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SteveWn: #ukedchat - how do we make use of IWBs truly interactive...ban teachers from using the
pens - give them only to the students? (out from 8!)
7/22/2010 19:55

chrisrat: How long til #ukedchat?

7/22/2010 19:55

janwebb21: Remember to use the #ukedchat hashtags for all tweets relating to tonight's discussion
7/22/2010 19:56

Ideas_Factory: @chrisrat We have to wait for the official #ukedchat gong from @janwebb21..
7/22/2010 19:56

nellmog: @dughall will be interested to see how you keep up with #ukedchat
7/22/2010 19:57

chrisrat: @Ideas_Factory @janwebb21 come on! champing at the #ukedchat bit here!
7/22/2010 19:57

Ideas_Factory: @dughall I can't remember last weeks #ukedchat as 'I was extremely drunk at the time..'
7/22/2010 19:58

janwebb21: It's Thursday, it's 8 o'clock, it's #ukedchat time! Welcome to the conversation - How do we
make the use of iwb's TRULY interactive?
7/22/2010 19:59

chrismayoh: Hopefully #ukedchat will help to wake me up a bit. Really feeling the last week of term!
7/22/2010 19:59

janwebb21: @dughall Welcome! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 19:59

janwebb21: @chrisrat Welcome! so how do we make the use of interactive whiteboards truly
interactive? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:00

Natty08: RT @janwebb21: @dughall Welcome! #ukedchat #HUZZAH

7/22/2010 20:00

DeputyMitchell: Could be an interupted #ukedchat for me! Little Molly just shot out of bed in tears after I
set off the smoke alarms!! #Cancookreally!
7/22/2010 20:00

colport: Is making #iwb 's truly interactive about the resources? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:00

chris_1974: #ukedchat interactive for whom? Too often interactive for us teachers, not them students!
7/22/2010 20:00

janwebb21: #ukedchat please remember to use the hashtag for tonight's discussion
7/22/2010 20:00

AntHeald: It's #ukedchat time, which means it's also daughter's bedtime. Will be in & out.
7/22/2010 20:01

primarypete_: check out #iwbtips by @stuartridout for ideas on use of #iwb #ukedchat - has highly
interactive ideas (add yours with hashtag)
7/22/2010 20:01

kvnmcl: IWB cannot be a teacher only domain, they've got to be used by the pupils and not just to
point and click on #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:01

janwebb21: #ukedchat what do we mean by interactive?

1 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:01

katie_hague: #ukedchat Train all staff, including TAs in how to use software, rather than just leaving
them to find time (ha!) to do it themselves
7/22/2010 20:01

Natty08: Ok so how do we make it interactive? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:01

bevevans22: #ukedchat Firstly - are we talking about teachers using them interactively or making them
accessible to pupils? Bit of both?
7/22/2010 20:01

colport: I am sure we all know colleagues who use #iwb as a glorified projector! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:02

malcolmbellamy: I saw a really good IWB use by a group of three children using the board to investigate in
maths #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:02

Caro_lann: #ukedchat Make sure that students get to use them often.
7/22/2010 20:02

dughall: RT @chris_1974: #ukedchat interactive for whom? Too often interactive for us teachers,
not them students!
7/22/2010 20:02

chrisrat: Be comfortable with the IWB and software so you don't have to use it as a funky projector
7/22/2010 20:02

DeputyMitchell: #ukedchat Interactive learning yes!! Interactive whiteboards erm...don't float my boat tbh!
7/22/2010 20:02

eyebeams: Network them globally - have open source code for them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

dughall: Some teachers actually think that the IWB is for them! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

janwebb21: @malcolmbellamy sounds interesting - what were they investigating? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:03

CHAR0ULA: have response controllers #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:03

nellmog: My biggest issues with IWB's is why do we need them? Do they add to the teaching and
learning? Are they the best tool for the job? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

chrismayoh: Always makes sense to load the IWB software onto other computers in school for the
pupils to use themselves #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

dughall: @janwebb21 Interactive for the *children* #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:03

bevevans22: #ukedchat Our IWBs are at a pupil accessible height - low down in FP settings and higher
up in KS2. Makes a difference I think
7/22/2010 20:03

colport: @eyebeams How do you mean? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:03

2 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

DeputyMitchell: I have taught this whole year without an IWB. Not even a projector which I have missed but
not the IWB! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

janwebb21: RT @chrismayoh: Always makes sense to load the IWB software onto other computers in
school for the pupils to use themselves #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

Caro_lann: #ukedchat Don't stand at computer using mouse! Stand at board and use it properly.
7/22/2010 20:03

eyebeams: Use them as musical instruments, microscopes, sensor readers #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:03

Natty08: Can I recommend all Smart users have notebook 10 installed AND check out the toolkit for
educators lots of stuff there :) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:03

janwebb21: RT @chrisrat: Be comfortable with the IWB and software so you don't have to use it as a
funky projector #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:04

katie_hague: @chris_1974 #ukedchat Agreed, some great use now of whiteboads and pens, need to
develop this into iwb
7/22/2010 20:04

dughall: RT @eyebeams: Network them globally - have open source code for them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:04

didactylos: #ukedchat IWBs are a waste of money haven't felt the need to use on in 8 years of
7/22/2010 20:04

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - not very interactive if only 1 for every 30 pupils.

7/22/2010 20:04

janwebb21: @dughall #ukedchat I agree but do some subjects/topics lend themselves more to
interactive approaches? Why/why not?
7/22/2010 20:04

dughall: @nellmog Yes they do! Learner involvement=powerful learning! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:04

malcolmbellamy: @janwebb21 a shape problem in mathematics they could play around with the shapes and
discuss #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:04

chris_1974: students are good meme bees for training. As the move from class to class they help
share good ways of using IWBs. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:05

tj007: @chrismayoh I have the SMARTnotebook software on some pupil laptops - they've been
able to create and share in a lesson. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:05

eyebeams: @bevevans22 #ukedchat - put them on the floor - better still use interactive projection
7/22/2010 20:05

janwebb21: @Natty08 I love the way you can edit the games in that one #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:05

bevevans22: @nellmog Surely it depends which job' you (or the pupils) are using them for. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:05

3 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

eyebeams: @colport - Which one? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:05

janwebb21: @malcolmbellamy sounds cool - we did a similar thing and superimposed the shapes on a
google map #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:05

Caro_lann: #ukedchat At it's simplest for me a wb is a great way of capturing a discussion which can
be saved for later use in another class.
7/22/2010 20:05

JMGubbins: Following the #ukedchat and #comitron conversations right now. Interesting mashup to say
the least
7/22/2010 20:05

chris_1974: ban powerpoint in lessons. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:06

colport: RT @eyebeams: Network them globally - have open source code for them #ukedchat <-I
am interested in what you mean by this.
7/22/2010 20:06

janwebb21: @vikh46 #ukedchat does it or should it matter?

7/22/2010 20:06

SkoorBttaM: before IWBs can be interactive, we need to get rid of the tables/desks in front of them-
simple but a real problem in my school #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:06

bevevans22: @eyebeams That would be fabulous but it took me ages to convince people that they
should be at pupil height in the first place #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:06

Natty08: @vikh46 as a Smartboard trainer I am not the person to ask as biased #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:06

tombarrett: #ukedchat Learn when it is best for your curriculum to switch the #IWB off.
7/22/2010 20:06

BeeBecF: Am NQT and keen to use IWB w pupils, but pens rarely work, forced to use as glorified
projector, if sun not out. Frustrating! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:06

tonycassidy: RT @chris_1974: ban powerpoint in lessons. To be replaced with what? PowerPoint can
be adapted to increase interaction-#ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:06

screencaster7: RT @dughall - Slightly worried that people w/ protected tweets may inadvertently appear
in #ukedchat screencast. Will have to... #tutorial
7/22/2010 20:07

JMGubbins: @chris_1974 ban static boring powerpoints in lessons - there are ways to make them
interactive and engaging #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

Cgeo28: RT @chris_1974: ban powerpoint in lessons. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:07

SkoorBttaM: Will AR (augmented reality) make IWBs fulfill their potential? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

4 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

dughall: IWB in Early Years & KS1 = Continuous provision like sand & water. Tonnes of learning!
7/22/2010 20:07

bevevans22: @chris_1974 I wouldn't ban PowerPoint - if you use a drag and drop macro or trigger
settings it can still be interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

Natty08: I have heard of one school were it is on floor in book corner children use it to pass stuff
round and play games #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

tj007: RT @chris_1974: ban powerpoint in lessons <- depends how it is used, have used it with
inking and #qwizdom remotes #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

chrismayoh: IWBs are best used in conjunction with other tech, i.e. digital microscopes/visualisers to
examine, chn see on IWB and annotate #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:07

chris_1974: @JMGubbins yes, but 99.8% off ppt I see in school is linear and uninteractive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

colport: RT @Natty08: Recommend all Smart users have vers 10 with the toolkit for educators lots
of stuff there :) #ukedchat - Agree, but training?
7/22/2010 20:08

primarypete_: RT @dughall: IWB in Early Years & KS1 = Continuous provision like sand & water. Tonnes
of learning! #ukedchat <--spot on
7/22/2010 20:08

katie_hague: RT @dughall: IWB in Early Years & KS1 = Continuous provision like sand & water. Tonnes
of learning! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

Caro_lann: @dughall #ukedchat and tertiary and HE

7/22/2010 20:08

chris_1974: @tj007 again, agreed, but NOT like that 99.8% of what I see. #qwizdom #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

deerwood: in the case of one school I went in, you could start by removing all the posters stuck on the
IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

janwebb21: @dughall is it subject that makes a difference or age to using iwb interactively? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

dughall: @SkoorBttaM Always used to sit my class amphitheatre style round IWB for starters &
plenaries. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

SkoorBttaM: @didactylos were IWBs the tech 'gimic' of a few years ago? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:08

colport: @deerwood As a multiplex cinema at the end of the year! #ukedchat - Seriously, I let the
ch explore the software themselves on PC's
7/22/2010 20:08

cybraryman1: My SmartBoard/IWB page of links: #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:09

JMGubbins: @tonycassidy and are nice alternatives to the average
powerpoint #ukedchat

5 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:09

nellmog: @dughall I am just playing devils advocate as I never had one permanently in my room but
never felt learning suffered without one #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

janwebb21: @chrismayoh I make pelmanism games on mine! (matching pairs)#ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:09

bevevans22: @tombarrett we never turn them off in lower sets - use them as a write on board with
handwriting converter - good for dyslexics #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

malcolmbellamy: I agree.. turn it off.. or use it only sparingly it has become a boring process for children
who stare at it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - IWBs great for live feeds of info and to display important task info, like
instructions for team work
7/22/2010 20:09

chris_1974: @bevevans22 I'm getting slated for that one, but only know 1 teacher (/85) who actually
does that in my school. Rest linear slides #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

colport: Very interested to hear perspective from 2nd'ary HE, or FE sector regarding #iwb 's
7/22/2010 20:09

bevevans22: @tombarrett I'm not saying that constitutes interactive use though! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

