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Positive Sentences

1.- I am listening to the news

2.- You are washing your clothes
3.- She is riding on horse.
Ella est montando un caballo
4.- They are playing football.
Estamos jugando ftbol
5.- It is raining.
Est lloviendo.

6.- You are talking to Ana. Ests hablando con Ana

7.- He's cooking right now. Ahora mismo est cocinando
8.- She is playing the piano. Est tocando el piano
9.- It's ringing. Est sonando
10.- We are having lunch.
(Estamos almorzando.)

11.- They are singing very nicely.

(Estn cantando muy bien.)

12.- The kids are sleeping.

(Los nios estn durmiendo.)

13.- Bella is playing the guitar and Andrew is listening to her.

(Bella est tocando la guitarra y Andrew la est escuchando.)

14.- Youre carrying a microphone.

Ests llevando un micrfono.
15.- Your son is winning
Tu hijo est ganando.
16.- she is staying in a tent.
17.- she is meeting nice people
19.- they are listening to the radio.
Negative Sentence
1.- I am not listening to the news.
2.- You are not washing your clothes.
3.- She is not riding on a horse.
4.- They are not playing football.
5.- It is not raining.
6.- We are not having lunch right now.
(No estamos almorzando en este momento.)

7.- Bella and Andrew are not playing golf.

(Bella y Andrew no estn jugando al golf.)

8.-Theyre not watching the match.

No estn viendo el partido.
9.- Were not flying.
No estamos volando.
10.- Its not snowing in Seville
No est nevando en Sevilla.
11.- Youre not waiting for him.
No lo estis esperando.
12.- Were not arguing, were talking.
No estamos discutiendo, estamos hablando.
13.- Youre not walking slowly
No estamos andando despacio.
14.- Youre not reading my emails
15.- No ests leyendo mis e-mails

Interrogative Sentences
1.- Am I listening to the news?
2.- Are you washing your clothes?
3.- Is she riding on a horse?
4.- Are they playing football?
5.- Is it raining?
6.- Are you having lunch right now?
(Ests almorzando en este momento?)

7.- Why are the kids sleeping?

(Por qu estn durmiendo los nios?)

8.- What are Bella and Andrew doing?

(Qu estn haciendo Bella y Andrew?)

9.- Are we spending a lot?

Estamos gastando mucho?

10.- Is your granny playing the guitar?

Tu abuelita est tocando la guitarra?

11.- What are you doing, mate?

7 Qu ests haciendo, to?

8. Are they chatting or talking?

8 Estn charlando o hablando?

9. Am I explaining the story well?

9 Estoy explicndote bien la historia?

. 10. 12. 13. Is your girlfriend scoring a lot of goals?

13 Tu novia est marcando muchos

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