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File: ffa370d39b0da5a .jpg (745.83 KB, 1240x877, 1240:877, 1493869781848.jpg)
10:53:13 ID: f45879 No.9850800


Documents leaked earlier today show that Macron had an undisclosed LLC in Nevis, an island in the Caribbean. They also show this company was
dealing with a bank known to facilitate fraud and tax evasion
French media is now claiming it's muh Russian conspiracy, pretty much confirming the authenticity of the documents

e sent these to hundreds of French journalists and they've all sat on this, so I'm sticking it on 4chan. Anybody even talking about this in France has
been shut down.
>The first doc is the incorporation of a shell company in Nevis, a country that doesn't keep ownership records of corporations. The second is proof of a
banking relationship with a bank involved in tax evasion in the Cayman Islands.
>People have known for a while that Macron underreported his income and assets to the government, but nobody knew where it was stored. Here's
where his money is stored. See what you can do with this, anon. Let's get grinding. If we can get #MacronCacheCash trending in France for the
debates tonight, it might discourage French voters from voting Macron.
>Document 1:
>Document 2:
Archived copies and album of documents
Reports on this story:

converted by
Hastages to use: #MacronCacheCash #Macrongate
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 11:56:01 ID: c67452 No.9850899
this thread is messing up for some reason, must be a coincidence

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 12:02:46 ID: 2802e7 No.9850919

File: f005f09be5b1464 .jpg (589.95 KB, 1125x1266, 375:422, 865289.jpg)

Holy dubs confirm the fire rises

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 12:39:35 ID: 18651d No.9851004

File: 1f769205f462d43 .jpg (57.77 KB, 547x345, 547:345, 40K.jpg)

I've checked 4ch, the same thread there is getting shilled to hell and back.
Stay strong, brothers.
And remember:

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 12:49:39 ID: ddbe56 No.9851039

I thought Varg said Nationalism is dead and we don't care about Le Pen anymore?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 12:55:31 ID: d303e7 No.9851061


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:01:35 ID: 59f309 No.9851083

Appeal to authority, sage negated

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:02:36 ID: e88ae0 No.9851084

He did say that. And in the grand scheme of things, he's basically correct. Still, I can encourage french voters to vote Le Pen without
laboring under the delusion that she'll fix everything.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:13:46 ID: 3a125b No.9851119
File: eaa4da9382c1fa7 .jpeg (44.34 KB, 640x623, 640:623, e6fd1270a07c09092b445bfb5.jpeg)

>muh Varg said
This fucking lice ridden autist and his retarded underage fanbase is starting to piss me off real bad. Varg's biggest fear is probably the
possibility of no collapse at all in the near future so he'd have to accept that he has wasted his life living like a gypsy for nothing.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:16:08 ID: f0f760 No.9851128

>Caring about that guy anymore
Are they seriously going back to the Russian boogeyman again? Of course, if there were leaks that showed Le Pen in a bad light, they'd be
completely legitimate.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:17:21 ID: 247a43 No.9851131

No shit, the guy literally worked for a Rothschilds.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:19:52 ID: 8d6c3c No.9851137

how long until the muh russians meme is over?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:22:46 ID: fa6a5f No.9851146

The part where he's pushing for globalism is already a big tip-off.
When it stops working.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:23:56 ID: bff3ef No.9851153

Not sure why anyone pays attention to that guy. He's a literal meme.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:29:28 ID: f0f760 No.9851173

It only works on the useful idiots anyway. If its against Trump, Le Pen etc. then all these cucks and lefties latch onto it.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:33:31 ID: 7c7425 No.9851188

He says he enjoys sex with a woman 25 years his senior, clearly he is a fraudster.
How is this news?

