Adams 1996

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Experimental Study of Thickness-tapered

Unidirectional Composite Compression Specimens

by D.F. Adams and G.A. Finley

ABSTRACT--Various untabbed, thickness-tapered com- pressive strength has always tended to guide the develop-
pression specimen geometries were studied experimentally. ment of new test methods and specimen designs, whether
Both shear-loaded and end-loaded compression test meth- for homogeneous materials or composites. Unfortunately,
ods were used to measure the strength and stiffness of most of the existing compression test methods for compos-
carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy unidirectional composite ma- ite materials do not meet this criterion. As a result, the
terial systems. The compressive strength was found to be
strongly dependent on specimen geometry, loading condi- many different compression test methods currently being
tions, and the cracks that initiated in the taper regions and used to characterize the response of unidirectional fibrous
propagated to various lengths prior to catastrophic failure. composite materials tend to produce ultimate strengths and
A specific thickness-tapered specimen geometry that pro- failure modes that are dependent on the specific test
duced compressive strengths significantly higher than con- method.
ventional specimen configurations resulted from the A typical compression specimen is fabricated from a fiat,
experimental optimization process. A method of determining thin strip of test material of uniform width and thickness,
compressive strains, and thus the compressive modulus, with a layer of tabbing material adhesively bonded to each
using this same specimen geometry and strain gages was face at each end. These specimen tabs are intended to pre-
also demonstrated. vent surface or end damage of the test material and thus
minimize premature failures that might be induced by the
Introduction compressive loading fixture.
The objective of the present study was to examine how
The determination of the compressive response of fibrous well a specific nontypical specimen configuration, i.e., one
composite materials has been a particularly formidable and that has not been widely studied, would measure the com-
continuing challenge since the beginning of their develop- pressive response of unidirectional materials. Untabbed
ment. Even with long-term interest and much research, com- specimens that were tapered through their thickness in their
pression testing of composite materials is still one of the gage section region were the specimen configurations of
least understood areas of mechanical properties characteriza- interest. Obviously, a specimen of this configuration does
tion. This is evident from the numerous test fixtures and not have a constant cross-sectional area throughout its
test specimen confgurafions that have been developed over the length. A typical untabbed thickness-tapered compression
past two decades, as summarized for example in Refs. 1-7. specimen geometry is sketched in Fig. I, along with a con-
It is difficult to define the compressive failure strength ventional straight-sided tabbed specimen.
of a composite material, since elastic instabilities (buck- Untabbed, thickness-tapered specimens of various ge-
ling) in various scale ranges, from gross column (Euler) ometries had been studied analytically using a finite ele-
buckling down to the buckling of individual fibers within ment analysis.~'9 Thus an associated detailed experimental
the surrounding matrix material, typically govern failure. study was performed here with the goal of developing a
What failure mode actually occurs is strongly dependent specimen geometry optimized on the basis of its ability to
on the specific specimen geometry and constraints imposed, produce high compressive strengths. During this experi-
and thus even if a definition of an acceptable failure is estab- mental program, several different catastrophic failure
lished, the likelihood of a composite structure being fabri- modes were observed. In addition, a premature interlaminar
cated and loaded under these same laboratory-controlled shear failure that altered the geometry and local stress state
testing conditions is remote. in the gage section of the specimen was identified as being
Defining an acceptable compressive strength thus be- common with this specimen configuration.
comes a structural failure issue rather than a simple ma- The thickness-tapered specimen geometry was then used
terial strength evaluation as for isotropic materials. That a to establish that the modulus of the material could also be
purely uniaxial and uniform stress state must be present in successfully measured by using strain gages placed on the
the gage section if the specimen is to yield a true com- specimen edges in the gage section.
Experimental results for specimens having different geome-
tries, made from two different composite material systems,
D.E Adams is Professor, and G.A. Finley is a Graduate Student, Depart- and tested in two different compression test fixtures, are pre-
ment of Mechanical Engineering, Composite Materials Research Group,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. sented here. The loading conditions imposed by each type
of test fixture are compared and related to the failure strengths
Original manuscript submitted: August 1995.
Final manuscript received." January 1996.
obtained for the various tapered specimen geometries tested.

