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Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

Putting Peak Performance to Work for You

Clearing An Interview with John Mauldin
Versus Discipline: By
Which is More Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
Important For A Trader


Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. ohn Mauldin writes a free weekly email on the economy that is sent
out to at least a million readers. I think Johns letter is an excellent

H ad you asked me this ques-

tion (about clearing versus
discipline) two months
ago, my answer would
letter for people to keep up with the big picture. Ive been reading
it for some time. (Information on how you can join Johns email is
at the end of the interview.) I originally asked John to contribute to our
book, Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom. Unfortunately, once the
have been clearly in favor of psycho- book was written, McGraw Hill asked us to cut the book by 100 pages and
logical clearing. That means that I
Johns chapter (because of its complexity) was one of three large chapters
believed that traders needed to clear
out their psychological blocks and as
that had to go. However, the chapter was full of valuable information
they did so, they became more and about hedge funds, and I want my readers to know more about Johns in-
more able to see the markets as they sights into that world of top traders. As a result, I asked John if he would
really are. like to do an interview for Market Mastery
Mastery, covering much of the same
material. Happily, John agreed.
So How Does This Work?
Perhaps the best way of illustrating The best investors and traders tend to gravitate toward managing hedge
what I mean is through an article I funds. They do so for several reasons: First, they get paid more for their
wrote on self-sabotage in Market great performance (they usually charge fees of 1%-2% plus 20% or more
Mastery (a two-part series, June-July
of the prots they generate. But wouldnt you pay that for someone who
2002), describing a trader who could
could consistently make you 20-30% after their fees? Of course, you
not pull the trigger. Following is
a brief sequence of events from the would.) Business Week (July 14, 2003) ran a piece on the compensation
work with that trader, each area hav- of the highest paid hedge fund managers. Their yearly compensation of
ing a more powerful effect on him. the top ve ranged from $225 million to over $600 million per year in
annual salary. In addition, much of the money in their respective funds
The trader rst came to me because probably belongs to those managers.
he had trouble pulling the trigger
on trades that he knew would make
money. However, when we went In fact, if you want to make a seven gure salary in the trading arena,
deeper into what was going on, I running a hedge fund is probably the best way to go. In this months in-
discovered that he had mastered terview, John will give us numerous insights into the world of hedge funds.
none of the fundamentals of trad-
ing. He didnt have a business plan,
Continued on page eight
See interview on page two

Volume 9, Number 1 (122) January 2004 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved
Market Mastery