KilgosClass: RT @cybraryman1: My SmartBoard/IWB page of links: #ukedchat

@whiteheadsclass @ecboe
7/22/2010 20:09

sciencelabman: I have learnt alot from a great site called loads of great
reources to use.#ukedchat #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

tonycassidy: RT @chris_1974:- ppt is a good base tool for developing practitioner confidence with IWB-
simpling hyper-linking quizzes #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:09

DeputyMitchell: @malcolmbellamy agreed, visulaiser working with IWB's are a great powerful tool!
7/22/2010 20:09

JenniferJDavis: RT @cybraryman1: My SmartBoard/IWB page of links: #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:10

dughall: Ask kids at the end of a day "Who interacted today?" make a note of who didn't and rectify
tomorrw. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

chrismayoh: It is not a case of ICT for ICT sake. If IWBs are not the best tool to do the job, don't use
them! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

JMGubbins: @chris_1974 agreed but if you ban 99.8% of presentations what do you have instead?
7/22/2010 20:10

deerwood: @colport #ukedchat can learners install IWB software on home machines? if they can let

6 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

them use it to create resources

7/22/2010 20:10

KnikiDavies: I love IWB for annotating texts, looking at big pictures, playing maths games like Splat,
shared writing, watching videos,tracing! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

chris_1974: @Shaunwilden as most of the time it is only used as a linear projection tool. Clicking next
is not really a form of interaction. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

dughall: @janwebb21 Age Iand subject to a much lesser extent. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:10

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - mobile learning best way forward but too expensive to equip all learners,
expect this will change in future
7/22/2010 20:10

tonycassidy: RT @dughall: Ask kids at the end of a day "Who interacted today?" make a note of who
didn't and rectify tomorrw. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

dughall: @janwebb21 land= and #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:10

SkoorBttaM: @dughall Great! Are multi-touch IWBs the way forward? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:10

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat We are getting a visualiser in Sept. i am very excited!

7/22/2010 20:10

JMGubbins: But I digress from the IWB topic at hand #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:11

chrismayoh: Most of our school staff's planning is done using IWB software to get them au fait with the
software #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

colport: RT @deerwood: in the case of one school I went in, you could start by removing all the
posters stuck on the IWB #ukedchat <-I've seen ink!!!
7/22/2010 20:11

tombarrett: 46 Interesting Ways to use you IWB #ukedchat #IWBtips

7/22/2010 20:11

janwebb21: @tonycassidy @chris_1974 #ukedchat It's not necessarily the ppt that is the issue but the
way it is used
7/22/2010 20:11

bevevans22: @chris_1974 Could that be addressed by training? Or possibly a staff meeting where you
share ideas? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

chris_1974: @JMGubbins smartnotebook, interactive websites, flash programmes, ...#ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:11

tj007: Am looking forward to using the visualiser with the IWB (pupil work/models), as it is one or
the other at the moment. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

chrismayoh: RT @deerwood: in the case of one school I went in, you could start by removing all the
posters stuck on the IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

7 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

janwebb21: @dughall LOL! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:11

sciencelabman: @deerwood we use our laptops at home with iwb info on them only time i have to make
resources. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

mbarrow: To prevent a teacher hogging the board they could use a slate thus enabling kids to c
board and to use it more than teacher #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

Caro_lann: @janwebb21 @dughall #ukedchat Neither. It's teacher inclination and experience.
7/22/2010 20:11

nellmog: At what age do you think iwb's loose relevance? I know some FE subjects lend themselves
to them but others don't #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

katie_hague: @chrismayoh How true! True for lots of technology, not just iwb - know when it is and is
not appropriate #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:11

chrisrat: argh. Beth has called me upstairs about six times tonight, interrupting good #ukedchat
time! #kids
7/22/2010 20:12

tonycassidy: RT @janwebb21: @tonycassidy @chris_1974 #ukedchat It's not necessarily the ppt that is
the issue but the way it is used- agreed
7/22/2010 20:12

malcolmbellamy: we are not lecturing children it is the "death by powerpoint" idea yet again... what are they
learning? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:12

janwebb21: @dughall lol! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:12

chris_1974: absolutely RT @janwebb21: @tonycassidy @chris_1974 #ukedchat It's not necessarily

the ppt that is the issue but the way it is used
7/22/2010 20:12

bevevans22: @dughall In FP classes with us all pupils get a chance to use IWBs during the week -
using 2Simple software or poissonrouge etc #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:12

colport: @cybraryman1 @tombarrett Appreciate the links, the issue is act getting staff to use the
interactive function of #iwb 's though #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:12

chris_1974: smart slates are a great way to increasze interaction / engagement. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:12

DeputyMitchell: #ukedchat Do some people still think that projecting resources make them interactive?
7/22/2010 20:12

dughall: RT @tombarrett: 46 Interesting Ways to use you IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:13

kvnmcl: Plug in a visualizer to enhance art lessons with an art attack/take hart style #iwb
7/22/2010 20:13

JMGubbins: @chris_1974 Do you think the average powerpoint user will make that leap? Or just the

8 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

0.2%? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

tonycassidy: RT @malcolmbellamy: "death by powerpoint" idea yet again... what are they learning?
#ukedchat- my voice is nice ;)
7/22/2010 20:13

marketspi: We use iwb in maths loads. Interactive eqs of lines,get kids to move shapes on grids to
demo translation, rotation etc #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

DMcCrory82: I wish I had an IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:13

mbarrow: As with all ICT tool, used well an iwb is a learning tool, used badly it just entertains
7/22/2010 20:13

Natty08: Teachers need to realise that kids can touch the board and it won't break #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

AntHeald: I think iwb prob makes me less interactive as it tends to just give another dominant focus
at front. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

ZoeRoss19: For IWBs to be used properly-staff need tra 2 often stuck in over summer & autumn term
2 crazy 2 learn-becomes scary object! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

SkoorBttaM: RT @deerwood: in the case of one school I went in, you could start by removing all the
posters stuck on the IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

colport: RT @dughall: Not a software/site thing. It is pedagogy! #ukedchat <---100% agree

7/22/2010 20:13

bevevans22: RT @primarypete_: What's the best software / website for use with IWB to make it highly
interactive? <- depends on pupil age/level #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:13

Shaunwilden: @chris_1974 Agreed but I have seen many teachers end up using their IWB software the
same way #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

ForesterJo: RT @tombarrett: 46 Interesting Ways to use you IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:14

JMGubbins: @chris_1974 I no longer use ppt in favor of but I still teach people how to
make ppt presentations more dynamic #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

chris_1974: @Cgeo28 is there a difference b/n interaction and engagement. Not saying that what you
do is not valuable useful etc. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

janwebb21: #ukedchat Cgeo28 absolutely - isn't interactivity about the parts of the brain that are
engaging with theearning
7/22/2010 20:14

dughall: @bevevans22 Spot on! :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:14

9 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

Natty08: @scholasticuk no it is time for #ukedchat don't take away from that ;)
7/22/2010 20:14

DeputyMitchell: @Cgeo28 But that's not the IWB making the resource interactive, that's the projector.
7/22/2010 20:14

sciencelabman: @tonycassidy have to stop talking to get them thinking. have to interact with each other
and use tech to help. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

malcolmbellamy: I think that IWB use makes some colleagues think they are "doing real ICT" #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

tonycassidy: Don't we want students to be passive sometimes- reflection on a set of images- slightly off
topic #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

deerwood: I still advocate that the way forward is to ditch the projector and utilise multitouch display
screens #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

dughall: RT @chris_1974: smart slates are a great way to increasze interaction / engagement.
7/22/2010 20:14

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - there are some excellent #geography resources online in ppt - all about how
they are designed, good to support enquiries
7/22/2010 20:14

marketspi: I also use it as starter-as kids come into class they move matching pairs together,
latecomers get the really hard ones :) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

ZoeRoss19: Training issue- 2 often stuck in over summer & autumn term 2 crazy 2 learn-becomes
scary object! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

janwebb21: !@Cgeo28 #ukedchat but for younger children, tactile element is important to enhance
7/22/2010 20:14

Natty08: RT @theotheralig: @Natty08 #ukedchat We have one Visualiser per year group <----
7/22/2010 20:14

dughall: @DeputyMitchell I hope not. Projection doesn't equal interaction! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:14

bevevans22: #ukedchat Using a visualiser (to share work for afl, as a microscope, demonstration tool
etc) instantly makes it more interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:14

SkoorBttaM: Anybody using a veri-table??? have seen one used with google earth really well #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:15

janwebb21: RT @dughall: @primarypete_ Not a software/site thing. It is pedagogy! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:15

Caro_lann: #ukedchat I'm HE&FE and use them whenever available. Write-on with capture, embedded
video, interactive graphing, students using etc
7/22/2010 20:15

malcolmbellamy: I would rather use Prezi than PPT and then get children to explore connections ideas

10 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:15

bevevans22: RT @malcolmbellamy: I think that IWB use makes some colleagues think they are "doing
real ICT" #ukedchat <-- agreed!!
7/22/2010 20:15

ZoeRoss19: RT @DeputyMitchell: #ukedchat Do some people still think that projecting resources make
them interactive? < unfortunately yes!
7/22/2010 20:15

AntHeald: Moved into class with wireless mouse earlier this week. That felt better but need to find
more ways to use #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:15

chris_1974: #ukedchat lets ask ourselves how is what we are doing different to simply having a screen.
Would as much learning happen?
7/22/2010 20:15

janwebb21: #ukedchat @chris_1974 have you seen microsoft's multimouse? now that does make ppt
7/22/2010 20:16

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - definitely different opinions based on which key stage we deliver to
7/22/2010 20:16

SkoorBttaM: Revelation- IWBs are part of pedagogy not just to tick the ICT box #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:16

chrismayoh: I have recently gone down the route of purchasing Hitachi StarBoards - more versatile +
much more robust than SMART or Promethean #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:16

marketspi: @tombarrett fantastic resource, thankyou! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:16

deerwood: @sciencelabman I can relate to that but can the pupils use the IWB software at home
though? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:16

sciencelabman: @ZoeRoss19 have to agree. so many staff think this #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:16

chris_1974: @bevevans22 or simply having a webcam pointed at the desk. works quite well!
7/22/2010 20:16

kvnmcl: The name is wrong as the board doesn't provide the interaction but the activity on it.
7/22/2010 20:16

chris_1974: RT @dughall: Many of these tweets (eg visualiser ones) do not apply to IWBs but
projectors. If you *annotate* then its interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:16

DeputyMitchell: What resources/strategies have you used well in conjnction with IWB? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

dughall: Be careful! IWB is just an electronic reproduction of 19th Century Classroom. Let's
transform, not regress! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

chris_1974: @janwebb21 indeed it does. Trying to get ppt addicts to try it.#ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

11 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

chrismayoh: £1000 is a lot to pay for a projection screen. Just paint the wall white if you're not going to
use it properly! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

