Life Interpretation Report For A: Parashara'S Light 7.0.1 © Geovision Software Inc. Licensed To

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Life Interpretation Report for a

You have a sizzling persona. Your personality is very impressive. You have an unusual and
striking personality. Your personality is smooth. You are smart. You are an outdoor type. You
have a good sense of humor. You are a person for all seasons. You are naturally people
conscious. You are a very jolly person, whose cheerfulness masks suspicion of others, and
perhaps hypochondria.

You are tolerant of others foibles and can be very generous. You are endowed with physical and
mental tolerance and are forbearing. Diplomacy will take you far in life.

You can be plodding and able to persevere in spite of adverse circumstances. You are a calm
person. When provoked, you can be stubborn to the point of passive aggression. You are quite
conventional with a desire to uphold ancient customs.

By being very observant of moral actions, and by being selfless in your actions, obstacles might
be overcome. You are idealistic.

You are energetic. You are self-confident. You have strong and insatiable desires. You are
stable, patient, and persistent. You become increasingly independent as time goes on. You are
strong, with independent views on life, its purpose, and evolutionary direction. Your life is
characterized by a good deal of self-effort and courage. You can be extremely courageous,
sometimes backfiring in failure. You are fearless. You are disciplined. You are a person who
usually gets what he/she wants. You have a strong willpower to succeed in life. Your energy and
motivation are quite balanced.

You are able to neutralize the reasons for the antipathy. You will rise to any challenge.

You are fickle and people should not rely on you. Down with the bourgeoisie! may be your
motto. You may be a lonely person and lacking in foresightedness.

You are proud. The key against these difficulties is to be self-less in your undertaking, and not to
allow any egoism or selfishness to guide any of your aspirations. You might be tempted to be
secretly selfish, or to take what is not yours, remember your reputation is at stake if you do. You
have a good taste for material comforts. You enjoy material comforts. You are pleasure loving,
and strive to acquire all luxuries. You are not very attached to expansion on the material plane.
You do not tolerate other's nonsense. You generally do not tolerate opposing opinions. You have
two glaring flaws: you do not like to be told what to do, and your many enthusiasms tend to be
rather short-lived. You are stubborn. You may behave idiotic at times.

There are depths to you that cannot be seen except by those who know you very well. You may
be secretive. You may know how to work behind the scenes. The way you perform your actions is

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not always in a direct and straightforward way, but in any way that gets the work done, even if you have to
break a few rules. You are not naturally pious, although you can appear so. Your impulsiveness may lead you
to immoral acts. You are self-centered.

You have an angry kind of righteousness, and when you are acting according to the righteous judgments and
values, you tend to act harshly and even aggressively. You are capable of sacrificing everything for your
loved ones and are unforgiving towards the people you dislike, and you hold to those feelings for a very long

You have a very sensitive approach to life.

Indolence and lethargy may be your weak sides.

Conquering your senses through gaining expertise in your field of activity or study is an ongoing theme in

Contentment and a happy disposition come from being surrounded with close friends and family, in a secure

You are attractive. You will be tall. Your body has a full stature. There is a possibility of having curly hair.
Your hair may be dark brown or black. You have a hairy body. You have a beautiful face. You have a
sanguine complexion. You have a swarthy complexion.

You may be macho, self-sufficient and like a cowboy.

You are sweet spoken.

There is a touch of professionalism to your speech; you can speak with authority.

You are an excellent communicator and may publish writings.

It might be hard for you to express yourself openly and you might harbor the fear of being misunderstood if
you do. Your expression may be poor. You may lack eloquence in speech and would rather express yourself
through writing than speaking.

You may be prone to speaking ill of others.

When you express yourself, be careful to be truthful at all times.

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You have a pure mind.

You have a lot of mental strength. You are always thinking of what you can do to get ahead. You often have
a solid sense of things that comes without intellectual analysis. You are a deep thinker. Once you make up
your mind to get something, nothing can stop you.

You have some mental restlessness.

It is likely that you have an eccentric mind. You will sometimes be worried about realizing your true destiny.

You have a pious soul. Emotionally, you are sensitive. Your feelings are very sensitive and often play a
prime role in your decision-making and approach to life. You may harbor a feeling of service towards others.

