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Classroom Management Plan

1. Courses you would like to teach:

I am interested in Stats, Algebra, Calc, upper level math classes. Not geometry preferably.

2. Classroom Structure

A. General Floor Plan: (Sketch or link a drawing)

3. Classroom Expectations

A. Posted Classroom rules: (based on our notes)

I dont imagine myself having a poster in my room with a set of rules on it. However, I do think that I
will remind the students quite a bit about what is expected of them verbally. I dont remember ever
being in a classroom with a set of posted classroom rules anywhere, so I dont think I will incorporate
that into my own classroom.

B. How the classroom rules will be taught:

Explicit instruction on the first day of school will be the most important thing to establishing classroom
rules. I wont have a lot of them, but I will try to keep them broad so that I can mold them to each
individual class.

C. How will you TEACH one of your routines?

Initially, I will explicitly give instruction right away, and then allow for the class to give a try for a bit. If it
gets a little sloppy, I will gather the class again, to discuss my expectations again.

D. What will be your pre-correction reminders?

I plan to use a direct approach to stopping any sort of behavior problems. Making direct reference to
what I believe to be detrimental behavior, and then asking for that behavior to stop.

E. What will be your correction procedures? (Fully develop this to include all steps including
the point that you would ask them to leave the room and procedures for that)
I think that initially, I will not make a deal about whatever happened and give them a reminder of
sorts. After that, letting them stay after class to discuss. Then, a public scolding in front of the class.
Finally, getting the principle involved.

F. What will be your record keeping system?

I will have some sort of excel spreadsheet dedicated to incident report situations that may arise in
the classroom.

G. What will be your follow up procedures?

I think that speaking with the student is a key thing in maintaining a good relationship. Thanking them
for quitting whatever behavior was an issue. I think that if you acknowledge that they have turned it
around, they are more likely to stay on the straight and arrow.

4. Description of policies

A. Homework Policy

In a math class, I believe in some sort of assigned work. I dont know how much it will be day to day,
but points everyday will be coming back to the classroom.

B. Late-work Policy

10% off for each day that it is late. Homework is to be handed in before class, If possible, otherwise
on desk before the lesson begins.

C. Tardy

On time, means in the room before the bell. If you are late at all, that is a 5% deduction for the
homework. There will be some sort of points associated with on time, attendance.

D. Clothes & Dress

I feel that this will be a school policy that I will not need to address.

E. Candy & Gum

A privilege. 100% okay with these in the classroom, until I find a wrapper, then that privilege will be
taken away quickly.

F. Make up Work

Students that have an excused absence, I will give them an extra day to complete the work. If they
miss class for a significant amount of time in a row, because of illness, I will have to assess that
situation on an individual basis.

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