Natty08: Easy way to start is to have game up that kids would use in Maths etc. Use as a group
teacher can see what they are doing! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

malcolmbellamy: @familysimpson it is more impressive when we use the IWB for their Prezi's and explore
ideas for improvement with them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

scholasticuk: How long does #ukedchat last? There'll be one education game and one children's books
game, so I'll do the kids' one first. #bookbattleships
7/22/2010 20:17

katie_hague: Lots of v good teachers don't use iwb & don't miss them, lots of v good teachers DO use
them well - it's the teacher, not the tech #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

familysimpson: IWB training is a huge issue. Money poured in to putting them in classrooms but no thought
as to how we should make use of them! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:17

Cgeo28: RT @kvnmcl: The name is wrong as the board doesn't provide the interaction but the
activity on it. #ukedchat < agree..
7/22/2010 20:17

colport: @deerwood No SMART download needed. #ukedchat -

Just need flash! #iwb
7/22/2010 20:17

janwebb21: @chris_1974 @kvnmcl #ukedchat so if the activity is what makes it interactive, what
activities best promote that interactivity?
7/22/2010 20:18

Shaunwilden: RT @kvnmcl: The name is wrong as the board doesn't provide the interaction but the
activity on it. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

dughall: RT @kvnmcl: The name is wrong as the board doesn't provide the interaction but the
activity on it. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

xcjfx2: @scholasticuk i think you just lost the game my friend <-- fanpage join
it: How long does #ukedchat last? There...
7/22/2010 20:18

tonycassidy: RT @DeputyMitchell: What resources/strategies have you used well in conjnction with
IWB? I like afields contentgenerator quiz #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

janwebb21: @scholasticuk we finish at 9pm! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:18

sciencelabman: @deerwood no they dont but would be great if they could. i struggle to get them to use the
technology at home. i dont know why. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

colport: RT @DeputyMitchell: What resources/strategies have you used well in conjunction with
IWB? #ukedchat <Good question!
7/22/2010 20:18

ZoeRoss19: RT @familysimpson: IWB training is a huge issue. Money poured in to putting them in

12 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

classrooms but no thought as to how we should make use of them! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:18

SkoorBttaM: RT @deerwood: @colport #ukedchat can learners install IWB software on home
machines? if they can let them use it to create resources- Great!
7/22/2010 20:18

dughall: @DeputyMitchell Visulaiser & voting pads go very nicely with IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

bevevans22: Also, use Dabbleboard or PrimaryPad for collaborative work on pupil PCs and IWB then
annotate on it as a group for Afl afterwards #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:18

brookhouser: I'd love to see IWB's work better with Prezi. They seem like a match made in tech heaven.
7/22/2010 20:18

malcolmbellamy: @familysimpson absolutely.. they became the "must have" thing for headteachers but with
no real training #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

DeputyMitchell: I've used a gyroscopic mouse and a wireless keyboard to achieve just about the same
interactivity as an IWB (£80). #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

SkoorBttaM: @didactylos for too many teachers they tick the ICT box during a lesson obs and thats
why they use them?? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

katie_hague: @chrismayoh Agree, but if schools have already spent the money, need to encourage staff
to use them. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

familysimpson: Wireless mouse good idea @AntHeald but pupils need to be using it for a clear purpose eg
hook a duck questions etc. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

primarypete_: What's the best software / website / strategies for use with IWB to make it highly
interactive? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

sciencelabman: @ZoeRoss19 true of so much in education. we have a VLE but poorly used due to lack of
continued training #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

janwebb21: @brookhouser doesn't prezi need to be a bit more interactive first? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

fhesbusiness: download the pptplex add on from MS Wave - makes ppt more prezi like. much more
engaging. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:19

dughall: Plan 4 IWB to be used interactively at starter/plenary or small group with adult (or
independent) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

mbarrow: @chrismayoh I find there are less teaching resources on Hitachi boards. I think the boards
are the same as promethean re robust. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

marketspi: RT @katie_hague: Lots of v good teachers don't use iwb & don't miss them, lots of v good
teachers DO use them well - it's the teacher, not the tech #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

13 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

janwebb21: @brookhouser after all, can't add hyperlinks in same way as we can with other tools
7/22/2010 20:20

janwebb21: RT @fhesbusiness: download the pptplex add on from MS Wave - makes ppt more prezi
like. much more engaging. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

bevevans22: #ukedchat Does anyone use the voting 'pods' with their Promethean. These can be fun for
a recap activity #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

chrismayoh: IWB software which allows the screen to be split in half so that 2 pupils can work
alongside each other is really useful #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

colport: I assume @timrylands uses 'IWB 's effectively with his MYST programs. Potential there, I
would have thought. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - what advice should be given to training and new staff? Can IWB be relied on
too much?
7/22/2010 20:20

JMGubbins: @dughall Agreed, without a voting system you can accomplish much of the same attaching
a tablet to a projector #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

deerwood: @colport That's looking better, thanks. Only snag is you need to have internet access. Do
Promethean have anything similar? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:20

sciencelabman: @primarypete_ do you use great resources and ideas.

7/22/2010 20:20

Natty08: It is what you do with it! It is part of a toolkit. I don't use everything in my toolkit all at the
once. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

katie_hague: Lots of teachers love software when they know what it can do but haven't had time to try,
can be great tool without more money #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

chrisrat: *Promise not a sales pitch* we had huge success with the 100 Smart/AP Whiteboard
lessons - a hand hold to using the IWB in lesson #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

chrismayoh: @mbarrow Fewer teaching resources, would agree. But can still run SMART and
Promethean software with the right licenses #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

chris_1974: @Shaunwilden yes absolutely. Are we preaching to the converted here?! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

dughall: Even if you are an expert with the software, you *must* pretend you don't know how to do
stuff. Kids love to show. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

janwebb21: @vikh46 #ukedchat following on from that, how do we ensure it is worth the extra cost?
that we get value for money by paying more?
7/22/2010 20:21

bevevans22: RT @malcolmbellamy: I would use IWB to update a "wallwisher" and discuss ideas

14 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

#ukedchat <--or use linoit in a similar way

7/22/2010 20:21

deerwood: @sciencelabman have you seen the link from @colport ? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

chrisrat: @bevevans22 Do you think the voting systems are value for money? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

familysimpson: I once made my IWB multi touch... By covering it with White paper and giving the kids felt
pens... Bad ICT, competitive lesson! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:21

fhesbusiness: @bevevans22 no, but looking at getting the new Quizdom. Anybody know if it's good?
7/22/2010 20:21

didactylos: #ukedchat do we train tool wielders or craftsmen? Am I certified partitioner of

whiteboardery or a good pedagogue?
7/22/2010 20:21

brookhouser: IWB's to teach poetry scansion? Throw some Shakespeare (UK love) on the board and
have students mark up the iambic pentameter! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

janwebb21: RT @dughall: Even if you are an expert with the software, you *must* pretend you don't
know how to do stuff. Kids love to show. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

colport: @deerwood I am a SMART guy, so do not know about prom's! I install CD file on
free-standing PC's in classrooms (non int) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

dughall: @JMGubbins Agreed. But, if the tech is there already, let's get value for money.
7/22/2010 20:22

carolrainbow: #ukedchat IWbs perfect for annotating video clips, magnifying images to share, hide and
reveal, sharing story books, brainstorming ideas
7/22/2010 20:22

nellmog: Best of IWB's ive seen in a y1 class the board was almost mounted at floor level 10
students walked over and started learning #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

sciencelabman: @deerwood no will look back later /cant keep up!!!! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

familysimpson: @malcolmbellamy the HTs should be first to use them: lead by example!! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

dughall: @bevevans22 Activote FTW!!!! #ukedchat #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:22

mbarrow: I am always amazed at how many teachers using iwb have never discovered/installed the
hundreds of resources included with them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

Shaunwilden: RT @chris_1974: @yes absolutely. Are we preaching to the converted here?! #ukedchat
Isnt that always the case with twitterusers?
7/22/2010 20:22

15 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

marketspi: @Natty08 yes I agree! Variety is the spice of life, especially if you're a child who doesn't
love being in school #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:22

JMGubbins: Has anyone had an opportunity to experience the Brightlink projector? #ukedchat IWB w/o the B
7/22/2010 20:23

colport: @sciencelabman :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:23

familysimpson: @carolrainbow annotating video clips: how? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:23

tonycassidy: RT @chrisrat: @bevevans22 Do you think the voting systems are value for money? We
havce one in school, saw it once, never again :( #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:23

Natty08: I can only speak from a SMART point of view but everything you need is in the notebook
10! Possibilities endless! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:23

bevevans22: #ukedchat Also helps if pupils have access to same software. we have the smae things on
teacher PCs and pupils PCs at KS2 #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:23

deerwood: @colport sorry Colin, that was an open question about Promethean .. hoped
@activeeducator might pick it up #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:23

triciaguedes: RT @tombarrett: 46 Interesting Ways to use you IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:24

chris_1974: RT @Natty08: I can only speak from a SMART point of view but everything you need is in
the notebook 10! Possibilities endless! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

dughall: Get your older kids to create interactive resources for younger kids and get them to use
them with them. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

chrismayoh: @bevevans22 Yes, we've used the Promerhean ActivExpression voting devices for a year
or so now. Kids really engage with them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

SkoorBttaM: RT @familysimpson: @malcolmbellamy the HTs should be first to use them: lead by
example!!- ideally but never going to happen! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

squiggle7: RT @colport @sciencelabman :-) #ukedchat brill, just what

I need as new school don't have smartboards
7/22/2010 20:24

janwebb21: @Shaunwilden #ukedchat @chris_1974 so if we are the converts, how do we convince

colleagues to use iwbs more interactively?
7/22/2010 20:24

tonycassidy: @mbarrow it just the time and someone showing you the how #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

16 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

chris_1974: #ukedchat but despitre what @Natty08 just said many smart users still on 9.xx and don't
have / use full toolkit
7/22/2010 20:24

Natty08: RT @Natty08: Actually what is great is ink aware in smart takes away need for visualiser
as long as you have word on PC (not MAC) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

nellmog: Many web2 tools lend themselves to IWB's. Students annotating and producing demos
then recording a screencast #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:24

Caro_lann: @malcolmbellamy #ukedchat That's my induction activity for next term!

7/22/2010 20:24

ZoeRoss19: RT @chrisrat: @bevevans22 Do you think the voting systems are value for money?
#ukedchat < u can often trial /borrow them from LEA
7/22/2010 20:24

dughall: Back in a mo. Kids need kisses :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:24

sciencelabman: @colport thanks. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:25

timd: The #ukedchat pedagogical firehose is in full spate - having trouble keeping up...
7/22/2010 20:25

Natty08: Read all about ink aware - writing opportunities WOW
/media/trainingcenter/95word_classroom.pdf #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

mbarrow: @chrismayoh I have recommended the few Kent schools with Hitachi boards to do the
same :) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

janwebb21: @brookhouser #ukedchat maybe because I'm a cheapskate, but there are things I can't do
with prezi that ppt can
7/22/2010 20:25

katie_hague: @bevevans22 #ukedchat Also helps if pupils have access to same software. we have the
same things on teacher PCs and pupils PCs Agreed!
7/22/2010 20:25

tj007: RT @Natty08: I can only speak from a SMART point of view but everything you need is in
the notebook 10! Possibilities endless! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

bevevans22: @tonycassidy @chrisrat We have had them for a while in UKS2 and they are used
frequently. Not sure if worth cost though #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

deerwood: @sciencelabman link to SMART online notebook #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:25

sdh_tech: RT @tombarrett: 46 Interesting Ways to use you IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:25

chrisrat: I've used 4 diff IWBs, the principle's the same in all.need 2 stop thinking it's technical! if
you can use a PC,you can use an IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

janwebb21: @brookhouser #ukedchat am now wondering myself, too!