Experimental Mechanics 9 345

Thickness-tapered Compression
Specimen Configurations
Reducing the cross-sectional area in the gage length re-
gion of a compression specimen is not a new concept.
Cross-sectional area reduction is used in the dog-boned
(width-tapered) ASTM Standard D 695 specimens 15 and as
thickness tapering in standard RAE (Royal Aircraft Estab-
lishment) specimens. 1618 However, an attractive option that
has not been extensively explored by organizations outside
the RAE is the use of thickness-tapered unidirectional com-
(a) Geometry #9 Thickness-Tapered CompressionTestSpecimen posite compression test specimens with alternate loading
The reduced cross-sectional area in the gage section of
~ a ~ m ~ End-Tab
a thickness-tapered specimen obviously makes it less prone
to end-crushing failures when tested using typical direct
end-loading compression test methods. That is, the axial
stress at the minimum cross section can be high enough
to promote failure in the gage section rather than at the
specimen ends, if the geometry of the specimen is suitable
for the material being tested. Also, for thickness-tapered
'..~ "' I,
specimens tested using an end-loading method, there is the
economically attractive possibility that adhesively bonded
tabs will not be needed to further increase the load-bearing
area at the specimen ends.
Even if tabs are not used, there still exists a stress con-
centration at the ends of the gage section of the thickness-
(b) Conventional, Straight-SidedCompression Test Specimen tapered specimen. The change in cross-sectional area
created by the taper radius and the discontinuation of the
loading grips (or clamping/loading blocks, depending on
Fig, 1--Typical thickness-tapered compression specimen the test method) induces stress concentrations. Therefore,
compared to a conventional, constant-thickness tabbed given the configuration of a thickness-tapered specimen,
compression specimen (all dimensions in ram) the highest stress concentrations will exist where the cross-
sectional area is larger than at the middle of the gage sec-
tion. Ideally, the axial compressive stress and accompanying
Test Methods Utilized stress concentration at the end of the gage section and up
Most compression test methods can be categorized as into the tapered region presents a lower probability of fail-
either shear loading or end loading, depending on how the ure than in the uniform central region of the specimen
compressive force is introduced into the specimen. In the where the cross-sectional area is a minimum and thus the
present study, one of the most commonly used shear- average axial stress is higher.
loading methods, i.e., the IITRI test methodJ ~ and a very A significant concern when testing any material in com-
promising end-loading method, i.e., the Wyoming End- pression is that premature failure due to specimen mac-
Loaded, Side-Supported (ELSS) test method, 12'13 were robuckling not be allowed to occur. A calculation of the
used. effective slenderness ratio (which is a function of unsup-
The Wyoming End-Loaded, Side-Supported (ELSS) ported length, cross-sectional area, moment of inertia and
Compression Test Fixture was developed by the Composite boundary conditions) for an untapered compression specimen
Materials Research Group (CMRG) at the University of can be easily performed and then used in the classical Euler
Wyoming more than a decade ago in the early 1980s. ~3This buckling formula to predict the critical buckling stress. ~I
fixture is also described in Refs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 and
14. The ELSS fixture was originally developed for static Prior Thickness-tapered Specimen Testing
and creep testing of low-strength composite materials. ~3F o r
low-strength composites, a straight-sided, untabbed speci- Kessler and Adams 19 had previously performed a pre-
men can be tested successfully. However, when testing liminary experimental study of thickness-tapered unidirec-
high-strength and/or highly orthotropic composites, and tional composite specimens subjected to both tension and
unidirectional composite specimens in particular, it is nec- compression. They tested Hercules AS4/3501-6 carbon/
essary to use end tabs to prevent end crushing.2'4'5"7A con- epoxy specimens using both the IITRI and ELSS fixtures.
siderable effort was expended in the present study in Four different taper geometries were utilized. All four of
establishing the potential of this specific fixture and in de- the geometries used in their experimental work were tested
veloping a corresponding unidirectional composite un- again in the present study, and were identified as Geometry
tabbed specimen configuration that could be successfully Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in both studies.
tested using this end-loading method. One objective of the study by Kessler and A d a m s ~9 w a s
to determine if end tabs were needed to increase the axial

