Nuclear HL Q Sol

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1. (a) 2 th mass of an atom of carbon12/12C; 1

2 2
(b) (254.1001 931.5 =) 236.7(GeV c ); (only accept answer in GeV c ) 1

1 1
proton / hydrogen nucleus / H / 1 H/ 1 p ;
(c) (i) 1

(ii) m = (16.8383 [3.7428 + 13.0942] =) 0.0013(GeV c );
energy required for reaction = 1.3 (MeV);
KE of 8 O + X = (7.68 1.3 =) 6.4 (6.38) MeV; (allow
correct answer in any valid energy unit) 3

2. (a) unstable nuclei/nuclides change spontaneously/randomly/emit energy;

by the emission of alpha particles and/or electrons and/or
gamma rays; (accept , and particles/radiation) 2
To award [2 max] reference must be made to nuclei/nuclides
and to spontaneously randomly.

(b) Z: 18;
x: neutrino/ v/ 0 v ; 2

(c) mass of 19 protons = (19 938 =) 17822 MeV c ;
mass of 21 neutrons = (21 940 =) 19740 MeV c ;
mass difference = 17822 + 19740 37216 = 346 MeV c ;
binding energy per nucleon = 8.65MeV; 4
Allow answer in joule, 1.38 10 J.

(d) energy is released in the decay of K-40 / energy released is the

difference in binding energies / decay is spontaneous / A-40
is more stable than K-40; 1

3. (a) most of the atom is empty space;

most of the mass/(protonic) charge of the atom is concentrated
in the nucleus/ nucleus is dense;
nucleus is positively charged(*);
(most) alphas not close enough to nuclei to be deflected(*);
(very few) alphas (are) close enough to nuclei to be deflected(*); 5
(*)These points can be awarded to a labelled diagram.

IB Questionbank Physics 1
(b) (i) mention of Coulomb repulsion between protons;
mention of strong (nuclear) force (between nucleons);
overall balance must be correct (and more neutrons needed
for this) / different force range argument; 3
Award [0] for a statement that neutron is negative.

(ii) electron/beta (condone lack of sign);

anti neutrino / v ; 2

4. Photoelectric effect
(a) light consists of photons;
the energy of each photon = hf where h is the Planck constant;
a certain amount of energy, the work function f is required to remove
an electron from the metal surface;

if h then no electrons will be emitted; 4
Award [4] for these precise points as they are needed in view of the question.
Award [2 max] for a purely qualitative answer.

(b) (i) 1.1 10 Hz; 1
(ii) EK = hf - f = Ve;
slope of graph = e
slope = 4.2(0.4) 10 ;
-15 -19 -34
h = 4.2(0.4) 10 1.6 10 = 6.7 (0.4) 10 J s;
Note: the answer must show that the graph has been used - if not,
award [0] for a bald answer as this could have been taken from the
data book. 4
(iii) f = hf0;
15 -34 -19
= 1.1 10 6.7 10 = 7.4 10 J;
The value of h from (b)(ii) must be used.
from the intercept on EK axis;
= 4.5(0.2) eV; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 2
5. (a) (i) the (minimum) energy required to completely separate the
nucleons of a nucleus / the energy released when a nucleus
is assembled; 1

(ii) mass defect is 94 1.007276+ 145 1.008665 238.990396 = 1.95u;

binding energy is 1.95 931.5 = 1816 MeV;
binding energy per nucleon is 239 MeV;
= 7.6 MeV 3

(b) (i) x = 3; 1

(ii) binding energy of plutonium is 7.6 239 = 1816 1800MeV

(known in (ii))
binding energy of products is 8.6 91 + 8.2 146 = 1980 2000 MeV;
energy released is (2000 1800) = 200MeV; 2

