO Rangpur ( Kawant),Via Bodeli, Vadodara
391135, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 0265-69282-355, 333
Fax 0265-422849

Area of focus Community Development

Activities with respect to Environment awareness for taking actions against tree
environment education felling, encouraging school parks by children & youth,
tree plantation

Activities with respect to Training for brick making without kilns

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Anumukti Sampoorna Kranti Vidyalaya

Contact Person Dr. Surendra Gadekar
Address Vedchhi, Surat 394641, Gujarat, India

Tel.No. 02625-2074

Area of focus Sustainable Development, Promotion of Renewable

Sources of Energy

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, demonstrations

environment education against nuclear power plants, promotion of solar
energy & biogas, encouraging appropriate rural

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Behavioural Science Centre (BSC)

Contact Person Prasad M. Chacko, Director
Address St. Xaviers College Campus, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-6304928, 6303577
Fax 079-6307845
E mail website

Area of focus Community Building and Renewal, Economic

Development, Education, Environment, Legal
Assistance Poverty and Hunger, Rural Issues,
empowerment of dalit & tribal women, children &
minority communities

Activities with respect to Watershed management activity and training of

environment education effective communities in the watershed area.

Activities with respect to Community based organization of the poor and

livelihood education deprived sections of the society through livelihood and
environmental education.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1977

Any other activities Involved in earth quake rehabilitation project, building

houses for poor and marginalized communities. It also
offers training programmes on organizational
development and development management in
voluntary and not for profit organizations.

Name Bhailabhai & Bhikabhai Polytechnic

Contact Person R. C. Desai, Principal
Address Vallabh Vidyanagar, Kaira 388120, Gujarat, India

Tel.No. 0836-7368

Area of focus Science & Technology and Environment Education

Activities with respect to Science & Technology awareness in society

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment conservation through water resource

environment education management.

Activities with respect to Training of youth in technologies related to civil,

livelihood education mechanical & electrical engineering as community
polytechnic for rural development, transfer of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Health Education, Training & Nutrition

Awareness (CHETNA)
Contact Person Indu Capoor, Director
Address 2nd Floor, drive in Cinema Building, Thaletj Tekra,
Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-408378, 406494

Area of focus Environment & Health Education

Activities with respect to Training & education at community level, training

environment education modules development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Eco-development & Management

Contact Person Gaurav Hirana, Secretary
Address 15/167, Vidyanagar, Ahmedabad 380015,
Gujarat, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Research

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, encouraging use of

environment education renewable resources of energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Consumer Education & Research Centre (CERC)
Contact Person Prof. Manubhai Shah, Managing Trustee
Address Suraksha Sankool, Ahmedabad Gandhinagar
Highway, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-7489945-46, 7450528, 7451097
Fax 079 7489947
E mail website

Area of focus Consumer, investor & environment protection

Activities with respect to Consumer product testing laboratory Testing

Science & Technology Organization for research & chemical and health
Education hazards (TORCH)

Activities with respect to Industrial & environment research center (IERC) has
environment education been set up to ensure environment protection with
focus on industrial and environmental hazards and not
all the issues of environment protection. Public
interest litigation on water pollution, industrial pollution,
toxic & hazardous chemical industry, legal studies on
environment issues, education & training programmes
for public

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1978

Publications, if any Pesticide issues in food, Testing of pesticide residues

in food, hazards posed by Asbestos industry,
Bibliography synopsis (Vol. I - VII), Consumer
education series (Vol. I -V)

Name Darbar Shri Alakachar Natural History &

Environment Public Charitable Trust
Contact Person D. S. Satyajit S. Khachar
Address Darbargadh, Jasdan 360050, Gujarat, India

Area of focus Natural resource conservation & environment &

science education

Activities with respect to Education on science & Technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Wildlife preservation, fostering understanding of

environment education biodiversity, protection of flora & fauna in Jasdan taluk
by raising public awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Darpana Academy of Performing Arts

Contact Person Mrinalini V. Sarabhai, Founder Director, Malika
Address Sarabhai
Usmanpura, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380013,
Tel.No. Gujarat, India
Fax 079 7531825, 7550566
E mail 079-7556669 website

Area of focus Promote Education in Art Forms

Activities with respect to Environment activities include environment awareness

environment education & education through dance, drama, puppet shows, tree
plantation & launching of Jagruti a school project for
environment improvement

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1952

Publications, if any Books on art & culture

Name Disha
Contact Person M. D. Mistry, Coordinator
Address 1st Floor, Sanghvi Bhawan, Station Road, Himatnagar-
383001, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02772-867962

Area of focus Rural Development through Environment Improvement

Activities with respect to Encouraging social forestry through environment

environment education education of tribals & rural folk

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environment Preservation Society ( EPS )

Contact Person Ashutosh Upapdhaya, Adviser
Address Vidhyaniketan, 4, Station Plot, Gondal 360311,
Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02825-20357, 20336

Area of focus Environment Education & Conservation

Activities with respect to Camps for nature conservation & bird watching,
environment education conducting asian water fowl census, promoting energy
conservation through film shows, check list of birds in
Gondal & Saurashtra region

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environmental Sanitation Institute ( ESI )

Contact Person Ishwarbhari Patel, Director
Address 136, Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad 380027, Gujarat,
Tel.No. 079-483850, 483457

Area of focus Rural Development & Sanitation Improvement

Activities with respect to Environment Education & training for sanitation &
environment education health, environment surveys & research, advisory &
consultancy services

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Swarjay Sikshan Kendra

Contact Person Chhelbhai J. Skhula, Managing Director
Address Gopaldham, PO Ghela Somnath, Jasdan Taluk,
Rajkot-360050, Gujarat, India

Area of focus Education for Environment & Rural Development,

Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Environment education for water conservation,

environment education afforestation & non-conventional energy sources

Activities with respect to Improvement & revival of village industries, prevention

livelihood education of migration of rural people to urban areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramya Vikas Trust

Contact Person Prof. D. S. Ker, Chairman
Address C-1/20, Inderdeep Society, Jamnagar 361008,
Gujarat, India

Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 0288-60998

Area of focus Rural development with emphasis on environment &


Activities with respect to Environment education, nursery raising, plantation of

environment education fruit trees, water management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gujarat Ecological Education & Research

Contact Person R. S. Pathan, Director
Address G1, 194/3, Sector 30, Gandhinagar 382030,
Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02712-21385, 20560

Area of focus Nature & Wildlife Education amongst Public

Activities with respect to Environment education, research on environment

environment education impact & status of ecology through remote sensing,
restoration of Hindolgarh sanctuary

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gujarat Nature Conservation Society

Contact Person Indubhai C. Patel, Chairman
Address C/o Sayaji Iron & Engg. Co., Chhani Road, Baroda-
390002, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 07531-23791 to 23796

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to To educate people about nature conservation,

environment education developed nature conservation park on 30 acres of
reclaimed ravine land, organization of Asian Game
Congress, publication of educational material

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gujarat Rajya Gram Vikas Sangh ( GRGVS)
Contact Person Vimal Shah, Secretary
Address Mahakeshav Kunj, New Brahmkshatriya Society,
Pritamrai Marg, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad 380006,
Gujarat, India

Area of focus Livelihood Education & Promotion

Activities with respect to To assist voluntary organizations working for upliftment

environment education of marginal farmers, artisans and landless labourers,
networking of 204 voluntary organizations, education,
training & consultancy on environment issues in rural

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Hingolgadh Nature Conservation Education

Contact Person Program
Address Nrupendra L. Kachar, Director
646, Vastuniraman Society, Sector-XXVI,
Gandhinagar-382022, Gujarat, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Children programmes for natural res ource

environment education conservation, organizing camps for environment
education, promotion of Hingolgadh Education
Sanctuary & Marine National Park & Sanctuary

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Society of Naturalists

Contact Person G. M. Oza, General Secretary
Address Oza Building, Salatwara, Vadodara 390001, Gujarat,
Tel.No. 0265-421009
Fax 0265-421009
E mail

Area of focus Environment Conservation for human welfare

Activities with respect to Environment Education activities, radio talks,

environment education celebration of Environment calendar

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1975

Publications, if any Quarterly journal Environment Awareness, to provide

young naturalists with opportunities for field

Name International Tree Crops Institute India

Contact Person S.A. Shah, Honorary Secretary
Address 1, Jesal Apartments, Abhishek Colony, Race Course,
Vadodara-390071, Gujarat, India
Tel No. 0265-322950

Area of focus Environment Education, Research & Development

Activities with respect to Organizing lectures in educational institutions,

environment education promotion of environmental education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jalaram Seva Sangh

Contact Person M.T. Darji, Joint Secretary
Address PO Prempur, Himatnagar Taluk, Sabarkantha
383225, Gujarat, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Educating people on importance of water & trees

livelihood education smokeless chulahs, construction of low cost sanitary
units in rural areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jivdiv Agroforestry Centre

Contact Person Dr. V. J. Patel, Director
Address Surendrabag 364061, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 0278-5689;27177
Fax 0278 24641

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to To develop new technologies for fruit crops & agro
Science & Technology forestry

Activities with respect to Water management, environment education through
environment education trainings & publications

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lok Vidyalaya, Valukad

Contact Person Nanubhai M. Shiroya, Managing Director
Address At/PO Valukad, Via Songadh, Palitana Taluk,
Bhavnagar-364530, Gujarat, India
Tel No. 02848-8344

Area of focus To promote developmental activities & provide

education to socially backward people of the area

Activities with respect to Environment education, construction of biogas plants

environment education & smokeless chulahs, promotion of solar & wind
energy, tree plantation, Promotion of low cost
sanitation in rural areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lokshala Khadasali

Contact Person A. Khimano, Coordinator
Address PO Khadasali Via Vijapai, Bhavnagar 364530,
Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02845-82503

Area of focus Social & economic activities

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness through charts,

environment education booklets & monthly newsletter Lok Shakti, water &
soil conservation, afforestation, low cost sanitation

Activities with respect to Promotion of Khadi & village industries for livelihood
livelihood education education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name National Tree Growers Cooperative Federation
Contact Person V. K. Mishra, Managing Director
Address Opposite Iram Gate, Anand 388001, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02692- 27408, 21402
Fax 0269-25802, 22220

Area of focus Environment protection, formation of village

cooperatives to work for marginally productive &
degraded land improvement

Activities with respect to Environment education & sensitization for rural

environment education masses, waste land development, installation of 5000
improved chulahs & 700 biogas plants, documentation
of biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nature Education & Environment Development

School (NEEDS)
Contact Person Mrs. Avani Bhatt, Managing Trustee
Address G-24, Stop-N-Shop Plaza, Offtel Tower Premises, R.C.
Dutt Road, Vadodara-390005, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 0265-338410
Fax 0265-342054
E mail

Area of focus Environment Awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing awareness programmes air, water & noise
environment education pollution, organizing quiz, street plays based on
environment, wildlife, etc. Organizing environment
education camps, nature trails, slide shows, nature
games, bird watching trips tree plantation programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if No. E/5142/Vadodara

Publications, if any Leaflets about various sanctuaries & national parks,

flora & fauna, etc.

Any other activities Conducting awareness programmes for the

rehabilitation sites of Sardar Sarovar Project

Name Nehru Yuva Kendra

Contact Person R. R. Joshiara, Youth Coordinator

Address Himatnagar, Sabarkantha 383001, Gujarat, India

Area of focus Integrated development of youth

Activities with respect to Environment education through training courses,

environment education camps, seminars, sanitation & rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Prakruti Premi Sangh

Contact Person Secretary
Address CM-23/2, Sector-29, Gandhinagar 382029, Gujarat,
Tel.No. 02712 2960

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing films & audio visual shows for children to
environment education create awareness of natural resources, maintaining EE

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samvardhan Association for Propagation of

Indigenous Genetic Resources ( Samvardhan
Contact Person Korah Mathen, Secretary
Address D-1, Aurobindo Soicety, Mridul Citabed 1, Near
Vastrapur Talavadi, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat,
Tel.No. 079-464774

Area of focus Science & environment education and research

Activities with respect to To promote scientific research

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Preservation of indigenous flora & fauna, ethno

environment education biological studies, organizing workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sardar Patel Yuvak Mandal
Contact Person S. N. Patel, Secretary
Address PO Bhudasan, Bayad Taluk, Sabarkantha 383260,
Gujarat, India

Area of focus Environment Awareness & Protection

Activities with respect to Environment education & training for rural environment
environment education improvement, waste land development and

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarvangeen Gram Vikas Mandal ( PRAYAS )

Contact Person Rajni Dave, Engineer
Address PO Mangrol, Via Rajpipla, Bharuch 393150, Gujarat,

Area of focus Environment improvement through environment &

science education

Activities with respect to Dissemination of appropriate rural technologies for

Science & Technology organic farming & plantation, improvement in village
Education sanitation, publication of periodicals & books in
Gujarati for general public

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental education in schools

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarvodaya Parivar Trust

Contact Person Kanti Shah, Secretary
Address Pindval, Tehsil Dharmpur, Valslad 396050, Gujarat,

Area of focus Environment & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education & training or encouraging

environment education renewable energy, environment protection by
involvement of tribal population, encouraging small
scale & home industry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Name Self-Employed Womens Association ( SEWA)

Contact Person Reema Nanavaty, Director
Address SEWA Reception Centre, Opp. Lokmanya Tilak Baug,
Ahmedabad-380001, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-320477, 320444
Fax 079-320446

Area of focus Social welfare of self-employed women

Activities with respect to Environment education of women for afforestation, soil

environment education & water conservation, nursery raising & tree plantation,
eco-regeneration programmes in arid desert regions,
employment through environmental programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name SETU: Centre for Social Knowledge & Action

Contact Person Achyut Yagnik, Secretary
Address 1, Punyashlok, University Road, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-406751
Fax C/o 079-423798

Area of focus Education & training for social development

Activities with respect to Environment education in 60 villages of Bhiloda & Idar

environment education Taluk, 120 villages of Junagarh district and 20 villages
of Kodinar Taluk for forest protection, coastal area

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Books on environment related issues

Name Shree Rama Krishna Seva Mandal

Contact Person Chandra Kant Bhai D Thakar
Address At Post Sher, Taluk, Distt. Ahmedabad 382130,
Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-3553280

Area of focus Environment Improvement and rural development

through education

Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation, soil
environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Shree Sarasvati Gram Vidyapeeth

Contact Person Joitabhai B Patel, Principal
Address Samoda, Ganwada, Sidhapur Taluk, Mehsana
384130, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 08389-284 (Sidhapur)

Area of focus Environment improvement & education

Activities with respect to Conducting 3-year courses in environment science &

environment education rural development, plantation & nursery raising,
research for ecologically sustainable farm practices

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sundarvan A Nature Discovery Centre

Contact Person RajendraSinh Jadeja, Coordinator
Address Jodhpur Tekra, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-6923148, 6921838
Fax 079-6858010
E mail

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Nature camping, maintaining & running a mini zoo,
environment education offering unique marine camps at Sundarvan Beyt
Dwarka from Dec. to Feb. every year.

Activities with respect to Breeding projects of birds & reptiles.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Utthan Mahiti

Contact Person Meeta A Kapadia

Address M/28/243 Vidya Nagar Flats, Near Azad Society, Near
Himatlal Park, Ahmedabad 380015,
Gujarat, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness for village


Activities with respect to Afforestation through Mahila & Yuvuk Mandals,

environment education scientific research, publications for environment
education including Field Guide for social
afforestation & Ecology of Bhal region

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vikas Centre for Development

Contact Person Rajesh I. Shah, Executive Secretary
Address Dala House, Panchvati Marg, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-
380006, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-463514

Area of focus Identification of environmental problems & awareness

of issues amongst urban masses

Activities with respect to Environment surveys, environment education,

environment education encouraging cooperative & group efforts for waste land
development & social forestry through training

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre

Contact Person Dr. Joseph M. D'Souza, Scientist
Address Nehru Foundation for Development, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380 009, India
Tel.No. 91 79 644 2914
Fax 91 79 644 2085

Area of focus Natural Resource Ma nagement, Pollution, Energy,

Biodiversity, Science education

Activities with respect to Science popularization in communities through

Science & Technology publications, lectures, etc.

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness, Monitoring

environment education and Assessment. Centre has developed Mobile

environment education and Assessment. Centre has developed Mobile
Exhibition as a part of awareness programme for
general public

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Joy of Learning", "Streams of Knowledge"-Handbook

EE-Charts, EE-exhibition(moobile).

Name Vikarm Sarabhai Centre for Development

Interaction (VIKSAT)
Contact Person G. Raju, Director
Address Nehru Foundation of Development, Thaltej Tekra,
Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-6856220, 6858002-9
Fax 079-6852360, 6853873
E mail website:

Area of focus Participatory Natural Resource Management and

strengthening of peoples institutions for the same,
environment education

Activities with respect to RRA for National Environment Awareness Campaign,

environment education developing demonstrative models in Natural Resource
Management, promotion of community participation for
environment improvement

Activities with respect to Formation and capacity building of the tree growers
livelihood education societies at the village level, generating new livelihood
options and increasing confidence, self-image and
status in society for the marginalized families

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, newsletters, pamphlets, periodicals on

forestry, wildlife, soil & water conservation and

Any other activities Providing technical guidance for rooftop rainwater

harvesting in urban areas

Name Volunteers Of Charity (Voice)

Contact Person N. Wostan
374/A, Sector-23, Gandhi Nagar 382023, Gujarat,

Address India
Tel.No. 0098250-15616
E mail

Area of focus Environment, Rural Issues, Crime and Safety.

Activities with respect to To educate people on environmental concern, rural

environment education issues and traffic safety.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Wildlife Conservation Society

Contact Person Navaneet Bhatt, vice President
Address Bhav-vilas, Near Gaurishanker Lake, PO Bhavnagar,
Bhavnagar 364003, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 02845-5125

Area of focus Wildlife & forest conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education of school children and city

environment education population through nature camps, census of water
birds, tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Contact Person V. J. Rghuvanshi, Managing Trustee
Address 8, Bhagyalaxmi Society, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad
380013, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-450615

Area of focus Integrated rural youth development through education

& awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & training on waste

environment education management, composting, water awareness &
harvesting, training on pesticide control

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Centre for Environment Education (CEE)

Contact Person Kartikeya V. Sarabhai, Director
Address Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat, India
Tel.No. 079-442642
Fax 079-420242
E mail

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, conservation of

environment education biodiversity, development of environment literature and
data bank, establishing of South & South Asian Network
for environment education, curriculum development,
training modules

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Centre For Adult and Continuing Education

Contact Person Dr B.J.Dholakia, Director
Address Saurashtra University, University Campus, Rajkot 360
005 (Gujarat) India
Tel.No. 0281-78501/78512
Fax 0281-77633

Area of focus Pollution, Energy, Urban Issues

Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T literacy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness, training

environment education Programmes, Advocacy Programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gujrat Council on Science & Technology

Contact Person Prof. J.V. Dave, Member Secretary
Address Block-B, 7th Floor, MS Building, Nr. Pathik Ashram,
Sector II, Gandhi Nagar-3247269
Tel.No. 079-3247267/8, 3247242

Fax 079-3247269
E mail gujcost@dd.growthnet.nit

Area of focus Science & technology education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology, literacy, science

Science & Technology popularization, research projects on science

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Bhartiya Gram Sudhar Sabha 222

2. Chaubisee Vikas Sangh, MEHAM 222
3. Dehat Vikas Kendra ( DVK ) 222
4. Haryana Social Work & Research Centre ( HSWRC ) 223
5. Haryana Vigyan Manch 223
6. Indian Society for Nature Volunteer 224
7. INTACH 224
8. Rural Initiative & Technology Impact (RITI) 224
9. Samaj Vikas Prayatna Kendra (SVPK) 225
10. Social Centre for Rural Initiative & Advancement 225
11. Super Vikas Club 226
12. The Environment Society of Rohtak 226
13. The Rural Development & Research Centre 227
14. Uttaranchal Development Institute, Ambala Centre (UDI, 227
Ambala Centre )

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Haryana Environment Department 228

2. Haryana Science & Technology Council 228

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Bhartiya Gram Sudhar Sabha

Contact Person Mr. Devender Hooda, President
Address 228/29 Ram Gopal Colony, Sonepat Road, Rohtak,
Haryana, India
Tel. No. 01262-54661

Area of focus Environment education & awareness,

Activities with respect to Environment protection and Environment education

environment education camps for promoting use of organic manure, waste
management, prevention of cruelty against animals, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Chaubisee Vikas Sangh, MEHAM

Contact Person Dr. Jasphool Singh, President
Address Near Chaubisee Ka Chabutra, Meham Tehsil, Rohtak,
Haryana, India
Tel. No. 01257-33286, 01262-50656


Area of focus Environment education, awareness and protection

Activities with respect to Encouraging renewable energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of posters, pamphlets, books, audio visual

aids to promote environment protection

Name Dehat Vikas Kendra ( DVK )

Contact Person Mahabir Prasad Bhardwaj, Director
Address VPO Dongra Ahli, Mahendragarh 123021, Haryana,

Tel. No. 01285-6719

Area of focus Village upliftment & environment conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting energy conservation & scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education of rural masses,

environm ent education nursery raising & tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of pamphlets & posters

Name Haryana Social Work & Research Centre (HSWRC)

Contact Person Sunder Lal, Director
Address Khori, Rewari 123101, Haryana, India

Area of focus Environment education, science education

Activities with respect to Research & studies on science issues

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness for societal

environment education improvement, Integrated village improvement through
- environment protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Haryana Vigyan Manch

Contact Person Deepa
Address 74/22 Kishan Pura (Near Chopal),
Sonepat Road, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Tel. No. 01262-42014

Area of focus Science & Technology literacy

Activities with respect to Children activities and teachers training for

Science & Technology promoting Scientific concepts and low cost
Education technologies through Science & Technology
education. Promotion of school science
corners and school science centres.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Indian Society for Nature Volunteer
Contact Person Sh. Suresh C. Sharma
Address Gokal Nagar, Rohtak Road, Sonepat - 131 001,
Haryana, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness for nature

conservation & wildlife preservation, Livelihood

Activities with respect to Environment awareness of villages for nature

environment education conservation & afforestation, Formation of naturalist
clubs in Haryana Agriculture University & Kurukshetra
University To prepare volunteers for environment
preservation & training on appropriate use of agricultural
waste, afforestation, wetland conservation.

Activities with respect to Encouraging brick kiln & stone query owners
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of Nature Reporter monthly newsletter

Contact Person Shri Vijay Sethi
Address House No. 133, Sector-21/A, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Area of focus Environment education & Heritage conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness of masses

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Action for conservation of environment & historical


Name Rural Initiative & Technology Impact (RITI)

Contact Person S.M. Parija, President
Address Rahuka, PO Indri, Gurgaon 123104, Haryana, India

Tel. No. 01272-387600

Area of focus Livelihood education & social welfare

Activities with respect to Activities related to Soil conservation, waterproof

Science & Technology thatching, solar energy, etc.,

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness through camps

environment education

Activities with respect to Research in applied sciences for livelihood education

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities To promote activities to attract youth for rural


Name Samaj Vikas Prayatna Kendra (SVPK)

Contact Person Shri Ram Avtar Sharma, Director
Address Sohansara, Distt. Bhiwani- 123 201, Haryana, India

Area of focus Environment education & Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Health and sanitation works, watershed management

Science & Technology agro forestry

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Livelihood education through nursery raising, plantation,

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Reports on environment issues and publication of


Any other activities To foster awareness of rural issues amongst youth &
university students, promote appropriate rural

Name Social Centre for Rural Initiative & Advancement

Contact Person Sunder Lal, Director

Address Khori, Rewari-123101, Haryana, India
Tel. No. 01274-86625 , 01274-25032
Area of focus Economic development through appropriate rural
technologies & environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness amongst rural masses, training

environment education of workers for smokeless chulahs, solar energy devices,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Super Vikas Club

Contact Person Yashwant Singh, General Secretary
Address VPO Bhani Surjan, Meham Tehsil, Rohtak, Haryana,

Area of focus Environment protection & employment generation

Activities with respect to Environment education, Awareness & protection, tree

environment education plantation,

Activities with respect to Employment generation activities.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion development of educational aids

Name The Environment Society of Rohtak

Contact Person Jagjeet Singh, President
Address 665/20, Prem Nagar, Rohtak 124001, Haryana, India

Tel. No. 01262-43264

Area of focus Environment Education, awareness & protection

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation on waste lands,

environment education promoting use of organic manure

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of educational aids

Name The Rural Development & Research Centre

Contact Person Chiranji Lal Choudhary
Address B-III-477, Sonepat Stand, Rohtak 124001, Haryana,

Tel. No. 01262-32949

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness, nursery raising &
environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Sustainable rural development

Name Uttaranchal Development Institute, Ambala Centre

(UDI, Ambala Centre )
Contact Person Mithilesh Devash, Coordinator
Address 1630, Jai Prakash Narain Marg, Ambala Cantt.
133001, Haryana, India
Tel. No. 0171-24845

Area of focus Environment education & vocational training

Activities with respect to Encouraging science awareness through promotion of

Science & Technology solar energy, biogas in villages

Activities with respect to Environment education & training of youth, Study of

environment education pollution in Tangri river, tree plantation

Activities with respect to Training in vocational skills for women & children
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Haryana Environment Department

Contact Person Director
Address SCO 1-3, Sector- 17 D, Chandigarh- 160017,
Tel.No. 0172-541628
Fax 0172-543049

Area of focus Environment conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education, biodiversity

environment education conservation, tree plantation, National Green
Corps program, eco-clubs in schools

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if applicable.

Any other activities State Biodiversity Strategy & Action plan,

Pamphlets and Reports.

Name Haryana Science & Technology Council

Contact Person Member Secretary,
Address SCO- 24, Sector 26, Madhya Marg,
Chandigarh,160017, India
Tel.No. 0172- 799390, 791464, 790808
E mail

Area of focus Science and Technology awareness

Activities with respect to Science & Science popularization, NCSTC programs,

Technology Education encouraging solar energy projects, Children
Science Congress.

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmentally friendly

environment education technologies in industry

Whether GO / NGO GO
Date of registration if applicable.

Publications, if any Several booklets and pamphlets


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Development Promoters 230

2. Ecology Conservation Organization 230
3. Himachal Environment and Landscape Protection 231
Society (HELPS)
4. Himachal Vigyan Samiti 231
5. Himalayan Eco Horticulture Society 231
6. Himalayan Nature and Environment Preservation 232
7. Kupvi Herbarium Welfare Workers Association 232
8. Peoples Action for People in Need ( PAPN ) 233
9. Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI) 233
10. Samaj Kalyan Avam Vikas Mandal 234
11. Samaj Kalyan Sabha , Bagari 234
12. Serve India 234
13. Social Action for Rural Development of Hilly Areas 235
14. Society for Development and Environment Protection 235
15. Society for Social Uplift Through Rural Action (SUTRA ) 236
16. The Shiwalak Sewa Mandal 236
17. Vanshish Sankhyan Environment Foundation 237

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Biodiversity Centre 238

2. Indian Institute of Advanced Studies 238
3. State Council for Science Technology and Environment 238
4. Zoological Survey of India 239

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Development Promoters

Contact Person Madan Kumar, Coordinator
Address Dagar Niwas, Shaktighat, PO Jubber, Distt. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01793 8732

Area of focus Environment education, Integrated rural development

Activities with respect to Technology promotion for rainwater harvesting,

Science & Technology awareness on scientific issues.

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness camps for water &
environment education land conservation Nursery raising & tree plantation,
educational material on environment & forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets on environment & forestry

Any other activities Integrated rural development in 40 villages of Solan &

Kandaghat blocks

Name Ecology Conservation Organization

Contact Person Mr. S.P. Sharma
Address Government College for Women, Shimla- 171 001,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 0177-2015

Area of focus Environment education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Popularization of solar energy & biogas , awareness of

Science & Technology scientific issues.

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness amongst students,

environment education to develop a cadre of women
environmentalists,plantation campaigns in / around
Shimla, nature study trails, tree protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himachal Environment and Landscape Protection Society
Contact Person Hony. Secretary
Address Village & P.O. Dari Dharmshala, Kangra - 176057.
Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01892-23212 (PP)

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to To identify environment & wildlife related problems in hill
environment education areas, tree plantation & social forestry, drives & rallies
against pollution, environment education & training,
appointing voluntary guards for forest & wildlife
protection in consultation with Forest Department

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himachal Vigyan Samiti

Contact Person Jianand Sharma
Address Shivalik Sadan, Sanjauli , Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh- 171006

Area of focus Science & Technology literacy

Activities with respect to Children activities and teachers training for

Science & Technology promoting Scientific concepts and low cost
Education technologies through Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himalayan Eco Horticulture Society

Contact Person Mr. Lakshman Thakur, Chairman
Address Village & P.O.Nandpur, Tehsil Jubbal, Shimla District-
171, Himachal Pradesh, India

Area of focus Ecology, Horticulture

Activities with respect to Promotion of ecologically sustainable horticulture

environment education Environment education of horticulturists farmers and
general public through camps, seminars, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Himalayan Nature and Environment Preservation
Contact Person Dr. Virender Sharma, Secretary
Address Om Bhavan Chaura Maidan, Shimla 171004, Himac hal
Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 0177-255771
Fax 0177-220998

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to To promote awareness on nature conservation

environment education Environment education of youth through camps &
lectures, conducting wildlife surveys in Shimla, Kulu &
Sirmour Districts

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishing of Ibex newsletter

Any other activities Computerized database of natural history records of

Himachal Pradesh since 1800 A.D. onwards

Name Kupvi Herbarium Welfare Workers Association

Contact Person A.S. Madhalk, Director
Address PO Kupvi, Shimla, 171217, Himachal Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment awareness & education, health &sanitation

Activities with respect to Promotion of health & sanitation, Science awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education, environment

environment education protection information, generation on medicinal herbs,
social forestry,

Activities with respect to Income generation programmes by promoting village &

livelihood education agro based industry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Action for People in Need ( PAPN )
Contact Person Kuldeep Verma, Director
Address Village Andheri, via Sangraha, Sirmaur 173023,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01702 48158
Fax 01702 48158

Area of focus Environment education, Science and technology

education for integrated rural development

Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific temper through awareness

Science & Technology camps.

Activities with respect to Camps for women & children, survey of local
environment education environmental problems, public action against
deforestation & illegal mining, village environment
improvement through smokeless chulahs, tree plantation,
Desilting of Renuka lake etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI)

Contact Person Mr. Dharamvir Singh
Address Technology Complex, Bandh, Bhaguri-173233, District
Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01792-82454
Fax 01792-72649

Area of focus Environment education and livelihood education for rural


Activities with respect to Science awareness in children.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education of school children (formal & non-
environment education formal), awareness and conservation, school
environment programmes, like development of herbaria,
biodiversity awareness.

Activities with respect to To promote self reliance in community by encouraging

livelihood education social forestry, nursery raising, use of biogas, smokeless
chulahs and appropriate technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other activities Improvement of socio economic conditions of rural area

Networking with other NGOs

Name Samaj Kalyan Avam Vikas Mandal

Contact Person The Secretary
Address Karsog- 171304, Distt- Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education and rural development

Activities with respect to Environmental education of masses & action for

environment education environment through public participation. & action for
environment protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Samaj Kalyan Sabha , Bagari

Contact Person Aklu Ram Azad, General Secretary
Address PO Chhalia, Tehsil Theog, Shimla - 171220, Himachal
Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01783-76206

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education programmes for women &

environment education children to promote rural development, environment
conservation through eco development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Serve India

Contact Person Rajender Thakur, President / Om Parkash,
Address Ramesh Niwas, Shanti Chowk, V.P.O. Rewalsar, Tehsil
Sadar, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh-175023, India
Tel. No. 01905-80580
Fax 01905-80408

Area of focus Science Education & Biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting Societal development through science

Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Organising workshops, trainings, camps, etc. on

environment education conservation of water resources & agricultural
biodiversity, sensitizing public on issues relating to

Activities with respect to Organizing training workshops on sericulture,

livelihood education origami and eco-restoration of surrounding

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997

Publications, if any Pamphlets about biodiversity conservation

Name Social Action for Rural Development of Hilly Areas

Contact Person Mr. Madan Sharma, Director
Address Village Kaffota, P.O. Dugana, Via Sataun, Sirmaur
173029, Himachal Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01704-8358

Area of focus Environment education and integrated rural development

Awareness of Science issues.

Activities with respect to Environment education, protection & public protest

environment education against indiscriminate mining in Ponta area, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Activities pertaining to rural development

Name Society for Development and Environment Protection

Contact Person Ms.Vidya Rattan Sharma, Director
Address P.O. Kunihar, District Solan- 173207, Himachal Pradesh,

Tel. No. 01796-60484

Area of focus Environment Education, Women, child & youth


Activities with respect to Research on herbal medicine and awareness of scientific

Science & Technology issues.

Activities with respect to Promotion of sustainable development programmes

environment education Environment education of children & masses through
projects, camps & seminars

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Any other activities Women empowerment, rural development, old age care,
health programmes

Name Society for Social Uplift Through Rural Action

Contact Person Subhash Mendhapurkar, Director
Address Jagjit Nagar via Jubbar, Solan 173225, Himachal
Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 01792 83725, 83772
Fax 01792-83734

Area of focus Environment Education, Science and technology


Activities with respect to Science popularisation , watershed management,

Science & Technology training & promotion of smokeless chulahs

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness eco-development

environment education camps, environment conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of educational material

Name The Shiwalak Sewa Mandal

Contact Person Mr. Rattan Chand Saroach, President
Address Village & P.O. Mubarakpur, Una District- 177 202,
Himachal Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education science Education & livelihood

Activities with respect to Science popularization through promotion of smokeless

Science & Technology chulahs & biogas plants,

Activities with respect to Environment education of women & society, survey of

environment education local medicinal plants & herbs,

Activities with respect to Vocational training of women

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications on environment in Hindi

Name Vanshish Sankhyan Environment Foundation

Contact Person Dr. Tripta Sharma, Founder President
Address P.O. Chakmoh, District Hamirpur- 176 039, Himachal
Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment

Activities with respect to Environment conservation & promotion of ecologically

environment education sustainable development in hilly regions, Environment
education through public meetings & camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Biodiversity Centre

Contact Person Dr. G.L. Bansal, Associate Director
Address College of Basic Sciences, C.S.K. HP Agricultural
University, Palampur-176062, Himachal Pradesh, India

Tel. No. 01894-34697 (o) 30438

Fax 01894-30311, 30465

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Biodiversity, Natural Resource Conservation and

environment education Environmental Education of youths

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Indian Institute of Advanced Studies

Contact Person Ms. Sudha Vasan, Fellow
Address Rastrapati Nivas, Shimla - 171005, India.

Area of focus Science & Technology Education, Environment Education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, seminars, campaigns & student

Science & Technology programmes on science

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, seminars, campaigns & student

environment education programmes on environment issues, awareness
programmes research in Environment related issues

Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate technologies.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name State Council for Science Technology and

Contact Person R.K.Sood, Joint Member Secretry
Address 34, SDA Complex , Kasumpti , Shimla - 171009,
Himachal Pradhesh , India.
Tel. No. 0177-222489, 222490
Fax 0177-220998


Area of focus Popularisation of Science , Science & Technology

Education , Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularisation amongst masses

Science & Technology and students , workshops, seminars &, creation of
Education scientific temper , popularisation of biofertilizers and

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource conservation

environment education projects, environment education & awareness amongst
masses , National Green Crops ( Eco- Clubs)
programmes in Schools.

Activities with respect to Trainings on new technologies.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletter 'Alternatives ' State Environment Report,

Environment Policy, A document on Earth Quake.

Any other activities Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights.

Name Zoological Survey of India

Contact Person Officer incharge
Address ZSI, opposite Saproon Gurudawara, Solan - 173212
Tel. No. 01792-20413
Fax 01792-21060

Area of focus Animal research

Activities with respect to Research on wild animals, ecosystem studies biodiversity

environment education conservation education and awareness of biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, booklets & pamphlets, catalogue available.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Indian Society for Himalayan Studies 242

2. Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG) 242
3. Life Club 243
4. Mountain Eco-conservation & Wildlife Society of India 243
5. Sapna Gramen Udyog 243
6. Shiva Gramodhyog Mandal 244
7. Society for Rural Environment Conservation 244
8. Womens Association for Development 245
9. World Wild Fund for Nature-India 245

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Govt. Gandhi Memorial Science College 246

2. Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education 246
3. Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR) 246
4. State Council for Science and Technology 247

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Indian Society for Himalayan Studies

Contact Person Mr. Prabin Singh, Secretary
Address Rengco Campus, Hazratbal, Srinagar- 190 006, J&K,
Tel. No. 0194-77280-6

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Preservation of Himalayan environment, developed

environment education conservation action plan for Himalayan region

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Environment education & publication of monthly ISHS


Name Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDG)

Contact Person Mr. Sonam Dawa, Executive Director
Address LEDeG, Karzwo Leh- 194 101, J&K, India

Tel.No. 01982-53221, 51789

Fax 01982-52284

Area of focus Ecological & sustainable development

Activities with respect to Science & Technology awareness , promotion of hydro,

Science & Technology ram pump, improved water mill, photo voltaic home light,
education solar power house, passive solar building technology,
water heating system, food & vegetable drier technology

Activities with respect to Teacher training in environment activities, seminars in

environment education schools, villages on EE, eco-development camps in Leh &
Kargil districts, village out reach programmes

Activities with respect to Promoting organic farming & handicrafts for income
livelihood education generation, project implementation agency for water-shed
programmes in villages

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Ecological steps towards a sustainable future, songs from

the Himalaya, farmer manual, ecology grade I & II, etc.

the Himalaya, farmer manual, ecology grade I & II, etc.

Other activities Promotion of cost effective and environment friendly

material component and building construction.

Name Life Club

Contact Person Ms. Nilofar Raja, Publicity Secretary
Address Trikanjan, Baramulla- 193 122, Jammu, J&K, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education for nature protection,

environment education Environment awareness camps, social forestry, education
for prevention of environmental pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of journal & documentary films on

Environment & related issues.

Name Mountain Eco-conservation & Wildlife Society of India

Contact Person Secretary
Address (MEWS-India), Post Box-78, Jammu- 180 001, J&K, India

Tel. No. 0191-542277

Fax 0191-544895

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, symposia for Environment

environment education awareness, Research for eco-conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of reports of the researches done in the field of

Environment, publication of Indian Journal of Mountain
Ecology & Wildlifes

Name Sapna Gramen Udyog

Contact Person Mr. M. R. Puri, President
Address H/Q New Clone Ward No 1, Bishnha, Jammu 181132,
J&K, India
Tel. No. 01923 23244

Area of focus Rural development, Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment protection, Environment activities & training,

environment education tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development related activities.

Name Shiva Gramodhyog Mandal

Contact Person Mr. G.D. Sharma, Secretary
Address Shiva Gramodhyog Mandal, Kalibari, Kathua- 184 104,
J&K, India

Tel. No. 01922-2327

Area of focus Rural Development, Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment preservation, Environment education for

environment education afforestation & practical work

Activities with respect to Promotion of cottage and village industry for economic
livelihood education improvement.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Upliftment of rural people

Name Society for Rural Environment Conservation

Contact Person The President
Address 73, A Parigam Chack, P.O. Yaripora, Anantnag- 192 232,
J&K, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, Organizing seminars for youth,

environment education environment education programmes for school children,
tree plantation in waste lands & along road sides.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishing literature on environment

Name Womens Association for Development

Contact Person The President
Address Parigam, Yaripora Kulgam, Anantnag- 192 232, J&K,

Area of focus Environment Education amongst Women

Activities with respect to Science awareness activities amongst women.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Womens participation in environment activities

environment education To promote sustainable development, environment
education of women for encouraging use of non-
conventional energy & tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wild Fund for Nature -India

Contact Person Centre for Environment Education & Training (CEET)
Address Dr. C.M. Seth, Hony. Director
Jammu University, Jammu Tawi- 180 006, J&K, India

Tel. No. 0191-439393

Fax 0191-457335

Area of focus Environment education, research & training

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness

environment education Research on Himalayan environment & Hungul,
wetlands, joint forest management, sustainable
development, nature clubs, EIA, monitoring & evaluation
of projects, watershed development

Activities with respect to Capacity building, income generation activities in rural

livelihood education areas.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publication of literature on medicinal plants, biodiversity,

wetland management

Government Organizations

Name Govt. Gandhi Memorial Science College

Contact Person Mr. H.K. Kapoor
Address Jammu, J&K, India

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops & seminars for students & teachers
Science & Technology for science popularization.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education

Contact Person Mr. Bashir Ahmad Dar, Director (Academic)
Address Rehari Colony, Jammu Tawi- 180005, J&K, India

Area of focus Environment & Science Education in schools

Activities with respect to Science education activities in schools, Curriculum

Science & Technology development

Activities with respect to Environment education activities in schools, promotion of

environment education non-formal education.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR)

Contact Person Dr. G.N. Qazi, Director
Address Canal Road, Jammu Tawi 180 001, J&K, India

Tel. No. 0191-546368, 578923 (O) 543134, 544437

Fax 0191-548607, 543829, 546383

Email website http/

Area of focus Industrial development of north western region of the

country, optimal utilization of natural resources, explore &
expire untapped resources of the region, consultancy,
testing & equipment

Activities with respect to Post graduate programme in biotechnology, training to
Science & Technology Indian as well as foreign students / researchers

Activities with respect to Training in the use of biofertilizers & biocontrol agents,
environment education Biodiversity conservation in the form of training
programmes on the cultivation of medicinal & aromatic
plants with an aim to save their natural population, etc.

Activities with respect to Societal programmes for the upliftment of rural masses,
livelihood education training on Quail production technology, Angora rabbit
farming, cultivation of mushrooms, etc.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any RRL Annual report and RRL newsletter

Other activities Development of green technologies using fermentation

process, production of bio-inoculants

Name State Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Dr. M. Farooque Hakak, Additional Director S&T

Address Department of Science & Technology
Panjtirthi, Opp Radio Station Jammu 180 001,Jammu &
Kashmir, India

Tel.No. 0191-479629
Fax 0191-452269
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T in rural areas

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Agrarian Assistance Association (AAA) 251

2. Auranga Gramin Vikas Samiti 251
3. Badlao Foundation 252
4. Bahu-Udheshya Kalyan Parishad ,Singhbhum (E) 252
5. Bahu-Udheshya Kalyan Parishad- Singhbhum(West) 252
6. Central Social Welfare Institute 253
7. Chetna Vikas 253
8. Consortium of Human Enlargement and Technology 254
Nature Association (CHETNA)
9. Creative International 254
10. Gram Sabha Sewa Sansthan 255
11. Gram Vikas Kendra, Jamshedpur (GVKJ) 255
12. Gram Vikas Seva Manda 256
13. Gramin Vikas Parishad 256
14. Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage 257
(INTACH) Human Ecology Cell
15. Jan Utthan Samiti 257
16. Jan Vikas Kendra 257
17. Lok Seva Ashram 258
18. Nature Conservation Society 258
19. Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra 259
20. Parivartan 259
21. Ranchi Zila Nagrik Kalyan Samity 260
22. Rohini Science Club 260
23. Samaj Seva Samity 260
24. Santal Paharia Seva Mandal 261
25. Santhal Pargana Antyodaya Ashram (SPAA) 261
26. Santhal Pargana Gramodyog Samiti 262
27. Sarbahara Sangha 262
28. Sarvodaya Seva Sangh 263
29. Shramajivi Unnayan 263
30. Shramik Vidyapeeth (SVP) 264
31. Society for Environment and Social Awareness 264
32. Society for Hill Resource Management School 265
33. Society for Socio-eonomic Emancipation and Village 265
34. Sunrise 265
35. Tata Steel Rural Development Society (TSRDS) 266
36. Vivek Vidyalaya Nature Club 266
37. World Wide Fund for Nature-India 267
38. Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) 267

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Jharkhand State Council for Science and Technology 268

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Agrarian Assistance Association (AAA)

Contact Person Satyendra Kumar Singh, Secretary
Address Near Forest Range Office, Banderjori Chowk, Dumka
District-814 101, Jharkhand, India
Tel. No. 06424-22147
Fax 06424-22147

Area of Focus Environment education, rural development & nature


Activities with respect to Science education & training especially for water
Science & Technology management, sustainable agriculture and forest
Education protection.

Activities with respect to Promoting eco-friendly and gender friendly sustainable

environment education agriculture & natural resource protection campaign for
promotion of watershed management & traditional
seeds, forest protection, eco-development. Awarded
Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshmitra Award (IPVM) 1994
by MoEF-GOI.

Activities with respect to Capacity building of Gram Sabha, promotion &

livelihood education strengthen of tribal self governance and providing
technical assistance for rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publications, if any Many booklets on water, forest & land utilization.

Video film/CDs also edited on environment related

Any other Activity Campaign for food rights, forest rights, land rights,
education rights, women property rights, seed rights &
legal justice

Name Auranga Gramin Vikas Samiti

Contact Person Bhola Prasad, Secretary
Address At Tumbagara P.O. Manika,
Palamau District, Jharkhand- 822 12, India

Area of Focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, afforestation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other Activity Rural development related Activities.

Name Badlao Foundation

Contact Person Bajrang Singh, Secretary
Address Mihijam, Dumka District, Jharkhand - 815 354, India
Tel. No. 06433-28592, 28411
Fax 0341-525859

Area of Focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, afforestation &

environment education agriculture

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Rural development Activities

Name Bahu-Udheshya Kalyan Parishad ,Singhbhum (E)

Contact Person Bindu Jha, Secretary
Address Sunder Nagar, East Singhbhum District,
Jharkhand, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology & rural


Activities with respect to Popularization of science & technology , promoting use

Science & Technology of renewable energy sources.

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, afforestation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Rural Development

Name Bahu-Udheshya Kalyan Parishad- Singhbhum

Contact Person Anita Pusha Minz, General Secretary

Address At/P.O. Manoharpur, West Singhbhum District,
Jharkhand, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology & rural


Activities with respect to Popularization of science & technology, promoting use

Science & Technology of renewable energy sources.

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, afforestation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Rural development

Name Central Social Welfare Institute

Contact Person Rajendra Prasad Singh, Managing Director
Address Shastrinagar, Gumla District,
Jharkhand- 835 207, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology & rural


Activities with respect to Promoting use of renewable energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, afforestation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Chetna Vikas

Contact Person Shri Kumar Ranjan, Secretary
Address Dukhi Sah Road, Jhonsagarhi,
Deogarh Block, Jharkhand-814 112, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Rural Development.

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for water management, soil

Science & Technology conservation, encouraging use of non-conventional
Education energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, afforestation,
environment education Promotion of technologies for pollution control in rural

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development Activities

Name Consortium of Human Enlargement and

Technology Nature Association (CHETNA)
Contact Person Arjun Bhai, General Secretary
Address Kajaria Colony, P.O. Jasidh-814142, Deoghar District,
Jharkhand, India.

Environment education & awareness, social equity,

Area of Focus wasteland development, natural resource

Promoting non-conventional energy sources, biogas,

Activities with respect to sulabh sauchalayas, smokeless chulahs & providing
Science & Technology training for waste, land & water management
Organizing seminars/competitions for providing
Activities with respect to environment education, promoting soil & moisture
environment education conservation, dry land farming, plantation & nursery
raising, waste land development, ecological farming

Providing trainings for land & water management,

Activities with respect to construction of water harvesting structure, farm pond,
livelihood education fish farming, horticulture, land leveling & bunding. Also
providing trainings for paddy processing, vegetable
cultivation, leaf plate making, animal husbandry,
piggery & poultry cultivation, providing consultancy for
skill upgradation

Whether GO / NGO 1987
date of registration if (FCRA No. 031220035 dt. 16.5.1994)
Providing services to NGOs in field of their networking
Any other activities

Name Creative International

Contact Person Sanjay Kumar, Executive Director
Address H.N. B/135, Harmu Housing Colony,
P.O. Hinoo, Ranchi, Jharkhaand-834002, India
Tel. No. 0651-307792, 206523

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Watershed management, soil conservation, solid

Science & Technology waste management science popularization, promoting
Education use of non-conventional energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, agro-forestry

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Sabha Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person Dinesh Prasad Mandal, Secretary
Address Kaladumaria, Via Ghormara, Dumka District,
Jharkhand-814 112, India

Area of Focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Activities with respect to Socio-economic upliftment of people through skill

livelihood education development in rural areas.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gram Vikas Kendra, Jamshedpur (GVKJ)

Contact Person Pankaj Khullar, Jt. Secretary
Address K3/57, Hans Stoehr Road, Telco Colony,
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831 004
Tel. No. 0657-488511, 488611
Fax 0657-88469

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology , rural


Activities with respect to Sanitation and promoting use of non-conventional

Science & Technology energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, forest protection

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Gram Vikas Seva Mandal

Contact Person Sidheshwar Singh, Secretary
Address Bhumihar Mohalla, Giridih, Jharkhand, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology & rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper, promoting use of non-

Science & Technology conventional energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation

environment education & biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Gramin Vikas Parishad

Contact Person J.B. Ram, Secretary
Address Castairs Town, Deoghar Block,
Deoghar District, Jharkhand-814 112, India
Tel. No. 06432-22489

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology , rural


Activities with respect to Encouraging Soil conservation works, use of

Science & Technology renewable sources of energy & promotion of scientific
Education temper in rural areas.

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, forest protection

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
(INTACH) Human Ecology Cell
Contact Person Bulu Imam, Regional Convenor
Address The Grove, P.O. Hazaribagh,
Jharkhand-825 301, India
Tel. No. 06546-24228

Area of Focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, environment

environment education management in coal mining activities

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Jan Utthan Samiti

Contact Person S.S.Singh, Secretary
Address Verma House (Behind Holy Cross School)
Peace Road, Lalpur, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834 001,

Area of Focus Environment education , rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Consultancy in rural development

Name Jan Vikas Kendra

Contact Person A.K.Singh, Secretary
Address 22/2, University Colony, Bariatu,
Ranchi, Jharkhand-834 009, India
Tel. No. 0651-315777

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Promoting use of non-conventional energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation of

environment education trees

environment education trees

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lok Seva Ashram

Contact Person Pankaj Kumar, Secretary
Address At Vishnupur, Via Shambhuganj,
Banka District, Jharkhand , India

Area of Focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness , tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nature Conservation Society

Contact Person Dr. D.S. Srivastava, Secretary
Address I.T.O. Road, Redma, Daltonganj, Palamau Jharkhand-
822101, India
Tel. No. 06562-22722

Area of Focus Science (Environment Education), biodiversity

conservation & promotion of rural technologies

Activities with respect to Organization of shows on science behind miracles in

Science & Technology schools, promotion of rural technologies in
Education conservation of water and soil, exhibitions on
electronics, renewable resources of energy

Activities with respect to Formation of nature clubs in schools and colleges,

environment education organizing competitions on EE, rallies on World Earth
Day and environment day, survey of birds, plants and

Activities with respect to Promotion of heat reflector chullahs, promotion of

livelihood education breed improvement, lac & silk cultivation, candle
making and medicinal plant nursery

Whether GO / NGO NGO, 1979

date of registration if

Name Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra
Contact Person P.N. Sharma, Secretary
Address At Bahera, P.O.Brindavan, Via Chouparan,
Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand-825 406, India
Tel. No. 06546-63332 (o), 23143
Fax 06546-63332 (o), 24228 (P&T)

Area of Focus Resource management & development, income

generation, vermi-composting, social action
programmes, integrated tribal development

Activities with respect to Development of Technology management packages

Science & Technology for Vermicomposting & pond improvement

Activities with respect to Promoting organic fertilizers to stop pollution of

environment education environment

Activities with respect to Promotion of Self-help groups, carpet weaving

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1974

Publications, if any Quarterly newsletter

Name Parivartan
Contact Person Pinki Vishwakarma, Secretary
Address Main Road, Lohardagga, Jharkhand, India

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology, rural


Activities with respect to Promoting use of non-conventional energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & Awareness, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Ranchi Zila Nagrik Kalyan Samity
Contact Person Ranjit Kumar Roy, Organizing Secretary
Address Tara Villa, Jai Prakash Path, Shukla Colony, Hinoo,
Ranchi District, Jharkhand-834 002, India
Tel. No. 0651-408061, 408841

Area of Focus Environment education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Wasteland development and promoting use of non-

Science & Technology conventional energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education & Training, Biodiversity

environment education conservation & tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rohini Science Club

Contact Person G.V.S. Sastry
Address Kokar Bank Colony, Ranchi District,
Jharkhand-834 001, India

Area of Focus Environment education, research, popularization of


Activities with respect to Research work on scientific subjects, promotion of

Science & Technology Science & Technology literacy in students

Activities with respect to Environment education & training

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samaj Seva Samity

Contact Person Sudhir Chandra Jha, Secretary
Address Village Purni, Bagiari, Via Kasmar,
P.O. Tangtona, Bokaro, Jharkhand-829 115, India

Area of Focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Promoting solar energy & eco-farming

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, tree plantation
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Santal Paharia Seva Mandal

Contact Person Govind Dalmia
Address Caster Town, Deoghar Block, Baidyanath, Jharkhand-
814 112, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology and Livelihood


Activities with respect to Water use & management

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness , social forestry

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Agriculture, Horticulture

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Tribal welfare

Name Santhal Pargana Antyodaya Ashram (SPAA)

Contact Person A.K. Mishra, Executive Director
Address Purandaha, Deoghar Block, Jharkhand-814 112, India
Tel. No. 24797

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies for soil

Science & Technology cons ervation, water management

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, Ecology

environment education preservation

Activities with respect to Training to tribals for self employment

livelihood education

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development

Name Santhal Pargana Gramodyog Samiti

Contact Person Ambika Pandey, Secretary
Address P.O. Baidynath, Deoghar, Jharkhand-814 112, India
Tel. No. 06432-22225

Area of Focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment educ ation & awareness and tree
environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Integrated rural development

Name Sarbahara Sangha

Contact Person Amiyo Choudhary, Secretary
Address P.O. Ichadih, Singhbhum District,
Jharkhand-832 403, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology education, Rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for water management.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarvodaya Seva Sangh
Contact Person Chandrama Singh, Secretary
Address P.O. Chandan, Village, Pardih,Via Jasidih, Deoghar
District, Jharkhand-814 131, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education, social


Activities with respect to Popularization of technologies for wasteland

Science & Technology development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Social development activities

Name Shramajivi Unnayan

Contact Person Pranab Chaudhary, Secretary
Address P.O. Gobarghusi, Via Patamda East, Singhbhum,
Jharkhand-832 105, India
Tel. No. 0657-434630
Fax 433941, 434630

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education, Rural


Activities with respect to Encouraging use of renewable energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & training , land & water
environment education management, research on bio-pesticides.