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:38:06 ID: 0779b1 No.9851198
File: 67b7a221b12e500 .jpg (163.83 KB, File: 9d17d2c2b5d9044 .jpg (59.06
315x344, 315:344, Clinton_Cache.jpg) KB, 426x639, 2:3,

>inb4 muh sexist russia

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 13:52:58 ID: a621d3 No.9851239

A socialist being corrupt? No way!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 14:30:45 ID: 8ad226 No.9851347


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 14:49:14 ID: 9a9747 No.9851407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's a shame there isn t any french version of this on youtube
someone should download SS again, install in the french language and post the french version of it

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 14:56:36 ID: 9a9747 No.9851438

A leftist and (((chosen))) candidate is a tax dodger? What are the odds? Gotta save every shekel goyim.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:11:19 ID: 574d71 No.9851496

>this guy said something so we must all follow him because he's e-famous
You are a literal subhuman. I completely unironically wish you die an horrible death alone and soon

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:21:34 ID: 5eeddc No.9851547


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:22:02 ID: e740df No.9851550


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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:40:06 ID: 966351 No.9851617
File: e25b133c88c204f .jpg (133.78 KB, 764x868, 191:217, IMG_20170504_103835.jpg)

Macron is now suing Jack Posobiec for these leaked documents claiming he's the source. I can't even make this shit up

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:43:39 ID: 2d2696 No.9851627

I'm sure the MSM will be all over this.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:51:37 ID: ad4e58 No.9851671

File: 3873fae8356db1c .png (903.88 KB, 800x766, 400:383, denjn8qlnimnlbimtnqu6hicb5.png)

It's Hillary all over again.
>documents leak showing illegal actions
>"who cares about about that! you showing I did these things are illegal!"

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:57:17 ID: 7cf4ae No.9851697

If you want the right to move on past democracy, they need demonstrations that democracy is futile. What better demonstration than their
candidate winning and nothing improving?
You won't respond to this, which is truly unfortunate. We could have a reasonable discussion about this issue but you'll chose not to.
Pathetic cur.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 15:59:10 ID: 5b142a No.9851705

How much did you bet anons? You gonna make big money this Sunday?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:03:56 ID: 3aa287 No.9851724

> so I'm sticking it on 4chan
Wew lad. Put some effort it to your OP for Christ's sake.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:04:45 ID: 4458f6 No.9851730

So, will Le Penn's election victory be as salty as Trumps?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:06:03 ID: 4e7f71 No.9851736

even better, because the entire EU cabal is going to go insane.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:07:29 ID: 4458f6 No.9851745
File: 91580dcfbffbccf .jpg (39.58 KB, 600x579, 200:193, 91580dcfbffbccf87c82573e41.jpg)

Good, this weekend will be cozy as fuck.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:08:57 ID: 1b0c20 No.9851751

>He's a literal meme.
Answered your own question, my man.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:32:27 ID: 31291b No.9851884

You mean the guy who swore he left black metal behind then made videos for a weeks straight talking about Euronymous and "duh seen"?
Yeah, he's definitely not saying anything for attention clinging on to what ever bit of relevancy he once had. Faggot.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:48:37 ID: 359374 No.9851965

>I thought Varg said Nationalism is dead and we don't care about Le Pen anymore?
I don't know, but I DO know that he told you to go jump off a bridge.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:50:22 ID: 359374 No.9851973

File: 143337c96e633e8 .mp4 (2.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, salt EVERYTHING is salt.mp4)

>So, will Le Penn's election victory be as salty as Trumps?
I can't even imagine something saltier than Trump's blowback. We'll probably all die from high blood pressure.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:51:40 ID: 35ba7e No.9851979

I wonder if at some time during Macron's campaign, he said somewhere that leakers were important for democracy.
That would be a fun thing to bring up I think.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:53:52 ID: 02a3e6 No.9851995
File: 7f8bb09778f2083 .png (123.24 KB, 330x346, 165:173, IMG_0565.PNG)

>frogs getting their own variation on the "MUH RUSSIA" meme

>Obongo endorsing Macron and giving him the kiss of death
Yeah, she already won.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:54:09 ID: 29eba6 No.9851999

File: 5e7d7d23bdc74bb .jpg (355.8 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, hackers.jpg)

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:56:52 ID: 647b2b No.9852014

File: 6c551b14e850237 .jpg (34.31 KB, 309x374, 309:374, 6c551b14e85023735d7dd92511.jpg)

>Something happens
>I-It's THE Russians
Really makes you think

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:57:24 ID: 1eae16 No.9852018
File: ce35e9954051bc1 .png (263.11 KB, 1800x1300, File: bd45ddd889d4add .jpg (52.86 KB, 607x331,
18:13, Evola involution.png) 607:331, yuga.jpg)

