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At an average speed of 24 km hr-1, how many kilometres will a cyclist travel in 75



An aircraft travels 1600 km in 2.5 hours. What is its average speed, in m s -1?


Does a car speedometer register speed or velocity? Explain.


An aircraft travels 1400 km at a speed of 700 km hr-1, and then runs into a head
wind that reduces its speed over the ground to 500 km hr -1 for the next 800 km.
What is the total time for the flight? What is the average speed of the air craft?


A sports car can stop in 6.1 s from a speed of 110 km hr -1. What is its

Can the velocity of a particle change if its speed is constant? Can the speed of a
particle change if its velocity is constant? If the answer to either question is yes,
give examples


A car accelerates from 5.0 m s-1 to 20 m s-1 in 6.0 s. Assuming uniform

acceleration, how far does it travel in this time?


If a raindrop were to fall from a height of 1 km, with what velocity would it hit the
ground if there were no air resistance?


Traffic police can estimate the speed of vehicles involved in accidents by the
length of the marks left by skidding tyres on the road surface. It is known that the
maximum deceleration that a car can attain when braking on a normal road
surface is about 9 m s-2. In one motorway accident, the tyre marks were found to
be 125 m long. Estimate the speed of the vehicle before braking.

A lift is travelling upwards at constant speed. As it passes the second floor, a

passenger drops coin A through an old fashioned gate grille. At exactly the same
time, a person standing on the second floor landing drops coin B through the gate
grille at the landing. Which coin, A or B (if either), reaches the bottom of the lift
shaft first? Which (if either) has the greater speed on impact?


William Tell was faced with the agonising task of shooting an apple from his son
Jemmys head. Assume that William is placed 25 m away from Jemmy; his
crossbow fires a bolt with an initial speed of 45 m s -1. The crossbow and apple are
on the same horizontal line. At what angle to the horizontal should William aim so
that the bolt hits the apple?


The position of a sports car on a straight test track is monitored by taking a series
of photographs at fixed time intervals. The following record of position x was
obtained at the stated times t:

t/s 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
x/m 0 0.4 1.8 4.2 7.7 12.4 18.3 25.5 33.9 43.5 54.3

On graph paper, draw a graph of x against t. Use your graph value of the velocity
v of the car at a number of values of t.
Draw a second graph of v against t. From this graph, what can you deduce about
the acceleration of the car?

(a) Describe the motion shown in velocity / m s-1

the graph on the right



(b) What distance is travelled in the 0

2 4 time / s
first 2 seconds?


(c) What distance is travelled


(d) What is the value of the

deceleration (or negative
acceleration) from 2 s to 4 s?

(e) What would have been

happening if the line had
continued below the axis?

How many g are experienced if you accelerate from 0 to 260 m s -1 in 5 s?

(A rocket powered car must achieve this!)


A train going at 53 m s-1 slows down steadily, taking 1600 m to stop. What is its


What is the change in velocity when an initial velocity of 4 m s -1 due South

changes to 12 ms-1 due North?


A bullet is fired horizontally at 200 m s-1, at a target 40 m away. Neglecting air

(a) how far below the point of aim will it hit the target?

(b) at what angle will it enter the target?


An aeroplane accelerates at 3.1 m s-2 to reach its take-off speed of 100 m s-1.
(a) How long must the runway be?

(b) How long does it take before the plane takes off?


A golf ball leaves the club at 46 m s -1, at an angle of 50 upwards from the
horizontal, across level ground. Neglect air resistance.
(a) What is the vertical component of the velocity?

(b) What is the horizontal component of the velocity?

(c) How long does it take to reach the top of its flight?

(d) How high does it go?

(e) After how long does it hit the ground?

(f) What is the horizontal distance travelled?


A car is travelling along the motorway at 35 m s-1. (Note: 70 mph = 31 m s-1)

The driver does not notice a stationary police car, which then gives chase. The
police car accelerates at 2.5 m s-2 until it overtakes the speeding car.
(a) How long does it take for the police car to draw level with the speeding car?

(b) How far does the police car travel before this happens?

(c) Sketch a graph of distance against time, showing the positions of both cars.


In a driving manual, it is suggested that, when driving at 13 m s -1 (about 30

m.p.h.), a driver should always keep a minimum of two car-lengths between the
drivers car and the one in front.

(a) Suggest a scientific justification for this safety tip, making reasonable
assumptions about the magnitudes of any quantities you need.

(b) How would you expect the length of this exclusion zone to depend on
speed for speeds higher than 13 m s-1?


A student, standing on the platform at Meadowbank railway station, notices that

the first two carriages of an arriving train pass her in 2.0 s, and the next two in 2.4
s. The train is decelerating uniformly. Each carriage is 20 m long. When the train
stops, the student is opposite the last carriage. How many carriages are there in
the train?