346 ~ VoL 36, No. 4, December 1996

load-beating surface area of the end faces of their thickness- toured wheel whose rotational axis was parallel to the
tapered specimens to prevent end-crushing failures. Their specimen axis. Once the grinding wheel had machined
results showed that end-crushing failures did occur if the one taper radius to the desired depth, it remained at that
ELSS fixture bolt torque was too low for the particular depth and was stepped in small increments between cut-
specimen geometry being tested. However, not enough ting passes across the subpanel until the opposing taper ra-
specimens were tested to firmly establish the minimum dius was established. The subpanel was then turned over
value of bolt torque required to prevent end-crushing fail- in the jig and the machining process repeated on the other
ures for each geometry. surface.
Kessler and Adams 19 found that, in general, the modulus Each subpanel was then rough cut into six individual
measurements obtained from their thickness-tapered speci- specimens. The ends and edges of these specimens were
men geometries were lower than those obtained using con- surface ground to final dimensions, and then the edges
ventional straight, tabbed specimens. Measured modulus were polished on a belt sander using 600-grit emery cloth.
values were independent of fixture type. They noted that A total of 168 specimens were fabricated from the two
the specime n geometries producing the lowest moduli ex- material systems in twelve different geometries as defined
hibited the highest strengths. A hypothesis was offered that in Fig. 2 and Table 1. All specimens were 12.7 mm wide,
a nonuniform strain distribution was present, and that the with 63.5-mm tab lengths, as indicated in Fig. 2.
2.54-mm straight section length was insufficient for the ax- The edges of some of the Geometry No. 9 specimens
ial strain to become uniform. were polished to a 3-micron surface finish using diamond
The work by Kessler and Adams 19 pertaining to thickness- paste polishing compounds and polishing wheels. This was
tapered specimens was only a small portion of their much to explore if the compressive strengths would be enhanced
broader study. Specimen failure modes and interlaminar by the reduction of surface stress concentrations beyond
shear cracking were not discussed. However, their results that of a standard surface ground finish. Hart-Smith22 had
suggested that thickness-tapered specimens, with some fur- reported that conventional (tabbed, straight-sided) speci-
ther geometry optimization, could possibly be used to ob- mens with polished edges failed at higher compressive
tain higher unidirectional composite compressive strengths, strengths than like specimens with nonP01ished edges. The
with better repeatability, than when using conventional (un- present study did not indicate any noticeable improvement.
tapered) tabbed specimens. It should also be noted that Geometry No. 12 specimens
with both ground and unground (as fabricated) faces were
tested, with no influence on measured strength.
Thickness-tapered Specimen Fabrication
Two composite material systems were utilized. Hercules
AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy prepreg, z~ in the form of 305-mm Testing Procedures
wide tape, was selected due to its widespread use in in-
dustry today, and because it is one of the most commonly All compression testing was performed at room tempera-
reported carbon/epoxy material systems in the published ture in an Instron Model 1334 universal testing machine,
compression-testing literature. A glass/epoxy material sys- a 445-kN capacity servo-hydraulic machine. A crosshead
(tem was also selected to further support the experimental displacement rate of 1.27 mm/min was used for all tests.
geometry optimization done with the carbon/epoxy. CYTEC Approximately 60 single-element foil strain gages of
Engineered Materials, Inc. donated $2/5216 glass/epoxy various sizes 8 were used in the present study to determine
prepreg in the form of 355-mm wide tape. 21 axial compressive modulus, identify bending or buckling
Unidirectional composite panels each approximately (with back-to-back gages) and to determine if loading
305-mm square were first fabricated. The AS4/3501-6 carbon/ conditions influenced modulus measurements. Most of
epoxy panels were 36 plies thick and the $2/5216 glass/epoxy the gages were centrally placed on the faces or edges of
panels were 28 plies thick, resulting in cured panels ap- specimens in their straight section region. A few were
proximately 4.5-mm thick in both cases. placed off center longitudinally by 0.635 nun to determine
The AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy composite was cured for if inaccurate strain gage positioning would affect modulus
two hours at 177~ and 690 kPa in a press-clave, and then measurements.
postcured for four hours at 177~ in a convection oven. A few Geometry No. 9 and 12 specimens with back-to-
The $2/5216 glass/epoxy was cured for 90 minutes at back gages were loaded in the ELSS fixture several times
127~ and 690 kPa in the same press-clave. No postcure (in the linear elastic range only). This allowed parameters
w a s required. Further details are contained in Ref. 8. such as ELSS fixture bolt torque, techniques of torquing
The fiber volumes of all panels utilized were between fixture bolts and fixture-induced bending (if present) to be
61 and 62 percent, the void volumes being on the order studied systematically. After this multiple ELSS testing, the
of 0.5 percent. Much care had been taken to keep the fiber same specimens were then placed in the IITRI fixture, and
volume very constant and the void volume very low. strain data were recorded until specimen failure.
The cured panels were cut into subpanels each 150 mm The IITRI fixture was used with tungsten carbide par-
long and 92 mm wide prior to further processing, with each ticle flame-sprayed grip faces for all testing. These faces
subpanel ultimately producing six test specimens. All thick- are much smoother than standard serrated faces, and yet
ness tapering of the subpanels was accomplished using alu- have equivalent gripping power. 19 Thus they were less likely
minum oxide grinding wheels mounted on a surface to damage the gripped regions of the untabbed thickness-
grinder. Depending on the desired taper radius, grinding tapered specimens. Only a slight pitting of the specimen
was either performed with a fiat wheel whose rotational surfaces was observed, the result of the high clamping
axis was perpendicular to the specimen axis or with a con- forces produced by the IITRI wedge grips during testing.