File: ae65f52a31779a2 .jpg (39.02 KB, 678x264,

113:44, yuga2.jpg)

File: 6f4c099b9d6d164 .png (272.07 KB, 640x344, File: 341d4817291d4d4 .jpg (83.18 KB, 600x636,
80:43, yugar-cyEEcle.png) 50:53, Main-Yuga-Spiral.jpg)


He's mostly right too. A profound knowledge of history shows how civilizations rise and fall over the cycles over and over again.
Not even a blackpill fag, serious.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 16:58:28 ID: 1eae16 No.9852025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forgot archive.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:00:44 ID: 35ba7e No.9852042

Checking around a bit: nope.
He always was against leakers. He event tried to pass a law to put them in prison but it seems to have been postponed. Didn't check it's
status has changed.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:02:34 ID: 5b142a No.9852050
File: d78d68d8534800c .png (195.55 KB, File: 35539ba605533c6 .png (234.03
634x690, 317:345, Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at .png) KB, 628x903, 628:903, Screen Shot 2017-
05-04 at .png)

>tfw news of Macron is spreading because the hosting site of that gay bodybuilder that goes by Drybones is getting emails from French
police now
Holy shit this timeline.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:06:06 ID: 6cbc7e No.9852062


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:06:44 ID: 6cbc7e No.9852065

>french policeman
By the way tell him to fuck off if you're not in France.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:08:21 ID: aacb04 No.9852072

File: 3742cdd1365af4f .png (218.16 KB, 752x529, 752:529, 374.png)

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:08:37 ID: 7a9bed No.9852074
File: 2323593ae572308 .jpg (34.33 KB, 371x389, 371:389, 1432749618935-2.jpg)


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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:09:12 ID: 5b142a No.9852078
The best part is, they're asking for posting records to find who did it, and he purposely keeps absolutely no records regarding who posts
what. It's beautiful.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:09:53 ID: d4693a No.9852082

File: 237384c6ed75c40 .jpg (359.36 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Proof of a banking relatio.jpg)

Proof of a banking relationship with a bank involved in tax evasion in the Cayman Islands

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:10:54 ID: 5cae35 No.9852090

File: e303e982ff45485 .jpg (218.23 KB, 1075x768, 1075:768, JDadRunsColour.jpg)

>Claims documents are forger and fake news
>Wants them
Run Bitch Run!!!

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:10:55 ID: d4693a No.9852091
File: 7e21cdffd0856a8 .jpg (286.6 KB, File: 3be24798ca11ce9 .jpg (34.95 KB, File: 225321f1cf9b1fd .jpg (110.05 KB,
1700x2200, 17:22, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax
evader.jpg) evader.jpg) evader.jpg)

File: e1370758e66d320 .jpg (109 KB, File: 88e223067038151 .jpg (39.78 KB,
791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax
evader.jpg) evader.jpg)


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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:12:00 ID: d4693a No.9852095
File: c099e7da0d3be36 .jpg (111.72 KB, File: 4e74ccbf98ca776 .jpg (127.9 KB, File: 0853b601e2edac5 .jpg (133.08 KB,
791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax
evader.jpg) evader.jpg) evader.jpg)

File: 484372889763fd5 .jpg (140.98 KB, File: 3988219e49c6f74 .jpg (66.29 KB,
791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax
evader.jpg) evader.jpg)

Emmanuel Macron tax evader extraordinaire!!!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:12:33 ID: d4693a No.9852098

File: b97e722ce6d5ef6 .jpg (101.78 KB, File: d333317b162d6ce .jpg (35.46 KB,
791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax 791x1024, 791:1024, Emmanuel Macron tax
evader.jpg) evader.jpg)

Emmanuel Macron tax evader extraordinaire!!!!!!!

