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Student Government Association

Board of Trustees Report- May 18, 2015

My name is Jill Haram and I am the newly elected Student Government Association (SGA)
President. I will be a fourth year Nutrition and Dietetics major from Bloomington, Minnesota. I
have been a member of the Cross Country and Track team, Resident Assistant, Viterbo Voyager
(tour guide), ROTC Cadet, and Campus Ministry participant. I am very excited and thankful for
the opportunity to get to know and work with you over my term next year!

Elections for the 2015-2016 Student Government Association took place at the beginning of
April. The whole Board was filled, but we are still in need of a few At-Large Representatives. For
next year, I hope to have a full 25 member SGA with every position filled after the freshmen
elections in the fall. So far, we have put together a very diverse group of majors and
extracurricular interests which I believe will wonderfully represent the student body. I am very
eager to work with this group and achieve our intentions indicated in the SGAs mission

SGA has a renovation project annually. The 2014-2015 year was the Hawks Nest. For this up
coming year we were granted $5,000 for the addition of furniture in the Varsity Athletic Center. In
the fall meetings, we plan on discussing the second phase of renovating the Marian Courtyard.

The SGA budget was finalized on March Allocation letters have been sent out to the clubs
on campus.

Other Topics
SGA plans on discussing the water fountains in Murphy along with the visibility of SGA. The
water fountains in Murphy are old and running out of quality, and many students have voiced
interest in new ones. The SGA office in the Union could be used and turned into an area of
outreach for students to voice concerns, ask questions, or get more involved

Best of wishes,

Jill Haram
Student Government Association, President

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