(c) the electric force is repulsive/tends to split the nucleus;

the electric force acts on protons, the strong nuclear force acts on nucleons;
the nuclear force is attractive/binds the nucleons;
but the electric force is long range whereas the nuclear force is short range;
so adding more neutrons (compared to protons) contributes to
binding and does not add to tendency to split the nucleus / a
proton repels every other proton (in the nucleus) so extra neutrons
are needed for binding; 4 max

6. (a) a function whose (absolute squared) value may be used to

calculate the probability of finding a particle near a given
position / quantity related to the probability of finding an
electron near a given position/at a given position; 1

(b) middle of the box / (near) 0.5 10 m; 1

(c) the de Broglie wavelength is 2.0 10 m;
h 6.63 10 34

p= 2.2 10 10 = 3.3 1024 Ns; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 3
(d) difference in energy is
2.18 10 18 2.18 10 18

2 2
E = 1.635 1018 J;
= E ;
6.63 10 34 3.0 10 8

1.635 10 18
= = 1.22 107 m; 3

(e) (i) attempt at using the energy time uncertainty relation;

h 6.63 10 34

4t 4 1.0 10 10
E = 5.3 1025 J; 2

(ii) the wavelength of the photons is determined by the difference

in energy between the two levels;
and that energy difference is not well defined/definite/not
always the same (because of the uncertainty principle); 2

(f) energy levels all with strictly positive energy;

difference between levels increasing with increasing n; 2

Judge separation of levels by eye there will not be numbers

on the candidates graphs.

IB Questionbank Physics 4
7. (a) Look for these main points.
light consists of photons whose energy depends on the frequency/hf;
hence the energy available to the (photo)electrons will depend on f;
the potentials VA and VB correspond to/are a measure of the maximum
kinetic of the emitted electrons;
the work function (of metal)/energy to emit electron is same for
both light sources;
as electrons in A have more kinetic energy available, this frequency
must be higher;
(so A) 4 max

(b) (i) 1.6 eV; (answer must be expressed in eV)

work function = (3.6 1.6 =) 2.0 eV; 1
Allow answer in J if (b)(i) expressed in joule (ECF),
otherwise award [1 max].

6.6 10 34 8.8 1014

1.6 1019
(ii) energy of photons = 3.6 (eV);
work function = (3.6 1.6 =) 2.0 eV; 2
Allow answer in J if (b)(i) expressed in joule (ECF), otherwise
award [1 max].

(c) photon energy increases (because frequency increases);

so for same intensity fewer photons per second;
so current reduced / fewer electrons emitted per second; 3

(d) all particles/electrons exhibit wave properties/have an associated

wavelength (called the de Broglie wavelength);
the wavelength is equal to the Planck constant divided by the
h momentum of the particle/electron/ = p with terms
defined; (terms must be defined for mark) 2

8. (a) (i) proton number: 89;

nucleon number: 222; 2

(b) (i) momentum conserved;

so different speeds as different masses;
opposite directions because momentum zero initially; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 5
1 1
2 2
(ii) k.e. k.e.Rn = 2 mv 2 mRnvRn / sensible ratio formed;
2 2
= (mv) mRn (mRnvRn) m / cancellation of momentum terms;
= mRn m = 4 (= 55.5); 3
Award [3] for correct answer obtained by alternative correct
Watch for ecf from (a) e.g. 226 leads to 56.5 for answer here.

(c) (i) removal (addition) of electron from atom/molecule; 1

4.9 10 6 1.6 10 19
(ii) 1.7 10 5 ;
4.6 10 J; 2

(d) beta have smaller mass / smaller / have greater speed than alpha;
beta have smaller charge than alpha;
therefore less likely to interact with air molecules; 3

6.6 10 34 3 10 8
7 19
9. (a) (i) eV = 4.9 10 1.6 10
energy = 2.5 eV; 2

(ii) 490nm excites energy level transitions;

from n = 2 to n = 4;
energy removed from beam;
re-emitted in other directions/at other wavelengths as
electrons returned to energy state; 4