Activities with respect to Promotion of Horticulture, agroforestry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Shramik Vidyapeeth (SVP)
Contact Person Prof. N.P. Singh, Director
Address A-II/153, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834 004, India
0651-408965, 408907
Tel. No. 408907

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Socio-economic upliftment of people by Science &

Science & Technology Technology education, use of renewable sources of
Education energy, S& T literacy.

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation,

environment education wildlife protection & management, social forestry

Activities with respect to Training for industrial workers

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Environment and Social Awareness

Contact Person Kaushik Malik, General Secretary
Address Church Road, P.O. Daltonganj, Jharkhand-822101,
Tel. No. 0652-22968

Area of Focus Environment awareness & education

Activities with respect to Research on land & water management, analysis of

Science & Technology soil & water in own laboratory, information
Education dissemination

Activities with respect to Awareness and education to the villagers & youths for
environment education environmental conservation, pollution control,
biodiversity conservation, land & water management

Activities with respect to Entrepreneurship development training programmes

livelihood education for women sector

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Publications, if any WILD a quiz book on nature

Any other activities Analysis of soil & water in own laboratory and research
on social & environmental issues

Name Society for Hill Resource Management

Contact Person School
Prof. S.P. Sinha, Member Secretary cum Executive
Address Director
Abadganj-Near Railway Crossing, Daltonganj,
Palamau, Jharkhand-822 101, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Awareness for scientific management of Hill resources,

Science & Technology S & T literacy.

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness. Hill resource,

environment education wasteland development, soil & water conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Socio-eonomic Emancipation and

Village Autonomy
Contact Person Rakesh Goyal, President
Address Village & P.O. Manika, Palamau District, Jharkhand-
822 126, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for water management &

Science & Technology encouraging use of renewable energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, sustainable

environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sunrise
Contact Person G. Kumari, Secretary
Address At/P.O. Chandwa, Palamau District, Jharkhand, India

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology education for

rural development

rural development

Activities with respect to Prom oting scientific temper and use of alternative
Science & Technology sources of energy

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Tata Steel Rural Development Society (TSRDS)

Contact Person Viraf Meher Mehta, Hony. Secretary
Address E Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand-831 001
Tel. No. 0657-425999, 430306
Fax 0657-432174

Area of Focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, wasteland

environment education development, social forestry, forest protection,
organizing jungle bachao samitis to protect the forests
of Chhotanagpur region.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other Activity Promotion of Rural development activities

Name Vivek Vidyalaya Nature Club

Contact Person D.S. Pandey, Principal
Address Chhotagovindpur, Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand-832 015,India

Area of Focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness in children.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wide Fund for Nature -India
Contact Person Hony. Secretary
Address Bihar State Office, M-38, Shyamali,
Ranchi, Jharkhand-834 002
Tel. No. 0651-506741
Fax 0651-500424

Area of Focus Environment, Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of non-conventional energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Biodiversity conservation, research, sustainable

environment education development, Environment education and awareness,
plantation, nature conservation, training & workshops
on environmental issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS)

Contact Person Dr. Christopher Lakra, sj, Director
Address Post Box 7, Purulia Road,
Ranchi District, Jharkhand-834 001
Tel. No. 200873
Fax 0651-315381

Area of Focus Environment education & Science & Technology

Education for rural development

Activities with respect to Water & land management, and promoting use of
Science & Technology solar energy

Activities with respect to Environment education, promotion of community

environment education forestry, forest protection

Activities with respect to Technical training for self employment.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Jharkhand State Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Mr. J.B. Tubid, Director
Address Nepal House,Doranda, Ranchi, India
Tel.No. 0651-252670
Fax 0651-252670

Area of focus Science communication, Popularization of Science,

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst masses

Science & Technology and students, workshops, seminars & trainings on new
Education technologies, creation of scientific temper.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Action Society for Integral Development (ASID) 271

2. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & The 271
Environment (ATREE)
3. Asian Institute for Rural Development ( AIRD ) 271
4. Association for Community & Rural Development for 272
Social Action & Transformation ( ACRESAT)
5. Brotherhood Rural Economic Associate & 272
Development (BREAD)
6. Centre for Action Research & Technology for Man, 273
Animal & Nature (CARTMAN)
7. Centre for Peace and Development 273
8. Dharwad Environmental Association ( DEA ) 274
9. East-West Education Trust 274
10. Education Manufacturer Association ( EDMA ) 274
11. Environment Support Group 275
12. G G Soans Memorial Farmers & Rural Afforestation 275
Training Centre
13. Gandhi Welfare Society 276
14. Grama Vikas 276
15. Harekala Landless Poor & Marginal Farmers 277
Development Society
16. Indian Rural Reconstruction Movement (IRRM) 277
17. Indian Society of Soil Biology & Ecology 277
18. Institute for Social & Economic Change (ISEC) 278
19. Institute Of Education, S & T For People 278
20. Karnataka Association for Advancement of Science 278
21. Karnataka Rajya Vignana Parishat (KRVP) 279
22. Life Environment Awareness Foundation ( LEAF ) 279
23. Merlin Nature Club 280
24. MIS Vidyavardhak Samsthe's 280
25. Mysore Grahakara Parishat ( MGP ) 280
26. Nature Admire 281
27. Nilgiri Wildlife and Environment Association 281
28. Parisara Sanmrakshana Kendra (PSK) 282
29. Peoples Society for Social Action 282
30. Rural Community Science Centre Trust 282
31. Rural Organization for Social Education (ROSE) 283
32. Sahyadri Parisara Vardhini 283
33. Samaj Parivartana Samudayagg 284
34. Samvaad 284
35. Social Education and Development Society of 284
Anantapur District in India

36. Vishvaneedam International Sarvodaya Centre 285
37. Wildlife Association of South India (WASI) 285
38. Wildlife Aware Nature Club (WANC) 285

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Centre for Ecological Sciences 287

2. Centre For Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute Of 287
3. State Council for Science and Technology 287

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Action Society for Integral Development (ASID)

Contact Person Mr. Zubair Ahmed Khan
Address Kumbarpet, Bagepalli 561207, Karnataka, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Creating awareness about the environment, educating

environment education people about health and sanitation, tree planting.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & The

Environment (ATREE)
Contact Person Director
Address No. 659, 5th A-Main, Hebbal, Bangalore 560024,
Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080-3533942
Fax 080-3530070
E mail

Area of focus Environment Education, biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of sustainable development, biodiversity

environment education conservation, protection of environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets, pamphlets, newsletters & research papers on

environment & biodiversity conservation

Name Asian Institute for Rural Development ( AIRD )

Contact Person M. V. Rajasekharan, Chairman
Address 7/1, Ratnavilasa Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore
560004, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080- 6574091, 6572662
Fax 080-6572662
E mail

Area of focus Integrated rural development & science/environment


Activities with respect to Science education & evolving appropriate technology for
Science & Technology rural people, scientific evaluation of plans, programmes
Education and project undertaken by Govt. and Non-govt. agencies
to undertake scientific research

Activities with respect to Environment awareness to rural people

environment education

Activities with respect to Trainings in Human Resource Development, tropical

livelihood education Sericulture, silk cocoon reeling technology, agrarian
reforms and rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1976

Publications, if any Monthly newsletter AIRD NEWS and several other


Any other activities Promotes south-south & north-south cooperation in the

field of sustainable development

Name Association for Community & Rural Development for

Social Action & Transformation ( ACRESAT)
Contact Person S. M. Nagaraja Bharathi, Project Director
Address Sujjalur Malavali Taluk, Mandya 571 424, Karnataka,

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Conducting training programmes and workshops on

environment education ecological preservation, promoting environment

Activities with respect to Providing trainings for running cottage industries.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Brotherhood Rural Economic Associate &

Development (BREAD)
Contact Person Mr. Basu B. Suryawanshi, General Secretary
Address PO Kamalnagar, Aurad Taluk, Bidar- 585417, Karnataka,

Area of focus Environment & livelihood & awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting Science & Technology education
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conducting eco-development programmes.

environment education

Activities with respect to Encouraging vocational studies for better livelihood

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Action Research & Technology for Man,

Animal & Nature (CARTMAN)
Contact Person Prof. N. S. Ramaswamy, Director
Address 870, 17E Main Road, Koramangala, VI Block, Bangalore-
560095, Karnataka , India
Tel.No. 080-5530121, 5530304
Fax 080-5533214

Area of focus Science & technology education

Activities with respect to Introducing appropriate technology in non-organized

Science & Technology sectors,

Activities with respect to Organizing camps for environment education

environment education conservation of ecology and environment.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Peace and Development

Contact Person Mr. M.G.S. Ramu, Director
Address 12/1, B.T. Road, A Cross, Chamarajapet, Bangalore
Karnataka 560018, India
Tel.No. 080-6616448

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation, campaigns against

environment education commercial monoculture forestry and promotion of
environment conservation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Dharwad Environmental Association ( DEA )
Contact Person Dr. V. K. Deshpande, Secretary
Address Hembli Galli, Hosyellapur, Dharwad 580001,
Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 0836 43820

Area of focus Environment awareness & conservation

Activities with respect to Encouraging environment conservation, creating,

environment education awareness about environmental protection, arranging
seminar for school and college teachers on various
aspects of environmental biology.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name East-West Education Trust

Contact Person Sophia TenBreock
Address 1 B P Wadia Road, Bangalore 560004, Karnataka,
Tel.No. 91-80-6672498
E mail

Area of focus Environment

Activities with respect to The NGO maintain a school which covers, besides
environment education formal education, concentrating on ecology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Culture, peace (non-violence) an character development

Name Education Manufacturer Association ( EDMA )

Contact Person Mr. N. S. Nagiah, Hony. Secretary
Address 138, Gangadhara Chetty Road, Bangalore, Karnataka
560042, India
Tel.No. 080 571291

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conducting workshops and seminars on various subjects

Science & Technology related to science & technology

Activities with respect to Conducting workshops and seminars on environmental
environment education education and conservation ecology, bird watching and
various subjects related to environment.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environment Support Group

Contact Person Bhargavi S. Rao
Address S-3, Rajashree Apartments, 18/57, Ist Main Road, SRK
Garden, Jaya Nagar, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-
560041, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080-6341977 / 6531339
Fax 080-6918051
E mail

Area of focus Environment, Human Rights and Civil Liberties

Activities with respect to The society works with local communities and Govt.
environment education Agencies on issues related to environment and social
justice in India. It sensitizes and educates local
communities and civil society groups to resist socially
and environmentally destructive development for which it
provides support functions like research, documentation,
training, advocacy and legal support. This has had major
regional and national impacts in the areas of power
sector, mining, environmental decision-making,
decentralization, infrastructure etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1996

Any other activities Focusing on issues of law & policy relating to

environment & conservation
Campaign against unethical vaccination, documentary on
Fly ash over India

Name G G Soans Memorial Farmers & Rural Afforestation

Training Centre
Contact Person Mr. Vijyan Soans, Secretary
Address Sira Gate, Tumkur 572106, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 0816 8748

Area of focus Environment education & training

Activities with respect to Environmental education and training for school children,
environment educ ation mobilizing youth, women and farmers for environmental

environment educ ation mobilizing youth, women and farmers for environmental

Activities with respect to Training labourers, farmers in tree planting

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gandhi Welfare Society

Contact Person V.N. Somashekara Reddy, Project Director
Address Main Road, Bageppalli town, Kolar District Karnataka
561207, India
Tel.No. 0815 782018, 782738
Fax 0815-782738

Area of focus Environment, agricultural and cultural issues

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education & holding

environment education environmental camps/seminars/workshops, cultural
programmes on environmental related issues
Agriculture, village foresting

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publications, if any Charts, posters, banners, journals on the above matters

Any other activities Health & family welfare issues, social welfare issues

Name Grama Vikas

Contact Person M.V.N. Rao, Executive Director
Address Honnsetthalli, Post Yalagondahalli, District Kolar
563127, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 0815-535243, 535260
Fax 0815-535243
E mail &

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education through seminars,

environment education camps, discussions group, soil conservation &
improvement, creating awareness about environment
protection, Improvement of health & nutrition level of
children, organizing children clubs, educating girl
students on health & environment, promotion of peoples
participation in Tank Water Restoration & Maintenance

participation in Tank Water Restoration & Maintenance

Activities with respect to Promotion of income generation activities for women

livelihood education through community forestry & dairy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1979

Name Harekala Landless Poor & Marginal Farmers

Development Society (HLP & MFD SOCIETY)
Contact Person Mr. K.P. Manai, General Secretary
Address Kisan Nagar, PO Harekala, Mangalore Taluk, Dakshin
Kannada 574181, Karnataka , India
Tel.No. 0824- 742393

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Training school children on environmental issues.

environment education

Activities with respect to Training unemployed youth in horticulture and social

livelihood education forestry and waste land development, creating
employment opportunities through vocational trainings

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Rural Reconstruction Movement (IRRM)

Contact Person Mr. G. N. Reddi, President
Address 506, 9th Main 4th Cross, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar
560008, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080 542227

Area of focus Environment

Activities with respect to Education & awareness on environmental issues

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Society of Soil Biology & Ecology

Contact Person Mr. G. K. Veeresh, Senior Professor & Head
Address Dept. of Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences,
Bangalore- 560065, Karnataka, India

Tel.No. 080-330153 ( Extn. 213 )
Fax 080-3330277

Area of focus Ecology

Activities with respect to Education on environment ecology and soil conservation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Social & Economic Change (ISEC)

Contact Person Dr. M. Govinda Rao, Director
Address PO Nagarbhavi, Bangalore 560072, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080-3215468, 3215519, 3215592

Area of focus Environment education and sustainable development

Activities with respect to Awareness on environment, ecology and biodiversity

environment education conservation issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute Of Education, S & T For People

Contact Person Prof. M.I. Savapatti
Address Shri Mrityunjaya College Campus,
Opposite Durgadevi Temple, Dharwad
Karnataka 580 00, India
Tel.No. 0836-749832

Area of focus Science & Technology literacy

Activities with respect to Science & society programmes, Workshops,

Science & Technology seminars and science education , Programmes
Education for schools, Camps and lectures on scientific
issues for masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Karnataka Association for Advancement of Science

Contact Person Dr. T. Ananda Rao, Scientist-in-charge
Address Central College, Bangalore 560001, Karnataka, India

Tel.No. 080-2217658 (o) 6602079
E mail

Area of focus EIA & EMP of hydropowers and mining

Activities with respect to Consultancy for hydropower and mining

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Public participation in EIA, biodiversity conservation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1981

Publications, if any Books on coastal ecosystems, flower gardening, birds

and several other publications

Name Karnataka Rajya Vignana Parishat (KRVP)

Contact Person Ms Sreemathi Hariprasad, Hony. Secretary
Address Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore 560012,
Karnataka ,India
Tel.No. 080 3340509, 3460363
Fax 3348840

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting scientific temper amongst youth and

Science & Technology organizing science fairs in schools, popular lectures,
Education development of educational material

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, seminars on environment related

environment education issues, tree plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Life Environment Awareness Foundation ( LEAF )

Contact Person Mr. K. R. Anand, Hony. Secretary
Address 26-27, 9 th Main Raj Mahal Vilas, Bangalore 560080,
Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080 343323

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, public hearings for making people
environment education aware of environmental hazards and conservation of
natural resources

natural resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Merlin Nature Club

Contact Person Mr. J. N. Prasad, Nature Club Advisor
Address 13, 8th Cross, 30th Main Sarakki, ITI Layout, J.P. Nagar-I
Phase Bangalore 560078, Karnataka, India 080
Tel.No. 6644682, 6653350
Fax 6634591, 3316836

Area of focus Environment education and biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Creating awareness amongst general public about

environment education biodiversity conservation, afforestation and providing
environmental education to children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name M.I.S. Vidyavardhak Samsthe's

Contact Person Prof. M.I. Savadatti
Address Insti. Of Education S&T For People, Sri
Mrityunjaya College Campus, Dharwad,
Karnataka 580008, India
Tel.No. 0836-747244

Area of focus Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Students projects for Science & Technology

Science & Technology Education explaining scinetific concepts and
Education new technologies.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mysore Grahakara Parishat ( MGP )

Contact Person Dr. S.A. Prasad, President
Address 6/1, Vivekanand Road, Yadavagiri, Mysore 570020,
Karnataka India
Tel.No. 0821 515150

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops/campaigns/tours for generating
environment education interest in environment

Activities with respect to Providing trainings to women on stitching and

livelihood education aquaculture

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nature Admire

Contact Person S. Dev Balaji
Address # 107, 8 th Cross, 6th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore
560003, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080-3318818, 3469274 & 3340064
E mail website

Area of focus Producing electricity by renewable resources like, water,

solar & biogas.

Activities with respect to Waste water management through rain water harvesting,
Environment Education paper recycling, anti-plastic campaign, adventure sports.
Organizing workshops for bio-waste management, paper
recycling, pollution, anti-plastic & tree plantation, Biogas,
solar energy, rainwater harvesting. Promoting western
ghats as major eco-tourism centre

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 2000

Name Nilgiri Wildlife and Environment Association

Contact Person Honorary Scretary, C/o District Forest Office
Address Nilgiris North Division, Mount Stewart Hill
Otacamand, Nilgiri District 643001, Karnataka, India

Area of focus Environment education and Wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, workshops, competitions, etc. for

environment education school children to make them aware about the
environment and conservation of wildlife especially Nilgiri

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Parisara Sanmrakshana Kendra (PSK),
Contact Person Pandurang Hegde, Organiser Hulemalgi Bros,
Address Chowkimath Sirsi 581 401 (Karnataka), India
Tel.No. 91 8384 25139
Fax 91 8384 25131

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Energy, Agriculture and

Related Issues, Protected Areas

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness, Monitoring and

environment education Assessment, Capacity Building, Workshops,
Seminars/Symposia/Conferences, Nature Camps,
Development of Educational Material, Use of Media
Cultural Programmes like drama, street play etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Society for Social Action

Contact Person Maheswar. B
Address 71/2, 31 st Cross, Corporation Layout, 4th T-Block
Tel.No. Bangalore-560011, Karnataka, India
Fax 91-80-6553017
E mail

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to These include Environment awareness, Conservation of

environment education resources, Pollution Control,

Activities with respect to Training to social animators, Supporting smaller groups.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Community Science Centre Trust

Contact Person K.Venkatesh, General Secretary
Address Post-Varadamoola, Sagar Tq, Shimoga Dt., Karnataka-
Tel.No. 08183-65772, 27108
E mail

Area of focus Science & Technology and environment education for

rural people, vocational training

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper through information

Science & Technology dissemination, promotion of appropriate rural

Science & Technology dissemination, promotion of appropriate rural
Education technologies, celebration of National Science Day,
popularisation of science & technology for children,
teachers & rural people

Activities with respect to Celebration of World Environment Day, seminars/

environment education workshops on EE for rural people, promotion of biogas
and natural farming

Activities with respect to Training on computer for women, children and rural
livelihood education people, puppet making, tailoring

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1988

Other activities Distribution of free medicines, celebration of Consumer,

Health & Literacy Day

Name Rural Organization for Social Education (ROSE)

Contact Person Mr. R.Glory Doss, General Secretary
Address 94, Eurosion Block, PO Marikuppam, Kolar Gold Fields, -
563119,Karnataka, India

Area of focus Livelihood education and social issues

Activities with respect to Providing vocational trainings to women on nursery

livelihood education raising and aquaculture

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Other activities Solving social issues and upliftment of rural community

Name Sahyadri Parisara Vardhini

Contact Person Mr. R. S. Hegde, Secretary
Address Yadahalli, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada 581340,Karnataka
Tel.No. 08384- 76194

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education through workshops,

environment education meetings and jathas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samaj Parivartana Samudaya
Contact Person Sh. S. R. Hiremath, Coordinator
Address Ashadeep Jayanagar Cross, Saptapur, Dharwad
580001,Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 0836 41470

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, workshops on environment related

environment education issues and creating awareness amongst general public

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samvaad
Contact Person Ms Lucy Kumar, Coordinator
Address 3/21, Cross Annipura Sudham Nagar, Bangalore
560029, Karnataka India
Tel.No. 080 2234475

Area of focus Environment awareness, afforestation and biodiversity


Activities with respect to Promoting environmental understanding, afforestation on

environment education wasteland and preservation of biodiversity.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Social Education and Development Society of

Anantapur District in India
Contact Person Manil Jayasena Joshua
Address 79, 5th Street bank Avenue, H.R.B.R. layout
Bangalore-546043, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 91-80-5452108
Fax 91-80-5452050
E mail

Economic Development and Environment,

Area of focus
Health, Housing & Homelessness, Rural Issues, Energy
Activities with respect to Conservation
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Focused towards a greener tomorrow through education

of Environment of Children & Youth, Community,
environment education

environment education of Environment of Children & Youth, Community,
promotion of community participation

Activities with respect to Farming & Agriculture,

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Womens Issues.

Name Vishvaneedam International Sarvodaya Centre

( Vishvaneedam Foundation )
Contact Person Mr. S.A.R. Acharya, Director
Address 13th KM, Magadi Road, PO Vishvaneedam, Bangalore
560091, Karnataka India
Tel.No. 080 3351589,3359603

Area of focus Environment education, socio-forestry

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education, conserving

environment education environment and encouraging socio-foresrty.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Other activities To promote rural sanitation and provide water for all.

Name Wildlife Association of South India (WASI)

Contact Person Mr. E. A. Naidu, Chief Executive
Address 17/1, Victoria Road, Bangalore 560047, Karnataka
Tel.No. 0816-78129,75430

Area of focus Environm ent, ecology and wildlife conservation.

Activities with respect to Organizing regular camps and courses for the urban and
environment education rural youth in environment, ecology and wildlife

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1972

Name Wildlife Aware Nature Club (WANC)

Contact Person Mr. T. V.N. Murthy, Adviser

Address Nisarga Layout, Near Hotel Vaishali, Tumkur 572 102,
Karnataka India
Tel.No. 0816 73129
Fax 0816 75430

Area of focus Environmental education and wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Environmental camps, wildlife and bird census, soil
environment education conservation and afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Centre for Ecological Sciences

Contact Person Sh. Madhav Gadgil
Address Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012, India
Tel.No. 91-80-334 0985
Fax 91-80-331 5428

Area of focus Ecology and biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Ecology and biodiversity conservation, education and

environment education research

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Centre For Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute Of

Contact Person Director,
Address Bangalore , Karnataka 560 012 India
Tel.No. 91-80-3092506
Fax 91-80-3341683
E mail Web Site:

Area of focus Environment education, Behavioural ecology and


Activities with respect to To undertake basic and applied research in the area of
environment education primate behaviour, ecology and conservation;
collaborative projects and provide local support to
investigators from India and from abroad

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if

Name State Council for Science and Technology

Shri B S Rama Prasad, Joint Executive Secretary In-
Contact Person Charge
Address Indian Institute of Science Campus Bangalore 560
012, Karnataka, India
Tel.No. 080-3341652/3348848
Fax 080-3348840
E mail kscst@

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of rural

Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T in rural areas, children science

Science & Technology congress, workshops on scientific issues

Whether GO / NGO date GO

of registration if applicable.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Anakkara Vikasana Sangam 291

2. Association for Welfare Action in Kerala Environment 291
3. Cadre Environmental Studies & Action ( CESA ) 291
4. Centre For Industrial Safety & Environmental (CISEC) 292
5. Environmental Resources Research Centre (ERRC) 292
6. Friends of Periyar 292
7. Gramin Udyog Yojana 293
8. International Centre for Study and Development 293
9. Jana Kshema Sangham ( JAKS ) 293
10. Jawahar Balbhavan, Kollam 294
11. Kerala Gandhi Smarak Nidhi 294
12. Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP)-Cochin Unit 294
13. Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad- Thrissur Unit 295
14. Kottayam Social Service Society, 295
15. Minivet Nature Club ( Elenthikara) 296
16. National Association for Tribal Uplife, Research & 297
Education (Nature)
17. National Womens Welfare Centre 297
18. Nature Action Group 298
19. One Earth One Life 298
20. Quilon Environmental Group 298
21. Sacred Heart College 299
22. Sanketham 299
23. Social Action Movement of Idukki ( SAMI) 300
24. Society for Action with the Poor ( SAP ) 300
25. Society For Environmental Education In Kerala (SEEK) 300
26. Society for Integral Development Action (SIDA) 301
27. Swadeshi Science Movement 301
28. The Dale View 302
29. Vandanmedu Development Society ( VDS ) 303
30. Viswadarsanam Centre For Humanity & Nature 303
31. Women Initiative in Sustainable Development & Organic 303
Movement (WISDOM )
32. Zoological Club 304

Government Organizations

Organization Page

State Committee of Science, Technology & 305


Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Anakkara Vikasana Sangam

Contact Person Mr. K.M. Joseph, Secretary
Address PO Anakkara, Idukki 685512, Kerala , India

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and rural development

Activities with respect to Science popularization

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, soil conservation,

environment education water harvesting, wasteland development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Association for Welfare Action in Kerala Environment

Contact Person Paroor Sreedharan, Director of Project
Address Paroor, PO Thrikkariyoor, Ernakulam 686692, Kerala ,

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and community


Activities with respect to Promoting environment education, social forestry,

environment education smokeless chulahs, biogas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Cadre Environmental Studies & Action ( CESA )

Contact Person C. G. Stanlety, Treasurer
Address 2nd Floor, Utility Building, Narayangadi (Nehru Bazar),
Thrissur 680001, Kerala , India
Tel.No. 0487 29179

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and research

Activities with respect to Fostering environment education and awareness, study

environment education on waste disposal and ecological imbalance, plantation,
renewable energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Centre For Industrial Safety & Environmental ( CISEC)

Contact Person V.T. Padamanabhan, Director
Address Kottamukku, Kollam 691013, Kerala , India
Tel.No. 0474 72765
Fax 0474 - 740945

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, research and


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, research on

environment education nuclear pollution, natural resource management,
protection of ecological regions

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environmental Resources Research Centre (ERRC)

Contact Person The Director
Address P.B. 1230, Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram 695005,
Kerala, India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness and research

Activities with respect to Environment education, study and conservation of

environment education biodiversity, environment impact assessment afforestation
and documentation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Books and papers

Name Friends of Periyar

Contact Person Mr. Joseph J. Kapoor, President
Address Periyar Tiger Reserve, Thekkady PO, Idukki, Kerala
685535 , India
Tel.No. 04863 322169

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Prom oting environment education and organizing

environment education awareness campaigns

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets

Name Gramin Udyog Yojana

Contact Person Kurian Thomas, President
Address Vikas Works Compound, Near Petrol Pump, Erumely,
Kottayam, Kerala 686510 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, rural development

and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, afforestation

environment education

Activities with respect to Employment generation programme through village

livelihood education industries

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Centre for Study and Development

Contact Person K. C. Mathew, President
Address Valakom, PO Kollam, Kerala 691532 , India
Tel.No. 0474 472075, 472359
Fax 0474-472359

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, afforestation,

environment education renewable energy, conservation of biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jana Kshema Sangham ( JAKS )

Contact Person Rt. Rev Dr Lalwrence Mar Ephraem, President
Address Archbishoips House, PO Pattom, Thruvanathapuram,
Kerala 695004, India
Tel.No. 0471 - 77642

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, research and


Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, social forestry,

environment education survey on pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jawahar Balbhavan, Kollam

Contact Person M.Sivadas
Address Sastri Junction, Kollam, Kerala 792970 , India
Tel.No. 0474-744365

Area of focus Science & technology literacy

Activities with respect to Science education activities for children,

Science & Technology organizing competitions and quiz on scientific
Education issues, promotion of Science education in

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kerala Gandhi Smarak Nidhi

Contact Person The Chairman
Address Gandhi Bhawan, Post Box 419, P.O. Thycaud
Thiruvananthapuram District 696014, Kerala, India

Area of focus Rural development, health and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation, soil erosion,

environment education sustainable agriculture

Activities with respect to Training on preparation of smokeless chulhas.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP)-Cochin Unit

Contact Person Prof. M. K. Prasad, EC Member
Address Parishad Bhawan, Akg Road, Cochin 682 024 ,Kerala,

Tel.No. 91 484 532675
Fax 91 484 532675
E mail

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Energy,

Biodiversity, Environmental Legislation, Agriculture and
Related Issues, Protected Areas

Activities with respect to Popularization of science in villages through street plays,

Science & Technology jathas, yatras, camps, seminars

Activities with respect to Research, Planning and Management, Capacity Building,

environment education Workshops, Training Programmes,
Seminars/Symposia/Conferences, Nature Camps,
Exhibitions, Advocacy Programmes, Development of
Educational Material, Use of Media, Detailed study and
research on industrial pollution.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books/booklets

Name Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad- Thrissur Unit

Contact Person Sh. K. R. Janardhan, President
Address Parishat Bhawan, Guruvayeer Road,
Thrissur - 680 004, Kerala , India

Area of focus Science, environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Conducting seminars on science, popularizing science in

Science & Technology masses through publication, science marches, street
Education theatre, etc.

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education and organizing

environment education environmental awareness campaigns

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & booklets, newsletters

Any other activities Campaign for protection of Silent Valley in Kerala

Name Kottayam Social Service Society

Contact Person F.R. Michael Vettickat, Secretary

Address Kottayam Social Service Society, Chaithanya, Thellakom,
PO Kottayam, Kerala- 686016, India
Tel.No. 0481-790947, 790948, 790949, 790951
Fax 0481-790263
E mail ,

Area of focus Women Empowerment

Activities with respect to Promotion of alternative energy technologies, application

Science & Technology of Ferro cement technology.

Activities with respect to Community health programme, Promotion of farmers

environment education club, Watershed management programme, Promotion of
eco-farming, Promotion of Kitchen gardening and herbal
medicine, Promotion of biogas plants, Biodiversity
conservation, Watershed based area development,
natural resource management, Collection and
dissemination of indigenous knowledge, Promotion of
Seed banks and Agricultural promotion practices.

Activities with respect to Conducting trainings on job oriented courses, awareness

livelihood education on income generations programmes and promotion of
community entrepreneurship and women
entrepreneurship, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1964

Publications, if any Publish a monthly newsletter called Sangha Chaithanya

having informative articles.

Any other activities Forming Volunteers Forum, organizes regular beneficiary

programmes, adopt a Granny programme, conducting
Quick relief service and disaster management
programme. Peoples Organisation, Community based
rehabilitation programme for mentally and physically
handicapped people

Name Minivet Nature Club ( Elenthikara)

Contact Person Mr. V. N. Sarasan, Secretary
Address Elenthikara, Ernakulam, Kerala 683512 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness through study

environment education tours, films, exhibitions and workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name National Association for Tribal Uplife, Research &

Education (Nature)
Contact Person Mr. Rajagopal, Director
Address Mully, PO Athikadavu, Via Coimbatore, Attapady, Kerala
641102 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, tribal


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, soil water

environment education conservation and afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal studies

Name National Womens Welfare Centre

Contact Person Ms. S. Lily Genet, Secretary
Address Vanitha Bhawan, Ariyancode, Ottasekharamangalam,
Kerala 695125 , India
Tel.No. 0471-255209
Fax 0471-255202

Area of focus Women & children health, trainings in the field of

environment & eco-development

Activities with respect to Organizing conferences & exhibitions on science &

Science & Technology technology related issues, health

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, exhibitions &

environment education conferences, afforestation, conservation of biodiversity
and smokeless chulahs.

Activities with respect to Promoting smokeless chulhas, training women for self
livelihood education employment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1985

Publications, if any 53 Leaflets on environment

Name Nature Action Group
Contact Person Mr. Shajan Thomas, Secretary
Address PO Kunnackal, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala
682316 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, biogas plantation,

environment education protection of wildlife

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name One Earth One Life

Contact Person Mr. K. V. Sivaprasad, President
Address Swasraya Mozzammal PO, Kannur, Kerala 670331 ,
E mail
Area of focus Environment education and awareness, research and

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, study of

environment education threatened eco system, biogas, solar energy, organic

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Quilon Environmental Group

Contact Person Secretary
Address Jasmin nivas, Ambalatumbagon PO, Poruvazhy
Kollam 690 520 ,Kerala, India

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity,

Environmental Legislation

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness, Policy

environment education Development, Conducting awareness programmes on
environmental issues for local communities, Working for
wetland and biodiversity conservation. Action against
polluting projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sacred Heart College
Contact Person Dr. T.J.James, Lecturer
Address Department Of Zoology Thevara, Kochi Kerala 682013,
Tel.No. 0484-315380 (O) 307218
Fax 0484-312813
E mail /

Area of focus Nature studies, science programmes, Neurobiology of


Activities with respect to Conducting programmes related to science, animal

Science & Technology science aptitude tests conducted

Activities with respect to Nature studies conducted for students.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Research papers and popular articles

Any other activities Work for the care & welfare of old age persons and
Alzheimers patients through a charitable organization

Name Sanketham
Contact Person Dr. John T. Eapen
Address PO 1017, Trivandrum, Kerala 695004 , India
Tel.No. 91-471-586110
E mail

Area of focus Education, Environment & Health

Activities with respect to The society tries to help the poor help themselves in the
Science & Technology field of science & technology

Activities with respect to Livelihood education is provided by helping people to start

livelihood education small scale industries to support themselves. The society
market their product including beautiful handmade cards
made by village women. It has also designed microhydro
generators, wind generators and solar water heaters for
specific applications.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Social Action Movement of Idukki ( SAMI)
Contact Person Mr. Babu Thomas K, President
Address PO Puliyanmala, Kattapara South, Idukki , Kerala -
685515 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, water harvesting,

environment education afforestation, drip irrigation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Action with the Poor ( SAP )

Contact Person Mr. John Mangalath, Hony. Project Director
Address # 126, Ward No. 5, Mangalath, Pannivizha, PO Adoor,
Pathanamthitta, Kerala - 691523 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Prompting non-formal environment education by

environment education organizing workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society For Environmental Education In Kerala

Contact Person (SEEK)
Address T.P. Padmanabhan, Director
Edat. P.O. Kannur district Kannur 670 307,Kerala, India
Tel.No. 0498-502787

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promote science education in children

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Workshops, Training Programmes,

environment education Seminars/Symposia/Conferences, Nature Camps,
Exhibitions, Development of Educational Material, Use of
Media, Organizing Nature Education Camps for natural
Resource Management, Pollution, Energy, Biodiversity,
Environmental Legislation, Protected Areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications: "Soochimukhi" Monthly Magazine

(Malayalam)Videos on Mangroves and Laterite hills.

Any other activities Exhibition Panels on different environment topics

like Man and Nature,Butterflies. Conducted studied on
Mangrove, Sacred Groves and its biodiversity etc.

Name Society for Integral Development Action (SIDA)

Contact Person Mr. George Thomas, General Director
Address Koovapally, Kottayam, Kerala , India

Area of focus Conservation of ecology and awareness

Activities with res pect to Cons ervation of water resources, awareness about
environment education monoculture, soil conservation ,providing environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Swadeshi Science Movement

Contact Person A. Jayakumar, State Organizing Secretary
Address Sastra Bhavanam, Link Avenue, Kaloor, Kochi,
Kerala 682 017, India
Tel.No. 0484-539936
Fax 0484-539936

Area of focus Science & environment education

Activities with respect to Science promotion amongst students through

Science & Technology students science programmes, promotion of low
Education cost teaching aids, celebration of National
Science Day & Technology Day

Activities with respect to Environment awareness programmes for rural public,

environment education ecosystem management programmes, organizing
seminars & camps to aware people about protecting the
environment, organizing a programme called Nadee
Vandanam (worship of the river) for protection of the 34
rivers in the state.

Activities with respect to Established a Centre Centre for Innovation

livelihood education Entreprenureship & Development to identify
entreprenures especially from rural areas for giving them
training in science & technology and to help them to set
up, improvise & run self help units to enable them to earn

up, improvise & run self help units to enable them to earn
their livelihood.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Publications, if any Science magazines in local language as well as in English

Any other activities Conduct major exhibitions & conferences

Name The Dale View

Contact Person C. Christudas, Director
Address PO Punalal Via Poovachal, Thiruvanthapuram 695575,
Kerala, India
Tel.No. 0472-882163 & 882063
Fax 0472 882063
E mail

Area of focus Environment education and awareness & conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of non-conventional energy sources, roof top

Science & Technology rain water harvesting

Activities with respect to Cultivation of medicinal plants, watershed development,

environment education vermi-compost, poultry development, natural resource
management, social forestry, soil conservation, protection
of natural streams & ponds.

Activities with respect to Income generating programmes, promotion of agriculture

livelihood education plant nursery, land development, organic farming,
participatory technology development, group farming,
garment designing, composing & printing, book binding,
carpentry, promotion of low cost building material &
construction technology, floriculture, sustainable
agriculture practices & computer literacy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1955

Publications, if any Quarterly Thazhvara Sabdam

Any other activities Literacy promotion, community based peoples college,

women empowerment, entrepreneurship development,
environment awareness generation

Name Vandanmedu Development Society ( VDS )
Contact Person Fr. Joy J. Chittoor, President
Address Vandanmedu, Idukki , Kerala 685551 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness & conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education and organizing

environment education awareness workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Viswadarsanam - Centre For Humanity & Nature

Contact Person Umesh Babu, Director
Address Feny Land, Nariyapuram, P.O,Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala
689513, India
Tel.No. 91 473 350543
Fax 91 473 325074
E mail

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Biodiversity,

Environmental Legislation, sustainable development,
recycling & alternative lifestyle experiments

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness, Organizing of

environment education nature camps, Green Health Programmes, organic
gardening and Environmental Work Camps.
Quizzes and competitions.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1986

Publications, if any A quarterly newsletter Viswadarsana Vrindam

Any other activities Developed films and slide shows, herbaria, charts and
pictures of local flora and fauna; organized conservation

Name Women Initiative in Sustainable Development &

Organic Movement ( WISDOM )
Contact Person Ms. T. Rajany, President
Address PO Agali, Palakkad , Kerala 678581 , India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness, traditional

agriculture, livelihood education for women

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, organic farming,
environment education soil conservation, health care.

Activities with respect to Providing trainings to women on goat & cow rearing,
livelihood education preservation & promotion of indigenous & high breeds.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Zoological Club

Contact Person Prof. T. P. Sreedharan, President
Address Payyanur College, PO Edat, Kannur, Kerala 670327 ,
Tel.No. 04989 2121

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education and awareness,

environment education plantation, biodiversity conservation and awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Pamphlets, Papers

Government Organizations

Name State Committee of Science, Technology &

Contact Person Prof. M. Jayakumar
Address 2nd Floor, Cmd Building,
695014, Kerala, India
Tel.No. 0471-322047
Fax 0471-331253, 324225
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Education, environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper

Activities with respect to Prom otion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. State Council for Science & Technology 308

Government Organizations

Name State Council for Science & Technology

Contact Person Dr. M S Syed Ismail Koya, Dy. Director & Member
Address Kavaratti Island, Kavaratti 682555, Lakshdweep, India
Tel.No. 048960-62005
Fax 048960-62896
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of science & technology

Activities with respect to Promote popularization of science, spread scientific

Science & Technology temper and attitude among people for appropriate
Education technologies utilization of natural resources

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Adarsh Shiksha Evam Sewa Samiti 310

2. Eklavya Education Foundation 310
3. Environmental Techniques India 310
4. Gram Seva Samiti 311
5. Jabalpur Diocesan Social Service Society (JDSSS) 311
6. Jan Paryavaran Manch (JPM) 312
7. Khedut Mazdoor Chetna Sangath 312
8. Kishore Bharati 312
9. Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha (Baloda) 313
10. Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation 313
11. Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Sabha 314
12. Mahila Avam Bal Vikas Kendra 314
13. Makabi Welfare Society 315
14. Prerak 315
15. Science Centre (Gwalior) 315
16. Society for Social Development 316

Government Organizations
Organization Page

1. Centre for Development Support Samarthan 317

2. M.P. Council of Science & Technology 317
3. School of Future Studies and Planning, Devi Ahilya 318

Non Governmental Organizations

Name Adarsh Shiksha Evam Sewa Samiti

Contact Person T. D. Singh
Address No. 812/N2, Sector B, Piplani, Bhopal 462021,
Madhya Pradesh, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Providing environment education & conducting

environment education workshops, seminars for environment awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Eklavya Education Foundation

Contact Person Vinod Raina, Director
Address Core House, C G Road, Ellisbridge,
Ahmedabad, Madhya Pardesh 380006,
Tel.No. 079-6461629, 6560898
Fax 079- 6563681

Area of focus Science popularization

Activities with respect to Development of low cost toys to promote

Science & Technology science and technology education amongst
Education children, teacher training programs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Pamphlets

Name Environmental Techniques India

Contact Person Dr. M.K. Misra, Chief Advisor,
Address 236 B, Sangam Nagar, Kila Maidan, Indore 452006,

Tel. No. 0731 413126, 444210, 411927

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting programmes for environment conservation

environment education & development, providing environmental education

environment education & development, providing environmental education
amongst children & masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Name Gram Seva Samiti
Contact Person Banwari Lal Choudhari, Secretary
Address PO Raisalpur, Hoshangabad - 461001, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Increasing awareness among the people regarding the
environment education need for environmental conservation, providing
environment education through camps, symposia and

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jabalpur Diocesan Social Service Society (JDSSS)

Contact Person Fr. Antony Rocky, Director
Address P.B. No. 6, Binjhia, Post & District Mandla, Madhya
Pradesh-481661, India

Tel. No. 07642 50030, 50203

Area of focus Women empowerment & sustainable development,


Activities with respect to Science awareness and health education,

Science & Technology development of rural community health centers,

Activities with respect to Fostering environment education, encouraging social

environment education forestry & watershed development, sustainable

Activities with respect to Livelihood education on community health and social

livelihood education forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of tribal culture, animation, socio-economic

programmes for women and girl child, organization of
folk song & dance competitions

Name Jan Paryavaran Manch (JPM)
Contact Person Director
Address Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust, PO
Kasturbagram, Indore 452020
Tel. No. 0731 66193

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, promotion of

rural technology

Activities with respect to Science awareness by encouraging use of smokeless

Science & Technology chullahs, biogas,& solar cookers.

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education to university

environment education students, organizing demonstrations against pollution
& afforestation,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Khedut Mazdoor Chetna Sangath

Contact Person Shankar Singh Tadavla, President
Address Alirajpur, Jhabua 457887, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conducting tours, workshops for educating people on

environment education environmental issues, eco-development, afforestation
and participating in Narmada Bachao Andolan

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kishore Bharati

Contact Person Coordinator
Address PO Malhanvada, Via Bahkhedi, Hoshangabad
461990, Madhya Pradesh, India

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Promoting use of appropriate technology for wells,

Science & Technology modern scientific methods of crop selection and
Education improving teaching methods of science in schools

Activities with respect to Provide non-formal & vocational trainings to youth in

livelihood education villages, promoting use of appropriate technology for
wells, modern scientific methods of crop selection

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Lehar Samaj Sevi Sanstha (Baloda)

Contact Person Devendra Patil, President
Address PO Baloda, Bilaspur 455559, Madhya Pradesh, India

Area of focus Science/Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Science education & awareness in society.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness for conservation.

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of traditional arts & crafts

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation

Contact Person S.K. Chugh
Address # G-1, Priyadarshani Heights Gulmohar,
Bhopal-462039, India


Area of focus Socio-economic and rural development, sustainable

development and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Science popularisation in masses through health

Science & Technology education. A low cost building material center is being
Education established near Distt. Raisen to meet low cost yet
dependable housing and infrastructural requirement of
the villages.

Activities with respect to To restore ecological balance in the village

environment education environment (forestry, water resources, pasture land,
agricultural and other waste lands). It has implemented
watershed development projects sponsored by Rajiv
Gandhi Mission for watershed development in Distts.
Raisen and Rajgarh.

Activities with respect to Promotion of economic development of village

livelihood education communities (In the sectors of agriculture, animal
husbandry, rural industries, handicrafts, etc.)

husbandry, rural industries, handicrafts, etc.)
.Technology resource center in Sarangpur block of
Distt. Rajgarh to provide livelihood education and
technology assistance.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Besides promoting educational and cultural

programmes, a Distt. Poverty alleviation project has
also been taken up with govt. of M.P. and World Bank.

Name Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Sabha

Contact Person Dr. Ajay Kumar Khare
Address 9-A, Civil Lines, Char Bunglow Road ,
Professor's Colony,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462002, India
Tel. No. 0755-738681

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Science popularization programmes for students

Science & Technology workshops, seminars, scientific projects, identification
Education and information dissemination on new technologies.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mahila Avam Bal Vikas Kendra

Contact Person Smt Alka Wasvanee
Address Sahapur, Bhopal (M.P), Madhya Pradesh 462016,

Area of focus Women and Children literacy and Science &

Technology education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science and Technolgiy literacy

Science & Technology through information dissemination, science
Education education projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Makabi Welfare Society
Contact Person Programme Officer
Address C-2, Raj Bhawan, Krishna Colony Taraganj,
Lashkar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradrsh, India

Area of focus Science and Technology literacy

Activities with respect to Science and Technology education

Science & Technology programmes for societal improvement
Education Workshops, lectures, camps and rallies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of educational material,

booklets and information brochures.

Name Prerak
Contact Person Sh. Ram Gulam Sinha
Address Prerak, Nawapara(Rajim), Distt: Raipu
Madhya Pradesh 412889, India
Tel. No. 07701-33802

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper amongst

Science & Technology children and masses, information
Education dissemination through workshops, seminars,
lectures and camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Science Centre (Gwalior)

Contact Person Shri Arun Bhargava
Address Mig-249, Gautam Nagar,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 460023, India

Tel. No. 0755-789613

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Children programmes for science education

Science & Technology Development of scientific literature, audio
Education visual, games, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several booklets and information material of

scientific issues.

Name Society For Social Development

Contact Person Tapeshwar Singh
Address 20 Barua Nagar, Bhind,
Madhya Pradesh- 477001, India
Tel. No. 07534-343427

Area of focus Science and Technology education

Activities with respect to Science and society programme

Science & Technology Promotion of Scienc e and technology temper
Education through workshops, seminars, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Ame Centre For Development Support Samarthan

Contact Person Amitabh Kumar Singh, Coordinator
Address E-7/81 (Banker's Colony) Arera Colony,
Bhopal 462 016 , Madhya Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 91 755 567625
Fax 91 755 568663

Area of focus Environment Education, Rural development

Activities with respect to Main emphasis on Environmental Protection through

environment education Panchayati Raj Programmes, EE programmes for
the youth of rural and urban issues, Natural
Resource Management, Protected Areas Research,
Planning and Management.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Any other activities Education and Awareness of Rural Community,

Monitoring and Assessment, Policy Development,
Capacity Building, Consultancy, Networking

Name M.P. Council Of Science & Technology

Contact Person 26, Arera Hills, Jail Road, Kisan Bhawan,
Address Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh -462004, India
Tel. No. 0755-763497,553648,553224
Fax 0755-553929,554712

Area of focus Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, creating of scientific
Education temperament, children science congress, NCSTC

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars & trainings on new

livelihood education technologies

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & pamphlets

Any other activities Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights issues.

Name School Of Future Studies And Planning, Devi

Ahilya University
Contact Person Dr. V.B. Gupta, Coordinator,S&T Communication
Address Takshashila Parisar, Khandwa, Road Indore,
Madhya Pradesh 452017, India
Tel. No. 0731-470330 (o), 468196
Fax 0731-470372

Area of focus Science & Technology communication, environment


Activities with respect to Science popularization programmes for children

Science & Technology including camps, workshops, science games .
Education Promotion of lowcost science teaching aids.

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education ,

environment education awareness and eco-clubs in schools

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of scientific literature, research papers

on air quality management


Non Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Academy of Development Science (ADS) 321

2. ACIL Navsrjan Rural Development Foundation 321
3. Action for Agriculture Renewal in Maharashtra ( AFARM ) 322
4. Ahmhij Amachya Arogya Sathi 322
5. Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti 322
6. Arogya Shikshan Kendra 323
7. Asian South Pacific Bureau Of Adult Education (ASPBAE) 323
8. Beauty Without Cruelty (BWC) 323
9. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University 324
10. Bombay Environmental Action Group (BEAG) 324
11. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) 325
12. Centre for Application of Science & Technology for Rural 325
Development (CASTFORD)
13. Centre for Management of Local Resources 326
14. Centre of Science for Villages (CSV) 326
15. Chetna Vikas 327
16. Dharamitra 327
17. Ecological Society (ECOSOC) 328
18. Ecology Society 328
19. ECONET 328
20. Environment Biotechnology Foundation 329
21. Environmental Education Centre, Samarth Vidyalaya 329
22. Environmental Protection Research Foundation (EPRF) 329
23. Green Future Foundation (GFF) 330
24. India Association for Environmental Management (AEM) 330
25. Indian Women Scientist Association ( IWSA ) Nagpur Branch 331
26. Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) 331
27. International Institute for Sustainable Future (IISF) 332
28. Inter-University Centre For Astronomy & Astrophysics 332
29. Jidnyasa Trust Thane 332
30. Jyotsna Arogya Prabhodhan 333
31. Mahila Sarvangeen Utkarsh Mandal 333
32. Marathi Vidnyan Parishad 334
33. National Education & Information Films Limited 334
34. National Environment And Ecology Defence Society 335
35. Nature Trails Camp 335
36. Nava Bharati Shikshan Mandal 336
37. Nisarga Seva Sangh ( NSS ) 336
38. Padmashri Youth Service Institution 336
39. Parisar - Samrakshan Samvardhan Samstha 337
40. PRIDE India - Planning Rural Urban Integrated Development 337
through Education

41. Sahyadri Nisarg Mitra 338
42. Saurashtra Education Foundation 338
43. Save-The Children India 339
44. Society for Clean Environment, Mumbai India 339
45. The Puppet 340
46. Trans Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India 340
47. Urdu Sec. Schools' Mathematics & Science Centre 341
48. Vanarai 341
49. Vasundhara: For Environmental Consciousness 342
50. Watershed Organization Trust 342

Government Organizations
Organization Page

1. Indian Institute Of Education 343

2. National Environment Engineering Research 343
3. Science & Technology Cell 344
4. State Council for Science and Technology 344
5. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 344

Non Governmental Organizations

Name Academy of Development Science (ADS)

Contact Person Secretary
Address VPO Kashele, Karjat Taluk, Raigad 410201,
Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 021482 4008-09
Fax 022 - 5561846

Area of focus Science & Environment education

Activities with respect to To promote scientific attitude among rural people &
Science & Technology encouraging use of solar energy

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness, Promoting herbal

environment education gardens.

Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate low cost Technologies.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Educating rural people and developing cultural life in
rural areas

Name ACIL Navsrjan Rural Development Foundation

Contact Person A. R. Shah, Administrative Officer
Address Baldota Bhawan, 6th Floor, 117, Maharashi Karve Marg,
Churchgate, Bombay 400020, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 022 292059

Area of focus Science, Livelihood Education & Environmental


Activities with respect to Encouraging use of bio-gas, improving rural health and
Science & Technology sanitation

Activities with respect to Natural Resources Conservation, raising nurseries and

environment education gram van.

Activities with respect to Introducing modern agricultural and animal Husbandry

livelihood education Technologies, Creating employment opportunities

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Action for Agriculture Renewal in Maharashtra
Contact Person M. N. Kondhalkar, Executive Officer
Address Raisoni Park, Building No. 2/23 A-B, Market Yard,
Pune-411037 , Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0212 654641

Area of focus Environment , Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific attitude, Providing consultancy

Science & Technology services for health and sanitation, wasteland utilization.

Activities with respect to Environmental education and training , afforestation

environment education Energy, Soil and water conservation and water shed
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if NGO

Name Ahmhij Amachya Arogya Sathi

Contact Person Satish Gogulwan, Member
Address At/PO Kurkheda, Gadchiroli 441209, Maharashtra,

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment Education through campaigns and

environment education workshops, use of herbs and medicines

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti

Contact Person Dr.Narendra Dabholkar
Address 155 Sadashiv Peth, Satara,
Maharashtra 415002, India

Area of focus Science Education of masses

Activities with respect to Projects for promotion of Scientific temper in

Science & Technology society including celebration of scientifically
Education important days, camps,
lectures, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Arogya Shikshan Kendra
Contact Person Ramesh, Project Coordinator
Address At / PO Malshiras, Purandar Taluk, Pune 412104,
Maharashtra, India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Conduct programmes in schools for environment

environment education education and tree plantation,

Activities with respect to Conducting Programmes for upliftment of livelihood.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Evaluating health and development education for


Name Asian South Pacific Bureau Of Adult Education

Contact Person (ASPBAE)
Address Ma Linnea Tanchuling, Regional Coordinator
Aspbae Secretariat, C/O H. Bhargava 1st floor, Shroff
259/261,Perin Nariman Street, Mumbai 400 001, India
Tel. No. 022-2665942, 2694667
Fax 022-2679154
Web Site:

Area of focus Environment Education and Awareness,

Activities with respect to Research, Planning and Management, Environment

environment education Education and Awareness, Developing a training module
on EE, Activism and Advocacy.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications: LEAVES-a newsletter

Name Beauty Without Cruelty (BWC)

Contact Person Diana Ratnagar, Chairperson
Address 4 Prince Of Wales'drive
Wanowrie, Pune 411 040 Maharashtra ,India
Tel. No. 020 840 321
Fax 020 840 312

Web Site:

Area of focus Environment Education and Awareness

Activities with respect to Protecting Animal Rights and Vegetarianism,

environment education Conducting programmes for the sustainable use of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications: "Compasionate Friend" a Quarterly

Journal, BWC Investment Guide.
"What Price Beauty?", "Ivory Poachers" and "Beauty
Without Cruelty" Video films in English/Hindi. "A
Vegetarian Lifestyle" a CD-Rom.

Name Bharati Vidyapeeth- Institute of Environment,

Education & Research (BVIEER), Deemed University
Contact Person Dr. Erach Bharucha, Director
Address Katraj, Dhankawadi, Pune-411043, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 020-4375684 (O) 603588 / 632602
Fax 020-4339121

Area of focus Environment education, conservation & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education in schools, curriculum analysis,

environment education curriculum development, consultancy on environment
education activities, post graduate & diploma courses in
environmental education, training students in EE at M.Sc
& Ph.D level

Whether GO / NGO NGO, Deemed University

date of registration if

Publications, if any Hand book on Environment Education for School

Children, several activity booklets and posters Report of
World Bank sponsored Project on Curriculum anlysis.

Any other activities Successful completion of several research projects on

eco-restoration strategies, survey of protected areas,
identification of bio rich corridors, study of wetlands

Name Bombay Environmental Action Group (BEAG)

Contact Person Saad, Ali, Chairman

Address Nhava House, Ist Floor, C/o Zoun Business Centre, 65,
M Karve Marg, Bombay 400002, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 022 5122973, 259343, 255769

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Organizing campaigns, nature camps / workshops for

livelihood education schools to promote environment conservation, to protect
the environment through education.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)

Contact Person Chairman
Address Hornbill House, Salim Ali Chowk, Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Road, Mumbai 400 023, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 91 22 2821811/ 2821817
Fax 91 22 2837615

Area of focus Environment Education & Research

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness

environment education Workshops, Training Programmes for capacity building,
Seminar/Symposia/Conferences, Nature camps,
Exhibitions, Development of Capacity building
programmes for local communities living around PAs
through Conservation Education Project, e.g. around
Keoladeo National Park (Rajasthan), Mudumalai Wildlife
Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu), Sanjay Gandhi National Park
(Mumbai). Established Conservation Education Centre
with innovative and interactive educational programmes.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Educational Material on wildlife and educational

videos like Wings of Change Its Our Future Too,
set of slides, like A Story of Butterfly EE games &
quizzes, like Bird Migration

Name Centre for Application of Science & Technology for

Rural Development (CASTFORD)
Contact Person Dr. A. D. Karve, Director
Address 128/2, J P Naik Path, kothrud (Off Karve Road), Pune -
411029, Maharashtra, India

Tel. No. 0212 331214
Fax 0212 335239

Area of focus Science & Technology, Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Disseminating Science and Technology through

Science & Technology application of innovative technologies in agriculture,

Activities with respect to Forestry promotion, conducting programmes relating to

environment education environment education in schools.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Management of Local Resources

Contact Person Prasad Rasal
Address 216, Narayan Peth, Pune, Maharashtra 411030, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Pioneer of Pani Panchyat movement in Maharashtra,

environment education Sustainable development through appropriate
management of land and water resources, organizes
workshops, seminars, slide shows

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Books published to spread message of watershed

development amongst the grass-root villagers.

Name Centre of Science for Villages (CSV)

Contact Person Vibha Gupta, Director
Address Dattapur, Wardha 442001, Maharashtra, India
Tel.No. 07152 45082, 40956
Fax 01752-49542

Area of focus Rural Development & dissemination of rural

technologies, environment education, Science Education

Activities with respect to Workshops & field demonstration for science

Science & Technology popularization

Activities with respect to Workshops & field demonstration
environment education

Activities with respect to Training workshops, Self Help Group training regarding
livelihood education various rural technologies Biogas, honey, match sticks,
paper from agro wastes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Science for villages

Name Chetna Vikas

Contact Person Ashok Bang, Director
Address PO Gopuri, Wardha 442001, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 071512 3806

Area of focus Environment conservation

Activities with respect to Conservation of biodiversity, Providing environment

environment education education through workshops and creating
consciousness amongst the village people for
environment conservation.

Activities with respect to Propagating the use of organic / natural farming

livelihood education techniques

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Dharamitra
Contact Person Dr. Tarak Kate
Address Bank Of India Colony, Nalwadi Wardha Maharashtra-
442001, Maharashtra , India
Tel. No. 07152-44408

Area of focus Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Education & awareness of Scientific issues,

Science & Technology promotion of low cost technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ecological Society (ECOSOC)
Contact Person Prakash Gole, Executive Director
Address 1 B, Abhimanshree Society, Pashan Road, Pune
411008, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0212 336408

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education and training for the Govt.
environment education officers, to promote environment education and public
awareness through nature restoration programmes,
conducting research in biodiversity.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Consultants to Irrigation Deptt., Govt. of Maharashtra

Name Ecology Society

Contact Person Sh. Prakash Gole
Address 1 B Abhimanshree Society Pashan Road,
Pune 411 008, Maharashtra, India
Tel.No. 91-20-5650408

Area of focus Ecology and environment

Activities with respect to Issues related to Ecology and environment

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Econet
Address Flat No. 1 & 14,
Survey No. 415,
Shanti Kunj Co-op, Hsg.soc.,
Wanowrie, Pune-411 040, Maharashtra, India

Area of focus Environment education, research & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education, research & awareness

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environment Biotechnology Foundation
Contact Person Ramesh Mahdav, Chairman
Address 53, Ankur Anandnagar, Santacruz (East), Bombay
400055, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 022 6128868

Area of focus Science and Technology & Environment education

Activities with respect to Dissemination of science and biotechnological

Science & Technology techniques to conserve natural resources

Activities with respect to Environmental eco development projects in rural areas.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environmental Education Centre, Samarth Vidyalaya

V. B. Chaudhari, Director
Contact Person Ekurka Road, Udgir Taluk, Latur 413517
Address (Udgir), Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 02382-86878, 52681

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes in schools for environment education and

environment education eco development, established a center for training
women and creating awareness for the need to protect
the environment.

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if NGO

Name Environmental Protection Research Foundation

Contact Person Dr. B. Subba Rao, President
Address "ARUNDHATI", Near M.S.E.B,
Vishrambag, Sangli- 416 415,
Maharashtra ,INDIA
Tel. No. 91 233 300924/302664
Fax 91 233 301857

Area of focus Environment Education, Pollution

Activities with respect to Conducting pollution monitoring surveys, monitorin

Science & Technology programmes and EIA studies.

Science & Technology programmes and EIA studies.

Activities with respect to Environmental Legislation Research , Education and

environment education Awareness of Urban and Rural Communities Conducting
training programmes, seminars and workshops on
environmental problems and environmental protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Published Laboratory Manual for Environmental Quality


Name Green Future Foundation (GFF)

Contact Person Shashi N. Thakar, Executive Secretary
Address 515/5/14, Anjali, Ekbote Colony, Pune 411042,
Maharashtra, India

Area of focus Environment and ecological protection

Activities with respect to Conducting participatory camps for environment

environment education education, energy conservation and environmental
protection. Conducting training programmes for adults
and youths in forest based camps.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name India Association for Environmental Management

Contact Person P.V.R.C Panicher, Scientisit NEERI
Address C/o NEERI, Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020,
Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0712-226071 to 75

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conducting seminars, essay competitions and exhibition

environment education or topics related to water and its pollution, to educate the
public about environment, providing practical knowledge
in technology and management of environmental

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Women Scientist Association ( IWSA ) Nagpur
Contact Person Anuradha Gadkari, Convener
Address PO NEERI, Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020,
Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0712-26071, 26281

Area of focus Environment , Science & Technology Education

`Activities with respect to Encouraging use of solar technologies.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, exhibitions, debates and camps in

environment education rural areas to educate women and youth in environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD)

Contact Person Selvam Daniel, Development Manager
Address P.O. Box 562, Kanchan Nagar, Nakshatrawadi,
Aurangabad 431 002 (Maharashtra), India
Tel. No. 91 240 332336/ 322828
Fax 91 240 322866

Area of focus Environment Education and Awareness, Livelihood


Activities with respect to Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Energy,

environment education Biodivesity, environmental legislation, Agriculture and
Related Issues Establishment of Eco-clubs in villages.
Protected Areas, Rural Issues, Research , Planning and
Management ,Workshops, Training Programmes,

Activities with respect to Training of rural women

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any EE training modules in local languages

Any other activities Establishment of consumer supported ecological

agriculture programmes through consumer education

Name International Institute for Sustainable Future (IISF)
Contact Person Rashmi Mayur, Director
Address 73A, Mittal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021,
Maharashtra , India
Tel. No. 022-2045758
Fax 022-2871250

Area of focus To bring education & awareness about the critical issues
related with environment & ecology.

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education and training to

environment education administrators, managers and general public,
environmental conservation and improvement,
conducting research studies in environment, ecological
architecture, industrial safety, disaster management,
sustainable energy and development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1976

Publications, if any Several books on sustainable development including the

best selling Indian Environment Directory

Name Inter-University Centre For Astronomy &

Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Contact Person Prof. Jayant V. Narlikar, Director
Address Post Bag No.4 Ganeshkhind, P.O. Pune
Maharashtra- 411007, India
Tel. No. 020-5691414, 5699415
Fax 020-5690760, 5696417

Area of focus Research & Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of science particularly astronomy & astro

Science & Technology physics, experiments, quiz and competitions, school
Education science corners

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jidnyasa Trust Thane

Contact Person Madhuri Kiran Pajave
Address C/O Surendra Dighe 14 Suyash Society, M.G.
Road, Naupada Thane Maharashtra 400602,

Tel. No. 022-5403857

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science popularization ,Science education to

Science & Technology masses and children, Workshops, Seminars,
Education lectures and camps, Celebration of Science

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jyotsna Arogya Prabhodhan

Contact Person S. V. Mapuskar, Director
Address Dehu Village, Haveli Taluk, Pune 412109,
Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0212 721204

Area of focus Science & Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology Education.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environmental education through meetings, group

environment education discussions, slides and films shows, classes and
seminars, to protect and improve the rural environment.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mahila Sarvangeen Utkarsh Mandal

Contact Person Dr. Ramesh Awasthi, Trustee
Address 11, Acharya Apartments, 163, Solapur Road, Hadapsar,
Pune 411028, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0212 - 675058

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education and training, watershed

environment education development, organizing lectures and competition for
promoting healthy environment, eco-development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Name Marathi Vidnyan Parishad

Contact Person A.P. Deshpande, Honble Secretary
Address Vidnyan Bhavan, V.N. Purav Marg, Sion-Chunabhatti,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400022, India
Tel.No. 022-5224714, 5226268
Fax 022-5226268

Area of focus Science popularization , environment education,

vocational training

Activities with respect to Science education through workshops, seminars,

Science & Technology conferences etc.
Education Promotion of science and technology amongst
youths, science clubs in 350 schools

Activities with respect to Making children aware of environment through lectures,

environment education seminars, etc.

Activities with respect to Solar cooker making workshops, training for making soft
livelihood education toys, paper flowers & sharbats

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1966

Publications, if any Patrika a monthly science magazine and 15 booklets

based on environment, energy, horticulture, sex
education, education aids, etc.

Name National Education & Information Films Limited

Contact Person G.D. Aggarwal, Director
Address 67 Maker Chambers III, Nariman Point,, Mumbai-
400021, Maharashtra , India
Tel.No. 022-2021873, 2020793
Fax 022-2040860

Area of focus Dissemination of information and education in different

fields of national importance

Activities with respect to Preparation, import and distribution of relevant films,

Science & Technology videos, VCDs and other multimedia on S & T education.

Activities with respect to Preparation, import and distribution of relevant films,

environment education videos, VCDs and other multimedia on Environment


Whether GO / NGO NGO, 1948

date of registration if

Publications, if any Video & multimedia catalogues

Name National Environment And Ecology Defence Society

Contact Person General Secretary
Address Nhava House, 65, M. Karve Road,
Mumbai- 400 002, Maharastra , India
Tel. No. 91 22 2052378

Area of focus Pollution, Biodiversity, Urban Issues, Agriculture and

related Issues

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness for - students in

environment education NCC camps and for communities, seminars/Symposia/
Conferences, Exhibitions

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Publications, if any Development of Educational Material.

Name Nature Trails Camp

Contact Person Leela A. Gour Broome, Camp Director
Address J.E.FarmVillage Marunji
Pune, Maharashtra- 411 027, India
Tel. No. 020-2966111 (R & O)
E-mail ,

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Nature and Environment education with special focus on
environment education urban and rural school children. Encouraging the people
to opt for career in environment, forest, ecology,
biodiversity assessment as well as environmental

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Establishment of Jambe Jambe Eco Park in close

proximity to Pune.

Name Nava Bharati Shikshan Mandal
Contact Person Saroj Pandurang Hegde, Deputy Director
Address Opp. Sugar Factory, Sangli 416416, Maharashtra,
Tel. No. 0233-2030

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nisarga Seva Sangh ( NSS )

Contact Person Ramesh Ladhedkar, Secretary
Address 152, Lendra ( WEST), Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 440010 ,
Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0712-523662

Area of focus Science and Technology Education ,Environment


Activities with respect to Providing appropriate scientific technologies to farmers

Science & Technology for agriculture

Activities with respect to Promoting experimentation and research in environment

environment education protection, organizing workshops for environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Padmashri Youth Service Institution

Contact Person Veerappa Tolanvar, Secretary
Address Gorakshan, Somnathpur, Udgir, Latur 413517,
Maharashtra, India

Area of focus Nature Conservation

Activities with respect to Conducting nature study training programmes for

environment education schools

Activities with respect to Nursery raising, conducting compost making training

livelihood education camps.

livelihood education camps.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Parisar - Samrakshan Samvardhan Samstha

Contact Person Sujit J. Patwardhan, Hon. Secretary
Address Yamuna, I.C.S. Colony, Ganeshkhind Road,
Pune- 411 007, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 020-457354

Area of focus Environment Education & Action

Activities with respect to Organizing environment educational camps for schools

environment education students, promoting nature conservation and nature
education amongst children and youth.

Whether GO / NGO NGO, 1987

date of registration if

Publications, if any Bi-monthly Parisar Varta

Name PRIDE India - Planning rural Urban Integrated

Contact Person Development through Education
Address Vipula Kadri, Honorary General Secretary
4-C, Swapnalok, 47, Lady Jagmohandas Marg,
Mumbai400036, Maharashtra , India
Tel. No. 022 3630523
Fax 022-3680037
E-mail website:

Area of focus Empowering rural poor through socio-economic

enterprises to improve their quality of life and
environment education

Activities with respect to Health care and nutrition, setting up of libraries &
Science & Technology science labs in rural areas, encouraging appropriate
Education technologies for use of gobar-gas, biogas and
smokeless chullahs.

Activities with respect to Conducting awareness campaigns for schools children

environment education on environment education and nature conservation, tree
plantation, training to school teachers and community
workers by organizing nature clubs, street plays

Activities with respect to Bakery, nurseries, cement block making projects for
livelihood education socio-economic upliftment of rural people

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1982

Name Sahyadri Nisarg Mitra

Contact Person Viswas Katdare, Secretary
Address Near Laxminarayan Temple, Chipun, Ratnagiri
415605, Maharashtra, India

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation

Activities with respect to Nature & biodiversity conservation, Nature education

environment education and trails, promoting nature conservation, environment
education and study of medicinal plants, Encouraging
people to save biodiversity flora and fauna.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Saurashtra Education Foundation

Contact Person Anil Kamdar, Secretary
Address Neelkanth Niwas, Ground Floor, 169/C, Purandare Park
Society, Dr. Ambedkar Rd , Dadar T.T., Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400014, India
Tel.No. 022-4125897
Fax 022-4166944

Area of focus Science & Environment education

Activities with respect to Activities such as Vigyan Safar, Vigyan Jagriti, Vigyan
Science & Technology Darshan, Sunday Science School, etc. directed to
Education prepare students for research in science & technology,
library having 5000 books on S&T education in local
language and English

Activities with respect to Eco-system regeneration of Gujarat for preventing

environment education desertification, analysis of quality of water & soil, rain
water harvesting, waste management, eco/natural/
science clubs for imparting EE

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Electron-100, Rasoda Prayog Pothi, Gamtu Ganit in

Name Save-The Children India

Contact Person Vipula Kadri, National Director
Address 4-C, Swapnalok, 47 Lady Jagmohandas Marg, Mumbai
400 036, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0223680037
Fax 0223680037

Area of focus Nurturing a happy tomorrow to all children by ensuring a

sane and equitable provision for all of them

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology Literacy.


Activities with respect to Conducting awareness for children and training them
environment education how to conserve the environment, orientation camps
related to environment issues organized schools.

Activities with respect to Identifying suitable income generation schemes across

livelihood education rural India, dairy project, goatery

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1988

Any other activities Voluntary HIV testing, counseling and preventive

treatment for pregnant women; rehabilitation for children,
comprehensive school programs for tribal children

Name Society for Clean Environment, Mumbai India

Contact Person Dr. T.N. Mahadevan, General Secretary
Address Garden Resort, 606 Sion-Triombay Road, Chembur
Mumbai - 400071 , Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 91-22-4142862

Area of focus Environment and Science Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific Literacy, Encouraging the survey

Science & Technology of air & water quality

Activities with respect to Educating people on principles of healthy living &
environment education making them conscious of the dangers of polluted
environment, recommending legislation necessary for
the control & abatement of environmental pollution,
Obtaining assistance & the cooperation of local
authorities & agencies, Organizing public lectures, film
shows, radio talks, providing technical guidance on
environmental matters

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1969

Publications, if any Collecting & publishing & distributing relevant literature

on the subject of environmental control & protection.

Name The Puppet

Contact Person Hemant Kanitkar
Address 2/25 Gopinathnagar, Near
Gandhibhavan, Kothrud, Pune,
Maharashtra, 411029, India
Tel. No. 022- 5380828

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Use of puppetry for promoting for scientific

Science & Technology literacy in society

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Trans Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of

Contact Person Sanjay Bhide, Convenor / Sercetary
Address 13, Amar Kuj, Sawarkar Marg, Shiwaji Udyan Dadar
Choupatty, Mumbai 400028, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 91-22-4452899 / 4458805
Fax 91-22-4458805 / 4452899

Area of focus Environment Education,Community Service, Economic


Activities with respect to Energy Conservation, promotes eco-friendly attitudes

environment education through training, education and awareness among
manufactures in developing countries while promoting
work culture among labour.

work culture among labour.

Activities with respect to Farming and Agriculture, Job Training and Work Place
livelihood education Issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Urdu Sec. Schools' Mathematics & Science

Contact Person Mr. S.Md.Sharif
Address R.No-22, Apna Super Mkt.,
Old Agra Road,
Malegaon, Nasik
Maharashtra 423203, India
Tel. No. 0253-432661

Area of focus Science and mathematics education

Activities with respect to Low cost teachings aids for teaching science
Science & Technology and maths, Student awareness Trainings
Education programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vanarai
Contact Person Dr. Vasant Gokhale, Officiating Secretary
Address 2064, Vijayanagar, Pune 411030, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 0212 446118, 449351
Fax 0212 425499

Area of focus Environmental Education

Activities with respect to
Science & Technology Conservation through use of eco friendly technologies
Education like smokeless chulahs and gobar-gas plants

Activities with respect to

environment education Providing Environmental Education to school children,
teachers and forming eco clubs, promoting nature,
afforestation programmes.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several pamphlets, papers & books

Name Vasundhara: For Env ironmental Consciousness
Contact Person Elvis Thomas, Director
Address C/o College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan, 38 New
Marine Line, Bombay 400020, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 022 2067435, 2032615

Area of focus Environmental Education

Activities with respect to Environmental Education in schools, organizing

environment education environmental campaigns, training farmers in agro-
forestry, promoting research on environmental issues,
tree planting.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Watershed Organization Trust

Contact Person Crispino Lobo
Address Behind Market Yard, Near Social Centre, Ahmed Nagar
414001, Maharashtra, India
Tel. No. 91-(0)-241-356188 / 343312
Fax 91-(0)-241-341134

Area of focus Environment and Livelihood Education.

Activities with respect to The Trust mobilizes and motivates rural community for
Science & Technology natural resource management.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations
Name Indian Institute Of Education
Contact Person Smt.Sumita Timne
Address J.P.Naik Path, 128/2, Kothrud ,Pune,
Maharashtra -411029
Tel. No. 020-333336

Area of focus Education (including science education)

Activities with respect Promotion of science education at formal and

to Science & informal level, curriculum development.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name National Environment Engineering Research Institute

Contact Person Director
Address Nehru Marg, Nagpur -440020, Maharastra, India.
Tel. No. 0712-26071 to 226075,223423
Fax 0712-222725

Area of focus Environment research

Activities with respect Promotion of low cost technologies for Environment

to Science & improvement.

Activities with respect Environment education and awareness , EIA, public

to environment hearing ,environmental research projects and
education dessemination of information , environmental policy

Activities with respect Development & popularisation of environmentally

to livelihood friendly technologies, rollution control consultancy to
education existing Industry

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books , reports, NEERI newsletter, 'Indian

Journal of Environmental Health' ,' Indian Journal of
Environmental Protection.'

Any other activities Consultancy

Name Science & Technology Cell

Contact Person Dr. A.V. Sapre
Address New Admn. Building19th Floor, Madam Cama Road
Mumbai Maharashtra 400032
Tel. No. 022-2024177

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect Promotion of Science & Technology amongst students,

to Science & curriculum development

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of literature in the field of Science & Technology


Name State Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Dr A.V. Sapre, Senior Scientific Officer,
Address S&T Cell, General Administration Department,New
Administrative Building,18th Floor, Madam Cama Road,
Mumbai 400032, Maharashtra, India
Tel.No. 022-2024177
Fax 022-2028594, 2922875
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of rural technology

Activities with respect Promotion of S&T in rural areas, Organizing lectures and
to Science & public hearings on science related issues.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Contact Person Director
Address Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, V.N. Purav Marg,
Mankhurd, Mumbai-400088, Maharashtra, India
Tel.No. 022-5554712, 5555242

Fax 022-5566803
E mail,

Area of focus Science & mathematics awareness

Activities with respect Science popularization & promotion in school children by

to Science & organizing international Olympiads on physics, chemistry,
Technology biology & mathematics, organizing training programmes

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & papers.

Any other activities National Centre of the Govt. of India for research on Nuclear
science & mathematics.


Non Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Action for Welfare and Awakening in Rural Environment 348

2. Agriculture and Horticulture Development Agency 348
3. All India Womens Conference 348
4. Bishnupur District Science Club 349
5. Centre for Organization Research & Education 349
6. Community Development Organization 349
7. Duilon Joint Farming Multipurpose Cooperative Society 350
8. Ecology and Environment Protection Society 350
9. Forest Replenishing Society 350
10. Institute of Youth Technology 351
11. Islamic Educational Development Organization (IEDO) 351
12. Jamia Educational Society 351
13. Kiyamgei Khoirom Leikai Women Association 352
14. Lhangni Women Welfare Society 352
15. Liangmai Naga Baptist Association (LNBA) 352
16. Manipur Adult Education Association (MAEA 353
17. Manipur Association for Science and Society (MASS) 353
18. Manipur Eastern Hill Peoples Development Society 353
19. Manipur Hill Area Environment & Conservation Agency 354
20. Manipur Peace Centre 354
21. Manipur Rural Institute 355
22. Multi-project for Rural Development ( MPRD) 355
23. Rural and Slum Development Association (RSDA) 355
24. Rural Development Society (RDS) 356
25. Rural Industry Development Association (RIDA) 356
26. Rural Reconstruction Organization 357
27. Science & Technology Centre for community Development 357
28. Scientific Teachers Forum Manipur ( STFM ) 357
29. South Eastern Rural Development Organization (SERDO) 358
30. The Environmental Social Reform. & Sangai Protection 358
31. The Orient Ecology and Environment Development 359
32. Youth Volunteers Union 359
33. Zeliangrong Bapist Churches Council (ZBCC) 359

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Manipur S&T Council 361

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Action for Welfare and Awakening in Rural

Environment (AWARE)
Contact Person Mr. Katadimrei, Secretary
Address Dimdaijang, Thangmeiband Imphal-795001, Manipur,

Area of focus Environment Education, health & hygiene, irrigation &

drinking water

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness, watershed

environment education development, smokeless chulahs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Agriculture and Horticulture Development Agency

Mr. Y. Biren Singh, Secretary
Contact Person Elangbam Leikai, Keisamthong,
Address Imphal-795001, Manipur India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, soil conservation,

environment education afforestation, organic farming

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name All India Womens Conference

Contact Person Ms. K. Binapani Devi, Presient
Address Manipur State Branch Sagolband
Nepra Major, Leikai, Imphal-795001, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, afforestation

Activities with respect to Environment education, use of renewable energy,

environment education afforestation, wildlife conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bishnupur District Science Club
Contact Person Dr. P. Rajmani Singh-President
Address Ningthoukhong Bazar, Ningthoukhong 795 126,
Manipur, India

Area of focus Environmental awareness; action programmes;


Activities with respect to Promoting scientific awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation, wasteland development, ,

environment education afforestation, tree plantation, watershed management
Organize street plays, jathas, health education,
nature camps, seminars and workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work, population education

Name Centre for Organization Research & Education

Contact Person Ms. Anna Pintoeroy, Secretary
Address Yaiskul Police Line, Imphal 795 001, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 03852-222936

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Wasteland development, agricultural development,

environment education tree plantation, environmental awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

Ddate of registration if

Any other activities Social work

Name Community Development Organisation

Contact Person Chittaranjan Singh
Address Bishnupur Bazar, W/No-4, Manipur 795126, India

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Science popularization programmes for community

Science & Technology
Education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Duilon Joint Farming Multipurpose Cooperative

Society Limited
Contact Person Tadim, Secretary
Address Duiluan Namthan, Wairangba-Part-II
Tamenglong District 795014, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, social forestry, soil

conservation, afforestation

Activities with respect to Environment education through campaigns &

environment education competitions, watershed development, plantations,
social forestry, biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ecology and Environment Protection Society

Contact Person Mr. A. Ibopishak Singh, Honorary Secretary
Address R.M.C. Road, Nityananda Temple Premises, Imphal
795 001, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385-310594

Area of focus Environmental awareness, training, consultancy,


Activities with respect to Seminars and workshops, environmental research,

environment education wasteland development, afforestation, tree plantation,
watershed management, development of educational
material, organizing nature camps,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work Conduct training and health education

Name Forest Replenishing Society

Contact Person R. Luikham, President
Address Wine Bazaar, Ukhrul 795142, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, raising nursery &



Activities with respect to Environment education through workshops, seminars,

environment education awareness on deforestation & plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute of Youth Technology

Contact Person N. Modhu Chandra Singh, General Secretary
Address Khongman No. 2, West Imphal-795001, Manipur,

Area of focus Environment education, rural development, vocational

training for employment

Activities with respect to Environment education, social & farm forestry

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Islamic Educational Development Organization

Contact Person Mohd. Siraj Ahmad, Secretary
Address B.P.O. Sangaiyumpham, P.O. Wangzing, Thoubal
District 795148, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, family welfare

Activities with respect to Environment education through camps, eco-

environment education development, use of renewable energy, plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jamia Educational Society

Contact Person Abdul Hamid, Secretary
Address Sangaiyumpham, Cherapur, P.O. Wangjing, Thoubal
District 705148, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education, social forestry, wasteland

environment education development, soil conservation, wildlife protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of child care centers

Name Kiyamgei Khoirom Leikai Women Association

Contact Person Ms. W.Kunjeshori Devi
Address B.P.O Kiyamgei, Mayai, Leikai Kiyamgei, Manipur,

Area of focus Environment education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment education, watershed development,

environment education afforestation, use of non-conventional energy sources

.Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lhangni Women Welfare Society

Contact Person Margret Neitham, Secretary
Address Village & P.O. Phailien, Churachandpur District-
795148, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, women & child welfare

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantations

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Liangmai Naga Baptist Association (LNBA)

Contact Person H. Newmei, Executive Secretary
Address Mission Centre, Langmei, P.O. Tamei-795125
Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, tribal development

Activities with respect to Environment education, water supply, relief measures

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manipur Adult Education Association (MAEA)
Contact Person Ramesh Chandra Singh, General Secretary
Address Saga Road, Takhelleikai, Imphal 795001,
Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385-21556

Area of focus Environment education, employment generation, rural


Activities with respect to Environment education, nursery raising & plantation,

environment education wasteland development, smokeless chulahs & biogas

Activities with respect to Employment generation through nursery raising

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manipur Association for Science and Society

Contact Person Dr. R.K. Ranjan Singh, General Secretary
Address Integration House, Dolphin Road, Palace Compound,
Imphal Po B.31, Manipur-795 001, India
Tel.No. 0385-223610 , 0385-40749

Area of focus Environmental education, bringing communal harmony

in the state

Activities with respect to Training, action programmes for Disaster

environment education management, environmental research, wasteland
development, alternatives to jhuming, agricultural
development, land use survey and planning,
afforestation, watershed management, , wildlife
conservation development of educational and
communication material, library information and
documentation, street plays, jathas, nature camps,
seminar and workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Conducting population and health education & training

Name Manipur Eastern Hill Peoples Development

Society (MEHPDS)
Contact Person Mr. Ramthing Hungyo, Project Director

Address PO Box No. 13, Imphal 795 001, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385-310865

Area of focus Action programmes, training, environmental

awareness, child development, power generation

Activities with respect to Construction of small hydel projects, solar power,

Science & Technology biogas and transport

Activities with respect to Afforestation, tree plantation, watershed management,

environment education jhum control and rehabilitation of jhum farmers

Livestock development, wasteland development,

Activities with respect to agricultural development
livelihood education
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if
Social work, community organization
Any other activities

Name Manipur Hill Area Environment & Conservation

Contact Person T. Panmei, Chairman
Address Environment House, Tamenglong District 795141,
Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education & tribal development

Activities with respect to Environment education, social forestry, biodiversity

environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manipur Peace Centre

Contact Person L. Achaw Singh, Chairman
Address Wangakhei Lourembam Leikai, Imphal-795001,
Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development &


Activities with respect to Environment education through workshops/ camps,

environment education low cost toilets, wasteland reclamation, smokeless

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Manipur Rural Institute

Contact Person Ibohal Singh, Managing Director
Address Tera Bazar, Sapam Leirak, Imphal-795001, Manipur,
Tel.No. 0385-223585
Fax 0385-222936

Area of focus Environment education, rural development, self-


Activities with respect to Environment education through formal & non-formal

environment education systems, afforestation, water conservation, low cost

Activities with respect to Promotion of self employment schemes

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Multi-project for Rural Developme nt ( MPRD )

Contact Person Mr. M. K. Mashangam, Secretary
Address Thangal Surang, BPO Thangal, Surung via Saikl
795118, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education through seminars &

environment education conferences, plantation work, tribal development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural and Slum Development Association (RSDA)

Mr. Th. Ngouba Singh, President
Contact Person Burma Sugunu Road, Langmeidong 795 103,
Address Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment & science education & training for rural

Activities with respect to Promotion of health education programmes

Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conduct training and street plays, jathas, seminars
environment education and workshops for environmental awareness,
afforestation, tree plantation, watershed management

Activities with respect to Livestock development, wasteland development, ,

livelihood education agricultural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Development Society (RDS)

Contact Person Mr. L. Ramnaran Singh, Secretary
Address R.D.S. Bhawan, Wangjing Bazar, PO Wangjing 795
148, District Thoubal, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conduct training and health education programmes

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Street plays, jathas, nature camps, seminars and
environment education workshops for environmental awareness, wasteland
development, , agricultural development,
afforestation, tree plantation

Activities with respect to Income generating activities, livestock development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Social work, community organization, promotion of

women status for value-based development

Name Rural Industry Development Association (RIDA)

Contact Person Iboton Mazid, Secretary General
Address Wangkhem PO, Thoubal 795138, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 03848 22351

Area of focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education through campaigns, social

environment education forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Rural Reconstruction Organization

Contact Person Th. Sarat Singh, General Secretary
Address H.Y. Mongshangei, Imphal, WestII, Mongshangei
795003, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385 223978

Area of focus Environment awareness, wasteland reclamation

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation, wasteland

environment education reclamation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Science & Technology Centre for community

Development (STCCD)
Contact Person W. Zingkhai, Secretary
Address Wine Bazar, Ukhrul 795142, Manipur, India

Area of focus Science and Environment education

Activities with respect to Science popularization, promotion of renewable

Science & Technology energy

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, smokeless

environment education chulahs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Scientific Teacherss Forum Manipur ( STFM )

Contact Person Nabakumar Singh Yumnam, General Secretary
Address Keisampat Madhubhavan, Post Box 61, Imphal-
795001, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385 223777

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Popularizing Science in students

Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, use of renewable

environment education energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name South Eastern Rural Development Organisation

Contact Person Mohammad Amiruddin, Secretary
Address Sangaiyumpham Pt II, Idgah Road, P.O. Wangjing,
Thoubal District-795148, Manipur, India
Tel.No. 0385-37373
Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate technologies,

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education, social forestry,

environment education plantation, rural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Environmental Social Reform. & Sangai

Contact Person H.M. Mangangcha
Address Keibil Lamjao National Park Keibul, Moirang P.O.
Bishnupur District Manipur 795133, India
Tel.No. 03879-62601

Area of focus Science & Environment Education

Activities with respect to Popularization of science in children and

Science & Technology masses

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, education and training

environment education Environment Protection and natural resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Orient Ecology and Environment
Development Organisation
Contact Person S. Jayantakumar Singh, Executive Secretary
Address Tidim Road, Lower Lamka, Post Box 106, Opp. Light
House Cinema, P.O. Churachandpur District 795128,
Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation, tribal


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, water recycling,

environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Youth Volunteers Union

Contact Person A.K. Tikendrajit Singh, Chief Organizer
Address Indo-Burma Road, Thoubal-795138, Manipur, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education, waste land development,

environment education social forestry, biogas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Zeliangrong Bapist Churches Council

Contact Person Rev. Kaiba Riamei,General Secretary
Address Christian Centre,Kongjaron, Tamenglong

Area of focus Encourage scientific agriculture, environment

education and awareness

Activities with respect to Encourages new and mordern agricultural

Science & Technology technologies

Activities with respect to Spreading environment education

environment education

Activities with respect to Provide trainings for impoving the standard
livelihood education of living of Naga people by protecting forests

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Conduct health education programmes

Government Organizations

Name Manipur S&T Council

Contact Person Dr.R.K. Shyamananda Singh
Address Central Jail Road , Imphal, Manipur- 795001,
Tel.No. 03852-230027

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science &

Technology Education

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization

Science & Technology amongst masses and students, workshops,
Education seminars & trainings on new technologies,
creation of scientific temper

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Association for Protection of Environment & Endangered 364

2. Centre For Science Education 364
3. Deepjyoti Socio Environmental Society 364
4. Eco-Development Society of Meghalaya 365
5. Meghalaya Environment Action Network ( A unit of Bethany 365
6. Mother Earth 365
7. Peoples Movement For Scientific Environment 366
8. North-East India Committee on Relief & Development 366

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Meghalaya Science Society 367

2. North Eastern Hill University 367
3. State Council Of Science Technology & Environment 367

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Association for Protection of Environment &

Endangered Species(APEES)
Contact Person Mr.Subrata Sarkar,General Secretary
Address PO box 18,Tura 794001, West Garo Hills ,Meghalaya,
Tel.No. 03651-42289

Area of focus Wild life, environment education

Activities with respect to Conduct nature camps, environmental awareness tours,

environment education seminars, workshops, etc

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre For Science Education

Contact Person Prof.(Dr) Manmohan Singh
Address North Eastern Hill University, Bijni Complex,Bhagyakul,
Laimukhurah, Shillong, Meghalaya-793003, India
Tel.No. 0364-227173

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Student Science Projects

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Deepjyoti Socio Environmental Society

Contact Person Faizal Ahmed, Project Director
Address Green Hill, New Kenchs Trace, Shillong 793013,
Meghalaya ,India
Tel.No. 0364-226066,229429

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Conduct nature camps, health education programmes,

environment education seminars and workshops, tree plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Eco-Development Society of Meghalaya
Contact Person P. S. Ingty, Managing Director
Address Nehru Ading, Hawakhana,
PO Tura, Meghalaya, India

Area of focus Environment awareness & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education, conservation of

environment education water resources plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Meghalaya Environment Action Network ( A unit of

Bethany Society)
Contact Person Carmo Noronha, Executive Director
Address Bethany Society, Holy Cross Villa ,
Red Hill road, Latumkhrah, Shillong 793003,Meghalaya,
Tel.No. 03651-42396
Fax 0364-227705

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conduct nature camps, seminars and workshops, tree
environment education plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mother Earth

Contact Person Kriti Dev Burman, President
Address Tripura Castle Road, Tripura Castle, Shillong
799003, Meghalaya, India
Tel.No. 0364 223345
Fax 0364 - 223345

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Movement For Scientific Environment.
Contact Person Dr. B.Wankhar-Secretary
Address 1st Floor, Bareh House
Blu Sky Laitumkhrah
Shillong- 793003, Meghalaya,India.
Tel.No. 0364-227452

Area of focus Environment and Science Education

Activities with respect to Popularization of science and technology, workshops of

Science & Technology Secondary School children , School Teachers

Activities with respect to Street plays , camps, trainings for environmental

environment education awareness & action programmes for Afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Any other activities Social Work

Name North-East India Committee on Relief &

Development (NEICORD)
Contact Person Secretary
Address Shalom Nongrimbah Road, Laitumkhrah,
Shilong 793003, Meghalaya, India
Tel.No. 0364-227317
Fax 0364-225585

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education through seminars, workshops,

environment education social forestry, wasteland development, water

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Meghalaya Science Society

Contact Person U.R.Dutta,Secretary
Address Department of Chemistry, Tura Govt. College, Tura
794001, Meghalaya , India
Tel.No. 03651-22379,22390

Area of focus Science popularization, environmental awareness.

Activities with respect to Organise competitions to create interest in science

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organize talks , seminars, workshops on

environment education environment related issues, nature camps

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name North Eastern Hill University

Contact Person Prof. B. Pakem
Address NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya 793003,India
Tel.No 0364-227173

Area of focus Science and environment education and research

Activities with respect to Scientific research and educational programmes

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness activities

environment education amongst students

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name State Council Of Science Technology &

Contact Person Environment
Address Shri R.D.West, Member Secretary
Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001, Meghalaya
793001, India
Tel.No. 0364-505511
Fax 0364-805511
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology
Education, environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes for science popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of scientific
temper, S&T library & documentation

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs. Rain
water harvesting, organic composting, improved
chullahs, sanitation

Activities with respect to S&T entrepreneurship development

livelihood education programme

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of low cost ovens, cold storage, water

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Centre for development of Rural Areas ( CEDRA) 370

2. Mizoram Youth Science Club ( MYSC) 370
3. Science Teachers' Association Mizoram (STAM) 371
4. Young Mizo Association (YMA) 371

Government Organizations
Organization Page

1. State Council for Science & Technology 372

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Centre for development of Rural Areas ( CEDRA)

Contact Person Zahmingthanga Ralte Secretary cum Director.
Address PO Box 121,
Aizawl796001,Mizoram, India.
Tel.No. 0389-22869, 25360

Area of focus Environment Education & Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Wasteland development, watershed management &

Science & Technology Health Education Programmes.

Activities with respect to Training, action programmes for Environment

environment education awareness, Tree plantation activities.

Activities with respect to Livestock development, agricultural development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Name Mizoram Youth Science Club ( MYSC)

Contact Person General Secretary
Address C/O STAM office
Republic Road
Aizawal 796001,Mizoram,India.

Area of focus Science Education , Environment education

Activities with respect to Popularisation of Science in children, seminars on

Science & Technology scientific issues

Activities with respect to Environmental Education & awareness through

environment education seminars ,street plays & workshops. Development of
educational material , waste/garbage management
amongst secondary school children ,non school
children, young & general community

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publications, if any Booklets on the Education.

Name Science Teachers' Association Mizoram
Contact Person C. Lalrosanga
Address Sikulpuikawn, Republic Road, Aizawl, Mizoram
796001, India
Tel.No. 0389-322083

Area of focus Science Education, Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Popularization of Science amongst students,

Science & Technology teachers & general public. Conducting
Education Workshops, seminar, training programmes,
street plays for Waste land development ,
agriculture development & watershed

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness through camps &

environment education tree plantation activities

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Name Young Mizo Association (YMA)

Contact Person R. Tlanghmingthanga, General Secretary, Central
Address YMA office, Vanata Hall Linuai, Aizawl-796001,
Mizoram, India
Tel.No. 0389-769

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation, Livelihood

Education & Science and Technology Education.

Activities with respect to Awareness for Disaster management, wasteland

Science & Technology development

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, protection of

environment education forests. Conducting seminars, workshops for School
Children , asdult educators. development of Education

Activities with respect to Training in tailoring and handlooms.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1935

Any other activities Social work, population education & child


Government Organizations

Name State Council for Science & Technology

Contact Person Dr. Vanlal Zara (SSO)
Address Planning Departmnt, Aizwal 796081, Mizoram, India
Tel.No. 0389-23159
Fax 0389-22745
E mail

Area of focus Promotion of S&T

Activities with respect to

Science & Technology Promotion of S&T amongst general public by
Education organizing regular workshops / seminars on science
related issues
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if GO
applicable. 1985

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha 374

2. Comprehensive Rural Development Services (CRDS) 374
3. Environmental Society Of Nagaland 374
4. Nagaland Institute of Health, Environment & Social Welfare 375
5. Nagaland Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) 375
6. Nagaland Peace Centre 376
7. Peoples Group of Nagaland 376
8. Seidzu (Tree & Water) Forest, Seed & Nursery Complex 377

Government Organizations
Organization Page

1. Department of Science & Technology 378

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha

Contact Person Co-ordinator
Address Mount Carmel School Buiding
High School Area
Kohima 797001,Nagaland , India.

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology

Education related Action Programmes

Activities with respect to Science popularisation through education for health ,

Science & Technology sanitation , nutrition, soil & water conservation ,
Education alternative system of education.

Activities with respect to Environmental research, Environmental awareness by

environment education conducting seminars , workshops & trainings, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1991

Publications, if any Development of Education material.

Name Comprehensive Rural Development Services

Contact Person (CRDS)
Address Silver Oak Avenue
Post Box 49
Dimapur 797112,Nagaland , India.
Tel.No. 03862-20218

Area of focus Enviroment Education, Science & Technology

Watershed management wasteland development,
agricultural development.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness to the primary school

environment education children & teachers , tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1980

Name Environmental Society Of Nagaland

Contact Person Secretary
Address C/O Catholic Publication Centre

Kohima 797001,Nagaland , India.
Tel.No. 0370-21905

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Wasteland development and promotion of scientific

Science & Technology temper.

Activities with respect to Tree plantation , Environmental awareness

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1994

Name Nagaland Institute of Health, Environment & Social

Contact Person D.V. Singh, Coordinator
Address Kenuozou Hill, Don Bosco Road, Kohima 797001,
Nagaland, India
Tel.No. 0370-22374

Area of focus Environment education, alternative systems of


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness through action

environment education projects.

Activities with respect to Providing trainings for preparations of alternative

livelihood education systems of medicines

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Name Nagaland Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)

Contact Person Rev Dr. V.K. Nuh, Chairman
Address T. Chikri, Pfustsero-797107 Nagaland, India

Area of focus Environment education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology issues in masses

Science & Technology for integrated rural development.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, education & cons ervation
environment education to general community, Agricultural development, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1965

Publications, if any Self-development of people at the grassroot level.

Name Nagaland Peace Centre

Contact Person S.P.Sinha- Secretary
Address Nagaland Peace Centre
D Block
Kohima 797001,Nagaland, India.
Tel.No. 0370-21392

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology

Education, Socio- Economic development.

Activities with respect to Popularising the Science through workshops,

Science & Technology seminars.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness through seminars ,

environment education workshops & training programmes.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1965

Publications, if any Development of Education material.

Any other activities Social work , peace & harmony for general uplifting of
the society.

Name Peoples Group of Nagaland

Contact Person K. Khekiho Shohe Co-ordinator
Address PO BOX 319
Kohima-797001,Nagaland, India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness , Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Science awareness through wasteland development ,

Science & Technology watershed management & health education
Education programmes

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness , tree plantation

environment education enviromental research , wildlife conservation &

environment education enviromental research , wildlife conservation &
organinsing nature camps.

Activities with respect to Promotion of income generation eco-friendly

livelihood education technologies.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1994

Publications, if any Development of educational & communication


Any other activities Social work activities .

Name Seidzu (Tree & Water) Forest,Seed & Nursery

Complex Society
Contact Person K.Savi President
Address Post Box 168
Kohima 797001,Nagaland , India.

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Afforestation through forsest nusery , plantation & its
environment education preservation ,conservation of natural environment &
ecological balance.

Activities with respect to Self employment to local youth through nursery raising
livelihood education activities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Government Organizations

Name Department of Science & Technology

Contact Person Dr. Zavei Hiese, Scientist In-charge
Address Near Agriculture Colony, Govt. of Nagaland, Kohima-
797001, Nagaland, India
Tel.No. 0370-225064
Fax 0370-21917, 22908
E mail

Area of focus Promotion of S&T

Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T amongst general public by

Science & Technology organizing regular workshops / seminars on science
Education related issues

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Action for Food Production (AFPRO) 381

2. Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Udyog Kalyan & Skiksha Samiti 381
3. All India Womens Conference 382
4. Asian Society for Entrepreneurship Education and 382
Development (ASEED) of India
5. Association of Organization on Nature & Environment 383
6. Association of Scientific Workers of India 383
7. Bal Bhawan Society 383
8. Biosphere Sustenance Society of India 384
9. Centre for Development of Instructional Technology 384
10. Centre for Education and Communication ( CEC) 384
11. Centre for Media Studies 385
12. Centre for Research, Development and Action (CRDA 385
13. Centre for S&T And Env.Policy Studies (STEPS ) 386
14. Centre for Science and Environment 386
15. Conservation Society Delhi ( CSD ) 387
16. Consortium on Rural Technology (CORT) 387
17. Conversazione 388
18. Development Alternatives 388
19. Development Research and Action Group 388
20. Disha (Society for Rural & Urban Community Development ) 389
21. Earth Foundation for Development & Environment Actions 389
22. Energy and Environment Group 390
23. Energy Research Applications 390
24. Enviromedia 390
25. Gandhi Peace Foundation 391
26. Gene Campaign 391
27. Harit Dhara Sangathan 392
28. Himalaya Seva Sangh ( HSS ) 392
29. Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF) 392
30. Indian Adult Education Association 393
31. Indian Association for the Advancement of Science 393
32. Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action(ICELA) 393
33. Indian Environmental Society (IES) 394
34. Indian National trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) 394
35. Indian Science Writers Association 395
36. Indian Society for Training & Development ( ISTD ) 395
37. Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals 396
38. Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust 396
39. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) 396
40. Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group ( KV ) 397
41. Kirorimal College 397

42. National Institute of Science,Technology & Development 398
43. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangthan 398
44. Peoples Institute for Development & Training 399
45. Priya Ranjan Trivedi Institute of Postgraduate Environment 399
Education & Research
46. Professional Assistance for Development for Action 399
47. Ranthambore Foundation 400
48. Safe Blood Organisation 400
49. Science Aur Kainat Society of India 400
50. Sharan Society for Serving the Urban Poor 401
51. Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) 401
52. Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development (SPWD) 402
53. Society for Technology & Action for Rural Advancement 402
54. Sulabh International Social Service Organization of New 402
55. Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) 403
56. Theatre in Education Company 404
57. Vishwa Yuvak Kendra ( VYK) 404
58. Voluntary Health Association of India ( VHA) 405
59. WWF-India 405

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural 407

Technology (CAPART)
2. Deptt. of Science and Technology 407
3. Indian National Science Academy 408
4. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 408
5. Ministry Of Environment And Forests ,Government of India, 409
6. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences 409
7. National Council for Science and Technology communication 410
8. National Institute of Planning and Administration 410
9. State Council of Educational Research & Training 411
10. Vigyan Prishad 412

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Action for Food Production (AFPRO)

Contact Person Executive Director
Address 25/1-A, Institutional Area, D-Block Pankha Raod,
Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058, India
Tel.No. 011-5492412-13

Area of focus Science & environment, agriculture & renewable

energy, livelihood education

Activities with respect to R&D technology dissemination for promotion of

Science & Technology biogas, solar energy, wind mills

Activities with respect to Technical guidance for environment preservation, ,

environment education forestry

Activities with respect to Promotes livelihood education on poultry, fisheries

livelihood education rearing

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets & information brochures

Name Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Udyog Kalyan &

Skiksha Samiti
Contact Person Dr. Vandana Singh, Chairperson
Address B-290, New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110098, India
Tel.No. 011-2258812

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in women

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education sanitation, wind & solar energy

Activities with respect to Promotion of women based enterprise

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name All India Womens Conference
Contact Person Dr. Aparna Basu, Secretary General
Address 6, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi - 110 001, India

Area of focus Environment, Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Awareness about environment, pesticides, food

environment education security and family health, use of renewable energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Women issues

Name Asian Society for Entrepreneurship Education and

Development (ASEED) of India
Contact Person Dr. Nagendra P. Singh, Director and Secretary
Address General
B-9/6238, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Tel.No. 011-6895460 / 6030780 / 6896151 / 6130635

Area of focus Community Building, economic development and

livelihood issues, education, energy conservation,
environment, farming and agriculture, health, poverty,
rural Issues, womens Issues

Activities with respect to The society works for development management and
Science & Technology micro enterprise creation through technology
Education education. It believes that future of the developing
countries of Asia in general, and south Asia in
particular, lies in encouraging the spirit of innovation
and entrepreneurship in the society.