John, with the high fees that hedge vestments and often are closed to new a considerable advantage in growing
fund charge, whats the appeal? investors. There may be risks that are assets for retirement in that they simply
Well, there are funds that average 12% not apparent in the track record. They have more assets to begin with. They
a year for ten years with 95% positive often have lock-up periods of one year should not also have an advantage in
months; others that have less statistical or more. But savvy investors are nding better investment choices.
risk than long term government bond them and ocking to them in an effort to
Lets talk about some of the restric-
funds and average 10% a year; and still keep their investment portfolios moving
upward. tions on hedge funds and why that
other funds that have little or no correla- exists. Why is the average citizen
tion to the stock market, but just keep Why are most people excluded from prohibited from investing? Is it like
on making their investors smile like it the world of hedge funds? a club for the wealthy? The average
was 1999. And some funds have even
U.S.based hedge funds are limited to investor can go into Enron and World
averaged 30% or more in returns for a
high net worth investors, typically with Com, why not a hedge fund?
substantial period of time.
at least $1,000,000 or more net worth. Many articles portray hedge funds as
That sounds great. Youd think that If you are a member of that club, you secretive, unregulated investments, but
most people would just want to jump should be investigating these funds as lets look at the reasons hedge funds
into those funds. a potential way to create the type of behave this way. Many investment
The problem is that most people cant. passive income income that is steady strategies employed by hedge funds are
These funds exist, but they are private and requires very little work. restricted and/or prohibited by the Se-
funds. They do not advertise. In fact, Is there some value to the average curities Act of 1933 and the Investment
they cannot advertise. They limit the person who doesnt qualify knowing Companies Act 1940. While you as an
number of investors who can join them. about hedge funds? individual can execute these strategies
These funds have high minimum in- in your private portfolios, they cannot
Yes, there are two key reasons to want be done within a mutual fund or regu-
this information. First, many of the lated public fund. As a result, the hedge
strategies employed by hedge funds fund manager will structure his fund to
are ideas with which informed inves- avoid registration under these acts.
Market Mastery
tors should be familiar. Using them
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. will make you a better investor. Sec- The two key things that exempt a
ondly, chances are, soon you will be manager from registration under those
Cathy W. Hasty able to invest in such funds. I recently acts are 1) they cannot advertise to the
testied before Congress, suggesting public; and 2) they can only accept
Editorial Advisory Board
they loosen the restrictions which keep accredited investors. An accredited in-
D.R. Barton Jr. vestor is an individual with $1,000,000
average investors from having the
same choices as the rich. There was a in net worth or with $200,000 in per-
This publication is intended to be instructional and
should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or great deal of interest, and several key sonal income ($300,000 if combined
sell any futures contracts, options, or stocks. Trading is congressmen openly spoke in favor of with a spouse) over two consecutive
extremely risky and may result in substantial losses. The
information offered is gathered from sources believed to such a proposal. years with no reason to doubt that that
be reliable as well as from experiences of the editors. income level will continue. In addition
The publishers and editors assume no responsibility for There are now a few mutual funds to the income numbers, the securities
errors or omissions or any losses resulting from the use
of the information contained in this publication.
which are de facto hedge funds. There laws also limit the number of investors
will soon be many more. This category the fund can have to avoid registration.
of funds is going to increase. Further, The number of investors is limited to 99
MANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT investors willing to look beyond our or 499 depending upon the net worth of
shores will soon nd certain styles of the investors.
OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN hedge funds available to them on for-
eign stock exchanges. The trade-off for managers who oper-
THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF ate under these limitations is that they
HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY The benets that hedge funds offer to have full use of leverage, derivatives,
ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES rich investors should also be offered to and short selling. These investment
Market Mastery is published by International
the middle class, within a proper regu- tools are not available to most mutual
Institute of Trading Mastery, Inc., 519 Keisler latory structure. The current two-class fund managers, and even when they
Dr., # 204, Cary, NC 27511, Telephone (919) structure limits the investment choices are, they are greatly restricted in how
852-3994; Fax (919) 852-3942; web site www. of average Americans and makes the they are used. 2004 by IITM, Inc. All rights re-
served. Reproduction in whole or in part with-
pursuit of affordable retirement more
out express permission is prohibited. difcult than it should be. The rich have It still seems a little strange that
they prevent the general public from