You are depressed and dejected. Your tendency to be on your own and worry can lead to moments of
depression. You may feel isolated and abandoned by your natural allies or brothers in arms. Although having
a good constitution, you may be easily upset by environmental or emotional factors that put you under the
weather. When attempting to fulfill your highest aspirations you may feel your efforts getting diffused and
becoming ineffective.

You must struggle to overcome fluctuating moods.

Conquering your senses through gaining expertise in your field of activity or study is an ongoing theme in
life, but you can still upset others and yourself by disturbances you create through the erratic nature of your

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Education colors your mind vividly. You tend to plan your career carefully, including education and other
related matters.

You are greatly influenced by teachers. Your teachers and mentors are clever, articulate, remarkable
communicators, and have a broad scope to what they do. You stay involved with your teachers. You have
strong feelings for your alma mater.

Self-study and research are natural activities for you. You may acquire education in the legal field or the
armed forces. Higher education as the basis for your career is very likely. Education as a basis for a
successful career will come easily to you. You are drawn to academic circles and may be involved with
higher education.

Higher education may be obstructed, or you may not have interest in it at all.

Your schooling may be unusual or interrupted.

Gathering knowledge is a predilection fo you. You have a regal knowledge of certain fields of academic,
scholarly, spiritual, literary, or scientific achievement. You may have some deep knowledge or insights in the
area of mechanical structures. The prime area of initiative in your life would be the field of higher knowledge
and learning and consequently journeys related to that. You have a sense of the broader issues of society and
commerce. You may have knowledge of herbs, healing foods, etc.

Unusual talents or crafty skills might be in your repertoire, helping you in your endeavors. It is usually up to
you to get things done, without the convenience of an assistant. You always get the job done eventually.

You can win in educational contests. You will have the ability to bear strong adversity. When it comes to
achieving your goals, you will use methods of negotiating and mediating, and prior mental consideration. The
ability to deal effectively in social life will bring fulfillment of your goals. You are good at making other
people comfortable, and developing group dynamic where different interests are served. You have excellent
communication skills that you can apply well in the area of the profession. You have some very tricky and
complicated communication skills.

You are capable of handling any contingency. You have good organizational skills. You have farsighted
organizational and managerial abilities. You have the ability to accomplish much work and give thoughtful
consideration to minute details. You are skilled at getting your work done in association with others.

You have insights granted to few. You have the wonderful ability to "see the job, do the job" without any

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You are skilled at mechanical things and you can probably fix up your own car or motorcycle like nobody's
business. Healing skill may be seen: perhaps as a massage therapist, physical therapist or even as a surgeon.

You are talented.

You are definitely skillful in one of the arts or crafts, a talent possibly inherited from your father. You have
some talent in the area of music and arts.

You have great manual dexterity and are skilled at crafts.

You like the arts and are blessed with various skills.

You love sports, specially football, weightlifting, or wrestling. You may have martial skills.

You are romantic and sweet with your close ones.

You can go to great lengths to keep your activities secret.

You like to act according to ethical norms and principles. You have an ethical sense about duty and perform
many good deeds. You will perform notable and distinguished acts and gain respect of many. You are
generous towards those who are dear to you. You display good qualities such as generosity, kindness, and
devotion. You easily provide support to others without expecting to get the same in return. You may be a
philanthropist. Success might be found when you do good things for those who need help or those who are
trapped in isolation within their mind or environment. You are responsible towards your parents, family, and
friends. You respect authority and the wisdom of the elders and ancients.

You can be haughty sometimes. You may go against the advice of your teachers or father. You can adhere to
your positions rigidly and be lacking in sympathy for others. You are not averse to inventing stories that help
advance you in your work or using deceitful and unlawful means to take advantage of others. You may enjoy
cooking up schemes to unsettle the status quo.

You can be overly controlling or demanding with a short temper and lack of understanding of others' needs
and desires. You will have a tendency to think negatively about people and may lack having close
relationships in which you are really liked. You may sometimes unnecessarily create a negative attitude
towards people of high integrity. You may not always place the highest morals in the foreground of your
actions and consequently you may indulge in activity that some consider immoral or illegal. It is likely that

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you may be given in to falsehood. You believe the ends justify the means and can sacrifice loyal servants or
followers to accomplish your goals.

You love your home. For yourself you require a comfortable, artistic, elegant lifestyle. You like homely and
cozy environments. You have a liking for the outdoors.

You appreciate beauty and beautiful objects.

