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meeting) 6.1 Worksheet Measures of Central Tendency and Box-and-Whisker Plots 6.3 Worksheet Practice Test oH Scatterplots/lines of best fit, Frequency tables NOTE: You should be prepared for daily quizzes. Every student is expected to do every assignment for the entire unit. Remember if you have no missing assignments there is a 2% bonus to your semester grade. HW reminders: > Ifyou cannot solve a problem, get help before the assignment is due. > Need help? Try or or 6.1 Warm-Up: 1.) Solve the system of inequalities 2) Solve the system of inequalities fieceee OLY yea), below! 4x — By < 16 o£ |b ye> soot y>-2x-4 07 -Hyss olson! 2x +5y <10 odo yee velo lor -H Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg 1 6.1: Measures of Central Tendency and Boxplots Essential Question: What is central tendency and how do you decide which measure is best for a given set of data? Measures of Central Tendency: + Avalue that represents a typical, or central, entry of a__ Qoson set + Most common measures of central tendency: e Mean, + Mode. Mean Xx ) + The_SQWOA __ofallthe data entries divided by the number of _@nkvi@Ss _. Median: The value that lies in the _(Y\t a dle of the data when the data set is ordered. + Measures the center of an ordered data set by dividing it into two £4 UO, parts, + Ifthe data set has an * odd number of entries: median is the middle data entry. even number of entries: median is the Mee. _ of the two middle data entries. Conerogg Mode: The data entry that occurs with the (NOS4_ frequency. ° \w? + Ino entry is repeated the data set has_ AO. mode ww? + IFtwo entries aie the same greatest frequency, each entry is a mode (_wimored . ‘We can also measure the spread ofthe data by finding the Ranges (Reminder: Range = highest number minus the lowest) Example 4: The prices (in dollars) for a sample of roundtrip flights from Chicago, Illinois to Cancun, Mexico are listed. Find the mean, median, and mode price of the flights. ee 286, 397, 397,00) 432, 182,872 Mave: _¥2 SO 61527. $6=%] 2[Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Comparing the Mean, Median, and Mode + All three measures describe a typical entry of a data set. + Advantage of using the mean: The mean isa reliable measure because it takes into account Every cox ofa data set. + Disadvantage of using the mean: * Greatly affected by__QuthiexS (a data entry that is far removed from the other entries in the data set). Do NOT use the mean as a “typical entry” if there exists one or more extreme outliers! If there are outliers you should use the _ Me, dion, EE Example 2: Find the mean, median, and mode of the sample ages of a college class shown. Which measure of central tendency best describes a typical entry of this data set? Are there any outliers? X= frol+ 2) 220 423 (a) +24(2) + 687 £20 Me 22.65 peers 20° 20 20 20 uyeas 23°23 24 «24 Reflect #1: Ifa set of data has an outlier which measure of central tendency should you use to describe the data? Why? >p eee Gear Wa elon Becouse te meoa(k) is aPfected vy oiled. Otherwise, The meonlX) is he loest Example 3: If the 65-year-old student dropped the class and a 25-year-old student replaced them how would that effect the mean and median? Which measure of central tendency would best describe the data now? Kz Lowe ale reeled 2a(u) e242) 2S] +20 K= 20.65 Now K is beer Medion is St 2h 3} igae Hrere 00e O———— ovlttes . [Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Example 4: A family has four children. The ages of three of the children are 13, 9, and 6, The mean ages of all four children is 8. Find the age of the fourth child. ArGt? op wy WEEK Ig Brgeet i ey q 29H gy x4 gros Id. Objective #1: Can you determine the mean, median, mode and range of a set of data? even friends with part-time jobs compare their checks from a two-week pay period, as well as the number of hours worked, Their results are recorded in the chart below. Check | $200) si30 | sso | $160 | si90 | siso | si4o Amount, = 20 10 10 20 18 15 14 a) Find the mean, median, and mode for check amount. , 130, 140{!5° 166, 140; 200 u—_] HK = (Bo+ lave yo rise Heomae 20")? F Seeaegeecoe X= 150 Medion medi = 150 modes Mone b) Ifthe person that worked 10 hours and made $80 had only worked | hour that week how would that change the mean and median of the check amount? Would that be an outlier? Tete aide Change Orece amevat 2 4|Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Box Plots and Outliers Example 5: Consider the list below of the ages (in years) of mothers who had a baby at a hospital over a one-week period. 