17 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:25

DeputyMitchell: My friend worked for an AV firm who were asked to supply and fit a 12 foot IWB 8 ft high
in a school hall! #ukedchat You couldn't write it!
7/22/2010 20:25

fhesbusiness: VT4S have lent me a visualiser which has been good fun to use with the IWB. Very good
quality images and really engages students. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

brookhouser: @chrisrat I've used for a free voting system. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:25

malcolmbellamy: I think there is limited mileage in using activote systems.. they are a novelty at first but are
limited in what they do #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:26

tonycassidy: I'll admit that I've never gone beyond the tools in smartboard- how do you get started?
7/22/2010 20:26

Caro_lann: “@Cgeo28: #ukedchat - what advice should be given to training and new staff? Can IWB
be relied on too much?”always have a "plan B"
7/22/2010 20:26

chrisrat: @ZoeRoss19 @bevevans22 that must make it touch to use them all the time...what if
another school needs them? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:26

marketspi: Actually, sometimes the kids get most excited about fighting over who gets to calibrate my
iwb. Maybe I shouldn't admit that ;) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:26

chris_1974: @janwebb21 @Shaunwilden wish I knew. Email key learning from tonight, for a start!
7/22/2010 20:26

sciencelabman: @tonycassidy check out teacherslovesmartboards #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:27

mberry: #ukedchat it's the ability to share the semi-infinite riches of the Internet with a class that
makes a projector, if not an IWB powerful.
7/22/2010 20:27

fhesbusiness: @janwebb21 such as...? I am a big prezi convert although plex might just win me back to
ppt! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

didactylos: @carolrainbow #ukedchat doesn't a data projector and wireless kb and mouse enable the
7/22/2010 20:27

carolrainbow: @familysimpson 1. play video through Smart video player, pause vid, kids write ideas all
around paused video screen #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

chris_1974: @tonycassidy play with it. In class. With kids. Go on a learning journey with them!
7/22/2010 20:27

colport: Interesting comments from @DeputyMitchell - Is the consensus that IWB's are use more in
FS/KS1, and ignored in KS2-4 more so? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

18 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

dughall: @JMGubbins I used an 'interactive' projector last week (strange 'wand' thing). Found it a
bit clunky... #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

KnikiDavies: @marketspi It's true. Kids think "Orientate" is an amazing fun game! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

squiggle7: #ukedchat key is def in training. A school I visited a last month were wowed by use of
screen shade - worrying!
7/22/2010 20:27

eyebeams: Open Source (free) VIrtual World +smartboard + wii remote - this is doable now
7/22/2010 20:27

carolrainbow: @familysimpson 2. save each "ink layer" it saves to a new Smart Notebook #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:27

janwebb21: @Shaunwilden @chris_1974 #ukedchat isn't it about giving a small taster - one really
useful thing to try out that might sow seeds
7/22/2010 20:27

Jamesashton20: @dughall ok missing out on the #ukedchat tonight! on a camputer fix it job, keep me
7/22/2010 20:28

chrisrat: Liking the 'free' voting options from @didactylos and @brookhouser Google forms, and #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

ZoeRoss19: @chrisrat @bevevans22 #ukedchat v true, hvr found good to try before u buy!
7/22/2010 20:28

chrismayoh: RT @dughall: Get your older kids to create interactive resources for younger kids and get
them to use them with them. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

bevevans22: @chrisrat @ZoeRoss19 We bought ours (when we were flush). I think it might be
frustrating if you just borrowed them for a while #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

chris_1974: <sigh> RT @squiggle7: #ukedchat key is def in training. A school I visited a last month
were wowed by use of screen shade - worrying!
7/22/2010 20:28

dughall: @Jamesashton20 is happening now. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:28

KnikiDavies: @squiggle7 I like screenshade for revealing pictures and saying "I wonder" #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

tonycassidy: @skoorBttaM @chrisat but what do they add? Hands up, hold up your card... #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

AntHeald: Maybe I'm unlucky, but the touchability of iwb's always seems a bit clunky - lots of
awkward prodding. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

sciencelabman: @carolrainbow have aproblem geting FLV. video now as site i used seems to have failed
7/22/2010 20:28

19 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

DeputyMitchell: @colport I have seen better 'interactivity' in EYFS I have to say! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

chrisrat: @deerwood i think you are safe - children's one first, teacher version at 9 after #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:28

tonycassidy: RT @sciencelabman: @tonycassidy check out teacherslovesmartboards #ukedchat cheers

7/22/2010 20:29

squiggle7: #ukedchat when doing activities on IWB make all chn take part on mini whiteboards and
check answer - more interactive than just one child
7/22/2010 20:29

malcolmbellamy: @marketspi the calibration is sometimes the most exciting bit for the children! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:29

tonycassidy: RT @chris_1974: @tonycassidy play with it. In class. With kids. Go on a learning journey
with them! #ukedchat I like that...
7/22/2010 20:29

katie_hague: @colport Absolutely not! Used well with all ages, esp when software on pupil pcs. Great
for sharing ideas & developing thinking #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:29

johnmclear: I'm here for #ukedchat but not taking part as I'm working on a deadline for 2mrw ;/
7/22/2010 20:29

mbarrow: @DeputyMitchell I hav been in classrooms where even the teachers couldn't reach top
third of the board. The pupils had no chance! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:29

janwebb21: @Shaunwilden @chris_1974 but perhaps it's sometimes about small sensitive steps with
overloaded colleagues #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

squiggle7: @KnikiDavies I use screenshade ALL the time. Was shocked to say the least! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

JMGubbins: I'm still on the fence about IWB and my experience has been people are generally
passionate about the topic one way or the other #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

lauradoggett: Now *this* makes awesome reading for teachers. Fancy some CPD? Read #ukedchat.
Wow - if I could bottle all the collective cleverness....
7/22/2010 20:30

dughall: @Jamesashton20 No worries. Archive will appear on wiki at the weekend. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

nellmog: Moving in to my first ever classroom with a permanent IWB and I am wondering, will
change the way my students interact and learn? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

chrisrat: Point made the other night was that the money has been spent, we have the boards, how
do we get them used? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

bevevans22: @dughall @chrismayoh We get Ks2 pupils to create activities for FP IWBs- they love it
(and often share tips with teachers). #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

eyebeams: - make your own cave environment #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:30

20 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

mberry: @nellmog Yes. Teacher & pupil screencasts from the IWB a very intuitive way to record
teaching and learning across the curriculum. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

Shaunwilden: @janwebb21 @chris_1974 Completely agree with you and i think our enthusiasm can often
put people off #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:30

DeputyMitchell: IWB tools +great questioning skills are one great way to use IWB. eg. revealing tiny part
of hidden shape & discuss . 1 of 1000's #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

chris_1974: @janwebb21 @Shaunwilden I get accused of being a single issue fanatic around IWB's
and edtech generally. Moreso than head of ict.. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

sciencelabman: i run sessions with individual staff taking them one step at a time on what they need to do
next. takes time but great results. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

janwebb21: @fhesbusiness depends on how you use it, but could have multi-layered options - kids can
e.g. write quest stories with choices #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

ForesterJo: RT @KnikiDavies: @marketspi It's true. Kids think "Orientate" is an amazing fun game!
#ukedchat - am with you on that one!
7/22/2010 20:31

colport: @katie_hague Good to hear practice of #iwb is good in your school #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - any studies been done about effectiveness of IWB? Am doing a voice of
learner and might include as a question
7/22/2010 20:31

SkoorBttaM: @tonycassidy use them as a markbook- start of a topic v end of a topic. 'Take control' of
mouse and keyboard from your seat #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

malcolmbellamy: is the IWB not just "wallpaper" to the T.V. child? Unles it is Blue Peter of course!
7/22/2010 20:31

katie_hague: Annotate work, create 'starter' resources, some great grammar for writing materials
7/22/2010 20:31

janwebb21: @chris_1974 @Shaunwilden #ukedchat there's a fine balance to be had between

enthusiasm and steam rollering!
7/22/2010 20:31

carolrainbow: @chrisrat Training is essential - I see teachers that have had a board for a couple of years
but do not know basic techniques #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

dughall: Promethean do a free beginners course on ACTIV software

7/22/2010 20:31

tonycassidy: @ForesterJo: I think its about starting with a small group of individuals and letting the
practice spread #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:31

chris_1974: @squiggle7 and as for the "magic" pen... prim tchr actually thought it was checking for

21 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

right answer and fading if wrong! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:32

JMGubbins: Personally I think it's only going to be a matter of time before each student has a MID
attached wirelessly to a shared projector #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

dughall: @bevevans22 Me & you, Bev - same page of the script ;-) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

colport: Do the inflexibility of moving #iwb 's hinder their use? I aspire to one of these
/d3ov8o - would make it easier! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

deerwood: 'a few hundred for an afternoon' there's @dannynic doing himself out of a few sessions,
LOL #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

nellmog: @colport from my experience KS4 + they do tend to be ignored as often it is forgotten that
PLAY is important not just results #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

Jamesashton20: ok, so what's being talked about? #ukedchat?