You enjoy many pleasures. It is likely that you love mathematics and electronics. You want to be a person of
influence and energy. You crave independence. You are interested in fame as a phenomenon and how it
affects others. You really enjoy gain, winning, and fulfilling your desires.

You have high tech affiliations and interests.

You have high appreciation for art, music, and cultural attainments and feel at home with them.

You have a deep interest in obtaining fulfillment of your material needs and enjoying life with plenty of
wealth. You will enjoy comfortable beds. You are fond of art, good clothes, jewelry, and perfumes. You will
be interested in doing prayers or spiritual techniques that allow the mind to settle down and experience inner
silence. You will develop a spiritual interest in renunciation, charitable work, or institutes that have an
idealistic purpose. There may be an inclination to religious hypocrisy.

Pets may be problematic.

You should be careful not to get into a habit of substance abuse. You may be addicted to drinks and drugs.

You have a lot of energy, and you perform deeds quickly and sharply. You may not have time to exercise.
You may have some inexplicable pains in your body.

Ailments of the eye and reproductive organs are possible. Your blood may be susceptible to disorders. There
may be poor circulation in the lower legs, causing some swelling of tissue and veins. Your eyes at times
appear red or angry. You may have to endure dental problems. Your teeth may be stained or discolored. Your
strong time is the daytime.

Longevity is a concern, and your staying power may not be strong.

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You may be somewhat accident-prone. You should be careful while traveling, as you may be accident-prone.
You should beware to not take too many chances while driving.

Your parents back you up in life, although your father may unwittingly obstruct some of your ambitions. You
feel very involved with them, although they may be somewhat aloof from you or separated by physical

Possessive and steady emotions seem to pull financial and other comforts toward your mother, enriching her
family life. She is a determined and energetic promoter whose refined and artistic sensibilities attract friends
and comrades. Her gentle and charming voice paints alluring word-pictures. Conservative, caring, and
actively enjoying, your mother knows how to get the best out of life. She is an active accumulator working to
make her wishes come true. Her high priority is to give back to life by volunteering more than she is asked
for. She likes to be on the forefront of financial action and finds it hard to be always patient with others
involved in her finances. Your mother's love is for God and whomever He sends her way. Material affairs can
be somewhat chaotic, with money coming (and going) unexpectedly, and her verbal skills are pressed into
service to cover for all the change and disruption. She has an unusual and devoted mate who is highly
perceptive about her needs. Her pleasant way of relating to others makes her succeed in counseling and
business advising, but she lacks the cutthroat mentality to be out there grabbing big pieces of the pie for
herself. Your mother is firm by nature. Your mother has a strong affinity with food.

Natural stubbornness gives your mother the perseverance to successfully execute her plans. For your mother
the home is important. Your mother may suffer from heat and fevers, cuts or injuries, inflammations or other
problems from excessive heat in the body. Your mother may have to go through obstacles, difficulties,
divorce, or health problems. Your mother may have various legal disputes to deal with. Your mother inspires
you to play a very nurturing and supportive role in your own home. You have received a great deal of
nurturing and support from your mother. You may have a stepmother or second mother who helps you attain
your goals. You have benevolent feelings for your mother but see that she does not always do what is in her
best interests. Although causing emotional distress sometimes to your mother you also help her transform for
the better. On the other hand, the closeness to your mother may also make you suffer easily when there is any
kind of separation with her. You can be rude or hostile to your mother, or your mother can make discouraging
remarks about you.

Musically and artistically inclined, your father is a courteous host, and a lively and engaging
conversationalist not averse to putting in a spicy sting here and there. He builds bridges between opposing
camps and finds that halfway point of resolving difficulties. He has an affinity for astrology's measured path
to the unbounded, and he puts philosophical objectives first, in his life planning. Dutiful and following
organized procedures; he lives a life of creative enjoyment and is an easy person to be around. Although
occasionally headstrong and combative, your father is an everlasting good friend to all who meet him. He is
just, kind, courteous, and for the most part honest, and he needs friends to pass the time pleasantly. Even
when his friends misbehave towards him, he quickly forgives them, and so naturally, he gains ultimately and
is always in demand. Relationships take him into higher levels of development. He has to watch a tendency
to be unscrupulous in business as the resulting harm to his reputation can cut him off from his public. If
things become too overwhelming, your father quietly gets out of the way rather than provoking fights. Your

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father may be adventurous. Your father strives to achieve his mission and cannot relax before accomplishing
it. Excitable, your father has the power to arouse and influence the masses. Fierce and active, your father
tends to toss off good advice. Spouse's involvement or influence is an important component of your father's

Your father may have suffered some kind of scandal or major break in his career or life.

