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Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights

Forrest Browning

Tarleton State University


Dr. Zisk

April 30, 2017


For centuries human and animals have been coexisting and thriving off one another. This

mutual relationship has provided many benefits to both populations. Animals have relied on

humans in domestic situations for their basic necessities, and humans have relied on animals for

a large portion of their protein intake. In recent years, wildlife has also relied on humans, mainly

hunters, to regulate populations to prevent overgrazing and over population. Consistent

development within our society regarding production of produce and food sources has sparked a

debate on the welfare and right of animals. Some people argue that humans should not consume

animals because they should have the same rights as humans. In contrast, others claim that

animals do not deserve the same basic rights humans receive, and humane treatment is sufficient

to meet animal welfare. This side of the argument believes that humans should be able to

consume animals as long as humans treat them humanely through their life and when they are

killed. Over the years, the understanding of the distinction between animal rights and animal

welfare have been blurred by interest groups and misunderstandings by the general public

(Animal Rights and Animal Welfare - Know The Difference, 2016). This paper will discuss the

difference between animal welfare and animal rights and what is the best method or outlook on

animal consumption.

Animal welfare can be defined as the wellbeing and treatment that the animal deserves

(What is the difference between, n.d.). There are certain things that animals are entitled to

including food, water, shelter, treatment, and a humane harvest (Welfare vs. Rights, n.d.). This

means that the animal needs to be handled and cared for in ways that minimize certain incidents,

such as stress. Animal welfare activists believe that animals and humans can humanely interact

with one another for sport, entertainment, and recreational purposes (Welfare vs. Rights, n.d.).

According to the association People For Ethical Treatment of Animals, animal rights

means that like humans, animals also have rights that cannot be taken away for the benefits of

others (What is the difference between, n.d.). This means that humans have no right to impede

on the animals rights by inflicting any action on them causing pain, suffering, or violation of

their free will. Animal rights activists believe that eating meat products is immoral and wrong.

They also do not approve of any animal based or tested products. This includes makeup, clothes,

scents, perfumes, and foods. Animal products are completely entangled in the present everyday

lives of humans.

The difference between animal rights and animal welfare is the specific interests of the

animals and what humans do with these interests. Animal rights does not allow any type of

infringement of animal rights. These rights are the same as human rights. Animal welfare occurs

when humans justify the sacrifice of animal rights and interests due to benefits humans will

receive (What is the difference between, n.d.). This is how makeup and drug companies justify

their use of animals for experiments. Animal welfare still ensures a humane approach to animals

and does not in any way condone cruelty of animals (Animal Rights and Animal Welfare -

Know The Difference, 2016). It is important to not confuse animal welfare with the condoning

of violence or assault of animals as some animal rights groups try to portray. Both animal rights

and animal welfare ensure the civilized treatment of animals. Animal welfare just acknowledges

the different uses of animals where animal rights does not allow for any use of animals at all by

humans (Welfare vs. Rights, n.d.).

In my opinion, I believe that it is morally acceptable to use the animal welfare method.

People need animals in their life to be healthy because much of the proteins, vitamins, and amino

acids come from animal meats. It is also important to not inhumanely treat any species. Animals

need things such as food, water, and shelter, which animal welfare ensures. Animal welfare

provides these benefits for their lives and guarantees the humane treatment for the animals life

through the end of their life. I think that the animal welfare meets the standard of

humanitarianism that is expected of humans by ensuring the civilized treatment of animals.



Animal Rights and Animal Welfare - Know The Difference. (2016, December 06). Retrieved

April 28, 2017, from


Welfare vs. Rights. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2017, from

What is the difference between. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2017, from


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