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Room B6 Chronicle

Mrs. Lights and Mrs. Whites 3rd Grade Class May 8, 2017
Dates to Remember:
Final Book Worm book report went home last week and is due
CAASPP testing continues through 5/18 for our class. Wednesday, May 31.
This Wed., 5/10, is Family Fun Night at Surf n Yogurt.
Chumash Interpretive Center Fieldtrip on Fri., 6/9: enclosed
Under the Sea Book Fair, May 15-19.
Animal Art Projects due date is next Mon., 5/15. are driver forms for those parents interested in driving as well
Spring Open House next Wednesday, May 17, 6:30-8 pm. as permission slips. Please return by this Wed., 5/10.
Box Tops deadline is next Friday, May 19. LIFE LAB: Thanks to our wonderful volunteer moms, Mrs.
Friday, May 26 is a minimum day with noon dismissal. Owings, Mrs. Whetten and Dr. Scyphers, for running our
Memorial Day holiday is Monday, 5/29. program this year. Despite a snafu with our gardeners tearing
Our Wax Museum presentation will take place after lunch out our first crop earlier this spring, these dedicated
on Tues., 6/13. More info/details to follow next week.
volunteers persevered and replanted, and well soon be
The last day of school is Friday, 6/16. Students will be
dismissed at noon. Just six weeks of school left! enjoying a school-year-end harvest. Many thanks!

Curriculum News
usual nightly reading and were allowing extra time for those students who need to
finish their animal art projects. The students are wrapping up in-class language arts
and visual arts projects that you will enjoy viewing at our OPEN HOUSE NEXT
MATH: Students will have review practice on Monday & Tuesday. On Wednesday, we
will begin Module 6 where our first two lessons will focus on organizing data.
SCIENCE: Animal art projects, depicting your child's animal in its habitat, are
due next Monday, May 15. Youll see them on display at Open House. If you have
any last minute questions, please dont hesitate to contact us.
ART DOCENTS: We have just one more Art Docent lesson remaining. Thank you for
your support in sending in photos for your child to use in his/her All About Me collage
which they will complete this week with the wonderful art docent volunteers. Many
thanks to our Art Docents for a terrific year!

Fun Facts about Different Animals

The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans.
A ducks quack doesnt echo and no one knows why.
The cheetah is the only cat in the world that cant retract its claws.
A lions roar can be heard from five miles away.
Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from blowing sand.
It takes a lobster approximately seven years to grow to be one pound.
The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and the fastest member of the animal kingdom with a speed of
389 km/h (242 mph).

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