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VIRTUAL SCREENING by X-ray crystallography [1,2] or nuclear mag-

netic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) [3]. How-

ever, only very few drugs resulted from those
early efforts. Examples include captopril as an
Boehringer Ingelheim angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor [4]
Pharmaceuticals, and metothrexate as a dihydrofolate reductase
Inc., Ridgefield, CT inhibitor [5]. The reasons for this somewhat
disappointing drug yield lie in the low resolu-
tion of the protein structures as well as limita-
1. INTRODUCTION tions in compute power and methods. Re-
searchers have often tried to de novo design
Since the 6th edition of Burgers Medicinal the final drug candidate on a computer screen.
Chemistry and Drug Discovery went to print The compounds suggested have often been
six years ago, the field of virtual screening difficult to synthesize; initial failure in exhibit-
(VS) has expanded dramatically in scope as ing potency has often resulted in the termina-
well as in breadth of application. Figure 1 tion of structure-based projects. At the end of
attests eloquently to the increased use of VS the 1980s, rational drug design techniques
in medicinal chemistry-related research and became somewhat discredited due to the high
drug discovery. In 2008 alone, there are more failure rate in drug discovery projects.
than 404 articles in journals published by the In the 1990s, drastic changes occurred in
American Chemical Society that contain the the way drugs are discovered in the pharma-
phrase virtual screening; 50 of them main- ceutical industry. High-throughput synth-
tain this phrase in its title (compared to only 6 esis [6,7] and screening techniques [8] chan-
in 2002). These numbers amount to a >2.5- ged the lead identification process that is now
fold increase in yearly publications related to governed not only by large numbers of com-
VS over these 6 years. New areas of interest pounds processed but also by fast prosecution
surfaced during the past few years including a of many putative drug targets in parallel. The
resurgence of fragment-based screening tech- characterization of the human genome has
niques often guided by VS, the virtual screen- resulted in a large number of novel putative
ing of trillions of combinatorial compounds, a drug targets. Improved screening techniques
growing interest in the in silico screening of make it also possible to look at the entire gene
synthetically accessible compounds (also often families, at orphan targets, or at otherwise
know as de novo design), the increased use of uncharacterized putative drug targets. In this
machine learning techniques, the emphasis on environment of data explosion, rational de-
scaffold hopping, and combining ligand-based sign techniques experienced a comeback [9].
and structure-based approaches in synergy to While the growing number of solved protein
name a few. In addition to highlighting some structures at high resolution makes it possible
of these new developments in VS, we have to embark on structure-based design for many
revised the topics presented in the last edition drug targets, virtual screeningthe computa-
and include more recent examples for VS tional counterpart to high-throughput screen-
successes. inghas become a particularly successful
Virtual screening, sometimes also called in computational tool for lead finding in drug
silico screening, is an established branch of discovery.
medicinal chemistry that represents a fast Proprietary screening collections typically
and cost-effective tool for computationally hold approximately 106 compounds. This is
screening virtual compound databases in only a tiny fraction of the conceivable drug-
search for novel drug leads. The roots for like chemical space that is estimated to hold
virtual screening go back to structure-based more than 1060 compounds [10,11]. Even if
drug design and molecular modeling. In the this space is reduced to compounds that are
1970s, researchers hoped to find novel drugs comparably easy to access synthetically it is
designed rationally using a fast growing num- still an astronomical number. Virtual screen-
ber of diverse protein structures being solved ing attempts to suggest which compounds

Burgers Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery, and Development, Seventh Edition,

edited by Donald J. Abraham and David P. Rotella
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 1. Number of ACS publications with the phrase virtual screening in the text (gray patterned bars)
or in the title (black bars).

should actually be synthesized or tested using ligand information only without includ-
against a drug target of interest. Large virtual ing any information of the target structure.
libraries of up to 1012 individual compounds or LBVS ranges from compound similarity meth-
1014 combinatorial chemistry compounds or ods for which only a single template molecule
1018de novo compounds reassembled from needs to be known to very sophisticated phar-
fragments [12] can be screened today using macophore elucidation and machine learning
a cascade of various screening tools to reduce methods using a multitude of information on
the chemical space. multiple compounds. The interested reader is
This chapter describes the different con- referred to recent reviews on the topic of simi-
cepts and tools used today for virtual screen- larity searching [21,26], pharmacophore eluci-
ing. They reach from the assessment of the dation methods [27,28], and machine learn-
overall drug-likeness of a small organic mo- ing [29,30] for virtual screening.
lecule to its ability to specifically bind to a
given drug target. Ligand-based as well as 2.1. Compound Similarity
structure-based approaches are described and
Compound similarity as basis for virtual
illustrated with specific examples. The ability
screening relies on the assumption that similar
of virtual screening to assist in scaffold hop-
compounds exhibit similar biological activ-
ping (identifying isofunctional molecular
ities. The degree to which this is true varies
structures with significantly different mole-
substantially, however. Martin et al. showed
cular backbones [13]) is also discussed. Addi-
from the analysis of a series of HTS experi-
tional topics include the triaging of VS hit sets,
ments at Abbott Laboratories that only ap-
the use of machine learning techniques, and
proximately 30% of compounds with Daylight
finding synergies between different VS ap-
fingerprint Tanimoto similarities >0.85 show
proaches. For additional information, the in-
activity against the same drug target [31].
terested reader is referred to a selection of
Compound similarity is generally measured
recent books and reviews on the subject of
in either structural terms or property terms.
virtual screening [1425].
Topological fingerprints such as Daylight fin-
gerprints [32] or atom pair descriptors [33],
2. LIGAND-BASED VIRTUAL SCREENING circular fingerprints such as SciTegic finger-
prints [34], and structural keys such as ISIS
Casting a wide net, ligand-based virtual keys [35] encode structural features of the
screening (LBVS) encompasses all techniques molecules. MolconnZ descriptors [36] present
to computationally screen for novel compounds a mixture of molecular connectivity and prop-

erty description, graph theoretical description, libraries [52]. The usefulness of 3D pharmaco-
and topological description. Properties such as phore fingerprints in finding new chemotypes
lipophilicity (calculated log P ), molecular through virtual screening has recently been
weight, the number of rotatable bonds, hydro- demonstrated [54]. The use of fingerprints to
gen-bond acceptors and donors, pKa values etc. describe chemotypes and biological effects are
form a group of property descriptors that can described in Chapter 12 of Volume 1.
link compounds that are structurally quite
different. Using such molecular descriptors is
quite popular for virtual screening purposes. 2.1.1. Example 1: Virtual Screening for 15-
Especially 2D fingerprints have performed Lipoxygenase Inhibitors Weinstein et al. re-
very well in virtual screening [3741]. How- ported the identification of a new 15-lipoxy-
ever, 3D descriptors have gained in popular- genase inhibitor from the virtual screen of a
ity [4244]. Jenkins et al. showed that 3D corporate database of compounds [55]. Start-
pharmacophore feature descriptors called FE- ing from the literature compound PD-146176
POPS can outperform standard 2D descriptors as a template, 4-point pharmacophore finger-
in a virtual screening protocol [43]. Similarly, prints [48] were generated for the template
Good et al. have demonstrated applying a compound as well as for all database com-
variety of 2D and 3D descriptors that 3D phar- pounds and then compared. Figure 2 shows
macophore fingerprints are better suited than the template compound as well as the result-
2D descriptors for scaffold hopping [45]. 3D ing virtual screening hit. The figure illustrates
descriptors used in the context of similarity how structurally different the virtual screen-
searching often capture pharmacophore fea- ing hit is from the template molecule. Some
tures such as hydrophobic or aromatic moi- resemblance of the indole moiety is noticeable.
eties, hydrogen-bond (HB) acceptors or donors, This example illustrates the scaffold hopping
and both negative and positive ionizable abilities of 3D pharmacophore fingerprints.
groups. 3D pharmacophore fingerprints store
the information of pairs, triplets, or quartets of
2.2. Pharmacophore Screening
these pharmacophore features for multiple
conformations in the form of binned distance Pharmacophore models are built more often
ranges [4653]. 3D pharmacophore finger- based on small-molecule information. They
prints are used more often now as descriptors are a preferred filter tool for virtual screen-
for QSAR as well as for the design of compound ing [56]. Feature-based pharmacophore eluci-

Figure 2. Discovery of a new class of 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors through virtual screening using a 3D
pharmacophore fingerprint similarity technique.

dation algorithms such as HipHop [57] and definition was slightly modified by Peter Gund
other automated pharmacophore query to a set of structural features in a molecule
builders [58] allow for the fast generation of that is recognized at a receptor site and is
pharmacophore hypotheses. Today sophisti- responsible for that molecules biological
cated tool such as LigandScout [59] are avail- activity [69]. An example is shown in Fig. 3.
able that extract pharmacophore models from An X-ray structure of CDK2 complexed with
one or more proteinligand crystal structures the adenine-derived inhibitor H717 [7072]
making pharmacophore modeling a hybrid was solved. Interactions that are essential to
between ligand-based and structure-based substrate and inhibitor binding to the enzyme
modelings. Traditionally, however, pharma- will form the pharmacophore that should be
cophore modeling has been most often applied captured by inhibitors binding the same way
to the target class of GPCRs [60] where until H717 does. As shown in Fig. 3, the inhibitor
very recently structural information [6165] binds to the hinge region (Phe82 and Leu83)
of the target receptors was unavailable. Phar- through two hydrogen bonds, to a hydrophobic
macophore filters are generally much faster region through the cyclopentyl group, and to
than molecular docking approaches and can, Asp145 and Asn132 through hydrogen bonds.
therefore, greatly reduce the number of com- The pharmacophore that reflects these inter-
pounds screened further using more expen- actions has a hydrogen-bond donor and a hy-
sive docking applications. Today, pharmaco- drogen-bond acceptor pair that ensures bind-
phore features are guiding most 3D virtual ing to the hinge region, a hydrophobic group
screening approaches including docking in the that corresponds to the cyclopentyl binding
form of constraints or prefilters. Most time site, and a hydrogen-bond donor that ensures
consuming is still the generation of 3D con- binding to Asp145 and/or Asn132. Pharmaco-
formations for small moleculesa task that phore hypotheses can be generated using
can only be solved for a small number of structural information from ligands or from
molecules when precalculation and storage is the protein active site itself. Pharmacophore-
necessary. based drug design is further elaborated in
An interesting aspect of pharmacophores Chapter 11 of Volume 1.
in virtual screening is 3D pharmacophore di-
versity. While the diversity concept for virtual 2.2.2. Databases of Organic Compounds It is
compounds in general is not applicable be- much more practical to virtually screen data-
cause of the enormity of the chemical space, bases of compounds that have already been
diversity in pharmacophore space is a feasible synthesized than to operate in a completely
concept. Virtual libraries can therefore be op- virtual chemical space. If no information
timized to cover a wide pharmacophore about possible lead structures is available, if
space [66]. in-house efforts such as HTS were not success-
ful, and if cost and time are an issue, virtual
2.2.1. Introduction to Pharmacophores In screening of vendor databases and the subse-
1894, Emil Fischer proposed the lock and quent purchase of hits is the method of choice
key hypothesis to characterize the binding of for the generation of novel lead chemical
compounds to proteins [67]. This can be con- matter.
sidered the first attempt to explain binding of There is a wealth of databases of available
small molecules to a biological target. Proteins chemical matter including academic sources
recognize substrates through specific interac- such as the ZINC database [73] and the Na-
tions, forming the pharmacophore. Inhibitors tional Cancer Institute Database [74,75] as
intended to block substrate binding to the well as commercial vendor databases such as
protein, should also capture these interac- eMolecules [76] that holds approximately 10
tions. The first definition of the pharmaco- million commercially available compounds,
phore formulated by Paul Ehrlich was a mo- Chemspider [77] that is publicly available
lecular framework that carries (phoros) the holding approximately 20 million compounds,
essential features responsible for a drugs and the Available Chemicals Directory screen-
(pharmacon) biological activity [68]. This ing collection [78]. Some vendors maintain