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:13:05 ID: 12fe12 No.9852099
File: b3738658d21745e .jpg (44.39 KB, 600x349, 600:349, check.jpg)


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:13:15 ID: 5b142a No.9852100

You're coming across as a spamming bot anon. Stop.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:14:48 ID: 35ba7e No.9852108

It would make sense he is tax evading. From what I've heard, he reported a "modest" bank account while he has already earned several
Either he is a big spender, or that he is hiding stuff.
And if those documents are indeed true, then he is tax evading.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:16:02 ID: d4693a No.9852112

File: 3dd00b2ba4adb24 .jpg (8.11 KB, 275x183, 275:183, PEPE LE PEW.jpg)

All righty then!!!
But if there were any more docs, I'd post them too!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:16:42 ID: 9e674f No.9852119

Le baquettes gonna burn.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:16:59 ID: 6cbc7e No.9852124

Hahaha what the fuck are you talking about?
You're coming across as a shill.
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:17:53 ID: 3251af No.9852130
Does anyone have a link to a doc show Macron's net worth before he took the economics minstry job.
LeBrun stated on the countercurrents website that he had a networth of 63k.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:18:13 ID: 5b142a No.9852132

Yeah I'm a shill even though I'm trying to spread news about Macron's tax fraud. How about you go back to where your spacing is
considered the norm?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:18:32 ID: 3251af No.9852133

This was after a couple years at rothschilds

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:20:16 ID: 2bf193 No.9852143
File: 35069be59188b35 .jpg (80.68 KB, 480x558, 80:93, csak-azert-is.jpg)

Any French translations of these documents? If there are, we spreading them on French Facebook and French Twitter yet?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:21:16 ID: 80ac8d No.9852149

What software do I need to generate that image?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:22:04 ID: d4693a No.9852152

File: a7f44115f22ee77 .jpg (75.56 KB, 800x630, 80:63, PePe Le Phew!!!.jpg)

BTW, Emmanuel Macron is a Rothschild stooge.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:26:39 ID: 7cf4ae No.9852168

File: 2e7531f9367dbc4 .webm (174.71 KB, 600x300, File: c53db24568d62a5 .gif (1.86 MB, 390x220,
2:1, burgerland.webm) 39:22, usa.gif)

He should reply to them with America memes.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:28:30 ID: 5b142a No.9852180

File: ed2211ffcf98439 .png (524.34 KB, 1480x964, 370:241, Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at .png)


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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:29:10 ID: fb7afc No.9852186
He did the magnificient bastard!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:30:57 ID: 7cf4ae No.9852193

File: 1310d7d10a479d2 .webm (2.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, founding-fathers.webm)


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:31:05 ID: 02a3e6 No.9852194

File: 84830f10b820c55 .png (66.48 KB, 248x172, 62:43, IMG_0682.PNG)

If the retards had just waited a week for the OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN routine, they could have had plausible deniability that it was a fake
and it wouldn't effect the election.
Now they've outright confirmed it and proved Le Pen right: she explicitly stated in the debate that Macron might have an offshore account to
dodge taxes.
They fell into the same traps as the Burger Election AND Brexit.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:32:28 ID: 5b142a No.9852204

Say it with me anons:
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:33:18 ID: ebc40a No.9852206
File: d404ea9f3b5f4d6 .gif (1.42 MB, 700x350, 2:1, d404ea9f3b5f4d6e4b08d6c33e.gif)


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:36:45 ID: 54664a No.9852223

>French media is now claiming it's muh Russian conspiracy, pretty much confirming the authenticity of the documents
Hahaha. It truly is beautiful what the elites have done to their own credibility by continuing to spout this nonsense when they're caught red
handed in the political sewers.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:37:57 ID: 84ed61 No.9852228
File: 35622362697fe15 .png (60.11 KB, 207x198, 23:22, 35622362697fe155d3dc361901.png)

Am Russian, everything is my fault.