Experimental Mechanics 9 347


Straight Section Gripped

Unsupported Section
Specimen Taper Radius Thickness Length Length Thickness
Geometry No. r t ~ G T

1 55.9 2.79 2.54 22.1 4.57

2 12.7 2.79 2.54 11.2 4.42
3 12.7 1.78 2.54 13.2 4.32
4 0.51 2.54 12.7 13.7 4.32
5 12.7 1.02 2.54 15.0 4.42
6 12.7 3.56 2.54 9.14 4.42
7 12.7 2.29 2.54 12.7 4.42
8 12.7 2.79 0.0 8.90 4.42
9 12.7 2.54 2.54 11.7 4.42
10 12.7 2.54 6.35 15.5 4.42
11 12.7 2.54 12.7 21.8 4.42
12a 0.0 4.42 12.7 12.7 4.42
a. Conventional untapered specimen geometry for baseline strength and modulus measurement

Experimental Results
I 63.5 ram ~ r ~T
Compressive Strength
The 11 untabbed, thickness-tapered specimen geome-
tries and one conventional uniform thickness, tabbed
specimen geometry defined in Table 1 were all compres-
sion tested. The failure strengths of both composite ma-
terials tested proved to be strongly dependent on specimen
G = UnsupportedLength
t = Straight-Section Length geometry.
r= T a p e r Radius About 40 percent of the specimens were tested in the
t = Stralght.-Section T h i c k n e s s
T = Gripped SectionThickness IITRI fixture. The average failure strengths and coeffi-
cients of variation (COV) of these specimen s of the dif-
ferent geometries are summarized in Table 2. Most COV
Fig] 2--Schematic of a typical thickness-tapered compres- values were less than 5 percent for all geometries tested
sion specimen indicating geometric parameters varied in in the IITRI fixture. Geometry No. 9 specimens produced
present study the highest strength averages for both material systems,
with the highest average compressive strengths for sets of six
specimens made of AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy and $2/5216
glass/epoxy being 1917 MPa (278 ksi) and 1710 MPa (248
A 68 N-m capacity torque wrench was used to tighten ksi), respectively.
the bolts in the ELSS fixture using an alternating pattern The remainder of the specimens were tested in the ELSS
between the eight bolts in increments of 2.8 N-m. As will fixture. Thickness-tapered specimens are well suited for test-
be presented, bolt torque ranged from 0.56 N-m to 28.3 ing in the ELSS fixture because their reduced cross-sectional
N-m. One specimen of Geometry No. 15 was tested in the area promotes maximum axial stress in the gage section.
ELSS fixture with the bolts torqued unevenly in an attempt Therefore, tabs are not needed to reduce bearing stress on
to attain a more favorable clamping force distribution. The the specimen ends as a way of inhibiting classical end
clamping bolts nearest the loading platens were torqued to crushing. The ELSS fixture also provides the option of an
28.3 N-m, and the clamping bolts nearest the specimen adjustable clamping force, and thus a variable induced-
gage section were torqued to only 17.0 N-rn. Thus the con- shear loading in combination with the end loading. Average
tact stress across the width of the gripped section of the compressive strengths and coefficients of variation for
specimen was uniform, but there was a gradient along its groups of two or more specimens of like geometry and
length. This specimen did fail at a slightly higher strength loaded under the same conditions are presented in Table 3.
than the other five specimens of the same set. Therefore, Geometry No. 9 specimens of either material system
the approach of using uneven bolt torque along the length again produced the highest compressive strengths, just as
of the specimen showed promise, but was not explored fur- for the IITRI fixture, and the coefficients of variation were
ther in the present study. typically even lower. The maximum average strength of the