Figure 3. Pharmacophore derived based on the interactions between human cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and
the adenine-derived inhibitor H717 as observed in the X-ray structure of the complex (PDB ID 1g5s). Dashed
lines highlight hydrogen-bonding interactions. HBD: hydrogen-bond donor, HBA: hydrogen-bond acceptor,
and the hinge region is linking the N- and C-terminal domains of a kinase.

databases of virtual compounds that can be appropriate assignment of charges, chirality,

custom synthesized. Enamines REAL data- and tautomerization states, filtering for dupli-
base of close to 10 million compounds is an cates, and unwanted structures.
example [79]. In addition, many vendors of The primary source of 3D experimental
chemicals also provide searchable databases structures of organic molecules is the Cam-
with 2D-structure and property information of bridge Structural Database [82]. Alterna-
their compounds. Sometimes, compounds are tively, 2D databases of organic compounds can
coded in linear representations such as the be converted into 3D databases using several
SMILES [80,81] notation. The SMILES codes software programs [83]. Each program starts
obtained using CACTVS and Daylight pro- with generating a crude structure that is sub-
grams for 4-benzyl pyridine and R-cocaine are sequently optimized using a force field. To
shown in Fig. 4. mention the most commonly used programs,
Managing compound collections from differ- CONCORD [84] applies rules derived from
ent sources is not trivial. Chemical databases experimental structures and a univariate
frequently contain incorrect structures. Care- strain function for building an initial structure;
ful treatment and curation of compound collec- CORINA [85] generates an initial structure
tions is therefore important to assure optimal using a standard set of bond lengths, angles,
virtual screening outcomes. This includes the and dihedrals and rules for cyclic systems.

a pharmacophore capturing these common

features should be able to identify from a
database novel compounds that bind to the
same site of the protein as the known com-
pounds do. The process of deriving a pharma-
cophore, called pharmacophore mapping, con-
sists of three steps: (1) identifying common
binding elements that are responsible for bio-
logical activity, (2) generating potential con-
formations that active compounds may adopt,
and (3) measuring distances between binding
pharmacophore elements in each conforma-
tion. To build a pharmacophore based on a set
of active compounds, two methods are usually
applied. One method generates a set of mini-
mum energy conformations for each ligand
and searches for common structural features.
Another method considers all possible confor-
mations of each ligand to evaluate shared
Figure 4. Examples of SMILES notations for two orientations of common functional groups.
compounds obtained using CACTVS and Daylight. Analyzing many low energy conformers of
active compounds can suggest a range of dis-
tances between key groups that will take into
2.2.3. 2D Pharmacophore Searching Differ- account the flexibility of the ligands and of the
ent strategies are pursued to search a 2D protein. This task can be performed manually
database. An exact structure search is applied or automatically.
to find out if a compound is present in the Pharmacophore generation through con-
database. Substructure searches are used to formational analysis and manual alignment
find larger molecules with the query im- is a time-consuming task especially when the
bedded. Superstructure searches are used to list of active ligands is large and the elements
find smaller molecules that are embedded in of the pharmacophore model are not obvious.
the query. Similarity searches are used to find There are several software products and algo-
compounds that are structurally related to the rithms such as HipHop [86], HypoGen [87],
query. Some searching software combines si- PHASE [88], MOE [89], and older tools such as
milarity with substructure or super structure Disco [90], Gasp [91], Flo [92], APEX [93] that
searches. Flexible match searches are used for can automatically generate potential pharma-
identifying compounds that differ from the cophores from a list of known inhibitors. A
query structure in user specified ways. In collection of views on pharmacophore elucida-
addition, isomer, tautomer, parent molecule tion can be found in Chapter 11 of Volume 1 as
searches may be done to find in a database well as in the book by G uner [94]. The pro-
isomers, tautomers or parent molecules of the grams use algorithms that identify common
query. pharmacophore features in the training set
molecules that are ranked with a scoring func-
2.2.4. Ligand-Based 3D Pharmacophore tion. Common pharmacophore features in-
Generation Ligand-based pharmacophores clude: hydrogen-bond donors, acceptors, nega-
are typically used when the crystallographic, tive and positive charges or ionizable centers,
solution structure, or modeled structure of a and surface accessible hydrophobic regions
protein cannot be obtained. When a set of that can be aliphatic, aromatic, or nonspecific.
active compounds is known and it is hypothe- Most of the programs incorporate ligand flex-
sized that all compounds bind in a similar way ibility when generating pharmacophores
to the protein, then common groups should since compounds may not bind to the protein
interact with the same protein residues. Thus, in the minimum energy conformation.

2.2.5. Example 2: Virtual Screening for bonyl oxygen, and an aromatic ring that can be
Dopamine Transporter Inhibitors The dopa- defined by the position of its center. A systema-
mine transporter (DAT) is a 12 transmem- tic conformational search followed by confor-
brane helix protein that plays a critical role in mer clustering was performed to obtain all
terminating dopamine neurotransmission by possible conformations these compounds could
taking up dopamine released into the synapse. assume when bound to DAT. The resulting 3D
DAT is involved in several diseases such as pharmacophore model (Fig. 5) was used to
drug addiction and attention deficit disor- search the NCI 3D-database [75] of 206,876
der [95]. DAT inhibitors share one or more compounds using the program Chem-X [99]. A
common 3D pharmacophore models [9698]. total of 4094 compounds, 2% of the database,
A pharmacophore model was derived based on were identified as hits. After further reduction
two known potent DAT inhibitors R-cocaine using molecular weight, structural novelty,
and WIN-35065-2 (Fig. 5) [98]. The common simplicity, diversity, and hydrogen-bond ac-
binding elements of these compounds are a ceptor nitrogen filters, 70 compounds were
ring nitrogen that may be substituted, a car- selected for testing in biochemical assays.

Figure 5. Pharmacophore proposed for identifying DAT inhibitors. The pharmacophore was obtained based
on two known DAT inhibitors, R-cocaine and WIN-35065-2. Distance ranges between pharmacophore points
were obtained through systematic search of all possible conformations that the two compounds may adopt
when bound to DAT.

Forty-four compounds displayed more than ligand costructure, biochemical data can be
20% inhibition at 10 mM in a [3H]mazindol used for identifying key residues that are im-
binding assay. Figure 6 shows selected DAT portant for substrate and/or inhibitor binding.
inhibitors found in the virtual screen. Most ligands bind to proteins through non-
bonded interactions such as hydrogen-bond
2.2.6. Receptor-Based 3D Pharmacophore and hydrophobic interactions. Programs such
Generation If the 3D structure of a receptor as LUDI [100] or GRID [101] can use the
is known a pharmacophore model can be de- structure of the protein to generate interac-
rived directly from the receptor active site. tion sites or grids to characterize favorable
The presence of a cocrystallized ligand in the positions that ligand atoms should occupy.
active site can greatly help with the identifica- Since proteins are not rigid, Carlson et al. [102]
tion of the pharmacophore. The program Li- proposed using molecular dynamics simula-
gandScout generates pharmacophore hypoth- tion for generating a set of diverse protein
eses in a fully automated way from protein conformations to include protein flexibility in
ligand complexes [59]. In the absence of a the pharmacophore development. In this case,

Figure 6. Selected DAT inhibitors identified from the NCI database through virtual screening.

distance ranges between pharmacophores are 2.2.8. 3D Pharmacophore-Based Virtual

obtained by examining several conformations Screening Techniques Pharmacophore-based
of the protein. This technique is similar to the virtual screening is the process of matching
one used for the generation of flexible phar- atoms and/or functional groups and the geo-
macophores based on active compounds when metric relations between them to the pharma-
several conformations of compound(s) are con- cophoric query. Once a pharmacophore model
sidered for pharmacophore mapping. is generated, virtual screening of a database
against such a query model becomes straight-
2.2.7. Example 3: Virtual Screening for Novel forward. Programs that perform pharmaco-
PPAR Ligands To illustrate how receptor- phore-based searches include Catalyst [104],
derived pharmacophore models are used in UNITY [105], ROCS [106], PHASE, and
virtual screening we discuss here a recent ex- MOE. There are also some Web-based appli-
ample of identifying novel PPAR ligands [103]. cations that can perform pharmacophore
A series of LigandScout models were generated searches [107,108]. Usually pharmacophore-
based on agonist-PPAR complex structures based searches are done in two steps. (1) The
from the PDB. In addition, ligand-based Hi- software checks if the compound contains the
pHop models were generated. The pharmaco- atom types and/or functional groups pre-
phore models were evaluated using 357 PPAR scribed by the pharmacophore. (2) It checks
ligands and 12,775 PPAR decoys. The most if the spatial arrangement of these elements
selective PPARa agonist model was obtained matches the query. Since most small mole-
from LigandScout applied to the PPARa com- cules are flexible, multiple conformations
plex structure with PDB ID 1k7l. The best have to be checked. These conformations can
PPARd agonist model was generated likewise be either precomputed and stored (such as in
using the PDB complex 1gwx. The best PPARg MOE and Catalyst) or calculated on the fly.
agonist model was obtained from a HipHop Precalculating conformations will speed up
model. More than one million compounds were the virtual screen tremendously. Therefore,
screened in Catalyst [104] using all three this is the method of choice for databases of
PPAR-agonist models. A total of 14,311 virtual existing compounds that are screened repeat-
screening hits were obtained. Filtering by phy- edly. On the other hand, for larger virtual
sicochemical properties as found in 321 PPAR libraries the data handling requirements be-
agonists retained 5898 hits. 3D shape screen- come too complex. Therefore, generating con-
ing, electrostatic similarity to known PPAR formations on the fly and discarding them
agonists, diversity clustering, visual inspec- after the pharmacophore query has been
tion, and elimination of compounds with re- checked remains an important option for
ported PPAR activity led to 21 compounds of pharmacophore screening programs. Gener-
which 10 were purchased and tested. Several ating a representative ensemble of conforma-
novel PPAR agonists with varying PPAR se- tions is essential for the success of a virtual
lectivity were discovered (Fig. 7). screen using a 3D pharmacophore query.