2 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

investing in these funds. As I said, may increase the risk of investment loss get the same returns as hedge funds by
you can invest in Enron. In fact, the and that these funds may be illiquid simply investing in stocks, bonds or
mutual funds tell you that you can (making it hard to sell at a good price mutual funds, why would they choose
and should buy and hold a mutual when you want to do so). Other risks hedge funds which have higher fees, are
fund, even during a primary bear include the fact that they are not subject hard to nd and evaluate, and need more
market when the 20 year real rate of to the same regulatory risk as mutual scrutiny? The demonstrably observable
return might be zero or negative. funds, so the risk of fraud such as you higher risk-adjusted returns in hedge
mentioned is more likely. In addition, funds make the effort worth it.
Oddly, you have the right in your per-
these funds charge high fees and can
sonal accounts to execute any of these So whats the typical business model
hide their investments from you, so
strategies no matter what your net for a hedge fund?
that only the manager knows what he
worth. But the laws passed by congress, Hedge funds should be thought of as an
or she is really putting into the funds.
forbid you to hire someone to do them asset class or a business model rather
And, of course, past performance is not
for you in a fund unless you are wealthy. than as another way to invest in bonds,
indicative of future results.
In theory, it should be no different than equities or derivatives. They are typi-
hiring a mutual fund manager to pur- Although hedge funds have practically cally structured as limited partnerships.
chase your stocks and bonds. become an everyday word, there are The manager is the general partner and
many misconceptions about them, be- the investors are the limited partners.
Specically, why should 95% of Ameri-
ginning with the idea that hedge funds Quite often, the manager puts a signi-
cans, simply because they have less than
are a new phenomenon. cant portion of his own net worth into
$1,000,000, be precluded from the same
choices as the rich? Why do we assume John, give us a short history of hedge the fund, which helps align his interests
those with less than $1,000,000 to be funds. with the other investors. (Ask your
sophisticated enough to understand the mutual fund manager if he has 50% of
The rst hedge fund was formed by
risks in stocks (which have lost trillions his portfolio in his fund.)
Alfred Jones in 1952. He had the novel
of investor dollars since 2000), stock idea that by having a fund which could Aside from investing in investments
options (the vast majority of which be long stocks he thought would go up that are prohibited by mutual funds,
expire worthless), futures (where 95 % in value and short stocks he thought there is one other major difference
of retail investors lose money), mutual relatively over-valued, that he could between hedge funds and mutual funds
funds (80% of which underperform the produce better risk adjusted returns for the pursuit of absolute returns. Ab-
market) and a whole host of very high his clients. He also decided to keep a solute returns means that the manager
risk investments, yet are deemed to be percentage of the prots he made for is trying to produce positive returns no
incapable of understanding the risks in his clients. Due to limitations imposed matter what the rest of the markets are
hedge funds? by Federal securities laws, the only doing.
I agree, but obviously, there are available legal vehicle for him at that
Youd think every professional man-
some risks with hedge funds, includ- time was a private limited partnership.
ager would want to do that!
ing fraud. I have certainly heard of Thus he was forced to not advertise or
publicly solicit investors. This became Yes, but the mutual fund industry has it
that and even had bad experiences
the pattern from which future hedge all gured out they just seek relative
myself. returns. Relative return models judge
funds were cut.
In recent times hedge funds have made the managers performance relative to
numerous headlines, starting in 1998 Other than a few larger than life names, a benchmark, like the S&P 500 or the
with Long-Term Capital Manage- like George Soros and Julian Robertson, Lehman Brothers Bond Index. The
ment, the early twenty-first century or the occasional problem, hedge funds manager does not care if his fund is
bear market and recent articles about toiled in public obscurity until 1998. down 15% if the benchmark is down
investigations by the SEC and NASD. Today, there are an estimated 6,000 18%, because the managers directive
Because of the war stories, that might hedge funds managing $600 billion and is to outperform the index whether it is
stick out in investors minds. However, growing rapidly. up or down.
if you do a proper due diligence, fraud Why does the large growth exist?
is very unlikely. In addition to the manager putting a
The most significant reason for the substantial amount of his own money at
But there are many risks? growth of the hedge fund industry is in- risk in the fund, there is one other aspect
Well, there are a number of risks with vestment returns. Simply put, if high net of hedge funds which align the manag-
hedge funds, and you should consider worth investors and institutions could ers and investors interest in achieving
those risks, including the fact that le- absolute returns. That factor is the fee
veraging and other speculative practices structure managers get paid well for

3 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

absolute returns. The most typical fee As you can see, the incentive is for the $500 million under management at
structure is a 1% management fee and manager to perform consistently with a minimum. Others can only take a
20% of prots, but some funds charge absolute returns, so they can collect limited amount of capital, like Micro-
3% and 35% or more of prots. the 20% fee. So for the smaller start Cap strategy where the manager might
up funds the 1% and 20% is not as lu- want a maximum of $30-$50 million
How do they measure prots?
crative for the manager as some might in the fund.
The measurement of prots typically suggest. Of course, they all hope to
uses what is referred to as a high wa- That could be a lot of risk in one
manage much larger funds, and thus a
termark. The fund can only collect a new fund is formed somewhere almost manager for a particular individual.
percent of prots of the gains above the every day. Are there any better options?
old watermark. Thus, if the fund has a Some hedge funds just invest in other
negative return it must make that back So would that explain why some fund hedge funds. And these tend to have
up before collecting 20% of the gains. managers fold? much lower minimums. In general the
Other funds may also have a hurdle rate, Since many hedge funds start with minimum is in the $25,000 to $250,000
which means they must yield an agreed limited capital, if they dont perform level, but new products are coming into
rate of return before the management well the first 1-2 years, they shut the market which could go as low as
gets incentive fees. The hurdle rate down they simply cannot afford to $5,000. Keep in mind, of course, that
would typically be based upon some continue. The reason is pure business even though the minimum is low the
bond or money market index. economics. A 1% management fee on investor currently has to meet the ap-
$10 million in capital is only $100,000. propriate net worth requirements. Fund
So how does that work. Give me an
From that relatively small sum, the of hedge funds add additional manage-
manager must cover any operating costs ment fees and/or incentive fees, which
If the fund falls from $100 to $90 in such as payroll, rent, data feeds, and can vary considerably. The benet is
the rst year, the manager will only get equipment costs. the ability to diversify into multiple
the 1% management fee. He will not managers at a lower cost, because the
collect the 20% until the fund gets back Other hurdles, of course, include
one investment gets spread across mul-
above $100. So if the fund goes back up the investment minimums that some
tiple underlying managers.
to $95 on the second year, the mangers funds have for new investors.
still just collects the 1% fee, but no 20% Historically, hedge fund minimum Okay, so as weve stated, there are
prots fee. However, if the fund gets investments have been quite high, run- a lot of hurdles to overcome. Lets
to $105 by the end of the third year, ning from $250,000 up to $1,000,000 or get into the real advantages of hedge
then the manger will collect the 1% fee more. The incentive for the manager is funds, which as Ive gathered are that
and the 20% on the $5 prot. And now to try to attract as much money from in- you tend to get the best managers who
the high watermark fee is $105. Thats dividual investors as possible, because have an incentive to produce great
how it works. And if the manager they are limited in the number of inves- absolute returns.
had a hurdle rate of say 6% per year, tors they can let into the fund. Look at how hedge funds have done
he would still collect nothing because vis--vis the stock market and certain
Some strategies only work well with
the prot must be above 6% before he mutual funds. There are many different
large amounts of capital, like a Global
collects anything. hedge fund strategies which basically
Macro where the manager might want
involve stock market strategies. I will