A ball is kicked so that, at the highest point of its path, it just clears a horizontal
cross-bar on a pair of goal-posts. The ground is level and the cross-bar is 2.5 m
high. The ball is kicked from ground level with an initial velocity of 8.0 m s -1.

(a) Calculate the angle of projection of the ball and the distance of the point
where the ball was kicked from the goal-line.

(b) Also calculate the horizontal velocity of the ball as it passes over the cross-

(c) For how long is the ball in air before it reaches the ground on the far side of
the cross-bar.


An athlete competing in the long jump leaves the ground at an angle of 28 and
makes a jump of 7.40 m.

(a) Calculate the speed at which the athlete took off.

(b) If the athlete had been able to increase this speed by 5%, what
percentage difference would this have made to the length of the jump.

A hunter, armed with a bow and arrow, takes direct aim at a monkey hanging from
the branch of a tree. At the instant that the hunter releases the arrow, the
monkey takes avoiding action by releasing its hold on the branch. By setting up
the relevant equations for the motion of the monkey and the motion of the
arrow, show that the monkey was mistaken in its strategy.


Distance travelled = speed x time taken = 24 km hr -1 x 1.25 hr = 30 km


Average speed = distance/time = 1.6 x 106 m/2.5 x 3600 s = 177 = 180 m s-1


It registers speed because it only gives the magnitude and not the direction.


Total time for the flight = 1400/700 hr + 800/500 hr = 3.6 hr

Average speed of the air craft = 2200 km/3.6 hr = 611 = 610 km hr-1


a = (v u)/t = [0 (110 x 1000/3600)]/6.1 = - 5.0 m s-2


Can the velocity of a particle change if its speed is constant?

Yes. In a circular motion, speed is constant but the direction is changing

constantly, so the velocity is changing

Can the speed of a particle change if its velocity is constant? No.


S = [(u + v) / 2] x t = [(5.0 + 20.0)/2] x 6.0 = 25 x 3 = 75 m


v2 = u2 + 2as = 2as = 2 x 9.8 x 1000 = 19,600; v = 140 m s-1


u2 = v2 -2as = -2as = -2 x -9 x 125 = 2250; u = 47.4 = 47 m s-1


Coin B reaches the bottom of the lift shaft first because it will always be ahead of
coin A. On the 2nd floor landing, uB = 0 and uA = vlift upwards
Coin A has the greater speed on impact because it had a greater distance to
travel, so therefore, a greater time to accelerate. v2 = u2 +2 as; v = u + at


If the bolt is travelling at a speed of 45 m s -1, the time to cover a distance of 25 m

is given by the equation t = s/v = 25 m / 45 m s-1 = 0.556 s.
In this time, the bolt would have dropped vertically through a distance s = gt2
Therefore svertical = x 9.8 x (0.556)2 = 1.51 m
To compensate for this vertical drop, the bolt should be aimed 1.51 m above the
Over a distance of 25 m, the relationship between elevation of 1.51 m and the
distance is given by the equation tan = 1.51/25; Therefore = 3.5


t/s 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
x/m 0 0.4 1.8 4.2 7.7 12.4 18.3 25.5 33.9 43.5 54.3

Graph of x against t.



t/s 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
x/m 0 0.4 1.8 4.2 7.7 12.4 18.3 25.5 33.9 43.5 54.3
v/m s-1 0 0.8 2.8 4.8 11.4 9.6 11.8 14.4 16.8 19.2 21.6

Graph of v against t.

Velocity/m s-1


From this graph, we can deduce that after 0.5 seconds, the acceleration of the car
is constant at 4.7 m s-2.
speed / ms-1

(a) The object moves at a
constant speed of 2 m s-1 for
2 seconds. Then the object B C
decelerates uniformly for a
2 4 time / s

period of 2 seconds till it is
(b) The distance travelled in the
first two seconds is the area
under the graph,
which is 4 metres.
(c) The total distance travelled is
the area enclosed under all
sections of the graph, i.e. 4 + 2
= 6 metres
(d) The value of the deceleration
is change in speed/time taken,
i.e., (v u)/t = 0 - 2/2 = 1 m s-2
(e) From a stationary position,
the object would have started to
travel in the opposite direction
with steadily increasing speed.


a = (v u)/t = (260 0)/5 = 52 m s -2 = 52/9.8 g = 5.3 g


You need an equation that involves velocity, acceleration and distance

i.e. v2 = u2 + 2as a = (v2 u2)/2s = (02 532)/2 x 1600) = -2809/3200
= -0.88 m s-2


since acceleration is constant,

average speed = (53 + 0)/2 = 26.5 m s-1
time taken to go 1600 m at 26.5 m s-1 = 1600/26.5 = 60.4 s
acceleration = change in speed/time taken = (0-53)/60.4 = -0.88 m s-2