Figure 7. Novel PPAR agonists identified through structure-based pharmacophore screening.


Many ligands do not adopt a minimum energy tive modeling; they are based on linear as well
conformation as the binding pose [109111]. as nonlinear methods. In all approaches, de-
Therefore, continued research is necessary to scriptors serve as independent variables, and
represent a conformational ensemble of a li- biological activities as dependent variables.
gand including higher energy conformations To establish the ability of a QSAR model to
with a limited number of conformations. predict biological activities the model needs to
be thoroughly validated. This is arguably the
2.3. Application of Machine Learning for most important part of QSAR model develop-
Virtual Screening ment [119,120]. Most QSAR modeling meth-
ods implement a leave-one-out (LOO) (or
2.3.1. QSAR Model Generation and Validation
leave-some-out) cross-validation procedure.
Machine learning is a form of ligand-based VS
The outcome of this procedure is a cross-vali-
that builds predictive quantitative struc-
dated R2 (q2), which does not always guaran-
tureactivity relationship (QSAR) models
tee the predictive ability of the model [119,121]
that are based on available assay data. Com-
illustrating the necessity for thorough model
pounds are described with various molecular
validation. A widely used approach to estab-
descriptors to provide numerical representa-
lish the models robustness is called y-rando-
tions of a compounds properties. There are
mization (randomization of the dependent
numerous types of 2D and 3D descriptors that
variable, that is, biological activities). Y-ran-
are commonly used but will not be discussed in
domization consists of repeating the calcula-
detail here [112117]. Particular descriptors
tion procedure with randomized activities and
and machine learning methods are chosen
subsequent probability assessment of the re-
because they are believed to be linked or di-
sults. Often, it is used along with the LOO
rectly correlated to the property being mod-
cross-validation to ensure the model is not
eled. The process for model generation, vali-
based on a chance correlation.
dation, and application to virtual screening is
shown in Fig. 8 (figure adapted from a recent
2.3.2. Machine Learning Algorithms Commonly
review by Tropsha and Golbraikh [118]).
Used in QSAR Models Collections of vali-
Many different algorithms and computer soft-
dated QSAR models can be useful tools for VS
ware are available for the purpose of predic-

Figure 8. Workflow for generating and validating QSAR models for virtual screening

with the aid of a model applicability domain. logical property class from another. While the
Here, we include a short synopsis of the most Bayesian classifier algorithm has not per-
prominent machine learning techniques in formed as well as more sophisticated ap-
addition to highlighting their applications in proaches [124], it does handle large training
VS. Several recent success stories have been sets very well.
reported in the literature and a few examples Decision trees (or forests) incorporate the
of popular machine learning techniques are simplest form of variable selection and can be
listed in Table 1. Each method has its own considered as a set of Boolean functions. De-
advantages and disadvantages that should be scriptors that capture molecular features of
understood to select the best approach for a the training compounds are systematically
particular virtual screen. added to a decision tree model one at a time
The first approach listed in the table, a self- until training compounds with different bio-
organizing map (SOM), is quite simple and logical properties are adequately separated.
makes it easy to visualize groups of com- This approach allows for easy determination
pounds with the same biological properties. of the chemical features most relevant to the
A data set of compounds is mapped on to a 2D target biological property. The resulting rules
grid such that most similar compounds are including specific property ranges from the
grouped together. Compounds in the vicinity data partitioning can then be used to design
of compounds with a desired biological prop- new molecules. Comparison studies have
erty are considered potential hits in a virtual shown that decision tree methods slightly out-
screen. As a disadvantage the SOM approach perform the Bayesian classifier; however,
has a high false-positive rate. SOMs have been other more advanced approaches show even
used recently to identify several purinergic higher enrichment rates in a virtual
receptor agonists [122]. screen [124].
Binary QSAR uses all compounds in the Mathematical functions are often used to
training set to predict the biological property correlate descriptor values with a biological
of test compounds in a virtual screen rather property. Multiple linear regression estab-
than the most similar training compounds lishes a linear correlation between dependent
only. While not providing an image of the and independent variables. A popular exten-
training data, the binary QSAR approach is sion, called partial least squares (PLS), helps
fast and like SOMs it works well if the training simplify the model optimization to allow for
data are highly similar to the test compounds large training sets. Variable selection techni-
being screened. Compounds that are signifi- ques are commonly added on top of the PLS
cantly different from the training set are not algorithm to optimize the choice of descrip-
expected to be predicted accurately and are tors. This approach has shown success in en-
commonly missed in a virtual screen [123]. riching a virtual database for various GPCR
While SOMs and binary QSAR techniques ligands [125]. The obvious drawback is that
do not require a prebuilt model to perform a there is not always a linear correlation be-
virtual screen most other machine learning tween the property modeled and the descrip-
methods do. These techniques form correla- tors describing the data set. The artificial
tions between training data and descriptors neural network (ANN) and support vector
that describe training compounds to predict a machine (SVM) approaches try to overcome
biological property for a virtual set of com- this problem by building nonlinear models.
pounds. The Bayesian classifier requires a Therefore, ANN and SVM have become pop-
prebuilt model. It distinguishes itself from ular tools for model building and virtual
binary QSAR through identifying specific de- screening. In a side by side comparison, both
scriptors that best separate compounds with a ANN and SVM showed similar enrichment
desired biological property from others. The rates for several virtual screens [124].
search for pertinent descriptors is called vari- The k-nearest neighbors (kNN) approach
able selection and helps the model eliminate does not require the use of a mathematical
descriptors that are not relevant to the current function to split one property class from an-
problem and cloud the separation of one bio- other. This behavior can be very useful if the
Table 1. Overview of Popular Regression and Learning Algorithms Used for Virtual Screening
Classification Regression Variable Selection Explanatory Virtual Screening
SOM Yes, useful for No Various techniques Yes, when the Identified purinergic
visualizing global show success pertinent dependent receptor antagonists from
data trends extracting pertinent variables are optimized a virtual combinatorial
dependent variables by library [122]
grouping compounds in
the same target class
Binary QSAR Yes No No No Showed superior
enrichment rates when
compared to Bayesian
Classifiers and PLS [123]
Bayesian classifier Yes Yes Descriptors are Yes if the significance Performed poorly com-
weighted based on how of each descriptor can pared to SVM, kNN, ANN,
well each divides the be extracted and Decision Trees [124]
training data
Decision trees Yes No Descriptors that best Variables used in the Slightly outperformed a

divide one class from tree(s) suggest activity Bayesian classifier in a
another are used to dependency comparison study [124]
separate the data
PLS variants Yes Yes Variable selection Yes, when a variable Ligands for various GPCR
techniques are com- selection technique is targets were successfully
monly added above incorporated enriched from a test
PLS model building database [125]
ANN Yes Yes Performed internally No Comparable enrichment
rates in a direct
comparison to SVM and
kNN [124]
SVM Yes Yes Performed internally Yes, if the weights of Identified previously
each descriptor are ex- characterized Dopamine
plicitly solved. D1 Inhibitors and
suggested new hits [127]
kNN Yes Yes Commonly a genetic Descriptors selected by Identified several
algorithm or simulated multiple models imply Anticonvulsant
annealing is used relevance to the target compounds that were
property experimentally
confirmed [126]

problem is complex. Compounds in a virtual and cannot account for unpopulated descrip-
screen are predicted based on known activities tor regions within the convex hull. Probability
of the most similar training compounds. Simi- density approaches are gaining in popularity
larity between compounds is calculated using because, in theory, they can account for empty
only a small set of descriptors that are opti- descriptor space within a training set and are
mized during the model building (this optimi- not dependent upon any one training set re-
zation can be quite slow for large data sets). ference point.
When used in a virtual screen, kNN shows Thus far, the most successful applicability
database enrichment rates similar to those domain approaches measure the similarity to
obtained with both ANN and SVM [124]. the training set via distance and/or the num-
For an in-depth view on QSAR the interested ber of training set nearest neighbors within a
reader is encouraged to review Chapter 13 in predefined cutoff. Merck researchers found
Volume 1. these approaches to be independent of the
machine learning approach being used [128].
2.3.3. The Applicability Domain Concept For this reason, we will use the remainder of
With all predictive models, the question of this section do discuss a traditional distance
their predictive reach is central to their suc- based applicability domain.
cess. Therefore, the concept of quantitatively To measure distance similarity, each com-
assessing the applicability of a predictive mod- pound is represented by a point in the M-
el needs to be established. Applicability do- dimensional descriptor space (where M is the
main techniques have been applied success- total number of descriptors in the descriptor
fully for instance for kNN [126] and SVM [127]. pharmacophore) with the coordinates Xi1, Xi2,
However, limitations lie in the fact that a very . . ., XiM, where Xis are the values of individual
narrow applicability domain only identifies descriptors. The molecular similarity between
potential compound hits that are highly simi- any two molecules is characterized by a Eu-
lar to the training set compounds. Such hits clidean distance (sometimes weighted) be-
could have possibly been found using simple tween their representative points. In the
similarity approaches as well. weighted case, the contribution of each de-
Technically, a QSAR model can predict the scriptor to the overall similarity is weighted
target property for any compound for which based upon correlations found within the
chemical descriptors have been calculated. training set model. The contribution of each
Since the training set models are developed descriptor to the pairwise distance is weighted
by interpolating activities, an applicability by a descriptors relevance to the model, wk .
domain (i.e., similarity threshold) is typically This provides a more accurate representation
introduced to avoid making predictions for of what compounds in the training set the
compounds that differ substantially from the model believes to be most similar. The Eucli-
training set molecules [120]. In general, there dean distance di,j between two points i and j
are four different approaches used to deter- (which correspond to compounds i and j) in M-
mine whether a test compound is similar to dimensional space can be calculated as fol-
the training set within a multivariate descrip- lows:
tor space: range, distance, geometrical shapes,
and probability density. Range approaches
use the min/max descriptor values within the v
training set to define an M-dimensional rec- uX
tangle surrounding the training set. This ap- dij t wk  Xik Xjk 2 1
proach works well only if the training set is
evenly distributed. Distance approaches de-
fine a distance cutoff to the training set as a Compounds with the smallest distance be-
boundary often resulting in an M-dimensional tween one another are considered to have the
sphere that surrounds the training set. Geo- highest similarity. In parallel, the unweighted
metrical shapes such as a convex hull are Euclidean or Tanimoto distances can be used
difficult to compute in large descriptor spaces as a measure of overall similarity. The dis-