7/22/2010 20:32

kevupnorth: RT @dughall: Promethean do a free beginners course on ACTIV software

/1FWCC0 #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

fhesbusiness: @chrisrat There is too much pressure to use interactive software. Multimedia is such now
that they can be engaging as a projector #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

janwebb21: @chris_1974 @Shaunwilden #ukedchat it can be intimidating to others because they can
feel inadequate/skills aren't up to it etc
7/22/2010 20:32

carolrainbow: @sciencelabman Load riva encoder and media coder -both free - to add loads of different
video types #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:32

chris_1974: #ukedchat use smartrecorder to get kids to make podcasts. record working, add
7/22/2010 20:32

janwebb21: RT @tonycassidy: @ForesterJo: I think its about starting with a small group of individuals
and letting the practice spread #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:33

tj007: I like having the IWB in the classroom - it makes me think more about the lesson and how
to engage and focus pupils. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:33

colport: RT @ZoeRoss19: #ukedchat my most enthusiastic users are ks4-in other lessons there is
rarely interaction-so they tell me
7/22/2010 20:33

tonycassidy: RT @ForesterJo: RT @KnikiDavies: @marketspi It's true. Kids think "Orientate" is an

amazing fun game! #ukedchat - timed competition
7/22/2010 20:33

DeputyMitchell: Does anyone use IWB to register the pupils? I have used named fish they drop into the
sea on entering in Y2 to aid co-ordination #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:33

22 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

nellmog: @mberry also great if students have missed lessons #ukedchat and exemplar uses for
other teachers
7/22/2010 20:33

janwebb21: @tonycassidy @ForesterJo softlee softlee catchee monkeee! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:33

Natty08: Gah tweetdeck not working be with asap #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:33

BeeBecF: Does anyone have experience of Hitachi IWBs? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:34

DeputyMitchell: @mbarrow Yes, have seen that too! lol #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:34

janwebb21: @chris_1974 really powerful way of sharing maths strategies - esp with parents who are
struggling to understand "new" methods #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

tj007: I like to record something that has been demonstrated on screen, so that it can be
replayed (could be a pupil's demo of learning) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

malcolmbellamy: the kids love it when the orientation is off and the teacher gets flustered! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

mberry: @eyebeams With a wiimote or two, a projector mounted way back, and some blinds, the
whole wall can become the 'board'. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

fhesbusiness: @janwebb21 easier to use multimedia in prezi. Inserting a flv or youtube is a doddle. I still
struggle with embedding vids in ppt #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

katie_hague: @colport Work for the LA and see good practice in lots of schools (& some not so good!)
but it's not age / phase specific #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:34

DeputyMitchell: RT @chris_1974: #ukedchat use smartrecorder to get kids to make podcasts. record
working, add voiceover. <---Great idea!
7/22/2010 20:34

dughall: @Jamesashton20 IWBs #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:34

janwebb21: @DeputyMitchell great use for self registering! wonder if it would work equally well with
ks3+ #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:35

ZoeRoss19: RT @nellmog: from my experience KS4 + they do tend to be ignored as often it is

forgotten that PLAY is important not just results #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:35

deerwood: @Cgeo28 see my blog post here for a link to a study on IWBs
7/22/2010 20:35

colport: @Jamesashton20 "How do we make the use of interactive whiteboards TRULY

interactive?" #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:35

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat IWB oh the irony-it's the most un-interactive tool out there!Train the users-
teachers & pupils-educate 2engage it's full potential

23 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:35

SkoorBttaM: @marketspi It's true. Kids think "Orientate" is an amazing fun game! #ukedchat - quallity!
7/22/2010 20:35

bevevans22: @DeputyMitchell We use ppt self reg in our FP classes - works well. Children click on
name & it moves to say they are in school #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:35

AntHeald: Interesting that lots of suggested iwb actvities don't require iwb. Want to check out some
posted resources that do though #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:35

Cgeo28: RT @deerwood: @Cgeo28 see my blog post here for a link to a study on IWBs #ukedchat - thanks!
7/22/2010 20:35

chrismayoh: @BeeBecF Yes, we have some Hitachis #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:35

colport: @katie_hague That's reassuring to hear. Not many LA jobs going though :-( #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

janwebb21: @fhesbusiness like most things, it's what you want to do at the end - prezi might not
develop the same transferrable ict skills ? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

Natty08: HAndwriting lessons can be used - record before lesson then show - means teacher can
circulate and help #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

janwebb21: @chris_1974 I keep saying that too! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:36

DeputyMitchell: RT @janwebb21: @DeputyMitchell great use for self registering! wonder if it would work
equally well with ks3+ #ukedchat <--Why not? ;-)
7/22/2010 20:36

ForesterJo: #ukedchat i would be lost without capture when making resources from home! use
easispeaks import and give characters from books voices
7/22/2010 20:36

chrisrat: @fhesbusiness doesn't that bring it back to 'what is interactivity'? You can have an
amazing interactive lesson, without an IWB! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

colport: RT @SkoorBttaM: @marketspi It's true. Kids think "Orientate" is an amazing fun game!
#ukedchat <-They cheer when it's time to Orientate! LOL
7/22/2010 20:36

marketspi: RT @nellmog: @colport from my experience KS4 + they do tend to be ignored as often it
is forgotten that PLAY is important not just results #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

deerwood: RT @mrportman: @deerwood Whole class teaching = projector only, Group work =
interactive < can't pupils demo work to other groups #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

janwebb21: @DeputyMitchell I keep meaning to set one up - maybe now is the time to set one up for
September #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:36

24 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

JoanneC23: #ukedchat last school I was in I only saw 2 teachers usin iwb to full potential. One teacher
wouldn't turn it on and wrote on it with wb pen
7/22/2010 20:37

dughall: Look at this little lot on Wikipedia (of all things!) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:37

tonycassidy: @janwebb21 Inset don't water stones in the garden.=someone commented that they liked
doing that- the stones look shiny! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:37

janwebb21: @DeputyMitchell Maybe someone from ks3+ might have some different ideas to us about
usefulness for self reigistering? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:37

chris_1974: @janwebb21 except that thanks to #ukedchat I'm really planning to do this.
7/22/2010 20:37

AntHeald: Installer matters: some of ours have been in years & still fine. Others installed by cowboys
& all skewiff w dodgy wiring etc #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:37

carolrainbow: @Ideas_Factory Sorry I don't agree, I see lots of interactive use by a lot of teachers.
7/22/2010 20:37

janwebb21: RT @BeeBecF: Does anyone have experience of Hitachi IWBs? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:37

SkoorBttaM: RT @Natty08: HAndwriting lessons can be used - record before lesson then show - means
teacher can circulate and help- great idea!! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:37

fhesbusiness: @chrisrat totally agree. Our new build has interactive projectors. not an IWB in sight. Bliss!
7/22/2010 20:38

BeeBecF: @chrismayoh I have had zero input from school re use, we use smartboard software. Do
you know of anything on web? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:38

dughall: RT @AntHeald: Interesting that lots of suggested iwb actvities don't require iwb. (True -
remember the board itself folks) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:38

ForesterJo: #ukedchat use smart recorder and play videos- take stills from videos and make comic
strips - use videos/dramas with own chdn acting
7/22/2010 20:38

colport: #ukedchat - If I set up a lesson as a 'Round Robin', one activity will ALWAYS include the
Interactiveness on IWB (e.g. story boarding)
7/22/2010 20:38

chris_1974: #ukedchat when my pens wear down, the kids tell whose I could steal that are pristine and
they wouldn't notice!
7/22/2010 20:38

ZoeRoss19: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - would you rather have a basic projector and some mobile
devices/iPod/similar, or an IWB?< mobile devices 4 me
7/22/2010 20:38

25 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

ianinsheffield: *Training* in using IWBs is only the start. This has to be followed by professional
development #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:38

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat The only way to truely interact with IWB is to play with it-how many pupils get
that chance?
7/22/2010 20:39

SkoorBttaM: @colport Pity help you if you don't do it like a previous teacher used to. "You've got to go
from the middle!!!!" #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:39

malcolmbellamy: @fhesbusiness really good idea.... it will be interesting to see the results #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:39

Caro_lann: RT @carolrainbow: @Ideas_Factory Sorry I don't agree, I see lots of interactive use by a
lot of teachers. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:39

chrisrat: @carolrainbow Agree -just think it could be down to confidence. I've trained lots of people,
best bit was when i left them to play #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:39

colport: @katie_hague That's my concern. Lots of schools going to have to go alone on their IT
adventure due to cuts. #ukedchat is now very valuable.
7/22/2010 20:39

fhesbusiness: @janwebb21 there is more sequencing and planning required for putting together a prezi.
You can tick a few app boxes! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:39

janwebb21: @ForesterJo oooh hadn't thought of idea! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:39

Natty08: We all know they aren't the be all and end all the fact of the matter is used correctly the
potential to learn is amazing #ukedchat tbc
7/22/2010 20:40

DeputyMitchell: I've used IWB for reward chart. Pupils move their name along a racetrack to 'beat Bertie
by behaving brilliantly'! Used in KS1&2! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:40

mberry: RT @dughall: Look at this little lot on Wikipedia (of all things!) # [IWBs,
#ukedchat. Wow!]
7/22/2010 20:40

dughall: @fhesbusiness Are those projectors really all that? Couldn't get on with the one I tried.
7/22/2010 20:40

Natty08: and the reason is because they capture children's imagination! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:40

KnikiDavies: @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat Mine get turns to go on it in Golden Time and play and have
fun. And go on Bloons Tower Defense...
7/22/2010 20:40

Cgeo28: RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat The only way to truely interact with IWB is to play with
it-how many pupils get that chance? < one for every 30
7/22/2010 20:40

26 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

janwebb21: #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory does anyone else get pupils to make their own games to
share with peers?
7/22/2010 20:40

Ideas_Factory: @chrisrat 'What IS interactivity?' Agreed! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:40

malcolmbellamy: Julian S Wood Ideas_Factory #ukedchat The only way to truly interact with IWB is to play
with it-how many pupils get that chance? agree
7/22/2010 20:41

colport: I would agree with @Natty08 about SMART10 software. I think I have only scratched the
surface! #ukedchat My summer holiday CPD!
7/22/2010 20:41

dughall: RT @ianinsheffield: *Training* in using IWBs is only the start. This has to be followed by
professional development #ukedchat (Hear hear!)
7/22/2010 20:41

ianinsheffield: Wonder if there's a #Naace CPD4Free professional development module on IWB use?
7/22/2010 20:41

Shaunwilden: RT @ianinsheffield: *Training* in using IWBs is only the start. This has to be followed by
professional development #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:41

janwebb21: RT @Natty08: We all know they aren't the be all and end all the fact of the matter is used
correctly the potential to learn is amazing #ukedchat tbc
7/22/2010 20:41

JMGubbins: @ForesterJo Now that's creative! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:41

katie_hague: Really simple but children love 'magic paper / magic box' activities - great to get kids out to
find out answers #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:41

Natty08: If schools gave teachers time to explore the IWB I am sure the fear would not be as great!
7/22/2010 20:41

tonycassidy: We all have projectors, rather than some just have IWBs... you can still be creative and
have the interaction #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:41

SkoorBttaM: RT @ForesterJo: #ukedchat use smart recorder and play videos- take stills from videos
and make comic strips - use videos/dramas with own chdn acting
7/22/2010 20:41

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Mine def used most in maths I'd say. Things like Billy Bug, Stop The Clock, etc
are most fun on IWB.
7/22/2010 20:41

carolrainbow: @Ideas_Factory We run a summer postcard comp every summer 4 FS create wonderful
pictures on IWBs - no mouse control - hand control #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:41

mberry: #ukedchat iTunes visualisations great on a big screen, even better on a whole wall. Does
depend on the music though.
7/22/2010 20:41

DeputyMitchell: Also used IWB for Goal scorers reward board in Literacy, saved me doing 2 displays!!