4 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

use one of the more well-known hedge their assets lose over 42%. The annual the worst performing technology fund.
fund strategies: equity market neutral1. volatility of this fund was over ve At its peak, it had over $25 billion,
This style of long-short equity fund times that of the average market neutral much of it from small investors. Which
tries to eliminate the uctuations of the hedge fund. fund would they choose today if they
market by precisely balancing long and had access to the market neutral funds
The management of this fund is one of
short positions in stocks to avoid any available to the rich?
the best available anywhere. However,
market directional speculation. they are limited to a long only stock Okay, youve given a few examples.
First, lets compare the market neutral market strategy. They live by the bull How about comparing all mutual
hedge fund index with the S&P 500 and die by the bear. funds with all hedge funds? Whats
(dividends included), as many investors I should mention at this point that the overall comparison.
use an S&P 500 index mutual fund as John runs a fund of funds Hedge Okay, lets look at the entire range of
their benchmark for the market. This equity mutual funds3 vs. the entire range
fund. By law, he is prohibited from
is shown in Table 1. of hedge funds. We asked Morningstar
mentioning fund names, so thats
The typical S&P index fund had volatil- why the tables dont give the specic to give us an index of all equity mutual
ity2 of over ve times the market neutral names. funds, and took the Tremont index of
index. High net worth investors have all hedge funds. This is shown in
Yes, unfortunately, thats the set of rules
watched their overall returns drop in Table 4.
under which I operate.
the last few years, but are still comfort- So this implies that youll get double
ably in the black each and every year Okay, John, so lets look at a few more
digit returns over the long run?
with this strategy. I am at a loss as to examples.
a reason why average investors should No, you will not walk into the hedge
Lets now look at one of the largest
not be allowed to invest in such a fund fund world and easily get consistent
and most popular of technology mu-
strategy. double digit rates of returns, with most
tual funds, which invested in a highly
months being protable. Some hedge
Lets compare hedge funds to one of concentrated portfolio of technology
funds are very volatile and extremely
the largest and most popular of mutual stocks. See Table 3. The management
risky, as are some mutual funds and
funds. This is shown in Table 2. for the fund told investors it was their
stocks and futures. Some hedge funds
stock analysis which enabled them
Investors were well served by this are fairly stable and boring, as are
to give investors very high returns.
mutual fund during the large secular bonds. Lumping all hedge funds styles
This fund was up 679% from March
bull market of 1982-2000. This fund into the same category can be very
of 1990 until March of 2000. Since
seriously out-performed not only the misleading.
then, through mid-2003, it had dropped
market neutral index in the recent 67%, cutting its return by two-thirds But just as voters get to choose the type
bull market, but also most hedge fund and costing average investors over ten of congressional representative they
indexes. It rose 598% from March of billion dollars of net worth. Volatility want, so too should investors be able to
1990 until March of 2000. Since that was almost 8 times that of the market choose the type of funds and risk they
time, investors in that fund have seen neutral index. This fund is by no means or their advisors nd suitable.