tances (similarity) of compounds in the train- float activity prediction to the HTS com-
ing set are then compiled to produce an applic- pounds corresponding to their likelihood of
ability domain threshold, DThreshold, calcu- being active. These predictions were averaged
lated as follows: for each database compound and sorted based
on the predicted likelihood an HTS compound
DThreshold Z  DTrain 2 is active. This ranking allows for the selection
of the top X% of a database to enrich a large
Here, DThershold is a distance threshold for a percentage of active compounds within a
test compound, DTrain is the minimum dis- smaller compound collection.
tance required to predict all compounds in the In Fig. 9, the database enrichment plot for
training set in a leave-one-out fashion, and Z kScore models developed with Ghose and
is an arbitrary parameter to control the radii Crippen descriptors [130] is shown with and
of the applicability domain. The default value without the use of an applicability domain.
of this parameter is 1.0 that would classify The figure demonstrates that the addition of
each training compound within the applicabil- an applicability domain (AD) can significantly
ity domain if it was individually removed and improve the results of a virtual screen.
placed into a test set. Thus, if the pairwise
distance exceeds DThreshold for an external
compound to all training compounds, the pre-
diction is considered unreliable. This assumes
the compounds are evenly distributed in the
In direct analogy to high-throughput screen-
training set descriptor space. A modified vec-
ing, docking, and scoring techniques are ap-
tor Z0 can also be used to account for changes in
plied to computationally screen a database of a
the data density. For example, one may wish
million compounds and sometimes more
to decrease the applicability domain in por-
against a specific target protein. Computa-
tions of the descriptor space where training
tional methods that predict the three-dimen-
compounds are very sparse. More insight can
sional structure of a proteinligand complex
be gained from Chapter 13 of Volume 1.
are often referred to as molecular docking
approaches [131]. Protein structures can be
2.3.4. Example 4: Enrichment of an HTS
employed to dock ligands into the binding site
Collection for Kinase Inhibitors When large
of the protein and to study their interac-
databases of compounds are screened, often
tions [132]. For virtual screening, the crucial
only small portions of the hit set can be or-
task is the fast and reliable ranking of a da-
dered for testing. Therefore, hits need to be
tabase of putative proteinligand complexes
prioritized. This provides a means to select the
according to their binding affinities. Docking
top X% of hits chosen for testing or additional
programs used today (Table 2) can facilitate
filtering. In this example, the kScore algo-
this task in less than 1 min per processor and
rithm, a hybrid of kNN and SVM, was used
molecule. Energy functions that evaluate the
to develop several QSAR models of kinase
binding free energy between protein and li-
inhibition to enrich a large HTS collec-
gand sometimes employ rather heuristic
tion [129]. The training set contained approxi-
terms. Therefore, those functions are more
mately 10,200 compounds of which approxi-
broadly referred to as scoring functions.
mately 17% inhibited a specific kinase. The
remaining training set compounds are known
3.1. Protein Structures and Protein
inhibitors of other kinases, but showed no
activity against the kinase in question.
The validated models were generated and A 3D-protein structure of the receptor at atom-
used to predict approximately 775,000 HTS ic resolution is necessary to start a protein
compounds of which approximately 3700 were ligand docking experiment. Homology mod-
found to be experimentally active kinase in- els [133] and pseudo-receptor models [134,135]
hibitors corresponding to an approximately represent alternatives. The chances of a suc-
0.5% hit rate. Each kScore model assigned a cessful virtual screen very much depend on the

Figure 9. Database enrichment plot of kinase inhibitors rank-ordered by kScore models using Ghose and
Crippen descriptors.

Table 2. Selection of Available ProteinLigand Docking Software for Structure-Based Virtual

Docking Program Docking/Sampling Method Scoring Method
Glide ( Rigid protein; multiple Empirical scoring including
conformation rigid docking; penalty term for unformed
grid based energy evaluation hydrogen bonds; force field
DOCK (www.cmpharm.ucsf. Rigid protein; flexible ligand Force field scoring; chemical
edu/kuntz/dock.html) docking (incremental scoring, contact scoring
FlexX ( Rigid protein; flexible ligand Empirical scoring intertwined
docking (incremental with sampling
DockVision (www.dockvision. Monte Carlo, genetic Various force fields
com) algorithm
DockIT ( Ligand conformations PLP, PMF
meetings/emug00/Dixon) generated inside binding
site spheres using distance
FRED ( Exhaustive sampling; rigid ChemScore, PLP, Screen-
fred.html) protein, multiple conforma- Score, and Gaussian shape
tion rigid docking scoring
LigandFit (www.accelrys. Monte Carlo LIGSCORE, PLP, PMF,
com) LUDI
eHITS ( Exhaustive sampling of all Customizable
possible binding modes
Gold ( Genetic algorithm Soft core vdW potential and
prods/gold/) hydrogen bond potentials

For a Comprehensive List, Please See the Review of Moitessier et al. [171]

quality of the available structure as well as the therefore, focuses on terms deemed relevant
flexibility and adaptability of the ligand bind- by the particular author. The result is a wealth
ing site [136138]. Optimally, the crystal of different scoring functions being promoted

resolution should be at least by different researchers focusing the demon-
2.5 A [139]. Small changes in structure can stration of usefulness almost exclusively on
drastically alter the outcome of a computa- empirical data comparisons rather than the
tional docking experiment [140]. conceptual improvement of the underlying
To account for induced fitting effects upon methods. This fact has led to an explosion of
proteinligand binding in molecular docking literature that compares the merits of differ-
experiments different strategies have been ent scoring functions in the context of virtual
employed. Explicit side-chain flexibility can screening; [157172] the most recent and com-
be invoked in AutoDock [141,142] and GOLD prehensive review was provided by Moitessier
for a limited number of residues [143]. FlexE et al. [171]. Before we go into discussing the
allows for the use of alternative composite various contributions to scoring function eva-
protein structures derived from an ensemble luations, we start with some general remarks
of protein structures [144]. A series of promis- about scoring functions.
ing approaches have been explored, but have Scoring functions need to be able to enrich
not found their way into widely used commer- active compounds in the upper ranks of a
cial applications yet. They include among virtual screening hit list. The question is what
others the use of normal modes [138], elastic is a reasonable enrichment? The answer ob-
network theory [145], constrained geome- viously depends on the number of actives and
try [146], constructing receptor ensembles inactives in the database, as well as the num-
using rotamer libraries [147], multiple crystal ber of compounds that can ultimately be tested
structures [148], alanine scanning [149,150], in a biological assay. The number of com-
and cross-docking [151]. pounds that can be tested is typically in the
While taking induced fitting into account is area of 102103 compounds depending on the
undoubtedly useful in exploring the relevant assay throughput and compound availability
binding modes of small molecules in protein (if a virtual screen is performed on vendor
binding sites it is less obvious how beneficial it compounds, only a limited number of com-
actually is for virtual screening applications. pounds can be purchased because of budget
While the chances increase to dock the desired constraints). If one considers a typical virtual
active ligands, increased protein flexibility screening setup with 1 million individual com-
also increases the potential for false positives. pounds being screened in silico and one as-
Therefore, induced fitting plays a limited role sumes to have 100 actives among them there is
in todays structure-based virtual screening only an approximately 4.7% chance to find at
setups. Protein flexibility is also the subject of least one active compound among 500 com-
Chapter 19 in Volume 2. pounds tested. If a scoring function is able to
choose an active compound with a 10-fold
higher chance than a false positive (inactive
3.2. Scoring for Virtual Screening
compound with high score) the chances of
Structure-based virtual screening methods finding at least one active among the top-
such as high-throughput ligand docking into ranked 500 virtual screening hits is still below
a receptor site rely on fast scoring functions for 40%. It takes an enrichment of 100-fold to
ranking large databases of compounds accord- almost guarantee (99%) at least one hit under
ing to their predicted complementarity to a the given hypothetical scenario. The situation
target protein of interest [132,152155]. No is even worse considering that more and more
scoring function attempts to rigorously cap- often screening (including virtual screening)
ture all relevant contributions to a ligand collections are loaded with combinatorial com-
protein binding free energy (even sophisti- pounds that are highly structurally corre-
cated and time-consuming methods such as lated. If a combinatorial library is enriched
free energy perturbation have difficulties with actives, one may experience a higher
doing so [156]). Each scoring function design, confirmed hit rate of a virtual screen; however,

all hits will be of the same chemotype and, inspection along with diversity considerations
therefore, the gain in information may be should be the final selector for compounds to
limited. On the other hand, in the more likely be tested.
case that the library does not contain actives, Following these introductory remarks on
it dilutes the database that contains actives scoring functions, we will review the current
and most likely contributes overproportion- state of scoring functions as well as efforts to
ally to the number of false positives thereby increase the effectiveness of scoring through
making it harder to find true actives in a consensus combination of these functions.
virtual screen. This means that in the imper-
fect world of scoring functions not only the 3.2.1. Force Field Scoring Using nonbonded
target and the actual choice of the scoring terms of force fields has been the first choice
function make a significant difference in the for scoring functions in early docking pro-
performance of the virtual screen but also the grams such as DOCK [179]. When the concept
composition of the database of compounds of proteinligand docking was born, nobody
that is screened. There are indeed quite dras- really thought of using this tool in the context
tic differences observed in enrichment rates of of virtual screening. The goal was rather to
the same actives in virtual screening hit lists establish binding hypotheses for known or
depending on the decoys being used as demon- putative ligands and learn from the resulting
strated for instance for CDK2 and SRC kinase models. Force field-based methods with their
virtual screening studies involving decoys emphasis on eletrostatics and sterics are a
from different databases [173]. reasonable choice for finding good binding
With few exceptions scoring functions modes because they will favor the formation
rarely exhibit enrichment rates high enough of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges and avoid
to be reliable primary decision makers for van der Waals clashes. However, for binding
selecting virtual screening hits. Scoring func- free energies, hydrogen bonds may not add
tions exhibit various scoring artifacts that can much to the overall binding energy because of
be studied in detail and used to improve scor- competing desolvation of the ligand. Also, in
ing function design [174], but nevertheless some cases solvation effects alone are the
limit their robustness. Therefore, it is vital to major driver of ligand potency [180]. There-
use all other information one can assemble fore, force field-based methods have had less
about the target protein or the known active importance in recent developments of scoring
ligands, especially the interaction to known functions aiming at improving the ranking of a
ligands to filter virtual screening hits sug- large ligand database according to their puta-
gested by scoring functions. Especially, infor- tive binding free energy against a target pro-
mation about specific pharmacophore interac- tein of interest.
tions or the preference for certain binding Notwithstanding the above remarks, force
subpockets [175] needs to be translated into field-based scoring functions can be quite suc-
relevant filters or constraints for virtual cessful in virtual screening. Especially, if soft
screening/scoring runs. For instance, prefer- Lennard-Jones potentials are used attenuat-
ences for hinge binders in kinases [173] or ing repulsive terms (as for instance in the
metal ion interactions in metalloprotei- commercial software package GOLD) [139]
nases [159] can be defined. The point is illu- the hit rates of virtual screens can improve
strated in a recent report in the literature that as shown for virtual screens against T4 lyso-
the application of the same scoring function zyme and aldose reductase [181]. To kineti-
with pharmacophore-enhanced docking/scor- cally access the binding pocket, Vieth et al. has
ing increases the enrichment of actives in also concluded in an analysis of several para-
virtual screening hits for BACE1 [176] when meters to be optimized for force field scoring
applying FlexX [177] and FlexX-Pharm in that a soft vdW potential is needed [182]. Also,
comparison [177,178]. Also, one should keep the use of containment potentials is useful as
in mind, that the experienced chemist is most additional constraints forcing a ligand to dock
often the best scoring function. Once a hit list in a certain region [183]. In addition to includ-
is reduced to less than 1000 compounds, visual ing soft vdW potentials, considerable effort

