Revised UCC Article 9 Impact On Wet Funding Mortgage Loan Transactions

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Revised UCC Article 9: Impact on “Wet

Funding” Mortgage Loan Transactions

Stuart Goldstein and Lech Kalembka

Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code applies to security interests in

mortgage notes and includes provisions that significantly affect the perfection of
security interests in wet funding transactions.

A s most readers are probably

aware, the Uniform Com-
mercial Code (“UCC”) is a com-
to the creation or transfer of inter-
ests in real estate,3 Article 9 is not
rendered inapplicable to a security
(2)enters into a “reverse repur-
chase” transaction (a “Repo”) un-
der which the Lender “purchases”
prehensive body of state commer- interest in a secured obligation mortgage loans (including the re-
cial law, Article 9 of which governs merely because such obligation is lated Mortgage Notes) from an
the creation, perfection and en- itself secured by property excluded Originator with a concomitant
forcement of security interests in from Article 9.4 Accordingly, Ar- obligation to “sell” such assets to
most forms of personal property. A ticle 9 applies to security interests the Originator in the future.
substantially revised version of Ar- in mortgage notes (“Mortgage
ticle 9 of the UCC (the “Revised Notes”), even though it excludes The Revised UCC includes provi-
UCC”)1 has been adopted in all 50 the creation and transfer of inter- sions which significantly affect
states and, as of October 2001, is in ests in mortgages.5 the perfection of security interests
effect in 47 states2 and the District in wet funding transactions. Be-
of Columbia. In a typical “wet funding” fore discussing the new rules, this
transaction, the lender (the article briefly outlines the previ-
Wet Funding UCC Issues “Lender”) either: ously applicable provisions.
Although Article 9 does not apply
(1)lends money to an originator
Prior UCC
Mr. Goldstein is a partner resident in the Char-
lotte office of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft. or purchaser of mortgage Under the prior version of the
Mr. Kalembka is special counsel resident in the loans (either is referred to as UCC (the “Prior UCC”), a securi-
firm’s New York office. The authors gratefully an “Originator”) in return for ty interest in Mortgage Notes and
acknowledge the contributions of Charlie Bryan
and Joshua Yablonski to the preparation of this a pledge of a portfolio of resi- other “instruments”6 was perfect-
article. dential mortgage loans, or ed either:


1. through direct possession by the Lender,7 or The Revised UCC also provides for temporary
perfection to accommodate wet funding and servic-
2. through possession by a “bailee” with notifica- ing necessities, but shortens the period during which
tion of the security interest of the Lender.8 the security interest remains automatically perfected
from 21 days to 20 days.15
In the case of Mortgage Notes held by a bailee, per-
fection would, however, be jeopardized if the bailee Perfection by Filing
was controlled by, or even closely affiliated with, the
Originator.9 In an important development, the Revised UCC
Wet funding practices and servicing needs may permits the perfection of security interests in Mort-
make strict compliance with these rules impossible, gage Notes and other instruments by filing a UCC
however. Accordingly, the Prior UCC included Financing Statement.16 This should facilitate the
rules that accommodate the practical impossibility servicing of Mortgage Notes by permitting the Orig-
of the Lender’s obtaining immediate possession of inator or servicer to retain possession for more than
the Mortgage Notes at closing and the necessity for 20 days,17 and will also afford protection in the event
the Lender or its bailee to relinquish possession at that the Mortgage Notes are lost.
times to the Originator to permit servicing and en- Lenders must be aware, though, that exclusive re-
forcement. In particular, under the Prior UCC, a se- liance upon filing will entail risks. In particular, the
curity interest in Mortgage Notes was automatically security interest of a secured party that perfects sole-
perfected for 21 days from the time it attached with- ly by filing will be subordinate to the security inter-
out possession by the Lender or a bailee if the securi- est of a third party that gives value and takes posses-
ty interest was given for “new value” under a written sion “in good faith and without knowledge that the
security agreement.10 In addition, a perfected secu- purchase18 violates the rights of the secured par-
rity interest remained perfected for 21 days if the ty.”19 This priority rule subjects the Lender to the
Lender transferred possession to the Originator “for risk that, through fraud or negligence, an Originator
the purpose of ultimate sale or exchange or [for] pre- or servicer in possession of Mortgage Notes will
sentation, collection … [or] renewal ….”11 transfer possession to a third party that meets the
quoted criteria.20 As a result, a Lender relying solely
on filing should consider taking steps to notify pro-
Revised UCC spective lenders that acquiring a security interest in
The Revised UCC similarly provides for perfection the Mortgage Notes would violate the Lender’s
of a security interest in Mortgage Notes and other in- rights. Such steps would include incorporating lan-
struments through actual and constructive posses- guage in an attachment to the Financing Statement
sion. The rules regarding perfection through posses- and, if possible, on the Mortgage Notes themselves
sion by a bailee have changed significantly, however. to the effect that any acquisition by a third party of
Specifically, where the Mortgage Notes are held by a a security interest in the Mortgage Notes “violates
third person, that person must “authenticate a the rights” of the Lender.
record”12 in which it “acknowledg[es] that it holds
possession of the collateral for the secured party’s
benefit.”13 In contrast to the Prior UCC, simple no-
Miscellaneous Changes
tification to a bailee in possession, with the excep- Several additional changes deserve mention. First,
tion discussed below, will be inadequate to perfect the Revised UCC provides that the sale of a “prom-
the security interest of the Lender in Mortgage issory note”21 is automatically perfected,22 without
Notes. the need for filing or possession. Literally, this rule
Fortunately, the drafters of the Revised UCC re- provides the Lender with automatic perfection in
alized that this rule would, if applied indiscriminate- Mortgage Notes in, for instance, a Repo transaction.
ly, disrupt “take-out” practices in the secondary Given the uncertain characterization of a Repo as a
market. Therefore, a secured party in possession of “true sale” or disguised financing,23 however, Lend-
Mortgage Notes that wishes to transfer possession to ers should continue taking the steps necessary to per-
a prospective purchaser need only instruct the pur- fect their security interests to mitigate the conse-
chaser “to hold possession of the collateral for the quences of a judicial recharacterization.
secured party’s benefit” to maintain perfection and, Second, the Revised UCC codifies the “mort-
therefore, need not obtain any acknowledgement gage-follows-the-note” doctrine24 under which the
from it.14 perfection of a security interest in a Mortgage Note