Sorry /pol/

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:39:12 ID: 919f8f No.9852236


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:39:23 ID: 99cee4 No.9852239

Don't worry about it. This kills the EU.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:40:44 ID: f47d72 No.9852246

It's ok Russia, we know it isn't really you. And we're all getting pretty fucking angry that they're blaming you for everything while slithering

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:40:46 ID: ae70ce No.9852247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Russia's face when

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:41:27 ID: d69fb4 No.9852252

File: dcecc2c8bdbeeb3 .mp4 (140.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, really makes you think.mp4)

>Those documents are fake
>Also you must give me those documents
>If they're fake why do you car-

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:41:38 ID: 7a9bed No.9852253
File: 09dd578bedbae83 .jpg (24.67 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 1422596063514.jpg)

dog bless ameriga

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:42:10 ID: 919f8f No.9852258


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:42:15 ID: 5baf5f No.9852259

File: 3a37205794ba47c .jpg (140.29 KB, 500x675, 20:27, 3a37205794ba47c89c0118590d.jpg)

Never apologize. Except for Berlin.
Now, THAT is a magnificent faggot.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:46:24 ID: d4693a No.9852273

File: 8b7b3e51a47cf0c .jpg (68.33 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Pepe-Le-Pew-letter.jpg)

You want those DOCUMENTS?!!
Then come get 'em!!!
Emmanuel Macron Leaked Secret Business

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:47:13 ID: 647b2b No.9852277

>goyfire link

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:49:35 ID: ec1bdb No.9852288
Where to bet / are they still open?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:50:43 ID: 5b142a No.9852295

I went with predictit, and I bet $88 on her.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:51:14 ID: 35ba7e No.9852298

Wouldn't it even be simpler for them to ask a statement of said tax evasion company to issue some statement saying "no, that faggot
Macron doesn't have an account there"?
In the case of him not having an account, then they don't need to keep any secrecy about if he has one or not, since he isn't a customer.
The other way around and them not saying anything would imply that yes he has some account and they are protecting him.
And if they lie about not having an account, they better be hiding their asses well.
Unless I missed something, that's what I think
Yeah I pretty much know that for sure. He surely had his info about tax evasion from them too.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:52:43 ID: bd47d9 No.9852308

Can't you guys fucking read?
They're not asking for the documents. They can download them same way we do.
They want the access logs.
Aka: a fucking list of every IP that downloaded them.
This is beyond being shady. It's being retarded.
It's shame, he should have provided them with an actual acess log. Something like:
>[19:37:21 2/5/17] IP:
>[18:27:11 2/5/17] IP:
>[23:45:34 3/5/17] IP:

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:52:59 ID: ce7ed5 No.9852312

50 on betfair returns me 250. I won brexit and trump. This'll be a hat trick

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:53:51 ID: 5b142a No.9852320

>It's shame, he should have provided them with an actual access log.
He purposely doesn't keep access logs though.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:54:24 ID: 3a5377 No.9852324

File: ad09ecf1cb53b0f .gif (478.91 KB, 440x250, 44:25, 1480451721287.gif)


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:54:28 ID: 7cf4ae No.9852325

He should have given them a list of random IPs within the French government range.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:55:47 ID: 35ba7e No.9852336

brb, DDoSing the guy at

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:56:24 ID: d4693a No.9852339
File: 5c5924eca8aa280 .jpg (98.46 KB, 2382x900, 397:150, PePe Le Phew Amor.jpg)

No worries once the freaking Entire World has downloaded them!!!
Emmanuel Macron Leaked Secret Business Documents zip

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:59:29 ID: 246751 No.9852358

God Bless America ;_;7
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 17:59:37 ID: bd47d9 No.9852359
Or 5 diferent IPS from facebook servers.
Would be pretty funny to see them swat 5 diferent facebook server farms. The courts would find it hilarious, I'm sure.
Or any of you faggots has his contact.
Feed them IP's of Facebook or some other large social networking site.
I'm REALLY curious if they doublecheck them before going in for the kill.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:00:18 ID: 5b142a No.9852361

We should link them to Elliot Roger's facebook.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:00:18 ID: b44f44 No.9852362


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:00:49 ID: a777d1 No.9852365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Macron having tax evasion in the Cayman Islands
Vid related

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:02:49 ID: d4693a No.9852377
File: 066c7ecf309d5d4 .jpg (7.01 KB, 240x180, 4:3, little-beau-pep.jpg)

Let the French Police come get me!!!
I need a nice, love overseas vacation anyways!!!
Emmanuel Macron Leaked Secret Business Documents zip

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:03:14 ID: 919f8f No.9852379

They were asking for the uploader's IP, not full access.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:05:02 ID: d4693a No.9852389

File: 82381df8dbac11b .jpg (318.47 KB, 1920x1219, 1920:1219, Le Frenchie Police Officer.jpg)

No sweat, it's all over Twitter now.
Sorry le Frenchie policeman!!!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:07:21 ID: eadd21 No.9852406

File: 7371265eaa2eb8e .gif (4.64 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 7371265eaa2eb8eb7bdc62de0b.gif)

Wew. 4/pol/ was just on France 2 right now about this document.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:08:24 ID: 35ba7e No.9852413

Did they tell it was a "hoax" and the russians are behind it?