348 ~ VoL 36, No. 4, December 1996

No. of Bolt Compressive Strength
Composite Specimen Specimens Torque Coefficient of
Material Type Geometry No. Tested (N-m) (MPa) (ksi) Variation (%)

carbon/epoxy 1 6 19.7 1551 225 5.5
2 6 19.7 1779 258 7.2
3 6 19.7 1586 230 2.0
4 4 19.7 1724 250 3.9
9 5 16.9 1917 278 3.1
10 2 16,9 1696 246 4.6
11 2 16.9 1400 203 2.7
12a 5 16.9 1117 162 2.6
12a 5 16.9 1151 167 3.5
glass/epoxy 9 6 16.9 1710 248 9.0
10 2 16.9 1558 226 0.0
a. Conventional untapered specimen geometry for baseline strength and modulus measurement


No. of Bolt Compressive Strength
Composite Specimen Specimens Torque Coefficient of
Material Type Geometry No. Tested (N-m) (MPa) (ksi) Variation (%)

carbon/epoxy 2 6 8.5 1786 259 4.3
3 16.9 1931 280 1.1
3 22.6 1903 276 2.5
6 28.2 1834 266 5.6
3 6 0.6 1289 187 5.6
6 4.2 1724 250 6.3
6 8.5 1806 262 3.5
5 16.9 1662 241 3.8
5 5 8.5 1310 190 1.9
6 2 22.6 1675 243 0.2
7 2 11.3 1896 275 0.8
8 2 22.6 1889 274 0.0
9 6 11.3 1993 289 1.5
5 16.9 2000 290 3.1
4 16.9 2048 297 1.8
10 2 14.1 1848 268 0.1
11 2 11.3 1538 223 0.4
glass/epoxy 3 2 8.5 1551 225 1.0
2 14.1 1627 236 1.9
9 2 14.1 1868 271 7.9
5 14.1 1893 275 7.6
2 22.6 1806 262 12.1
10 3 14.1 1669 242 5.5