1 This will be represented by the CSFB/Tremont Equity Market Neutral Index. (There are indexes and hedge fund investment styles with better returns and with
poorer returns, so it is possible to create either more or less favorable comparisons. But I believe this hedge fund investment technique or style is typical and repre-
sentative. An exhaustive comparison could take hundreds of pages, but would, in my opinion, produce the same overall impression.)
2 Volatility here is dened as standard deviation. Standard deviation quanties the dispersion or scattering of returns around the average return for a given period.
The higher the standard deviation, the more volatile the investment. Hedge fund investors typically seek lower standard deviations and steady performance. For this
statement we use monthly returns over the entire period to produce an annual volatility.
3 This is an average of all US diversied equity funds that t within the 9 Morningstar style boxes, which include growth, value, blend, small cap, mid cap and large
cap. It excludes any hybrid funds that include bonds and sector funds.

5 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

Okay, so lets get into some of the funds. This class is one of my personal $800,000. At 2%, they would be getting
strategies that hedge funds use. I favorites, because it has been the source $96,000 in interest or a 9.6% return on
guess the original reason they were of steady returns for many hedge fund their original investment. Leverage this
called hedge funds is because they investors. There are signicant varia- up a few times, and you can see where
were market neutral, having an equal tions among many of these funds, with convertible arbitrage can produce some
number of long and short positions. signicantly different levels of risk. Do excellent returns.
not assume they are all alike, even if the
Hedge funds were so-named because And is it that easy?
returns appear similar.
they tend to hedge their risk. For If only it were that easy! The manager
example, a hedge fund might buy And I assume there are many differ- is betting on the stock falling more
undervalued stocks, while at the same ent kinds? than the bond in a down market, or the
time shorting overvalued stocks. The Convertibles can come in the form of bond rising more than the stock in an
long and short positions would hedge bonds, preferred stock or warrants, but up market. Since the bond is convert-
each other and the manager would prot for our discussion we will concentrate ible into shares, once the conversion
through buying and selling the appropri- on one of them, the convertible bond. price has been passed the bonds should
ate stocks Convertible bonds allow the holder to go up in tandem with the shares. The
So what kinds of hedge funds are convert the bond for a xed number of problem is that option and bond prices
there? shares of stock in the underlying com- are non-linear, meaning that they will
pany, at a specic conversion price. The not move one-to-one with the underly-
There are basically three types of hedge ing stock when the stock price is close
bond can be viewed as a bond combined
funds market neutral which attempt to the conversion price. Therein lies
with a call option, so the hedge fund
to prot without the direction of the the problem and the opportunity for a
manager buys the bond and shorts (i.e.,
market coming into play; event funds skilled convertible arbitrage manager.
sells without owning) the stock.
which take into account some particular The manager will analyze credit qual-
known event such as doing arbitrage So give me an example of how it ity, equity valuation and option pricing
on a merger or taking over distressed works. models to try and nd a bond they feel
assets; and lastly, directional funds Lets say ABC company wants to issue is priced wrong, or to properly hedge
which include global macro funds and a convertible bond with an 8% interest the risk of a convertible bond already
managed futures funds. rate. Hedge fund Y will buy the bond in his portfolio.
Okay, so lets talk about the market and immediately short the stock. They
dont care if the stock goes up. They Interestingly enough, I know day
neutral funds in this issue and save traders who do strategies similar
the other kinds of funds in for the simply want the 8%. If the stock goes
up, they lose on their short position, but to this on a minute by minute basis.
next issue. Tell me about market Typically, when one company is buy-
neutral funds. the convertible bond is more valuable.
If the stock goes down, their short posi- ing another for stock, the two stocks
Well, there are three kinds con- tion increases in value even as the bond should stay in alignment, because
vertible arbitrage, bond arbitrage and becomes less valuable. they are convertible in terms of the
long/short equity. Do you want to talk buyout agreement. However, mar-
about each of them in detail? But lets look at what might happen.
ket pressures get these things out of
Hedge Fund Y invested $1,000,000 in
Yes, Tell me about convertible arbi- alignment and the day traders play
the convertible offering. There is not
trage funds? the arbitrage when they get out of
a one-to-one relationship between the
When something is convertible into bond and the stock, but typically you alignment.
something else, you can usually do so might see the hedge fund short 80% Yes, its the same thing, but on a much
at a fairly xed price. And arbitragers of the value of the bond. That means longer time frame for most hedge
make prots when such price relation- they get back $800,000 in cash from funds.
ships get out of line. Hedge funds that selling the stock short. They are getting Lets do one more example of con-
do this are called convertible arbitrage $80,000 in interest payments from the vertibles lets say bond funds.
bond, plus whatever they earn on the

6 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

Discover the edge you need for consistent success in any market.