Activities with respect to It promotes capacity building, economic development,

environment education research, training, publication of educational material
on environment education special evaluation projects
etc. and works from corporate sector organizations,
Govt. Agencies, and inter national development
agencies to several hundred NGOs.

Activities with respect to It promotes Self Help Groups (SHG) at the grass-root
livelihood education level.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Publications, if any Books & booklet, information brochures

Name Association of Organization on Nature &

Contact Person P. R. Trivedi
Address A-1, Paryavaran Complex, Saidulajab, Saket Maidan
Garhi Road, New Delhi 110030, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Distance education courses on environment education

environment education & awareness and plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Course modules

Name Association of Scientific Workers of India

Contact Person Ram Prasad, President
Address 10, Rajendra Park, New Delhi 110060, India
Tel.No. 011-2254920

Area of focus Environment/scientific & technical education &

awareness eco-development

Activities with respect to Programmes for promotion of science in society

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment, awareness, soil conservation,

environment education afforestation, renewable energy, resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bal Bhawan Society

Contact Person The Director
Address Kotla Road, New Delhi 110 002, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Science Popularization

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education in schools and
environment education organizing awareness campaigns on environment
related issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Child development issues

Name Biosphere Sustenance Society of India

Contact Person Sanjay Singh, President
Address 110, Ansal Bhawan, 16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
Delhi 110001, India
Tel.No. 011- 3315995

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, research on

environment education pollution, legal action against environment degradation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Development of Instructional

Technology (CENDIT)
Contact Person Rajive Jain, Director
Address D-1, Soami Nagar, New Delhi 110017, India
Tel.No. 011-64349989

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Use of media for promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education & creating

environment education awareness amongst youth and children through media,
preparation of environmental films

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Films on environment and science

Name Centre for Education and Communication ( CEC )

Contact Person Executive Director

Address F-20(GF), Jungpura Extension, New Delhi 110014,
Tel.No 011-4634206

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of modern communication methods

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Spreading environment education & creating

environment education awareness for environmental pollution and finding
ways for controlling pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Media Studies

Contact Person Dr. Baskara Rao, Chairman
Address Research House, B-34, Community Centre, Saket,
New Delhi-110017
Tel.No. 011- 6964020,6851660
Fax 011-6968282
E mail

Area of focus Science communication and popularization

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, workshops for children to

Science & Technology promote science

Activities with respect to Working as Environment Information Centre for media

environment education studies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Research, Development and Action

Contact Person Dr. G. Modwel
Address B-1 / 1135, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, India
E mail

Area of focus Environment, Rural ,Children and Youth Issues

Activities with respect to The NGOs works for equitable economic development
environment education of the society through action project and programmes

environment education of the society through action project and programmes
in the area of agriculture, environment, education,
health, population and various issues relating to
sustainable rural development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities It carries out socio-economic studies as well as action

and education and awareness projects at grass-root
levels to enhance the capacity and to improve the
quality of life of the poor

Name Centre for S&T And Env.Policy Studies (STEPS )

Contact Person Shri Ashok Raj
Address C-5 Jangapura Extension, New Delhi-110014 , India
Tel.No. 011-4311193
Area of focus Science & Technology & Environment

Activities with respect to Organizing science popularization

Science & Technology programmes

Activities with respect to Environment Education Programmes for

environment education students and masses.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Science and Environment

Contact Person Usha Sekhar / Sunita Narain
Address 41, Tughalakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110062, India
Tel.No. 011- 6981110
Fax 011- 6985879
E mail

Area of focus Economic Development, Education, Energy

Conservation, Farming and Agriculture, Health, Media,
Rural Issues, Wildlife and Animal Welfare.

Activities with respect to Promotes Science &Technology education

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to The NGO promotes environmentally sound and

environment education equitable development strategies through its

environment education equitable development strategies through its
publications and environment literacy.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Magazines Down to Earth, several books and

booklets on environmental preservation

Name Conservation Society Delhi ( CSD )

Contact Person Madhu Bajpai, Honorary Secretary
Address N-7/C Saket, New Delhi 110017, India
Tel.No. 011-668118

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

of historic and environmentally important sites

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, action for

environment education conservation of historic and environmentally important

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Conservation of cultural heritage

Name Consortium on Rural Technology (CORT)

Contact Person Y.K. Sharma, Secretary
Address D-320, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi- 110092, India
Tel.No. 011-2244545

Area of focus Science & technology, eco development

Activities with respect to Dissemination of rural technologies for rural & eco-
Science & Technology development, solar cookers

Activities with respect to Demonstrations on social forestry, sustainable

environment education agriculture

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if NGO

Publications, if any Information material

Name Conversazione
Contact Person Sydney R. Rebeiro, President
Address P.B. 3338, Jangpura Extensio, New Delhi 110014,
Tel.No. 011-622674

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, surveys on

livelihood education pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Development Alternatives

Contact Person John Borgoyary / Ashok Khosla
Address B-32, Tara Crecent, Qutab Institutional Area, New
Delhi 110016, India
Tel.No. 011-6967938 / 6851158
Fax 011-6866031
E mail

Area of focus Energy Conservation and Environment education.

Activities with respect to Low cost technology development & dissemination

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promotes sustainable development through design,

environment education development and dissemination of appropriate
technologies for masses through awareness besides
environmental protection, natural resource
management, soil & water conservation

Activities with respect to Training on appropriate rural technologies

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & booklets

Any other activities Rural housing

Name Development Research and Action Group

Contact Person Gautam Vohra, Chairman

Address 75, Pashchimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
110057, India
Tel.No. 011-602383, 674146

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, environmental


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, legal action on

environment education environment degradation, restoration of tribal habitats

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Disha (Society for Rural & Urban Community

Development )
Contact Person Ravi Chopra, Secretary
Address 13/88-Block-C-4-B, Janak Puri,
New Delhi 110022, India
Tel.No. 011-5554530

Area of focus Environment awareness & research

Activities with respect to Organizing public hearings in villages, promoting

environment education environmental studies in schools

Activities with respect to Skill development and trainings

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Earth Foundation for Development & Environment

Contact Person M.M. Bhagat, Chairman
Address Suite No. 253, Bhagat Wing, The Claridges, 12,
Aurangaazeb Road, New Delhi 110011, India
Tel.No. 011-3010211, 3011828 Extn. 4253
Fax 011-3010546

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education & awareness, tree

environment education plantation and action projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Publications, if any Booklets

Name Energy and Environment Group

Contact Person Dr. Sudhirendar Sharma
Address Post Bag 4, Lajpat Nagar-4, New Delhi 110024, India
Tel.No. 011 6437479
Fax 011-6420664

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and biodiversity


Activities with respect to Organizing seminars/workshops on environment

environment education related issues and creating awareness regarding
pollution, promoting biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Energy Research Applications

Contact Person Sh Jagdishwer Tomar
Address Energy Research Applications, 211-B, Pkt-C,
Siddhartha Ext, New Delhi-110014, India
Tel.No. 011-6920553

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of energy conservation

Science & Technology technologies & research

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Enviromedia
Contact Person Gurudas Bhattacharya, Director
Address Sector-8/N202, Ramakrishna Puram,
New Delhi- 110022, India
Tel.No. 011-673074

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, mass media

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education to school children

environment education and organizing competition, debates in schools

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gandhi Peace Foundation

Contact Person Sh. Anupam Mishra
Address Environment Cell, 221/223 Deen Dayal Upadhyay
Marg, New Delhi - 110 002, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and research

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, research on soil

environment education erosion, water logging, drainage and dam, plantation

Activities with respect to Promotion of khadi & village industry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Books & booklets

Name Gene Campaign

Contact Person Dr. Suman Sahai, Convener
Address F-31, Green Park (main), New Delhi 110016, India
Tel.No. 011-655961

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

of genetic resources

Activities with respect to Information dissemination & public awareness of

Science & Technology issues related to biotechnology & GMOs

Activities with respect to To promote environmental studies in schools and

environment education conducting trainings for conservation of genetic

Activities with respect to Campaign for farmers rights

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several papers & booklets

Any other activities IPR issues

Name Harit Dhara Sangathan
Contact Person Hemant Kumar Dubey
Address A-183, Kidwai Nagar East, New Delhi 110023, India
Tel.No. 011-4641318
E mail

Area of focus Education, Environment, Wild life and Animal Welfare

Activities with respect to Conservation of nature and environment and

environment education plantation of trees. Education of masses on
environmental pollution and prevention of pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himalaya Seva Sangh ( HSS )

Contact Person Secretary
Address Rajghat, New Delhi 110002, India
Tel.No. 011 3319685

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and research &


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, social forestry,

environment education studies on Himalayan eco-system

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF)

Contact Person B. Khan, Managing Trustee
Address 115, Pocket B, SFS Flats, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi
110025, India
Tel.No. 011 6829562

Area of focus Science, Technology & Environment education &


Activities with respect to Conducting trainings on science & technology issues,

Science & Technology organizing science fairs in schools

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental education

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Publications, if any Publications on Science, Technology & Environment

education & awareness

Name Indian Adult Education Association

Contact Person J. L. Sachdeva, Director
Address 17 B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110 002, India
Tel.No. 011-3319282/3721336
Fax 011-3355306
E mail aeadasso@ndf.vsnl

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Conducting training programmes and thematic

environment education workshop on environmental education, Neo-literate
Material on EE.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Training materials

Any other activities Adult education

Name Indian Association for the Advancement of

Contact Person Pradeep Chaturvedi
Address 55 Kaka Nagar, New Delhi-110003, India

Area of focus Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Science & Technology literacy compaigns, students

Science & Technology Science projects.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action(ICELA)

Contact Person M.C.Mehta, President
Address 5, Anand Lok Khel Gaon Marg, New Delhi-110048
Tel.No. 011-6445214

Area of focus Awareness of Enviro legal issues

Activities with respect to Awareness and education of legal issues related to
environment education environment, public interest litigation on various
environmental issues like protection of Taj Mahal from
SO2 pollution, introduction of Environment Education
in formal curriculum, shifting of polluting industry from
within residential limits in Delhi and several other
issues of public interest, organizing seminars and

Activities with respect to Public interest litigation for removal of child labour,
livelihood education issues concerning occupational health, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Environmental Society (IES)

Contact Person Dr. Desh Bandhu, President
Address U-112, Vidhata House, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur,
Delhi, India
Tel.No. 011-2223311, 2450749
Fax 011-2223311
E mail

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Organizing National & International workshops,

environment education seminars & training programmes, establishment of
environment information centre, case studies on
environment subjects, rural environment clubs,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any ENVIS Newsletter

Any other activities Rural development & Panchayati Raj Issues

Name Indian National trust for Art and Cultural Heritage

Contact Person Director General
Address 71 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi - 110 003, India
Tel.No. 011-4641304, 4632269
Fax 011-4611290
E mail

Area of focus Restoration of ecological & historical heritage

Activities with respect to Environment education through workshops & seminar
environment education for eco-restoration and eco-development, preparation
of digitized maps on hydrology & land use

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications on several issues of environmental


Any other activities Conservation of Cultural Heritage & movements

Name Indian Science Writers Association

Contact Person Dr. R.D. Sharma
Address 457, Hawa Singh Block, Khel Gaown New Delhi, India
Tel.No. 011-6493105

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of science writers, organizing

Science & Technology workshops for science writers and techniques
Education in science writing, development of educational
material of science

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Material on science and environment

Name Indian Society for Training & Development ( ISTD )

Contact Person J.C. Jha, Executive Director
Address B-41, Institutional Area, South of IIT, New Delhi
110016, India
Tel.No. 011 651421, 652062

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and training

Activities with respect to Dissemination of appropriate technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conducting training programmes for school children on

environment education biodiversity conservation, controlling pollution and
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name Indian Society of Agribusiness
Contact Person Professionals
Address Executive Director,
E-12, Greater Kailash 1, New Delhi 110048, India

Area of focus Environment, Farming and Agriculture, Media

Activities with respect to The society is a network of professional from the

Science & Technology agribusiness sector in India and the SAARC countries.
Education Experiences on technologies ranging from Irrigation,
Food Processing, International Trade, Research, Agri
Inputs, Agri Extension.

Activities with respect to Promoting small scale industries

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust

Contact Person Shri Soumya Dutta
Address 1 Akbar Road, New Delhi-110011, India
Tel.No. 011-3794432

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology literacy in

Science & Technology urban and rural areas, development of
Education educational material on science

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Developme nt Research Centre (IDRC)

Contact Person Elizabeth FajberRegional Programme Officer
Address South Asia Regional Office (SARO) 11 Jor Bagh
New Delhi- 110 003, India
Tel.No. 011-4619411
Fax 011-4622707
E mail
Web Site: http:\\

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Energy,

Biodiversity, Urban Issues
Activities with respect to International NGO/ donor working to promote
environment education research, Environment Education and Awareness,

environment education research, Environment Education and Awareness,
Capacity Building& Networking, funding research
activities, organizing workshops, training programmes,
Seminars/Symposia/Conferences, Advocacy
Programmes, Working on the projects like Community
Based Natural Resource Management and
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, worked with
Government, NGOs and Industry to promote medicinal
plant conservation and its traditional use.
Facilitated consultation on New Biodiversity
Legislation of India.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group ( KV )

Contact Person President
Address J-20, Second Floor, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi
110014, India
Tel.No. 011-4316717, 4624197
E mail

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research,

biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, research on

environment education pollution, protection of natural sites. Biodiversity
conservation and preparation of National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan

Activities with respect to Promotion of biodiversity based livelihoods in rural &

livelihood education tribal areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & booklets

Any other activities IPR issues, networking

Name Kirorimal College

Contact Person R. Ratna Chaudhary
Address Kirorimal College University Of Delhi, Delhi 110 001,
Tel.No. 011-3966861
Area of focus Popularization of Science amongst youth

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars and competions for
Science & Technology science education, celebration of important
Education scientific days, debate of scientific issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name National Institute of Science,Technology &

Development Studies
Contact Person Dr. Gauhar Raza
Address Pusa Gate, K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi
110012 ,India
Tel.No. 011-5764064

Area of focus Science & technology education

Activities with respect to Organizing science promotion programmes

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangthan

Contact Person Dr.Anoop Swarup
Address East Plasa, Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium
New Delhi-110002, India
Tel.No. 011-3379703

Area of focus Youth development through science and

environment education

Activities with respect to Workshops, camps and youth programmes

Science & Technology for promotion of science and technology
Education literacy

Activities with respect to Environment education and action projects for

environment education students

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Institute for Development &
Contact Person S. Dasgupta, Chairman
Address C1/1414 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110037, India
Environment education & awareness, rural
Area of focus development

Environment education & awareness, natural farming,

Activities with respect to afforestation, solar energy
environment education
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if

Name Priya Ranjan Trivedi Institute of Postgraduate

Environment Education & Research
Contact Person Hema Deepak, Trustee
Address Saidulajaib, South of Saket, New Delhi 110030, India
Tel.No. 011-657514

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and training

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education, social forestry,

environment education afforestation and biodiversity conservation, PG
Diploma in Environment & ecology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Training modules, several books, environment


Name Professional Assistance for Development for

Action (PRADAN)
Contact Person Ved Arya, Programme Director
Address 3, Community Shopping Centre, Neeti Bagh, New
Delhi-110049, India
Tel.No. 011-668619

Area of focus Livelihood education, rural development

Activities with respect to Livelihood education for sustainable rural technologies,

environment education wasteland development, water management, natural
resource management

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development

Name Ranthambore Foundation

Contact Person Sunny Philip, Project Coordinator
Address 19, Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi 110021, India
Tel.No. 011 3016261
Fax 011 3019457

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research &


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, biodiversity

environment education conservation research, afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Safe Blood Organisation

Contact Person Dr Vimarsh Raina
Address E-410 Greater Kailash Part II , New Delhi-
110048, India
Tel.No. 9810125104

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science and society programmes with special

Science & Technology emphasis on health and sanitation technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Science Aur Kainat Society of India

Contact Person Shakil A. Kakvi, Secretary
Address 161/9, Joga Bai, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025,
Tel.No. 011-6843151, 6847751

Area of focus Science/Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting scientific temper amongst youth,

Science & Technology popularizing astronomy

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to school children
environment education
Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Sharan Society for Serving the Urban

Contact Person Poor
Address Titus Mathew, Director, Projects
42, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi 110049

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, health care, self


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, water

environment education conservation

Activities with respect to Skill development for self employment of youth

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)

Contact Person Mr. Harsh Jaitli, Programme Director,
Address 42, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi - 110062, India
Tel.No. 91-11-6081908, 6089559,
Fax 91-11-6080183
E mail, Website:

Area of focus Scientific research and environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting research in science and technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to children, tree

environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Books and booklets

Name Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development
Contact Person Arvind K. Khare, Executive Director
Address Shriram Bhartiya Kala Kendra Building, 1, Copurnicus
Marg, New Delhi 110001, India
Tel.No. 011-383713, 384521, 386210
Fax 011-382633

Area of focus Awareness on land degradation, wasteland

development and eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for scientific development of

Science & Technology wastelands

Activities with respect to Awareness, wasteland development, soil & water

environment education conservation, afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

ddate of registration if

Name Society for Technology & Action for Rural

Advancement (TARA)
Contact Person Air Cmde D. Banerjee, Manager
Address B-32, Tara Crescent, Qutab Institutional Area, New
Delhi 110016, India
Tel.No. 011-665370, 657938, 6851158
Fax 011-6866031
Area of focus Dissemination of technologies for sustainable

Activities with respect to Technology dissemination on soil & water

Science & Technology conservation, wasteland reclamation, renewable
Education energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets

Any other activities Promotion of Integrated Rural Development

Name Sulabh International Social Service Organization of

New Delhi
Contact Person Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak
Address Sulabh Bhawan, Mahavir Enclave, Palam Dabri Road,
New Delhi 110045, India
Tel.No. 011-5032617 / 5032654 / 5032631

Fax 91-11-5034014
E mail
Area of focus Environment education, health management

Activities with respect to It has developed a scavenging free two pit pour flush
Science & Technology toilet, safe and hygienic on human waste disposal
Education technology; a new concept of maintenance and
construction of pay and use public toilets with bath,
laundry and urinal facilities being used by about 10
million people everyday and generation of bio-gas and
bio-fertilizer produced from excreta based plants, low
maintenance waste water treatment plants. It has set
up English medium school for children from poor
families especially scavenger families. At Istanbul
Sulabh was declared globally best practice. It has also
been granted consultative status with the Economic
and Social Council of United Nations.

Activities with respect to To promote environmental sanitation, health and

environment education hygiene, non-conventional source of energy waste
management and social reforms through education,
training and awareness campaigns.

Activities with respect to Development & dissemination of technologies for rural

livelihood education improvement, pisciculture, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & booklets

Any other activities Human Rights Issues

Name Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI)

Contact Person Sh. R. K. Pachauri, Director
Address Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Raod
New Delhi - 110 003, India
Tel.No. 011-4622246, 4601550
Fax 011-4621770
E mail

Area of focus Awareness & research on environment & energy


Activities with respect to Research on environment & energy issues and health
environment education impacts, promotion of renewable energy sources
EIA & environment audit studies, biodiversity
conservation. Environment Education through

conservation. Environment Education through
workshops, seminars & meetings

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include Status of environment reports,

TERI scope, Looking back to think ahead and
several books & journals

Name Theatre in Education Company

Contact Person Urmila Jain, Coordinator
Address Bhawalpur House, Bhawwandas Road, New Delhi
110001, India
Tel.No. 011-389402, 384288 Extn. 206
Fax 011-387137

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing street plays and dramas on environment

environment education related issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vishwa Yuvak Kendra ( VYK)

Contact Person Indira Kaithara, Director Programmes
Address International Youth Centre, Circular Road,
Chankaypuri, New Delhi 110021, India
Tel.No. 011-3013631

Area of focus Environment education, research and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in youth

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental education amongst youth,

environment education organizing tree plantation programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Voluntary Health Association of India ( VHA)
Contact Person Alok Mukhopadhyay, Executive Director
Address 40, Institutional Area, South of IIT, New Mehrauli
Road, New Delhi 110016, India
Tel.No. 011-668071-72

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Studies and information dissemination of health issues

Science & Technology especially specific diseases

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops/seminars to promote

environment education environmental education in schools and colleges

Whether GO / NGO NGO

Date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & booklets on environment & health

Name WWF-India
Contact Person The Secretary General,
Address Pirojsha Godrej National Conservation Centre
172-B,Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi -
110 003, India
Tel.No. 011-4691760-62
Fax 011-4691226 / 4626837
E mail

Area of focus Promotion of nature conservation & environment

protection for sustainable development, environment
education & awareness, promoting sustainable

Activities with respect to Environment education through setting up nature clubs

environment education all over India, Biodiversity conservation, research &
support, eco-development, wildlife trade monitoring &
assisting CITES, research in national & international
environmental law and diploma programme, policy
analysis, NGO networking
Computerized database on wildlife trade,
environmental NGOs in India, protected areas, tiger
reserves, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include WWF Indias newsletter, nature
news & several books & reports on environmental
WWF directory of environmental NGOs

Government Organizations

Name Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural

Technology (CAPART)
Contact Person Dr. Arun Sud, Director
Address Zone V, 2 nd floor, IHC, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003,
Tel.No. 011-4642395
Fax 011-4648607

Area of focus Science, Environment and Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies in rural areas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness in masses

environment education

Activities with res pect to Development and training on appropriate rural

livelihood education technologies especially for weaker section of

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & reports

Name Deptt. of Science and Technology

Contact Person Advisor
Address Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, GOI, New
Delhi, India
Tel.No. 011 6866675
Fax 011- 6960207

Area of focus Science and technology promotion

Activities with respect to Promotion of science and technology literacy and

Science & Technology education, scientific temper in society, science
Education communication programmes, promotion of scientific
research and technology dissemination.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & papers, newsletter

Any other activities Networking

Name Indian National Science Academy

Contact Person Chairman
Address Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi- 110002, India
Tel.No. 011-3221931 upto 1950
Fax 011-3235648 & 3231095
E mail, ,

Area of focus Science Education & Research

Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific Research, popular science

Science & Technology programmes, recognition of eminent scientists,
Education preparation of website & document on science education,
organization of international & national workshops related
to science education in collaboration with NCERT, UGC,
teachers, scientists

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education

environment education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, journal

Any other activities Funding of R & D

Name Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Contact Person Shri Puran Chand
Address 18, Institutional Area ,Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi 110016 , India
Tel.No. 011-6964366

Area of focus Science Education in schools

Activities with respect to Development of school science centers,

Science & Technology science competitions for children

Activities with respect to Environment education and projects in schools

environment education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Books & booklets
Any other activities Education

Name Ministry Of Environment And Forests ,Government of

India, (MOEF)
Contact Person Advisor/Director
Address Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New
Delhi , 110 003, India
Tel.No. 011-4360721
Fax 011-4360678
E mail

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, pollution, energy,

biodiversity, urban Issues, Environmental Legislation,
agriculture and related Issues, protected areas, promoting
environment education & creating awareness on

Activities with respect to Research, Planning and Management on environment

environment education monitoring and assessment, policy development, capacity
building, consultancy, networking, workshops, training
programmes, seminars/symposia/conferences, nature
camps ,exhibitions,development of educational material.
ministry supports NGOs and educational institutes in
organizing activities like National Environment Awareness
Campaign, setting up Eco-clubs in schools and
establishing Centres of excellence on EE, introducing
environmental issues in the school curricula

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Developed and produced large number of EE resource

materials by two Centres of Excellence on EE as well as

Any other activities Launched National Environment Awareness

Campaign (NEAC), supported over 1500 Eco-
clubs every year, initiated National Green Corps
Program in 100 schools in each district of India

Name National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Contact Person Dr. Kirti Singh
Address Avenue Ii, IARI Campus, New Delhi-110012,
Tel.No. 011-5766285
Area of focus Popularization of Agricultural technologies

Activities with respect to Science & technology education to farmers
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promotion of organic farming, Integrated Pest

environment education Management, etc.

Activities with respect to Training on new farming techniques, animals

livelihood education husbandry, pisciculture, poultry development,

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books & journals

Name National Council for Science and Technology

Contact Person Dr. Anuj Sinha, Advisor
Address Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, GOI,
New Delhi, India
Tel.No. 011 6866675
Fax 011- 6960207

Area of focus Science popularization

Activities with respect to Science education and communication, promotion of

Science & Technology scientific projects for children, organizing nation wide
Education children science congress programme

Activities with respect to Nature awareness camps for children and teachers
environment education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Educational & training materials

Any other activities Networking

Name National Institute of Planning and Administration

Contact Person Direc tor
Address NCERT Campus, Shri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi
110016, India
Tel.No. 011 6863562, 6962120
Fax 011 6853041, 6965180

E mail

Area of focus Science and environment education.

Activities with respect to Teacher training programmes on sceince and curriculum

Science & Technology development.

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental education through teacher

environment education training

Activities with respect to Training on new technogies

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Books and Papers

Any other activities Policy issues

Name State Council of Educational Research & Training

Contact Person Head, Detptt. of Science and Maths Education
Address Varun Marg, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024, India
011 5841640
Tel.No. 011 5841640

Area of focus Science and Environment education.

Activities with respect to Children programmes for science popularization

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness in schools

environment education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Vigyan Prashad

Contact Person Secretary
Address C-24, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016, India
Tel.No. 011-6967532
Fax 011-6965986
E mail website

Area of focus Science education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T literacy amongst students & general
Science & Technology public, development of material for science popularization

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletter

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

2. Anchalika Janamangal Yuvak Sangha ( AJYS) 415
3. Antyodaya Chetana Mandal ( ACM ) 416
4. Antyodaya Research & Action Group ( ARAG ) 416
5. Arun Institute of Rural Affairs 416
6. ASHA (The Hope) 417
7. Associated Social Service Agency ( ASSA ) 417
8. Bana Bharati 418
9. Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Samity 418
10. Centre for Environment Research & Extension Education 418
11. Centre for Youth & Social Development ( CYSD ) 419
12. Chitta Binodan Kendra 419
13. Committee for Legal Aid to Poor ( CLAP ) 420
14. Council for Socio Economic Benevolent Action (SEBA) 420
15. Darabar Sahitya Sansad ( DSS ) 421
16. Daridra Narayan Seva Santha ( DNSS ) 422
17. Ecological Society of Orissa 422
18. Gania Unnayan Committee ( GUC ) 422
19. Gram Vikas 423
20. Grama Seva Mandal 424
21. Indira Priyadarshini Pallimangal Samittee ( IPPS) 424
22. Institute for Rural Development & Environmental Protection 424
23. Institute for Youth & Disaster Preparedness ( IYDP) 425
24. Janamangal Mahila Samiti 425
25. Lokanayak Club 426
26. Manab Seva Sadan ( MASS ) 426
27. Marr-Munning Ashram, Orissa, India 427
28. National Institute for Peoples Development Investigation & 427
Training ( NIPDIT )
29. Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society of Orissa 428
30. Netaji Rural Welfare Organization 428
31. Orissa Bigyan Academy 428
32. Orissa Environmental Society (OES) 429
33. Orissa Social Service Institute 429
34. Orissa State Volunteers Social Workers 430
35. Orrisa Bigan Prasar Parishad (OBPP) 430
36. Orrisa Environmental Consciousness Society (OECS) 431
37. Palli Sanskruti Kala Parishad 431
38. Paribesh Suraksha Samity 431
39. Peoples Institute for Participatory Action Research (PIPAR) 432
40. Peoples Rural Education Movement (PREM) 433

41. Prachi Pathagar 433
42. Rourkela Environmental Society (RES) 434
43. Rural Women Development Service Centre 434
44. Small & Marginal Farmers Association (SAMFA) 434
45. Social Action for Rural Community 435
46. Society for Developmental Action (SODA) 435
47. Srujanika Jagamara 436
48. Tribal Education & Development Society 436

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. State Council for Science & Technology 437

2. Pathani Samanta Planetarium 437

Non-Governmental Organizations

Contact Person Achyut Das, Director
Address P.O. Kashipur, District Rayagada, - 765 015, Orissa,
Tel. No. India
Fax 06856 55009, 23588, 0674-559923
E-mail 06856 55009, 0674-559923 /

Area of focus Environment / science education, food security &

women empowerment

Activities with respect to Organizing mobile science exhibitions & establishment

Science & Technology of one science laboratory

Activities with respect to Environment education through nature study camps,

environment education night schools, promotion of agro forestry, organic
farming, biogas & smokeless chullahs

Activities with respect to Income generation programmes like, goatery, poultry,

livelihood education duckry, dairy, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publications, if any Bimonthly magazines Agrodoota & Arohana, quarterly

magazine Nuapatha Nuabata and several other
publications & learning materials on EE & S&T

Name Anchalika Janamangal Yuvak Sangha ( AJYS )

Contact Person Mr. Mayadhar Nayak, General Secretary
Address At Kantakola PO Nuabaga Via Rasola, Dhenkanat
759021, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education, rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness in youth through

environment education camps & seminar

Activities with respect to Development of nurseries for income generation

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Antyodaya Chetana Mandal ( ACM )
Contact Person Mr. Aditya Patnaik, Secretary
Address Village Rangamatia PO Patagadia, via
Rashagovindpur, Mayurbhani 757016, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper and use of renewable

Science & Technology energy

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation, awareness on

environment education use of organic manure

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Antyodaya Research & Action Group ( ARAG )

Contact Person Mr. Rabi Mohanty, Secretary
Address Gamhapur, PO Radhua, Via Nalibar, Jagatsinghpur
754104, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06724 2216 / 2226

Area of focus Environment education & research, tribal

development, biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & research, plantation,

environment education biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Tribal development

Name Arun Institute of Rural Affairs

Contact Person Arun Kumar Panda, Director
Address At Aswakhola, PO Karamul, Via Mahimagdi,
Dhenkanal 759014, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment & health education, eco-development

Activities with respect to Technologies for Wasteland development, promotion

Science & Technology of smokeless chulhas,

Activities with respect to Environment & health education, social forestry

environment education

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name ASHA (The Hope)

Contact Person Raghunath, Member Secretary
Address At/PO Kamakhiyanagar, District Dhenkanal, 759018,
Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06769 70670, 23618
Fax 06769-70206

Area of focus Environment education, women & child care,

empowerment & capacity building, natural resource
management, food security & livelihood

Activities with respect to Promoting indigenous Science & Technology and

Science & Technology information dissemination, development of scientific
Education temper

Activities with respect to Holding seminars, workshops for disseminating

environment education environment education amongst villagers, forest &
natural resource management, promoting village &
community level forest protection

Activities with respect to Training women, poor farmers & below poverty line
livelihood education people for food security & livelihood
Promotion of farmer groups, micro-irrigation, crop
production, milk & meat producing domestic animals &
bird keeping , organic farming in villages, micro
enterprise promotion

Whether GO / NGO NGO (Also registered under FCRA)

date of registration if 1988

Any other activities Promoting sustainable development

Name Associated Social Service Agency ( ASSA )

Contact Person Mr. Babun Mohanty, Dierctor
Address Sailongchhak, Anandpur, Keonjhar 758015, Orissa,
Tel. No. 06731 20193

Area of focus Environment education & rural development

Activities with respect to Promotion of indigenous science & technology, Biogas

Science & Technology production, composting

Science & Technology production, composting

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, etc.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bana Bharati

Contact Person Nimai Bhai, Secretary
Address At PO Koraput, Koraput 764020, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy sources and spreading

Science & Technology scientific temper

Activities with respect to Environment education, protection of forests,

environment education plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Samity

Contact Person R.N. Ray
Address N-3/309, Irc Village, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa- 751015,
Tel. No. 0674-454875

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Science popularization activities through workshops,

Science & Technology camps, lectures & projects for students and masses.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Environment Research & Extension

Education ( CEREE)
Contact Person K. Milan Kumar Patro, Director
Address 10 Bapuji Nagar, Near Medical College, Berhampur,
Ganjam-760004, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education, sanitation & non-conventional
energy sources

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper through use of non-

Science & Technology conventional energy sources

Activities with respect to Environment education, action programmes for

environment education garbage disposal, sanitation improvement

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Youth & Social Development ( CYSD )

Contact Person P.K. Sahoo, Chairman
Address A/70, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751007, Orissa,
Tel. No. 0674-54974, 57963

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, rural


Activities with respect to Environment education through workshops, seminars,

environment education tree plantation, survey on environment degradation,
smokeless chullahas , environment and youth

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Chitta Binodan Kendra

Contact Person Mr. Kalyan Jenasamanta, Hony. Secretary
Address At PO Mirzapur, via Dharmsala, Jajpur-755008,
Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06725 8871

Area of focus Environment education, health care, eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of Biogas production, smokeless chullahas

Science & Technology and solar energy devices, awareness on health care
Activities with respect to Environment education, development of nurseries,
environment education plantations, wasteland development

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Committee for Legal Aid to Poor ( CLAP )

Contact Person Bikash Das, Executive Vice-President
Address Post Box 94, Cuttack-753001, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 0671-363980, 365680
Fax 0671 363980

Area of focus Legal aspects of environment protection, legal advise

to poor, etc.

Activities with respect to Developing tools for integration of science in human

Science & Technology rights programme

Activities with respect to Environment education, surveys, training for

environment education education in environmental law, counseling and filing
PILs on environmental legal aspects, social forestry,
water conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1982

Publications, if any Publishes books like, Environment Law Kit, Legal

aspect of social forestry, A road to earth summit, etc.

Any other activities Undertake court proceedings, organizes public

hearings for promotion of legal network amongst
NGOs for environmental cause.

Name Council for Socio Economic Benevolent Action

Contact Person (SEBA)
Address Ms. Sandhyarani Dash, Secretary
At/Walliganj, Po-Bhanjpur, Baripada, Distt.
Mayurbhanj, Orissa 757002, India
Tel. No. 06792-55533
Fax 06792-53766

Area of focus Socio-economic development through science


Activities with respect to Popularization of science & technology, addressing

Science & Technology socio-economic & livelihood issues through science
Education education & development scientific attitude amongst

Education education & development scientific attitude amongst
masses, Organizing workshops, seminars & training
programmes for promoting science & technology

Activities with respect to Conducting nature camps, awareness workshops,

environment education seminars, etc. on issues related to environment

Activities with respect to Promoting watershed projects, promotion of

livelihood education appropriate rural technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997

Name Darabar Sahitya Sansad ( DSS )

Contact Pers on Kedar Choudhary, Secretary
Address Sodhua, PO Dalakasoti, Via Balipatna, Distt. Khurda
752102, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 0674 468529, 9861022440
Fax 0674-519237, 509237
Environment education, child & women development,
Area of focus
disaster preparedness & management, vocational

Activities with respect to Promotion of biogas, organic farming & other useful
Science & Technology technologies and promotion of scientific temper

Activities with respect to Organizing National Environment Awareness

environment education Campaign programmes, environment education,
social forestry, wasteland development

Activities with respect to Providing vocational training to women self-help

livelihood education groups and skill training in animal husbandry (goatary,
diary) and promoting cottage & food processing

Whether GO / NGO date of NGO

registration if applicable. 1985

Publications, if any Published booklets and leaflets on environment

related issues

Any other activities Forming village committees, block level committees

and networking with other NGOs/GOs for disaster
management & other activities

Name Daridra Narayan Seva Santha ( DNSS )
Contact Person G. C. Mallick, Managing Director
Address At PO Bahanga, Balasore 756042, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06788 4654, 4652, 4647

Area of focus Environment education, health care

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy, smokeless chullahas,

Science & Technology biogas plants for promotion of scientific temper in rural
Education areas

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness and education,

environment education afforestation,

Activities with respect to Preparation of indigenous medicines

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ecological Society of Orissa

Contact Person Ajoy Kumar Patra
Address PG Department of Zoology, Utkal University, Vanivihar
751004, Orissa, India

Area of focus Science & environment education & research

Activities with respect to Science education & awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, survey of

environment education pollution , awareness for ecosystem conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gania Unnayan Committee ( GUC )

Contact Person Sj. Parikshita Pattanayak, President
Address At/PO Belapadapatna, Distt. Nayagarh 752085,
Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06757 26022

Area of focus Food security, environment & health education

Activities with respect to Occasionally organizing workshops, seminars &
Science & Technology exhibitions for popularization of science with an aim to
Education bring the laboratory to the land, also advocate using
renewable energy

Activities with respect to Regularly organizing workshops, seminars, rallies, etc.

environment education to promote environment education especially for forest
protection , propagation of clean & green environment,
tree plantation

Activities with respect to Organization of village development communities and

livelihood education self help groups for food security, promotion of
capacity building and providing trainings for skill
development and different income generated

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1981
applicable. (FCRA registration, 1985)

Name Gram Vikas

Contact Person U.S. Misra, Executive Assistant
Address Mohuda Village, District Ganjam, Berhampur 760 002
Orissa, India
Tel. No. 0680 222756 to 59, 221760, 222761, 223762, 221763
Fax 0680-209754
E-mail website:

Area of focus Natural resource management, energy, agriculture

and related issues

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy like biogas plants,

Science & Technology wasteland development, Development of scientific
Education temper

Activities with respect to Planning and management, workshops/training

environment education programmes, advocacy programmes on environment
education and awareness and forest protection.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1979

Publications, if any Monthly newsletter in local language

Any other activities Rural health & environment programmes executed in

67 villages in 14 districts

Name Grama Seva Mandal
Contact Person Devendranath Acharya, Director / Brajasundar Das,
Address At/Hakimpada, Angul 759143, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06764-36466

Area of focus Environment education, economic development,


Activities with respect to Wasteland development through use of appropriate

Science & Technology science and technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, plantation,

environment education

Activities with respect to Render services to people on labour intensive income

livelihood education generation activities through formation of self help
groups and lay stress on self sufficiency in food in
every village

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1977-78
applicable. (FCRA-1976)

Any other activities Maintain old age homes, promote tree plantation

Name Indira Priyadarshini Pallimangal Samittee ( IPPS )

Contact Person Mr. G. S. Jagdev, Secretary
Address At PO Thanapally, via Kalapathar, Khurda 754009,
Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education & literacy, eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, low cost toilets

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Literacy campaigns

Name Institute for Rural Development & Environmental

Contact Person Mr. Shrikanta Kumar Panda, General Secretary
Address Goradapal, PO Karamul, via Mahimagadi, Dhenkanal
759014, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation, health &

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper , smokeless chullahas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education through campaigns,

environment education plantations

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Youth & Disaster Preparedness

( IYDP )
Contact Person Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Convener
Address Village Sananayapally, PO jthanpally, via Kalapathar
754009, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 0674 443260
Fax 0674 440929 / 440909

Area of focus Environment education, tribal development,

rehabilitation during disaster

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in society by

Science & Technology popularizing use of biogas, solar cookers, soak pits

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Disaster management

Name Janamangal Mahila Samiti

Contact Person Swarnalata Devi, Secretary
Address PO Dimirisena, Via Vasudevpur 752013, Orissa,

Area of focus Environment education, agriculture, health &


Activities with respect to Promotion of water harvesting technologies, use of

Science & Technology biogas & smokeless chulahas amongst women

Activities with respect to Environment education, wasteland development,
environment education social forestry,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Lokanayak Club

Contact Person G. Swarn, Secretary
Address At-Po Patapur, via banki, Cuttack, 754008, Orissa,

Area of focus Environment education & conservation, health care

Activities with respect to Promoting science, water conservation, sanitation &

Science & Technology use of renewable energy

Activities with respect to Environment education for women & children, social
environment education forestry,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manab Seva Sadan ( MASS )

Contact Person P. C. Samantray, General Secretary
Address At PO Sarang, Via IGIT, Sarang, Dhenkanal
759146, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06760 40140

Area of focus Environment education, awareness, conservation &


Activities with respect to Use of smokeless chulahs & biogas, promotion of

Science & Technology scientific temper

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, survey of

environment education pollution, tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Marr-Munning Ashram, Orissa, India
Contact Person Secretary
Address Aurobind Nagar, Jeypore, District Koraput,
Orissa 764001, India
Tel. No. 06854-32761

Area of focus Environment education, farming / agriculture, health

Activities with respect to Environment education for the tribals of Orissa

environment education

Activities with respect to To make the tribals of Orissa educationally and

livelihood education financially self-sustainable through livelihood

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1974

Any other activities Educational complex, hostel & orphanage for ST girls
in low literacy pockets

Name National Institute for Peoples Development

Investigation & Training ( NIPDIT )
Contact Person R. C. Dash, Member Secretary
Address College Road, P.O. Phulbani, District Khandamal-
762001, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06842 53579
Fax 06842 53403

Area of focus Forest, environment, community health, gender issues

& agriculture

Activities with respect to Promotion of science through promoting check dams,

Science & Technology soak pits, composting, smokeless chullahas , village
Education sanitation

Activities with respect to Environment education, plantation, survey on

environment education environment degradation, joint forest management,
sustainable agriculture,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1983

Publications, if any Various types of leaflets, charts, posters, training

materials are produced, quarterly magazine
Pratibimba in local language

Name Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society of Orissa
Contact Person S.K. Patnaik, Hony. Secretary
Address Mayur Bhawan Janpath, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar
751007, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education, wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Promotion of water conservation technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and conservation of wildlife

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Netaji Rural Welfare Organization

Contact Person Braja Mohan Nayak, Secretary
Address At/ P.O. Brahmanpal Via Dhusuri,
Bhadrak District-756 119 India.

Area of focus Environment Education & conservation

Activities with respect to Evironment education through camps &

environment education workshops, Social forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Orissa Bigyan Academy

Contact Person Prof. A.P. Dash
Address Type 4r/25, Unit - Ix(F) Bhubaneshwar,
Orissa 751007, India

Area of focus Science and Technology education

Activities with respect to Science popularization activities for students

Science & Technology and masses, Science and society
Education programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of literature .

Name Orissa Environmental Society (OES)
Contact Person Sundara Narayana Patro, Secretary
Address ND-4, VIP Area, IRC Village, Bhubaneswar-751 003,
Orissa, India
Tel. No. 0674-557423, 564793, 582097

Area of focus Environment Education & Awareness, eco-

development, popularization of S&T

Activities with respect to Celebration of National Science Day & Orissa Vigyan
Science & Technology Congress every year

Activities with respect to Organizing NEAC programmes, celebration of World

environment education Environment Day, workshops, symposiums,
competitions & training programmes on environment
education & sustainable development , organizing
snake shows & exhibition on medicinal plants

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1982

Publications, if any Several publications on environment & biodiversity

conservation, sustainable development, pollution, solid
waste management

Name Orissa Social Service Institute

Contact Person Dr. Dilip Chandra Samantaray, General Secretary
Address Post Box 1, P.O. Baramba, Cuttack-754 031, Orissa,
Tel. No. India
06721-43276, 27120

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and vocational


Activities with respect to Promotion of smokeless chulahs, non-conventional

Science & Technology energy resources

Activities with respect to Environment education awareness, eco-clubs in 48

environment education high schools, study tours for students, plantation, &
conservation of medicinal plants

Activities with respect to Vocational training on typewriting, stenography,

livelihood education computer education, students involvement in

Whether GO / NGO) NGO
date of registration if 1986

Publications, if any Several pamphlets, booklets, brochures & reports

Name Orissa State Volunteers Social Workers

Association (OSVWA)
Contact Person P.K. Pattanaik, Director
Address N-1/324, I.R.C. Village, Bhubaneswar-751 015,
Tel. No. Orissa, India
Fax 0674-451459
0674-530599, 459902

Area of focus Environment education, awareness &


Activities with respect to Rural sanitation, energy conservation, science

Science & Technology awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, watershed

environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

Date of registration if

Name Orrisa Bigan Prasar Parishad (OBPP)

Contact Person Satyanarayan Dash, General Secretary,
Address R.C. Das Lane Kamapally, P.O. Berhampur,
Ganjam District-760 004 India
Tel. No. 06812-70187

Area of focus Science & Environment Education

Activities with respect to Use of renewable energy and promotion of Science

Science & Technology education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Orrisa Environmental Consciousness
Society (OECS)
Contact Person B.K. Senapati, Secretary
Address School of Life Sciences,
Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar-768 019,

Area of focus Environment education, research & eco-


Activities with respect to Science awareness through organic farm ing,

Science & Technology vermi-composting, biogas production

Activities with respect to Environment education, research on waste

environment education management & pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Palli Sanskruti Kala Parishad

Contact Person Aparti Mahapatra, Secretary
Address At/P.O. Tipasi, Via Kanas, Puri District-752 017,
Orissa India

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Science & Technology awareness through wasteland

Science & Technology development, renewable energy

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, afforestation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Paribesh Suraksha Samity

Contact Person Pushpa Mitra Swain, Secretary
Address Sribihar, Tulasipur, Cuttack-753 008, Orissa,
Tel. No. 0671-25458, 30126

Area of focus Environment education & surveys

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness

environment education amongst masses & surveys on
environmental issues

environmental issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Institute for Participatory Action Research

Contact Person Sankarsana Hota, Director
Address Prakruti Niwas, Bhagirathi Sagar East
Gudianali, Dhenkanal- 759001, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06762-24928, 26887
Fax 06762-24450

Area of focus Environment education, forest management,

sustainable tribal development, natural resource
management, community health

Activities with respect to Promoting use of biogas chullahs, herbal medicines &
Science & Technology use of bio-fertilizers.

Activities with respect to Creating awareness and action for protection,

environment education preservation & promotion of natural forests; formation
of 75 regional committees of villagers for forest
protection and organizing training programmes for
forest management. Publishing of forest policies,
circulars in local language.

Activities with respect to Community empowerment, information dissemination

livelihood education on government schemes, plantation at private &
community lands, promoting use of herbal medicines
and advocating activities to ensure rights over natural
resources, their processing & getting appropriate

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1981-82

Publications, if any Bi-monthly bulletin titled Kasturi on womens rights

issues and Ama Gaon on sustainable livelihood
issues, also publish materials on forest, NTFP & local

Any other activities Have a special cell name Women Resource Centre
working on women related issues, also running a
training centre on pisciculture

Name Peoples Rural Education Movement (PREM)
Contact Person Jacob Thundyil, President
Address At-Mandiapalli, P.O. Rangailunda, Via-Bhanja
Bihar, Berhampur (GM), Orissa-760007, India
Tel. No. 0680-242266, 243217, 203448
Fax 0680-242401, 200111

Area of focus Environment Education, health and livelihood

education for Rural women & children with special
focus to tribal, dalits & fisher folks

Activities with respect to Promoting modern technology for fishing & storage,
Science & Technology scientific farming, agro-forestry & value addition with
Education scientific know-how

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness, eco-clubs,

environment education plantation, smokeless chulhas, medicinal plants,
preparation of compost and garbage pits.

Activities with respect to Providing trainings for value addition to minor forest
livelihood education produce, sustainable livelihood & promoting Grain
bank and Seed banks.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1984

Name Prachi Pathagar

Contact Person Sampad Mohapatra, Science & Education Coordinator
Address PO: Sakhigopal, Puri, Orissa 752014, India
Tel. No. 06752-72158

Area of focus Science/environment education & promotion of


Activities with respect to State level mathematics and origami workshops,

Science & Technology trainings on primary & mathematics teaching ,
Education workshops/camps on science behind eclipses,
miracles for school children

Activities with respect to NEAC programmes, awareness on coir pith hazards

environment education and its management, solid waste management,
promotion of vetiver to check soil erosion

Activities with respect to Promotion of quality seeds, inter-cropping & small

livelihood education household coconut orchards

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if 1980

Any other activities Promotion of HAM radio as a tool for disaster


Name Rourkela Environmental Society (RES)

Contact Person Subhendu Rath, Secretary
Address AL-34, Basanti Colony, Rourkela-769012,
Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment awareness campaigns/workshops in

environment education schools & colleges, tree plantation, awareness of air

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Women Development Service Centre

Contact Person Laxman Kumar Pal, Director
Address At/PO Khalari, Angul District-759122, Orissa,
Tel. No. 06764-30104
Fax 06764-32539

Area of focus Health & environment education for women

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness & training camps for women
environment education in rural areas, social forestry, pollution prevention

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Small & Marginal Farmers Association

Contact Person Arvind Mohanty, Director
Address Laxmipur, Koraput-765013, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06852-52348

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of new technologies for farmers and

Science & Technology awareness on scientific issues

Science & Technology awareness on scientific issues

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness for soil

environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Social Action for Rural Community

Contact Person Kailash Chandra, Secretary
Address AT/PO Tipuri, Via-Kanas, Distt. Puri-752017,
Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment Education & Awareness

Activities with respect to Conducting exhibitions on science & technology

Science & Technology related issues in schools

Activities with respect to Environment Awareness, distribution of posters &

environment education pamphlets regarding environmental problems amongst
school children

Activities with respect to Formation of groups and collection of funds for growth
livelihood education of economic conditions

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1999

Publications, if any Pamphlets

Name Society for Developmental Action (SODA)

Contact Person Biswa Ranjan Behera, Secretary
Address Vill. Indapahi, Post Laxmiposi, Via Baripada,
Mayurbhanj-757107, Orissa, India
Tel. No. 06792-52841, 78179

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Non-formal environmental education & training

environment education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops & seminars, providing industrial

livelihood education & vocational training for development of weaker
sections of the society

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Srujanika Jagamara

Contact Person N.M. Pattnaik
Address Khandagiri P.O.
Orissa 751030, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper amongst

Science & Technology masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Tribal Education & Development Society

Contact Person Brunda Ban Patra, Secretary
Address At/PO, Patihinja Via Kuliana, Orissa, India

Area of focus Environment protection & conservation

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education for natural

environment education resource conservation
Activities with respect to
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Education for tribal development

Government Organizations

Name State Council for Science & Technology

Contact Person Er.A A Jawaid
Address Science & Technology Department
Orissa Secretariat
Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751001, India
Tel. No. 0674-406460

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Education, environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper, Children science congress,
promotion of Govt. of India Projects

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs
for environment action projects

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Pathani Samanta Planetarium

Contact Person Director
Address Planetarium Square, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
751013, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Popularizing astronomy in children and public

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Pondicherry Science Forum 440

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Department of Science, Technology & Environment 441

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Pondicherry Science Forum

Contact Person Shri T.P.Raghunath
Address No.46,Ii Cross, P.R.Gardens,
Tel.No. 0413-225733

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science popularization through camps,

Science & Technology workshops, seminars, Science and society
Education projects, Development and dissemination of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Literature on science

Government Organization

Name Department of Science, Technology &

Contact Person Dr. U. Sridaran, Director
Address IIIrd floor, Housing Board Complex, Anna Nagar,
Pondicherry 605005
Tel.No. 0413-334056
Fax 334494
E mail

Area of focus Promotion and application of S&T

Activities with respect to Conduct seminars / conferences / symposiums for

Science & Technology promotion of science, technology , impart knowledge in
Education astronomy

Activities with respect to Environment awareness in children and public

environment education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if 1998

Publications, if any Pamphlets, etc.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Aakrita-Krit Cooperative Society 445

2. Adarsh Sewa Samiti. 445
3. Advancement of Rural People & Natural Resources (ARPAN) 445
4. All India Jeev Raksha Bishnoi Sabha 446
5. All India Womens Conference, 446
6. Amritsar Vikas Manch 447
7. Association for Social Rural Advancement (ASRA) 447
8. Avantika 448
9. Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha 448
10. Centre for Action Research & Development (CAR 449
11. Community Polytechnic 449
12. Ghoman Charitable Trust 450
13. Green Express 450
14. Institute of Ecology and Environment 450
15. Jaiprakash Shodh Sansthan, 451
16. Ludhiana Citizens Health Council 451
17. Manav Kalyan Shiksha Kender 452
18. Manjhi 452
19. Mukerian Educational, Environmental & Social Welfare 453
20. National Theatre Arts Society (NTAS) 453
21. PAHAL 454
22. Phagwara Environment Association 454
23. Public Action Group For Rural Development 455
24. Punjab Sahitya Kala Manch 455
25. Rural Association for Human Interest (RAHI), 455
26. Rural Human Development (RHDC) India 456
27. Sadhu Basant Trust, 456
28. Shanti Devi Arya Mahila College Dinanagar 457
29. Shivalik College of Pharmacy 457
30. Social Work And Rural Development Centre, 458
31. Society for Education, Environment and Protection of 458
32. The Environment Society of Gardhiwala 459
33. The Environment Society of Kapurthala 459
34. The Punjab Environment Society 460
35. The Rationalist Society, Punjab 460
36. Umeed Khanna Foundation 461
37. Voluntary Health Association of Punjab 461
38. Young Citizens Council 462
39. Youth Services Club 462

Government Organization

Organization Page

1. Govt. High School 463

2. N.S.S. Unit, Department of Laws 463
3. Punjab State Council For Science & Technology 464
4. State Institute of Science Education 464

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Aakrita-Krit Cooperative Society

Contact Person Secretary
Address 3729/22-D, Chandigarh, India

Area of focus Science and environment education for women

Activities with respect to Organizing camps and competion for women

Science & Technology and children for promotion of scientific literacy.

