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MAY 2017

God expanding His Kingdom through

FB: McAuleys InFrance | Skype: tkmcauley | P: (630 868-8470 | Email: all peoples of Europe to the world

Zac with S, a refugee and Looking over a dingy abandoned by
refugees on Lesvos, Greece
new brother we met in Greece.
S exemplifies peace as he talks
about sharing his new faith. Terrorism and elections dominate news here in France. Life continues as we live in an age
of uncertainty and heightened security. In this issue, well focus on things with greater
Family Update
eternal significance, including two ministries were devoting time and energy to right now.
A few quick highlights:
A enters a new phase as she
Spiritual Retreats: As mentioned before, Joy took on a new role in GEMs Spiritual
heads to Covenant College
Life Team. In the first quarter of this year she and her team led GEMs first Spiritual Life
(Chatanooga) in August.
Retreat. Fifteen staff from around Europe came together for three days of prayer, reflection,
Z is wrapping up another
and listening to God. Joy spearheaded these efforts and put a ton of work into getting it
year of American football and
ready. By all accounts the event was big success as the people stepped back from intense
turns 16 this month.
ministry and focused on their personal walk with God and how to minister out of that. Joy
W is finishing his basketball
and her team are now planning two similar events for later this year.
season and looking forward to
a summer of camp and travel.
Greece and Refugees: While less in the news of late, the immigration situation in
He turns 14 this month.
Europe is still huge. Zac and Thad recently spent a few days with GEMs refugee ministries
L is progressing well in his
on the Greek island of Lesvos. 4000 people are waiting in detention camps there. Most we
French and is disappointed
talked to had been there for 8-10 months already. Many had fled ISIS in Iraq, war in Syria,
when school breaks come
the Taliban in Afghanistan, or militias in Africa. While the situation is really hard - three
men died a few days after our visit due to carbon monoxide poisoning in their tent - God
Joy is over half way through
is working. We met several refugees who had come to Christ and are now sharing Christ
her 3 yr training in spiritual
in the camps. We worshiped with 40 aid workers and refugee men. We drove a group of
direction (in French).
Africans to a local Catholic church for mass. There is openness to the Gospel!
Thad recently joined our local
church council.
Upon our return from Greece, Thad shared his experiences at our French church. As a
Consider a Ministry Gift! result, the church is planning its first ever foreign mission trip to help on Lesvos later this
Financial gifts may be made to year. This is particularly significant as the church has been consumed with a building
Greater Europe Mission for the project, so we are very excited about how God may use this trip to re-energize the church.
McAuleys (acct. #27360). Give online
at: Additional help is needed in Greece people to help with minor repairs in the camp, to
man stations within the camp, to offer English lessons, to just listen to people and love
them as Christ does. If you are interested in being the hands and feet of
Praise & Prayer Updates Christ there for a week or two (or longer!), wed love to get you more info.
Get quick updates & join us in prayer.
By request only contact us to join: As always, we are incredibly grateful for your partnership to walk this path of ministry and service together,

The McAuleys

GREATER EUROPE MISSION 18950 Base Camp Rd, Monument, CO 80132 | (800) GEM-4488 |

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