has been put into including solvation effects Ionic and nonionic hydrogen bonds are
into docking [184188]. For virtual screening combined into one term. The deviation from
purposes, however, these methods have been the ideal hydrogen-bond length of 1.85 A
less used so far partly because they tend to be (HO/N) is given by Dr. The deviation from
slower. the ideal angle
P of 180  is given by
P Da. The
lipophilic iL f riL and metal aM f raM
3.2.2. Empirical Scoring Regression methods terms are calculated as simple contact terms.
have been in vogue for almost as long as com- The flexibility penalty of ligands for frozen
putational chemistry has been around [189]. rotatable bonds is calculated as
As a natural extension in the area of structure-
based methods, regression-based functions 11 X Pnl r Pnl
Hrot 1 6
have been derived using properties of protein- Nrot r 2
ligand interactions such as hydrogen bonds,
buried surface area, metal contacts, and lipo- where Nrot is the number of frozen rotatable
philic contacts to name a few. These functions bonds and Pn1(r) and Pnl 0
r are the percen-
are then trained based on known binding affi- tages of nonlipophilic heavy atoms on either
nities of ligands for which the 3D structures of side of the rotatable bond. ChemScore has
proteinligand complexes are known at atomic been trained on 82 proteinligand complexes
resolution [190194]. The popular empirical yielding DG0 5.48 kJ/mol, DGhbond 3.34
scoring function ChemScore has been designed kJ/mol, DGmetal 6.03 kJ/mol, DGlipo
by Eldridge et al. [192,195]. To illustrate the 0.117 kJ/mol, DGrot 2.56 kJ/mol with a stan-
concept of empirical scoring, the ChemScore dard error of 8.68 kJ/mol. As with all regres-
function is outlined here in some detail. sion-type functions, the predictability of
X ChemScore becomes less reliable as the func-
DGbinding DG0 DGhbond g1 Drg2 Da tion extrapolates further from proteinligand
X complexes in the training set. Lead Finder is
DGmetal f raM the the most recent example of an improved
aM empirical scoring function [196]. Lead Finder
DGlipo f riL DGrot Hrot trained the same function differently for the
iL three purposes of optimized docking pose pre-
3 diction, free energy estimation, and virtual
where the various DG coefficients are opti-
P using multiple linear regression. 3.2.3. Knowledge-Based Scoring Statistical
iI g 1 g 2 is a hydrogen-bond term calculated preferences for proteinligand atom pair in-
for all ligand atoms i and protein atoms I. teractions can be derived from large databases
8 of proteinligand complexes assuming that

> 1 if Dr  0:25A the deposited structures represent assemblies
< 1Dr0:25   of high affinity and structural accuracy. For
g1 Dr if 0:25A < Dr  0:65A
> 0:4 virtual screening purposes a series of knowl-
:  edge-based scoring functions were developed
0 if Dr > 0:65A
including SmoG [197], PMF scoring [198],
4 DurgScore [199], and BLEEP [200]. Knowl-
edge-based scoring functions have been exten-
sively reviewed by Gohlke and Klebe [201].
> 1 if Da  30 Therefore, we focus here on explaining the
< 1Da30 
g2 Da if 30 < Da  80 concept of knowledge-based screening using
> 50
PMF scoring as example.
0 if Da > 80 The PMF scoring function [198,202204]
5 has recently been updated exploiting the ex-

ponential increase in publicly available crys- PMF99. Figure 11 shows for a set of 170
tal structures of proteinligand complexes. proteinligand complexes assembled by Wang
The new version of PMF, called PMF04, has et al. [208] how PMF99 and PMF04 compare.
been derived from 7152 proteinligand com- While there is no substantial overall improve-
plexes from the PDB. Compared to the original ment in correlating PMF scores to experimen-
PMF99 score (697 complexes) this is approxi- tal binding affinities the figure shows how
mately a 10-fold increase. This increase in the some outliers have been fixed in PMF04. As
statistical knowledge based for PMF scoring an example, elastase complexed with FTAP
has resulted in new potentials being intro- has been highlighted (7est). Because of the
duced for metal ions. Also, while similarly to statistically insufficient potentials for fluorine
SmoG halogen-containing potentials have atom types one of trifluoromethyl groups of
mostly been ignored in PMF99, for many halo- FTAP has scored very badly in PMF99. The
gen atom-containing proteinligand atom combined score of the three fluoro atoms
pairs PMF04 now contains statistically sig- has been 45.0 (Fig. 12). In PMF04 this problem
nificant potentials. has been rectified because of the better poten-
Here is a brief outline of the PMF scoring tials for halogens. The combined score of the
function. The PMF score is defined as a sum three fluoro atoms is now -0.1. The same im-
over all proteinligand atom pair interaction provement in scoring can be observed for me-
free energies Aij(r) at distance r, tal binding proteinligand complexes (data
not shown). For other, statistically more es-
tablished atom types, the differences in
PMF score Aij r 7 PMF99 and PMF04 scores are minimal
(Fig. 12).
r < rijcutoff
3.2.4. Hybrid and Alternative Scoring Methods
where kl is a ligandprotein atom pair of type There is a wealth of other scoring functions
ij. rijcutoff is the distance at which atom pair being introduced ranging from steric fit,
interactions are truncated. The Aij(r) are cal- surface, and pharmacophore complementar-
culated as ity [209,210] to empirically motivated scores
such as PLP (piecewise linear poten-
tial) [211,212]. An interesting example of a
" #
rijseg r hybrid scoring method has been introduced
Aij r kB T ln fVol corr r 8 by Feher et al. called BHB [213,214]. BHB
rijbulk stands for buriedness, hydrogen bonding, and
binding energy. The first term assesses how
where kB is the Boltzmann factor, T is the well a ligand occupies a binding pocket. Inter-
absolute temperature, and fVol corr r is a li- estingly, the authors focus on the buriedness
gand volume correction factor. rijseg ris the of the receptor site rather than that of the
number density of atom pairs of type ij at a ligand as suggested by others [213,215]. The
certain atom pair distance r. rijbulk is the num- hydrogen-bonding term along with a term for
ber density of a ligandprotein atom pair of steric fits based on vdW potentials has been
type ij in a reference sphere with a radius of taken from the GOLD docking func-
12 A. For docking purposes, the PMF score tion [139,216]. A binding energy is elabo-
adds a vdW term to account for short-ranged rately calculated using a thermodynamic cy-
interaction [205]. Knowledge-based potentials cle approach subtracting the energies of the
have been proven useful in virtual screening unbound rigid solvated receptor and ligand
scenarios against FK506 binding pro- from that of the complex structure. Using a
tein [205], aldose reductase [206], and a series series of different proteinligand complexes
of other targets [207]. including androgen receptor, estrogen recep-
Figure 10 shows some of the newly derived tor, neuraminidase, thymidine kinase, inosin
PMF04 potentials and how they compare to monophosphate dehydrogenase, CDK3, and

3.0 3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0 2.0
PMF score

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
2163 1647 4906
2.0 2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0 3.0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0
3.0 3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0 2.0
PMF score

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
2.0 1049 2.0
2132 2.0
3.0 3.0 3.0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0
3.0 3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0 2.0
PMF score

1.0 cFCL 1.0 CFF 1.0 CPBr

0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1075 2.0
36913 2.0
3.0 3.0 3.0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.010.0 12.0
Atom pair distance () Atom pair distance () Atom pair distance ()

Figure 10. PMF04 (bold) and PMF99 potentials for a selected set of proteinligand atom pairs [213]. The
four-letter code refers to the atom pair types, where the first two letters indicate the protein atom types and the
last one or two letters indicate the ligand atom type (ME: metal, OC: negatively charged oxygen, OA: oxygen as
HB acceptor, OD: oxygen as HB donor, NC: positively charged nitrogen, NR: ring nitrogen, OS: other oxygen
(e.g., phosphate), CF: aliphatic carbon, cF: aromatic carbon, CL: chlorine, F: fluorine, and Br: bromine). The
number of atom pair occurrences in the set of proteinligand complexes used to derive the potentials is given
for each pair potential exemplified in the figure. A complete list of protein and ligand atom types for PMF99
and PMF04 as well as complete access to the potentials has been given in a recent publication [213].

p38 MAP kinase Feher et al. [214] derive the and hydrogen bonding as defined in GOLD.
following generalized function: In a virtual screening setting involving the
Glide decoys as negative controls [217], the
Fscore 0:05BE 20 RB RB3 authors report drastically improved enrich-
 X ments of actives in the virtual screening hit
10 n
HBi 0:5Hext vdWext lists for all the targets mentioned.
n i
9 3.2.5. Some Comments on Using Enrichment
where BE is the calculated binding energy, Factors Before assessing the performance of
RB is the receptor buriedness, HBi is an different scoring functions it is useful to add
indicator for the ith specific hydrogen bond some remarks on how they are compared. The
(1 if exist, 0 otherwise), and n is the total performance of virtual screening methods/
number of hydrogen-bonding residues con- scoring functions is often measured in enrich-
sidered for the receptor. Hext and vdWext are ment factors. A typical enrichment factor mea-
terms describing van der Waals interaction sure is defined as




