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I Killed Potato Enzymes

Gabriella Locke
My lab partner Rachael Pavlich and I reconstructed our first lab, Part A by boiling our
potato enzymes which reconstructed their form and made it so that the paper wouldnt float. When
we put it in the hydrogen peroxide all results were the same due to the reconstruction of enzymes.

An enzyme is a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring
about a specific biochemical reaction. In regards to the lab, our enzyme, the potato juice was the
liquid base that was mixed with different percentages of water. To quicken up the process of the
paper rising in the mixtures we heated the potato juice mixes in the microwave. My partner and I
both hypothesized that the heat would speed up the dissolving process of the enzyme mixture
because heat tends to speed up reactions and cause the paper to rise faster.

Materials and Methods:

1 Potato
1 Knife
100 ml. graduated cylinder
(1) 400 ml.. flask or beaker with 200 ml. Distilled water
(1) 100 ml. graduated cylinder
400 ml. beaker or larger to collect blended potato
Large funnel
Square piece of cheese cloth
8 each 100 ml. Beakers plastic cups
200 ml. Of 1% H2O2 in flask
Paper towels
Stirring rod
20 disks punched from filter paper
Stop watch or clock for timing

We followed the same procedure as instructed in Lab A, the only difference we made was
heating up the enzyme mixtures for thirty seconds in the microwave.

Our hypothesis of heating up the mixture would cause the paper to rise faster was wrong.
The outcome of heating up the potato enzyme was the we killed it. When heating up enzymes it
caused its form to change which also lead to the paper not rising. Not only was that a difference but
so was the color. Originally our mixes had an orange tint but as they were warmed the color
changed to a dark cloudy brown.
The results of the lab were astonishing to me because I was expecting a completely different
result. In the beginning of the lab I thought that the more diluted enzymes as well as the factor of it
being warm would quicken the process of the paper rising. However, due to the warmth of the
mixtures it changed the shape of the enzymes and the paper would never float. If I did the
experiment again I would either change how long I put the mixture in the microwave or Id cool the


Mr. Comeno

A.P. Lab 3 - Catalytic Activity of Enzymes prepared by N. Ridenour, Ithaca, New York, 1995

Principles of Life by Hillis, Sadava, Heller, Price,

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