Your father works to establish himself in the good graces of others. Your father tries to avoid arguments and
debates as much as possible. Your father or you may have periods of health problems.

Perhaps your father is eccentric and hard to reach mentally.

Your father may have difficulty accepting the wise counsel of friends and mentors. Your father can be
somewhat unsympathetic to his partner while expecting appreciation and sympathy from her.

You have a high respect for some mentor or father figure. You try to obey him. You are greatly influenced by
your father. You stay involved with your father. You may follow in your father's footsteps or be the disciple
of a celebrated teacher or mentor. Your father has a positive influence on your career. You may find it hard to
accept him as senior to you. You are separated from your father by your father's failure to remain in
consistent support of you, yet you continue to stay in communication with him as much as possible. You can
be an ally to your father, but he may be more active in the relationship than you.

You like to continue and follow family tradition. Your early family life was not very happy.

You support your relatives, and you can depend on their support as well. You are proud and do not let family
ties get in the way of what you conceive of as your purpose in life. You might experience some loss of
happiness with your birth family. In general, you may bring upsets or disturbances to your household as you
are growing up, not all of which are directly caused by you.

You are affectionately involved with your siblings.

Your relationship with your siblings may suffer, or you may have lost contact due to death or other
separation. You might have some struggle with your siblings and some strain and worry in your relationship
with your mother and father. You may have trouble with a sibling, or they may have problems. You are
concerned for your siblings.

A sibling may have a particular liking for you, but your relationship with an older sibling, may run into
problems, including sibling rivalry. You may not see eye to eye with an elder sibling. Your elder sibling may
earn through foreign contacts.

You get along better with your younger sibling if you have one. You may not have any younger siblings, but
if you do, your relationship may be difficult and conflicting. Your younger brother may be a rough
individual, who gets into fights and may misuse substances.

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You ride, you yell, and you make an impression on the opposite sex.

Your love life tends to be sparkling but unsteady. You have many relationships with members of the opposite

You have strong sensual leanings and a lot of energy, which the opposite sex appreciates.

You have strong sexual desires but experience may not live up to your fantasy. Your sense of identity is
colored by your sexual successes or failures. Your sensuality may turn into indolence and prevent you from
attaining full success.

Marriage seems like unknown terrain. There will be some strain, gap, or austerity in your long-term
relationships or marriage.

A partnership, or your spouse, will be instrumental for your financial success.

You have a loving spouse. Your wife has a tremendous urge to expand, to multiply, to grow, and develop.
Faithful and warm, helping and protective, your wife justifies her instinct to lead by qualities of giving. Your
wife's creative processes are a display of power and grace. Your wife's ideas are fixed, positive, and showy.
Aware of her self-importance, your wife is good at exaggerating it.

Being an intellectual, you prefer an educated partner.

Your wife is always yearning for a higher love. Although your wife's efforts are bent on rising high in the
material world, your wife always wishes to be associated with the spiritual path.

You have a thoughtful spouse but may not communicate as easily with your children. Having to follow
orders promulgated by others makes your wife miserable; in extreme cases, your wife would choose poverty
and discomfort over having to accept favors that would oblige her to follow someone's commands. Your wife
can become angry with those who pierce her projection of selfless concern for society's welfare. Your spouse
may be a performer of some kind and is somewhat fickle. Your wife's style of living is of modest and good

Your spouse may have difficulties in childbirth.

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You have many friends. Most of your friends are of the opposite sex. You tend to associate with people who
have good taste and appreciate comforts. Many of the people you associate with may possess artistic talents.
Your friends have income from a foreign connection.

You will have many good-looking friends - especially of the opposite gender. It is likely that people of your
own gender like you.

Your friends may be uncouth, ultraconservative, or have barbaric tendencies. Success is gotten though the
benefits gained by association with friends and social contacts. You are devoted to good friends. You keep
longstanding friendships. You may be too busy to spend as much time with friends as you'd like.

Your enemies attempt to attack your seat of power. Your enemies acquire allies and there may be the feeling
that your own siblings or colleagues or associates are ganging up on you with your enemies. Your enemies
and opponents may become estranged from their children, students, constituents or employees. You have the
skill to deal with enemies. Your enemies suffer losses while you gain.