Experimental Mechanics 9 349

AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy composite was 2049 MPa (297 Since the Geometry No. 9 specimens produced the high-
ksi). The COV of all the Geometry No. 9 specimens tested est compressive strengths, the edges of some of these speci-
was less than 2 percent. The maximum average strength mens were stram gaged in the straight section region with
of an $2/5216 glass/epoxy specimen set was 1893 MPa gages that had a grid width exactly equal to the specimen
(275 ksi), with a COV of 7.6 percent. For reasons that thickness. That is, the strain gages had a grid width of 2.54
could not be adequately explained, the glass/epoxy com- mm, the grid length being 1.52 ram. In this way, any
posite tended to produce higher COV values than the carbon/ through-the-thickness strain gradient present was aver-
epoxy composite. aged. A typical stress versus strain plot for an end-loaded
The Geometry No. 9 specimens of both materials, tested in glass/epoxy specimen of Geometry No. 9 is shown in
both fixtures, failed in the central gage section as desired. Fig. 4. This approach was very successful, the results being
consistent with those obtained using conventional uniform
Compressive M o d u l u s thickness, tabbed specimens (Geometry No. 12 in the pre-
Modulus measurements were made on nine different sent study).
specimen geometries using both the IITRI and ELSS fix- For example, the average modulus obtained from 17
tures, both material systems and approximately 60 single- gages on 12 different AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy conven-
element strain gages. Modulus was calculated in all cases tional specimens was 139.0 GPa, with a COV of 3.3 per-
as the slope of the linear best fit of the stress versus strain cent. The average modulus from 8 gages on 2 different
data for strains between 1000 gg and 3000 gg. specimens (for one of these specimens, the gage was re-
Back-to-back strain gages showed that no significant moved after a test and a new gage applied prior to retesting
specimen bending was present and that macrobuckling was it, for a total of seven tests of the same specimen, the pur-
not a mode of failure for any of the specimen geometries pose being to determine reproducibility of gage installa-
tested. A typical stress versus strain plot for an end-loaded tion) on Geometry No. 9 thickness-tapered specimens was
133.1 GPa, with a COV of 2.9 percent.
carbon/epoxy specimen of Geometry No. 9 is shown in
Fig. 3. Nevertheless, there was considerable variation in For the $2/5216 glass/epoxy composite, 12 gages on 6
the modulus measurements depending on where the gages different conventional specimens (back-to-back gages) re-
suited in an average modulus of 60.0 GPa, with a COV of
were mounted; detailed results are presented in Ref. 8.
Typically, strain gages placed on the edges of the thickness- 2.5 percent. Four gages on four different Geometry No: 9
speclmens produced an average modulus of 61.7 GPa, with
tapered specimens measured a higher modulus than strain
a COV of 3.1 percent.
gages placed on the straight section faces.
It was determined that none of the thickness-tapered In summary, edge-mounted gages of widths equal to the
specimen geometries was adequately configured to prop- specimen thickness produced reliable measurements of av-
erage axial strain, and thus axial modulus.
erly measure modulus using strata gages mounted on the
faces of the straight section. The strain in the outer fibers An attempt was also made to measure the modulus of
thickness-tapered specimens using an extensometer rather
in the straight section was too high, and therefore modulus
than strain gages. The ELSS fixture is recessed to allow
measurements using surface-mounted strain gages were too
low. However, strain gages mounted on the edges of the an extensometer to be mounted on the edge of the speci-
men. Since a strain gradient was known to exist through
thickness-tapered specimens did show potential for prop,
the thickness of the straight section of the thickness-tapered
erly measuring modulus.


1000 10o0

f mOm'C_~G~
O e,~KC~,~E

0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.(300 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025

Fig. 3--Comparison of front and back strain gage re- Fig. 4--Comparison of front, back and side (edge) strain
sponses for a typical thickness-tapered Geometry No. 9 gage responses for a typical thickness-tapered Geometry
specimen of AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy composite subjected No. 9 specimen of $2/5216 glass/epoxy composite sub-
to ELSS loading jected to ELSS loading

