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The long-term effects of air pollution include serious diseases like cancer.

The highly polluted city air slowly metamorphoses our healthy and pink colored
lung tissues into darkened particles of smog, dust, and other pollutants, making
the lungs more vulnerable to infection. The highly sensitive respiratory system
can be damaged in a number of ways.

Environmental pollution:

One of the potent dangers is the environmental pollution. The environment smog
contains many chemicals. Many of these chemicals are exhausted by the vehicles
and the industries. What is more, several household cleaning products also emit
such poisonous gases.

Cigarette smoke:

This is yet another dangerous emission. The passive smokers are the hardest hit.
Burning fags pose a serious threat to our respiratory system. Tobacco smoke
contains over 40 chemicals including the dangerous tar. Most of them are known
causes of cancer. Approximately 90 per cent of lung cancer cases among men,
and more than 70 per cent among women have been traced to smoking.

Besides tar several other chemicals enter our lungs from a burning cigarette. The
tar from a single cigarette temporarily immobilizes the cilia of the upper and
lower tracts of the respiratory route. The tar also temporarily paralyses the
macrophages in the lung alveoli. When the cleansing and filtering functions are
made inactive, the lungs and the air passages are laid bare to the different
particles, viruses and bacteria that are airborne besides of course the tar.

These substances settle down in the lungs mucous layers. It takes almost an
hour for the paralyzed cilia to recover. But repeated paralyzing from the heated
tar eventually kills them. Mucus builds up as a result of repeated smoking. The
accumulated mucus blocks the smaller air passages. The obstruction triggers the
smokers cough. This familiar reflex cough is the distressed lungs effort to clear
the air routes.

Indoor air pollution:

This is one of the most dangerous but often disregarded dangers. The offices and
homes are mostly bases of indoor air pollution. Many cleaning compounds
besides furniture and synthetic carpets, certain construction materials, and even
air fresheners emit hazardous gases. These remain highly concentrated in
unventilated or AC rooms. The most vulnerable sections of people exposed to
these respiratory dangers are children, elderly people and those having a history
of respiratory illnesses. These people generally spend most of their time within
the four walls. The indoor air pollutants not only weaken our lungs but also invite
Occupational risks:

Many professionals are daily exposed to impurities released by their activities.

These workers run a high risk of suffering from respiratory diseases. Mention
may be made of people picking cotton, those working in work in farms or
shipyards, mechanics installing brake insulation or lining. Other people who
suffer from such risks are miners, construction workers, quarry workers, stone
cutters, and sandblasters among others.


All the governments have their independent agencies to monitor the pollution
levels. There are also non-governmental agencies (NGOs) that carry out this
activity. The OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in USA, for
instance, issues regulations for protection of workers. It has made mandatory
the wearing of air masks with filters for certain jobs. The EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency) monitors and also regulates the pollutants released into the
air by different organizations and industries. In spite of such efforts, across the
world, various types of respiratory illnesses have registered a rise.


Any portion of the respiratory tract can be affected by the disorders and diseases
of the respiratory system. Though the common ailments of the respiratory
system are trivial, yet at times they can be life threatening as well.

Common cold, running nose & stuffy nose:

Viruses cause colds by targeting the pharynx and the nasal passages. First, the
viruses infiltrate the body through the respiratory system. Then, they target the
cells in the nasal passage membranes. But before they can destroy the cells, the
bodys immune system fights back. The immune system increases the flow of
blood to the area. Such reinforcement of white blood cells leads to swelling of
the membranes. This causes the stuffy nose. Increase in mucous secretions to
neutralize the viral attack leads to the runny nose. Mentionably, the infection can
affect the sinuses -- membrane-lined cavities located within the head, besides
the middle ear and the lower respiratory tract.

Hay fever & asthma:

These are allergic reactions of the respiratory system. These conditions are caused when
the immune system is irritated by irritants like dust or pollen. The symptoms of hay fever
are sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. It is a seasonal reaction when there is
abundance of pollens in the air. Asthma attacks are generally mild. But, they can be life
threatening too. A person suffering from asthma experiences difficulty in breathing. It
occurs as the bronchi and bronchioles get inflamed and remain constricted temporarily.

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