PMF score 100.0


15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0
log Ki

Figure 11. PMF04 (filled circles) and PMF99 (open circles) scores compared to the experimental binding
affinities for a set of 170 proteinligand complexes taken from the training set of the Score function [208].

of the target. However, even for the same

%actives retrieved target, if literature data are compared employ-
EF 10
%compounds sampled ing different numbers of actives and inactives
comparing enrichment factors becomes cum-
A random enrichment would result in EF 1. bersome even if the same number of com-
The higher the enrichment factor the better pounds is being sampled. To illustrate this
the scoring function performs. This enrich- point let us consider Case 1 with 1000 com-
ment factor is ideal for comparing different pounds and 10 actives compared to Case 2
scoring functions or virtual screening scenar- with 1000 compounds and 100 actives among
ios for the same set (or at least the same them. Let us assume for Case 1, 50% of the
number) of actives and inactives independent actives (5/10) have been sampled among the

Figure 12. Trifluoroacetyl-L-leucyl-L-alanyl-P-trifluoromethylphenylanilide (TFAP) ligand of the serine

protease elastase. The PMF99/PMF04 contributions of selected atoms are shown as calculated from the
elastase/TFAP complex taken from the PDB ID 7est.

top 2% of the compounds and 100% (20/100) 3.2.6. Comparing, Consolidating, and Finding
have been sampled in Case 2. The enrichment Consensus After most scoring functions have
factor for Case 1 would be better (EF 25) conceptually been developed in the 1990s,
than that of Case 2 (EF 10). The reason is recently more effort has been put on validating
that the maximum enrichment that can be various scoring functions in the context of
achieved depends on the number of actives docking and scoring tools. One of the early
and inactives. While the maximum enrich- comparative studies of docking/scoring proto-
ment in Case 1 is 50, the maximum enrich- cols has interestingly been done on the more
ment in Case 2 is only 10. One way of avoiding challenging task of fragment docking using
the problems described above is to define an Abbotts SAR from an NMR fragment library.
enrichment factor as Comparing DOCK/force field scoring and
DOCK/PMF scoring 3200 fragments (Ki va-
%actives retrieved lues between 0.06 and 2 mM) were virtually
EF 11
%inactives retrieved screened against the KF605 binding protein
reaching an enrichment of up to EF0 3 (Eq.
In this case, the enrichment factor can become 12) [205]. While an enrichment factor of three
infinite. would be considered very low for fully enum-
The term %actives_retrieved is often erated compounds, it is still typical for weakly
called recovery. A relevant question for virtual binding fragments.
screening purposes is often how much of a An important observation made by several
database needs to be screened to retain a authors is that different targets require dif-
certain recovery. An additional problem with ferent scoring schemes. Comparing DOCK,
Equation 10 for calculating enrichment fac- FlexX [177], and GOLD docking programs
tors at a certain recovery percentage is that along with ChemScore, DOCK, FlexX, Fres-
this measure only captures the performance of no [219,220], GOLD, PMF, and Score [220]
the worst active within the desired recovery. It scoring functions, Bissantz et al. [221] evalu-
would make no difference if ligands scored 1st, ate virtual screens against thymidine kinase
2nd, and 50th, or if they scored 48th, 49th, and (TK) and estrogen receptor (ER). Mixing 10
50th. However, it would be much more desir- ligands with 990 decoys, the authors found
able to have higher ranking actives among the that FlexX docking and PMF scores correctly
recovered as in the first case. Therefore, for identify the 10 TK ligands but fail for the
full recovery an alternative enrichment func- estrogen case. Similarly, Stahl and Rarey re-
tion has been suggested [205] as port varying performances of docking/scoring
combinations for different targets [207]. For
instance, PMF performed well for neuramini-
50% dase but poorly for gelatinase A and thrombin.
EF0 12 Yet another study by Kontoyianni et al. [222]
%APRactives retrieved
further supports the finding of varying perfor-
where %APR(actives_retrieved) is the aver- mances for four docking methods, 10 scoring
age percentile rank of the retrieved actives. functions, and 6 drug targets with a few front
Equation 12 can be extended to observation runners being combinations between Ligand-
points of less than full recovery as [218] Fit, FlexX, and DOCK as docking engines
combined with Ligscore, FlexX, GOLD, and
00 50% PMF as scoring functions. Without trying to be
EF %actives retrieved exhaustive, a few other studies by Perola et
%APRactives retrieved
al. [163], Schulz-Gasch and Stahl [164],
Muegge and Enyedy [173], and Warren et
al. [167] are mentioned here solidifying
Enrichment factors EF0 and EF00 consider the further the general observation of greatly
rank of each retrieved hit. As a consequence, varying performances of docking/scoring ex-
enrichment factors can be larger than those periments. There are two major consequences
obtained from Equation 10. from these observations:

(i) For optimum virtual screening pur- coming not only from different scoring func-
poses a validation phase needs to be tions applied to the same proteinligand com-
introduced using known active and plex but also from a series of different protein
inactive ligands to fine-tune a virtual targets a given ligand is exposed to [230].
screening protocol before it is applied Using a set of arbitrary active sites, a refer-
in a production run. ence score for a given ligand is calculated
(ii) Consensus approaches need to be con- leading to a simple statistical correction for
sidered to average out the volatile a calculated ligand score against a target of
performances of single scoring interest. This correction has been called
functions. MASC (multiple active site correction) and is
calculated as:
As pointed out above, because of the vary-  
Sij mi
ing performance of scoring functions, methods Sij0 14
have been deployed that allow focusing on si
scoring functions that are better (or worse)
than others by consensus. In general, consen- where Sij0 is the modified score for compound i
sus scoring is rarely able to improve scoring in the active site j and Sij0 is the original score.
beyond the performance of the single best mi and si are mean and standard deviations of
scoring function used [223]. However, because the scores for compound i across all active sites
one does not know up-front which of the scor- j. If a statistically significant higher score is
ing function performs best for a given target, obtained for the active site of interest, the
consensus scoring allows for an averaging compound is more likely to be a true active.
effect that often (but not always) is only mar- The MASC procedure requires a substantial
ginally worse in performance than the best initial investment in CPU time due to the need
individual scoring function. The first compre- to dock the ligands of interest against not only
hensive consensus scoring study has been pre- 1 but 10 or more targets to calculate a refer-
sented by Charifson et al. [224]. Using 11 ence score. However, especially for databases
scoring functions (LUDI [100], ChemScore, used repeatedly such as an in-house screening
Score, PLP, Merck force field [225], DOCK collection this up-front expenditure is reason-
energy score, DOCK chemical score, able. Vigers and Rizzi report significant im-
Flog [226], strain energy, Poisson Boltz- provements in virtual screening of p38 MAP
mann [227], buried lipophilic surface kinase and Ptp-1b using their MASC scoring
area [228], DOCK contact score, and volume method in the context of FlexX and Gold
overlap [210]), two docking programs (DOCK, scores.
Gambler), and three protein targets (p38 MAP
kinase, inosine monophosphate dehydrogen- 3.2.7. Example 5: Identification of a Novel Liver
ase, and HIV-1 protease) the authors showed a X Receptor (LXR) Modulator LXRa and LXRb
significant reduction of false positives in the are oxysterol-activated nuclear receptors that
virtual screening hit sets. Other authors re- are involved in controlling the expression of
port success with consensus scoring also sug- various genes associated with cholesterol, glu-
gesting general hybrid scores applicable to cose, and fatty acid metabolism. LXR agonists
any target such as ScreenScore [207]. Consen- are therefore of potential pharmacological in-
sus scoring tools are available in commercial terest as antiatherosclerotic, anti-inflamma-
software packages such as Sybyl [229] and tory, and antidiabetic agents [231]. Combin-
Fred [190]. ing Glide virtual screening with gene profiling
Often scoring functions exhibit artifactual using an ArrayPlate mRNA assay resulted in
dependencies on ligand properties such as the identification of a novel LXR modulator
compound size, prevalence of hydrogen-bond- (Fig. 13) [232]. To validate the Glide docking
ing features, or flexibility. To normalize bind- method, 127 representative LXR agonists
ing scores of compounds, Vigers and Rizzi from 6 different chemical classes were selected
have suggested a form of consensus scoring from the literature. These LXR ligands were

Figure 13. Structure-based virtual screening flowchart used by Cheng et al. [232] to identify a novel LXR

docked against seven LXR crystal structures more than 20% were removed. This reduced
from the PDB. The PDB structure 1P8D re- the hit rate to 3263. Compounds were prior-
covered the most LXR ligands (27 of 127) itized further by requiring a close contact to
through Glide docking. To increase the recov- His435 that was believed to be a required
ery rate further, the hydrophobic pocket of the interaction for LXR agonists. A total of 647
ligand binding site was widened through ro- compounds were thus selected. Compounds
tating side chains of Phe340 and Ile253. Mini- prioritized by the PLP1 score [233] were
mization of such an altered protein structure added. In addition, 247 compounds with halo-
in presence of the LXR agonist GW3965 gen atoms interacting with His435 such as in
(Fig. 14) resulted in the final protein structure GW3965 were added to the hit list. A total of
used in the virtual screen of 135,000 com- 1308 compounds were ultimately selected for
pounds from an internal collection. Applying high-throughput gene expression profiling.
a cutoff of 9.0 using the GlideSP scoring Gene profiles of one virtual screening hit
function 10,407 compounds were retrieved. (Fig. 14) were found to be extremely similar
Ligands clashing with the protein matrix to to those of other LXR agonists such as

Figure 14. LXR ligands.