28, 28, 29, 29, 29]29, 30, 30, 30, 3031, 31, 31, 32, 32433, 33, 34, 35, 39 Follow the steps belowfo find the needed components to create a box plot. Jo toto Ausioers so splitin elk 10 a Step 1: Find thefmedian. 30H 30.5 2 Step 2: Find]the median of the lower half of the data{called the lower quartile) Q1. Q1=24 Step 3: Find the median of the upper half of the data (called the upper quartile) Q3. - 3 Q3> Aare 3us Step 4: Identify the highest and lowest values (called the_extve me values.) ps aaa Step 5: Plot the above values above a number line. Draw a box around the QI and. Q3 values. Draw a vertical line at the median. Connect the ends of the box to the extreme values. Qe wb gayest ee — yr 1 AEE Ata ee ce ceo ena ee 4 : . 3) az. SOHO SE TB si What is the range? What is the Interquartile Range (IQR)? Bryyesr ewinws Senate 3 eetwss QI = Faced Fee 316-21=3,5 5] Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Examples 6~ 13: Use the box plots shown of the cae & years) of mothers giving birth to a baby in one week at two different hospitals, 46 opt oe os ‘+a cet ition tee ootrecaarettsaittitt se i taatesttt ag aRabrat 3b Hospital B 6) Which hospital has a higher median age for mothers? med 230 YR med B= 32 7) Find the range of ages for mothers at each hospital. 1S Sulhesk eae Biggest 6 So! acces 8) Find the Interquartile Range (IQR) for each hospital. Q,—Q) (ace » @® Be-2¥= > wet ox) @B 36-30 =| 9) What approximate percentage of mothers giving & ‘at Hospital A are between 28 and 36 years old? TOR 5 Penge > Pecalnge Fite Hyp ako BO% 10) What approximate percentage of mothers giving birth at Hospital B are between 30 and 32 years old? G224= 26, 11) From the list below, circle any of the values that can be found on a box plot. Cross out the values that cannot be found. aneans 12) For each hospital, what is the value of 1.5 times the IQR? O=lseveir @®=\5*6*4 13) An outlier is an unusual item in a collection of data. An outlier is more than 1.5([QR) units higher or lower than QI or Q3. Do any outliers exist for Hospital B? How do you know? a EN Gee oh} Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Objective #2: Can you construct a box-and-whisker plot? ‘The list beloW shows the ages ofthe winners of the Academy Award for Actress in a Support Role for the years 1982 through 200), Use the datato cops ox-and-whisker plot 20 tabe\ > HS 11,24, 28, Gf 33, Gs. 41, 44, sy 56, 64,77 7 Hs " QV ge 2% sett. 4 a po} yp 10 to 30 VOWS SoNap te, BO What is the range of the data? What is the IQR? Powe is FH-WG| = Cavs s ERT Approximately what percentage of winners were older than 32? 6.2 Warm- 1) Given the following set of data, are there any outliers? Explain your reasoning. 24 ,22(46) 23, 20, 25, 24,21 2) Which measure of central tendency best describes the data from #1? Medion Decomse fher’S on ootlier 3) If the 46 in the data set is changed to a 26 how does that effect the mean and median? Which measure of central tendency should be used now? HX become Qo oatties TIPage Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 6.2 Notes:_Accuracy vs. Consistency and Distributions (skewness) Essential Question: Can you determine the difference between Accuracy and Precision? Accuracy and Consistency They mean slightly different things! Accuracy Accuracy is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value. Consistency Consistency is how close the measured values are to each other. Smo\\ cone! Examples of Consistency and Accuracy: Low Accuracy ~ High Consistency ow Consistency High Consistency So, if you are playing soccer and you always hit the left goal post instead of scoring, then you are not accurate, but you are precise! How to Remember? + aCcurate is Correct (a bullseye). + pRecise (consistent) is Repeating (hitting the same spot, but maybe not the correct spot) (HINT: look for smaller range) Alg1 Example 1) Use the following boxplots to answer the questions. Pee eee Which machines are the most accurate? bdo He TE alge Reflect #2: How did you decide which machines are consistent? Accurate? 