Fixed-income arbitrage is similar to Develop Peak Performance in Your Trading

convertible arbitrage. Instead of buy-
If you answer yes to any of these questions the Van Tharps Peak Perfor-
ing a bond and selling the stock short,
mance home study program is for you.
however, the manager buys a bond
and sells a similar bond or interest rate
Do you have a performance ceiling where Do you have trouble getting rid of losers?
future short. The manager is trying to
exploit small pricing inefciencies in you fall apart or stop doing well? Are you always trying to improve your
the bond market. Since the inefcien- Do you get so anxious about the market trading system?
cies are small the manager will employ that you have trouble pulling the trigger? Do you nd that the current trade never
a large amount of leverage to juice the Do you get so excited about the market quite ts all of the criteria you want so
returns of this low volatility and low re- that you get distracted and fail to follow you have trouble taking it?
turn strategy. If they did not leverage up
your system? Is your life and your trading ruled by
the fund, the return would not be great
enough to justify the investment. Are you a perfectionist? Does that perfec- emotions such as fear, anger, greed, or
tionism get in your way as a trader? anything else?
Note: Some xed income hedge funds
are very stable, steady funds. Some Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner, you can increase your earn-
are highly risky. It all depends upon ings, (and eliminate stress), by completing and implementing Dr. Van Tharps home
how they hedge. To see if a manager study program; the Peak Performance Program for Investors and Traders.
understands the meaning of the word
hedge, as a quick rule of thumb, I often Dr. Tharps Peak Performance Course provides you with hundreds of easy
look to see how a fund performed in the ways that you can apply to increase your prots as well as improve your life.
summer of 1998, when interest rates
were extremely volatile. Remember,
however, to ask if they are using the 1. Have a model of how the best investors and will gain insight into how to get more prots.
same hedge strategies today. (Past traders win! Its what they do in common thats Youll gain a perspective on what youve been
performance is not indicative of future the real secret behind their greatness. The ten- doing and why. Put yourself in charge of your
results.) task model for investing and trading will help future.

you dramatically increase your prots. 6. People do not trade the markets. They
2. Five volumes and Cds on each of the follow- trade their beliefs about the markets. Learn
Well continue this interview with John ing topics: risk control, stress control, turning about the six levels of belief and how those
Mauldin in next months Market Mas- around losing attitudes and beliefs, developing beliefs inuence your investing and trading. Be
tery, when well discuss other types of discipline, and making market decisions. The able to adopt beliefs that will help you become
hedge funds which will either give four cassette tapes will help you put what you more effective. And most importantly, learn the
you some idea of what you might want learn into practice. beliefs that only the best investors and traders
to look for with hedge funds or ideas 3. Learn 15 ways to control your mental state. have and adopt them for yourself.
you might want to consider with your When you master these techniques youll bring 7. Learn how to avoid the school of hard
own trading. Its fascinating material. much more discipline to the task of making more knocks. Save thousands of dollars that you
Key Ideas money. Whats more, those techniques will not might have lost in the markets by doing it right
only help you make greater prots, theyll help to begin with instead of making lots of costly
Hedge funds are an excellent
you in every aspect of your life. mistakes.
way of earning higher returns than
stocks with less risk than the stock 4. Learn self-condence the one trait that is 8. Learn to deal with trading mistakes im-
most essential if you are to follow your game plan mediately so that you dont have to repeat them.
market over the long run, regardless
for making money. Dr. Tharps course will teach Dr. Tharps third tape in the course provides
of what happens to stocks
you techniques to overcome fear and nervousness you with an exercise that will help you avoid
There are a wide variety of hedge and bring out the big winner in you. similar mistakes in the future. This tape alone is
fund styles out there, with varying 5. Make a habit of keeping an investment/trad- worth thousands of dollars to you in preventing
levels of risk. So make sure you do ing diary. This will put you in control and you losses.
plenty of due diligence before mak-
ing a hedge fund investment. Investing in your continuing education, will enable you to make dramatic
improvements in your trading and your bottom line prots.