Your identity is unmistakable for anyone else's. Others sometimes find you to be crude or rude, which may
hold you back from deserved promotions. You are the can-do person everyone looks to for direction.

It is likely that at least one time in your life you will lose a hard earned position or reputation.

You will be known for your comprehension and understanding of worldly as well as spiritual affairs.
Reputation is a big factor in your life for good or bad. You give a new twist to the direction of your group or
community. Social interactions stimulate your mind and often bring you a sense of comfort. You are on good
terms with the intellectuals and scholars. You can communicate ideas to the public, through speeches, writing
or publishing. You show other spiritual seekers your own pathway, not caring whether or not they follow it
but as an act of service. You may be too eccentric or lacking in charisma to sway the masses. You may be a
gadfly or thorn in the side of the establishment, undermining authority whenever possible.

Generally, you are a supportive person. A female will be instrumental to fulfill an important desire in your
life. Your relationship with children, students, employees or constituents improves as a result of conflict.

You may be well thought of in foreign lands. Foreigners you deal with may suffer some problems such as
illness or natural disasters, which you try to help them relieve. You may make gaffes in foreign countries.
Associations with foreigners or foreign countries will be beneficial and will widen your horizons. You will
gain through foreign connections and from people of a different culture or religion than yours.

You are keen about getting ahead and finding your fortune in life. Your style of working is ambitious and
capable, but your personality will neither support nor acknowledge that. You are hard-working and may have

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to travel long grueling distances to complete your work. You work most efficiently. You readily accept
challenges and responsibilities to advance your career and bring you recognition and a high status. You are
very ambitious, and will work against great odds or adversity to gain the advantage or upper hand. You will
fulfill your ambitions with discipline and perseverance.

An ability to deal with details will be important in your work. You are willing to work hard to advance your
career. Progress in career can be a bit slow. Whatever the area of life with which your profession is
connected, you will focus on the more basic, earthbound, foundation level of that. The career of your choice
will depend on good qualities and proper education. There may be a number of different projects to which
you attend, each requiring a short learning curve to get going. You are sometimes able to help the people you
meet in your work. Your profession will have a varied nature, and it requires adaptive skills. You are likely to
be involved in some service profession and may have some tedious aspects to your work. If employed in
teaching, you like the idea of going independent.

You may have partners who deal in property or vehicles and who are not trustworthy associates.

Cars, sporting equipment, or technical stuff will be your forte. You prefer to be your own boss.

You are more likely to be an employee than an independent entrepreneur. Your boss may think of you as
indispensable. You have a good relationship with those who are your supervisors or authorities.

You may not have a normal family and work life. Due to spiritual obligations you may not be able to work
hard and succeed in your career undertakings. You are someone who is truly tuned in to career and worldly
success. Your vocation is your career. Overwork may interfere with taking good care of yourself physically.
You are transformed through the experiences you meet at work. You believe in "following your bliss" as the
pathway to financial success, fame and self-realization. You are impersonal in your work. Careful thinking
makes and helps you succeed in all your enterprises and gains the support of governing powers. You prefer to
keep to the main point rather than wasting time going into the underlying reasons for everything. Your work
is done with sincerity and a somewhat traditional approach. You are generally successful in your
undertakings, but remain modest about yourself. Poor vision, inefficiency and inability to project yourself
may cause problems at work and obstruct promotions.

You are likely to see a big change in status during your lifetime. You are very serious about your ambitions
and the status you seek in life. You change the social and economic level at which you were born. You
gradually attain recognition for your excellent accomplishments. You rise through favor from people in
power and gain only moderately from the help of your father and teachers, partly because you may be
skeptical of their teachings to begin with. You will have a great deal of popularity, getting to know affluent
people who help you in your ventures. You will seek authority and power, in order to implement the
structured way you believe will bring success. Your career will be successful and you will be well respected
in your chosen field of occupation. You are generally lucky in getting results. No matter where you start in
life, you will succeed and attain a high and influential position. You will rise to a high position in life since
you will seek to base your reputation on good moral values and stable spiritual principles. Assistants may be
instrumental to your success. Your well-integrated personality brings you much popularity and success.

Being a very persistent worker, you will gradually become more and more successful as you age.