27 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:41

nellmog: RT @Natty08: We all know they aren't the be all .... the fact of the matter is used correctly
the potential to learn is amazing #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

fhesbusiness: @dughall we are early adopters but working with compant to produce flash based
resources. Potential is huge. I'll post pic . #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

tonycassidy: RT @BeeBecF: @chrismayoh I have had zero input from school re use, we use
smartboard software. Do you know of anything on web? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

Caro_lann: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - would you rather have a basic projector and some mobile
devices/iPod/similar, or an IWB? I want the IWB
7/22/2010 20:42

amyamyams: unfortunately I have a 'clevertouch' IWB - rubbish rubbish rubbish! Give me a SMARTboard
please!!!! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

deerwood: RT @janwebb21: #ukedchat @Ideas_Factory does anyone else get pupils to make their
own games < hmm MissionMaker on an IWB sounds quite cool
7/22/2010 20:42

JoanneC23: #ukedchat first school I was in every teacher used iwb effectivly, more importantly kids
used them with confidence and loved them!
7/22/2010 20:42

chris_1974: #ukedchat we haven't discussed subject differences.when VI form do tours, they always
use maths as an example of where iwb used well (cont.)
7/22/2010 20:42

bevevans22: @ianinsheffield @Shaunwilden @dughall But sometimes the word 'training' (esp if linked to
ICT) puts the fear of god into some #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

chrismayoh: @BeeBecF There are some pretty good videos on YouTube if you just type in the model
number, but not sure of much else #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:42

chris_1974: #ukedchat why do they choose maths? nature of subject, or nature of teachers in team?
7/22/2010 20:42

janwebb21: @deerwood Missionmaker? do you have a link? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:42

Natty08: Also I know that they are expensive but finger prints on them are not a bad thing! They are
very sturdy #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

justmeor: RT @Caro_lann RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - would you rather have a basic projector and
some mobile devices/iPod/similar...
7/22/2010 20:43

dughall: RT @katie_hague: Really simple but children love 'magic paper / magic box' activities -
great to get kids out to find out answers #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

Paddymcgrath: RT @Caro_lann: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - would you rather have a basic projector and
some mobile devices/iPod/similar, or an IWB? I want the IWB
7/22/2010 20:43

28 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

malcolmbellamy: the best interactivity is with their own or a group laptop/ p.c. and then an IWB to show
what they have done/found #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

colport: BTW, is great on #IWB , turning pages...zooming in....playing audio/video

#ukedchat (similar to iPad experience!)
7/22/2010 20:43

Ideas_Factory: @carolrainbow Do those Teachers REALLY use it?Very rarely have I seen anybody use
IWB interactively-maybe I move in wrong circles #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

DeputyMitchell: @tonycassidy Yes!!! Just add gyroscopic mouse and wireless keyboard and hey presto!!
Bi fan of those! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

andyfield: @janwebb21 Quite a few colleagues do this regularly - students as content authors much
better than consumers #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

janwebb21: @deerwood I was thinking of eg matching pairs/what2learn/easiteach/smartboard10

lesson activities that can be adapted? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

Paddymcgrath: RT @tonycassidy: We all have projectors, rather than some just have IWBs... you can still
be creative and have the interaction #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:43

johnmclear: I challenge you all not to have fun with an IWB, 2 or 3 netbooks and primarypaint ;)
7/22/2010 20:43

ZoeRoss19: RT @Natty08: If schools gave teachers time to explore the IWB I am sure the fear would
not be as great! #ukedchat < v true!
7/22/2010 20:43

dughall: @katie_hague And when they *get* how the magic works, they can make their own :-)
7/22/2010 20:43

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - IWB training: primary teachers should definitely share there skills with
secondary teachers
7/22/2010 20:44

eyebeams: @mberry - Here's one I made earlier Miles - P.E. Music, ITunes Wolfram Alpha #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

marketspi: @JoanneC23 so used to iwb that when I go to a classroom with projector I tap
whiteboard& nothing happens. Kids find it hilarious #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

BeeBecF: @chrismayoh Thanks will have a look. IWB in my new class for Sept is broken at present
tho. So annoying. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

chrisrat: RT @ZoeRoss19: RT @Natty08: If schools gave teachers time to explore the IWB I am
sure the fear would not be as great! #ukedchat < v true!
7/22/2010 20:44

tonycassidy: RT @DeputyMitchell: @tonycassidy Yes!!! Just add gyroscopic mouse and wireless
keyboard and hey presto!! Bi fan of those! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

29 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

Paddymcgrath: @Natty08 think teachers need to make the time, schools need to give them the flmae of
inspiration to make it a perosnal priority #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

chris_1974: #ukedchat there seems to be an assumption that primary lessons more interactive than
secondary. where's this come from??
7/22/2010 20:44

bevevans22: RT @Natty08: Also I know that they are expensive but finger prints on them are not a bad
thing! #ukedchat <-- too right!
7/22/2010 20:44

deerwood: The buddha wall machine would be quite cool on an IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:44

AntHeald: iwb use v strong in Maths in our school Nature of subject? Type of resources? Seems to
lend itself to shapes/charts etc over words #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:45

eyebeams: @colport does that answer your question #ukedchat see last link
7/22/2010 20:45

janwebb21: @andyfield brings us back to an earlier question about who owns the learning with iwb
activities - are they interactive for pupils #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:45

dughall: Still a fear in too many teachers that kids will 'show them up'. Therefore don't switch on
and/or hand over control. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:45

katie_hague: IWB is another tool in toolbox - v engaging for pupils & involves children more. Can really
lift mood. Not only tool but great #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:45

janwebb21: @Cgeo28 #ukedchat HOW?

7/22/2010 20:45

tonycassidy: @DeputyMitchell have a wiseless mouse as well as the IWB, I like to move away from the
board, especially when students are there! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:45

dughall: @chris_1974 I've observed it first hand #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:45

DeputyMitchell: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - IWB training: primary teachers should definitely share there
skills with secondary teachers. **Hear Hear**!!
7/22/2010 20:45

DeputyMitchell: @Cgeo28 We should share more both ways!!! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:46

janwebb21: @Cgeo28 as primary teacher I would say IWB; would I say same as secondary?
7/22/2010 20:46

chrisrat: How does IWB use work with kids sitting in rows, learning about Kings/Queens of
England? #ukedchat #slightlyfacetiousquestion #gove
7/22/2010 20:46

AntHeald: @malcolmbellamy My experience too - but then you don't really need the interactive bit.
Projector will do? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:46

Shaunwilden: RT @bevevans22: sometimes the word 'training' puts the fear of god into some, agreed

30 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

but its an odd attitude 4 educationalists #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:46

janwebb21: @Natty08 one of the girls in my class asks to stay in a playtime to do that! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:46

colport: @eyebeams I'll have to find it amongst all the #ukedchat links!
7/22/2010 20:46

DeputyMitchell: @tonycassidy Have you tried a gyroscopic mouse? Control it with your wrist movement!
FAB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:46

andyfield: @janwebb21 Has to be students - it's just a piece of plastic on wall if students aren't
directly using it interactively #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:46

katie_hague: @dughall Yes! Great football pitch for practising times tables #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

chris_1974: @marketspi danger of talking about demo is us showing. Also lets them play and show.
7/22/2010 20:47

colport: Google Earth is awesome on #IWB #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:47

janwebb21: @chrisrat BUT how do we ensure that they are being fully and effectively used?
@DianneSpencer - need value for money to be seen #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

deerwood: @janwebb21 was trying to stretch games making up to KS3. MM is an immersive

education product #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

Ideas_Factory: @carolrainbow #ukedchat Our pupils use software to produce pictures loads but don't use
IWB-just computer.Time for 30 kids and 1 IWB limited
7/22/2010 20:47

DeputyMitchell: @chrisrat Because they can watch the ppt on it! ;-) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

mberry: @eyebeams Outstanding. Like it. Will use it somewhere. There's a weird noise about at c.
27", or is it me? [am liking Osmos too!] #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

Natty08: @chrisrat could match the pictures with names :P #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:47

malcolmbellamy: @AntHeald I agree the visualiser is a much more flexible tool #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:47

TheNerdyTeacher: RT @cybraryman1: My SmartBoard/IWB page of links: #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:47

jamesclay: In my college we have an IWB in every teaching space. Eg in the dance studio
/ad86o8 #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:48

hairysporan: iwb with active voting systems get the kids more involved #ukedchat also dabble board is
fun to use if you have laptops
7/22/2010 20:48

chris_1974: @dughall enough to become evidence not anecdote? trying not to get defensive!

31 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:48

janwebb21: RT @fhesbusiness: give cooliris a go. makes web browsing very interesting on an IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:48

deerwood: @mrportman yes visualisers are a great tool to have with an IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:48

tonycassidy: @DeputyMitchell no- but use one when I do hall assemblies- I have ETs, which makes it
interesting #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:48

eyebeams: @colport #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:48

andyfield: @janwebb21 For schools with limited resources (all?) I still strongly feel transformative
device is projector. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:48

Natty08: smart exchange a great starting

point :) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

familysimpson: @carolrainbow #ukedchat thanks for info! I imagined it was like YouTube annotate feature
(which could work too if not blocked!)
7/22/2010 20:50

chrisrat: @Natty08 @DeputyMitchell top about dragging 6 wives to divorced/beheaded

/survived pots? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

deerwood: I used to wear a white shirt when using an IWB until one day the kids started thumping my
back saying sorry just being interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

katie_hague: @johnmclear Art on iwb is great - love using 2 paint a picture with paintbrush instead of
pen - real wow factor! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

mberry: RT @colport: Google Earth is awesome on #IWB #ukedchat [Indeed yes. lots of game,
oops, simulations work v. well too]
7/22/2010 20:50

carolrainbow: @katie_hague Yes wonderful techniques - as is the slider - lots of training here
/aOdjyc #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

eyebeams: @vikh46 - You can interact in real time across distance with the same objects - that's just
one... #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

dughall: @chris_1974 Erm, based on my own visits to Secondary classrooms and what secondary
strat consultant colleagues tell me #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

janwebb21: @Cgeo28 Teachmeet? takes an open-ness too - not a them and us - we are all educators
7/22/2010 20:50

hairysporan: @Cgeo28 #ukedchat im having an interesting time working in yrs 678 with both prim and
secondary staff mixed in all lessons
7/22/2010 20:50

32 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Need expensive hardware to aid interactive aspect-that's problem-otherwise

just 1 pen 1 board and 33 participants-tricky!
7/22/2010 20:50

AntHeald: Honestly? I wouldn't miss anything (maybe cos not doing it right) but would be bereft w/out
laptop & proj. I obviously need devpt #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

chris_1974: @KnikiDavies i agree. I tihnk though that sometimes IWB mean too much of this. planning
means make a slidehow and lecture too much #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

marketspi: @chris_1974 you are right, we try to get kids to learn by exploration but in maths there are
some topics which need teacher demos #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:50

dughall: @chris_1974 Of course that is not definitive! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:50

Paddymcgrath: @hairysporan #ukedchat these systems are fairly expensive , could use online solution
7/22/2010 20:51

Cgeo28: @KnikiDavies #ukedchat - but poor use of IWB does mean some staff at front rather than
'interact' with pupils
7/22/2010 20:51

chris_1974: @dughall fair enough. Just wnated to ask. #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:51

bevevans22: Maybe we should get a list/Google doc together sharing ideas/websites/applications for
getting the most out of IWBs #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:51

SkoorBttaM: RT @hairysporan: iwb with active voting systems get the kids more involved #ukedchat
also dabble board is fun to use if you have laptops
7/22/2010 20:51

fhesbusiness: @janwebb21 #ukedchat finding my iwb pen - that;'s a game I play for ten minutes before
period 1 every day!
7/22/2010 20:51

Caro_lann: “@janwebb21: #ukedchat just over 10 mins left! ..what activities would you miss most if
you didn't have iwb?” write/draw screen captures
7/22/2010 20:51

TeaKayB: #ukedchat Also old laptop + schl reluctance to update makes even simple IWB resource
production unnecessarily tedious & long winded
7/22/2010 20:51

primarypete_: @KnikiDavies with you on teacher modelling (esp literacy) - many (me probably) overuse
as easy option #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:51

janwebb21: @eyebeams do you mean like the smart tool that enables a teacher in one location to take
over iwb in another? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:51

amyamyams: My IWB usage is always interactive - whether it be a maths game, virtual gaming, sorting
objects, active voting, storyboarding #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:51

AntHeald: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat I don't get what problem is w teacher standing at front
explaining things. Why are people so anti this? <DITTO!

