Waves HL Q Sol

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(a) (i) the amplitude is constant; 1

(ii) period is 0.20s;

2 2
x 0 31.4 2 2.0 10 2

amax = = 19.7 20 m s2;
Award [2] for correct bald answer and ignore any negative
signs in answer.

(iii) displacement at t = 0.12 cm is ()1.62 cm;

x 0 x 2 31.4 ( 2.0 10 2 ) 2 (1.62 10 2 ) 2
T 1
= 0.37 m s ;
Accept displacement in range 1.60 to 1.70 cm for an answer
1 1
in range 0.33 m s to 0.38 m s .
v0 = T x0 = 0.628 m s ;
v v 0 sin t v 0.628 sin[31.4 0.12] 0.37
T = 0.37 m s1;
drawing a tangent at 0.12 s;
measurement of slope of tangent; 2
1 1
Accept answer in range 0.33 m s to 0.38 m s .

(iv) to the right; 1

(b) (i) use of f = ; T
and so 0.20 = 5.0 Hz; 2

(ii) wavelength is 16 cm;

and so speed is v(= f = 5.0 0.16) = 0.80 m s ; 2

(c) (i) points at 0, 8 and 16 cm stay in the same place;

points at 4 and 20 cm move 2 cm to the right;
point at 12 cm moves 2 cm to the left; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 1
(ii) the point at 8 cm; 1

2. (a) the maximum displacement of the system from equilibrium/

from centre of motion / OWTTE; 1

(b) (i) the amplitude of the oscillations/(total) energy decreases

(with time);
because a force always opposes direction of motion/there
is a resistive force/there is a friction force; 2
Do not allow bald friction.

(ii) the displacement and acceleration/force acting on (the surface)

are in opposite directions; 2

(iii) = l ;
T= 2 9.81 ;
= 0.80 s; 3

(c) (i) upwards; 1

(ii) y0 = 0.050(m) and y = 0.030(m);


= 0.80 7.85 (rad s );

[0.05] 2 [0.03] 2
v = 7.85 ;
1 1
= 0.31 m s ; (allow working in cm to give 31cm s ) 4

(iii) = 4.0 m;
recognition that f = 0.80 (= 1.25);
(f =)v = 1.25 4.0;
(= 5.0 m s ) 3

(iv) y = 3.0 cm, d = 0.6m ; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 2
(d) (i) wave reflects at ends (of string);
interference/superposition occurs (between waves);
regions of maximum displacement/zero displacement
form (that do not move)(*);
one region of max displacement/antinode forms at
centre with zero displacement/node at each end(*);
(* allow these marking points from a clear diagram ) 3 max

(ii) the waves (in a string) are transverse and vibrate only
in one plane;
light waves are transverse electromagnetic waves;
(and) for polarized light the electric field vector vibrates
only in one plane; 3

(e) Brewster angle = tan [1.3] = 52;
= (90 52 =) 38; 2

3. (a) (i) upwards; 1

(ii) the acceleration is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium;

and is directed towards equilibrium / opposite to displacement; 2

(iii) = l ;
4 2
2 2
= T :
14 1.4 2
l= 40 ;
= 0.70m 3

(b) sine curve / negative sine curve; 1

2 1
(c) (i) = 0.70 = 20 rad ;
max acceleration = (20 0.12 =) 2.4 m s ; 2

(ii) any point where v = 0; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 3
(d) (i) period = 1.4 s;

c= T 1.4 = 0.32 m s1; 2

2 .8
(ii) 3 .7 ;
0.76; 2

(iii) 0.57 or 0.58; 1


4. (a) displacement is proportional to acceleration / vice versa;

because graph is straight-line through origin;
displacement and acceleration in opposite directions / acceleration
always directed towards origin;
because negative gradient; 4

(b) use of = () x ;
= 0.60 10 ;

= 2f;
1 2900
f = 2 0.60 10 ;

(to give f = 350Hz) 4

(c) (i) transfer of energy by means of vibrations/oscillations;

vibrations all in one direction parallel to direction of energy transfer; 2

(ii) 350 or use of c = f ;
0.94 m; 2
Award [2] for bald correct answer.