Activities with respect to Providing environment education amongst

environment education school children, youth and public

Activities with respect to Training of women for self-employment

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Adarsh Sewa Samiti.

Contact Person Secretary
Address Mohalla Bari Sarkar, Anandpur Sahib, Distt. Ropar,
Punjab, India

Area of focus Women development

Activities with respect to Science and environment education in villages,

Science & Technology especially women

Activities with respect to Promoting appropriate technologies for income

livelihood education generation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Advancement of Rural People & Natural Resources

Contact Person Kuldip Chand, Director
Address Village & P.O. Dobhetta-140124, Distt, Ropar, Punjab,
Tel.No. 01887-24741
E mail

Area of focus Rural development and natural resources management

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies etc.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness campaign, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1995

Any other activities Rural development

Name All India Jeev Raksha Bishnoi Sabha

Contact Person Mr. Sant Kumar Bishnoi, President
Address Street No. 13, Abohar, Distt. Ferozpur- 152 116, Punjab,

Area of focus Conservation of black bucks and Prosopis trees.

Activities with respect to Environment Education to School children and masses

environment education through camps, competitions and publication of literature.
Active involvement in conservation of Abohar Wildlife
sanctuary for black buck conservation, tree protection
especially Prosopis tree.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Magazines and newsletters on Wildlife conservation.

Any other activities Integrated rural development, religion and environment

Name All India Womens Conference,

Contact Person Ranjit Chatha, President
Address Chowk Sharifpura, G.T. Road, Amritsar-143001,
Punjab, India
Tel.No. 0183-555565
Fax 0183-501441
E mail

Area of focus Environment Education and women development


Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate agricultural technologies &

Science & Technology scientific temper

Science & Technology scientific temper

Activities with respect to Organization of programmes related to environment

environment education awareness and development

Activities with respect to Promotion of kitchen gardens, floriculture & horticulture,

livelihood education tailoring, spice production

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Information brochures

Any other activities Women issues

Name Amritsar Vikas Manch

Contact Person Dr. Charanjit Singh Gumtala, President
Address 253, Ajit Nagar, Amritsar-143006, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 0183-582323
Fax 0183-394993, 585823
E mail

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Organsing seminars, competitions for school & college
Science & Technology students relating to Scientificl issues. Organizing
Education awareness programs on Public interest issues like

Activities with respect to Creating awareness for effective utilization of resources,

environment education preventing environment pollution & redressal thereof,
identifying issues of environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Publications, if any Environment related souveniers & pamphlets and hand

bills on pollution & sanitation

Name Association for Social Rural Advancement (ASRA)

Contact Person Secretary
Address Vill. P. O. Dher, Distt Ropar, , Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Science education to masses, promotion of low cost

Science & Technology technologies,

Science & Technology technologies,

Activities with respect to Public hearings on biodiversity issues

environment education

Activities with respect to Addressing rural livelihood issues based on natural

livelihood education resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Avantika
Contact Person Secretary
Address 169, Basti Naw, Nizatam Nagar, Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and science


Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, seminars for promoting scientific

Science & Technology temper amongst youth

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to school children

environment education
Activities with respect to
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha

Contact Person Dr. Arun Mitra, General Secretary
Address 139 E, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana- 141 001, Punjab, India
0161- 446906

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in society.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education camps in schools and general

environment education public, projects for environment conservation and slum
development, development of audio visual aids.

Whether GO / NGO date NGO

of registration if

of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and pamphlets

Name Centre for Action Research & Development (CARD)

Dr. Rakesh Sehgal, Executive Director
Contact Person Street No.20, G.S.Road, Abohar-152116 Distt. Ferozpur,
Address Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01634-24603

Area of focus Integrated Rural development, social awareness, health

& environment awareness

Activities with respect to Organize exhibitions, workshops & seminars on science

Science & Technology & technology related issues

Activities with respect to Environment education in school and masses for

environment education improvement of sanitation, tree plantation and rural
development, established eco-clubs in schools,
participation in National Environment Awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Name Community Polytechnic

Contact Person Secretary
Address Palahi, Phagwara, Punjab, India

Area of focus Science, technology and environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of science education

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education & awareness in

environment education youth

Activities with respect to Vocational courses, providing trainings for development

livelihood education of appropriate technology for low cost sanitation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Magazines and newsletter

Name Ghoman Charitable Trust,
Contact Person Narinder Singh, Secretary
Address Ghoman, Distt. Gurdaspur-143514, Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment & science education

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars and exhibitions to promote science

Science & Technology for students & teachers, creating interest amongst rural
Education school children for study of science

Activities with respect to Imparting environment education through seminars,

environment education competitions, debates, cleanliness campaigns,
plantations, organising environment awareness tours for
school & college students. Participated in National
Environment Awareness Campaign

Activities with respect to Conducting demonstrations, exhibitions, etc. for better

livelihood education livelihood.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Any other activities Creating awareness for prevention of deadly diseases

like AIDS, malaria, dengue & T.B.

Name Green Express

Contact Person Vikrant Gupta, Secretary
Address Chowk Gaushala Bazar, Hoshiarpur-146001, Punjab,
Tel.No. 01882-234156

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Creating awareness by conducting seminars, workshops,

environment education etc., about environment related issues amongst students,
teachers & youth

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997-98

Name Institute of Ecology and Environment

Contact Person Dr. Sudhir K. Mahotra, Director,
Address Opp. SBI, Ram Lila Ground, Pathankot- 145 001, Punjab,
Tel.No. 0186-30269, 28494 (PP)

Area of focus Biodiversity conservation, environment education &

Activities with respect to Organizing science popularization competitions &

Science & Technology awareness workshops for developing scientific temper
Education amongst masses

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, seminars, training programmes &

environment education competitions on environment related issues, providing
environment education amongst school children, public,
youth & army officers, also holding short term certificate
courses on environment & providing training programme
in environment for beginners

Activities with respect to Providing training to farmers & youth for planting trees &
livelihood education medicinal plants for self-sufficiency.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Publications, if any An annual souvenir Towards better environment. Also a

booklet in Punjabi regarding environment awareness

Any other activities Conducting biodiversity studies in Shivalik areas with

special reference to medicinal plants, conducting public
hearings on biodiversity issues

Name Jaiprakash Shodh Sansthan

Contact Person Secretary
Address E-25, Focal Point, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Organising competitions and seminars in schools on

Science & Technology science education

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education amongst school

environment education children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ludhiana Citizens Health Council

Contact Person Secretary
Address Deptt.of Health Education & Family Welfare College,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Area of focus Health and environment education

Activities with respect to Organising workshops for sanitation and health

Science & Technology improvement and making aware of better sanitation
Education technologies

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars on environment education.

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manav Kalyan Shiksha Kender

Contact Person Secretary
Address 678,Phase-10, S.A.S. Nagar,Distt. Ropar , Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Promoting science education to masses

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to school children

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies, addressing rural

livelihood education livelihood issues based on natural resources, resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Manjhi
Contact Person Secretary
Address V.P.O. Mubarikpur, Opp. Punjab National Bank,
Sub.Division Derabassi, Distt. Patiala, Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness for conservation

of natural resources

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education, biodiversity

environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mukerian Educational, Environmental & Social
Welfare Society
Contact Person D.V. Sharma, President
Address Star Public High School, 17, Vasant Vihar, Mukerian-
144211, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01883-44551/44363

Area of focus Environment education, social welfare

Activities with respect to Promoting use of renewable & non-conventional sources

Science & Technology of energy and providing scientific education

Activities with respect to Imparting environment education to school children

environment education

Activities with respect to Awareness creation amongst rural population about

livelihood education livelihood earning projects & schemes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Name National Theatre Arts Society (NTAS )

Contact Person Pran Sabarwal, Director
Address 212-A-I, Harbans Theatre Lane, Patiala-147001, Punjab,
Tel.No. 0175-213272, 98140-11821

Area of focus Creating awareness regarding environment, science

education and against redundant customs and evils of
society, promotion of literacy through theatre

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars, group discussion on science

Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Environment education through songs, dance drama,

environment education workshops, etc.

Activities with respect to Theoretical & practical training in theatre arts for earning
livelihood education livelihood

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1985

Publications, if any Occasional publications of souvenirs, annual reports and

travelogues, etc.

travelogues, etc.

Any other activities Organising projects for the cause of humanity & nation
building, celebration of National Days

Contact Person Lakhbir Singh, President
Address 36, New Viveka Nand Marg Maqsudan, Jalandhar-
144008, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 0181-200784
Fax 0181-270464
E mail, website:

Area of focus Environment education and rural development

Activities with respect to Environment conservation, conducting awareness

environment education seminars on environment, tree plantation & weed
eradication, wetland management

Activities with respect to Conducting career orientation workshops & seminars for
livelihood education creating awareness about better earning facilities

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1996

Publications, if any Posters on environment related subjects

Any other activities Mobilization of youth for sustainable rural development

Name Phagwara Environment Association

Contact Person Dr. Amarjit Chousar, President
Address Public Eye Hospital, Railway Road,
Phagwara- 144 401, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 91-1824 60205
Fax 91-1824-63394

Area of focus Tree plantation and environment education

Science Education in schools

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education, nursery raising and

environment education tree plantation, mass awareness programmes.

Activities with respect to Skill development for nursery raising

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several booklets

Name Public Action Group For Rural Development

Contact Person Jagjit Singh Palahi
Address 218-m, Guru Hargobind Nagar, Phagwara, Punjab, India

Area of focus Science, technology and environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness in youth and public

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion and development of appropriate technology

livelihood education for low cost sanitation, drinking water cleaning, village

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets

Name Punjab Sahitya Kala Manch

Contact Person The General Secretary
Address 230-C, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana- 141 001,
Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment Education and promotion of culture

Activities with respect to Environment Education of youth and children through art
environment education forms like, drama, dance, street theatres, folk songs etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of literacy in poor population

Name Rural Association for Human Interest (RAHI)

Contact Person Secretary
Address VPO Nurpur Bedi, Ropar, Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education in masses
environment education

Activities with respect to Addressing rural livelihood issues based on natural

livelihood education resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Human Development (RHDC) India

Contact Person Amar Singh Saini, Director
Address Village Saini Majra,P.O.Nurpur Bedi-140117 Dis tt,
Ropar, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01887-40302

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Organising National Environment Awareness

environment education Campaigns, camps, seminars, etc for promoting
environmental awareness.

Activities with respect to Organizing vocational training courses, emphasizing

livelihood education traditional health practices (Vaid/Gunis)

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Any other activities Para-veterinary, cattle care programmes and formed

Mahila Mandals in 50 villages

Name Sadhu Basant Trust

Contact Person Secretary
Address Vill: Sular , Distt. Patiala, , Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment education, tree plantation and biodiversity


Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, public hearings for promoting

environment education environment education and biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Shanti Devi Arya Mahila College Dinanagar
Contact Person Principal
Address S.D.A.M. College, Dina Nagar, Gurdaspur, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01875-20344, 21382
Fax 01875-21382
E mail

Area of focus Environment education, Science & Computer Literacy

Activities with respect to Organising seminars, exhibitions to promote scientific

Science & Technology aptitude in school children

Activities with respect to Organize chetna rallies, seminars /competitions,

environment education workshops on environment related issues

Activities with respect to Conduct diplomas in home management, Dress

livelihood education designing, computer application & Information
technology, etc for better earning.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any College Magazine (NIKASI)

Any other activities Providing Education to women

Name Shivalik College of Pharmacy

Contact Person R.C. Roy, Principal
Address Nangal-140126, Distt. Ropar, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01887-21276, 22998 (o) 25408, 25626
Fax 01887-21276
E mail,

Area of focus Conservation of natural resources especially medicinal


Activities with respect to Teaching & research in the field of pharmaceutical

Science & Technology sciences & medicine

Activities with respect to Assessing & monitoring of environmental health hazards

environment education and creating awareness among the local people

Activities with respect to Educating youth for judicious utilization of natural

livelihood education resources for earning livelihood

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of data base on local medicinal plants and

their traditional uses

Name Social Work And Rural Development Centre,

Contact Person Jagtar Singh
Address V.P.O. Nurpur Bedi, Distt, Ropar-140117, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01887-40238 (o) 33449

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Expansion of new technologies in the villages like,

Science & Technology construction of biogas, vermiculture, traditional system of
Education medicine, etc.

Activities with respect to Providing training to the youth regarding environment

environment education related problems, education for protection of migratory
birds, tree plantation, expansion of organic farming and
increasing awareness about conservation of wetlands.

Activities with respect to Organizing vocational training courses for adult girls,
livelihood education handloom production centre

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1988

Publications, if any Occasional leaflets

Any other activities Promoting fuel-efficient crematoria, Mahila Mandals,

consumer awareness programmes, etc.

Name Society for Education, Environment and Protection of

Contact Person Mr. Virinder Sharma, Secretary
Address 131, Opp. Main Gurudwara, Pratap Nagar, Amritsar,
Punjab, India

Area of focus Environment and science education, animal protection.

Activities with respect to Organizing seminar/campaigns in schools to promote

Science & Technology science education

Activities with respect to Organizing programmes for public and children in

environment education schools, studies on biodiversity, biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Pamphlets

Any other activities Animal Protection activities

Name The Environment Society of Gardhiwala

Contact Person Dharam Singh Sahota, Principal Secretary
Address Gardhiwala, Distt.Hoshiarpur-144207, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01886 -60033 (o) 60185

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing declamation contests, seminars & debates to

Science & Technology inculcate interest in Science &Technology

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, promotion of pollution free

environment education environment, sustainable development

Activities with respect to Training for dairy and agriculture to rural people, higher
livelihood education education & computer training for poor girls

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Publications, if any Publications to educate local people

Name The Environment Society of Kapurthala,

Contact Person Principal Waryam Singh, P.E.S. (I) Retd., Vijay Mahna,
Address Lecturer, D.I.E.T.
Sunbirds Nest, 1. Aman Nagar, Kapurthala-144601,
Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01822-33123 / 35735

Area of focus Environment education in schools, study of biodiversity in

wetland areas, Public mobilization against
environmentally unsound projects, afforestation in
schools & public places

Activities with respect to Organizing exhibitions, science fairs & excursions to

Science & Technology places of scientific importance

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, competitions, exhibitions, tours,

environment education camps, campaigns, plantations, printing & distribution of
resource material relating to environment in schools,

resource material relating to environment in schools,
participation in National Environment
Awareness Campaign, conducting awareness
programmes, motivating society & building
consciousness about the local environment problems
amongst public.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987-88

Publications, if any Resource material relating to environment, magazines,

hand bills, calendars & posters on environment

The Punjab Environment Society

Name Mr. Swarn Singh, General Secretary
Contact Person SCO No. 47 (I Floor) Sector 20-C, Dakshin Marg,
Address Chandigarh 160020,

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Organizing lectures, public seminars and camps

environment education School based programmes on environment

Whether GO / NGO) NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletter

Name The Rationalist Society, Punjab

Contact Person Mr. Sarjit Talwar
Address Rationalist Society Punjab, B-Xi-413, Ram Bag Road,
Barnala-148101, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01679-34679pp

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to The society conducts seminars, workshops in

Science & Technology schools on science related issues

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education amongst

environment education public

Activities with respect to IT Training

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Any other activities Action for explaining miracles and breaking

religious myths in society

Name Umeed Khanna Foundation

Contact Person Secretary
Address Gaushala Road, Opp. Grain Market, Sangrur, Punjab,
Tel.No. 01672-36733, 36744, 32148
Fax 01672-36733
E mail

Area of focus Social upliftment

Activities with respect to Science popularization in general public through

Science & Technology seminars, lectures, camps, etc.

Activities with respect to Environment improvement programmes with public

environment education participation, environment and natural resource
conservation & education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletter

Any other activities Awareness on social issues in society

Name Voluntary Health Association of Punjab

Contact Person Manmohan Sharma, Secretary
Address S.C.F.18/1 Sec.10-D, Chandigarh , India

Area of focus Environmental education, awareness and health


Activities with respect to Popularising health awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organizing public hearings and schools based

environment education programmes, workshops, competitions on environmental
related issues biodiversity conservation and awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Any other activities Health education, programmes with nurses and sanitary

Name Young Citizens Council

Contact Person Dr. Sudhir Raj,
Address Pt. Jai Dayal Street, Muktsar, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01633-60004, 62904
E mail

Area of focus Environment and science education

Activities with respect to Organising seminars & debates in schools and colleges
Science & Technology relating to science & technology

Activities with respect to Organising poster competitions for environment

environment education education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Publications, if any Booklet entitled Green Post

Any other activities Promotion of story telling

Name Youth Services Club

Contact Person Joginder Pall, Secretary
Address Lata Kunj, New Naloyian Colony, Naloyian, Distt.
Hoshiarpur-146001, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01882-230223

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Conducting awareness workshops to develop scientific

Science & Technology temper amongst youth

Activities with respect to Providing environment education in schools, organizing

environment education competitions on environment related issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1997-98

Publications, if any Articles, pamphlets, posters & literature relating to


Government Organization

Name Govt. High School

Contact Person Surinder Kumar Jindal, Science Teacher
Address Kartarpur Momian-147105, Distt, Patiala,
Punjab, India
Tel.No. 01764-21531

Area of focus Environment & Popularisation of Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organising exhibition, science fairs, workshops for

Science & Technology science popularisation

Activities with respect to Sensitising the students about current environmental

environment education problems and sensitising the rural particularly farmers for
conserving environment & natural resources.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any A report on sustainable development based on survey of

local villages

Name N.S.S. Unit, Department of Laws

Contact Person Dr. Jaspal Singh, Programme Officer
Address Department of Laws, Guru Nank Dev University,
Amritsar, Punjab, India
Tel.No. 0183-258802 09, Ext. 3282 / 3288
Fax 0183-258819, 258820
E mail

Area of focus Protection of environment, social work

Activities with respect to Sustainable development and environment education,

environment education public awareness and action for sanitation improvement,
rural development, tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Published many books on environmental

protection & related subjects

Name Punjab State Council For Science & Technology
Contact Person Executive Director
Address MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh 160019
Tel.No. 0172-793300, 793600
Fax 0172-793143
E mail ,

Science & technology education; environment education

Area of focus & awareness

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science popularization amongst masses

Science & Technology and students; introduction of pollution free technologies
Education for brick kilns, rolling mills, rice shellers, waste
minimization & cleaner technologies, workshops,
seminars & trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper, promotion of science city

Activities with respect to Nodal Agency for National Environment Awareness

environment education Campaign, National Green Corps, Environment
education; development of literature for formal and non-
formal education; promotion of eco-clubs in schools;
development and dissemination of new technologies;
training of individuals, workers, youth, NGOs, etc;
development of website on water resource management;
assessment & conservation of biodiversity of the state of
Punjab , cons ultancy to industry for pollution control.
Working in South Asian region for promotion of
environment education with UNESCO

Activities with respect to Training on Vermicomposting, mushrooms, duckweed

livelihood education units in rural areas for self employment OF WOMEN

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, booklets, pamphlets, posters, kits,

brochures on above mentioned activities , newsletters
and science magazine

Any other activities Setting up of Patent Information Centre

Name State Institute of Science Education

Contact Person Director
Address SCO- 66-67, Sector-17-A, Chandigarh- 160 017,
Tel.No. 0172-702536

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Organizing science exhibitions & seminars, celebrating

Science & Technology National Science Day & other International Days,
Education monitoring of science clubs in schools

Activities with respect to Environment education in schools, signed a MoU with

environment education Ministry of Environment & Forests to implement
environment education in 100 schools of 8 districts,
adding environment education in curriculum of middle
classes, monitoring of eco-clubs

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if 1967-68

Publications, if any Quarterly Newsletter on environment education

Any other activities Teacher training, awareness about AIDS, status of

women, adolescence education

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Action for Food Production AFPRO 468

2. Adult Education Institute 468
3. Bharat Children Siksha Samiti 468
4. Bhawani Sansthan 469
5. Gramin Vikas Sansthan 469
6. Gramin Vikas Vigiyan Samiti (GVVS) 469
7. Gramodaya Samajik Sansthan 470
8. Green Earth Foundation 470
9. Institute of Development Studies 470
10. Institute Of Development, Environment and Scientific 471
Research (ISDESR)
11. International Society of Environmental Sciences 472
12. Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti 472
13. Jan Siksha Evam Vikas Sangathan ( PEDO ) 472
14. Janadhar Sewa Samiti 473
15. Navjivan Education & Management Society 473
16. Nirman Sansthan, Khandel 474
17. Paryavaran Parishad 474
18. Paryavaran Prachar Samiti, Kota (PPS, Kota) 475
19. Prabandh Samiti Swami Vivekanand Vidhyalaya 475
20. Prayas 476
21. Rajasthan Environment Preservation Society 476
22. Rajasthan Seva Sangh 477
23. Rajasthan Vigyan Shiksha Parishad (RAVISHIP) 477
24. Rajasthan Vigyan Society 477
25. Samagra Vikas Sansthan 478
26. Sarojini Naidu Mahila Vikas Kalyan Sansthan 478
27. Shikshit Rojgar Kendra Prabhandak Samiti 479
28. Society for Total & Harmonious Advancement of Rajasthan 479
29. Tarun Bharat Sangh 480
30. Udaipur Environmental Group 480
31. Vishnoi Sangoshti 481
32. Wildlife Conservation Society of India ( WCSI ) 481

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Central Arid Zone Research Institute (ICAR) 482

2. Department of Science & Technology (Rajasthan) 482
3. Department of Science & Technology 483

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Action for Food Production AFPRO

Contact Person K.N. Dewangan
Address 1185, Sector-11, Opp, Community Centre, Udaipur-
313002, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 91-294-583506
Fax 91-294-486475

Area of focus Environment protection, Science Education

Activities with respect to Implementation of food production and related

Science & Technology techniques.

Activities with respect to The society educates voluntary agencies for the
environment education implementation of environmental projects.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Adult Education Institute

Contact Person Bhawani Shankar Garg, Director
Address Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Pratapnagar, Udaipur 313001,
Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environmental Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmental education & awareness,

environment education organizing seminars for promotion of environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bharat Children Siksha Samiti

Contact Person Sirajuddin Khan, Secretary
Address 4048, Ninder Rao Ji Ka Rasta, 3rd Crossing, Chandpole
Bazar, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0141-43973

Area of focus Environm ental Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of environmental protection, soil conservation

environment education and creating awareness about the environment,
organizing camps, tree planting.

organizing camps, tree planting.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bhawani Sansthan

Contact Person Bhawar Paneri, Chief Executive
Address VPO Iswal, Udaipur 313011, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environmental Conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting water conservation and agro-forestry among

Science & Technology rural people, encouraging smoke less chulhas.

Activities with respect to Providing environment awareness and training,

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramin Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Lalit Bhatt, Director
Address Nalwa, Punjpur, Dungarpur 314038, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education & training or the tribals, forest
environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GVVS)

Contact Person Shashi Tyagi, Secretary
Address 458, Milk Men Colony, Lane No. 3, Pal Road, Jodhpur-
342008, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0291 41317

Area of focus Science & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Organizing various activities related to agriculture,

Science & Technology forestry, animal husbandry,

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education & training
environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of cottage industry and appropriate

livelihood education technologies

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramodaya Samajik Sansthan

Contact Person K. P. Shrimal, Director
Address VPO Thali, Via Chaksu, Chaksu 303901, Rajasthan,

Area of focus Environment education & development for women

Activities with respect to Environment education & training, tree plantation, social
environment education development, soil conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Gender Issues

Name Green Earth Foundation

Contact Person Dr. K. P. Sharma, Chairman
Address C-141 A, Mahavir Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur
302018, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Biodiversity conservation & protection of sanctuaries of

environment education Rajasthan, environmental education & training,
environmental surveys, monitoring & research for
conservation of biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute of Development Studies

Contact Person Dr. S.S. Acharya, Director
Address 8-B, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur 302004,
Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0141-515348, 519825
Fax 0141-515348

Area of focus Nature resource management, training/research on
environment, literacy, gender issues, social work,
economic policies, woman & child health, etc.

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops & seminars on science &

Science & Technology technology issues for NGOs & women

Activities with respect to Conducting workshops & campaigns for environment

environment education education, water management studies, biodiversity
conservation, using remote sensing techniques for
finding out the availability of natural resources

Activities with respect to Organizing training workshops for NGOs & children for
livelihood education providing mechanisms for using natural resources in
livelihood generation, capacity building of Panchayati
Raj institutions

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1981

Publications, if any Publishing monographs, newsletters & research reports

Any other activities Organizing training workshops on child rights & gender
issues and prevention & eradication of malnutrition

Name Institute Of Development, Environment And

Scientific Research (ISDESR)
Contact Person Dr. M.M. Shiekh, President
Address Behind Girls College,Churu 331 001 (Rajasthan),India
Tel. No. 01562 41219/50029
Fax 01562 51245/50678

Area of focus Natural Resource Management , Environment Education

Activities with respect to Popularising of technologies for Natural Resource

Science & Technology Management, Pollution, Energy,
Education Biodiversity, Urban Issues, Research, Planning and

Activities with respect to Environment Education and Awareness by Conducting

environment education EE programmes for school children.
Capacity Building, Workshops, Nature Camps,
Exhibitions, Development of Educational Material, Use of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable

Name International Society of Environmental Sciences
Contact Person S.K. Aggarwal, Chairman
Address 594-A, Talwandi, Kota 324005, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environmental education

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation, organizing excursion, symposia &
seminars for environment awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Published environment related journal Paryavaran in


Name Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti

Contact Person Bhawar Dhabai, Secretary, Ganesh Purohit, Director
Address Bedia, Udaipur 313011, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0294 441322
Fax 0294-451377

Area of focus Environment awareness, integrated rural development,

promotion of traditional health care system with
involvement of traditional health practitioners (Gunis)

Activities with respect to Providing non-formal education to children on

Science & Technology sustainable agriculture & water resource management,
Education documenting knowledge of traditional health care
system, cultivation of medicinal plants

Activities with respect to Promotion of ex-situ conservation and ethno medical

environment education uses of local flora, environment awareness

Activities with respect to Formulation of self-help groups, providing technologies

livelihood education for formulation of herbal products and helping people to
promote traditional treatments for better livelihood

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Publications, if any Booklets on medicinal plants & traditional health care


Name Jan Siksha Evam Vikas Sangathan ( PEDO )

Contact Person Devi Lal Vyas, Director
VPO Mada, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan, India

Address VPO Mada, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 02964 61128, 61129
Fax 02964 61129

Area of focus Agriculture, environment education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Organizing training programmes on check-dam

Science & Technology construction, land leveling for soil conservation &
Education nursery raising and encouraging use of bio-gas

Activities with respect to Camps on forestry/uses of local trees and orientation on

environment education soil & water conservation, encouraging use of compost

Activities with respect to Training on vegetable cultivation & goat/sheep rearing

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1986

Name Janadhar Sewa Samiti

Contact Person Sunita Sharma
Address PO Sardulpura, Via Phulera, Jaipur 303338,
Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness & conservation

Activities with respect to Rain Water harvesting

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Navjivan Education & Management Society

Contact Person Sushil Kumar Singh
Address Station Road, Gangapur, Sawai Madhopur 322001,
Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 07463 20395, 21293

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, rural development

Use of renewable energy

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation

environment education

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nirman Sansthan, Khandel

Contact Person Rameshwar Lal Verma, Director
Address Via Sambhar Lake, Jaipur 303604, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 014252 44341

Area of focus Science,technology & environment education &

awareness, plantation

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops, training programmes, night

Science & Technology schools, competitions to spread science & technology
Education awareness amongst community people

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness programmes, tours

environment education & literacy campaigns on environment related issues,
afforestation & renovation of existing water sources, land
development, nursery raising

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1986

Publications, if any Poetry booklet on environment Paryavaran Kavya

Manjri (Hindi)

Any other activities Organizing health camps for eyes, nose, throat & ears,
drinking water maintenance and animal health camps

Name Paryavaran Parishad

Contact Person C.K. Dadhich, Secretary
Address 2 KA 2 Vigyan Nagar, Kota 324005, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0744 426449
Fax 0744-421108

Area of focus Science/environment education & awareness,

conservation and disaster mitigation

Activities with respect to Smokeless chulahs, biogas, motivation to students for

Science & Technology science education through small projects & science
Education models

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness especially to

environment education students under the scheme Pick them young for

environment education students under the scheme Pick them young for
inculcating habit of environment protection &
conservation, plantation, pollution monitoring

Activities with respect to Conservation of natural resources, waste minimization,

livelihood education implementation of programme Earn while you learn

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Publications, if any Paryavaran Kavya Manjri (Hindi), Environmental

degradation strategies for control (English), Astitva
(English), Prakriti Paryavaran Aur Manav (Hindi),
Environmental Communication (English),Paryavaran
Kuchh Tathhya (Hindi) and Marketing, trading &
distribution of Hadotis Medicinal Plants (Hindi)

Any other activities The NGO has been awarded by the Forest Deptt., Govt.
of Rajasthan & many other agencies for its contribution
towards environment protection and conservation

Name Paryavaran Prachar Samiti, Kota (PPS, Kota)

Contact Person K.K. Sharma, Chairman
Address 33-C, Instrumentation Township, Kota 324005,
Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and rural


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, biogas, smokeless

Science & Technology chulahs, solar cookers

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, environment

environment education protection & conservation, plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Prabandh Samiti Swami Vivekanand Vidhyalaya

Contact Person Prasasve Sansthan
Address Geeta Devi Sharma, Secretary,
Geeta Bhawan, Vivekanand Colony, Dausa 303303,
Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 01427 20661

Area of focus Science and environment education, plantation, soil

conservation, water conservation, forest developing,

conservation, water conservation, forest developing,
formal education, non-formal education, health, rural
development, social welfare, vocational training for
women & youths.

Activities with respect to Organizing science clubs in schools

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education for students, organizing

environment education environment awareness activities such as rallies,
competitions, etc.

Activities with respect to Organizing vocational trainings for youth & women,
livelihood education giving trainings for shorthand computer education,
sewing, weaving & tailoring

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1980

Any other activities Organizing family welfare programmes

Name Prayas
Contact Person Sudhir K. Katiyar, Director
Address Village Deogarh Deolia, Via Partapgarh, Chittorgarh
312621, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 01478 22900

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and tribal


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation, forest

environment education protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajasthan Environment Preservation Society

Contact Person Sudha Raina, President
Address Vasundhar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, Rajasthan,

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Consultancy, Promotion of renewable energy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,
environment education cleaning water bodies,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajasthan Seva Sangh

Contact Person Director
Address Gandhi Ashram, Dungarpur 314001, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment Improvement

Activities with respect to Environment Education for masses through workshops,

environment education camps etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural and urban development

Name Rajasthan Vigyan Shiksha Parishad (RAVISHIP)

Contact Person Mahavir Prasad Gupta, Secretary
Address 32 Shaktinagar, Kota 324009, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0744-23952, 26449

Area of focus Environment education & awareness & eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of biogas, solar cooker, smokeless chulahs

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajasthan Vigyan Society

Contact Person Shri Satish Gupta
Address 108, Jai Jawan Colony(Iind) Tonk Road, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0141-551610

Area of focus Science & technology education

Activities with respect to Science and society programmes, Development of
Science & Technology literature, Science popularization through workshops,
Education seminars, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Samagra Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Niranjan Singh, Executive Secretary
Address 10/170, MIG-B, New Housing Board, New Police Line,
Jhunjhunu Distt Rajasthan 333703, India
Tel. No. 0159-7230035

Area of focus Science popularization in society, environment education

& awareness

Activities with respect to Organising camps and seminars for science &
Science & Technology technology popularisation, providing awareness
Education regarding science & technology based techniques for
improving agriculture, promotion of appropraite rural
technologies for development

Activities with respect to Motivating rural communities for natural resource

environment education management, maintenance of vegetative cover for
environment protection in rural areas, promoting
plantations & providing enviornment education to create
awareness amongst rural communities

Activities with respect to Organising income generating programmes for self-help

livelihood education groups, promoting cottage & home industries in rural
areas based on natural resources, motivating marginal
farmers regarding horticulture, cash crops, medicinal
plants to upgrade their livelihood,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1996

Any other activities Upliftment of child labour, awareness on drought


Name Sarojini Naidu Mahila Vikas Kalyan Sansthan

Contact Person Secretary
Address 13A/13B, Opp. Laxmi Mandir Cinema, Tonk Road,
Jaipur-302015, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0141-743689

Area of focus Pollution control, environment education, awareness &

Activities with respect to Promoting pollution free technologies for cement & brick
Science & Technology kilns

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, social forestry,

environment education pollution control awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Name Shikshit Rojgar Kendra Prabhandak Samiti

Contact Person Shri Rajan Choudhry
Address 1/129 Housing Board, Jhunjhunu,Rajasthan 333001,
Tel. No. 0159-7234664
Fax 0159-7234664

Area of focus Science and Livelihood education, Health education &

Panchayati Raj.

Activities with respect to Science education & integrated rural development

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Drought management & advocacy

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies to address livelihood issues

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1988

Name Society for Total & Harmonious Advancement of

Rajasthan (THAR )
Contact Person Shubhu Patwa,
Address Bhinasar, Bikaner 334403, Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education providing training to school teachers about local


Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Tarun Bharat Sangh

Contact Person Rajendra Singh, General Secretary
Address Bheekampura, PO Kishore, Thanagai Tehsil, Alwar
301022, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 014562 4443

Area of focus Water Resource Management,Environment education &

awareness and community development

Activities with respect to Water harvesting techniques

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, wildlife

environment education conservation, plantation, wasteland development, biogas
solar system

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and papers

Any other activities The general Secretary of the society has won the
Magsaysay Award

Name Udaipur Environmental Group

Contact Person L. L. Sharma, President
Address P.N. 206, Road 13, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 313001,
Rajasthan, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Promotion of low cost technologies for environmental

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education conservation of biodiversity, cleaning water bodies

Activities with respect to Training for skill development for low cost technologies
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable

Name Vishnoi Sangoshti
Contact Person H. S. Bishnoi, President
Address C-158 A Dayanand Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 302004,
Rajasthan, India
Tel. No. 0141-63699

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, biodiversity

environment education conservation, plantation, wildlife protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and pamphlets for public awareness

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Wildlife Conservation Society of India ( WCSI )

Contact Person
S. P. Bhatnagar, Chairman
Vishwa Vihar, K/68, Krishna Gangh, Anasagar Link
Road, Ajmer 305001, Rajasthan, India
Tel. No.
Area of focus
Environment education & awareness and conservation
Activities with respect to
Environment education & awareness, renewable energy
environment education
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Central Arid Zone Research Institute (ICAR)

Contact Person Dr. L.N. Harsh, Principal Scientist (Forestry)
Address ICAR, Jodhpur342003, Rajasthan,India
Tel. No. 0291-740789 (o) 649491
Fax 0291-740706

Area of focus Science & technology education, agro-forestry, arid zone

forestry & pasture development

Activities with respect to Research & development of technologies for

Science & Technology poverty elevation of rural folks.

Activities with respect to Educating school children, farmers about improvement of

environment education environment by plantations, organising environment
related workshops

Activities with respect to Demonstrating and training of developed techniques like,

livelihood education gum exudation techniques, grafting with improved plants
and development of kisan nurseries

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Published articles, research papers, video films & radio
talks, etc. on environment related issues

Name Department Of Science & Technology (Rajasthan)

Contact Person Shri R.P.Jain
Address Department Of Science & Technology, 506, Mini
Secretariat, Banipark, Jaipur,
Tel. No. 0141-200007

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst masses

Science & Technology and students, workshops, seminars & trainings on new
Education technologies, creation of scientific temper

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Department Of Science & Technology
Contact Person Shri R.S. Vyas
Address Regional Branch, A-341, Shastri Nagar,
Jodhpur,Rajasthan 342003,India
Tel. No. 0291-433369

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Citizens for Democracy 486

2. Dukha Niwarak Sanga 486
3. Matri Kalyan Samiti 486
4. Paryavaran Samrakshan Samiti 487
5. World Wide Fund For Nature-India (Sikkim Field officer) 487

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Department of Science & Technology 488

2. State Council of Science & Technology 488

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Citizens for Democracy

Contact Person Ghanashyam Sharma Member.
Address C/O Radhika Dhakal
Power Department , Topkhani
Singtam,District East Sikkim
Sikkim , India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Education on issues, Environmental Legislation,

environment education research, wildlife conservation, afforestation ,
organising nature camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Any other activities Child development

Name Dukha Niwarak Sanga

Contact Person R.K.Awasthe-Senior Programme officer
Address Near Forest Secteriate , Deorali
Gangtok 737102, Sikkim ,India.
Tel.No. 03592-22427

Area of focus Environmental awareness, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology literacy and

Science & Technology science awareness in society through camps and
Education workshops.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness by organizing seminars,

environment education workshops & other action programmes.

Activities with respect to Livestock development, wasteland development,

livelihood education agricultural development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1993

Name Matri Kalyan Samiti

Contact Person Beena Sharma, President
Address Tarpin Basti, PO Rhenock, East Sikkim District

Area of focus Environment education, women welfare & related

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness of women

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Any other activities Conducting action programmes for women welfare,

child development, and population education.

Name Paryavaran Samrakshan Samiti

Contact Person Bhawani Paudyal, Secretary
Address Dalapchand Busty, PO Dalapchand, Via Rongli
Bazar, East Sikkim 737131,India
Tel.No. 03592-23751

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness , people's

environment education participation in natural resource conservation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wide Fund For Nature -India (Sikkim Field

Contact Person Dr.R.K.Avasthe
Address Sikkim Field Office
Near Forest Sectt. Deorali
Gangtok, Sikkim 737102 , India
Tel.No. 03592-22427

Area of focus Environment education and conservation,

science education

Activities with respect to Studies and research for environment conservation,

environment education promotion of public participation in development
projects, setting up of nature clubs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Development of literature and environment


Government Organizations

Name Department of Science & Technology

Contact Person Sh. K.S. Tobgay, Joint Secretary
Address Deorali (Near Forest Secretariat), Gangtok-
737102, Sikkim
Tel.No. 81070, 80273
Fax 25070
E mail

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology, encourage

Science & Technology scientific attitude amongst public

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if 1996

Name State Council of Science & Technology

Contact Person D.T. Bhutia
Address Near Forest Secretariat
P.O. Deorali, Gangtok-737 102, Sikkim, India
Tel.No. 03592-26277

Area of focus Popularization of science, science & technology

education, environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes for science popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

environment education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource

livelihood education conservation projects, environment education &
awareness amongst masses, support to NGOs

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Any other activities Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) 491

2. Annai Indra Sathya Samuga Nala Mahalir Mandram 491
3. Annamalai Reforestation Society (ARS) 491
4. Arivoli Iyakkam ( Total Literacy Campaign , TLC ) 492
5. Bhagwati Environment & Development Institute 493
6. Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT) 493
7. Centre for Rural Employment & Education for Development 493
8. Centre for Peace & Rural Development 494
9. Community Action for Development ( CAD ) 494
10. Dr. Ambedkar Centenary Memorial Environmental 495
Educational Centre
11. Educational & Development Services, India ( EDSI ) 495
12. Environmental Toxicology Information Centre 495
13. Environmental Youth Federation 496
14. Gramodaya 496
15. Greenways 497
16. Inba Seva Sangam 497
17. Indian Women Scientists Association, Kalpakkam Branch 498
18. Institute for Social Sciences & Researches ( ISSR ) 498
19. Institute of Environment Education 498
20. Integrated Rural Community Development Society 499
21. Irula Tribal Womens Welfare Society 499
22. JSS College Of Pharmacy 499
23. Legal Resources for Social Action (LRSA) 500
24. Madras Naturalists Society ( MNS ) 500
25. Makkal Sakthi Iyakkam 501
26. Maris College 501
27. Multipurpose Community Development Society 501
28. National Rural Development Organization 502
29. Nature Conservation & Education Council ( NCEC ) 502
30. New Education for Equal Development Society (NEEDS) 503
31. Nilgiri Wildlife & Environment Association 503
32. Patriotic & People Oriented Science & Technology 503
33. Peoples Education for Action & Community Emancipation 504
Trust (PEACE)
34. Peoples Reconstruction Movement ( PRM Project ) 504
35. Peoples Solidarity Association (PSA) 504
36. Rural Development Federation ( RDF ) 505
37. Rural Development Movement (RDM) 506

38. Rural Development Project Society 506
39. Rural Development Society (RDS) 506
40. Rural Education for Action & Development 507
41. Rural Uplift Centre 507
42. S.V.L Educational & Medical Foundation (SWELL Foundation) 508
43. Save Niligiri Campaign (SNC) 508
44. Smart Environmental Science Cell 508
45. Society for Community Organization & Peoples Education 509
46. Society for Education & Voluntary Action 509
47. Society for Peoples Action & Development Education 509
48. Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education 510
49. St. Xaviers Higher Secondary School 510
50. Sustainable Agriculture & Environmental Voluntary Action 511
51. Tamil Nadu Ariviyal Iyakkam ( Tamil Nadu Science Forum, 511
52. Tamil Nadu Science Forum 512
53. The Anglade Institute of Natural History 512
54. The Chatnath Educational Trust 512
55. The GRD Trust 513
56. Theerthamalai Environmental Awareness Movement 513
57. Valampuri Sangam 514
58. Village Education & Development Society ( VEDS ) 515
59. Village Education for Action & Development Trust (VEAD) 515
60. Vivekananda Kendra NARDEP 516
61. Zoo Outreach Organization 516

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. CPR Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC) 517

2. Tamil Nadu State Council For Science & Technology 517

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF)

Contact Person Manuel Alphonse, National Director
Address National Secretariat, AICUF House, 125 Sterling Road,
Madras - 600034, India
Tel.No. 044 - 8272283

Area of focus Environment Education and Awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing campaigns, exhibitions, seminars and foot

environment education marchers on environmental issues, organizing
afforestation camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Annai Indra Sathya Samuga Nala Mahalir Mandram

Contact Person R. Mahalakshmi, Secretary
Address 37, Velayutha Samy Koil Street, Sivaganga-630561
Tamilnadu, India
Tel.No. 04575 41792
Fax 04575-41612
E mail

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment education through street theatre, rallies etc.
environment education promoting eco-clubs, encouraging people to participate
in forestry programmes, wasteland development
Income generation, small savings and thrift programmes,
training on computer skills & cottage industries

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1986

Any other activities De addiction programmes, home for the aged Aids
awareness, adult literacy, health and socio-economic
programmes. Empowerment of weaker and neglected

Name Annamalai Reforestation Society (ARS)

Contact Person S.V. Kannikeswaran, Honorary Secretary
Address P.O. Box-5, No. 60-B/1, R.O.A. Colony, Tiruvannamalai
606 603 (Tamil Nadu) India

Tel.No. 4175 23645
Fax 4175 23645
E mail Website:,

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Energy,

Biodiversity, Urban Issues,

Activities with respect to Research, Planning and Management, Environment

environment education Education and Awareness, Monitoring and Assessment,
Organizing the National Environment Awareness
Campaign, Clean up the World Campaign etc.

Activities with respect to Capacity Building on Agriculture and Related Issues

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Published: Reports on several topics such as "Greening

of Arunanchala", "Permaculture-Integrated Farmingm
System" etc.Films on Greening of Arunanchala and
puppet show on water scarcity. Handouts on various
topics like pollution control, vermi-composts etc.

Any other activities Conduct programmes like wasteland

development, rain-water harvesting,
sustainable agri-culture demonstration farm and
raised plant nursery etc.

Name Arivoli Iyakkam ( Total Literacy Campaign , TLC )

Contact Person Director
Address 7, ARK Colony, Ist Floor, Eldams Road, Alwarpet,
Chennai-600018, India

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Promoting research on Science issues

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Adult Education, classes conducted through out Tamil
Nadu by a State vide volunteer network. The
organization is affiliated with Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti

Name Bhagwati Environment & Development Institute
Contact Person J. Paul Baskar, Chairman
Address Police Housing Colony, Trichy Road, Dindigui 624009,
Tel.No. 0451 32021
Area of focus Environmental awareness and eco-development

Activities with respec t to Environment education and training for students, youths
environment education and other NGOs, creating environmental awareness
amongst public, protesting against industrial pollution,
conserving birds and animal species.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT)

Contact Person Dr. A.M. Selva Raj, President
Address 5, Chithabaranathan Street, Vellalar Colony,
Ramavarmpuram, Nagercoil-1, Taminadu, India
Tel.No. 0436-232927
Fax 04652-32700

Area of focus Science, technology and environment education

Activities with respect to Introduction and expansion of improved low cost

Science & Technology technology, construction of Ferro cement rain water
Education harvesting tanks, manufacture of improved type of
potters wheel, solar cooker, improved smokeless
chullahas, biogas plants

Activities with respect to Environmental education

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate technologies for rural

livelihood education community, mangrove plantations, promoting use of low
cost technologies for elevating the technical skills of the
weaker sections of the society especially fishermen
potters & farmers

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Name Centre for Rural Employment & Education for

Development (CREED)
Contact Person Prof. R. Rajadhas, Secretary
Address Azhagiamandapam, PO Mugagumoodu,
Kanyakumari- 629167, Taminadu ,India

Tel.No. 04653-375 ( Thucklay )

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education and environment awareness,

environment education eco-development

Activities with respect to Encouraging and undertaking research in potential

livelihood education areas of employment, fostering self-development and
self-reliance amongst under privileged.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Peace & Rural Development

Contact Person Nagarathinam, Executive Secretary
Address PO Avilipatty, Via, Sanarpatty, Anna 624304,
Taminadu, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Educating and providing awareness to the people,

environment education organizing conferences to educate people about
increasing population and health education.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Rural development issues

Name Community Action for Development ( CAD )

Contact Person Sounderarajan, General Secretary
Address 25, M.C. Road, Sanarkuppam, Ambur 635814,
Taminadu ,India
Tel.No. 04176-2498 ( Ambur )

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Conducting training programmes on environmental

environment education education, organizing village groups in combating water
pollution, promoting environmental education in school,
introducing farmers to the concept of ecological farming
and agro-forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Dr. Ambedkar Centenary Memorial Environmental
Education Centre
Contact Person M. Thangaraj, Chairman
Address 91, Thambuj Chetty Street, 1st Floor, Taminadu ,
Chennai 600001, India
Tel.No. 044 512062
Fax 044-519578

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Taking science to masses by providing better health and
Science & Technology sanitation for the poor

Activities with respect to Promoting education in environment related issues,

environment education forming eco-clubs in rural schools, tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Educational & Development Services, India ( EDSI )

Contact Person Prof. D. Yesudhas, Director
Address 93, Pantheon road, Egmore, Chennai 600008,
Taminadu , India
Tel.No. 044 8269143
Fax 044 8279084

Area of focus Dissemination of science education

Activities with respect to Providing modern science to the common man through
Science & Technology intermediate technology disseminating knowledge and
Education know how for the benefit of the public

Activities with respect to Environment education & training

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Environmental Toxicology Information Centre

Contact Person P, Muthu, General Secretary
Address Deptt. of Pharmacology & Environment Toxicology, Dr.
ALM P G Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,

University of Madras, Taramani, Chennai 600113,
Taminadu , India
Tel.No. 044 - 413761, 412997, 413317

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing campaigns on environmental issues,

environment education conducting seminars, lectures, exhibitions and group
discussion to promote environmental education,
organizing eco-camps, educating factory workers on
occupational hazards and toxicological effects of
environment pollutants.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Papers on environment

Name Environmental Youth Federation

Contact Person Manonmani Keeran, Secretary
Address Plot No. 876, Dr. Ramaswamy Road, K.K. Nagar,
Chennai 422 065, Taminadu ,India

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Conducting seminars on environmental pollution,

environment education organizing exhibition for environment education,
dissemination of information on causes and affects of
water and air pollution.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramodaya
Contact Person Dr. M.L.E. Manohara, Secretary
Address Post Box 6, PO Manaparai, Tiruchirapali 621306,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04332 255
Fax 04332 221

Area of focus Environment education & training

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of non-conventional sources of energy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education & training, conducting
environment education environmental surveys

Activities with respect to Promotion of modern farming practices

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Providing drinking water to drought stricken

Name Greenways
Contact Person P. V. Ravichandran, General Secretary
Address Bharath Nivas, Chettiar Street, Embal, Pudukkottai
622204,Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education, afforestation, biodiversity

environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Inba Seva Sangam

Contact Person Dr S John Britto S.J.,FLS,Director and Reader
Address Deptt. of Botany, St Joseph's College, Trichirapalli,
Tamil Nadu 620002, India
Tel.No. 0431-721443 / 721442
E mail

Area of focus Science, environment education, resource conservation,

Training in eco-development & bio-dynamic agriculture

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education through eco-clubs to

environment education teachers & students, promotion of village nurseries

Activities with respect to Promoting indigenous technologies in herbal &

livelihood education veterinary practices, providing training in eco-friendly
use of natural resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1971

Name Indian Women Scientists Association, Kalpakkam
Branch (IWSA)
Contact Person Sunila Mathur, Convener
Address 19, 1st Street, Pudupattinam Colony, Kalpakkam
603102,Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04117-285

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Developing scientific temper in society by disseminating

Science & Technology scientific knowledge through lectures, discussions,
Education exhibition etc.