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:08:57 ID: d7bba6 No.9852421
File: 7802c71d2f57da8 .png (397.7 KB, 690x703, 690:703, oops.png)

Macron is pissed, but saying it's bollocks.

I think he's FUUUUUUUCKED.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:09:12 ID: bd47d9 No.9852423

>It reached the news.
Well, that's it.
Macarroni is fucked.
Doubt he'll get jailtime, the yids will save his ass so he can run in 4 years again, but he ain't gonna be president anymore.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:11:29 ID: bd55e2 No.9852436

File: 0abdda039b08a32 .png (11.52 KB, 530x492, 265:246, 1467862560657-4.png)

You need only meme and Kek will provide

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:11:49 ID: 1e9329 No.9852437

>subtweeting me on 8chins

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:11:57 ID: eadd21 No.9852440

They told it was "fake news" yeah (the word was used). Basically they said the signature isn't the same and using your real name for a
secret account would be stupid.
Afterwards they went back to the debate and made a list of debunked facts told by Marine.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:12:20 ID: 246751 No.9852442

>being a gay faggot

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:14:19 ID: 5b142a No.9852452
File: 145b6f5bcd8d435 .jpg (163.16 KB, 864x864, 1:1, reminds_me_of_you_by_epiph.jpg)

Can you imagine being Macron?

>cucked by your own teacher/wife
>son is better looking than you and gets more sex
>get absolutely demolished by Le Pen in the debate
>wake up the next morning to find a gay bodybuilder helped spread the evidence of your tax fraud
>tfw you just wanted to be the straight shota

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:14:52 ID: d4693a No.9852457

File: c0a627d5283f077 .jpg (17.24 KB, 190x245, 38:49, PepeLePew.JPG)

Check this out!!!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:17:37 ID: 1e9329 No.9852475

>not being a gay faggot bber

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:18:34 ID: 919f8f No.9852484

>being a bodybuilder
Enjoy your backsnap trying to deadlift

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:18:45 ID: ba282c No.9852486

austrian media says it is fake news and shillbots are active in the comment section

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:19:59 ID: 372db4 No.9852493

Who the fuck is Varg and why do you think he's important or has any sort of authority?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:20:35 ID: 5a603c No.9852499

Paddypower had 13/2 I put 20 down for 150 returns

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:21:05 ID: ba282c No.9852502

varg is a survivalist from norway and he likes to do youtube videos

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:22:31 ID: 7d4812 No.9852513
don't reply to shills, retard

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:22:34 ID: 372db4 No.9852515

>from (((Norway)))
>on (((Youtube)))
You best not be serious

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:22:57 ID: 372db4 No.9852518

Oh now I understand. My mistake.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:23:51 ID: ba282c No.9852523

i was just answering your question

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:25:02 ID: 7cf4ae No.9852531

File: 415eaefc0cb53dd .webm (4.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, why-contain-it.webm)

>Macron is pissed, but saying it's bollocks.
If he's acknowledging it, that means
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:25:07 ID: dde628 No.9852533
Non-frog here, I watched the debate and some "maybe you have money in the Bahamas" allegations came up at some point, but I wasn't
sure from who, they were both being translated by men. Was it Le Pen on the scoop, or Macron projecting?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:29:38 ID: 35ba7e No.9852559

It was Le Pen stating that.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:31:48 ID: 919f8f No.9852572

The first post about varg was sarcastic because it implied that we cared about what some faggot e-celeb had to say about Le Pen or

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:38:14 ID: 4ac2b2 No.9852617

File: baa5c6b242c3d84 .png (322.18 KB, 1108x570, 554:285, lel.PNG)

doh ho ho

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:38:55 ID: ba3737 No.9852622

>believing he's actually a cop
Just because someone sends you an email with awful grammar, claiming to be police, does not make it so.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:38:58 ID: d7bba6 No.9852623
The allegations about a secret bank account spread online on right-wing websites and on social media.
Speaking on French radio on Thursday, Mr Macron called the allegations "fake news and lies" and said some of the sites spreading them
were "linked to Russian interests".