(b) Schrdinger suggests that electron has wave properties;

this (probability) wave has to conform to boundary conditions;
only certain wavelengths that lead to a standing wave are
allowed (by these boundary conditions);
energy is determined by wavelength of electron / standing wave
determines electron energy; 4

IB Questionbank Physics 6
10. (a) the different alpha particle energies represent decay of a nucleus
to different energy states of a daughter nucleus;
since the energies of the alpha are discreet it means that the
energy levels of the daughter nucleus must be discrete / OWTTE; 2

(b) the spectrum is continuous;

with a maximum value of energy;
the resulting energy difference between energy of any
and maximum energy is accounted for by the energy of the
neutrino / reference to energy difference between parent energy
level and excited energy level of daughter; 3

(c) (i) 0.246 = 1.12e ;
4.00 = ln 0.2196(*);
= 4.00 (*);
(*) (evidence of algebraic manipulation)
= 0.379 hr 3
Note: there are [2] marks for clearly showing their working

(ii) 1.83 hr; 1

(d) = 2mE ;
6.6 10 34
31 15
= 2 9.1 10 8.4 10 ;
= 5.3 10 m
Accept solution based on finding momentum from the speed. 2

11. (a) (i) 3; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 7
(ii) m = 234.99333 91.90645 140.88354 [2 1.00867];
= 0.186(u);
energy released = 0.186 931 = 173(MeV) ;
6 19
173 10 1.6 10 ;
(= 2.768) 2.8 10 (J) 4
m = 234.99333 91.90645 140.88354 [2 1.00867];
= 0.186(u);
27 28
mass converted = 0.186 1.66 10 (= 3.09 10 );
2 28 16
(use of E = mc ) energy = 3.09 10 9 10 ;
(= 2.77) 2.8 10 (J)
Award [2 max] if mass difference is incorrect.
Award [3 max] if the candidate uses a value for x
inconsistent with (a)(i).

(iii) greater/higher energy; 1

(b) reduces neutron speed to (thermal) lower speeds;

so that chance of initiating fission is higher; 2

(c) (i) 40 % efficient so 40 (MW) required;

40 10 6
2.8 10 11 = 1.43 1018 per second;
number of fissions per day = 1.23 10 ;
1.23 10 23 235

6 10 23
= 48 g per day; 4

(ii) U-238 is present;

U-238 captures neutron (to produce plutonium); 2

(iii) plutonium is also fissionable/can be used as fuel for (fast

breeder) reactor; 1

(d) (i) Q: is the energy transferred between the system and surroundings;
W: work done on/by system; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 8
(ii) Q transferred from reactor to gas;
no change in volume therefore W = 0;
internal energy of gas increases;
Q transferred from gas to surroundings therefore internal energy of gas
decreases; 4
(iii) entropy of the gas initially increases as energy transferred from
the reactor;
entropy of the surroundings increases as energy transferred
(from the gas);
entropy of gas decreases on cooling;
overall the entropy of the total system increases; 4

12. (a) 86 Rn ;
2; 2

(b) (i) 5.0 10 s;
Accept 4.9 10 s if 0.69 used. 1

6.02 10 23

(ii) N=
= 2.66 10 ;
2.66 10 21 ln 2

5 .0 10 10
A= or use of A = N
= 3.7 10 Bq;
10 13
power = 3.7 10 7.6 10 ;
= 28 10 W; 4

(c) (i)

angle shown correctly; 1

Horizontal line must be present, angle can be marked to straight
portion of deviated path.

IB Questionbank Physics 9
(ii) same number of protons / additional number of neutrons / nuclei
are isotopes;
no charge change so deviation unchanged; 2
Award [0] for bald answer or answer with incorrect explanation.

6 19
(d) 4.0 10 1.6 10 ;
79e 2e
4 0 r ;
5.7 10 m; 3
Award [3] for bald correct answer.

IB Questionbank Physics 10

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