5. (a) 1. acceleration proportional to displacement from equilibrium/

centre (of motion) /mean position;
2. acceleration directed to equilibrium/centre/mean position; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 4
(b) (i) 2; 1

(ii) sine/cosine curve shape reasonable; 1

Do not allow semi-circle for half sine curve.

(iii) period labelled;

amplitude labelled; 2

(c) (i) v = a2f seen/used;

3.3 m s ; 2

(ii) acceleration = a4 f seen/used;
3 2
9.2 10 m s ; 2

(d) cosine with the same period;

negative cosine;
Accept any amplitude.

Amplitudes need not be the same.

(e) (i) (a situation in which) a (resistive) force opposes the motion /

the amplitude decays with time; 1

(ii) energy lost to surroundings / air resistance / frictional force is

\acting on the fork; 1

6. (a) the force acting/accelerating (on the body) is directed towards

equilibrium (position);
and is proportional to its/the bodies displacement from equilibrium; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 5
(b) (i) 1.5 10 m; 1
(ii) T = 1.1 10 s;

f 12
= 9.1 10 Hz 2
14 -1
(iii) = (2pf) = 5.7 10 (rad s );

Emax =
m 2 x 0
1.7 10 27 1.5 10 20 5.7 10 28 ;
2 2

= 6.2 10 J 2

22 26 -27
(c) (i) k = (4p f mp) = 40 83 10 1.7 10 ;
560 N m 1

(ii) use of F = kx and F = ma;

560 1.5 10 10
a 27
5.0 1019 m s 2 ;
to give 1.7 10 2

(d) (i) infra red radiation radiated from Earth will be absorbed by
greenhouse gases;
and so increase the temperature of the atmosphere/Earth; 2
(ii) the natural frequency of oscillation (of a methane molecule)
is equal to 9.1 10 Hz;
because of resonance the molecule will readily absorb radiation
of this frequency; 2

v 6
150 10
7. (a) (i) f = c
= 3950Hz;
= 149.99605 MHz; 2

(ii) as approaches frequency greater than 150 MHz/higher than

transmission frequency;
when opposite shuttle frequency 150 MHz/same as
transmission frequency;
as recedes frequency lower than 150 MHz/lower than
transmission frequency; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 6
(iii) equation only applies for v << c / relativistic effects occur (at 0.9c); 1

(b) (i) the Rayleigh Criterion is used to establish when the image
of two objects are just resolved / Rayleigh criterion describes
resolution condition;
the minimum of one diffraction pattern falls on the maximum
of the other; 2

use of
(ii) d
5 10 7
resolution = 1.22 8.5 10 = 7.2 10 rad;

24 10 3

= 80 106 (rad);
separation > resolution limit so can be resolved; 3
Allow ecf for third marking point.

8. (a) standing wave formed;

by superposition/interference of (forward) wave and reflected wave;
maximum where interference is constructive / minimum where
interference is destructive;
maxima where waves in phase;
minima where waves are completely/180//half wavelength out of phase; 4 max

(b) (i) 130 mm = 9 half wavelengths;

29 mm; 2

(ii) f= ;
= 10 GHz; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 7
(c) place a metal grid/analyser between source and detector;
electric field vector (of the microwaves) vibrates in only one
rotate the metal grid/detector;
until minimum signal is detected; 3 max
electric field vector vibrates in only one direction/plane;
rotate transmitter through an angle;
need to rotate receiver through same angle to restore signal in transmitter;

9. (a) Look for an argument that considers destructive interference between

light from elements of the slit e.g.
consider light from the top edge of the slit and light from X then for

a destructive interference at M the path difference between them is 2 ;
this will be true for all elements of the slit that are paired with
elements below X / OWTTE;
some conclusion e.g. for this to be true then l must equal ; 3


same value maximum as maximum of S2 coincides with minimum of S1;

minimum of S2 coincides with maximum of S1;
Deduct [1] if curve does not touch axis. 2