350 9 VoL 36, No. 4, December 1996

specimens, it was hoped that using knife edges extending perienced in the gage section of the specimen, resulting in
across the entire thickness of the specimen would record higher compressive strengths.
the average strain, just as the strain gages were able to do. Although optimizing the thickness-tapered specimen ge-
The knife edges were 2.54 mm apart, the length of the ometry to obtain high compressive strengths of unidirec-
straight section of the specimen. The knife edges were held tional composite materials was the primary objective of the
against the specimen edge in a conventional manner using present study, measuring the composite strain during the
elastic bands. With such a short extensometer gage length, same test was considered important also. It was found that
and the confined working space available, it was extremely by bonding a strain gage having a gage width equal to the
difficult to accurately mount the extensometer to a speci- specimen thickness to the specimen edge, this could be
men. Since edge-mounted strain gages proved capable of achieved.
measuring modulus quite well, no further attempts were
made to measure modulus using an extensometer. The pre-
sent authors do feel that using an extensometer would be Conclusion
possible, but a different method of mounting the knife
edges to the specimen will have to be developed. Considerable effort was expended in the present study
in attempting to optimize the thickness-tapered specimen
Discussion geometry. Finite element predictions 9 and the results of a
prior preliminary study! 9 w e r e used to establish the initial
The axial compressive strength of an AS4/3501-6 uni- geometries to be tested. Successive modifications were then
directional composite has been measured using conven- made based on the results obtained at each previous step
tional tabbed specimens by many testing laboratories, and of the iterative process. The influence of bolt torque, both
typically found to be in the range from 1275 MPa (185 on compressive strengths achieved and the modes of failure
ksi) to 1655 MPa (240 ksi). 23 The average Compressive obtained, was also found to be significant.
strengths obtained here using thickness-tapered specimens Eleven different thickness-tapered specimen geometries
were considerably higher. Geometry No. 9 specimens pro- were eventually tested during the optimization process. One
duced axial compressive strengths as high as 2048 MPa geometry evolved as being superior based on its ability to
(297 ksi) in the ELSS fixture, and 1900 MPa (278 ksi) in measure the highest compressive strength for both of the
the IITRI fixture. These strength values are significant be- composite materials utilized. With this geometry [Geometry
cause they are the highest reported in the literature for No. 9, as shown in Fig l(a)], average strengths of the uni-
AS4/3501-6 unidirectional composite specimens having a directional AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy and the $2/5216
cross section of significant thickness. Furthermore, tabs were glass/epoxy were measured to be 2048 MPa (297 ksi) and
not required to successfully test these thickness-tapered 1893 MPa (275 ksi), respectively. In addition, thickness-
specimens in either the ELSS or the IITRI fixtures. tapered specimens exhibited strength coefficients of vari-
Other compression-testing techniques, such as the use of ation that were much lower than those typically obtained
mini-sandwich specimens that have an epoxy core with using conventional tabbed specimens of uniform thickness.
only a few unidirectional plies of skins, or cross-ply lami- That is, strength coefficients of variation of 2 to 3 percent
nated specimens from which unidirectional strength is were often obtained, whereas historically variations of 10
backed out via lamination theory, have indicated that even percent or more have not been uncommon when testing
the highest values measured in the present study are fea- conventional specimens.
sible, and in fact quite possibly still underestimate the ac-
tual compressive strength of AS4/3501-6. For example, Acknowledgments
Crasto and Kim 24 reported a compressive strength of 2103
MPa (305 ksi) for AS4/3501-6 mini-sandwich specimens The authors gratefully acknowledge the continuing sup-
tested in the IITRI fixture. Welsh and Adams 25 later con- port of the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Re-
firmed these results. search and Technology Application, through FAA Grant
Perhaps the greatest advantage, but least understood No. 94-G-009. The technical direction and encouragement
mechanism, associated with compression testing thickness- of Dr. Donald W. Oplinger, Technical Monitor, FAA Tech-
tapered specimen configurations is their ability to develop nical Center, and Joseph R. Soderquist, FAA Headquarters,
thickness-taper release cracks (TTRCs) before final com- is sincerely appreciated.
pressive failure. As discussed in detail in Refs. 8 and 26,
these cracks initiate inthe taper radius region of the speci- References
men, where the highest stress concentrations are predicted 9
1. Adams, D.E, "Current Status of Compression Testing of Composite
to occur. They then propagate along the specimen axis, the Materials," Proc. 40th Int. SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 1831-1843
total distance they propagate before being arrested being (May 1995).
a function of the clamping forces exerted by the test fix- 2. Chaterjee, S., Adams, D.E and Oplinger, D.W., Test Methods for
ture. Since the clamping force exerted by the ELSS fixture Composites, a Status Report--Volume I1: Compression Test Methods, Re-
port No. DOT/FAA/CT-93/17*It, FAA Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ
can be controlled, the use of this fixture may allow the (June 1993).
length of the TFRCs to be controlled. The occurrence of 3. Camponeschi, E.T., Jr., Compression of Composite Materials: A Re-
these cracks is believed to reduce the stress concentrations view, Report No. DTRC-87/050, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis,
associated with the discontinuity of the loading grips and MD (November 1987).
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352 ~ Vol. 36, No. 4, December 1996

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