Activities with respect to Conducting environmental awareness programmes for

environment education children and adults especially women

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Social Sciences & Researches ( ISSR )

Contact Person S. C. Mathivaanan, Director
Address Greenwoods, Jabberpet, Vellore 632006,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0416-24645, 25808

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education and training,

environment education conducting a one-year programme on environmental
education, organizing training programme on
environmental studies for rural people.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute of Environment Education

Contact Person S. V. Bhaskara Sethupathy, Hony. Director
Address M-329, Row Type, Ellis Nagar, Madurai 625016,
Tamil Nadu , India

Area of focus Environment Education & training

Activities with respect to Conducting training and action programmes on

environment education environment related issues, undertaking education and
eco-development camps.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Integrated Rural Community Development Society

Contact Person P. Titus, Executive Secretary
Address Post Box 9, 44/11, Thanthai Periyar Road, Rajajipuram,
Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu 602001,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04116 60084

Area of focus Environment awareness and eco-development

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education in rural areas through

environment education camps, seminars

Activities with respect to Providing vocational training to small farmers and rural
livelihood education people, fostering cottage and small-scale industries for
better livelihood.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Irula Tribal Womens Welfare Society

Contact Person K. Krishnan, Director & Mrs. Zai Whitaker, President
Address ITWWS, Thandarai (Thirukalukundram Road) Post Box
No. 23, PO Chinglepet 603001, Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04114 - 447234,448038,9842337234

Area of focus Environment Education & womens empowerment

Activities with respect to Environment education for school children, conservation

environment education and propagation of medicinal plants used by Irulas to
treat various ailments, watershed management

Activities with respect to Alternate livelihood opportunities to rural Irula tribe to

livelihood education promote biodiversity conservation (esp. w.r.t. snakes)

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name J.S.S. College Of Pharmacy

Contact Person Dr Pulok Kumar Mukherjee
Address Rocklands, Post Box No.20 Ootacamund,
Tamil Nadu 643001, India

Tel.No. 0423-43393/43847

Area of focus Science & Technology education, biodiversity

Activities with respect to Dissemination of information on science

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conservation of natural resources especially medicinal

environment education plants

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Legal Resources for Social Action (LRSA)

Contact Person D. Gnanapragasam, Director
Address Post Box No 20, 191-A, Nehru Nagar, PO Vallam,
Chengalpattu 603002,Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04114 26186
Fax 04114 26179

Area of focus Environment Education & awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing workshop on environmental protection,

environment education promoting social forestry, watershed management,
promotion of PILs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Legal awareness

Name Madras Naturalists Society ( MNS )

Contact Person V.J. Rajan, Hony. Secretary
Address 36, 4th Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram,
Chennai 600028,Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 044-450813

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to students and

environment education teachers, conducting surveys and symposia on water
pollution, forest destruction and tree planting in schools,
bio diversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if


Publications, if any Books and Papers

Name Makkal Sakthi Iyakkam

Contact Person Director
Address 50 Kannadhasan Road, T. Nagar,
Chennai 600017 Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 044-441549

Area of focus Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Livelihood issues and involvement of people in the

environment education development of the society they live in.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishes a monthly magazine Nambu Thambi Nammal


Name Maris College

Contact Person Dr. Geetha Swaminathan
Address 17, Cathedral Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600086, India
Tel.No. 044-8111987

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science promotion amongst students through

Science & Technology students science programmes, promotion of
Education low cost teaching aids

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Literature on environment and science

Name Multipurpose Community Development Society

Contact Person Dr. D. Juliana, Secretary
Address VPO Pavitiram, Tiruvannamalai Taluk, Tiruvannamalai
Sambuvarayan 606806,Tamil Nadu, India
Area of focus Environment awareness and eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in society

Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Organizing eco-development camps and symposia on

environment education environment related issues, environmental issues, and
setting up nature clubs, social forestry and protection of
sacred groves.

Activities with respect to Promotion of appropriate technologies for community

livelihood education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name National Rural Development Organization

Contact Person Mr. S.P. Muniyandi, Project Director
Address P.O. Box 4, Valparai 642 127, Coimbatore ,
Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Pollution, Energy, Environmental Legislation, Agriculture

environment education and Related Issues, Environment Education and
Awareness through Workshops & Seminars.

Activities with respect to Providing service training to adolescent girls such as

livelihood education tailoring, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Name Nature Conservation & Education Council ( NCEC )

Contact Person P. Gnanaselvam, President
Address Nature Home, 47A, Main Road, PO Pudukudi,
Thanjavur - 613402,Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education & nature conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education for children, soil conservation,

environment education educating public about environment and conservation of
nature and natural resources.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name New Education for Equal Development Society
Contact Person C. Francis, President
Address No. 19, Vijaya Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai ,
Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education with special

environment education emphasis on conservation of natural resources through
training programmes, promoting environmental

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets

Name Nilgiri Wildlife & Environment Association

Contact Person Hony. Secretary
Address C/o District forest Office, nilgiris North Division, Mount
Stewart Hill, Octacamundm Nilgiri 643001,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0423-3968

Area of focus Environment education & wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Providing environm ental education, protecting wild goat
environment education and other endangered species from extinction, runs
birds watching clubs in Nilgiri.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and brochures

Name Patriotic & People Oriented Science & Technology

Contact Person L. Kannan, Secretary
Address Post Box 2085, Adayar, Chennai 600020,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 044 2351126, 2351723 ( Extn. 3113 )

Area of focus Science and technology education

Activities with respect to Conducting research on indigenous science and

Science & Technology technology and disseminating it amongst the public.

Science & Technology technology and disseminating it amongst the public.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Papers on science & technology.

Name Peoples Education for Action & Community

Emancipation Trust (PEACE)
Contact Person J. Paul Baskar, Chairman
Address Police Colony, Tiruchirapalli Road, Dhindigul -
624009,Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Providing environmental training for better environment

environment education to students, rural youth and professional.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Brochures

Name Peoples Reconstruction Movement ( PRM Project )

Contact Person V. R. S. Mani, Project Director
Address 33, New Housing Colony, Ph-II, Krishnagiri
635001,Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education and biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Forming eco-clubs in schools, providing training in

environment education conservation of biodiversity, and encouraging social

Activities with respect to Promotion and training for low cost technologies
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Solidarity Association (PSA)

Contact Person A. John Peter, Executive Secretary
Address 12, J.P. Nagar, Karumandabam, Trichy 620101,
Tamil Nadu, India

Tel.No. 0431 88844
Fax 0431 41840

Area of focus Environment education & awareness in rural schools,

ecological agriculture promotion, education assistance to
the disabled children

Activities with respect to Creating awareness about Vermicomposting

Science & Technology biotechnology, pot drip irrigation, mulching practice for
Education moisture retention, and formation of science clubs in
rural schools.

Activities with respect to Organizing friends of trees forum in schools, involving

environment education children in seed bank activities and tree growing

Activities with respect to Providing training to farmers for integrated pest

livelihood education management, Formation of self help groups amongst
women & farmers

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1980

Publications, if any Published magazines on topics related to environment &

sustainable livelihood.

Any other activities Educational scholarship for disabled children, providing

social security to women, giving educational loans for
girls and training to NGOs on micro credit for micro
enterprise, providing training regarding child care to

Name Rural D evelopment Federation ( RDF )

Contact Person U. Singaravelan, Chairman
Address South Street, Thirunageshwaram, Thanjavur
612204,Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0435-21652

Area of focus Environment education and environment conservation

Activities with respect to Conserving flora and other natural resources, providing
environment education environment education

Activities with respect to Development of cottage and village industries, fostering

livelihood education appropriate technologies such as nature cures.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Development Movement (RDM)
Contact Person Varghese, S. Coordinator
Address Parakhan Vilai, PO Keezhkulam, Kanyakumari
629193, Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education & training to local

environment education people, organizing eco-development camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Rural Development Project Society

Contact Person R. Rathinavel Pandhiyan, Secretary
Address South Street, Silukkuvarpatty, D.Q.M. District 642215,
Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Environment education & training for students organizing
environment education environment awareness camps in schools

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Rural Development Society (RDS)

Contact Person D. Gnanapragasam, Director
Address Post Box 19, 191-A, Nehru Nagar, Vallam,
Chengalpattu 603002, Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04114 26188
Fax 04114 26179

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education & training through

environment education camps, eco-development work in several villages, saving
biodiversity through street theatre & camps/workshops

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development

Name Rural Education for Action & Development

Contact Person A. Rajasimman, Secretary
Address Mettupatti, Siluvathur, Anna Dindigul 624306,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0451 53210
Fax 0451 53210

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Scientific temper in society

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness amongst rural

environment education people, providing environmental education & training to
students, soil conservation and watershed management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rural Uplift Centre

Contact Person A. Maria James, Secretary
Address Nagercoli road, Nanguneri, Tirunelveli 627108,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04635 21111

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of new technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education & training to school

environment education teachers in collaboration with Madhurai Kamaraj
University & the State Department for Education,

Activities with respect to Training to farmers on eco-farming

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name S.V.L Educational & Medical Foundation (SWELL
Contact Person L. Rajamani, President
Address 144, Kutchery Road, Gobichettypalayam 638452,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04285 - 2087

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education & forming eco-clubs in

environment education schools, organizing eco-development camps to create
awareness on environment & prevent pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Save Niligiri Campaign (SNC)

Contact Person B.J. Krishnan, President
Address Nahar Buildings, Charing Cross, Ootacamund,
Nilgiri 643001, Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0432-3082

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Conducting seminars, workshops and eco-camps for

environment education students on environment related issues and providing
environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Smart Environmental Science Cell

Contact Person B. Char Murugan, Director
Address Ambai Road, Araikulam, Munnirpallam, Tirunelveli
Kattabomman 627356, Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Providing science education through camps, seminars,

Science & Technology lectures to children, conducting energy conservation
Education programmes

Activities with respect to Promotion of waste management through awareness

environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Vermiculture technologies

livelihood education

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Community Organization & Peoples

Education (SCOPE)
Contact Person M. Subburaman, Managing Trustee
Address P/15, 3rd Main Road, Ramalinganagar, Tiruchirapalli
620003, Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education & training

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education & training amongst

environment education rural people, soil conservation, water management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Education & Voluntary Action

Contact Person Dr. S. Sudershan, Director
Address 1 Appadurai Street, Chennai 400023,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 044 617725

Area of focus Environment awarenes s

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education & conducting training

environment education programmes related to environment issues

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Peoples Action & Development

Education (SPADE)
Contact Person V. Jeyaraju, Director
Address Kottayar Thottam, Pettavaithalai, Tiruchirapalli 639122,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0431-17 ( Pettavaithalai )

Area of focus Environment & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Providing environment education through camps, mass

environment education meetings, cultural programmes, exhibitions, video
presentations and training people for better livelihood

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Information leaflets

Name Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College Of

Contact Person Dr M.N.G. Mani
Address Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Post, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu- 641020, India
Tel.No. 0422-692441
Fax 0422-695066
E mail

Area of focus Science / environment education, promotion of scientific

temper amongst masses, vocational training

Activities with respect to Organising workshops, seminars, refresher courses,

Science & Technology science exhibitions and conducting diploma courses

Activities with respect to Conducting environment education classes for adults,

environment education involving the students and doing community work,
organising essay and oratorical competitions

Activities with respect to Conducting vocational training camps, teaching arts &
livelihood education crafts to students, computer, library science courses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1909

Publications, if any Quarterly magazine Journal of Educational Research

and Extension

Name St. Xaviers Higher Secondary School

Contact Person S.M. John Kennedy, Asstt. Head Master
Address St. Xaviers High School, Palayamkottai 627002,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0462-576616 /580413
E mail

Area of focus Environmental awareness and scienc e education among


Activities with respect to Science exhibitions

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Eco-clubs conservation activities camps cleanliness,
environment education public awareness campaign

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Published books in Tamil on environmental awareness

Name Sustainable Agriculture & Environmental Voluntary

Action (SEVA)
Contact Person P. Vivekanandan, Executive Director
Address 43- T P M Nagar, Virattipathu, Madurai 625010, Tamil
Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0452-604082

Area of focus Environment education & biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education, preserving sacred grooves and

environment education undertaking community biodiversity conservation,

Activities with respect to Documenting indigenous agricultural technologies

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Tamil Nadu Ariviyal Iyakkam ( Tamil Nadu Science

Forum, TNSF)
Contact Person Director,
Address 7, ARK Colony, Ist Floor, Eldams Road, Alwarpet,
Chennai-600018, India
Tel.No. 044-45-7623

Area of focus Science popularization & environment education

Activities with respect to The society is affiliated with All n

I dia Peoples Science
Science & Technology Network ,promote science in rural areas

Activities with respect to Organizing nature camps for children

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Tamil Monthly Science Magazine, Thulir and Siragu for
the young and an English Science bimonthly Jantar
Mantar. Publishes books on aspects of science and
technology issues that are closely related to local needs

Name Tamil Nadu Science Forum

Contact Person Shri B.Srikumar
Address E-57 A,7th West Street Kamaraj Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041, India
Tel.No. 044 - 4480448

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science popularization through camps, workshops,

Science & Technology seminars, Science and society projec ts Development
Education and dissemination of literature

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets on scientific issues

Name The Anglade Institute of Natural History

Contact Person Fr K.M. Mathew, S. J., Director
Address Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur, Kodaikanal-
624104 Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04542-41101, 41201
E mail

Area of focus Environment education & conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental conservation & research,

environment education implementing programmes on health, environment
education for senior students through camps & tours,
publishing books on the flora of the Peninsula.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several Publications on Flora of Peninsular India &

environmental education

Name The Chatnath Educational Trust

Contact Person Valli Alagappan, Trustee
Address 118, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002, Tamil Nadu, India

Tel.No. 044 830303 Extn 122; 2355622
Fax 044 833190

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Setting up a demonstration solar parks & wind mills
Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conducting environmental education workshops, training

environment education workshops for school students, staging dramas on
environmental related issues, preparation of course
material & booklets for school children on environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets on environment

Name The GRD Trust

Contact Person Dr.D.Padmanaban
Address Kalaikathir Buildings,670, Avanashi Road
Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu 641037, India
Tel.No. 0422-215454

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science and society programmes,Promotion of

Science & Technology scientific temper,Workshops, lectures and
Education camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Theerthamalai Environmental Awareness Movement

Contact Person S. Pradapan, Project Coordinator
Address 46, Anna Nagar, Dharmpuri 636703,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04342-280573
E mail

Area of focus Environment and Health

Activities with respect to Vermi-compost technologies, soil & water conservation

Science & Technology techniques for farmers and rural masses

Activities with respect to Environment awareness & education and promotion of
environment education biogas sources; conduct weekly environmental
education classes; organizing community biodiversity
conservation camps, environmental education for school
students with special reference to medicinal plants
conservation through establishing a medicinal plants
garden in schools. Awareness generation on
environment and sustainable health care through Indian
system of medicine (Siddha)

Activities with respect to Providing training on ecological agricultural practices.

livelihood education Organizing training for women and farmers groups on
income generation activities. Providing training on
medicinal plants propagation techniques

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Publications, if any Biogas Plants and Methods of its Construction (in

108 Medicinal Plants and its uses (in Tamil)
Environmental Status of Tamil Nadu A bird eyeview
(in Tamil)
Publishing various resource material like, rain water
harvesting, various compost technology including vermi-
composting, bio-pesticide preparation, importance of
biodiversity conservation, animal welfare

Any other activities Traditional medicare system among NGO field

functionaries and providing training on PRA exercises.
Establish a network of NGOs for save the eastern Ghats
in Tamil Nadu.

Name Valampuri Sangam

Contact Person V. Amalan Stanley
Address Valampuri Sangam, Triveni Apartments, I B , Block-3,
Kuppam Beach road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai 600018,
Tamil Nadu ,India
Tel.No. 044-411523

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to The organization is a private charitable trust, which

environment education develops resources for supporting grass-roots projects in
the areas of environmental improvement. It also
executes environmental awareness and improvement
projects and workshops and organizes community self
improvement projects

Activities with respect to Livelihood issues by helping build better communities by
livelihood education people working together on locally focused grass-roots
projects at the village level and at the ward level in towns
and cities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Supports education organizations such as TNSF by

subscribing to their magazine for schools in
Nagapattinam District.

Name Village Education & Development Society ( VEDS )

Contact Person G. Sundaram, Secretary
Address 7 B, Pillayar Kovil Street, Sankaranpalayam, Vellore,
North Arcot Ambedkar District 632001,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0416 27102

Area of focus Environment education & training

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education & training to rural

environment education people, creating awareness on environment,
afforestation & water management

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Promotion of literacy

Name Village Education for Action & Development Trust

Contact Person K. Manohar, Director
Address 21, PO Nagaram, Via Nainarkoli, Paramakudi Taluk,
Ramanathapuram 623705, Tamil Nadu, India

Area of focus Environment education & eco-development

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education through camps &

environment education campaigns involving people in environmental activities
and promoting ecological awareness for eco-

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vivekananda Kendra - NARDEP
Contact Person G. Vasudeo, Secretary & Swami Krishnananda, Office
Address 3, Singarachari Street, Triplicane, Block Chingleput
Chennai-629702, Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 04652- 346296, 370755
Fax 04652-347177
E mail

Area of focus Education of weaker section, rural development, natural

resource development, yoga therapy

Activities with respect to Setting up of research centers on agriculture, promotion

Science & Technology of herbal medicines, biogas technology & renewable
Education energy resources

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, water resource management,

environment education eco-clubs, water resources management, organic
farming, medicinal plants, biogas technology, renewable
energy resources

Activities with respect to Promotion of agro based industry

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1963

Publications, if any Books on Energy for Future, Biogas Plant Construction

guidelines, The Biogas - a Boon, Echoes of Eco &
several other publications & pamphlets

Any other activities Promoting yoga therapy

Name Zoo Outreach Organization
Contact Person Secretary
Address 29-1, Bharati Colony, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641 004,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 0422-561087, 563159
Fax 044-563269
E mail website

Area of focus Wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Outreach programmes for children on wildlife and zoo
environment education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books and pamphlets

Government Organizations

Name CPR Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC)

Contact Person Nandita Krishna, P. Sudhakar
Address 1 Eldams Road, Alwerpet, Chennai 600 018,
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.No. 044- 4346526/4337023/4341778
Fax 044 4320756
E mail,
Web Site:

Area of focus Natural Resource Management, Pollution, Biodiversity,

Environmental Legislation. Environment Education

Activities with respect to Education and Awareness, Centre of Excellence of

environment education Ministry of Environment.& Forests (GOI),Trainers'
Training Programme on Environmental Education,-
Awareness raising programme through nature camps and
screening of environment related films in villages
Biodiversity Conservation Education Programme e.g.
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Conservation Project. Eco
development programme and research and surveys.

Activities with respect to Dissemination of issues related to biodiversity,

livelihood education environmental protection and livelihoods

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications: "Eco News" Quaterly newsletter (English)

Publications and posters on environmental issues in
5 languages. Website on EE , several books , booklets

Name Tamil Nadu State Council For Science & Technology

Contact Person Dr. K. Subramanian
Address Directorate Of Technical Education
Chennai, Tamil Nadu- 600025,India
Tel.No. 044-2301428
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of Science, Science & Technology

Education, environment education

Activities with respect to Programmes for Science Popularization amongst

Science & Technology masses and students, workshops, seminars &
Education trainings on new technologies, creation of
scientific temper

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment & natural resource
environment education conservation projects

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books and papers, newsletters

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Acharjya Jagadish Chandra Bose 520

2. ARK 520
3. Bodhan Social Welfare Organisation 521
4. Holy Association 521
5. Kalyan Samity 521
6. Literature Unemployed Youth Association (LUYA) 522
7. Prakiti -O- Parivesh Sangstha 522
8. Tripura Adibashi Mahila Samity 523
9. Tripura Science Forum 523
10. Young Development Club 524

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. State Council for Science & Technology 525

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Acharjya Jagadish Chandra Bose Briksha Mitra

Contact Person Subhod Ranjan Sur Secretary
Address Vilage & PO Rudijala (Melaghar)
District West Tripura 799115
Tripura , India.
Tel.No. 0381-4964

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology Education.

Activities with respect to Science popularization through wasteland

Science & Technology development, watershed management.

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation,

environment education wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Livestock development, vocational trainings

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1987

Any other activities Development of sports

Name ARK
Contact Person Sanjoy Charaborty President
Address Jogendranagar
Agartala 799010 , Tripura , India.

Area of focus Environmental awareness

Activities with respect to Science awareness in society by development

Science & Technology wastelands development.

Activities with respect to Environmental research, Environmental awareness,

environment education tree plantation.

Activities with respect to Livestock development, agricultural development for

livelihood education income generation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Publications, if any Development of Educational material.

Name Bodhan Social Welfare Organisation

Contact Person Benudhar Acharya Secretary
Chitta Ranjan Dev Honorary Secretary
Address Cinema Hall Road
PO Khowal
District West, Tripura , India.
Tel.No. 0381-2237

Area of focus Environmental Education, Social welfare Programmes.

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, Tree planting .

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1985

Any other activities Population Education, Awareness for AIDS, mother &
child programmes, anti drug campaign

Name Holy Association

Contact Person Bidhya Kumar Jamatia, Secretary
Address Village Pitra Kami, Pabitra Rambari, PO Pitra Bazar,
District Udaipur 799120, Tripura, India

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Providing Environment education to rural youth, tree

environment education planting & conducting workshops for eco-development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1989

Publications, if any Development of Educational material

Name Kalyan Samity

Contact Person Amarendra Chakraborty President
Address Gangli Road , Melarnath
Agartala, Tripura, India.
Tel.No. 0381 223305

Area of focus Environment Education, Rural Development

Activities with respect to Environmental education, Conduct training programs,

environment education street plays, nature camps, seminars & workshops.

environment education street plays, nature camps, seminars & workshops.

Activities with respect to Khadi and village industries activities of the weaker &
livelihood education backward sections of the society

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1965

Name Literature Unemployed Youth Association (LUYA)

Contact Person Simul Majumdar Belonia
Address Village West Muhuripur
PO Muhuripur 799142
District South Tripura,
Tripura, India.

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology Education, Social


Activities with respect to Science popularization through wasteland

Science & Technology development, Popularization of smokeless ovens.

Activities with respect to Environment awareness, tree plantation, awareness

environment education on use of pesticides

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1970

Any other activities Social work , child development ;training & action
programmes ;population education

Name Prakiti -O- Parivesh Sangstha

Contact Person Shyamal Roy
Address Matri Palli ,PO Badharghat
West Tripura
Tripura , India

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Awareness of scientific issues through agricultural

Science & Technology development, wasteland development.

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness of masses

environment education through camps & lectures.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Tripura Adibashi Mahila Samity

Contact Person Anu Mukherji, President
Address 'Salkama'
9/4 Krishna Nagar Road,
Agartala 799 001, Tripura, India
Tel.No. 0381-224218

Area of focus Education, socio-economic programmes, rural

development concerning women

Activities with respect to Socio-economic programmes like handloom

livelihood education training-cum -production, weaving, smokless
chulhas, rubber plantation, integrated rural
development programme for mushroom
cultivation, sericulture and vegetable
cultiviation, leaf plate making, tailoring.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Awarness generation camps, adult literacy,

educational programmes like balwadis,
nursery course, coaching for school drop-out
girls; creche, etc.

Name Tripura Science Forum

Contact Person Jyoti P.R.Choudhury / Dr. R.Debnath
Address Palace Compound(West), Jagannath Bari Road,
Agartala, Tripura 799001, India
Tel.No. 0381-229794

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Science popularization through camps,

Science & Technology workshops, seminars. Society and science
Education projects,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Development and dissemination of literature

Name Young Development Club
Contact Person Ananda Chandra, Sarkar, Secretary
Address PO Khasiamangal, Teliamura,
West Tripura 799205, India
Tel.No. 0381-32327

Area of focus Environment awareness & education

Activities with respect to Conducting environmental awareness programmes,

environment education eco-development camps, making poor self-sufficient

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name State Council for Science & Technology

Contact Person Mihir Roy, Scientific Officer
Address Pandit Nehru Complex, Gorkha Basti
Kungabari, Agartala-799006
Tel.No. 0381-201365, 222462
Fax 0381-222462
E mail

Area of focus Popularization of science, development of

rural technology

Activities with respect to Science & Promotion of S&T in rural areas

Technology Education

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if applicable.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Academy of Environmental Sciences (AES) 530

2. Action for Food Production ( AFPRO-Aligarh Project) 530
3. Akhil Bhartiya Ekta Parishad 531
4. Akhil Bhartiya Gramin Vikas Sansthan (ABGVS ) 531
5. Appropriate Technology Development Association ( ATDA) 531
6. Arthik Anusanthan Kendra 532
7. Ashok Sansthan 532
8. Baba Shri Nath Shiksha Sansthan 533
9. Ballia Environment Society (BES) 533
10. Balrampur Environmental Action Group (BEAG) 533
11. Bharat Sarvodaya Samaj 534
12. Bhartiya Vigyan Katha Lekhak 534
13. Centre for Rural Education & Development Action (CREDA) 534
14. Deokalia Jan Kalyan Samiti 535
15. Doodhatoli Lok Vikas Sansthan 535
16. Encare Society of it-bhu ( India ) 536
17. Gonda Environment Population & Wildlife Awareness 536
Association (GEPWAA)
18. Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) 537
19. Gram Kalyan Samiti 537
20. Gramin Sewa Sansthan 537
21. Gramin Vikas Samiti Bhinga, Bahraich, 538
22. Harit Kranti Sewa Sansthan 538
23. Indian Council for Plants and Environment Protection 538
24. Indian Institute for Development Studies and Research 539
25. Indian Society of Environment 539
26. International Environment Protection & Development Centre 540
27. International Goodwill Society of India (IGSI ) 540
28. International Society for Environmental Protection 540
29. International Society for Tropical Ecology (ISTE ) 541
30. Jan Kalyan Parishad 541
31. Janpad Vikas Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti 541
32. Jeevan Dhara Marg Darsak Society 542
33. Joseph Institute for Rural Development ( JIFORD) 542
34. Kaushal Sansthan 543
35. Kendriya Nehru Smarak Parishad 543
36. Learning Centre 543
37. Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan 544
38. Manav Kalyan Pratishthan 544
39. Myana Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan 545
40. National Council of Development Communication 545
41. National Environment Conservation Association 546
42. National Forum for Environmental Studies and Conservation 546

43. Navodaya Vikas Sansthan 546
44. Nehru Seva Ashram 547
45. Nehru Youva Kendra Sangathan, Meerut 547
46. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Etah 547
47. Paryavaran Sewa Sansthan 548
48. Pipalsana Gramudyog Vikas Samiti Pipalsana (PAGRO) 548
49. Randhol Vriksharopan Samiti 548
50. Saghan Kshetra Vikas Samiti 549
51. Salim Ali Memorial Nature Club (SAMNC ) 549
52. Sarva Deshik Seva Samaj 550
53. Seva Karmi Sansthan 550
54. Sharda Environmental Conservation Centre 550
55. Shohratgarh Environmental Society (SES) 551
56. Society for Conservation of Nature and Scientific 551
57. Society for Environmental Pollution Control 551
58. Society for Himalayan Rehabilitation and Peoples Action 552
59. Society of Professional for Rural Enrichment, Environment 552
and Technology
60. Swachchha Ganga Mahila Samitee 553
61. The Academy of Environmental Biology 553
62. UNICEF 553
63. Urmila Gramodyog Sewa Samiti 554
64. Uttar Pradesh Vigyan Lekhak Avam Samvaddata Samiti 554
65. Vigyan Shiksha Kendra (Science Education Centre) 555
66. Vinoba Adarsh Shiksha Samiti 555
67. Wildlife Society of India (WSI) 555
68. Women In Need Institute (WINI) 556
69. World Pheasant Association India 556
70. World Wide Fund for Nature-India 557
71. World Wide Fund for Nature-India, Vrindavan Conservation 557
72. Young Environmentalist Association, Lucknow (YEA) 558
73. Yuvak Vikas Samiti, Vedmanpur 558

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Council of Science & Technology 559

2. SCERT 559
3. DPEP, Education Department 560
4. National Botanical Research Institute 560
5. Industrial Toxicological Research Centre 560
6. Forest Influences Division 561
7. Indian Grasslands and Fodder Research Institute, ICAR 561
8. UP Diversified Agriculture Support Project 562

9. Regional Science Center 562
10. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Wastelands and Rural Development 563
11. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 563

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Academy of Environmental Sciences (AES)

Contact Person V.P. Kudesia, Secretary
Address C-30, Shastri Nagar, Meerut-250 004, UP,India
Tel. No. 0121-762026

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Imparting information on Improved agricultural

Science & Technology practices.

Activities with respect to Environment education through Van Vigyan Kendras,

environment education to disseminate scientific and technological information
through booklets, newspapers and brochures,
environment education, Monitoring of river water

Activities with respect to Employment generation in rural areas through

livelihood education afforestation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishing of Indian Journal of Environment and

Agriculture, books and pamphlets

Name Action for Food Production ( AFPRO-Aligarh

Contact Person W.M.K. Wasi, Dy. Project Manager
Address D-8, Vikram Colony, Ramghat Road, Aligarh
202001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0571 23287, 29074

Area of focus Technology and livelihood education, Environment


Activities with respect to To promote appropriate agricultural technologies,

Science & Technology promotion of renewal energy

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Akhil Bhartiya Ekta Parishad
Contact Person Secretary
Address 2A, Kaiserbagh Avenue, Lucknow 226001, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education and training for natural

environment education resource conservation, relief work during natural

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Akhil Bhartiya Gramin Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Mr D. P. Singh, General Secretary
Address Sokhana, Via Hathras, Aligarh 204101

Area of focus Environment and Health awareness in Villages

Activities with respect to Health awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education and training of

environment education youth and masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Appropriate Technology Development Association

Contact Person M. M. Hoda, General Secretary
Address Post Box 311, Gandhi Bhawan,
Lucknow 226001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522 221427, 213506
Fax 0522 221427

Area of focus Science and technology education

Activities with respect to To promote development of appropriate technologies,

Science & Technology organize training and extension education
Education programmes,

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for livelihoods, studies on

livelihood education village industry, artician industries, powerloom, rice
milling technology, mini cement technology, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include Directory of agricultural tools and

implements, industrial process for small communities
and rural areas, newsletter, etc.

Name Arthik Anusanthan Kendra

Contact Person Hargovind Singh, Director
Address 92A/1, Darbhanga Colony, Allahabad 211002, UP,
Tel. No. 0532 611036

Area of focus Integrated village development

Environment education and management,

Activities with respect to Information dissemination on land conservation

Science & Technology techniques

Activities with respect to Environment awareness &education and

environment education environmental management,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ashok Sansthan

Contact Person Narendra Kumar Rai, General Secretary
Address Kundesar, Ghazipur 233234, UP,India
Tel. No. 05493 84442
Fax 06493 84442

Area of focus Science & Technology, Environment

Activities with respect to Development of scientific temper, Promotion of

Science & Technology appropriate rural technologies through demonstration
Education centre for waste water disposal system, windmill,
water purification system, fire retardant thatching,
diaphragm pump, winnowing

Activities with respect to Environment education and public participation for

environment education environment protection

Activities with respect to Promotion of Fan, leaf cup, dona making machine and
livelihood education recycled papermaking.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Baba Shri Nath Shiksha Sansthan

Contact Person K. K. Singh, Secretary
Address Dhanjai, Kurebhar, Sultanpur 228151, UP,India
Tel. No. 05362-836206

Area of focus Environment education, Scientific studies

Activities with respect to Scientific studies on traditional system of health care

Science & Technology and sustainable agricultural practices

Activities with respect to Awareness of environmental problems

environment education for school children and farmers

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ballia Environment Society (BES)

Contact Person Sh. S. K. Srivastava, Secretary
Address Botany Deptt., SMM Town (PG) College,
Ballia 227001, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness

environment education Public awareness on environmental problems, study of
environment sensitive habitats, workshops, camps,
training programmes on environment.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Balrampur Environmental Action Group (BEAG)

Contact Person Dr. A. K. Singh, President
Address Ecology Laboratory, Deptt. of Botany, MLK (PG)
College, Balrampur 271201, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education

environment education Afforestation camps in Terai region, exhibition on
environmental problems, environment education
through tours of Sanctuary, National parks, areas of

through tours of Sanctuary, National parks, areas of
environmental interests.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and pamphlets

Name Bharat Sarvodaya Samaj

Contact Person Amod Kumar Jha, Secretary
Address Gymkhana Club Road, Keisarbagh,
Lucknow 226001, UP, India

Area of focus Environment education and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education

environment education of children, Eco-development camps.

Activities with respect to Livelihood education for poor communities on village

livelihood education industries, health services, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bhartiya Vigyan Katha Lekhak Samiti

Dr. Arvind Mishra
Contact Person Kake Babu, Devkali Marg, Faizabad,
Address Uttar Pradesh- 224001 UP,India
Tel. No. 05278-22176

Area of focus Science popularization

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science writers for science

Science & Technology education of children and masses.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Rural Education & Development Action

Contact Person Shamshad Khan, Secretary
Address 290, Awas Vikas Colony, Mirzapur 231001, UP,India
Tel. No. 05442-3468, 3470

Area of focus Rural environment, environmental education,
Promotion of scientific agriculture

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of smokeless chulhas and solar

Science & Technology cookers

Activities with respect to Environmental education and training, environment

environment education pollution studies, tree plantation and the cleaning of
Ganga ghats.

Activities with respect to Construction of low cost chulhas

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Deokalia Jan Kalyan Samiti

Contact Person Ms. Mithilesh Kumari Verma
Address Village Deokalia, PO Masauli, Barabanki 225204,

Area of focus Promotion of adult education and environmental


Activities with respect to Promoting smokeless chulhas, water conservation.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and training, plant and tree
environment education protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Doodhatoli Lok Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Sachchidanand Bharati
Address Ufrain Khal (Baijrom), Garhwal 246275 UP,India

Area of focus Nature conservation and socio economic upliftment

Activities with respect to Promotion of non-conventional energy sources

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness, Flora and fauna protection

environment education

Activities with respect to Socio economical upliftment projects
livelihood education

Whether GO/NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Encare Society of it-bhu (India)

Contact Person Vinod Gogoriya
Address Room No. 55, C. V. Raman Hostel, It-BHU, Varanasi-
221005. UP,India
Tel. No. 0542-309022

Area of focus Environment

Activities with respect to Mass awareness among youth through science and
Science & Technology technology education.

Activities with respect to Upgrading eco-level by applying new scientific method

environment education and technologies and generating mass awareness
especially among youth through environmental

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gonda Environment Population & Wildlife

Awareness Association (GEPWAA)
Contact Person Dr. D. C. Tewari, Organizing Secretary
Address Deptt. of Physics & Electronics, LBS Post Graduate
College, Gonda 271001, UP,India
Tel. No. 05262-24026
Fax 05262-24745

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Creating public awareness of environmental problems

environment education at all levels, conducting competitions on environmental
issues, organizing seminars and eco-development
camps, encouraging wildlife conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG)
Dr. Shiraz A. Wajih, Secretary
Contact Person 224, Purdilpur M.G. College Road, Gorakhpur
Address 273001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0551 339774334906, 339774

Area of focus Environment education and eco-development

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies and scientific

Science & Technology development of society, technologies for agricultural
Education development.

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars and symposia on environment

environment education education, promoting environmental conservation
using posters and pamphlets.

Activities with respect to Promotion of skill development in low cost

livelihood education technologies, Agricultural development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include an annual magazine Prakarti,

Prayas and Vasundhra a newsletter on ecological

Name Gram Kalyan Samiti

Contact Person Sarvendra Kumar Verma, Secretary
Address VPO Bansa Sharif, Barabanki 225204 UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Conducting programmes on environment awareness,

environment education providing environmental education `and training
especially to women, promoting afforestation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramin Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person Jai Kishore, Secretary
Address Lakha Bazar, Gabhana, Aligarh, UP,India

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Creating environmental awareness, providing

environment education environmental education amongst children, tree


Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramin Vikas Samiti Bhinga, Bahraich

Contact Person Kanhaiya Lal, President
Address VPO Bhangha Bazar, Bahraich 271827

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education, social forestry.

environment education

Activities with respect to Encouraging Khadi and village industry,

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

l applicable.

Any other activities Imparting vocational and technical training to establish

and maintain Anganwadis

Name Harit Kranti Sewa Sansthan Satdeep Singh Rawat

Contact Person Village Meerapur (North), PO Kalluwala, Bijnore,
Address UP,India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Promotion of new technologies in Agricultue

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing environment education through camps and

environment education workshops,

Activities with respect to Encouraging village industries for better livelihood and
livelihood education providing technical training especially to women.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Council for Plants and Environment

Protection (ICPEP)
Contact Person Dr. K. J. Ahmed, Scientist

Address National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap
Marg, Lucknow, India, UP
Tel.No. 0522-282847, 274468

Area of focus Environment Education, plant protection

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars, workshops on plant and

environment education environment protection, two international conferences
organized covering issues of environment education,
biodiversity, toxicology, plant indicators, etc. Public
lectures on plant and environment protection issues.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Institute for Development Studies and

Contact Person Dr. B. Sharma, Director
Address 18/25, Stanley Road, Judges Colony, Allahabad-
211002 UP,India
Tel. No. 0532-644288, 603301

Area of focus Sustainable Development

Activities with respect to Environment education, Promoting research and

environment education training in environmental related issues, environment
protection and social forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Society of Environment

Contact Person Dr. P.K. Mathur, General Secretary
Address 7/183, Swarup Nagar, Kanpur 208002 UP,India
0512-214797, 314919
Tel. No.
Environment education and conservation of natural
Area of focus resources.

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education and training to

environment education students, encouraging studies related to wildlife and
conservation of natural resources, afforestation,
conserving endangered flora and fauna.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Environment Protection &
Development Centre
Contact Person Shiva Varan Shukla, Director
Address Building of Dr. P.K. Ghosh Malik, Man Road, Rae
Bareli 229001 UP,India
Tel. No. 0535 203813
Fax 0535-203169, 202389

Area of focus Environment education and protection

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education and training

environment education amongst youth, promoting environmental protection
and eco-development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Goodwill Society of India (IGSI )

Contact Person Dr. A. B. Garg, Secretary General
Address Post Box 111, Roorkee 247667 UP,India
Tel. No. 01332 76284

Area of focus Environment and Science education

Activities with respect to Educating people about nuclear ban and science,
Science & Technology organizing seminars

Activities with respect to Providing environment education through seminars

environment education and exhibitions, lectures on environmental protection

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name International Society for Environmental Protection

Contact Person Dr. V.K. Srivastava, President
Address 23 Ka, Hirapura Colony, Gorakhpur University,
Gorakhpur 273009 UP,India

Area of focus Environment awareness and protection

Activities with respect to Creating awareness regarding environment pollution,

environment education providing environment education by forming eco-clubs
in schools, eco-development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include Hamara Paryavaran and Journal

of Environmental research.

Name International Society for Tropical Ecology (ISTE)

Prof. R.S. Ambasht, Secretary
Contact Person Deptt. of Botany, Banaras Hindu University,
Address Varanasi 221005 UP,India
Tel. No. 0543-312989
Fax 0542-312059

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting science education, organizing symposia,

Science & Technology lectures in science related issues.

Activities with respect to Conducting training courses and seminars on ecology

environment education for youth and teachers.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publications include Tropical Ecology, a journal in

English, French, Spanish and Portugues e.

Name Jan Kalyan Parishad

Contact Person Ram Subhag Singh, Secretary
Address VPO Kotha, Via Gagaha, Gorakhpur 273411

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to women and

environment education children, promoting ecodevelopment, afforestation and
social forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Janpad Vikas Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti

Contact Person Dr. Ram Singh Nikumbh, Secretary
Address Malti Bhawan Rakauli, Mau 275101 UP,India
Tel. No. 0547 221132

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Creating environmental awareness amongst public by

environment education organizing seminars and competitions, providing
environmental education, forming eco-development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Jeevan Dhara Marg Darsak Society

Contact Person Dr. R.C. Kushwaha, General Secretary
Address At Bheria, PO Chero, Salempur Block,
Deoria 274509 UP,India
Tel. No. 05566 - 20455

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Promoting smokeless Chulhas and low cost

Science & Technology technologies. Promotion of scientific temper in rural
Education areas.

Activities with respect to Providing environment education and trainings, agro-

environment education forestry, protecting and rejuvenating environment, tree

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Joseph Institute for Rural Development

Contact Person D. S. Parmar, Programme Secretary
Address Mission Compound, PO Bhatpar Rani, Deoria,

Area of focus Science and Technology education

Activities with respect to Encouraging scientific agricultural practices for

Science & Technology improve farming and increased yields, organizing
Education seminars on soil and water management, seed
technology and implementation of national biogas

Activities with respect to Environment education for soil and ware conservation
environment education

Activities with respect to Encouraging scientific agriculture for better livelihoods.
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kaushal Sansthan

Contact Person Shiv Prasad Mishra, Secretary
Address VPO Paraspur, Gonda, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Providing environment education amongst children

environment education and youth, encouraging tree plantation and social

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Kendriya Nehru Smarak Parishad

Contact Person Sh. Acharya Ishwar Chandra Shastri, General
Address 3, Kaiserbagh, Lucknow 226001, UP,India

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Providing environmental education and training

environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting dairy farming, animal husbandry, khadi and
livelihood education village industries amongst women and training them in
these areas.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Learning Centre

Contact Person K. K. Awasthi, Managing Secretary
Address Teli Bagh, Lucknow, 226002, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-440148

Area of focus Science education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing camps, campaigns and seminars to foster

Science & Technology scientific temper amongst people.

Science & Technology scientific temper amongst people.

Activities with respect to Publishing literature on various aspects of

environment education environment, creating environmental awareness and
engaging in tree plantation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Nobahar Singh, Secretary
Address Village Kiratpur, PO Ayampur, Via Noorpur,
Bijnore-246734, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting alternate sources of energy in rural areas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Providing environment and informal education to

environment education women and children, tree planting.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Non formal education of women

Name Manav Kalyan Pratishthan

Contact Person Ramesh Chandra Tiwari, Secretary
Address 72, Ismailganj, Fatehpur-212601, U P, India
Tel. No. 05180 24647
Fax 05180 24663

Area of focus Science/Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Increasing the contribution of women to S&T,

Science & Technology promoting research, development & adaptation of
Education technology to improve the life, working condition,
awareness, trainings for S&T

Activities with respect to Promoting environment education and providing

environment education trainings in environment protection, promoting use of
biogas, afforestation, organizing tree lovers clubs,
documentation center for information on toxic

documentation center for information on toxic
materials and their hazards
Activities with respect to Income generation activities for village women
livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1983

Any other activities Education for children, family planning programmes,

mother & children health programmes

Name Myana Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person Shanti Swarup Sharma, Secretary
Address Murari Nagar, GT Road, Khurja, Bulandshahr
203131, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of biogas

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conducting seminars, competitions, exhibitions and

environment education training programmes for dissemination of
environmental education and afforestation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name National Council of Development Communication

V.K. Dubey, Secretary
Contact Person B33, 14-22, Koshlesh Nagar Colony, Naria Varanasi
Address 221005 UP,India
Tel. No. 0542 318574

Area of focus Environment awareness and science popularization

Activities with respect to Science popularization through camps, seminars, etc.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Creating awareness of environment protection,

environment education environment education for school children, executing
programmes related to environment improvement and.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if applicable.

Name National Environment Conservation Association
B.D. Tripathi, President
Contact Person Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, Banaras Hindu
Address University, Varanasi 221005, UP,India
Tel. No. 0542-311190, 330454

Area of focus Environment education and conservation

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of renewable sources of energy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Conducting surveys and research on environment

environment education related issues, providing environment education and

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name National Forum for Environmental Studies and

Conservation (NESCO)
Contact Person Dr. Anil Kumar Tewari, General Secretary
Address C/o Department of Botany, University of
Allahabad,Allahabad-211 002, UP,India
Tel. No. 0532-603359

Area of focus Environment conservation and awareness

Activities with respect to Creating awareness amongst public about natural

environment education resources and their conservation, conducting training
workshops for teachers on environment education,
promoting afforestation and preservation of

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Navodaya Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person B.P. Sharma, Secretary
Address Village & P.O. Baksar, District Ghaz iabad , UP,India

Area of focus Science & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific development programmes

Science & Technology amongst masses


Activities with respect to Providing environmental education through seminars

environment education and workshops,

Activities with respect to Helping rural public to achieve self sufficiency by

livelihood education promoting integrated development.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nehru Seva Ashram

Contact Person Vineshpal Singh Yadav
Address Village Digarpur, P.O. Dilawarpur,
Shahjahanpur District, UP,India

Area of focus Environment awareness

Activities with respect to Creating environment awareness by organizing

environment education campaigns, providing environmental education and

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nehru Youva Kendra Sangathan, Meerut

Contact Person Dr. D.K. Gupta, Youth Coordinator
Address 180/2, New Prempuri Railway Road,
Meerut-250 002, UP,India
Tel. No. 0121-512453

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Organizing camps, workshops on environment related

environment education issues, providing environment education amongst

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Etah

Contact Person Pawan Kumar Dubey, District Youth Coordinator
Sanjay Nagar, Agra Road, Etah-207 001
Address UP,India
Tel. No. 05742-33692

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Organizing camps, workshops on environment related

environment education issues, promoting environment education amongst

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Paryavaran Sewa Sansthan

Contact Person Raghunandan Singh, Sec retary
Address 2226 Kharagjit Nagar, Mainpuri- 205 001, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Environmental education through camps, tree planting,

environment education promoting awareness about pollution and social

Activities with respect to Promotion of Social forestry for income generation.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Pipalsana Gramudyog Vikas Samiti Pipalsana

Contact Person Rijwan Husain, President
Address P.O. Khas (Block Bhagatpur Tanda),
Tehsil & District Moradabad-244 001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0591-47297

Area of focus Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Promoting Khadi and village industries, providing

livelihood education training to women for better livelihood, tree planting
and social forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Randhol Vriksharopan Samiti

Contact Person Randhol Singh, President
Address Mohalla Holiwala, Village & P.O. Sisauli,

Muzaffarnagar District- 251 319, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness, providing

environment education environment education through camps, meetings and
audio visual aids, plays.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Integrated rural development projects

Name Saghan Kshetra Vikas Samiti

Contact Person Rama Kant Rai, Project Officer
Address Sewapuri, Varanasi- 221 403 UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Providing environment education to school children by

environment education forming eco-clubs in schools.

Activities with respect to Promoting self reliance in women through skill

livelihood education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Salim Ali Memorial Nature Club (SAMNC)

Contact Person Awdhesh Kumar Sharma, Secretary
Address C/o Sita Ram Sahu, Bari Haat, Mahoba, Hamirpur
210427 UP,India
Tel. No. 0581 55079

Area of focus Environmental awareness, Biodiversity Conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting use of non-conventional energy sources.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environmental awareness and education, bird

environment education watching programs

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sarva Deshik Seva Samaj
Contact Person A. Bajpari
Address Gymkhana Club Road 3, Kaiserbagh, Lucknow,

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness amongst public

environment education and providing environment education and training to
women and children.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Seva Karmi Sansthan

Contact Person Om Prakash Mishra, General Secretary
Address Sherpur Khurd, Ghazipur- 233236, UP,India.

Area of focus Environment protection

Activities with respect to Promoting use of smokeless chulhas and solar

Science & Technology appliances

Activities with respect to Providing environment education and training to youth,

environment education encouraging social forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sharda Environmental Conservation Centre

Contact Person Shailesh Kumar Rai, Chairman
Address Post Bag No. 1, Jaunpur- 222001, UP,India
Tel. No. 05442-64778, 66220

Area of focus Biodiversity and environment conservation

Activities with respect to Promoting biodiversity conservation, providing

environment education environment education to youth, protecting
environment from pollution

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishing many magazines on environment related


Name Shohratgarh Environmental Society (SES)
Contact Person Dr. B.C. Srivastava, Secretary
Address 9, Adarsh Colony, Shohratgarh, Siddharthnagar- 272
205, UP,India
Tel. No. 055448-271

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Imparting environment education to school children,

environment education creating awareness of environmental conservation,
encouraging social forestry.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Conservation of Nature and Scientific

Contact Person J.C. Srivastava, Secretary
Address 11, Park Lane, Lucknow-226 001 UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-228281

Area of focus Environment awareness and eco-development

Activities with respect to Celebration of Science days and children science

Science & Technology programs

Activities with respect to Creating awareness amongst public and students

environm ent education about environment, ecology, nature conservation and
pollution control, providing environment education
through demonstrations, lectures, exhibitions and film

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Environmental Pollution Control

Contact Person A.Quraishy, President
Address 17/423, New Hyderabad,
Lucknow-226 007, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-387252, 327547
Fax 0522-388610

Area of focus Environment protection

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental protection and organizing

environment education environment awareness campaigns, providing
technologies for pollution control.

technologies for pollution control.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Himalayan Rehabilitation and Peoples

Action (SHERPA)
Contact Person T.N. Dhar, President
Address 27-B-5, Lajpat Rai Marg,
Lucknow-280 661, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-280661

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies appropriate for mountain

Science & Technology development

Activities with respect to Disseminating environment education and providing

environment education trainings to conserve environment amongst hill people,
encouraging social forestry and tree planting.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society of Professional for Rural Enrichment,

Environment and Technology
Contact Person Ripika Gulati, President
Address J-196 Patel Nagar I, Ghaziabad
Distict-201 001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0575-719825

Area of focus Science and tec hnology education

Activities with respect to Seminars for providing science and technology

Science & Technology education, conserving soil, water and biodiversity.

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness, organizing

environm ent education exhibitions,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Swachchha Ganga Mahila Samitee
Contact Person Anjana Prakash, Secretary
Address D-59/103 A, Sigra, Varanasi- 221 002, UP,India
Tel. No. 0542-221199
Fax 0542-239172

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies for water pollution control

Science & Technology
Creating awareness to protect environment and river
Activities with respect to pollution, organizing seminars, rallies, exhibitions to
environment education provide environment education.

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if

Name The Academy of Environmental Biology

Contact Person R.C. Dalela, Secretary
Address 1/206, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow-226 022, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-768752

Area of focus Science and technology popularization

Activities with respect to Conducting symposia and group discussions to

Science & Technology popularize science and technology, providing technical
Education expertise, Publication and dissemination of scientific

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness and education

environment education through scientific journals and books.

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if NGO

Publications, if any Published several books and articles and a scientific

journal on environment protection

Contact Person The Coordinator
Address 1/4, Vipul Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, UP,India

Area of focus Environment awareness and eco-development

Activities with respect to Health awareness

Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Creating awareness amongst public and students

environment education about environment, ecology, nature conservation and
pollution control, providing environment education
through demonstrations, lectures, exhibitions and film

Activities with respect to Fund raising for skill development and training of
livelihood education children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Urmila Gramodyog Sewa Samiti

Contact Person Murli Manohar, Secretary
Address House No. WS 692 Bharatpuri Colony, P.O. Bakkhni
Kanungo, Gonda District, UP,India

Area of focus Science and environment

Activities with respect to Encouraging use of biogas and other low cost
Science & Technology technologies.

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness

environment education Promoting environmental education, afforestation and
creating environmental awareness amongst youth.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Uttar Pradesh Vigyan Lekhak Avam Samvaddata

Contact Person Jagdish Chandra Ranjan, President
Address F 34, Sarvodaya Nagar,
Lucknow-226 016, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-380746

Area of focus Science education and popularization.

Activities with respect to Organizing demonstrations, training camps,

Science & Technology development clubs to provide benefits of scientific
Education advancements to rural masses and to popularize
science amongst them.

Activities with respect to Conducting training programmes related to
environment education environment, forming eco-clubs.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vigyan Shiksha Kendra (Science Education

Contact Person Dr. Bhartendu Prakash, Convenor and Executive
Address Badausa Road, P.O. Atarra, Banda District-210 001
Tel. No. 0519-22587

Area of focus Science and Technology education

Activities with respect to Promoting interest and popularizing science and

Science & Technology appropriate technology in villages, developing relevant
Education rural technology for sustainable farming, energy
conservation and cottage industries. Involved in
technology transfer for the use of wastes such as
biogas and vegetable wastes.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Vinoba Adarsh Shiksha Samiti

Contact Person M. L. Maurya, Secretary
Address Vinoba Nagar, Nai Bazar, Naini,
Allahabad-211 009, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops to create environment

environment education awareness, providing environmental education to
children and women.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Several booklets

Name Wildlife Society of India (WSI)

Contact Person Dr. Jamal A.Khan, Secretary
Address C/o Centre of Wildlife and Ornithology,

Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh-202 002, UP,India
Tel. No. 0571-401052
Fax 0571-404511

Area of focus Environment education and wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Encouraging researches in environment and wildlife

environment education sciences, generating environment awareness amongst
masses through conservation oriented programmes,
encouraging wildlife conservation in Himalayas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Publishing newsletter and journals in science related


Name Women In Need Institute (WINI)

Contact Person Uma Solomon, Secretary
Address D-19, Indira Nagar, Varanasi-226 016, UP,India
Tel. No. 0542-345938
Fax 0542-388715

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Creating awareness on environment and health

environment education amongst women, providing environment education
and training to women,

Activities with respect to Skill development for self reliance

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activities Encouraging utilization of traditional herbal medicines

Name World Pheasant Association India

Contact Person Prof. A. H. Musavi, Secretary and Treasurer
6, Kabeer Colony, Anoop Shahar Road, Aligarh-202
Address 002, UP, India
Tel. No. 0571-400759

Fax 409081

Area of focus Environment awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Creating awareness amongst youth on environment

environment education related issues, working intensively on conservation of
Galliformes (pheasants in particular).