33 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 20:51

carolrainbow: @Ideas_Factory Maybe - but 20 mins individual use of IWB 3 or 4 times a week certainly
develops fine motor control - they love it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:52

deerwood: @janwebb21 I think @terryfreedman has a copy of MM to give away but you must
subscribe to his xlent newsletter to win it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:52

dughall: @KnikiDavies As long as it is 'part' of the lesson. No problem *Balance* is the key IMHO
7/22/2010 20:52

hairysporan: @Paddymcgrath true but it allows 25 pupils to interact with one board in a maths lesson
with no other it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:52

eyebeams: @janwebb21 - or children interact - use video conferencing - share a platform etc etc
7/22/2010 20:53

tonycassidy: RT @andyfield: @janwebb21 agree, for geography the visual work of the projector has
transformed teaching- no bw photocopies #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

malcolmbellamy: I agree with the time element being discussed I have seen the IWB "lecture" drag on for
far too long #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

simonhaughton: IWB ideas/websites collaborative GDoc if anybody wants to add bits
7/22/2010 20:53

KnikiDavies: RT @simonhaughton When aligning an IWB best way is to drag pen to centre of each dot
then lift it up - apparently more accurate. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

janwebb21: @SkoorBttaM how sad #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:53

tj007: RT @simonhaughton: When aligning IWB best way is to drag pen to centre of each dot
then lift it up - more accurate. <- me too #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

colport: @familysimpson The old pedagogy issue then....Teachers need to acquire confidence to
pass tech to pupils, who will enthuse #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

TeaKayB: #ukedchat Prim/sec staff network could help to address other issues too, e.g. lack of
maths specialists in primaries.
7/22/2010 20:53

Ideas_Factory: RT @chrismayoh: I wonder how many minutes per week the 'average' child actually
interacts with an IWB? Can't imagine it's an impressive stat #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

SkoorBttaM: RT @deerwood: I used to wear a white shirt when using an IWB until one day the kids
started thumping my back saying sorry just being interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:53

primarypete_: RT @dughall: @KnikiDavies As long as it is 'part' of the lesson. No problem *Balance* is

the key IMHO #ukedchat <--spot on again ;)
7/22/2010 20:53

34 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

vikh46: #ukedchat Reading all of this just makes me realise how behind the times we are!!! lol
7/22/2010 20:53

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - google earth on an IWB is fantastic #geography

7/22/2010 20:54

dughall: @simonhaughton Agree with that orienting advice! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:54

familysimpson: @skoorBttaM #ukedchat then they shouldn't have bought them!!! Should have bought
everyone flip charts!!
7/22/2010 20:54

janwebb21: @marketspi same goes for science but wouldn't augmented reality tools spice up the
possibilities for interactivity with old? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:54

bevevans22: I like to use different search engines on IWB - they look fab! , and #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:54

SkoorBttaM: @familysimpson but then I wouldn't have enjoyed this #ukedchat so much!!
7/22/2010 20:55

eyebeams: @vikh46 - Have a look at @tombarret's work with Smart tables much the same applies
7/22/2010 20:55

janwebb21: @deerwood am already subscribed!!!! LOL #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:55

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Had loads of fun with BBC interactive body, rotating organs and dragging into
7/22/2010 20:55

janwebb21: RT @deerwood: @janwebb21 I think @terryfreedman has a copy of MM to give away but
you must subscribe to his xlent newsletter to win it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:55

AntHeald: Well if nothing else that orienting advice looks useful! Browser groaning under weight of
links waiting for perusal, though. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:55

carolrainbow: @Ideas_Factory Come up to Oxfordshire Primary schools and I will promise loads of
teachers use them interactively #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:55

janwebb21: RT @dughall: @KnikiDavies As long as it is 'part' of the lesson. No problem *Balance* is

the key IMHO #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:55

janwebb21: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Had loads of fun with BBC interactive body, rotating organs
and dragging into place!
7/22/2010 20:55

KnikiDavies: @chrismayoh I wonder how many minutes a week the average child gets to interact with a
teacher too! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

TeaKayB: RT @tj007: RT @simonhaughton: Aligning IWB- best way is to drag pen to centre of each
dot then lift up - more accurate. <- ditto #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

fhesbusiness: #ukedchat - what would I miss? Not a great deal as long as had projector and visualiser. I

35 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

do like simple tools such as revela and torch.

7/22/2010 20:56

janwebb21: @eyebeams ours loved being able to see others on skype via iwb - but it wasn't the board
that made the experience interactive! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

janwebb21: RT @colport: I would agree with @Natty08 about SMART10 software. I think I have only
scratched the surface! #ukedchat My summer holiday CPD!
7/22/2010 20:56

Natty08: RT @KnikiDavies: @chrismayoh I wonder how many minutes a week the average child
gets to interact with a teacher too! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: Ask kids at the end of a day "Who interacted today?" make a note of who
didn't and rectify tomorrw. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

chrismayoh: @KnikiDavies Good point! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:56

eyebeams: It is what you do away from and then bring to the device in social interaction terms
possibilites are endless #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:56

Ideas_Factory: @carolrainbow 20 mins individual use of IWB 3 or 4 times a week certainly develops fine
motor control - they love it #ukedchat Agreed!
7/22/2010 20:56

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: RT @tombarrett: #ukedchat Learn when it is best for your curriculum to
switch the #IWB off.
7/22/2010 20:57

JoanneC23: @tonycassidy #ukedchat as @natty said it works best when teachers aren't afraid of
breaking or getting fingerprints on it! There to be used.
7/22/2010 20:57

DeputyMitchell: Could IWB be rebranded WhitePads with apps!!/ Now that would be cool! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

carolrainbow: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - google earth on an IWB is fantastic #geography yes - slide
between map and satellite views - amazing!
7/22/2010 20:57

KnikiDavies: @TeaKayB #ukedchat We are currently setting up an excellent working partnership with
maths teacher at local high school.
7/22/2010 20:57

SkoorBttaM: RT @familysimpson: @colport #ukedchat 'Teacher not confident enough to use: txtbook
safe'- is the problem not wanting to take the risk?
7/22/2010 20:57

Natty08: Any last comments? IWB chat is coming to an end #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:57

janwebb21: @tonycassidy Potential of tools like google earth and bing maps have such impact across
curriculum too, not just in geog #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

Paddymcgrath: RT @DeputyMitchell: Could IWB be rebranded WhitePads with apps!!/ Now that would be
cool! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

36 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

hairysporan: @KnikiDavies do kids need to interact with the teacher or eachother? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

MrsThorne: RT @dughall: RT @tombarrett: #ukedchat Learn when it is best for your curriculum to
switch the #IWB off.
7/22/2010 20:57

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: Even if you are an expert with the software, you *must* pretend you don't
know how to do stuff. Kids love to show. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

janwebb21: RT @DeputyMitchell: Also used IWB for Goal scorers reward board in Literacy, saved me
doing 2 displays!! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:57

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat What Id miss is the camera tool-not an activity but a tool that is invaluable.
7/22/2010 20:58

SkoorBttaM: @janwebb21 but all too common?? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:58

DrAshCasey: #ukedchat interested in ideas for using iwb in phys ed

7/22/2010 20:58

eyebeams: @janwebb21 - No but if you had two boards that were networked you could share writing,
objects, all sorts and transform reflect on #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:58

colport: @familysimpson @skoorBttaM Safe, but outdated quickly and outmoded! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:58

carolrainbow: @familysimpson Yes you tube blocked here too :-( #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:58

fhesbusiness: Giant ipad IWB - that's what I would like to see. To me IWBs need to start playing
catch-up. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:58

bevevans22: Some EY sites look great on an IWB and kids have great fun playing the activities on them
(and get loads out of it) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:58

KnikiDavies: @hairysporan Both! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 20:59

ForesterJo: RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat What Id miss is the camera tool-not an activity but a tool
that is invaluable.
7/22/2010 20:59

i_am_seamus: RT @kvnmcl: Plug in a visualizer to enhance art lessons with an art attack/take hart style
#iwb #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

iPadAppExperts: Giant ipad IWB - that's what I would like to see. To me IWBs need to start playing
catch-up. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

tonycassidy: @janwebb21 true- but as a Geographer I like to claim them as home ;) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: RT @AntHeald: Interesting that lots of suggested iwb actvities don't require
iwb. (True - remember the board itself folks) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

37 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - are the IWB skills ever used again when students enter the workplace? Mobile
learning devices - yes.
7/22/2010 20:59

janwebb21: #ukedchat Thanks for an amazing conversation tonight! Have learnt loads - hope you have
too! watch out for the archive coming soon#ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: RT @ianinsheffield: *Training* in using IWBs is only the start. This has to be
followed by professional development #ukedchat (Hear hear!)
7/22/2010 20:59

chrismayoh: Can't believe we're coming to the end of #ukedchat - seems to have gone very quickly!
7/22/2010 20:59

bevevans22: Also nice to use IWB as a mirror - pupils with ASD and other disabilities love it #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

FeargalHogan: RT @dughall: Still a fear in too many teachers that kids will 'show them up'. Therefore
don't switch on and/or hand over control. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 20:59

marketspi: RT @DeputyMitchell: Could IWB be rebranded WhitePads with apps!!/ Now that would be
cool! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

fhesbusiness: @DeputyMitchell great idea, especially if they were multi touch as well! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

janwebb21: #ukedchat how can one hour go so fast!!!!!

7/22/2010 21:00

Natty08: Like all teacher tool It is what you make of it! If you need any help with Smart please ask
away and I will do my best to answer! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

Ideas_Factory: RT @eyebeams: It is what you do away from and then bring to the device in social
interaction terms possibilites are endless #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

janwebb21: @eyebeams cool - giant versions of primary pad etc!!! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:00

dughall: @DrAshCasey Phys ed. Good question. Not sure what IWB has over projector...
7/22/2010 21:00

chrismayoh: @carolrainbow @familysimpson Can't believe YouTube is blocked in your schools.