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:39:11 ID: 2f3720 No.9852626

File: c038e5671d98242 .jpg (107.2 KB, 1300x1108, 325:277, police-officer-laughing-70.jpg)

>I think he's FUUUUUUUCKED.
He is. This is like when Comey said the investigation into Hilldog was being reopened at the 11th hour. Plebs will still remember this when
they're at the polls and there isn't enough time for adequate damage control. What a shame

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:39:18 ID: 251d27 No.9852627

File: 8094d24c1cdad98 .jpg (91.21 KB, 512x512, 1:1, tfw_.jpg)


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:40:16 ID: ee44b5 No.9852632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's all playing out just like our election.
If the conditions before the election imply the results, Le Pen has won.
>Fake news
>Ebil nazis
>White supremacists
>fat chack em-fat check-fact check em
We've seen this all before and we know how it ends.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:42:48 ID: 2f3720 No.9852644
File: 8df7e65f965bf5a .jpeg (9.68 KB, 202x250, 101:125, Unknown-10.jpeg)

That won't cause enough salt. Call her Madam President.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:43:11 ID: 75125f No.9852649

Okay so lemme get this straight.
Le Pen is still our best candidate in France, because she is pro nationalism. Macron is her top rival, and he just got busted on a YUGE tax
evasion scandal, but the MSM is actively trying to suppress it to keep him in the running, because Le Pen would upset their plans?

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:43:59 ID: 7cf4ae No.9852655


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:44:03 ID: 5b142a No.9852656

You forgot the part where a gay bodybuilder on twitter just accidentally destroyed Macron's chances of winning.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:44:20 ID: bb4ca1 No.9852660


Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:44:38 ID: 2f3720 No.9852663

You must be pretty new if you find any of this surprising lel

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:45:43 ID: d2a578 No.9852667

>>9852622 is an official domain.
Her account id (ALLEGRE Claire PP DRPJ SDAEF BRDP) looks pretty much like an official one.
I'd say it's 100% legit. Source: am a lower-scale Frog official working for another minister.
Don't forget we're talking about Macron. The guy has a long arm.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:46:30 ID: 75125f No.9852668

I really don't find it surprising, I just wanted to confirm because I've only been following the election off and on, and unlike (((some people))), I
wanted to get my facts straight.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:48:09 ID: 35ba7e No.9852682

Oh man, imagine if the person sending this email is working for someone who was close associate with Macron or something.
But I guess it will be a pretty loose tie.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:51:31 ID: d2a578 No.9852704

I couldn't find shit on this bitch.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:51:55 ID: 5b142a No.9852706

That just makes me think it's legit.

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:53:27 ID: ee44b5 No.9852718
File: c9edcdc46c085d1 .jpg (845.01 KB, 2048x1643, File: 76eb880627607a0 .jpg (27.79 KB, 660x405,
2048:1643, 8f89268af812796715c6bb6f10.jpg) 44:27, 76eb880627607a012010cf56da.jpg)

>>9852644 (checked)
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:55:34 ID: 956e8d No.9852728
File: ca30c8407a770ce .png (73.92 KB, 220x174, 110:87, 1477667510677.png)

Ahah oh wow, les petits lepeniste ne savent plus quoi faire pour tenter de couler Macron, c'est pathtique
Marine vas payer pour avoir diffuser cette propagande de merde que les petits con comme vous avez gob tout cru ;)

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:55:40 ID: d37e1a No.9852729

File: e765b529efb8d05 .jpg (52.52 KB, 350x427, 50:61, e765b529efb8d0557bf8bed625.jpg)

