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Crude Distilation & Light End Plant


Balongan, 11-Des-2015
Shift Supervisor
Tanggal 10 Desember 2015 s/d 11 Desember 2015 Laboratory Production RU VI

Sample No Date Time Product Type Unit Sample Analysis Result Spec. Unit
407732 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUVI FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD ADO Crude Distilling Unit - 6 Colour ASTM 4.0 Max 2.5 -

407752 10/12/2015 8:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Copper Strip 3B Class 1 class

407752 10/12/2015 8:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Doctor Test Positive Negative -

407760 10/12/2015 8:00 HVUII FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Medium Vacuum Gas Oil HVU II Colour ASTM 4.0 Max 2.5 -

407771 10/12/2015 8:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD LCGO FCCU Water Content 0.50 Max 0.05 % v/v

407777 10/12/2015 8:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

407777 10/12/2015 8:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Doctor Test Positive Negative -

407780 10/12/2015 8:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Feed for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 371 oC 31.0 Max 10.0 % v/v

407815 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

407815 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Doctor Test Positive Negative -

407826 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODHCT Crude Distilling Unit - 5 Colour ASTM 3.0 Max 2.5 -

407835 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-4 Crude Distilling Unit - 5 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

407857 10/12/2015 8:00 STAB FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODBottom B from Stabilizer Plaju Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

407857 10/12/2015 8:00 STAB FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODBottom B from Stabilizer Plaju Doctor Test Positive Negative -

407882 10/12/2015 8:00 CDUIII FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODResidue Crude Distilling Unit - 3 Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 350 oC 24.0 Max 12.0 % v/v

408170 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUVI FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD ADO Crude Distilling Unit - 6 Colour ASTM >8.0 Max 2.5 -

408184 10/12/2015 16:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408184 10/12/2015 16:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Copper Strip 3B Class 1 class

408189 10/12/2015 16:00 HVUII FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Medium Vacuum Gas Oil HVU II Colour ASTM 4.0 Max 2.5 -

408196 10/12/2015 16:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD LCGO FCCU Water Content 0.60 Max 0.05 % v/v

408200 10/12/2015 16:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408200 10/12/2015 16:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408202 10/12/2015 16:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Feed for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 371 oC 32.0 Max 10.0 % v/v

408219 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODResidue Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Water Content 0.40 Max 0.1 % v/v

408227 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408227 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408234 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODResidue Crude Distilling Unit - 5 Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 350 oC 27.0 Max 20.0 % v/v

408242 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-4 Crude Distilling Unit - 5 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408257 10/12/2015 16:00 STAB FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODBottom B from Stabilizer Plaju Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408257 10/12/2015 16:00 STAB FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODBottom B from Stabilizer Plaju Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408268 10/12/2015 16:00 CDUII FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODResidue Crude Distilling Unit - 2 Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 350 oC 32.0 Max 15.0 % v/v

408435 11/12/2015 0:00 CDUVI FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD ADO Crude Distilling Unit - 6 Colour ASTM >8.0 Max 2.5 -

408446 11/12/2015 0:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Copper Strip 3B Class 1 class

408446 11/12/2015 0:00 CTU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Inlet CTU-5 Sungai Gerong Doctor Test Positive Negative -

Dokumen ini dinyatakan sah walaupun tanpa tanda tangan pejabat ybs, dicetak dari Laboratory Information Management System Pertamina
Printed By: Alit Trisatya Page 1 of 2 Print Date 11-Des-2015
Crude Distilation & Light End Plant
Balongan, 11-Des-2015
Shift Supervisor
Tanggal 10 Desember 2015 s/d 11 Desember 2015 Laboratory Production RU VI

Sample No Date Time Product Type Unit Sample Analysis Result Spec. Unit
408455 11/12/2015 0:00 HVUII FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Medium Vacuum Gas Oil HVU II Colour ASTM 4.0 Max 2.5 -

408462 11/12/2015 0:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD LCGO FCCU Water Content 0.60 Max 0.05 % v/v

408465 11/12/2015 0:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408465 11/12/2015 0:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Cat. Naphtha FCCU Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408467 11/12/2015 0:00 FCCU FUEL STREAM CDL_PROD Feed for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 371 oC 32.0 Max 10.0 % v/v

408485 11/12/2015 0:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODResidue Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Vacuum Distillation Recovery at 350 oC 26.0 Max 12.0 % v/v

408494 11/12/2015 0:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408494 11/12/2015 0:00 CDUIV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-3 Crude Distilling Unit - 4 Doctor Test Positive Negative -

408510 11/12/2015 0:00 CDUV FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODNaptha-4 Crude Distilling Unit - 5 Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

408521 11/12/2015 0:00 STAB FUEL STREAM CDGP_PRODBottom B from Stabilizer Plaju Copper Strip 1B Class 1 class

Dokumen ini dinyatakan sah walaupun tanpa tanda tangan pejabat ybs, dicetak dari Laboratory Information Management System Pertamina
Printed By: Alit Trisatya Page 2 of 2 Print Date 11-Des-2015

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