GW3965. The hit was subsequently confirmed A second example illustrates again the ne-
as full LXR agonist by a cofactor recruitment cessity to guide fragment based in silico
assay and relevant functional assays. screening through specific constraints to be
successful. Indolin-2-one analogs were discov-
3.3. Fragment-Based Virtual Screening ered by in silico fragment-based virtual
screening of DNA gyrase [238]. DNA gyrase
Fragment-based drug discovery methods
is a bacterial enzyme targeted for discovering
have experienced a renaissance in recent
antibacterial agents. A new core fragment to
years [234]. Fragments are mostly identified
sit in the DNA gyrase active-site pocket was
using high-concentration screening methods
desired. The crystal structure with PDB ID
with NMR follow-up and crystallographic
1ei1 of the N-terminal fragment of DNA gyr-
binding mode elucidation. However, virtual
ase B was used. LUDI identified key interac-
screening is sometimes used to narrow the set
tions in the active site. The MDL-ACD and
of fragments chosen for fragment screening.
MDL-SCD databases of commercially avail-
Although fragment virtual screening methods
able compounds were searched to find a novel
have historically produced low enrichment
fragment with MW < 180 Da to fill the active
rates [205], there are some success stories
site and engage it in all relevant interactions.
reported in the literature.
LUDI was used in combination with com-
A virtual screen for S1-binding fragments
pound similarity to known DNA gyrase bin-
of dipeptidyl peptidase IV was reported by
ders to subsequently identify indolin-2-ones
Rummey et al. [235]. DPP IV is an important
with up to 60 mM activity.
diabetes target. DPP IV inhibitors prevent
The interested reader can learn more on
the rapid degradation of GLP-1 that has
the topic of fragment-based drug design from
beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis.
Chapter 10 in Volume 2.
Using a pharmacophore-constrained docking
approach, the S1 pocket of DPP IV was tar-
geted. Ten thousand primary aliphatic 4. PRE- AND POSTPROCESSING OF
amines (positively charged group in the S2 VIRTUAL SCREENING DATA
pocket was required) were docked using
FlexX [236]. The formation of at least two The preprocessing of databases subjected to
hydrogen bonds was required for a hit in the virtual screens as well as the postprocessing of
S1 pocket. With such specific constraints hits needs some attention. The choice of com-
fragment docking identified a series of known pound databases to screen has been discussed
and unknown anchor fragments in the S1 elsewhere in different contexts already.
pocket. Similar examples of DPP IV inhibi- Hence, only a few words about preparing a
tors obtained through fragment-based database for a virtual screen. Generating 3D
screening were described by Makara [237]. coordinates if necessary and enumerating

stereocenters of small molecules can be done lights and oral PhysChem scores to triage hit
in a straightforward fashion by programs such lists. The traffic lights center around solubi-
as CORINA [85]. Generating the appropriate lity, octanol-water partitioning, polar surface
ionization states of titrable groups is often area, rotatable bonds, and molecular weight
more challenging. Commercial software to descriptors. The interested reader may con-
predict ionization states at different pH va- sult Chapter 2 in Volume 2 for further reading
lues with varying degree of accuracy is avail- on the topic of in silico ADMET prediction.
able from software vendors such as Schrodin-
ger, Chemaxon, and ACS Labs. Tautomer 4.1.2. Ligand Efficiency When evaluating
enumeration is often ignored due to the ab- hits identified in a screen, they must be judged
sence of commercial software to reliably de- not only for their experimental potency but
termine the tautomer with the highest popu- also for the potential to develop the hit into a
lation among many possible tautomers. As drug. Often this lead optimization process
mentioned in Section 2, sometimes ligand con- results in an increased molecular weight to
formations need to be precalculated. Also, improve potency and target selectiv-
various fingerprint representations can be ity [245,246]. Unfortunately, increased mole-
precalculated and stored for databases that cular weight often compromises critical drug
are recurrently screened. properties such as solubility or permeability
that are necessary for bioavailabil-
4.1. Hit Triaging ity [247,248]. Therefore, it is better to optimize
a small, less potent molecule than a much
Smart hit triaging is an essential step in a
larger molecule that already contains liabil-
virtual screen. Unfortunately, there is no sui-
ities that are difficult to remove. To relate
table commercial software available that can
potency to compound size, Andrews [249] and
powerfully assist in hit triaging. Virtual
then later Kuntz [250] defined a measure of
screening filter cascades rely on the power of
binding energy and demonstrated there is a
multiple exclusion criteria to reduce the num-
correlation between potency and the number
ber of virtual screening hits to a manageable
of nonhydrogen atoms in a ligand. This con-
size. If target-specific criteria such as phar-
cept was used to define the term ligand effi-
macophore matches, shape complementarity,
ciency by Hopkins et al. [251] whereby the
and similarity to known hits are not discrimi-
binding energy is divided by the number of
native enough, target-independent criteria
nonhydrogen atoms, shown in Equation 15.
are typically used. These include properties
such as general drug-likeness [239], perceived
RT ln Kd
selectivity, ligand efficiency [234,240,241], Ligand efficiency
and diversity [242]. Nonhydrogen atoms
4.1.1. Traffic Lights Virtual screening often
produces as many hits or more than high- Ligand efficiency has gained wide use in
throughput screening does. If we set aside for the pharmaceutical industry for HTS hit se-
a moment the fact that for virtual screening lection [252]. Increased ligand efficiency in-
we are not sure of the true activity due to false creases the likelihood that a hit can be devel-
positives, both approaches face a similar pro- oped into a clinical candidate [253].
blem of hit triaging. An example of how hits The minimum ligand efficiency viewed as
are triaged using traffic lights has been given acceptable for a drug-like compound is ap-
by Lobell at al. [243]. The authors highlight proximately 0.3. This number is calculated
the fact that leads are often very similar to from the hypothetical case of a 10 nM opti-
hits [244] that ADME-related liabilities are mized compound with approximately 36 hea-
hard to address during lead optimization and vy atoms (the maximum number of atoms to
that more hit classes are generated. They able to achieve a MW < 500) [254]. The max-
propose to use ADMET (absorption, distribu- imum ligand efficiency appears to plateau as
tion, metabolism, excretion, toxicology) traffic the number of heavy atoms increases [255].

This is thought to be the consequence probable liabilities that would have to be over-
of enthalpic effects from structural changes come if the compound was pursued [273]. There
in the target protein that ultimately occur are several databases available to serve this
as a larger molecule binds. The number of purpose including PubChem [244,274,275],
contact points with the target protein in- ChemIDplus [276], and DiscoveryGate [277].
creases with the ligand size making it These resources can be used to identify an exact
challenging to optimize each contact simul- chemical match to HTS or virtual screening
taneously [256]. Entropic effects should also hits or highly similar compounds that highlight
play a significant role in ligand efficiency potential activities.
but as of yet no technique has shown an
accurate estimation of ligand efficiency loss
due to entropy.
The ultimate goal of a virtual screening ex-
4.1.3. HTS Triaging High-throughput screen-
periment is to identify promising hits of new
ing (HTS) is arguably the major technique used
chemical matter. It is often irrelevant what
today for the discovery of new chemical mat-
the actual hit rate of a virtual screen is. Rather
ter [257,258]. Often the lead-like matter
the novelty, patentability, drug-likeness, syn-
identified by an HTS is clouded with nonspe-
thetic accessibility, and optimizability of a hit
cific inhibitors that do not directly bind to the
class are of importance. Therefore, it is essen-
target protein in a one-to-one fashion. In-
tial to understand the ability of a virtual
stead, compounds may absorb and emit light
screening approach to identify new chemo-
at the wavelengths tested [259] or may ag-
types. For structure-based virtual screening
gregate to form a colloidal particle that di-
methods the ability to scaffold hop is usually
rectly interacts with the target pro-
taken for granted because there is no ligand
tein [260,261]. These phenomena have led to
(other than the one being docked) involved in
the creation of structural filters [262] and
docking experiments. While the assumption of
experimental techniques [263265] that
scaffold-independent docking preferences
identify such potential aggregators. Like-
should be debated at some point, it is not the
wise, there are also nonspecific activators
central subject here and is therefore not
characterized that may elicit activity
further discussed. We would rather like to say
through a similar mechanism [266]. These
some words about ligand-based scaffold hop-
filters derived from HTS experiences can be
ping opportunities in the context of compound
applied directly as promiscuity filters for vir-
similarity and virtual screening. In particular,
tual screening hit lists.
we would like to illustrate a few simple con-
Within the class of HTS hits that direct
cepts such as exhaustive scaffold enumeration
binding to the target protein in a one-to-one
and scaffold hopping using similarity descrip-
fashion, there are structural elements that
tors. The more wide-ranging concept of ex-
allow binding to a large range of targets. These
tending virtual screening to virtually accessi-
compounds are commonly referred to as
ble chemicals, an approach often referred to as
promiscuous binders or privileged struc-
de novo design [278], will not be discussed
tures [267271]. They contain specific chemi-
cal groups that interact with a portion of the
target protein that is conserved throughout a
5.1. Example 6: Scaffold Enumeration for
protein family. There can also be strong cross-
PDE5 Inhibitors
reactivity between completely unrelated pro-
tein families if the pharmacophoric elements For any given scaffold, there are a number of
necessary for binding are similar [272]. These analogs that may produce a similar clinical
classes of compounds commonly must be fil- endpoint. In particular, for a specific ring
tered out if the main contributor to binding is system the necessary topology of the ring can
also the cause of the selectivity liabilities. To be maintained by modifying the heteroatoms
identify these compounds, the known assay and bond characteristics to preserve the
data are associated with each HTS hit to flag shape, critical H-bonding characteristics, or

Figure 15. Example analogs of sildenafil and vardenafil using a scaffold enumeration approach that
maintains the critical pharmacophores circled on both drugs.

attachment points [279]. An instructive exam- sildenafil. In Fig. 15, the atoms circled in the
ple of modifying the shape, attachment, and core scaffold are critical pharmacophoric ele-
pharmacophoric properties in a molecule yet ments for potency. By holding these atoms
scaffold hop to a new chemotype with similar constant and maintaining the 3 attachment
biological activity is illustrated in Fig. 15. The points, there are only 12 scaffolds that would
discovery of PDE5 inhibitor vardenafil ap- likely produce a similar efficacy.
pears to be a direct result of a scaffold hop To calculate the possible analogs for a spe-
starting from sildenafil. Vardenafil was de- cific core the algorithm is quite simple. First,
signed by simply shifting the heteroatom pla- one must define the atom types to be consid-
cement in the core. Such subtle modifications ered; an example list is shown in Fig. 16.
can sometime even improve the bioavailabil- Second, one must define a SMILES string that
ity, solubility, selectivity, etc. without drama- represents a core to start from. Then one
tically modifying the clinical efficacy. In the simply loops through every atom in the core
case of vardenafil, the shift in heteroatoms and sequentially replaces each atom with an
improved the selectivity over PDE6, which atom from the atom type list. This procedure
reduced the risk of altered color perception, produces a large number of SMILES codes
a rare side effect that sometimes occurs with that may have valence problems, may be

Figure 16. Pseudo-code for an atom enumeration algorithm.