How sensible and moral are the french people towards corruption? Will they still cuck out like the dozens of millions in America who
supported Hillary until the end saying "hurr I would rather vote for a corrupt hag than a racyiss evil nazi" or they take this shit more
I'm fuming just by seeing the entire (((mainstream media))) all across the world, even in my irrelevant poo-in-loo country running with the
exact same headlines "Macron denounces Le Pen for fake news" and then something about blah blah blah muh russia in the body of the
article without a single mention of the leaks.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:57:00 ID: d2a578 No.9852740

This isn't her first time doing this sort of shit
>A french prosecutor at the Paris Court orders me to investigate ( case 14267000425 10/24/2014) about a post on french section of the website. As the registrant, I request you to give me any identity information given by "alex revision", the moderator af the french
>Claire ALLEGRE, Lieutenant de Police

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:57:57 ID: eadd21 No.9852750
I wish I could share your optimism tee bee h, I'll do my part Sunday but I don't see Le Pen winning, most french people have a sense of
smug superiority about being cucks. It's also really depressing knowing that the youth of the country is a ticking time bomb that votes in
majority for an admitted Marxist like Mlanchon and who think reading Konbini and watching Le Petit Journal is the height of wit and
If Macron wins I'm convinced that the country is going to accelerate its downfall, I just hope the damage isn't done and that we aren't stuck
in a cycle of weak men.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:58:38 ID: 5b142a No.9852754

You don't belong here tbh

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 18:59:03 ID: d2a578 No.9852759

Retourne sucer ton colloc trans, pdale cosmopolite, on utilisera la mme corde pour vous deux.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:00:42 ID: 438e68 No.9852770

File: f8a5363b143de38 .png (581.39 KB, 1050x1621, 1050:1621, f8a5363b143de38977c5ba4c9f.png)

Find yourself

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:00:54 ID: d7bba6 No.9852772

File: d800e122bbc32bf .webm (8.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, niggerfaggot.webm)

Just after Macron got the kiss of death from king nigger too.
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:02:40 ID: 5b142a No.9852782
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:04:00 ID: eadd21 No.9852789
I'll be more than happy being proven wrong, laddos.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:04:30 ID: f2e7ac No.9852795

You are not French!
You are not president anymore!
You are not relevant!
You should be in jail!

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:05:31 ID: ee44b5 No.9852802
File: e827789fe447d99 .jpg (111.34 KB, 768x768, 1:1, File: 46cb712553d6fdd .jpg (124.77 KB, 1000x563,
e827789fe447d994bd335999b7.jpg) 1000:563, 46cb712553d6fdd5893910a24c.jpg)

>I wish I could share your optimism tee bee h
>tee bee h
Blackpill shill
Like I said, we've seen this before.
The silent majority will rise up, no matter what the media screams and hollers.
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:05:50 ID: 5b142a No.9852807
I wish he were in prison, but he ran away like a bitch to territory controlled by France and we can't extradite him.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:06:38 ID: 6abeb0 No.9852813

Wodka or GTFO!

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:08:51 ID: 438e68 No.9852823

File: 492fccce548c849 .jpg (25.29 KB, 551x551, 1:1, 1459404385353.jpg)

Le Pen is in the same position as Donald Trump was right before he was elected. Concern trolls like you only damage the morale.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:10:15 ID: 35ba7e No.9852829

>Interfering in yet another election

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Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:11:26 ID: cbb6f5 No.9852834
File: File: 5866b6d613537ee .jpg (336.55 KB, 1024x682,
039fd515fb331cd .jpg512:341, macarroni and his wife.jpg)
(127.3 KB, 640x1920,

>Being the straight Shota.
Expecation Vs Reality.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:12:57 ID: 74305a No.9852843

The guillotine was the answer once.

Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:12:58 ID: ee44b5 No.9852844

File: cc100b01a50a1d3 .png (200.16 KB, File: 49d4ef355cbb775 .jpg (86.4 KB, 1024x576, 16:9,
362x409, 362:409, Dohbama.PNG) 49d4ef355cbb775ae411534510.jpg)

Basically, if you want ex-Kang Nigger's truthful statement, multiply his entire speech by a negative sign.
The fact that he is making this statement tells us the globalists are FUCKING SCARED.
Anonymous 05/04/17 (Thu) 19:13:12 ID: 25350c No.9852846
holy shit that face is disgusting

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