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correct line of best fit; 1

The line should go through a majority of the points.

(b) from the graph breaking load = 8.5(0.1) 10 N;

8.5 10 2
1.310 9 Pa
breaking stress = 3.14 4.5 10
12 2
or Nm ;
some statement of conclusion; 3

(c) (i) work = area under graph;

-2 -2 -2 -2
between (2.4 10 , 1.6 10 ) and (5.6 10 , 8.5 10 );

1.6 3.2 10 4 12 3.2 6.9 10 4 ;

= 1.6 10 J
If incorrect line of best fit in (a), allow first marking point only.
work = average force distance / displacement / extension;
average force = 5.1 10 N;
extension = 3.2 10 m;
to give1.6 10 J 3

(ii) KE of insect = work needed to break web = 1.6 10 J;

v ;

3.2 10 3
4.6 ms 1 ;
1.5 10
No ecf from (c)(i) ie the value 1.6 10 J must be used.


(a) (i) line in correct position from t = 0 to t =14 min; 1

Allow 2 square.
(ii) reasonable tangent drawn at correct position ie at 76C but allow
70C 85C;
If tangent position is not acceptable, award [1 max] in this section
for length of tangent.
line length used for tangent at least 8 cm;
value 0.09 0.13;
accuracy - value within 0.10 0.12; 4
Award [1] for value between 10% and 20% of 0.11 and [2] for
value 0.11 10%.
Unit of answer is not required. If the candidate fails to convert to
s , then award one of the last two marks for answer in range
6.0 7.2C min .


(i) point plotted correctly; (allow ecf from (b)) 1

(ii) error bar at qE = 20C: 4( 2)mm long;
error bar at qE = 81C : 20( 4)mm long; 2
Ignore any horizontal error bars.

(c) allowing for uncertainties in readings;

points lie on straight-line;
and line passes through origin; 3
Award [1] for last point off line, so not obeyed.

3. (a) equation corresponds to a straight line (and this is a curve); 1

(b) (i) unit is s / seconds; 1

(ii) 2.35; (3 significant digit essential) 1
Responses may be given in table. Do not penalize wrong units.

(c) (i) 31.5, 3.10; (plotted to within 1mm)
22.5, 2.35; (plotted to within 1mm ) (allow e.c.f. from (b)(ii)) 2
(ii) reasonable best-fit straight-line; 1

at 35ms , allow v in range 3.30 3.45 (s);
(d) (i)
so D within range 116 121 m; 2
Penalize once if v is not in the range 3.30 3.45 (s) and then use
ecf for the second marking point.
(ii) intercept within range 0.55 0.70 (s); 1
use of " triangle" with hypotenuse at least Only allow use ofdata points if
half length of graph line; the points lie on the graph line.
gradient in range 0.074 0.084; 2
Allow candidates values in (d)(ii) and (d)(iii).

(e) D = 0.62v + 0.079v ; 1
Accept correct equation or correct statement about the values of a and b.

(f) (i) correct substitution and calculation into formula in (e); 1

(ii) Appropriate comment:
eg close values indicate that equation is correct / two values are
within possible uncertainties of measurement; 1

4. (a) 0.5 C; 1
Do not accept 1 C.

(b) (i) at 20 C:1800 W; 1

at 5C: within range 3080 W 3220 W;
within 3120 W 3180 W; 2

(ii) use of tangent at correct position clear;

1 1 1 1
answer 64 W K or 64 WC ; (allow 2 W K or 2W C )
negative sign; 3

(c) gradient of graph decreases as temperature rises / increases as
temperature drops;
accept gradient not constant.
so relationship cannot be linear; 2
straight-line joining extreme points;
does not pass through error boxes of all points;

(d) product RT calculated correctly for two points;

product calculated correctly for third point;
conclusion: not same value so suggestion not correct; 3
Award [2 max] if C used instead of K.

5. (a) (i) reasonable curve drawn up to 15 ms that does not go through zero;1
Expect smooth single-line within one square of each correctly plotted
(ii) shape of curve wrong / curve does not go through zero; 1
(iii) 5% = 30;
correct drawing of error bar; 2

(b) (i) when vin = 14ms , Pout = 570 (20) kW;
Pin = 1250 (50) kW;
Allow 2 a square.
0.46 or 46% ;
efficiency = 1250 3
(ii) the efficiency decreases;
for a given increase in velocity the increase in Pout gets smaller;
whereas the increase in theoretical Pin gets larger;
as the Pout graph starts to flatten / OWTTE;
the Pin graph steepens; 3

(c) advantage:
wind is renewable so no resources used up / wind is free / no chemical
pollution / carbon dioxide emission / does not add to the enhanced
greenhouse effect;
expensive initial / capital costs / large land area needed / visual / noise pollution
/ winds unpredictable / not constant / affect on birds; 2
Award any other suitable advantage or disadvantage.

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