unstable, or are duplicates. A valence filter SciTegic fingerprints) [18,54]. Not surpris-
check or a substructure filter eliminates ingly, it was concluded that 3D descriptors as
SMILES strings with known stability pro- well as circular fingerprints were found to
blems. Other problematic SMILES strings are facilitate scaffold hopping in more cases than
removed through postfiltering. If there are topological fingerprints did (Daylight finger-
specific atom restrictions, such as those circled prints). What was more surprising was the
in Fig. 15, then an additional substructure finding that ligand similarity was better able
filter can identify the relevant scaffolds. A to identify new chemotypes than structure-
pseudo-code of the algorithm is shown in based virtual screening was, a phenomenon
Fig. 16. that was observed before [41] but hitherto not
The scaffold enumeration approach works studied systematically.
well not only for rings but also for complete
molecules. A critical detail is to restrict the
search by requiring specific pharmacophores,
atoms, or groups at different locations. In the
example of sildenafil, without restricting the
Virtual screening success obviously relies on
three atoms necessary for potency and stabi-
accessing a hit molecule synthetically for bio-
lity filters, this search would have yielded over
logical testing. The number of available com-
a thousand possibilities. An example set of
pounds (either in-house or commercially) is
stability filters that can be applied is shown
limited to approximately 10 million. On the
in Fig. 17.
other hand, synthesizing individual hit mole-
cules (for instance as a result of a de novo
5.2. Scaffold Hopping Through Similarity
design campaign) is typically limited to few
analogs and may involve significant chemistry
As described in Section 2, compound similar- efforts. Finding an alternative between the
ity descriptors have different abilities to iden- practically boundless in silico world of mole-
tify compounds with new scaffolds yet similar cules and the quite limited synthetic options is
biological activity. Molecular descriptors such therefore crucial for realizing the full potential
as atom pairs [41], 3D pharmacophore finger- of virtual screening.
prints [54], molecular field descriptors [280], The concept of extending virtual screens to
and FeatureTrees [281] have been shown to the area of chemically accessible combinator-
facilitate scaffold hopping. Recently, a sys- ial libraries has several advantages.
tematic study of the scaffold hopping ability
of different compound similarity descriptors 1. Combinatorial libraries of previously
was conducted that involved seven drug tar- established chemistry can be synthe-
gets of different classes (p38 kinase, CDK2, sized rather quickly.
thrombin, neuraminidase, estrogen receptor,
2. Combinatorial libraries compensate
HIV-1 protease, COX2) as well as several
for the limited accuracy in many vir-
popular descriptors (atom pairs, Daylight fin-
tual screens by the power of large num-
gerprints, 3D pharmacophore fingerprints,
bers of analogs thereby introducing an

Figure 17. An example of compound stability filters that can be used to filter the compound lists produced by
the atom enumeration algorithm.

element of serendipity into the drug nodes represent small building blocks of the
discovery process. compound. These nodes are either ring sys-
3. Virtual screening methods applied tems or acyclic atoms that are connected ac-
to combinatorial libraries allow for cording to the molecular graph (Fig. 18). The
dimensionality reduction techniques to nodes are labeled with information related to
be deployed that render the storage the properties of the building blocks they re-
and processing of individual com- present. Shape and size of a building block as
pounds unnecessary. well as chemical descriptors such as pharma-
cophore character profiles are linearly com-
bined to characterize each node. The Feature-
Large combinatorial library collections for Trees-FS extension of the Ftree approach re-
the purpose of virtual screening have been lies on dynamic programming to perform a
described in the literature by Nikitin et similarity search of combinatorial libraries of
al. [282] based on published combinatorial up to 1018 compounds in a few minutes search-
chemistry collected from approximately 200 ing within the entire combinatorial space with-
individual publications. Boehm et al. de- out enumeration.
scribed the use of large sets of combinatorial Combining reaction rules applicable to
libraries for applications within the pharma- combinatorial chemistry is a concept that can
ceutical industry [283]. Typically, combinator- be deployed in de novo design programs. Re-
ial library collections include a few hundred cent attempts in retrosynthetic de novo design
libraries with up to 10 trillion compounds. A programming go beyond the use of simple
few 3D methods have been described to search RECAP [285] rules for combining fragments
in such a large molecular spaces. Fragmenta- to fully enumerated molecules. Recently, Sim-
tion of the molecules is used to reduce the BioSys announced plans to combine their ret-
dimensionality of the search space. Topomer rosynthtic chemistry package ARChem with
descriptors are an example of 3D compound their eHITS technology to build a new retro-
fragmentation used for this purpose [42]. synthetic de novo design tool in 2009 [286].
Nikitin et al. used their collection of reactions
to feed into a 3D de novo design program. For 6.1. Privileged Structures
more insight into the design of combinatorial
libraries, the reader may consult Chapter 8 in Privileged structures are structural types of
Volume 1. small molecules that are able to bind with high
Very fast searching of large combinatorial affinity to multiple classes of receptors [287].
libraries can only be done using 2D similarity An enrichment of libraries with privileged
descriptors. FeatureTrees-FS [12] an exten- structures may increase the chance of finding
sion of the FeatureTrees [284] algorithm has active compounds. Examples of privileged
been applied by Boehm et al. to search through structures include benzazepine analogs found
358 libraries containing >1012 compounds to be effective ligands for an enzyme that
[283]. The FeatureTree approach is a 2D com- cleaves the peptide angiotensin I while others
pound similarity method that represents a are effective CCK-A receptor ligands. Cypro-
small molecule by a tree structure where the heptadine derivatives were found to have per-

Figure 18. FeatureTree representation of a small molecule.


ipheral anticholinergic, antiserotonin, anti- 6.2. Targeting Protein Families

histaminic, and orexigenic activity. Hydroxa-
As alluded to above already, it is as important
mate and benzamidine derivatives have been
to screen the most appropriate compound col-
shown to be privileged structures for metallo-
lection, as it is to choose the best virtual
proteases and serine proteases, respectively.
screening method. In addition to enriching
For the class of 7-transmembrane G-protein-
screening collections with privileged struc-
coupled receptors, a large number of privi-
tures, the choice of databases shaped for spe-
leged structures has been found including, for
cific protein classes is also very useful. It can
example, diphenylmethane, diazepine, benza-
be expected that the number of hits in a tar-
zepine, biphenyltetrazole, spiropiperidine, in-
geted compound collection is higher than that
dole, and benzylpiperidine [48]. Some ubiqui-
of a general compound collection. At the same
tously privileged structures have been identi-
time, the number of false positives will also be
fied [288]. They include carboxylic acids, bi-
possibly higher. It is therefore observed that
phenyls, diphenylmethane, and to a lesser
virtual screening enrichment rates for tar-
extent, naphthyl, phenyl, cyclohexyl, biben-
geted libraries and general drug-like libraries
zyl, benzimidazole, and quinoline.

Figure 19. Virtual screening workflow to identify novel FFAR1 ligands [290].
Table 3. Recently Pursued Targets Using Synergistic Virtual Screening Strategies
Target Class Target VS Approaches Used OUTCOME Reference
Kinases YpkA Machine learning and multi- First reported single digit mi- Hu et al., 2007 [294]
ple conformational virtual cromolar inhibitors
TMPKmt Pharmacophore searching, Three hits showed MIC of 3.12 mg/ Kumar et al., 2008 [295]
docking, structure interaction mL
JAK3 Docking, similarity searching Three hits with nanomolar Chen et al., 2008 [296]
Phosphatases CDC25 Several docking programs 13 mM hit Montes et al., 2008 [297]
(FRED, Surflex, LigandFit)
G-protein-coupled receptors CCR2 pharmacophore fingerprints, Two putative CCR2 ligands Nair and Sobhia, 2008 [298]
HSQSAR, docking
FFAR1 2D similarity, 3D pharmaco- 15 agonists, partial agonists, and Tikhonova et al., 2008 [290]
phore searching, docking antagonists
CCR5 2D pharmacophore similar- Agonist found that promoted re- Kellenberger et al., 2007 [299]
ity, docking, clustering ceptor internalization
Proteases CatepsinS Ligand-based and structure- 7 hits in low micromolar range Markt et al., 2008 [300]

based pharmacophore
SARS CoV protease Docking, 3D-QSAR, 25 inhibitors >3 mM Tsai et al., 2006 [301]
Ion channels Kv1.5 Protein-derived pharmaco- 5 inhibitor classes <10 mM Pirard et al., 2005 [302]
phores, FeatureTrees, 2D-
Nuclear receptors PPAR Ligand-based and structure- Novel PPAR agonists with vary- Markt et al., 2008 [103]
based pharmacophore ing PPAR selectivity
Other enzymes Chorismate mutase Ligand-based pharmacophore 6 mM inhibitors Agrawal et al., 2007 [303]
models, docking
DPPIV Pharmacophore, docking 51 inhibitors found Ward et al., 2005 [304]
COX-2 machine learning, pharmaco- new inhibitors found Franke et al., 2005 [305]
phore descriptor
protein-RNA interactions HIV-1 reverse transcriptase 3D-QSAR, docking 2 potent inhibitors from SPECS Zhang et al., 2006 [306]
transporters SHGB 2D-QSAR, docking ligands found Cherkasov et al., 2005 [307]
others HRV coat protein structure-based pharmaco- 6 structures with antirhinoviral Steindl et al., 2005 [308]
phore model, docking, PCA activity
spermidine synthase 3D pharmacophore filtering, seven novel binders Jacobsson et al., 2008 [309]

Figure 20. FFAR1 ligands. GW9508 and the literature agonist 2 are full agonists [293]. The other three
compounds depict representative virtual screening hits [290].

is often similar [289]. However, targeted li- 7.1. Example 7: Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1
braries have the potential of offering structu- Ligands
rally richer hit sets.
A particularly instructive example of using
virtual screening synergies has been pre-
7. SYNERGIES sented recently by Tikhonova et al. [290]. Ago-
nists, partial agonists, and an antagonist of
Early on virtual screening has been consid- free fatty acid receptor (FFAR) 1 were identi-
ered a cascade of filters involving many dif- fied through a combination of 2D similarity
ferent components considering 1D to 3D searching of the ZINC database [291], BCUT
properties according to computational ex- diversity analysis, 3D pharmacophore search-
pense [11]. Nonetheless, in practical applica- ing, receptor modeling involving receptor mu-
tions one primary filter often prevailed. For tagenesis data [292], molecular docking, and
instance, if target structures at atomic reso- pharmacological testing. Due to its perceived
lution were available structure-based virtual role in regulating insulin and glucagon secre-
screening was often the primary virtual tion FFAR1 is considered a promising target
screening tool [22]. Alternatively, for target for treating type 2 diabetes. Figure 19 illus-
classes such as GPCRs mostly ligand-based trates the workflow of the virtual screening
methods were preferred. After some debate procedure. Figure 20 shows the compounds
about the strengths of ligand-based and used for the ligand-based part of the virtual
structure-based virtual screening ap- screen as well as the hits identified. It is
proaches [41,54], it is now common practice particularly interesting to note that the dock-
to combine different virtual screening ap- ing into the FFAR1 homology model that was
proaches in synergy. Table 3 illustrates re- generated using a ground-state rhodopsin
cent virtual screening campaigns involving structure in presence of GW9508 only yielded
different drug targets and synergetic virtual agonist and partial agonist hits. The only
screening protocols. antagonist hit was obtained through the

pharmacophore search. This example shows mental-design for high throughput screening.
not only how different virtual screening meth- Drug Discov Today 1996;1:277286.
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