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Advancement in career is irregular and marked by large changes. There are obstacles and challenges in your
activities. You may experience a pattern of getting jobs but, then losing them or quitting yourself. Your
career will grow and improve steadily, without sudden windfalls and dramatic overnight spurts of growth.
There may be some association with foreigners which turns out to be beneficial in your career. You belong to
foreign-based organizations and look to external influences for your inspiration. You may gain in foreign

Your reputation could be suffer during at some point of your life. Attaining a career, reputation and status
might prove problematic for you, since your efforts in that direction appear to become diluted and ineffective.
You may rationalize why you cut the corners you do, but run into opposition from the law and government
agencies that force you back into line.

Money may come from people in power or from being in a controlling position yourself. You will gain from
the power and position of a partner.

Your financial sense is good, as you are keen on detecting good prosperous opportunities, and you will gain a
good income. You are blessed with a great fortune to gain comforts and wealth with little or no efforts.
Profits come fairly easily to you. You can gain surprising amounts of money and other forms of wealth, more
than you would ever have expected when young.

Earning at home is very difficult. You and your family may have to strive hard to get food. Financial
problems arise due to improper jobs and lack of motivation on your part. Your resources may tend to get lost.

You are practical and careful in money matters and tend to save for rainy days. You try to think of ways to
free yourself and others from debt and taxes.

The creative arts and the field of beauty or fashion may bring you money. At some point in your life you
might have a side job at a clinic, hospital, retreat, ashram, a prison or some sex club. Money can be made
from business related to arts, or things that provide comforts. Foreign ventures are profitable.

You are constantly involved with your business affairs and the need to increase your earnings. You have to
work to pay off debts. There may be periods of unemployment or job loss.

You have the latest appliances including computers and other technology.

Big profits can be obtained in real estate or in the auto business. You will have nice furniture and things that
make living comfortable.

You can be arrogant and somehow end up disappointed with all the pleasures. It seems like the resources

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disperse instead of accumulate. You may spend heavily in your quest for enlightenment. You or your spouse
spend on learning and education. You are good at making beneficial investments, but have to watch out for

At some time you may have to pay fines and penalties. You are easy with your money as far as lending to
your friends. Also avoid get rich quick schemes. Siblings and friends cause losses. Never lend money to
friends. It might be difficult for you to control the balance between income and expense and consequently you
might often find yourself in debt. Every gain is accompanied by a loss, and vice versa. You may lose money
belonging to institutions.

You may be spiritually inclined. You can be quite intense and defensive about your spiritual or religious
views. You are persistent on your path.

There will be some encounters in your life of unusual spiritual nature, that triggers your interest for spiritual
or religious practices. You are truthful and philosophical.

You may reach enlightenment in this lifetime.

You will use the power of subtle inner spiritual silence very cleverly and secretly to assist you in the rise of
your fortune. Losses and death are often perceived in a positive, spiritual context. Spiritual activities pay

There may be a tendency to be unreal or hypocritical, particularly in showing goodness and religious fervor.
Beware of false gurus and spiritual teachers.

You are drawn to religious places. You also meet people of other religions, whom you are open to learning
from. You will achieve stable success in your dharma by working very patiently right through any calamity.

You will turn your house into a comfortable place.

You will enjoy moving by water. You are ready to travel at a moment's notice. You have an inclination to
travel to distant countries. You may travel to shrines of spiritual or historical merit. There will be some travel
to holy places. You travel to distant lands and religious places for uplifting your soul and mind. You may
travel both for business and for spiritual fulfillment.

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You contribute a new sense of valuing things in your environment. You are meant to show others a new
direction. Especially early on in life, you will feel that nothing works out unless you do it yourself.

There may be conflict over your career path or your calling in life. Your life feels like a struggle sometimes.
Volunteering for a good cause or service to a proper guru or can help alleviate difficult conditions.

Your actions tend to be supported by good luck. You will be saved from problems that are too severe.
Fortune favors you and in spite of insincere efforts, luck has the upper hand.

Opportunities that looked good may prove to be futile.

You have good support of nature. You receive good fortune through help from women. You count more on
your own efforts than on support of nature. You may gain consolidation of your power as a result of
conflicts. You are fortunate to have a successful career. You will reach your goals by utilizing some of the
many opportunities that come across your way.

Be very careful with credit cards. Take care to not embrace any low activity as being your direction in life.

Try to cultivate activity and promptness, and avoid excessive solitude.

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