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Cella Boyd

Lee 156
Thursday 4pm
April 27th, 2017

Text Set
In an introduction to agricultural science class, students typically learning an introduction to
different agricultural pathways including animal science, plant science, agricultural mechanics,
biology, forestry, and FFA leadership. This text set is to help with the animal science unit for the
students. It is a very large unit so there would need to be many more texts available to them, but
these are just a few I would use in the beginning and throughout the unit.


At the beginning of the semester, I would have the students look at the poster and write
down what animals are in each picture and how they relate to agriculture. This would be
the introduction to the semester and one of the first things they do.
BDA: I would use this poster as my BDA. IN the beginning, the students would discuss it
to get them interested in the new unit, during the unit the tescher would reference back to
it, and at the end of the unit, students would choose a photo and discuss the industry
presented in it.

After defining the animals on the poster, I would show this video as an interest approach.
Its fun and interesting so it will help get them ready for the animal science section of the

Introduction to Animal Science: Global, Biological, Social, and Industry Perspectives
W. Stephen Damron
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009
This textbook covers nutrition, digestion, feeds, genetics, reproduction, disease, and
animal behavior. It has species-focused chapters including the major species (horse, dairy
cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goat, poultry, and swine) and the minor species (aquaculture,
pets/companion animals, the lamoids, and rabbits).

These posters would be extremely helpful especially with terminology. Vocabulary is a
huge part of this section so visualizing each vocabulary word with the part of an animal
its associated with help especially with EL students.

Careers in Animal Science
Once the students have learned about the different animals used in agricultural settings, I
would end the unit with a lesson on careers in agriculture. The goal of an intro to ag
science class is to get students interested in something relating to agriculture to help them
choose a pathway for high school. Typically freshman are in the intro class so I would use
the website on careers to help them to further their education in animal science.

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