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PROGRAM: Music and Memory

TERMINAL PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: 1. To increase communication skills and social

interaction through one-on-one therapy sessions.


1. To respond to questions asked by 1. Upon request, the client will respond

to question, elaborating on feelings
the therapist regarding music and
and memories from their past during
memories that comes to mind when
the first session.
listening to music.

2. To respond to questions asked by

2. The client will elaborate on their
the therapist, and elaborate further feelings and memories without
prompting during the third session.
about music and memories that

comes to mind when listening to

Content and Process Description
TPO No: 1 EQUIPMENT: Ipod with headphones
EO No: 1
To respond to questions asked by the therapist regarding music and memories that
comes to mind when listening to music.


The purpose of listening to personalized 1. Participants will be provided with an

iPod with headphones, previously
music is to connect clients with memories,
loaded with personalized music
allowing them to feel excitement, joy and
from the past that the client enjoys.
happiness. 2. The client will listen to songs from
the iPod.
By listening to music that the clients used
3. While listening to a song, or after
to listening to in the past, helps them to
finished listening to a song, the
connect to memories they created during therapist will ask the client
the timeframe they used to listen to that
- Do you like the music?
- Do you like music?
- What was your favorite music
when you were young?
Personalized music: Personalized
4. Following the questions, the
music: Music that the client used to therapist speaks with the client
about his or her responses and
listen to and enjoy in the past, as
well as music that the client

currently enjoys.
Sequence Sheet Music and Memory


1 1 Introduction to 1 5
the process of
Music and
Listening to 15
music on the iPod,
while talking
about the music
and memories.
Talking about the 10
memories that the
music brought up.

1 2 Introduction to the 3 5
process of Music
and Memory.
Listening to
personalized 15
music on the iPod,
while talking
about the music
and memories.
Talking about, and
elaborate on the 10
memories that the
music brought up,

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