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wide Fund for Nature-India

Contact Person Brig. Surendra Varma (Retd.). State Director
U.P.State Office, Balrampur Terrace, 5th Floor,Rohit
Address Bhavan, 4, Sapru Marg, Lucknow-226 001, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-217647
Fax 0522-200942

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Organizing exhibitions, seminars, campaigns, lectures

environment education and workshops to create environmental awareness
amongst masses, providing environmental education
to schoolchildren by forming eco-clubs in schools.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name World Wide Fund for Nature-India, Vrindavan

Conservation Project
Contact Person Project Coordinator
Address Chhota Munghyr Mandir, Vrindavan-Mathura Main
Vrindavan District-281 121, UP,India
Tel. No. 0565-442771 (R)

Area of focus Environment education and conservation

Activities with respect to Working intensively for Vrindavan conservation,

environment education providing environmental education and conducting
demonstrations for environment awareness.

Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if

Name Young Environmentalist Association, Lucknow
Contact Person Anil Mishra, General Secretary
Address 64, Kurshed Bagh, Lucknow- 226 004, UP,India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Promoting environmental awareness amongst public,

environment education organizing demonstration, seminars, printing
competitions and debates on environment related
issues, launching protest against deforestation and

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Yuvak Vikas Samiti, Vedmanpur

Contact Person Anand Kumar Dubey, Secretary
Address P.O. Parsipur, Bhadohi District- 221 402, UP,India
Tel. No. 05414-71358, 71361

Area of focus Environment education and training

Activities with respect to Creating environmental awareness amongst youth,

environment education minimization of carpet pollution.

Activities with respect to Providing vocational training to women.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Council of Science & Technology

Contact Person Dr. B.R. Pandey, Joint Director
Address Vigyan Bhawan, 9-Nabi Ullah Road, Suraj Kund Park,
Lucknow-226018, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tel. No. 0522-211773, 202453, 215345, 273828
Fax 0522-211793
E-mail website

Area of focus Awareness/Research & development in the field of

science & technology

Activities with respect to S&T popularization, science communication

Science & Technology programmes, seminar/workshops/symposiums/quiz/
Education competitions

Activities with respect to Seminar symposium to create environmental

environment education awareness

Activities with respect to Mass employment generation through S&T

livelihood education programmes, entrepreneurship awareness camps &
development programmes

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if 1975

Publications, if any Publications like Status report on selected areas,

annual reports, newsletters, brochures, etc.

Contact Person Shri Shardendu, Director
Address Nishatganj Lucknow, UP,India

Area of focus Science and Environmental education

Activities with respect to Promotion of formal Science education in schools,

Science & Technology nonformal science education projects, science fairs.

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, tree

environment education plantation, training for natural resource conservation

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name DPEP, Education Department
Contact Person Ms. Kalpana Awasthi, Director
Address Nishatganj, Lucknow, UP,India

Area of focus Science education and environment awareness

Activities with respect to S&T popularization, science communication

Science & Technology programmes, seminar/workshops/symposiums/quiz/
Education competitions

Activities with respect to

environment education Seminar symposium to create environmental
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if
applicable. GO

Name National Botanical Research Institute

Contact Person Dr. P. Pushpangdan, Director
Address Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, UP,India
Tel. No. 0522-282847,274468

Area of focus Biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Research & development in the field of plant diversity
Science & Technology conservation

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, tree

environment education plantation, training for natural resource conservation

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Industrial Toxicological Research Centre

Contact Person Dr. P. K. Seth, Director
Address MG Marg, Lucknow, UP,India
Post Box No. 80, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow-
226001, India
Tel. No. 0522-221856,213618,228227
Fax 0522 228227

Area of focus Science & livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education, pollution, toxicology

Science & Technology Scientific research and dissemination of research data

Activities with respect to Safety evaluation of chemicals used in industry,
environment education agriculture and everyday life. Suggest
remedial/preventive measures to safeguard health and
environment from pollutants. Collection, storage and
dissemination of information on toxic chemicals.
Human resource development to deal with industrial
and environmental problems.

Activities with respect to Dissemination of technologies pertaining to medicinal

livelihood education plants, their cultivation, harvesting, extraction, etc

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Any other activities Active participation in the Rajiv Gandhi National

Drinking Water Mission. Besides the safety evaluation
of the drinking water, has developed a portable Water
Analysis Kit and a Mobile Laboratory Van for water
quality analysis.

Name Forest Influences Division

Contact Person Shri Ram Jee Srivastava, Scientist & Head
Address Grow Forest- Save Planet, Forest Research Institute,
18, G.T. Road, Kanpur, UP,India

Area of focus Biodiversity and natural resources conservation

Activities with respect to R&D for watershed management, soil and water
Science & Technology conservation techniques and their popularization.

Activities with respect to Environment awareness and education, tree

environment education plantation, training for natural resource conservation
Research & development in the field of plant diversity
Whether GO / NGO
date of registration if GO

Name Indian Grasslands and Fodder Research Institute,

Contact Person The Director
Address Near Pahuj Dam, Gwalior Road, Jhansi 284 003,

Area of focus Biodiversity and natural resources conservation

Activities with respect to Information dissemination and development of soil and
Science & Technology water conservation techniques.

Activities with respect to Research & development in the field of plant diversity
environment education conservation, environment awareness and education,
tree plantation, training for natural resource

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name UP Diversified Agriculture Support Project

Contact Person Dr. Sanjay Verma, Senior Technical Exper (M&E)
Address 4th Floor, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti
Nagar, Lucknow, UP,India

Area of focus Agriculture, natural resources conservation

Activities with respect to Research & development in the field of agriculture

Science & Technology technology, food grains, new varieties of seeds,

Activities with respect to Conservation of environment through development of

environment education eco-friendly agricultural techniques

Activities with respect to Agriculture extension, Employment generation through

livelihood education pisciculture, aqua culture and other extension methods

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books and papers

Name Regional Science Center

Contact Person Dr. Raj Mahotra, Director
Address Govt. of India, Aliganj Extn. Sector-E (Ekta Vihar)
Lucknow- 226 020, UP,India

Area of focus Research & development in the field of science

Activities with respect to Popularization of science through seminars,

Science & Technology exhibitions, development of new technologies

Whether GO / NGO GO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Booklets and pamphlets

Name Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Wastelands and Rural

Contact Person Dr. H.R. Yadav, Director
Address Palia Gauriganj, Sultanpur 227409, UP,India
Tel. No. 0536-844133

Area of focus Wasteland management, rural development

Activities with respect to Technology development and dissemination for

Science & Technology wasteland development , water logging, natural
Education resources conservation
Activities with respect to Conservation of environment through development of
environment education eco-friendly agricultural and land management

Activities with respect to Development and popularization of rural development

livelihood education through public participation in spreading low cost

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Books and Pamphlets

Name Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Contact Person Dr S.P.S. Khanuja, Director
Address P.O. - CIMAP, Near Kukrail Picnic Spot, Lucknow -
226 015, India
Tel.No. 522-359623
Fax 522-342666
E mail

Area of focus Environment education, research in medicinal and

aromatic plants

Activities with respect to Green technologies for better health and life.
Science & Technology Innovation and empowerment in science and business
Education of medicinal and aromatic plants towards enabling
India as the ultimate in green technologies and herbals
for life par excellence

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Aadharshila 567
2. All India Environmental Society 567
3. Berinag Gram Swarajya Mandal (BGSM) 567
4. Bharwan Kali Grih Shilp Kendra 568
5. Bhuvneshwari Mahila Ashram (BMA) 568
6. Central Himalaya Environmental Association (CHEA) 569
7. Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG) 569
8. Centre for Himalayan Environment Development 570
9. Centre for Research on Ecology, Environmental Applications, 570
Training and Education (CREATE)
10. Centre of Minor Forest Products (COMFORPTS) 570
11. Dalyon Ka Dagrya (The Friends of Trees) 571
12. Dasholi Gram Swarajya Mandal (DGSM) 572
13. Doodhatoli Lok Vikas Sansthan 572
14. Dronachal Gramodyog Evam Paryavaran Sansthan 572
15. Experiments in Rural Advancement 573
16. Gramin Jan Seva Samiti 573
17. Gramin Utthan Samiti, Kapkot 574
18. Green Himalaya Club 574
19. Himalayan Action Research Centre 574
20. Himalayan Ecological and Literacy Program (HELP) 575
21. Himalaya Vanya Jeev Sansthan (HVJS) 575
22. Himalayan Man and Nature Institute (HIMANI) 576
23. Himalayan Study Circle for Environment, Child Education, 576
Health and Research
24. Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research & Education 577
25. Jai Nanda Devi Sawrojgar Shikshan Sansthan (JANDESH) 577
26. Jakeshwar Shikshan Sansthan 578
27. Kanwashram Gram Swarajya Samiti 578
28. Kasturba Mahila Utthan Mandal 579
29. Koormanchal Seva Sansthan/Rural organization for social 579
elevation (ROSE)
30. Lok Chetna Manch 580
31. Mahila Navjagran Samiti 581
32. Mussorie Gramin Vikas Samiti 581
33. Nayar Ghati Gram Swarajya Samiti, Bariun 581
34. Parvateeya Jan Kalyan Samiti 582
35. Parvatiya Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (PPSS) 582
36. Ped Lagao Ped Bachao Sanstha 583
37. Peoples Association for Himalaya Area Research (PAHAR) 583
38. Peoples Science Institute (PSI) 583
39. People's Association Of Hill Area Launchers (Pahal) 584
40. Puraula Gram Swarajya Sangh 584

41. Rajpur Group 585
42. Reproductive and Wildlife Biology Unit 585
43. Research Foundation for Science Technology and Natural 585
Resources Policy (RITI)
44. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra 586
45. Society for Integrated Development of Himalayas (SIDH) 586
46. Society of Appeal for Vanishing Environments (SAVE) 587
47. Society of Indian Foresters 587
48. Srusti 588
49. The Friends of the Doon (FOD) 588
50. The Himalayan Ecology and Treatment of Natural Agriculture 589
Samiti (HETONA)
51. The Himalayan Foundation 589
52. Uttarakhand Environment Education Centre 589
53. Uttarakhand Jan Jagriti Sansthan (UJJS) 590
54. Vadhu 591
55. Wildlife Preservation Society of India 591

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Botanical Survey of India 592

2. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training 592
Institute, ICAR
3. Corbett National park 592
4. Forest Research Institute 593
5. Forest Survey of India 593
6. G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and 594
7. Govt. P.G. College 595
8. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing 595
9. Wadia Institute Of Himalayan Geology 596
10. Wildlife Institute of India 596
11. Zoological Survey of India 597

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Aadharshila
Contact Person Anjula Tyagi
Address 19/12, Rajpur Road, Dehradun,
Uttranchal 248001, India
Tel. No. 0135-655364

Area of focus Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars & trainings for Science

Science & Technology education & awareness.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name All India Environmental Society

Contact Person Dr. S.P. Grover, Hony. Secretary
Address 3 Nehru Road, Dehra Dun 248 001, Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135652426
Environment Education in Schools
Area of focus
To maintain library on Environment, Promote
Activities with respect to conservation of natural resources, research and
environment education education on bio-ecology of Doon Valley fish,
environment education to youth

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Berinag Gram Swarajya Mandal (BGSM)

Contact Person Sadan Mishra, Secretary
Address P.O. Kandey, Pithoragarh District-262 531, Uttranchal,

Area of focus Environment education & training, Livelihood


Activities with respect to Eco development camps, Oak tree plantation, social
environment education forestry, watershed development, Forming Forest
Panchayats and biodiversity conservation

Activities with respect to Nursery raising & livelihood education through forestry
livelihood education programmes

livelihood education programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bharwan Kali Grih Shilp Kendra

Contact Person R.N. Singh, Secretary
Address J12/78 A, Nati Imali, Varanasi,
Pithoragarh District-221 002, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 0542-43881

Area of focus Environment Education , Rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness of women in

environment education Rural Areas through public meetings & camps.

Activities with respect to Promotion of small scale women enterprises

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Development of women in rural areas

Name Bhuvneshwari Mahila Ashram (BMA)

Contact Person Cyril R. Raphael, Secretary
Address P.O. Anjanisain, Tehri-Garhwal-249 121, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 01376-37417, 37448
Fax 01376-37449

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness programmes

environment education focused on women and children for restoration of
natural environment, Indoor pollution studies

Activities with respect to Livelihood education through introducing diverse rural

livelihood education technologies such as water looms, improved stores,
nursery raising, etc.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Books and posters published as environment

education aids.

Any other activity To act as platform for information sharing and

Name Central Himalaya Environmental Association

Contact Person K.S.Valdiya, Hony. Secretary
Address Sleepy Hollow, Nainital-263 001, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 05942-2283

Area of focus Environment & Science Education.

Activities with respect to Scientific study of water, soil and energy systems in
Science & Technology Himalayan region and dissemination of results.

Activities with respect to Eco-development of Himalayan region through

environment education environment education for industrial workers, tourists,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publication of 'CHEA' bulletin

Any other activity Consultancy to government and NGOs

Name Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG)

Contact Person Kanai Lal, Chairman
Address Sitla Village, Mukteshwar, Nainital District-263 138,
Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 05942-84632

Area of focus Environment & Science Education.

Activities with respect to Science awareness, Encouraging renewable energy

Science & Technology sources

Activities with respect to Rural development of Kumaon and Garhwal hills

environment education through environment education, afforestation, by
peoples participation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Himalayan Environment Development
Contact Person Bharat Singh Rawat, Secretary
Address At Halda-pani Near Akashvani Kendra, Gopeshwar,
Chamoli District-246 401, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01372-2366

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Natural Resource conservation, study of endangered

environment education plant and animal species, eco-development camps,
charts, photographs, audio-visual aids.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Research on Ecology, Environmental

Applications, Training and Education (CREATE)
Contact Person Dr. Raj K. Gupta, Director and Consultant Ecologist
Address 91/2 Vijay Park, Dehra Dun-248 001, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-623-437
Fax 0135-625-495

Area of focus Environment & Science Education

Activities with respect to Scientific Education, research and consultancy

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education and ecological studies in

environment education Shivalik hills East of Yamuna river for evolving strategy
for sustainable resource utilization and biodiversity
protection. Awareness of masses to control
deforestation and restoration of degraded lands,
Database on biodiversity between Ganga and Yamuna
and fresh water swamp forests developed

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Environment education workbook, vernacular

names of useful plants of Himalayan region published

Name Centre of Minor Forest Products (COMFORPTS)

Contact Person Alka Shiva, President and Managing Director
Address HIG-2, No.8, Indirapuram,
General Mahadev Singh Road, P.O. Majra,

Dehra Dun-248 171 , Uttranchal ,INDIA
Tel. No. 0135-621302 (O), 627318
Fax 0135-629936

Area of focus Environment education and awarenes s, Science &

technology promotion & Livelihood Education.

Activities with respect to Promote MFP based industries for economic

Science & Technology development, Promotion of Technology based on role
of minor forests products in forest ecosystem

Activities with respect to Encourage peoples participation for management of

environment education MFPs, computerized databank on MFPs, to establish
herbal gardens

Activities with respect to Job oriented courses on MFPs and impart training on
livelihood education exploitation of the same at national level

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publications, if any Educational aids and publications include papers &

several books on MFPs in India, biodiversity
conservation and computerized database.

Name Dalyon Ka Dagrya (The Friends of Trees)

Contact Person Dr. Mohan Panwar
Address PO .Box No. 44, Uniyal Bhawan, Amra Kunj
Srinagar (Garhwal)-246 174, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01388-52612
Fax 01388-52061

Area of focus Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Peoples involvement in environment protection

environment education through environment education, tree plantation and
nursery raising

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Eco-development of Nanda Devi National Park,

Environment education through publications

Name Dasholi Gram Swarajya Mandal (DGSM)
Contact Person Secretary
Address Gopeshwar, Chamoli District-246 401 , Uttranchal ,

Area of focus Environment/Science and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Science awareness and promotion of low cost eco-
Science & Technology friendly technologies

Activities with respect to Forest Conservation through environment education of

environment education masses, Initiation of Chipko Movement in 1973,
Camps to promote understanding of need for
ecological balance, eco-development camps and eco-
regeneration programmes. Protest against Tehri Dam

Activities with respect to Promotion of ecologically sustainable livelihoods in hill

livelihood education areas

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Several booklets and pamphlets.

Any other activity Internationally acknowledged for its Environment

awareness work.

Name Doodhatoli Lok Vikas Sansthan

Contact Person Sachchidanand Bharati
Address Ufrain Khal (Baijrom), Garhwal District-246 275,
Uttranchal, India.

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Natural Resources conservation in Garhwal area,

environment education social forestry, wildlife conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Dronachal Gramodyog Evam Paryavaran Sansthan

Contact Person Kuwar Singh Adikari, Secretary
Address P.O. Dwarahat, Ranikhet Tehsil,
Almora District-263 653, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment & Science Education

Activities with respect to Education for wasteland development, Science

Science & Technology awareness

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness,

environment education conservation and tree plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Experiments in Rural Advancement

Contact Person Pawan Rana, Chief Functionary
Address Village Patan, Via Lohaghat,
Champawat District-262 524, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 059653-4110
Fax 0596553-4110

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper in rural areas, Peoples

Science & Technology participation in watershed development, proper
Education agricultural land use

Activities with respect to Environment Education & awareness, nursery raising

environment education and sustainability related issues.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gramin Jan Seva Samiti

Contact Person Chhatra Singh Mahara
Address P.O. Udyari, Pithoragarh District-262 531, Uttranchal,

Area of focus Environment education and rural development

Activities with respect to Environment education of villagers for water use,

environment education improvement of sanitation and plantation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Integrated Rural development activities.

Name Gramin Utthan Samiti, Kapkot
Contact Person Umesh Joshi, Organizer
Address Bageshwar Tehsil, Almora District-263 632 ,
Uttranchal , India

Area of focus Environment and Science Education for rural


Activities with respect to Spread of Science & Technology Literacy , Anti

Science & Technology pollution campaign, surveys and consultancy services
Education for improving sanitation and drinking water in rural

Activities with respect to Environmental Education & awareness for Rural

environment education development, sustainable natural resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Green Himalaya Club

Contact Person Dr. J.S. Mehta, Hony. Secretary
Address Oak Ghar, East Pokherkhali, Almora District-263 601,
Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 23273

Area of focus Environment & Science Education.

Activities with respect to Science awareness , Conservation and management

Science & Technology of soil & water

Activities with respect to Tree plantation especially broad-leaved trees in

environment education Almora region, conservation of wildlife and ecology.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himalayan Action Research Centre

Contact Person Mahendra Singh Kunwar, Chief Functionary
Address 744 Indira Nagar Phase II, P.O. New Forest,
Dehra Dun-248 006, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-620121
Fax 0135-625615

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Sustainable development through peoples

environment education empowerment and training, Environment education in
250 villages, Village ecosystem plans for 10 villages

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if
Publications include quarterly newsletter, training
Any other activity manual, booklets and books on vegetation.

Name Himalayan Ecological and Literacy Program

Contact Person Badri Prasad Jasola
Address D-32, Nehru Colony, Dehradun, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-671934

Area of focus Environment and Science education

Activities with respect to Science Education and awareness

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Himalayan Ecological Rehabilitation through

environment education Environment Education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Womens Issues related activities

Name Himalaya Vanya Jeev Sansthan (HVJS)
Contact Person Secretary
Address Sarvodaya Bhawan, Gopeshwar-246 401, Uttranchal,

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to To Promote Chipko Movement through environment

environment education education and awareness, Development of audio
visual and reforestation camps for protection of trees,
public education through organizing exhibition of
botanical and geological resources

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Pamphlets

Name Himalayan Man and Nature Institute (HIMANI)

Contact Person Mr. Suresh Mathpal
Address P.B. 14, Bhimtal, Nainital 263136, Uttaranchal, India

Area of focus Conservation of Himalayan environment

Activities with respect to Science awareness in rural areas, promotion of

Science & Technology smokeless chulhas

Activities with respect to Environment and awareness for natural resource

environment education conservation, studies on Himalayan ecology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himalayan Study Circle for Environment, Child

Education, Health and Research
Contact Person Dinesh Joshi, Director
Address GIC Road, Pandey Gaon, Pithoragarh-262 501,
Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 05964-23522
Fax 05964-22267

Area of focus Environment Education Science Education &

Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Science awareness and education for setting up

Science & Technology Biogas plants & Smokeless stoves

Activities with respect to To promote environmental education institutions,

environment education developing educational aids, organizing plantation

Activities with respect to Training for biogas plants and smokeless stoves for
livelihood education income generation.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publishing environment education Books, Publication

of pamphlets and brochures and video cassettes

of pamphlets and brochures and video cassettes

Name Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research &

Education (INHERE)
Contact Person Bharat Bisht, President
Address Masi Bazar, Masi-263 658, Almora District,
Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 05966-57217, 55342
Fax 05966-57217

Area of focus Sustainable development in Himalayas

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology.

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment protection and conservation through

environment education awareness & motivation of people, afforestation in
wasteland, development of people centered &
controlled natural resource management systems &
practices, social forestry programmes, eco-
development camps

Activities with respect to Dissemination of technical information to farmers,

livelihood education making available inputs like, good quality seeds,
implements, organic manure, etc; training & support for
various composting & vermi-composting techniques

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1982

Publication, if any Publications include Techniques of hand pump

installation in hilly areas, quarterly publication
Gyanjyoti, Educational material for teaching children
Hindi at primary levels

Name Jai Nanda Devi Sawrojgar Shikshan Sansthan

Contact Person Laxman Singh Negi, Secretary
Address H.O. Kalp Kshetra, P.O.Bharki (Urgam), SBO Slana
(Urgam), District Chamoli, Gharwal, Uttaranchal-
Tel. No. 246443, India
Fax 01389-27209, 52291

Area of focus Environment education & Training

Activities with respect to Eco-development and environmental awareness,

environment education biodiversity conservation, natural resource
management, pollution control, capacity building &

management, pollution control, capacity building &
research in environment, workshops/seminars/
conferences & nature camps

Activities with respect to Training programmes on bee keeping, compost pits,

livelihood education nursery and establishment of low cost Ferro cement

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1992

Publication, if any Development of educational material

Name Jakeshwar Shikshan Sansthan

Contact Person Anand Singh Bisht, Secretary
Address Gopeshwar, Chamoli District, Garhwal, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 01372-52348

Area of focus Environment Education.

Activities with respect to Environment conservation through education and

environment education training, Environmental studies and research, training
for social forestry and wasteland development,
organizing seminars, symposia for environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publications on Environment

Name Kanwashram Gram Swarajya Samiti

Contact Person Manju Devi
Address Haldukhata, Via Kotdwara (Garhwal), Uttaranchal -246
149, India

Area of focus Rural development, tribal welfare and Environment

Education in schools

Activities with respect to Water conservation & water resource management

Science & Technology through scientific awareness.

Activities with respect to Educational tours of tribal villages in the area,

environment education organizing village meetings especially for women
environment education, tree plantation

environment education, tree plantation

Activities with respect to Training on knitting, horticulture, pickles, candle

livelihood education making,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1966

Any other activities Rural development Activities & tribal village welfare

Name Kasturba Mahila Utthan Mandal

Contact Person Neema Vaishnava, Secretary
Address Lakshmi Ashram, P.O. Kausani, Almora District-263
Tel. No. 639, Uttaranchal, India
Fax 05962-45003

Area of focus Environment, Socio-Economic improvement of rural

women through environment education

Activities with respect to Spread of Science & Technology Literacy , Scientific

Science & Technology temper in women

Activities with respect to Established environment field studies centre at

environment education Kausani, environment education of women, promotion
of appropriate technologies, peoples involvement in
movement against illegal mining of soap stone

Activities with respect to Training in spinning & weaving, establishment of tree

livelihood education nursery to show the livelihood potential in such activity

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1946

Name Koormanchal Seva Sansthan/Rural organization

for social elevation (ROSE)
Contact Person Jeewan Lal Verma, Director
Address Social Awareness Center Sonargaon Kanda P.O.
Kanda District Bageshwar Uttranchal 263631, India
Tel. No. 05963-41081
Fax 05963-20131

Area of focus Environment education and protection, sustainable
rural development and Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Application of science & technology in organic

Science & Technology agriculture, seminars & workshop on S&T awareness

Activities with respect to Biodiversity studies in the region, plantation on

environment education wastelands, education of children and women,
awareness on organic farming, recycling of paper, eco-

Activities with respect to Training on natural greeting card making, handmade

livelihood education recycled paper making, dehydrated flowers & foliage
decoration craft making, promotion of small handicraft

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1983

Publication, if any K.S.S. / ROSE newsletter, etc.

Other activity International exchange & development education

Name Lok Chetna Manch

Contact Person Tara Dutt Pande, Principal Director
Address Village & P.O. Ranibagh, Nainital District-263 126,
Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 05946-22361

Area of focus Environment education & conservation, Livelihood


Activities with respect to Environment education in schools, Established

environment education Parayavaran Chetna Kunj and Forest Panchayats.
Surveys of environmentally fragile areas and
dissemination of information through charts, posters,
booklets, etc.

Activities with respect to To develop and propagate appropriate rural

livelihood education technologies for employment generation,

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Mahila Navjagran Samiti
Contact Person V.C. Raturi, Secretary
Address Block Road, Chamba,
Tehri Garhwal District-249 145, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01376-55416

Area of focus + Environment education, Health and sanitation

Activities with respect to Awareness of Health and sanitation issues, Science

Science & Technology awareness.

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness and trainings for

environment education Women.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Any other activity Promoting rural development

Name Mussorie Gramin Vikas Samiti

Contact Person Rackel Rao, Coordinator
Address Tabor. Sister Bazaar, P.O. Landour Cantt., Mussoorie,
Dehra Dun District-248 179, Uttranchal , India

Area of focus Environment education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Science awareness by encouraging use of solar

Science & Technology energy

Activities with respect to Environment education & Awareness, Tree plantation

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Nayar Ghati Gram Swarajya Samiti, Bariun

Contact Person M.S. Rawat, Secretary
Address Via Satpuli, Garhwal District-246 172, Uttaranchal,

Area of focus Promotion of Education and Environment protection

and Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Scientific awareness and activities for watershed

Science & Technology management

Science & Technology management

Activities with respect to Environment education and training in schools, eco-

environment education development camps, plantation, afforestation work

Activities with respect to Training on sewing, knitting and horticulture & pickle
livelihood education making

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1985

Any other activity Promotion of Educational activities.

Name Parvateeya Jan Kalyan Samiti

Contact Person Yogesh Chandra Bahuguna, Secretary
Address At & P.O. Ranichauri,
Tehri Garhwal District- 249 199 , Uttranchal , India
Tel. No. 01376-82141

Area of focus Socio economic, educational and cultural development

in Himalayan region, Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment Education Training camps, wasteland

environment education development & promotion of organic farming

Activities with respect to Setting up nurseries of fuel and fodder plants

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Parvatiya Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (PPSS)

Contact Person Sadan Mishra, Secretary
Address Himdarshan Kutir, P.O. Dharamghar,
Pithoragarh Distt.-262 571, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment & Livelihood Education

Activities with respect to Forest and Wildlife conservation, environment

environment education education and awareness, Eco-development camps
for youth, social forestry, afforestation programmes,
Forest Panchayats.

Activities with respect to Cottage industries development

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

N Name Ped Lagao Ped Bachao Sanstha

Contact Person Bhajan Singh, Project Manager
Address Village Kudiyal Gaon Pathal,
Patti Bamund, Tehri Garhwal District, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, Plantation &

environment education protection of trees.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Peoples Association for Himalaya Area Research

Contact Person Shekhar Pathak
Address Parikrama Talla Danda, Nainital-263 002, Uttranchal,

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education for conservation of Himalayan

environment education region, To identify environmental problems through
surveys and eco-development camps & Environment
awareness programmes

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publications include annual journal Pahar, poster etc.

Name Peoples Science Institute (PSI)

Contact Person Dr. Ravi Chopra, Director
Address 252 Vasant Vihar-I, Dehra Dun-248006, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-683649, 683849
Fax 0135-620334

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific Literacy ,Technical assistance
Science & Technology to social action groups and education for micro
Education watershed development & research on Water pollution.

Activities with respect to Environment education and training

environment education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name People's Association Of Hill Area Launchers (Pahal)

Contact Person Dr. N.S.Bhandari
Address West Pokharkhali Near District Jail Almora
Uttranchal. 263601, India
Tel. No. 0596-234988

Area of focus Science and Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Application of science for Rural development

Science & Technology & Promotion of appropriate technologies

Activities with respect to Provide Trainings for better Livelihood

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Puraula Gram Swarajya Sangh

Contact Person Surendradutt Bhatt, Secretary
Address Sarvodaya Ashram, Ujely,
Uttarkashi District-249 193, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01374-2404

Area of focus Environment, Science & Technology Education.

Activities with respect to Water conservation, promotion of rural technologies

Science & Technology construction of biogas plants and solar energy devices
Education , Science awareness in rural areas.

Activities with respect to Educational programmes for environment protection,

environment education Environment education and training for forest

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Rajpur Group

Contact Person J.C. Rastogi, Secretary
Address 219, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun-248 009, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-842382

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Environment conservation, Environment/nature

environment education education camps, action against location of industries
in Doon Valley, preservation of rare species of plants.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publications include Nature, Children and


Name Reproductive and Wildlife Biology Unit

Contact Person Dr. Asha Chandola Saklani, Coordinator
Address Post Box 45 Srinagar,
Pauri Garhwal District-246 174, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01388-2407
Fax 01388-2174

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation and management

environment education Environment education and training to post graduate
students in reproductive and wildlife biology, faunal
resource management, environment education for
students and general public by providing current data.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Research Foundation for Science Technology and

Natural Resources Policy (RITI)
Contact Person Dr. Vandana Shiva, Coordinator
Address 105, Rajpur Road, Dehra Dun , Uttranchal , India
Tel. No. 0135-23374

Area of focus Research on Science, technology, environment issues

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology, Research on
Science & Technology various Scientific issues, Protest against
Education Environmentally unsound Technologies.

Activities with respect to Ecology research in Doon Valley. Environment

environment education education on specific ecosystem issues and initiating
mass movement on environmentally unsustainable
projects, Biodiversity conservation especially in agro

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Several books, booklets , articles & research papers

Any other activity Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights

Name Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra

Contact Person Avdhesh Kaushal, Chairman
Address 21, East Canal Road, Dehra Dun-248 001, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-745530, 746071
Fax 0135-656881

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology.

Activities with respect to Public interest litigation against polluting industries ,

Science & Technology Spread of Scientific temper .

Activities with respect to Environment protection and education for children and
environment education Environment education for Van-Gujjar community, eco
-development, encouraging use of renewable sources
of energy

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society for Integrated Development of Himalayas

Contact Person Pawan K.Gupta, Executive Director
Address Hazelwood Cottage, Post Box No. 19,
Landour Cantt. Mussoorie District-248 179, Uttranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-632904, 631304

Fax 0135-631304

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Sustainable community development, Environment

environment education education for school children, community tree
plantation programmes, biodiversity awareness.

Activities with respect to Education for skill development and income generation
livelihood education activities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Educational material includes books on indigenous

trees and crops for school children, by monthly
newsletter and Hindi quarterly bulletin for youth

Name Society of Appeal for Vanishing Environments

Contact Person Fredrick Smetacek (Jr.), Chief Coordinator
Address Post Box 5 Bhimtal, Nainital Distirct-263 136,
Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 05946-47043

Area of focus Environment protection and education

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science awareness Technologies for

Science & Technology water and soil conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education and surveys for catchments

environment education area protection, Himalayan biodiversity conservation,
involvement of children , youth & rural masses in
Environment protection activities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Society of Indian Foresters

Contact Person S.S. Rajput, General Secretary
Address New Forest, Dehra Dun-248 006, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Awareness of Knowledge on forestry and Forest

environment education science & Environment education through seminars

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Quarterly journals on Environment Education

Contact Person Vinod Pande, Coordinator
Address North View Ratan Cottage,
Nainital District-263 002, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment education and awareness

Activities with respect to Biodiversity conservation through environment

environment education education of children and masses

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Friends of the Doon (FOD)

Contact Person Samir Ghosh, President
Address C/o EBD Business Centre, 49 Rajpur Road,
Dehra Dun-248 001 , Uttranchal , India
Tel. No. 0135-657748
Fax 658730

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment conservation, actions to prevent

environment education limestone mining, assistance to Rajaji Game
Sanctuary for rehabilitation of Gujjars

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Educational material includes reports on ecology of

Doon Valley

Name The Himalayan Ecology and Treatment of Natural
Agriculture Samiti (HETONA)
Contact Person R.S. Rana, Secretary
Address Hetona Niwas, NIM Road,
Uttarkashi District-249 193, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01374-2721, 2602, 2529

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Promotion of Scientific temper, smokeless chullhas

Science & Technology and solar energy

Activities with respect to Empowerment of locals through environment

environment education education, Organizing seminars, jathas, meetings,
street theatre on environment issues, peoples
participation in cleaning of river Bhagirathi

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Himalayan Foundation

Contact Person Pushkar Singh, Secretary General
Address Sartoli Village, Bagna P.O. (Nandprayag)
Chamoli District-246 449, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 01372-51268
Fax 01372-52367

Area of focus Environment education & protection

Activities with respect to Environment Education, Promoting use of bio-

environment education degradable materials, collections of wastes left by
tourists through public participation, plantation work on
panchayat land, Computerized database on forest
area in the region

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Uttarakhand Environment Education Centre

Contact Person Dr. Lalit Pande, Director
Address Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi, Jakhan Devi,
Mall Road, Almora 263 601, Uttranchal, India
Tel. No. 91 5962 22430
Fax 91 5962 31100

Area of focus Environment Education, Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Science and technology literacy programmes

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Research, Planning and Management

environment education Education and Awareness of Urban and Rural
Communities, Teachers, children/youth, Government
Personnel, NGOs, rural women
Policy Development, Capacity building, Networking.
Workshops, trainings programmes,
seminars/Symposia/Conferences on Biodiversity,
Protected Areas , Establishing a separate course for
EE in classes (6-7-8) in the regular school curriculum
in 356 schools. Established nearly 350 pre-primary EE
centers, Natural Resources Management, Agriculture
and related issues

Activities with respect to Small-scale commercial activities e.g. training for

livelihood education knitting, sewing, angora wool production & basket

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publications: Our Land Our Life- Series of Workbooks,

Video Film Water, 50 publication on relevant
Environment Issues. & also for health education
Environment atlas of Uttarkhand published, a major
critique of EE in India with the suggested blue print
and a large volume of learning materials for schools

Any other activity Establishment & management of pre-school centers

(Balwadis), evening centers (Sandhaya Kendras),
ensuring mothers/children timely vaccination

Name Uttarakhand Jan Jagriti Sansthan (UJJS)

Contact Person Pratap Shikhar, President
Address Jagriti Bhawan, Khadi, P.O. Jajal,
Tehri-Garhwal- 249 147, Uttranchal, India

Area of focus Environment and livelihood education

Activities with respect to Environment education and eco-development camps.

environment education

Activities with respect to Promoting appropriate technology in rural areas.

livelihood education

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Publication, if any `Books on environment in Hindi and Garhwali

Contact Person Narendra Rautela, Secretary
Address Joshi Bhawan, Ranikhet, Almora, India
Tel. No. 05966-3150, 3806
Fax 05966-3906

Area of focus Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness campaigns, foot marches,

environment education discouraging use of polybags, distributing seedlings for

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Wildlife Preservation Society of India

Contact Person I.S. Negi, Hony. Secretary
Address 7, Astley Hall, Dehra Dun 248 001, Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-652410

Area of focus Wildlife conservation and Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education of youth, research on wildlife

environment education management, evaluation of Project Tiger, study of
habitat management of endangered species.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1990

Publication, if any Quarterly journal Cheetal

Government Organizations

Name Botanical Survey of India

Contact Person Officer-in-charge
Address 192,Kaulagarh Road,
Dehradun-248195, Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-753433, 755478
Fax 0135-753433, 755478

Area of focus Botancial studies

Activities with respect to Studies and research on flora, biodiversity

environment education conservation, awareness programmes for

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, booklets, brochures, catalogue


Name Central Soil and Water Conservation Research

and Training Institute, ICAR
Contact Person The Director
Address 218, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun 248 195, Uttaranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-758564
Fax 0135-754213

Area of focus Water and soil conservation

Activities with respect to Research, training and awareness for soil and water
environment education conservation, public participation programmes

Activities with respect to Information dissemination of sustainable livelihood

livelihood education technologies, promotion of agriculture

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books and reports

Name Corbett National park

Contact Person The Director

Address Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttaranchal, India

Area of focus Wildlife conservation

Activities with respect to Eco-development camps, eco tours for students and
environment education public, awareness programmes on wild plants and
animals and their conservation. Also research projects
for habitat protection of wild animals, training

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books and booklets

Any other activities Important eco tourism centre of India

Name Forest Research Institute

Contact Person The Director
Address P.O. New Forests, Dehradun- 248 006, Uttaranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-628614
Fax 0135-628571

Area of focus Forest conservation

Activities with respect to GIS studies and mapping of forest areas, training and
Science & Technology research

Activities with respect to Awareness, education and training on forest and natural
environment education resource conservation issues

Activities with respect to Promotion of technology for value addition on major and
livelihood education minor forest produce

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, reports, newsletter, catalogue available

Name Forest Survey of India

Contact Person The Director
Address 25, Subhash Marg, Dehradun - 248 006
Uttaranchal, India

Area of focus Conservation of forests in India

Activities with respect to Scientific studies, research and training on forest

Science & Technology conservation technologies

Activities with respect to Education and training for conservation of biodiversity

environment education and forest eco systems, forest products, establishment
of an important herbarium and animal collection.
Important referral centre

Activities with respect to Promotion of economic biology, technologies for value

livelihood education addition for forest products and natural resource

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, reports, papers, newsletter, training

material, important referral centre

Name G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and

Contact Person Dr. L.M.S. Palani, Director, Dr. K.S. Rao,
Scientist Incharge-ENVIS
Address Kosi-Katarmal, Almora- 263 643, Uttranchal, ,
Tel. No. 05962-41014, 41041,41011
Fax 05962-31507

Area of focus Environment , Science & Technology


Activities with respect to Promotion of technology of wasteland

science and technology development and watershed management,
computerized database on Himalayan
resources especially medicinal plants.

Activities with respect to Research and development studies on

environment education environmental problems of Himalayan region, R
& D activities based on a conscious effort to
interlink natural and social sciences to promote
sustainable future, Survey of Himalayan plant
resources, designing ecologically sound
resource management strategies, Promote
research on Himalayan environment through
awareness, education & training

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if 1988

Publication, if any Several publications on Integrated Watershed

management, agricultural economy,
sustainable development and medicinal plants

Name Govt. P.G. College

Contact Person Shri Chandra S. Negi
Address P.O. Degree College, Gic Road, Pithoragarh,
Uttaranchal -262502, India
Tel. No. 05964-25277

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Workshops, seminars and projects for youth on various
Science & Technology science and technology issues

Activities with respect to Environment awareness in students through

environment education camps, marches and seminars

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Indian Institute of Remote Sensing

Contact Person The Director
Address Department of Space, Government of India, 4, Kalidas
Road, Dehradun 248 001, Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-741987
Fax 0135-748041

Area of focus Remote sensing studies all over India

Activities with respect to Promotion of GIS technology

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Research education and training for use of GIS
environment education technology for eco system planning, vegetation and
broad biodiversity characterization, urban planning,
watershed management, etc.

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if


Publications, if any Several books and reports, newsletter, research

publication, training modules

Name Wadia Institute Of Himalayan Geology

Contact Person Dr. N.S. Virdi, Director
Address 33 General Mahadeo Singh Road Dehra Dun,
Uttranchal- 248001, India
Tel. No. 0135-625952, 627942 (o) 750441
Fax 0135-625212
E-mail website

Area of focus Environment Education , Science and

Technology , Livelihood education

Activities with respect to Researches, seminars/workshops on the

Science & Technology geology of the Himalaya, development of new
Education concepts & models concerning geo dynamic
evolution of the Himalaya, remote sensing
studies for the Himalaya

Activities with respect to Research in Environment Geology, Glaciology

environment education and water resources and conservation,
dissemination of information for masses and

Activities with respect to Promote research on Himalayan Geology

livelihood education through introducing research fellowships and
promotion of eco friendly technolgies

Whether GO / NGO GO, 1968

date of registration if

Publication, if any Publication and documentation facilities to bring

about bibliographies, geo-abstracts and field
guides. Biannual journal Himalayan Geology,
publication of Himalayan Geology series and
several monographs

Name Wildlife Institute of India

Contact Person The Director
Address Post Box No. 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttaranchal,
Tel. No. 0135-640111 to 15
Fax 0135-640117

Area of focus Wildlife conservation, education and training
Activities with respect to Short and long term training programmes on wildlife
environment education conservation, forest protection, studies and research on
wild animal, policy intervention for management of
protected areas, biosphere reserves and sanctuaries
throughout the country

Activities with respect to Eco-development programmes and socio-economic

livelihood education surveys for promotion of eco-logically sustainable

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletters and several books and reports, catalogue


Name Zoological Survey of India

Contact Person Officer-in-charge
Address 218 ,Kaulagarh Road,
Dehradun-248195, Uttaranchal, India
Tel. No. 0135-756349, 754939
Fax 0135-758362

Area of focus Animal studies

Activities with respect to Studies and research on wild animals, biodiversity

environment education conservation and awareness programmes

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Several books, booklets, brochures, catalogue



Non-Governmental Organizations

Organization Page

1. Abhoy Ashram 600

2. Agragami Handicapped Samiti 600
3. Akabpur Sammelani 600
4. Alipurdaur Nature Club 601
5. Asha-Akanksha (Social Welfare Organisation) 601
6. Aurobindo Anusilan Society 602
7. Basirhat Bijnan Sanstha 602
8. Bengal Natural History Society, Darjeeling 602
9. Bijnan Darbar 602
10. Burdwan Raj College 603
11. Centre For Journalism And Mass Communication 604
12. Centre for Regional Ecological & Science Studies in 604
Development Alternative (CRESSIDA)
13. Centre for Study of Man and Environment (CSME) 604
14. Childrens Paradise 605
15. Citizens Volunteers Force (CVF) 605
16. Development Research Communication and Services Centre (DRCSC) 605
17. Friends for a Better Life 606
18. Gobardanga Renaissance Institute 607
19. Himalayan Science Association ( HSA ) 607
20. Indian Council of Rural Youth 608
21. Institute for Motivating Self-employment ( IMSE ) 608
22. Lutheran World Service ( INDIA ) 609
23. Madhusudan Oriental Trust for Health and Environmental Research 609
24. Prasadpur Bhagyadhar Vidyaniketan 610
25. Primary Children Corp ( PCC ) 610
26. Ramakrishna Mission Lokashiksha Parishad 610
27. Sahid Khudiram Pathagar of India 611
28. Science Centre 611
29. Science Communicator's Forum 611
30. Sri Aurobindo Anusilan Society 612
31. The Junglees 612
32. The Science Association of Bengal ( SAB ) 612
33. Vivekananda Nidhi & the Institute of Value Orientation & 613
Environmental Education (VN & IVOEE)

Government Organizations

Organization Page

1. Science Centre 614

2. School of Fundamental Research (SFR) 614
3. Visva-Bharati University 614
4. West Bengal Science & Technology Council 615

Non-Governmental Organizations

Name Abhoy Ashram

Contact Person Kashitish Roy Chowdhary, President
Address PO Balrampur, Midanapore 721301, West Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and rural


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation,

environment education promotion of composting, biogas, solar systems

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Agragami Handicapped Samiti

Contact Person Shri Srikanta Midya
Address Bhutnath Bhavan, Vill. Ratanpur, P.O. Debipur,
Distt. Midnapore, West Bengal 721650, India
Tel.No. 03225-71220

Area of focus Science Education for Handicapped

Activities with respect to Workshops & Camps for Science Education

Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Akabpur Sammelani

Contact Person Hyder ali Shaikh, Hony. General Secretary
Prof. L.N. Mandal, Chairman
Address PO Nadanghat, Burdwan 713515, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 03454-60250, 033-5826074
Fax 033-5828460 (Attn: Dr. B. Mandal)

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and rural


Activities with respect to Dissemination of technical know-how in modern scientific

Science & Technology farming and fight against arsenic contamination of drinking
Education water scientifically

Activities with respect to Awareness generation among people, observation of

environment education World Environment Day, plantation & protection of trees,

environment education World Environment Day, plantation & protection of trees,
to protect surface water against pollution, to participate in
different national level workshops and seminars in respect
of environment education and to organize 'sit & draw'
competition for children about environment & its

Activities with respect to Running different income-generated projects to increase

livelihood education the livelihood of poor farming communities with the
financial assistance from Govt. of West Bengal, GOI and
different overseas govts.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1979

Other activities Organized Krishi Melas on Agriculture & Horticulture in

different rural areas of the state.

Name Alipurdaur Nature Club

Contact Person Amal Dutta, Chairman,
Address New Town, PO Alipurduar Court, Jalpaiguri 736122,
West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 03572 2264

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, afforestation,

environment education biogas, biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Asha-Akanksha (Social Welfare Organisation)

Contact Person Mr. Amit Roy, Secretary,
Address Indira colony, P.O. cossimbazar, Dist. Murshidabad
742102, India

Area of focus Environment Improvement

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, promotion of

environment education appropriate technologies and natural resource

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Aurobindo Anusilan Society
Contact Person Ranjeet Bag
Address Seharapara , Suri, West Bengal 731101, India
Tel.No. 03462-55613

Area of focus Science Education

Activities with respect to Science popularization activities like seminars,

Science & Technology workshops, lectures and projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Basirhat Bijnan Sanstha

Contact Person Prof. N. Das, President
Address C/o Deptt. of Zoology, Basirhat College, PO Basirhat
College, North 24 Parganas 743413, West Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation, study on

environment education biodiversity, student projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bengal Natural History Society, Darjeeling

Contact Person B. Dasgupta, Principal
Address Darjeeling Government College, Darjeeling 734101,
West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 2019

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, biodiversity

environment education education and conservation with students

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Bijnan Darbar

Contact Person Joydev Dey, General Secretary, Sujoy Biswas, Assistant
General Secretary, Bijoy Sarkar, Treasurer

Address i) 585 Ajoy Banerjee Road, (Near Binodenagar P.O.), C/o
Alok Banerjee, P.O. Kanchrapara, North 24 pgs 743145,
West Bengal, India
ii) C/o Gana Bijnan Samanaya Kendra, West Bengal,
Book Mark, 6 Bankim Chaterjee Street, Kolkata-700073,
West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-5856032 (Joydev Dey), 5870759 (Sujoy Biswas),
Fax 5858531 (Bijoy Sarkar)

Area of focus Environment / science/health education & awareness

Activities with respect to Science awareness among the students & common
Science & Technology masses through seminars/workshops/exhibitions,
Education popularization of need based technology in rural areas

Activities with respect to Survey of environment pollution, arsenic concentration in

environment education drinking water, wetland surveys, plantation and promotion
of renewable energy sources, environment awareness

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1982

Publication, if any Several science books, booklets, leaflets, folders, journals

like, Gana Bijnan Barta

Other activities Campaign against nuclear arms & powers

Name Burdwan Raj College

Contact Person Dr. Apurba Kr. Chattopadhyay
Address Burdwan, West Bengal-713104, India
Tel.No. 0342-65841

Area of focus Science & environment education

Activities with respect to Science & Technology Education and science awareness
Science & Technology programme among talented students

Activities with respect to Environment education to college students,

environment education Carrying out research in biological sciences

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Published many research papers on science

Name Centre For Journalism And Mass Communication
Contact Person Dr. Dilip Mukhopadhyay
Address Viswa Bharati, Shantiniketan, West Bengal,
731235, India
Tel.No. 03463-52751

Area of focus Promotion of Art,Science & Culture

Activities with respect to Science Popularization activities include use of

Science & Technology media for science communication.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Other activities Promotion of art and culture

Name Centre for Regional Ecological & Science Studies in

Development Alternative (CRESSIDA)
Contact Person Boudhyan Chattopadhyay, Director
Address Chaturanga Flat No. 3, 32 Gobinda Auddy Road, Kolkata,
West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-491950

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research and

technology dissemination

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, waste recycling,

environment education biogas, consultancy

Activities with respect to Dissemination of appropriate technologies for sustainable

livelihood education development

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Centre for Study of Man and Environment (CSME)

Contact Person A. K. Saha, Hony. Secretary
Address Deptt. of Geology, Presidency College, Kolkata 700073,
West Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research &


Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, pollution monitoring,

environment education documentation, consultancy on environmental projects

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if

Name Childrens Paradise

Contact Person Keya Roychoudhury, Principal
Address 103, Diamond Harbour Road, PO Kadamtala, Kolkata-
700063, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-4960312

Area of focus Environment education & scientific awareness amongst

children & skill development for youth

Activities with respect to Promotion of science & technology literacy in children

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness; organizing nature

environment education camps & National Environment Awareness Campaigns,
promoting environment education through folk art

Activities with respect to Providing trainings to women on tailoring & food

livelihood education preservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Publication, if any Annual book on Environment & Awareness

Name Citizens Volunteers Force (CVF)

Contact Person P. K. Das, Commandant
Address 2/1A Sidheswar Chandra Lane, Kolkata 700012, West
Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, wildlife

environment education conservation, social forestry

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Development Research Communication and Services

Centre (DRCSC)
Contact Person Subrata Kundu

Address 58-A, Dharmatola Road, Bosepukur, Kasba, Kolkata-
700042, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-4427311/4411646

Area of focus Rural development, environment, farming and sustainable


Activities with respect to Science awareness. The society has a resource center on
Science & Technology sustainable agriculture and natural resource management.
Education Conducting trails in farmers fields on techniques, new
crops, innovative systems, collecting the results of these
trials and comparing with existing agriculture practices.