Revised UCC Article 9: Impact on “Wet Funding” Mortgage Loan Transactions

automatically perfects a security interest in the re- which is “stored in an electronic medium,” adopting a symbol
lated mortgage. or using an encryption process with the “present intent … to
… adopt or accept a record.” Revised UCC § 9-102(a)(7),

Conclusion 13. Revised UCC § 9-313(c)(1). According to the Official

Comment to this provision, such an acknowledgement is un-
necessary if the third party in possession is an “agent” of the
The Revised UCC permits greater flexibility in the secured party, which is not also an agent of the debtor. Re-
wet funding market, in particular by providing for vised UCC Off. Cmt. 3, § 9-313. Nevertheless, given the pos-
perfection of security interests in Mortgage Notes sible difficulty of determining agency status, and the poten-
tially disastrous consequences of an erroneous determination,
through UCC filings. Although this innovation car- a prudent Lender will obtain an acknowledgement along the
ries with it some risk for Lenders, it will surely in- lines of the quoted text whenever it does not itself hold the
crease efficiency, and therefore reduce transaction Mortgage Notes.
costs, in this important market. ■ 14. Revised UCC § 9-313(h); see also Revised UCC Off. Cmt.
9, § 9-313.
15. Revised UCC § 9-312(e), (g). Such a filing must be made
Notes in the jurisdiction in which the debtor is “located.” Revised
UCC §§ 9-301(1), 9-501(a)(2). A debtors location, in turn,
1. Revised Article 9. Secured Transactions (With Conform- is determined pursuant to the rules specified in Revised UCC
ing Amendments to Articles 1, 2, 2A, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8). § 9-307.
2. The version of the Revised UCC enacted in Alabama, 16. Revised UCC § 9-312(a).
Florida and Mississippi has an effective date of January 1,
2002. 17. Revised UCC Off. Cmt. 2, § 9-312.
3. Prior UCC § 9-104(j); see also Revised UCC § 9- 18. We note that “purchase” includes acquiring an interest in
109(d)(11). property through a pledge or lien. UCC § 1-201(32).
4. Prior UCC § 9-102(3); see also Revised UCC § 9-109(b). 19. Revised UCC § 9-330(d).
5. Id. 20. It is important to note that the Revised UCC does not im-
6. “Instrument” was defined in prior UCC § 9-105(1)(i) as “a pose any obligation upon prospective lenders to inspect the
negotiable instrument … or any other writing which evidenc- UCC records. Moreover, mere notice that the Lender has a
es a right to the payment of money … and is of a type which security interest in the Mortgage Notes is insufficient to dis-
is in ordinary course of business transferred by delivery with qualify the prospective lender from taking advantage of the
any necessary endorsement or assignment.” A substantially priority rule described in the text. Nonetheless, if such a lend-
identical definition is included in Revised UCC § 9- er did inspect the UCC records, then language indicating that
102(a)(47). In most cases, Mortgage Notes will be “instru- any security interest in the Mortgage Notes it obtains “vio-
ments.” lates the rights” of the Lender would be sufficient to preserve
7. Prior UCC §§ 9-304, 9-305. the priority of the security interest of the Lender. See Off.
Cmt. 7, § 9-330.
8. Prior UCC § 9-305.
21. Revised UCC § 9-102(a)(65).
9. Prior UCC Off. Cmt. 2, § 9-305. Although the topic is be-
yond the scope of this article, we note that perfection may be 22. Revised UCC § 9-309(4).
achieved under Article 8 of the UCC in certain cases even
where the bailee is affiliated with the Originator. 23. See Revised UCC Off. Cmt. 4, § 9-109.
10. Prior UCC § 9-304(4). 24. Revised UCC § 9-308(e). The secured party will not,
however, become the mortgagee of record under this provi-
11. Prior UCC § 9-305(5)(b). sion. Instead, its rights regarding the mortgage will be senior
12. Authentication of a record includes manually executing a to a subsequent lien creditor of the mortgagee, including a
traditional paper record and, with respect to information bankruptcy trustee. Revised UCC Off. Cmt. 6, § 9-308.


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