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Lindsey Miles

Professor Kays
February 10, 2017
English 102-06-S17

Annotated Bibliographies
de Souza Briggs, Xavier, and Benjamin J. Keys. "Has Exposure To Poor Neighbourhoods

Changed In America? Race, Risk And Housing Locations In Two Decades." Urban

Studies (Sage Publications, Ltd.) 46.2 (2009): 429-458. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 12 Feb. 2017.

Researchers de Souza Briggs and Keys analyzed the plausibility of American-based minority

citizens being exposed to malignant lifestyles such as poverty and illnesses due to residential

segregation. It was very rational for de Souza Briggs and Keys to use surveys and official data as

methodical approaches to examine this study, for results showed that racial disparity heavily

influenced housing mobility. Investigative studies for segregation via housing has been limited.

However, de Souza Briggs and Keys could have done more to refine their research such as study

other races besides Black and White. This peer review article relates to the theme: American-

based minorities v. American-based non-minorities in housing by suggesting that minorities (in

this instance Blacks) are more prone to be situated in an area that does more harm than good to

them. This article can be used for further research to create policies regarding the rendering of

housing discrimination based on race and ethnicity.

Turner, Margery Austin. Housing discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities 2012:

executive summary. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban

Development, Office of Policy Development and Research, 2013. Web.

In this book, Turner addressed that minorities who are very competent can and often do receive

the same treatment as qualified non-minorities when it comes to housing. Unfortunately, there

are instances in which non-minorities looking for homes are more favored than non-minorities.

This book was very statistical as it provided the reader with qualitative data of how Blacks,

Hispanics, and Asians are treated in America when it comes to housing such as the cost and the

units available. More research needs to be done however, to refine this investigative study. This

online book relates to the theme: American-based minorities v. American-based non-minorities in

housing because it discusses the situations American minorities face when it comes to looking at

or buying houses or apartments. Since this investigative study is not as popular as one would

think, it is difficult for researchers to analyze exactly how minorities are discriminated against

via housing, as the sole reason a minority is shown fewer houses than non-minorities in America

could be due to the mere fact that the minoritys credit is not up to par or the minoritys budget is

not as much as a White persons budget. Regardless of this matter, discrimination via housing

does exist and needs to be talked about more. This book would be a valuable way in shedding

light to the unfair treatment of minorities when it comes to housing.

Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin. "Privileged Places." Race, Opportunity and

Uneven Development in Urban America. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2017

Urban areas in America are largely comprised of minorities. Approximately 52 percent of Blacks

and 21 percent of Whites are situated in these types of areas while almost 60 percent of Whites

and just as little as 36 percent of Blacks live in suburban areas. This online database proceeded to

bring awareness to the racial disparity that influences housing. The figures or numbers used for

the readers to see the racial gap in residential areas were highly recognized and praised. This

online database suggested the segregation between minorities and non-minorities in America in

housing are high and discussed political alliances which can encourage a significant impact in

terms of residential segregation such as community investments, programs for housing mobility,

poverty, etc. This online database relates to the theme: American based minorities v. American

based non-minorities in housing because it discussed the negative impact urban areas generally

have on minorities especially minority children. This database is essential for future research

because it hints at possible solutions to hinder the rate at which housing (mobility) discrimination


Soergel, Andrew. Study: It's Harder for a Black Person to Land a Mortgage Loan. US

News & World Reports, 9 Feb. 2015,


U.S. News discussed the probability of Blacks, Hispanics, & Whites in regards to obtaining a

mortgage loan. According to a housing study based on race, more Blacks were denied for

mortgage loans than Hispanics in 2013. This news article did shed light to its followers and

readers about the discrimination of American citizens via the denial of mortgage loans and how it

is surreal. However, the article did not propose ways in which this persisting problem could

potentially be addressed. This source relates to the theme: American based minorities v.
American based non-minorities in housing because without mortgage loans, it would

subsequently become harder for citizens to afford the residential area(s). According to Zillow, an

online housing realtor website, living in a community where the income and education rates are

low and unemployment is gradually increasing can definitely enable loaners to assume that many

minorities are uneducated and receive low income therefore making loaners hesitant in

permitting minorities to borrow their money. This general assumption is what continues the

viscous cycle of residential segregation and housing discrimination.

Sellers, Jefferey M. "Norms In The Politics Of Housing For Minorities: Evidence From A

French, A German And A US Metropolitan Area." Ethnic & Racial Studies 19.3

(1996): 585-608. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.

Researcher Sellers suggested that minorities in the Western world are at a disadvantage socially,

economically, and politically. Sellers analyzed housing policies in German, France, and the

United States to see how these policies affect the lives of minorities. It was discovered that the

policies regarding housing for minorities are similar yet different. While housing policies for

minorities do exist in each of these countries, the level of force implemented behind it varies for

each one. Instead of just analyzing three out of the several countries that are defined as the

Western World, Sellers should have also analyzed three out of the several countries that are

defined as the Eastern World and compare housing policies in the West to housing policies in

the East. This would better help us enforce policies that can reduce housing discrimination

against minorities. This peer review journal relates to the theme: American based minorities v.

American based non-minorities in housing because it can be used by more researchers and

politicians as a means to induce minority friendly policies in the housing aspect.

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