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what it is, how its used, and where it can take

you. (A students guide to the industry)
Copywriting and professional writing are
Copywriting, by definition, is writing the text of advertisements and publicity material.
For many students of varying majors, especially the up-and-coming graduates such as
myself, the professional world can be intimidating to say the least. While there are a slew
of potential career paths to choose from, narrowing down a direction can seem next to
impossible. For those who remain stuck and indecisive, consider a career in copywriting.
Whether your course of study be English, marketing, or business the techniques of pro-
fessional writing are essential and invaluable to the business of copywriting. This blog
will outline 3 major tips to ensure any up-and-coming copywriters success which utilize
the techniques of professional writing familiar to most college students.

1. Determine your Rhetoric is the study of writing or speaking as

a means of communication or persuasion.
audience and adjust As a copywriter is often hired to promote a
your rhetoric product or service, such persuasive tactics
are necessary. Identifying ones audience
allows the copywriter to target specific lan-
guage and ideologies that will help convey a
message to a certain demographic.
ThIS advertisement by Apple is a great ex-
ample of the importance and effectiveness
of being aware of your companys demo-
graphic. This ad is specifically targeted to
tech-savvy users who understand its specif-
ic language as well as the product capabil-
ities listed. Many consumers may find the
information confusing or unimportant; this
is acceptable only because the ad is clearly
geared toward those who depend on tech-
nology for business or creative pursuits and
are pre-existing Apple customers.
2. Focus on organization of
and visual appeal:

It is no impressive secret that a bold

headline is a vital part of any adver-
tisement. Color schemes and loud
typefaces aid in the immediate rec-
ognition of an advertisement by its
potential customers. Yet proper or-
ganization of information is crucial
to effectively conveying a message,
as thoughtful formatting helps lead
the human eye to the most import-
ant aspects of any message. Poor
formatting or unorganized collec-
tion of material will lead to a cus-
tomers lack of interest in the visual
nature of the advertisement and the
message will fall upon deaf ears.

Notice how this Minute Maid adver-

tisement seems to naturally direct
your eyes to the most necessary
features of the ad; the brand name
and what it sells. Once the audi-
ence is intruiged by the ads text,
the eyes are immediately drawn to
the enticing image of fresh lemons;
thus, emphasizing the intent and
appealing to the viewer. As the eyes
continue down the page to follow
the slogan the brand name is bold
and unignorable. This is a simply
yet extremely effective copywriting
3. Keep your language clear
and concise

On average, a consumer spends only 2

seconds considering a print ad. Thus, it
is crucial for the copywriter to convey
as much information as possible in a
concise and succinct manner. Using the
tools weve already discussed (identi-
fying an audience and adjusting rhet-
oric and utilizing eye-catching visuals
alongside properly formatted informa-
tion) a successful copywriter can hook
a consumer before the 2 seconds of
interest fades away.

This advertisement for Heinz ketch-

up clearly highlights the benefit of
mastering the combination of minimal
language and massive visual appeal.
In just one simple sentence the copy-
writer has explained the product, as
well as the brand, and captivated the
audiences interest,; thus, minimizing
potential for confusion and maximizing
the effectiveness of aesthetics.

The accessibility of copywriting

As a consumer, its easy to become oblivious to the thousands of commercial messages
we encounter on a daily basis. Upon further consideration, however, it is rather simple to
recognize the detailed facets of the copywriting industry. It requires much more thought
and skill than simply mentioning a brand on a page. The tools one develops through a pro-
fessional writing education are a priceless part of a copywriters knowledge. Utilizing the
techniques weve discussed and developing your own set of heuristics will enable you to
adapt and overcome any challenges you may face in the copywriting profession. As the late
philosopher Ren Descartes once said, Each problem I solved became a rule, which served
afterwards to solve other problems. Good luck and happy copying!


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