Defense Rubric

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(Oral) Defense/Presentation Rubric Student(s)/Work:______________________________________________________

Reviewed by:_________________________________________________________

Criteria 4 - Superior command 3 Good control 2 Fair/some/little control 1 Minimal or no control

Eye contact Constantly looks at and maintains eye Occasionally looks with parts of the Only focuses on one part of the Does not attempt to look at audience at
contact with different parts of the audience. audience. Does not scan audience. all. Reads notes or looks at computer
audience. throughout.
Gestures Natural hand gestures and body Some Somewhat adapted Few No hand gestures are noticed and/or
language are demonstrated. Well body language is not adapted to
adapted to the content. presented content.
Posture, Poise Stands up straight with both feet to the Occasionally slumps. Multiple slumps. Too static or dynamic Sits during presentation or slumps
ground. Turned to audience. movements. repeatedly.
Enthusiasm Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling Occasionally shows positive feelings Shows some negativity towards work Shows no interest in the presented
about work and results. about work and/or results. and/or results. work and/or results.
Poise Relaxed and self-confident with no Makes mistakes but recovers quickly Mild tension; trouble recovering from Nervous. Problems recovering from
mistakes. from them. Displays little or no mistakes. mistakes.
Vocalized Multiple vocalized pauses noticed at Some A few only some at appropriate No vocalized pauses noticed.
pauses (ah, um, appropriate places in presentation or in
answering questions.
well etc)
Voice Varies the pitch, timbre and energy of Some variations in Small variations in No variation in pitch, timbre or energy
variations the voice according to the needs of the of voice. A constant and boring voice
presentation to maintain interest. which is hard to listen to. Mumbling.
Timing Presentation falls within required time Presentation is on the edges of the Presentation is less than minimum Presentation is more than maximum
frame required time frame. time. time.
Visual aids Enhances presentation and keeps Key points articulated/covered but not Adds nothing to presentation. Poor, distracts audience and is hard to
interest. All key points engaging/enhancing. read/interpret.
Completeness * Thoroughly explains all points. Majority of points covered in depth, Several key points glossed over. Incomplete; several key points omitted.
some glossed over. Hard to understand work and/or results.
Flow, Clear organization with good and Thoughts articulated clearly, but flow No or unclear logical flow between Confusing order and organization.
Coherence * logical flow between parts. is somewhat hampered. parts.
Language * No misspellings or grammatical errors. 1-2 misspellings or grammatical errors. 3 4 or more
Subject Demonstrates full knowledge. Can At ease with material. Can answer Uncomfortable with information. Can Incomplete grasp of information.
knowledge * answer all questions with explanations questions but without elaboration. answer only basic questions. Cannot answer questions.
and elaborations.

* Key criteria which is the main basis for evaluation and grading

PAD009, DR version 1.01, 2007-08-23, Robert Feldt

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