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Cross-curricular extension unit 1

History: The Soviet Union

1 Look at the map. Then match items 13 in the key to descriptions ac about the former Soviet Union.
a Former communist countries that had a military alliance with the Soviet Union after the Second World War
b Former communist country in no military alliance with the Soviet Union after the Second World War
c Countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union

2 Complete the texts with capitalist or

communist. Collectivization and industrialization were two
1 A _________________ government controls important parts of the communist system in the
everything in a country, including all industry. Soviet Union and were introduced to bring wealth to
Nothing is owned privately. The government the state.
believes that all members of the population
Collectivization meant joining small farms
should have an equal lifestyle.
together to make larger ones. Larger farms could
2 A _________________ government allows people
use more modern farming methods. More food
to own businesses and industries privately and to
was grown and it was collected more quickly. The
keep the money that they earn from them.
more modern methods needed fewer workers.
3 Read the text on the right about two important More people from rural areas were free to look for
factors of communism. Then complete the work in the cities.
sentences with four of the words in the box.
Industrialization meant building large factories in
agriculture collectivization cities. Larger factories could make more
industrialization jobs factories
products. They could make them more quickly,
1 _______________ made _______________ more too. Farm workers found work in these factories.
Because collectivization and industrialization
2 Large factories created more _______________
increased productivity, they made more money.
through _______________.


4 Read the text. Then choose the correct words. 5 Find words in the text that mean
1 The Soviet Union had one government / 1 a country with a very strong economy and military
fourteen governments. defence. s____________________
2 During collectivization, the Soviet Unions 2 a long period of time when there isnt enough
government treated its people badly / well. food in a region. f____________________
3 The Soviet Union broke up because its members 3 prisons where people have to do hard physical
wanted communism / independence. work. l________________ c________________
4 the treatment people receive because theyve
done something wrong. p____________________
The rise and fall of the
Soviet Union 6 Read the text again. Then write True or False for
sentences 16. Correct the false sentences.
The Soviet Union was created in 1922. Over
two decades, it brought Russia and fourteen 1 The Soviet Union existed for about 70 years.
republics under the control of one communist __________________________________________
government. At first the union was far behind
western Europe, with little industry and small, __________________________________________
old-fashioned farms. But communism created 2 Industrialization and collectivization created
wealth through industrialization and
money for the country.
collectivization and the Soviet Union became
recognized as a superpower. __________________________________________
On the surface, communism was a success, __________________________________________
but there was a darker side. The government 3 People were sent to labour camps because they
took so much food from the farms to feed the
growing cities and to export to other countries were unemployed.
that it caused a famine and many people died. __________________________________________
Anyone who disagreed with collectivization
was killed or sent to labour camps. Also, there
were no elections. In the 1930s, there were 4 The Soviets didnt spend much money on
terrible punishments for anyone who fought nuclear weapons.
against the government.
Despite the problems inside the Soviet Union,
after the Second World War, it entered into a __________________________________________
military alliance with several countries that 5 Elections were introduced, but the Soviet
Germany had invaded. The Soviet
republics wanted independence.
government had strong control over these
countries. At that time, life under the Soviets __________________________________________
seemed better than life under the Germans. __________________________________________
However, the USA disagreed with communism 6 When the Soviet Union ended, the Soviet
and became an enemy of the Soviet Union.
The two countries began the arms race: they republics lost their independence.
stocked nuclear weapons to use against each __________________________________________
other. This cost the Soviet economy too much
money and by the 1980s it was in serious
trouble financially.
7 Today, twelve of the former fifteen members of the
To improve relations with the USA, the Soviet Soviet Union have reunited as the CIS: the
Union slowed the arms race and allowed Commonwealth of Independent States. Estonia,
elections. But the fifteen members were Latvia and Lithuania did not join the CIS. Research
moving towards becoming independent states.
one of these countries and answer the questions.
The Soviet Union was falling apart and with
little support for communism inside or out, it 1 Why is it not a member of the CIS?
had no future. By December 31st, 1991, the
2 How has it changed politically since it became
fifteen members had their independence and
the Soviet Union ceased to exist. independent?
3 Is its economy doing well? In what way?


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