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Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
Semester: II Date: 21/04/17
Answer all questions
Part A (5 2 =10)

1. List the components of GIS

2. Bring out the various types of information systems.
3. Categories the classification of UML diagrams used in system design
4. List the symbols used to represent entity and relationships in DFD
5. Give any two DDL commands in SQL
6. Elucidate the advantages of data warehouse.
7. What is cyber vulnerability?
8. Write any two ethics in IT
9. Illustrate the various CMM levels
10. What is meant by cloud computing?

Part B (2 13 =26)

11. a) Analyze the purpose of DSS. With your imagination and neat sketch, map the
components of the same with traditional information systems with valid example.
b) Elaborate on Evolution of Information Systems.

12. a) Consider online reservation system for library. With any two UML Diagrams, Model
your information system.

b) Discuss the concepts of OOAD and UML in detail with suitable example.

13. a) Explain DBMS, RDBMS. Bring out the differences between the two. Explain the
advantages and features of both. Which one will be your preference to design an information
system? Justify.


b) Explain the concept of data warehousing. Discuss need of data warehousing in modern
14. a) Bring out the impacts of emerging trends and technologies in todays internet era.
Considering your organizations day to day activities, identify the various security threats to
your firm. Idealize your thoughts to overcome the same.


b) Define security in IS and describe controls that promote security for computer hardware,
Networks, software and computerized data.

15. a) What is an ERP? Explain its benefits and challenges and also trends in ERP.


b) Comment your view on globalization. Explain the impacts of introducing the same in
e- governance in any country along with its counter measures.

Part C (1 14 =14)

Case Study

16. Assuming that you are the team lead for development of an information system viz.
purchase management information system for manager & Co. pvt.Ltd. Visualize the scenario
and answer the following:

(i) List down the functionality you would plan to provide

(ii) Model the information system with an ER diagram

(iii) Explicate the profitability for your organization upon successful delivery of the system.


b) For the aforementioned scenario, answer the following questions.

(i) Draw Use case diagram

(ii) Design a database and table needed

(iii) List down the security mechanism you would provide to secure the transactions in your
information system.

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