9|Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Objective #4: Can you determine accuracy vs. consistency given boxplots? ae If the target score was a 90 which sample was the most accurate? Which sample is the most consistent? 3 le lis Ss ple % |ooles qnosk consis ken mosh accomde s and Skewness What is a data distribution? A set of _flumericn\ data that you can graph. Shoge_ of the distribution, Histograms: A graph of a frequency distribution in which rectangles with bases on the horizontal axis are given equal widths and heights show the frequencies for each category. The graph will reveal the Unit 6 Notes and Objective: Shapes of Distributions Data Alg1 Uniform Distribution: shape is basically like a rectangle, Normal Distribution: shape is like a bell, with “tails” of around the same length on both sides. Skewed Left: shape has a “tail” on the left side that is longer than the “tail” on the right side. ‘Skewed Right: shape has a “tail” on the right side that is longer than the “tail” on the leftside, ones: Meo ie LELILEEBEY Reflection #3: What shapes of distributions would have means, medians and modes that are all about the same value? Uniform, Moca If the distribution is(skewed to the right)would the mean or median be larger? TD Meon olay Wecese ovthers Skew ik fe Pre right, If the distribution ix skewed to the lef()would the mean or median be larger? SS medion Bigg (meon, smaller) oecomme ovlliers Show K to. lePe. 11] Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Examples 1—4: What is the shape of each distribution? i) 3) 4 | 3 j rloctea’ z \ (a Objective #5: Can you determine the shape of the distribution of a data set? Sw Identify the shape of each distribution. AoC 7 caw : salllli. all Dall (CBee LE C Shes Pra) cal ltt: 12| Page Unit 6 Notes and Objective: Data Alg 1 Dot plots * Each data entry is plotted, using a point, above a horizontal axis (a C200 kon! line.) * Data: 21, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 36, 36, 45 Example 3) Constructing a Dot Plot Use a dot plot to organize the ages of students in a college class. ATU, BSA 2G QUIZ, IE, OT, UE, WY, BO, 25; 2H, 2B 2B AM, DEAN, 2D, IB, 20 1, 5; 26, 2A, 22, 16, WO, 21, D2, 1A, 2 * So that each data entry is included in the dot plot, the horizontal axis should include numbers between _1-? and * There is no t axis. * To represent a data entry, plot a point above the entry's position on the axis. * There is no need to the data prior to creating the plot. * fan entry is repeated, plot another point above the previous point. eo Solution: Constructing a ¥ Plot BE 6 e g 2 0ee e 25, 26 20 24 24 From the dot p pl ‘what two: ‘ages have the, ireatest frequency? What can you say about the shape of the distribution of the ages of students in this le 2 rest Lrequea . aS oe Objective #6: Can you create a dot plot? Use the following dot plot for the number of siblings for each student in Mr. Magrum’s AP Statistics class to answer the questions. What number of siblings occurs with the greatest frequency? 93 OSSD a) as What is the greatest number of siblings for a student in Mr. Magrum’s AP Stats class? Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 6.3 Warm-Up: Name the shape of cach distribution. | Shewed we catterplots/Lines of best fit sential Question: Can you graph scatterplots and estimate a line of best fit? To display the relationship between two qumushiautiae variables, use a_Scokter got __. © Put the degatemsastea-variable on the x-axis. dont wore, adeosk «Put thespepagee variable on the y-axis. Vocaiclery, 420 med * If the relationship cannot be determined, you may choose which variable goes where. X represents the number of hours studying for a quiz 4 and y represents the score out of 10 on the quiz. Describe the relationship between the two variables shown in the scatterplot. As x tends to__wereoSe. ytends to__\ — Interpret in context what the relationship is between the two variables. Hae crore \nos ts, ae study , Mee Woyer He score M4|Page Unit 6 Notes and Objective: Data Alg1 When data is displayed with a scatter plot, it is often useful to attempt to represent that data with the equation of a straight line for purposes of predicting values that may not be displayed on the plot. Such a straight line is called the Line of vest i+ It may also be called a "trend" line. Aline of best fit is a straight line that best represents the data on a scatter plot. This line may pass through some of the points, none of the points, or all of the points. Example 2: Use the scatterplot for the given data. |s there a relationship between the fat grams and the total calories in fast food? Hamburger Cheeseburger 13, [320 Quarter Pounder 21 420 pasta Pounder with 30 530 Big Mac [31 560 Arch Sandwich Special [31 550 Arch Special with Bacon —_|34 590 Crispy Chicken 25 500 Fish Fillet 28 560 Grilled C) 20 440 Grilled Chicken Light 5 1300 Estimate A line of best fit. What is the y-intercept of your line of best fit? Boos \SO is [Page Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Reflect #4: Describe the relationship (in context) between the two variables shown in the scatterplot. ‘i 7 Wren fade \necenses, Colories increase Objective #6: Can you use a scatterplot to interpret questions in context? &% Age of a Car (years),x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Value (thousands), y $24. $21 $19 S18 $15 $12. Dollar value in Thousands - pei 12345678910 ‘age of car in years 1) Using technology we found the equation of the line of best fit to be y equation predict the value of a car that is 3 and a half years old, 3.9) -2x + 25. Using the given 2) Interpret the slope of — in the context of the problem. (Hint: age of car and dollar value) Vilee Vs aging bower (deereosing ) os Hime apes VP 3) Interpret the y-intercept of 25 in the context of the problem. value of Me Cor Stork ok LOA 4) Deseribe the relationship (if any) between car age and car value. wiPece Vile beeen of BAL WOeMeHSCS Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Example 4) Two-way Frequency Tables A two-way frequency table is a table that shows frequencies for 2 different variables. Work with your partner (or group) to fill in the missing values from the two-way frequency table. Eighth grade students were asked whether they participate in an after-school activity. ere, mus Male |. wo AF 0 ge 18t Female | [ Total ‘What percent of the students were males?, What percent of the males said yes, they participate in after-school activities? only, foot @ wores 5/4 = [s74| ‘What percent of the students were males that said yes? sgt =[284] Example 5) The two-way frequency table shows all the grades for males and females in a math class. If the males were to have the same percent of A’s as the females, how many more males would need to get an A in the class. x Q LMNs oF Qemeles A_[B [C [D [F [Total Male [1 [5 [3 [3 [3 [15 de = 23% Female [4 [4 [1 [3 [0 [12 > Toul {5 [9 [4 [6 13 [27 °6 = ad/o Unit 6 Notes and Objectives: Data Alg1 Objective #7: Can you use two-way frequency tables and find = ing values? Below is a table of people in the park and the activities that they do. Complete the two-way frequency table below. Activity [Jo Fly Kites _| Picnic | Total Male — [9 4 | jo [2 Female | 11 1 1S [2% Tol | ge [5 25 [50 What percent of the people are females? 1g = What percent of the females were jogging? ‘ What percent of the people were females that were jogging? Iso = 20, 18[Page

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