(c) since the wavelength of radio waves is relatively large to get good
resolution the aperture must be large / OWTTE;
this is achieved by having large dish-like receivers/by separating
the receivers by large distances; 2

IB Questionbank Physics 8
2 1012

3 10 16
(d) angular separation of sources = = 6.7 105 (rad);
1.22 1.22
angle at which sources are resolved = b 300 = 8.5 104 (rad);
some statement about angles to show that they cannot be resolved; 3

10. (a) (i) spreading out of light;

beyond that predicted by the geometric pattern / by the obstacle
shape / OWTTE; 2

(ii) diagram:

central symmetrical maximum;

at least one secondary maximum on each side with smaller
height no more than one third height of central maximum;
minima drawn to zero; (i.e. sitting on x-axis) 3

620 10
(iii) = b 0.4 10 ;
2.0 1.9 620 10 9
w = (2D =) 0.4 10 3 ;
w = 5.9mm; 3
Award [3] for bald correct answer.

(b) (i) the images can be seen separately; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 9
(ii) diffraction occurs (at the aperture/iris of the eye);
each lamp gives rise to a diffraction pattern (at the
back of the eye/on the retina);
(for distant lamps) the two diffraction patterns overlap;
so that patterns cannot be distinguished / OWTTE; 4

11. (a) light for which the electric field is oscillating in (only) one plane; 1

(b) (i) at a particular angle of incidence the reflected light is

horizontally polarized;
and will be blocked by an analyser/polarizer with a
vertical transmission axis;
at a particular angle of incidence when the reflected and
refracted rays are at right angles the reflected light/rays
will be horizontally polarized;
and will be blocked by an analyser/polarizer with a vertical
transmission axis; 2

(ii) realization that n = tan 50;

to give n = 1.19; 2

(c) (i) mention of superposition/interference;

interference is destructive and so there will be no light at P; 2
Award [0] for correct answer with no or wrong argument.

(ii) there will be light at P;

the two sources cannot interfere because their planes of
polarization are at right angles; 2
Award [0] for correct answer with no or wrong argument.
Award [0] if answer mentions no light at P irrespective of
anything else said.

12. (a) no transfer of energy;

variable amplitude;
reference to phase e.g. points along the wave can have a constant
phase difference;
have stationary nodal points/points of zero displacement; 2 max

(b) (i) at the open end; 1

IB Questionbank Physics 10
(ii) = 4l;

= 16 20.6;
l = 5.2 m 3

(c) wavelength of open pipe for fundamental is 2l / length of open pipe

for fundamental is about 10 m;
therefore closed pipe takes up much less space/height / length
is now realistic / less material / OWTTE;(accept this marking
point in terms of open pipe) 2

13. (a) in unpolarized light the electric field vector may vibrate in any
plane (normal to the direction of propagation);
in polarized light the vector/electric field vibrates in one plane only;
To award [2 max] reference must be made to electric field vector
at least once. Award [2 max] for any relevant correctly labelled diagram. 2

(b) cos graph; (judge shape by eye)
max I0 at 0 and 180 and zero at 90; 2

= 6.7 10 (rad);
angle at which sources are resolved = b 300 14. (a)
polarized light is light in which the (electric) field vector vibrates in one
plane only / OWTTE;
the liquid crystal changes the plane in which (electric) field vector rotates; 2

(b) (i) nothing / whole area black;

since the optical axes of P1 and P2 are at right angles / OWTTE; 2
(ii) since the liquid crystal rotates the plane of polarization light is
now transmitted by P2 / OWTTE;
the electric field across the parts of the liquid crystal in the shape of
the electrode on G no longer rotates the plane of polarization;
the field of view of the observer will now contain a black area
corresponding to the shape of the electrode on G / OWTTE; 3

IB Questionbank Physics 11

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