Click Here to Learn More

7 2004, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery
Clearing vs. Discipline: ..
continued from page one

he didnt understand R-multiples or a slightly broader perspective. It really produced 20% returns or higher on huge
expectancy; and he didnt know about means being able to program your be- sums of money. At the time I met him,
position sizing. But as we progressed, liefs, mental state, and mental strategy his hedge fund was worth over $5 bil-
I learned that the problem was not his on a daily basis so that you do the things lion dollars and he was totally in charge
lack of knowledge. necessary for success. of trading 20% of it. And in order to
obtain his high rates of returns, he had
On the next level, I discovered that hed Some traders just seem to have this
developed a schedule that was so rigid
had some pretty severe trading losses ability down. They constantly work on
that my guess is that even a pleasant
which had generated some fear. But programming themselves and it works.
conversation with family members had
was that the source of the problem? The result is extreme discipline in car-
to be t into the schedule. Why? It
No. rying out what is necessary for trading
was part of his discipline routine. Be-
success. These are the people who
Underneath that, I discovered that hed ing the best was so important to him that
develop great business plans. These
gone bankrupt about ten years ago in his he had scheduled a routine (discipline)
are the people who do the ten tasks of
real estate business. He was concerned that would drive most people crazy.
trading on a daily basis. And discipline,
that if he was successful, people would However, he continued to produce
when carried out regularly, seems to
take it away from him. But was that great return rates, so I can only assume
be strong enough to overcome deep
the source of the problem? No, it went that the discipline was critical to his
psychological issues (as long as the
even deeper. success.
discipline is done on a regular basis).
My client was very close to his best Example Three: The Market Wizard
I now believe that discipline is slightly
friend. However, about a year before described in example two has several
more important than psychological
his real estate empire fell apart, his best trading departments, each controlling
clearing and Id like to illustrate three
friend died in an accident. My client a billion dollars or so. Ive had the
examples that lead me to that conclu-
blamed himself and also felt very alone, privilege of doing clearing work with
which was the reason his real estate em- the chief trader of two of those depart-
pire began to collapse. But even though Example One: One of the best day ments. Each one came in for two days
we were now close, this was still not the traders that I met didnt spend much and then started doing an incredible job
source of the problem. time with me on his psychological of trading. However, in each case the
issues, although he did extensive con- trader was already highly disciplined
The source of the problem was a deep
sulting with me. Instead, we always (perhaps inuenced by his boss) and
seated loneliness that this person had
worked on rening his business plan, the clearing work simply put him back
had for most of his life. This resulted
his strategies, and most importantly his on track.
in a very strong attachment to his best
discipline. He was someone that I could
friend. And then the best friends Conclusion: Discipline is super critical
always count on to regularly do the ten
death brought about a lack of attention to trading well. It can cover a multitude
tasks of trading, plus much more. He
to detail to his business. This caused of sins, including some major psycho-
gave me one of the most complete busi-
the bankruptcy, which caused some logical issues. Disciplined traders may
ness plans I had seen and his reward was
paranoid behavior, which then caused implode, but when they do a simple
a return of 200% plus, while working
my clients inability to be able to pay clearing session, takes care of it.
perhaps six months of the year on his
attention to the fundamentals of trading
day-trading. A trader in my Ultimate Trader program
success. As a result, my client experi-
meets my qualication of being super
enced severe trading losses which led I always felt this trader could have
disciplined. He has a very rigid day
him to consult with me for not being done some more clearing work, but his
routine which includes the ten tasks
able to pull the trigger. discipline was strong enough that any
of trading and programming himself
psychological hang-ups he had didnt
You can see from this story why Ive to have the appropriate beliefs, mental
seem to get in the way. Instead, he was
always believed that psychological states, and mental strategies to carry out
an outstanding performer.
clearing was so important to trading his business plan. I will be interviewing
well. Or at least, why I thought good Example Two: One of the Market him as part of the psychology telecon-
traders who didnt deal with such issues Wizards, when I rst met him, struck ference series. It will be available on cd
would eventually implode. me as neurotic, with perhaps a lot of following the series. His ideas about
psychological problems. I spent four discipline could have a signicant im-
Discipline: The Other Side of the
days at his ofces, but never got the pact on your bottom line.
Coin chance to socialize with him over a
I dened discipline in the Peak Perfor-
meal, which struck me as very unusual.
mance Course as being able to control However, this trader has consistently
your mental state. I now view it with

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