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops for school teachers & children on
environment education environment related issues, conducting environment
activities with children, developing resource maps of
villages with children, take up tree planting activities and
promote school gardens, and environmental action by

Activities with respect to It assists farmers / gardeners to achieve basic food

livelihood education sufficiency and trains farmers with the help of NGOs. It
provides technical, and sometimes financial assistance to
rural community to set up seed banks,. Training for
developing rural bio-labs for producing biofertilizers,
mushroom spawns, oil extraction units, food processing,
etc. Training on cultivation & practice of herbal medicine
for treatment of day-to-day aliments.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1961

Publication, if any The society publishes and produces audiovisual material

on ecological farming, local knowledge, and livelihood
issues etc. Also a Bengali Newsletter Bashbhumi with
innovative lessons on environmental activities

Other activities Preparing audiovisual documentaries and film making,

centre has a resource library on environment &
sustainable agriculture, natural resource management,

Name Friends for a Better Life

Contact Person Parag Bhagat
Address Flat 3/2, Gobind Mahal, 3, wood steet, Kolkata, W.B.
700016, India
Tel.No. 033-2403969

Area of focus Children and Youth, Education and Environment

Activities with respect to Volunteers from various colleges and institutions are
environment education trained to assist in implementing community projects
relating to waste recycling, adult literacy camps and
related activities.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Gobardanga Renaissance Institute

Contact Person Shri Sunil Biswas
Address Po Khantura, Dist-North 24-Pargs, Kolkata West
Bengal -743273, India
Tel.No. 033-64225

Area of focus Science popularization

Activities with respect to Activities for promotion of Scientific temper in

Science & Technology masses through Science & Technology
Education Education

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Himalayan Science Association ( HSA )

Contact Person G. S. Yonzone, General Secretary
Address Deptt. Of Botany, Darjeeling Govt. College, Darjeeling
734101, West Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment / science and technology education &


Activities with respect to Science and technology educ ation & awareness through
Science & Technology camps lectures and seminars

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness of youth ,

environment education biodiversity conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Indian Council of Rural Youth
Contact Person Provash Ronjan Dey, Secretary General
Address 4/2, Jadab Ghosh Road, Kolkata 700061, West Bengal,

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, plantation, survey of

environment education pollution and public action against environment

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Institute for Motivating Self-employment ( IMSE )

Contact Person Biplab Halim. Executive Director
Address 244, Jodhpur Park (2nd floor), Kolkata 700068, West
Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-4732740, 4836491, 4349047
Fax 033-4725571

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, rural development,

livelihood education

Activities with respect to Science awareness, organizing seminars/conferences for

Science & Technology influencing policy making process, project for supply of
Education arsenic free drinking water

Activities with respect to Capacity building and information dissemination of various

environment education incidents which are causing environmental degradation &
ecological imbalance education, awareness about
biodiversity conservation and rural sanitation

Activities with respect to Organizing seminars/workshops for advocacy and

livelihood education lobbying work, associated with anti-shrimp monoculture
movement and its impact on the livelihood of coastal

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1973

Publication, if any A number of booklets, pamphlets, periodicals for

awareness building and developing a strong network of
NGOs working for the same care

Other activities Development of leadership among the youth and

promotion of womens participation in development

Name Lutheran World Service ( INDIA )
Contact Person Howard Jost, Director
Address 84, Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata 700014, West
Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033 2449200, 2449730, 2449731
Fax 033 2443062

Area of focus Environment education, awareness and soil/land/water

conservation, afforestation

Activities with respect to Science and technology literacy promotion ,organizing

Science & Technology seminars for transfer of low cost, appropriate technology
Education through training & education

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, soil, water, land
environment education conservation, afforestation, smokeless chulahs, biogas,
solar cookers

Activities with respect to Providing formal & non-formal training & education for
livelihood education better livelihood; promotion of income generating
schemes by self-help groups

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if 1976

Publication, if any Quarterly bilingual magazine (Bengali & Oriya) on


Other activities Implements drinking / irrigation water projects

Name Madhusudan Oriental Trust for Health and

Environmental Research ( MOTHER )
Contact Person Dr. Arindm Sinharoy, Secretary
Address Vill. Madhabpur, PO Jangipara, Distt. Hooghly 712404,
West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 03212-59265
Fax 033-8781542

Area of focus Children and Youth, Community Building, Education,

Energy Conservation, Farming and Agriculture, Health.

Activities with respect to The organization deals with Agricultural development and
environment education Environment awareness program, health care through
ayurvedic system with modern scientific research,
plantation of medicinal plants, organizing NEAC
workshops and pollution free natural healthy life styles.

Whether GO / NGO NGO
date of registration if 2000

Other activities Cultivation of medicinal plants

Name Prasadpur Bhagyadhar Vidyaniketan

Contact Person J.G.Gayan
Address P.O. - Kustia, Via-Champahati, 24- Paraganas
(South),West Bengal Po-Son, India

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of science and technology literacy in society,

Science & Technology especially projects for children

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Primary Children Corp ( PCC )

Contact Person Sukumar Rajan Sarkar
Address 4/139, Jatindas Nagar, Belgharia, Kolkata 700056, West
Bengal, India

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, tree plantation,

environment education student based projects for environmental conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Ramakrishna Mission Lokashiksha Parishad

Contact Person S. S. Chakraborty, Director
Address PO Narendrapur, South 24, Parganas 743508, West
Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033 4779207
Fax 033 4779070

Area of focus Environment education & awareness, research &


Activities with respect to Promotion of science awareness through popularizing

Science & Technology Renewable sources of energy.

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, wasteland
environment education development, water harvesting, low cost toilets, organic

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sahid Khudiram Pathagar of India

Contact Person Apurba Bhattacharya
Address 39/1, Radhaballav Para Lane, PO Khagra, Distt.
Murshidabad, Berhampore 742103,
Tel.No. West Bengal, India
E-mail (00)(91)-03482 68104 / 61051

Area of focus Children and Youth, Education, Environment

Activities with respect to Work is taken up in Murshidabad, Distt. in the field of

environment education health and environmental education since 1982.

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Science Centre

Contact Person Suchand Kumar Pan, Secretary
Address Golkuachawk, Midnapore 721101, West Bengal, India

Area of focus Science, Environment education & awareness and rural


Activities with respect to Promotion of science and technology literacy through

Science & Technology science projects

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, renewable energy,

environment education plantation, sanitation, drinking water

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Science Communicator's Forum

Contact Person Shri Abhijit Bardhan
Address 50/1a, Suri Lane, Kolkata, West Bengal 700014, India

Area of focus Science & Technology Education
Activities with respect to Science popularization in youth through seminars
Science & Technology & trainings.Celebration of important Science
Education days

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name Sri Aurobindo Anusilan Society

Contact Person Ms. Mita Paul
Address Seharapa,Suri, West Bengal 731101, India
Tel.No. 03462-55613

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Promotion of scientific temper amongst masses

Science & Technology through lectures , audio-visuals and camps

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Junglees

Contact Person Raja Chatterjee, Secretary
Address 78, Brahmo Samaj Road, Behala, Kolkata 700034, West
Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033 4680271

Area of focus Environment education & awareness and conservation

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness, biodiversity study &
environment education conservation

Whether GO / NGO NGO

date of registration if

Name The Science Association of Bengal ( SAB )

Contact Person Dr. Subhabrata Roychaudhury, Secretary
Address 104, Diamond Harbour Road, PO Barisha, Kolkata 700
008, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033 4960312
Fax 033-8370121

Area of focus Science, technology & environment; popularization &
awareness campaign; entrepreneurship development
through science, technology; integrated rural eco-
development; training & skill up gradation

Activities with respect to Training on solar energy, non-ferrous c asting, science

Science & Technology awareness and popularization, Organized 25 state level
Education science & industry camps for technology promotion,
Receipient of Meghnad Puraskar for best S&T
popularization from DST

Activities with respect to Management of eco-clubs in schools; domestic garbage

environment education recycling process; method of survey on sustainable
development; plants identification; soil testing and tree
plantation, organized more than 100 rural camps related
to health, environment, nature study & social forestry

Activities with respect to Training on tailoring for women, bamboo domestic product
livelihood education making, fishing net & utilities making, paper pulp
handicrafts, fabric boutique printing, embroidery and wool
knitting training, etc.

Whether GO / NGO) NGO

date of registration if 1977

Publication, if any Awareness booklet on air, water, soil eco-club, world

environment day publication, science & media, science
through folk art, EDP resource books on training

Name Vivekananda Nidhi & the Institute of Value Orientation

& Environmental Education (VN & IVOEE)
Contact Person Swami Yuktananda, Trustee / Chairman
Address 149/1E, Rashbehari Avenue, 1st Floor,
Kolkata 700029, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033 743766, 742730, 2474813, 622442

Area of focus Environment education & awareness

Activities with respect to Environment education & awareness through lectures and
environment education teachings of Vivekananda

Whether GO / NGO) NGO

date of registration if

Government Organizations

Name Science Centre

Contact Person Sh. S. Pan
Address Golkuachawk, Midnapore,
West Bengal 721 10, India
Tel.No. 03222 64125

Area of focus Science education

Activities with respect to Children programmes for science education

Science & Technology Development of scientific literature, audio visual,
Education games, promotion of Science & Technology

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name School of Fundame ntal Research (SFR)

Contact Person Mr. Biplab Bhusan Basu, Director Convener
Address 49 B Tollygunge Road, Kolkata - 700 026, West Bengal,

Area of focus Science & Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promoting research on environment and Science issues

Science & Technology

Activities with respect to Organizing formal and non-formal environment education

environment education programmes in students

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name Visva-Bharati University

Contact Person Prof.(Mrs.)S.Bhattacharya
Address Department Of Zoology, Shantiniketan, West Bengal
731235, India
Tel.No. 0346352751

Area of focus Environment Education

Activities with respect to Organizing workshops , seminars for students on

Science & Technology environment related issues , teaching of ecology
Education and biodiversity

Education and biodiversity

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Name West Bengal Science & Technology Council

Contact Person Dr. M. K. Sanyal, Senior Scientist,
Address Bikash Bhawan, 4th floor, Bidhan Nagar, Salt
lake, Kolkata-700091, West Bengal, India
Tel.No. 033-3342969,3345805,3344616
Fax 033- 3217220
E mail

Area of focus Science and environment education

Activities with respect to Promotion of technologies, Children Science

Science & Technology Congress, promotion of Science and Technology
Education Literacy, NCSTC based S & T programs

Activities with respect to Promotion of formal and non- formal education and
environment education awareness in children and teachers, seminars and

Activities with respect to Promotion of low cost technologies , promotion of pollution

livelihood education control in small scale industries, Information dissemination

Whether GO / NGO GO
date of registration if

Publications, if any Newsletter

Any other activities Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights.


Name Dr. Abdesh Gangwar

Designation & Qualification Scientist-in-charge
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education-Himalaya
ICCMRT Building , 21/467, Ring Road,
Indira Nagar, Lucknow, India
Telephone no. 0522-716570
Area of expertise and Environment education

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness, resource material.

Environment Education Work with NGOs of North East India

Name Sh. Ajith Kumar

Designation & Qualification Ornithologist
Postal Address Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
(SACON), Anaikatty,
Coimbatore 641 108, Tamil Nadu, India
Telephone no. & 91-422-857 102-6
Fax no. 91-422-857 088

Area of expertise and Ornithology


Activities with respect to Bird habitat conservation, research and education,

Environment Education awareness on conservation

Publication Research issues

Name Dr. Anuj Sinha

Designation & Qualification Scientist G, & Head (NCSTC)
Postal Address Deptt. of Science & Technology,
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road,
Govt. of India, New Delhi, India
Telephone no. 011-6866675
Fax no. 011-6960207

Area of expertise and Science popularization and education


Activities with respect to Promotion of Science popularization and education,

Science Education NCSTC programmes. Promotion of Science and
Technology literacy

Name Sh. Arun Jindal
Designation & Qualification Environment Activist
Postal Address Society for Sustainable Development,
Shah Inayat Khirkiya, Karauli, Rajasthan 322 241, India

Telephone no. 91-7664-21065

Fax no. 91-7464-21065
Area of expertise and Environment and sustainable development

Activities with respect to Environment education and awarenes s, mobilizing

Environment Education public participation for sustainable development

Name Sh. Asad Rehmani

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Bombay Natural History Society,
Horn Bill House,
Dr. Salim Ali Chowk, Sheed Bhagat Singh Road,
Mumbai-400 023
Telephone no. 022-2821811
Fax no. 022-2837615

Area of expertise and Ornithology


Activities with respect to Education and awareness on birds and their

Environment Education conservation, wetland conservation

Publication Several papers & books

Name Sh. Ashish Kothari

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Kalpavriksh
Apartment 5 Shree Dutta Krupa, 908 Deccan
Gymkhanna, Pune-411004
Telephone no. & Fax no. 020-5654239 Telefax

Area of expertise and Environment and biodiversity education and

Interest conservation

Activities with respect to Environment and biodiversity education and

Environment Education conservation. Peoples empowerment & participation in

Success Stories Technical coordinator for preparation and

implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and
Action Plan

Publication Several books on biodiversity, peoples participation,

Name Dr. Ashok Khosla

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Development Alternatives
B-32, Tara Crecent, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi
110016, India
Telephone no. & 011-6967938 / 6851158
Fax no. 011-6866031

Area of expertise and Energy Conservation and Environment education


Activities with respect to Low cost housing, renewable sources of energy

Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness

Environment Education

Activities with respect to Low cost rural technologies

Livelihood issues

Success Stories Winner of several awards

Publications Several books on low cost technologies and

environment protection

Name Dr. B. Bandopadhyaya

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Ministry of Environment & Forest,
GOI, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi-110003, India
Telephone no. 011-4361896, 4360721

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education and awareness

Environment Education Coordinator of environment information (ENVIS)

Name Mr. B.M.S. Rathore

Designation & Qualification Programme Officer
Postal Address IFAD Assisted Tribal Development Programme, Office
of Commissioner, Bilaspur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Telephone no. & 91-7752-49068

Fax no. 91-7752-25008

Area of expertise and Ecological issues and tribal development


Activities with respect to Education and awareness for eco conservation and
Environment Education resource management for tribal development

Activities with respect to Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and education for

Livelihood issues the same

Publications Published several books & articles

Name Sh. Belinda Wright

Designation & Qualification Environment Activist
Postal Address Wildlife Preservation Society of India
Thapar House, 124 Janpath,
New Delhi 110 001, India
Telephone no. & 91-11-621 3864
Fax no. 91-11-646 4918

Area of expertise and Wildlife conservation


Activities with respect to. Wildlife conservation, community involvement,

Environment Education education and research

Publications Several books and articles

Name Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak

Designation & Qualification Founder
Postal Address Sulabh International,
D 168, Defence Colony,
New Delhi 110 024.

Telephone no. 011-5032617

Fax no. 011-5034014

Area of expertise and Environment sanitation and health


Activities with respect to Community health

Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment, sanitation and social issues

Environment Education

Environment Education

Activities with respect to Training on low cost toilets, village ponds cleaning and
Livelihood issues bio gas

Success Stories Dr. Pathak has received Padamshri award of Govt. of

India for his excellent contribution for betterment of lives
of scavengers.

Name Biplab Bhushan Basu

Designation & Qualification Director Convener
Postal Address School of Fundamental Research
49-B Tollygunge Road,
Kolkata-700026, West Bengal, India

Area of expertise and Science


Activities with respect to Promotion of S&T literacy in students and science

Science Education popularization in masses through mass media, books
and articles

Success Stories Author of popular children science programs

Publications Several books & articles

Name Sh. Bittu Sahgal

Designation & Qualification Environment Media Expert
Postal Address Sanctuary Magazine,
602 maker Chambers V,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400 021, Maharashtra, India
Telephone no. & 91-22-283 0081, 367 8103
Fax no. 91-22-287 4380

Area of expertise and Ecological and environmental issues


Activities with respect to Environment, ecological and conservation issues using

Environment Education mass media, popular environment articles to promote
peoples motivation and participation in conservation

Success Stories Renowned media expert on environment &

conservation issues

Publications Editor Santwan magazine

Name Prof. C.K. Varshney

Designation & Qualification National Academic Director
Postal Address Centre for Research, Environment,
Ecology & Development (CREED)
3rd Floor, J.P. House,
118 Shahpur Jat, (Near Asiad Games Village),
New Delhi 110 049.

Area of expertise and Environment and ecology


Activities with respect to Environment, ecology education and research

Environment Education

Success Stories Winner of several awards for work in environment

Founder member International Society for Plants and
Environment Protection

Name Dr. C.L. Trisal

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Wetlands International South Asia,
A-127 (2nd Floor), Defence Colony,
New Delhi - 110 024.
Telephone no. 011-4629906, 4691294
Fax no. 011-4691557, 4629906

Area of expertise and Environment and biodiversity


Activities with respect to Education, awareness and research promotion for

Environment Education wetlands conservation

Success Stories Initiated several wetland conservation projects in Asia.

Written several books & papers

Name Mr. D.K. Biswas

Designation & Qualification Chairman
Postal Address Central Pollution Control Board,
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar,
Delhi 110 032.
Telephone no. & 011-2225792, 2430198
Fax no. 011-2225793, 2217078

Area of expertise and Environment, pollution control and policy

Activities with respect to Coordinator of Environment pollution control and policy

Environment Education issues

Success Stories Several papers and articles on Pollution control

Name Dr. D.K. Pandey

Designation & Qualification Scientist C
Postal Address NCSTC, DST, GOI,
Technology Bhawan,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016, India
Telephone no. 011-6567373/6562819

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Coordinator of Childrens Science Congress at national

Science Education level

Name Sh. D.N. Pandey

Designation & Qualification Forest Management Expert
Postal Address Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), P.O. Box
357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal 462 003, Madhya Pradesh,
Telephone no. & 91-755-755 998
Fax no. 91-755-772 878

Area of expertise and Forest management and wildlife conservation


Activities with respect to Mobilizing community participation for Forest

Environment Education management and wildlife conservation

Publications Several research

Name Dr. D.P. Singh

Designation & Qualification Reader
Postal Address Deptt. of Physics,
Govt Shivalik College,
Naya Nangal 140 126

Telephone no. & Fax no. 01887-20643 (O)
20044 (R)

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Lectures in popular science

Science Education

Name Prof. D.R. Baluragi

Designation & Qualification Science and Technology Education Expert
Postal Address Plot No. 206/A,
Ranichennama Nagar, Dharwad-580001, Karnataka,

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Popularizing Model Rocketry in Children

Science Education

Success Stories Resource person by Govt. of India

Name Sh. Dalip M. Salwi

Designation & Qualification Science Education Expert
Postal Address MIG flat No. 132, PKt. 8B,
Sector-4, Rohini,
New Delhi-110085
Telephone no. 011-7043696

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect Science writing and quiz, promotion of Science &
to\Science Education Technology literacy

Success Stories Popular books on science quiz and various science


Name Dr. Desh Bandhu

Designation & Qualification President
Postal Address Indian Environmental Society (IES)
U-112, Vidhata House, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur,
Delhi, India

Telephone no. & 011-2223311, 2450749

Fax no. 011-2223311


Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness

Environment Education Organizing international & national seminars on
environment education

Publications Several books and proceedings on Environment


Name Dr. Erach Bharucha

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Bharti Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment,
Education & Research, (Deemed University) Katraj-
Dhankawadi, Pune-411043, India
Telephone no. & 020-603588, 4375684
Fax no. 4339121

Area of expertise and Environment education and conservation


Activities with respect to Science & Technology literacy promotion

Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment education and conservation, coordination

Environment Education World Bank sponsored project on curriculum analysis
for status of EE in India initiated several formal and non
formal EE programmes

Success Stories Winner of several awards

Name Dr. Gyan Singh

Designation & Qualification Scientist
Postal Address National Institute of Science
Communication (CSIR),
Hill side road,
New Delhi-110012, India

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Science Writing and popularization of complex concepts

Science Education in simple language

Success Stories Several articles

Name Mr. Harjit Singh
Designation & Qualification Sr. Advisor & Director (SDNP)
Postal Address Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Govt. of India,
Paryavaran Bhawan,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi.
Telephone no. & Fax no. 91-11-4364687

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Environment education and policy, promotion of

Environment Education Environmental R & D

Success Stories Worked in association with UNDP, World bank, etc for
promotion of environment education in India

Name Mrs. Indu Puri

Designation & Qualification Scientist C
Postal Address NCSTC, DST. GOI
Technology Bhawan,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-6567373/6562819

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Lectures in Science, Science & Society Projects

Science Education

Name Mr. J.C. Daniel

Designation & Qualification Environment/biodiversity consultant
Postal Address 16/186 Chander Niwas, Sion (East),
Mumbai 400 088, Maharashtra, India
Telephone no. & 022-2821811
Fax no. 022-2837615

Area of expertise and Avifauna


Activities with respect to Environment and biodiversity conservation education/
Environment Education research, consultancy

Publications Several research papers

Name Prof. J.S. Gill

Designation & Qualification Professor of Science education
Postal Address National Council of Educational Research & Training
(NCERT), Deptt. of Education in Science &
Mathematics, Sri Aurbindo Marg,
New Delhi-110016
Telephone no. & 011-6561742/6566047/ 6966047
Fax no. 011-6868419

Area of expertise and Science & environment education


Activities with respect to Science education and awareness. Promotion of

Science Education Science & Technology literacy

Environment Education Introduction of environment issues in formal and non

formal education at school level

Success Stories Environment Education Expert

Name Dr. Jayant V. Narlinkar

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
, P.O. Box No. 4., Ganesh K Hind, Pune, Mahrashtra
411007, India
Telephone no. & 020-5691414
Fax no. 020-5690760

Area of expertise and Astronomy & astrophysics


Activities with respect to To promote Science & Technology literacy in students.

Science Education To popularize astronomy and astrophysics at school
level. Use of mass media for science popularization.

Success Stories TV anchor for several science based programmes.

Winner of several national awards

Name Justice Kuldeep Singh (Retd.)
Designation & Qualification Retired Justice, Supreme Court
Postal Address K.No. 88, Sector 10-A,
Telephone no. 0172-741476, 741561

Area of expertise and Environmental law


Activities with respect to Environmental law and socio-environmental issues

Environment Education

Success Stories He is known for his landmark judgments in a number of

environmental cases

Name Dr. K. J. Ahmed

Designation & Qualification Scientist
Postal Address National Botanical Research Institute,
Post Box 436, Rana Pratap Marg
Lucknow, India
Telephone no. 0522-282847, 274468, 205848
Fax no. 0522-205839, 205836

Area of expertise and Tree and Environment


Activities with respect to Research on Plants, environment education and

Environment Education awareness

Success Stories Founder secretary of International Society for Plant and

Environment Protection

Publications Author of several research publications

Name Sh. K.C. Malhotra

Designation & Qualification Professor
Postal Address Indian Statistical Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road,
Calcutta 700 035, West Bengal, India
Telephone no. & 91-33-556 8086
Fax no. 91-33-556 6680

Area of expertise and Anthropometry and Human Genetics


Activities with respect to Issues related to Anthropometry and Human Genetics

Environment Education and intervention of mans activity on environment,


Publications Several papers and articles

Name Dr. K.P. Nayati

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Confederation of Indian Industry,
Gate No. 31, North Block, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium,
New Delhi-110003
Telephone no. & 011-4691151/4642388
Fax no. 011-4602524

Area of expertise and Industrial technology


Activities with respect to Promotion of clean technologies, EIA, EA

Environment Education

Success Stories Several books and papers

Name Dr. K.S. Bath (Science Popularization)

Designation & Qualification Senior Scientific Officer, Ph.D
Postal Address Punjab State Council For Science & Technology,
MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh
160019, India
Telephone no. & 0172-793300, 793600
Fax no. 0172-793143


Area of expertise and Zoology


Activities with respect to Science popularization projects and training

Science Education programmes

Publication Newsletter

Name Dr. Kartikeya Sarabhai

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education,
Nehru Foundation for Development,
Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380054, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 079-6858002-09


Area of expertise and Promotion of environment education, awareness,

Interest resource material

Activities with respect to Established Centre for Environment Education, a centre

Environment Education of excellence for Environment education in India.
Worked extensively for promotion for formal and non
formal environment education

Success Stories Managing Trustee, Nehru Foundation for Development

Asian Regional Chair of IUCN Commission on
Education and communication received the 'Tree of
learning award from IUCN

Name Dr. Lalit Pande

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi, Jakhan Devi,
Mall Road, Almora 263 601, Uttranchal, India
Telephone no. & 91 5962 22430
Fax no. 91 5962 31100

Area of expertise and Science & Environment education


Activities with respect to Science & Technology education

Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment education in rural schools in hill areas,

Environment Education agriculture issues

Success Stories Establishing EE curriculum in over 300 schools

Publications Series of workbooks and publications

Name Dr. Laxman Prasad

Designation & Qualification Advisor
Postal Address Deptt. of Science & Technology,
Govt. of India, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli
New Delhi-110016
Telephone no. 011-6567373, 6962819
Fax no. 011-6863847

Area of expertise and Promotion of Science & Technology research



Activities with respect to Promotion of Science & Technology education and

Science Education research

Activities with respect to Promotion of pollution control technologies

Environment Education

Name Dr. M.A. Haque

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Ministry of Environment & Forest,
GOI, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi-110003, India
Telephone no. 011-4361896, 4360721

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Promotion of Environment education and awareness.

Environment Education Popular environmental articles in Hindi and Urdu

Publication Popular articles and editing of MoEF newletter

Name Sh. M.C. Mehta

Designation & Qualification Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Postal Address Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action
5 Anand Lok, Khel Gaon Marg,
New Delhi 110 046
Telephone no. & 011-6255214
Fax no. 011-6251549

Area of expertise and Environmental law and policies


Activities with respect to Environmental law, policies, PIL on socio-environmental

Environment Education issues, Founder of Indian Council for Enviro-Legal

Success Stories Received prestigious Magsaysay award for his excellent

contribution towards environmental justice

Name Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

Designation & Qualification Agriculture Scientist
Postal Address M.S. Swaminathan Foundation,
3rd Cross, Inst. Area, Taramani, Chennai
Telephone no. & Fax no. 0413-2542698, 2541698


Area of expertise and Plant Genetics & Sustainable Agriculture


Activities with respect to Agriculture, Environment and biodiversity education and

Environment Education research, awareness on food & sustainable
development issues

Success Stories Established M.S. Swaminathan Foundation for

biodiversity conservation and research. Acclaimed by
TIME magazine as one of the twenty most influential
Asian of the 20th Century. Known as Father of
Economic Ecology, served as Chairman, UN Science
Advisory Committee & FAO Council and President,
International Union for Conservation of Nature &
Natural Resources. - Currently holding UNESCO chair
in Ecotechnology
- Recieved 43 honorary doctorate from several global

Name Sh. Madhav Gadgil

Designation & Qualification Ecologist
Postal Address Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of
Bangalore 560 012, India

Telephone no. & 91-80-334 0985

Fax no. 91-80-331 5428


Area of expertise and Ecology and biodiversity conservation


Activities with respect to Ecology and biodiversity conservation, especially in

Environment Education Western ghats, education and research community
mobilization for biodiversity conservation

Success Stories Recipient of several awards

Publications Published several books and research articles

Name Sh. Madhav Gopal Khare

Designation & Qualification Managing Trustee

Postal Address Shastra Vahini, D/38, Vishnukripa,
1393, Shukrawar Peth,
Pune 411 002, India
Telephone no. 020-452494

Area of expertise and Science Education


Activities with respect to Popularization of Aerodynamics in students

Science Education

Success Stories Resource person for GOI

Name Dr. Madhav Karki

Designation & Qualification Regional programme Coordinator
Postal Address International Development Research Centre,
208, Jor Bagh, New Delhi-110003, India
Telephone no. 011-4619411
Fax no. 011-4622707
Area of expertise and Promotion of environment education and research

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education and research

Enviornment Education

Name Dr. Madhu Phull

Designation & Qualification Scientist--G
Postal Address NCSTC, DST, GOI,
Technology Bhawan,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-6567373/6562819

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Conducting Childrens Science Congress throughout

Science Education the country & several science popularization workshops
& seminars

Success Stories Children Science Congress is being organized since the

past 10 years

Name Mamta Pandya

Designation & Qualification Programme Coordinator
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education,
Nehru Foundation for Development,

Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380054, India
Telephone no. 079-6858002-09
Fax no. 079-6858010

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, development of

Environment Education resource material and organizing training programs

Success Stories Attended several international seminars

Publications Several books & articles

Name Dr. Manoj Pattairiya

Designation & Qualification Scientist
Postal Address NSCSTC, DST, GOI
Technology Bhawan,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-6567373/6562819

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Science writing

Science Education

Name Ms. Medha Patkar

Designation & Qualification Environmental Activist
Postal Address Narmda Bacheo Andolan,
B-13m Shivam Flats,
Ellora Park Road,
Baroda-390007, India
Telephone no. 0265-282232

Area of expertise and Environment & livelihood issues


Activities with respect to Activism & public opinion on Anti-large Dam projects
Environment Education especially Sardar Saravor Project

Activities with respect to Issues related to rehabilitation and livelihoods of rural

Livelihood issues populations displaced from large dams sites

Name Mrs. Meena Raghunathan
Designation & Qualification Programme Coordinator
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education,
Nehru Foundation for Development,
Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380054, India
Telephone no. 079-6858002-09
Fax no. 079-6858010

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, development of

Environment Education resource material, coordination of environmental projects
initiated South & South East Asia Network on
environment education

Success Stories Attended several international seminars

Name Sh. Mohan Dharia

Designation & Qualification President
Postal Address VANARAI, 498, Aditya Residency, Parvati, Miltramandal
Chowk, Pune-411 009, India
Telephone no. & 020-4440351, 4449351
Fax no. 020-4445299

Area of expertise and Village improvement, medicinal plants and

Interest empowerment of rural women

Activities with respect to Health and family planning

Science Education

Activities with respect to Peoples participation in waste land development,

Environment Education greening villages, eco awareness and watershed

Activities with respect to Promotion of horticulture, silvi pastures, animal

Livelihood issues husbandry

Success Stories He is a leading environmentalist who has been

successful in motivating peoples participation for village
environment improvement, Ex-member Parliament and
Central Govt. Minister

Name Dr. N.K. Sehgal

Designation & Qualification Science education expert

Postal Address 501/ Block 1, Kirti Apartments, Mayur Vihar-1,
Extension, Delhi 110091

Area of expertise and Science education and awareness


Activities with respect to Science education and awareness, promotion of NCSTC

Science Education activities as former advisor, DST, GOI

Success Stories Recipient of Kalinga award

Name Er. N.S. Tiwana

Designation & Qualification Executive Director
Postal Address Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Sector
26 Chandigarh 160019, India
Telephone no. 91-172-793300, 793600, 793141
Fax no. 91-172-793143

Area of expertise and Environment, science & technology education


Activities with respect to Promotion of science education and technologies.

Science Education Founder member of Science City project in Punjab

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education, awareness and

Environment Education pollution control technologies

Activities with respect to Promotion of rural technologies such as vermi-

Livelihood issues composting, duckweed technology and mushroom

Success Stories Recipient of State award for excellence in environment

Name Dr. Nandita Krishna,

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address CPR Environment Education Centre,
The C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer Foundation,
La Eldams Road, Alwarpet,
Chennai-600018, India
Telephone no. & 044-4337023/ 4346526
Fax no. 044-4320756

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness. Founder

Environment Education Director of CPREEC, a centre of excellence of Govt. of
India for promotion of environment education in India.

India for promotion of environment education in India.
Took up several environmental education projects in
South India

Success Stories Represented India in several International fora. Seva

Ratna & Stree Ratna award, Outstanding woman of
Asia award from University of Women of Asia

Name Dr. Neelam Gulati Sharma

Designation & Qualification Principal Scientific Officer, Ph.D
Postal Address Punjab State Council For Science & Technology,
MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 ,
Chandigarh,160019, India
Telephone no. & 0172-793300, 793600
Fax no. 0172-793143

Area of expertise and Biophysics


Activities with respect to Promotion of Science City in Punjab

Science Education Science Popularization projects and training

Publication Newsletter

Name Dr. Neelima Jerath

Designation & Qualification Principal Scientific Officer (Environment) Ph.D
Postal Address Punjab State Council For Science & Technology,
MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh 160019,
Telephone no. & 0172-793300, 793600
Fax no. 0172-793143

Area of expertise and Ecology & environment Science


Activities with respect to Development of posters for children to promote Science

Science Education & Technology Literacy

Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness & training for

Environment Education various target groups, biodiversity conservation and
development of educational material. Environment
education expert, Projects in Asia with UNESCO, TV
talks on environment issues

Success Stories State Govt. award for excellence in work on
Environment, several other awards

Publications Authored/edited 10 books, educational kits papers, etc.

Name Prof. P.D. Grover

Designation & Qualification Ex-Head
Postal Address Chemical Engineering Deptt. & Energy Centre, IIT,
B-36, Giandeep Apartments,
8 Mayur Vihar, Phase I,
Delhi 110 091.
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-6861977, 6581696
011-6862037, 6855227

Area of expertise and Pollution control technologies


Activities with respect to Education/research in energy conservation and

Environment Education pollution control technologies

Success Stories Several publications & research projects

Name Sh. P.K. Sen

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Project Tiger,
Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Annexe No. 5, Bikaner House,
Shah Jahan Road, New Delhi 110 001, India

Area of expertise and Wildlife conservation


Activities with respect to Promotion of wildlife conservation, research and

Environment Education management with the special emphasis on Tiger
conservation in the country

Success Stories The Project Tiger is one of the most famous success
stories for Wildlife Conservation

Name Dr. Pradeep Monga

Designation & Qualification Assistant Research Representative

Postal Address UNDP, 55 Lodhi Estate,
New Delhi
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-981039

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Promotion of environment projects and environment

Environment Education education and awareness

Name Dr. Pradeep Shrivastava

Designation & Qualification Senior Scientist
Postal Address Chemical Technology Division,
Central Drug Research Institute,
Lucknow-226001, India

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Popular Science Writing, Promotion of Science &

Science Education Technology literacy

Name Sh. Prakash Gole

Designation & Qualification Ecologist
Postal Address Ecology Society, 1B Abhimanshree Society Pashan
Pune 411 008, Maharashtra, India
Telephone no 91-20-5650408

Area of expertise and Ecology and environment


Activities with respect to Research on Ecology and environment, education and

Environment Education awareness, biodiversity conservation

Name Ms. Prithi Nambiar

Designation & Qualification Programme Coordinator
Postal Address Media Initiatives for Sustainable Development Center
for Environment Education,
Kamala Mansion,
143 Infantry Road,

Telephone no. & 080-2869094
Fax no. 080-2868209

Area of expertise and Sustainable development


Activities with respect to Environment & development reporting and training,

Environment Education Writes extensively on conservation & development
issues, production of documentary films.

Success Stories Member, World Commission on Protected Areas

Publications Several articles on environment issues

Name Mrs. Puspashree Pattnaik

Designation & Qualification Environment Expert
Postal Address Srujanika
Jagamara, P.O. Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar-751030, India
Telephone no. 0674-470664

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Organizing Nature Camps for Children

Environment Education

Name Dr. R. A. Mashelkar

Designation & Qualification Director General
Postal Address Council for Scientific and Industrial research , Rafi
Marg, New Delhi-110001, India
Telephone no. & 91-11-3715241
Fax no. 91-11-3715241

Area of expertise and Promotion of science and technology education and

Interest research

Activities with respect to Promotion of science and technology education and

Science Education research

Activities with respect to Environment friendly technologies

Environment Education

Activities with respect to Promotion of self employment technologies

Livelihood issues

Success Stories Winner of several awards

Name Dr. R. Mehta

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Ministry of Environment & Forest,
GOI, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi-110003, India
Telephone no. 011-4361896, 4360721

Area of expertise and Promotion of Environment education and awareness,

Interest coordination of 'GLOBE" Project in India

Activities with respect to Promotion of Environment education and awareness

Environment Education

Success Stories Coordinating mass environment awareness schemes

like National Environment Awareness Campaign and
National Green Corps involving NGOs and schools

Name Sh. R. Sukumar

Designation & Qualification Ecologist
Postal Address Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka, India
Telephone no. & 91-80-334 3382
Fax no. 91-80-331 1280

Area of expertise and Environment & ecology


Activities with respect to Ecology and biodiversity conservation education,

Environment Education research, consultancy

Name Mr. R.C. Nag

Designation & Qualification Secretary General, WWF India
Postal Address 172 B,
Lodhi Estate,
New Delhi 110003, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 4691760, 61, 62

Area of expertise and Promotion of Environment and biodiversity education

Interest and research

Activities with respect to Promotion of Environment and biodiversity education
Environment Education and research

Name Dr. R.D. Sharma

Designation & Qualification Science Education Expert
Postal Address 457, Hawa Singh Block,
Asiad Village,
New Delhi-110049, India

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Science Writing and promotion of science and

Science Education technology literacy

Name Dr. R.K. Pachauri

Designation & Qualification Director General
Postal Address Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI),
Darbari Seth Block,
Habitat Place, Lodhi Roda,
New Delhi-110 003, India
Telephone no. & 011-468 2100, 468 2111
Fax no. 011-468 2144, 468 2145

Area of expertise and Science and technology, renewable energy and

Interest environment

Activities with respect to Education and research in Applied science and

Science Education technology, renewable sources of energy

Activities with respect to Education and research in environment and biodiversity

Environment Education conservation

Success Stories He was honoured with the Padma Bhushan award of

Govt. of India for his excellent contribution towards
Science and Technology research. Currently Chairman
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. He
is the first developing country expert to head this panel

Name Sh. R.S. Paroda

Designation & Qualification Ex. Director General, ICAR
Postal Address Indian Council of Agriculture Research,
Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-
110001, India

Telephone no. 011-3382629

Area of expertise and Promotion of education and research on Agriculture and

Interest Environment

Activities with respect to Promotion of education and research on Agriculture and

Environment Education Environment

Activities with respect to Promotion of agro based rural technologies

Livelihood issues

Name Dr. R.S. Siddiqi

Designation & Qualification Consultant
Postal Address Hydrology Project,
CSMRS Building, 4th Floor,
Alof-palme Marg, Near IIT Hostel,
New Delhi, India

Area of expertise and Projects related to Hydrology


Activities with respect to Awareness & research in Hydrology

Environment Education

Name Sh. Rajendra Singh

Designation & Qualification General Secretary
Postal Address Tarun Bharat Sangh
Bheekampura, PO Kishore, Thanagai Tehsil, Alwar
301002, Rajasthan, India
Telephone no. 014562 4443

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Water Resource Management, Environment education

Environment Education & awareness and community development

Activities with respect to Low cost technologies

Livelihood issues

Success Stories Recipient of prestigious Magsaysay award

Name Dr. Ram Boojh

Designation & Qualification Scientist- in- charge
Postal Address Centre For Environment Education,
Northern Regional Cell,

A-459, Indira Nagar
Lucknow-226016, India
Telephone no. 0522-716570, 716628

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Environment education, awareness and resource

Environment Education material

Name Sh. Ramesh Pandya

Designation & Qualification Environment Education Expert
Postal Address National Nature Education Foundation,
10, Vardhaman Nagar,
Dhandhusar Road, Junagadh 362 001, Gujarat, India
Telephone no. 91-285-631 598

Area of expertise and Ecology and environment


Activities with respect to Ecology, environment education involving masses

Environment Education

Name Mrs. Ranjana Kanitkar

Mr. Hemant Kanitkar
Designation & Qualification Chairman
Postal Address The Puppet, Building No. 2,
Block No. 25, Gopinath Nagar,
Kothrud, Pune 411 038, India
Telephone no. 020-5380828

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Popularizing science through puppetry

Science Education

Success Stories Organized several puppetry training workshops all over


Name Ms. Rashmi Mayur

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address 73A, Mittal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021,
Maharashtra , India

Telephone no. & 022-2045758
Fax no. 022-2871250

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to To bring education & awareness about the critical
Environment Education issues related with environment & ecology

Publications Several books

Name Dr. Ravi Chellam

Designation & Qualification Wildlife Expert
Postal Address Wildlife Institute of India,
P.O. Box 18, Chandrabani
Dehra Dun 248 001, Uttranachal, India
Telephone no. & 91-135-620 912-5
Fax no. 91-135-620 217

Area of expertise and Wildlife conservation and education


Activities with respect to Wildlife conservation research and education, Training

Environment Education programmes on Wildlife Management

Publications Several research and popular publications

Name Dr. (Mrs.) Ravinder Kaur Dhaliwal

Designation & Qualification Associate Professor
Postal Address Deptt. of Extension Education
Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Telephone no 0161-406116 (R)

Area of expertise and Science/ Agriculture education


Activities with respect to Information collection on Traditional Agricultural

Science Education Practices

Name Sh. Ravinder Keskar

Designation & Qualification Senior Lecturer
Postal Address St. Xaviers Institute of Engineering & Technology,

Mahim, Mumbai-400 016, India

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Teaching of mathematics through Origami and

Science Education popularizing science

Success Stories Organized several workshops throughout the counter

since the past 10 years

Name Ms. Renee Borges

Designation & Qualification Ecologist
Postal Address Centre for Ecological Scinces, Indian Institute of
Bangalore 560 012, India
Telephone no. & 91-80-334 0985
Fax no. 91-80-331 5428

Area of expertise and Ecology & environment


Activities with respect to Ecology & environment education and research

Environment Education

Publications Several research and popular articles

Name Ms. Ruchi Pant

Designation & Qualification Project Officer
Postal Address ATREE-Eastern Himalaya Programme
Bungalow No. 2,
Near Airforce Officers, Enclave,
Bhujipani, P.O. Bangdogra,
Darjeeling 734 422, West Bengal, India
Telephone no. 91-353-550 093, 551 110

Area of expertise and Ecological conservation


Activities with respect to Education, awareness, research, management of

Environment Education Eastern Himalayan ecology and Western Ghats
involving community participation

Name Dr. S. M. Pattnaik

Designation & Qualification Environment Expert

Postal Address Srujanika
Jagamara, P.O. Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar-751030, India
Telephone no. 0674-470664

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Organizing Nature Camps

Environment Education

Name Dr. S. Moudgal,

Designation & Qualification Advisor
Postal Address Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Govt. of India, Paryavaran Bhawan,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi., India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 011-4362827
011-4361896, 4360721

Area of expertise and Environment expert


Activities with respect to Environmental management issues, Environment

Environment Education Impact Assessment

Name Sh. S. Srikant

Designation & Qualification Convenor
Postal Address Tribal Joint Action Forum
DEED, PO Box. 20, Hunsur 571 105,
Karnataka, India

Area of expertise and Biodiversity education and conservation involving tribal

Interest community

Activities with respect to Tribal development especially through biodiversity and

Environment Education resource conservation and management

Name Dr. S.B.S. Mishra

Designation & Qualification Professor & Head
Postal Address Deptt. of Applied Chemistry,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Regional Engineering College,
Jalandhar-144 011
Telephone no. 0183-294689

Area of expertise and Science education



Activities with respect to Lectures in Science and applied chemistry for Children
Science Education and Youth

Name Sh. S.K. Mukherjee

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Wildlife Institute of India,
P.O. Box 18, Chandrabani,
Dehradun 248 001, Uttranchal, India
Telephone no. & 91-135-620 912-5
Fax no. 91-135-620 217

Area of expertise and Promotion of wildlife education and research


Activities with respect to Promotion of wildlife education and research,

Environment Education conservation issues, Training for wildlife management

Success Stories IUCN Coordinator in India

Publications Author of several Books & Journals

Name Dr. S.K. Saxena

Designation & Qualification Senior Scientific Officer, Ph.D
Postal Address Punjab State Council For Science & Technology,
MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh 160019,
Telephone no. & 0172-793300, 793600
Fax no. 0172-793143

Area of expertise and Environmental microbiology


Activities with respect to Development of poster of children to promote science &

Science Education technology

Activities with respect to Promotion of environment awareness, coordination of

Environment Education national environment campaign in Punjab state.

Publications Several books & papers

Name Sh. S.K. Sharma

Designation & Qualification President

Postal Address Environmental Society of India,
Karuna Sadan, Sector 11,
Chandigarh, India
Telephone no. 0172-746832

Area of expertise and Health


Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education in school children

Environment Education

Success Stories Global 500 awards

Name Sh. S.M. Nair

Designation & Qualification Head, Environment Education
Postal Address CEE-Delhi,
B-73, 2 nd Floor,
Soaminagar (N)
New Delhi-110016, India
Telephone no. 011-6497041, 49

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect t to Environment education, awareness and advice

Environment Education

Name Prof. S.S. Dhillon

Designation & Qualification Retired Professor & Head, Zoology, Punjab University,
Patiala, presently working as consultant, science
popularization, PSCST
Postal Address 213, Ajit Nagar, Patiala, India
Telephone no. 0172-214547

Area of expertise and Science and Environment education


Activities with respect to Lectures in Science & popular science writing

Science Education

Activities with respect to Ecology and Environment education and research

Environment Education

Success Stories Conferred Shiromani Punjabi Writer award and State

Award for excellence in science, authored 7 books, 106
research papers and editing science magazine Nirantar

Name Dr. S.S. Ladhar
Designation & Qualification Principal Scientific Officer, Environment
Postal Address Punjab State Council For Science & Technology,
MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh 160019,
Telephone no. & 0172-793300, 793600
Fax no. 0172-793143


Area of expertise and Toxicology


Activities with respect to Wetland conservation and awareness, promotion of eco

Environment Education clubs

Publications Several books & papers

Name Sh. S.S. Rizvi

Designation & Qualification Enviro-Legal Expert
Postal Address F-2601, Palam Vihar,
Gurgaon 122 017, Haryana, India
Telephone no. & 91-124-636 0440

Area of expertise and Environmental legislation and polices


Activities with respect to Education, awareness and consultancy on issues

Environment Education related to Environmental legislation and polices,
promotion of Public Interest Litigation for community
based conservation

Name Sh. Samar Bagchi

Designation & Qualification Science Teaching Expert
Postal Address 11-A, Sultan Alam Road,
Kolkata, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 033-4246803 (R)

Area of expertise and Science education


Activities with respect to Development & popularization of Low Cost Science

cience Education Teaching Aids

Success Stories Developed several teaching aids for use in rural schools

Name Sh. Samir Acharya
Designation & Qualification Environmentalist
Postal Address Society for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology
Tarang, Middle Point, Port Blair 744 101,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Telephone no. & 91-3192-32929, 35002
Fax no. 91-3192-33072

Area of expertise and Environment & community based education


Activities with respect to Community based Natural Resource & Biodiversity

Environment Education Conservation

Name Mr. Samir Ghosh

Designation & Qualification President
Postal Address Friends of the Doon Society
C/o E.B.D. Business Centre,
49 Rajpur Road, Dehradun 248 001, Uttranchal, India
Telephone no. & 0135-657748
Fax no. 658730

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness involving

Environment Education masses

Name Sanskriti Menon

Designation & Qualification Scientist, Incharge
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education- Central, 58, Anand
Park, Aundh, Pune-411007, India
Telephone no. 020-5886354
Fax no. 020-5886354

Area of expertise and Environment education, awareness and resource

Interest material

Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, development of

Environment Education resource material for school children and masses

Publications Editor of News EE

Several books & reports

Name Sh. Sarjit Talwar
Designation & Qualification Science Popularization and Environment Expert
Postal Address B-XI/413, Chintu Road,
Barnala, Punjab, India
Telephone no. & Fax no. 016739-41499

Area of expertise and Science and environment education


Activities with respect to: Science behind Miracles, popular science writing
Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment awareness

Environment Education

Success Stories Editor of bimonthly Science Magazine Tarakbodh in


Name Ms. Seema Bhatt

Designation & Qualification Environment Activist, M.Sc
Postal Address C-379, Defence Colony,
New Delhi 110 024, India
Telephone no. 91-11-462 0830

Area of expertise and Environment, biodiversity conservation and awareness


Activities with respect to Community based environment/biodiversity

Environment Education conservation education & research, worked on
Biodiversity Hotsports conservation programmes, WWF
as coordinator (South Asia) for USAID founded Project.

Publications Several books & papers

Name Ms. Sejal Worah

Designation & Qualification Advisor
Postal Address WWF Asia/Pacific Program,
Padmini Niwas, The Mall ,
Mussoori-244179, Uttaranchal, India
Telephone no. 0135-633793
Fax no. 0135-632793

Area of expertise and Environment education and awareness and


Activities with respect to Promotion of environment education awareness and

Environment Education conservation in Asia Pacific region

Environment Education conservation in Asia Pacific region

Name Sh. Sharadchandra Lele

Designation & Qualification Environment Activist
Postal Address Institute for Social and Economic Change, P.O.
Nagarbhavi, Bangalore 560 072,
Karnataka, India
Telephone no. & 91-80-338 7013
Fax no. 91-80-338 7008

Area of expertise and Socio-economic issues and development


Activities with respect to Socio-economic issues and development impact on

Environment Education environment, promotion of sustainable development

Name Sh. Shekhar Singh

Designation & Qualification Conservation Management Expert
Postal Address Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)
Indrapastha Estate, Ring Road,
New Delhi 110 002, India
Telephone no. & 91-11-331 7309
Fax no. 91-11-331 9954

Area of expertise and Eco conservation and management


Activities with respect to Conservation, planning and management of

Environment Education developmental issues, incorporating environmental
issues, Coordinator of Biodiversity Conservation
Prioritization Project, promotion awareness on
biodiversity issues for promotion of peoples participation

Publications Several books and papers

Name Shivani Jain

Designation & Qualification Programme Coordinator
Postal Address Centre for Environment Education,
Nehru Foundation for Development,
Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380054, India
Telephone no. 079-6858002-09
Fax no. 079-6858010

Area of expertise and Environment education


Activities with respect to Environment education and awareness, operating the
Environment Education South & South Asia network on Environment Education

Success Stories Attended several international seminars

Publications Several books & articles

Name Sh. Soumyadeep Datta

Designation & Qualification Biodiversity Expert
Postal Address Natures Beckon
Datta Bari Ward No. 1,
Dhubri, Assam 783 301, India
Telephone no. & 91-3662-20 167
Fax no. 91-3662-20 503

Area of expertise and Biodiversity


Activities with respect to Environment/biodiversity education and awareness,

Environment Education mass mobilization for environment conservation

Name Ms. Sudha Mehnadiratta

Designation & Qualification Programme Coordinator
Postal Address UNESCO, UNESCO House,
B-5/29, Safdarjang Enclave,
New Delhi 110029, India
Telephone no. 011-6713000
Fax no. 6713001, 6713002

Area of expertise and Biodiversity


Activities with respect to Science education

Science Education

Environment Education Biodiversity education and conservation

Publications Books on biodiversity conservation

Name Ms. Suman Sahai

Designation & Qualification Convener
Postal Address J-235/A, Sainik Farms,
Khanpur, New Delhi 110062, India
Telephone no. & 011-6517248
Fax no. 011-6969716


Area of expertise and Natural resource conservation


Activities with respect to Raising awareness on natural resource conservation

Environment Education and biodiversity protection, advocacy against
introduction of GMO and genetically modified crops
through biotechnology

Success Stories Successfully conducted campaign against GMOs

Publications Several papers, articles & books

Name Sh. Sunder Lal Bahuguna

Designation & Qualification Environmentalist
Postal Address Dasholi Gram Swaraj Mandal,
P.O. Dasholi, Pauri Garhwal,
Uttranchal, India

Area of expertise and Environment and biodiversity


Activities with respect to Environment, biodiversity, peoples participation in

Environment Education environmental management

Activities with respect to Promotion of issues related to environment and

Livelihood issues livelihood in rural areas

Success Stories He is well known for motivating public participation for

Himalayan Environment Protection Movement,
Padmashree award

Name Ms. Sunita Narain

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughalakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110062, India
Telephone no. & 011- 6981110
Fax no. 011- 6985879

Area of expertise and Science and environment education, research and

Interest awareness

Activities with respect to Dissemination of information on science and technology

Science Education

Activities with respect to Environment education, research and publications

Environment Education Awareness on eco friendly technologies

Publication Editor of leading magazine Down to Earth

Name Dr. V. Vinayak

Designation & Qualification Advisor
Postal Address Deptt. of Biotechnology,
Govt. of India,
New Delhi, India
Telephone no. 011-4360718

Area of expertise and Biotechnology


Activities with respect to Popularization of Biotechnology

Science Education

Activities with respect to Project on environmental biotechnology

Environment Education

Name Valmik Thapar

Designation & Qualification Wildlife Expert
Postal Address Ranthambhor Foundation,
19, Kautilya Marg,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, India
Telephone no. 91-11-301 6261

Area of expertise and Wildlife conservation


Activities with respect to Wildlife education, research and conservation, 'Project

Environment Education Tiger' and public awareness on tiger conservation

Success Stories The project is a major success story of species


Name Ms. Vandana Shiva

Designation & Qualification Director
Postal Address Research Foundation of Science, Technology & Natural
Resource Policy,
A-60, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi 110 016, India
Telephone no. 011-6968077
Fax no. 011-6856795, 011-6962589

Area of expertise and Environment and biodiversity

Activities with respect to Environment, biodiversity education, research and

Environment Education conservation, proactive action for protection of farmers
rights, agricultural biodiversity

Activities with respect to Awareness of community, IPR issues

Livelihood issues

Success Stories Winner of several environmental awards

Member of several national and international committees

Name Sh. Walter Fernandes

Designation & Qualification Socio Environment Activist
Postal Address North East Social Research Group
P.O. Box 2000, Uzan Bazar, Jahaz Ghat, Guwahati 781
001, Assam, India
Telephone no. 91-361-544733, 631378

Area of expertise and Socio-environmental issues


Activities with respect to Education/research on Socio-environmental issues,

Environment Education promotion of community participation for Natural Resource

Name Prof. Yash Paul

Designation & Qualification Ex-Chairman, UGC, renowned Science education Expert of
Postal Address 11-B, Green View Apartment,
Sector 15-A, Noida, India
Telephone no. 0118-4512075

Area of expertise and Promotion of Science and Technology education, research,

Interest consultancy

Activities with respect to Promotion of Science and Technology education, research,

Science Education consultancy, active interest in non formal science
popularization programmes throughout the country

Success Stories Leading Scientist of the country, anchored several TV

Programmes on Scientific issues
Publications Several books & research papers


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