Pathetic really. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

malcolmbellamy: @iPadAppExperts absolutely agree and the iPad will be the kid's level of expectation
7/22/2010 21:00

carolrainbow: @DrAshCasey live data logging - heart rate etc / streaming cam for dance gym / playing
video of experts for tuition #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:00

SkoorBttaM: IWBs used with primarypad- an idea for september! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:01

ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week. Please
complete this form

38 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 21:01

ukedchat: Archive from this session will soon be available at - Follow all
#ukedchat 'ers & insert #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:01

ianinsheffield: Who answered question "what makes an IWB truly interactive?" - plenty good ideas & tips
from @bevevans22 & @DeputyMitchell Thanks #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:01

eyebeams: @janwebb21 - Exactly! ;) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:01

hairysporan: collaberative online board that works well #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:01

DeputyMitchell: I've decided to credate an iPad like border for my IWB and turn it into a giant WhitePad!
7/22/2010 21:01

malcolmbellamy: augmented reality will change the game eventually anyway and the IWB's will disappear
7/22/2010 21:01

fhesbusiness: @dughall I did promethean's training programme and it killed any passion I had for the
IWB! These courses need to inspire. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:01

janwebb21: @ukedchat so much for thinking everyone woul dbe out today at end of term/holiday
events! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:01

bevevans22: Wow! Where did that hour go? Fabulous #ukedchat yet again (although it still seems to be
carrying on...)
7/22/2010 21:01

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - thanks for all the advice, beginning to change my negativity about IWBs
7/22/2010 21:02

deerwood: @bevevans22 bev I didnt recognise yr avatar. there was gr8 IWB s/w for ASD and autistic
at BETT a few years back, cant recall name #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:02

KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Advantage of IWB over projector is it's good not to be tied to a laptop when
using it!
7/22/2010 21:02

janwebb21: @eyebeams unfortunately in this cash-strapped time cost is always the big question
7/22/2010 21:02

Ideas_Factory: RT @ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week.
Please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:02

CHAR0ULA: does working in real time make IWB truly interactive? #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:02

marketspi: @carolrainbow for YouTube block go to the night before and convert
YouTube video to something you can play in school #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:02

39 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

janwebb21: RT @KnikiDavies: #ukedchat Advantage of IWB over projector is it's good not to be tied to
a laptop when using it!
7/22/2010 21:02

tonycassidy: Thanks all -my first #ukedchat before the summer break tomorrow- really enjoyed the 'face
paced' reflection x
7/22/2010 21:03

janwebb21: RT @simonhaughton: IWB ideas/websites collaborative GDoc if anybody wants to add bits #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

chris_1974: #ukedchat. Wow. Was that an hour? Feel drained; culmination of end of term and
fascinating debate!
7/22/2010 21:03

ForesterJo: RT @chrismayoh: @carolrainbow @familysimpson Can't believe UTube blocked in your

schools. Pathetic. #ukedchat blocked at ours 2 and Twitter!
7/22/2010 21:03

dughall: @carolrainbow IWB not required for any of that though Carol (just projector).
@drashcasey #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

janwebb21: RT @tj007: RT @simonhaughton: When aligning IWB best way is to drag pen to centre of
each dot then lift it up - more accurate. <- me too #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

dughall: RT @ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week.
Please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:03

DeputyMitchell: @KnikiDavies If you use a Gyroscopic wireless mouse and wireless keyboard you can
control from 20 ft away and hand over control #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

eyebeams: @janwebb21 - See dabble board , Open Sim, Edusim lots of free stuff around #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

janwebb21: RT @deerwood: I used to wear a white shirt when using an IWB until one day the kids
started thumping my back saying sorry just being interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

bevevans22: @deerwood I think they are invaluable in our Autistic Centre. The pupils love using them
and get so much out of them #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

DeputyMitchell: RT @ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week.
Please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:03

chrisrat: Quite proud that I haven't tried to sell anything to anyone...yet #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:03

SkoorBttaM: RT @malcolmbellamy: augmented reality will change the game eventually anyway and the
IWB's will disappear #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:04

ForesterJo: RT @bevevans22: Wow! Where did that hour go? Fabulous #ukedchat yet again ;0)
7/22/2010 21:04

SkoorBttaM: @malcolmbellamy are you using AR and an IWB together? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:04

40 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

dughall: @fhesbusiness Really sorry to hear that! I've never actually done it myself, learnt it on the
fly with the kids. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:04

hairysporan: only one more getty up :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:04

ukedchat: If you took part in #ukedchat this evening, please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:04

marketspi: #ukedchat thanks for debate everyone!

7/22/2010 21:04

DeputyMitchell: A great #ukedchat tonight! Thanks all. Lots to think about and tweets to trawl through and
find those gems of ideas!! Thanks!
7/22/2010 21:04

Natty08: RT @ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week.
Please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:04

chrismayoh: @ForesterJo I am lucky to have full control over our web filtering. Seems ridiculous for it to
be any other way?! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:04

carolrainbow: @dughall Sorry - what are you referring to? #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:05

tj007: Thanks all for the discussion and ideas - I think there is still more to be discussed re
interactivity, possibly though feedback. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:05

JoanneC23: #ukedchat learnt loads and have lots to think about and investigate, thanks everyone :)
7/22/2010 21:05

janwebb21: RT @ukedchat: Archive from this session will soon be available at -
Follow all #ukedchat 'ers & insert #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:05

bevevans22: RT @DeputyMitchell If you use a Gyroscopic wireless mouse & wireless keyboard you
can control from 20ft away and hand over control #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:05

janwebb21: RT @ukedchat: Thanks to @janwebb21 & @Natty08 for moderating #ukedchat this week.
Please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:05

colport: Thanks to @skoorBttaM @familysimpson @mberry @bevevans22 @eyebeams

@katie_hague @nellmog @ZoeRoss19 @DeputyMitchell @deerwood 4 #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:05

malcolmbellamy: It hasn't changed my doubts about the IWB but I enjoyed the chat... thanks #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:06

janwebb21: RT @bevevans22: Wow! Where did that hour go? Fabulous #ukedchat yet again (although
it still seems to be carrying on...)
7/22/2010 21:06

WiiRemote: wiimote 2 @eyebeams

#ukedchat (autoTrans)
7/22/2010 21:06

vikh46: #ukedchat Thanks 4 an interesting debate. I kind of got a bit distracted this wk so v glad
it's held in history. Enjoy your last day!

41 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 21:06

carolrainbow: @dughall Ah - I see - sorry - if any of it is to be annotated - to make it really useful - it

needs an IWB #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:06

DeputyMitchell: RT @chrismayoh: @ForesterJo I'm lucky to have full control over web filtering. Seems
ridiculous for it to be any other way?! #ukedchat Me 2
7/22/2010 21:06

dughall: @carolrainbow I felt the examples you gave of how to use an IWB for PE could be done
with just a projector and without IWB :-) #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:06

bevevans22: RT @simonhaughton: IWB ideas/websites collaborative GDoc if anybody wants to add bits #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:06

Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat -are the IWB skills ever used again when students enter the workplace?Only if
they become actors in TV series about serial killers
7/22/2010 21:06

hairysporan: just a plug for the tmsunderland 14th oct please sign up if in the area #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:06

ForesterJo: RT @JoanneC23: #ukedchat learnt loads and have lots to think about and investigate,
thanks everyone :)
7/22/2010 21:06

janwebb21: RT @ukedchat: If you took part in #ukedchat this evening, please complete this form
7/22/2010 21:06

fhesbusiness: RT @deerwood: I used to wear a white shirt when using an IWB until one day the kids
started thumping my back saying sorry just being interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:07

petarnikoloski: RT @deerwood: I used to wear a white shirt when using an IWB until one day the kids
started thumping my back saying sorry just being interactive #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:07

janwebb21: #ukedchat MANY thanks to everyone for joining in tonight's discussion!

7/22/2010 21:07

CHAR0ULA: thank you for an excellent CPD #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:07

janwebb21: RT @tj007: Thanks all for the discussion and ideas - I think there is still more to be
discussed re interactivity, possibly though feedback. #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:07

Natty08: Good debate guys - lots of thoughts etc. Main point - it is only a tool don't saturate chn.
with it or it looses its appeal! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:07

AntHeald: RT @bevevans22: RT @simonhaughton: IWB ideas/websites collaborative GDoc if

anybody wants to add bits #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:07

dughall: @carolrainbow Ah yes, annotation! Of course. Apols! :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:07

janwebb21: RT @colport: Thanks to @skoorBttaM @familysimpson @mberry @bevevans22

@eyebeams @katie_hague @nellmog @ZoeRoss19 @DeputyMitchell @deerwood 4

42 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

7/22/2010 21:07

DeputyMitchell: RT @bevevans22: RT @simonhaughton: IWB ideas/websites collaborative GDoc if

anybody wants to add bits #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:08

bevevans22: Don't forget to use to increase your PLN and find like minded
educational professional. Just put in #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:08

carolrainbow: @janwebb21 It was a great session - thanks :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:08

janwebb21: @malcolmbellamy Like all tools, it's not what you use, but the way that you use it - that's
what gets results! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:08

carolrainbow: @dughall Maybe entering times into a spreadsheet? :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:09

chrismayoh: Great #ukedchat - now off to try and gear myself up for last day of school before the hols!
Thanks all :)
7/22/2010 21:09

fhesbusiness: I really enjoyed my first #ukedchat reminded me of the WWE's Royal Rumble!
7/22/2010 21:09

dughall: @carolrainbow Indeed! :-) #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:09

colport: Don't forget to all on #ukedchat ;-) & please complete feedback - Hope you enjoyed it :-)
7/22/2010 21:10

AntHeald: Edu-chats have often felt stale & even narcissistic: tonight's made me really feel like
reviewing practice & targeting development #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:10

MrsThorne: Think I'm destined to always be busy when #ukedchat is on, but looking forward to reading
the transcript. I love my smartboard!
7/22/2010 21:11

janwebb21: @Ideas_Factory BUT it's about TRANSFERRABLE skills, problem solving - and
sometimes it's about fun! #ukedchat
7/22/2010 21:11

ukedchat: More #ukedchat information at & - The CPD continues
7/22/2010 21:11

dughall: Many many thanks for all the #ukedchat retweets tonight! :-) Especially @FeargalHogan
7/22/2010 21:12

deerwood: apols to all for so many links from me in #ukedchat. Trying to see if it adds more content in edition tomorrow
7/22/2010 21:12

janwebb21: @AntHeald glad to hear that! #ukedchat

7/22/2010 21:12

43 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

bevevans22: @janwebb21 @Natty08 Well done tonight! #ukedchat was brill Obviously you are the
hostesses with the most...esses :)
7/22/2010 21:12

44 of 44 22/07/2010 21:22

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