Change in velocity = final velocity initial velocity

= 12 m s-1 N 4 m s-1 S = 12 m s-1 N + 4 m s-1 N = 16 m s-1 N


A bullet is fired horizontally at 200 ms-1, at a target 40 m away. Neglecting air

(a) At a speed of 200 m s-1 the time taken for the bullet to reach the target,
which is 40 m away, is given by t = s/v = 40 m/200 m s-1 = 0.20 s
During this time, the bullet is being accelerated downwards by gravity. Its
vertical velocity after time t will be given by the equation v = u + gt where
u = 0 m s-1, g = 9.8 m s-2, t = 0.20 s, v = 0 + (9.8 x 0.20) = 1.96 m s-1
vertical distance dropped = ut + at2 = x 9.8 x 0.202 = 0.196 m

(b) tan = vertical velocity/horizontal velocity = 1.96/200; = 0.56


(a) Rearranging the equation v2 = u2 + 2as, s = (v2 u2)/2a = 1002/2 x 3.1 =

10,000/6.2 = 1613 m = 1610 m (to 3 S.F.)

(b) To find the time taken to reach the takeoff velocity, we use the equation v
= u + at; t = v/a = 100/3.1 = 32 s


(a) The vertical component of the velocity is 46 m s -1 x sin 50 = 35.2 m s-1.

(b) The horizontal component of the velocity is 46 m s -1 x cos 50 = 29.6 m s-1

(c) The vertical component of the velocity will be zero at the top of the flight.

The vertical acceleration is g so the time taken to reach the top of the balls flight
is given by v = u + at where v = 0 and a = -g. So:

t = -u/-g = -35.2 m s-1/-9.8 m s-2 = 3.6 s

(d) To find the maximum height, use the vertical component of velocity from part
a, remembering that the acceleration is negative, in the equation:

s = ut + at2 = (35.2 x 3.6) + (1/2 x -9.8 x (3.6)2) = 126.6 63.3 = 63.3 m

(e) If resistance is ignored, the horizontal velocity is constant and so the flight of
the idealised golf ball is symmetrical about the point at which it reaches its
maximum height.

So the time it reaches the ground is twice the time to reach the top of the balls
flight, which is 2 x 3.6 s = 7.2 s

(f) To calculate how far it travels before it hits the ground is the product of the
horizontal speed and total time of flight, which is 29.6 m s -1 x 7.2 s = 210 m

(a) The distance (s) from the point where the police car was parked to where it
catches up with the speeding car is the same for both vehicles, and the time taken
to cover this distance is also the same for both.
For the police car, s = ut + at2 = at2 since u = 0
For the speeding car, s = v x t
Equating these, at2 = vt. Therefore t = 2v/a = 2 x 35/2.5 = 28 s

(b) s = vt = 35 x 28 = 980 m = at2 = x2.5 x 282 = 980 m.

(c) Graph of distance against time, showing the positions of both cars.
s police/m 0 61.25 245 551.25 980
s motorist/m 0 245 490 735 980
Time t/s 0 7 14 21 28



A car length is approximately 5 m, so two car-lengths is 10 m.

Normal reaction time from a driving manual is 0.25 s

At a speed of 13 m s-1, the car would have travelled 13 x 0.25 = 3.25 m

In addition, there is the braking distance.

The maximum distance available for braking distance is 6.75 m.

If the reaction time was twice as long, the car would have travelled 6.5 m.

The braking distance has been reduced to 3.5 m, leading to a potential collision.

(b) As the speed is increased, the distance travelled during reaction time would
increase linearly with increasing speed. However, the braking distance
would become significantly greater as the speed is increased.

EQ2 a difficult problem

Let u be the initial speed of the train. Consider the equation s = ut + at2
For 2 carriages, t = 2.0 s. 40 m = 2u + 2a (Eqn 1)
For 4 carriages, t = 4.4 s. 80 m = 4.4u + a(4.4)2 = 4.4u + 9.68a (Eqn 2)

We now have 2 simultaneous equations.

Subtract (2.2 x Eqn 1) from Eqn 2 to eliminate u

88 m = 4.4u + 4.4a
80 m = 4.4u + 9.68a. 5.28a = -8; Therefore a = -1.52 m s-2

Substitute for a in Eqn 1 to solve for u

40 m = 2u + 2a = 2u -2(1.52). 2u = 43.04; Therefore u = 21.52 m s-1

Substitute the values into the equation: v2 = u2 +2as where v = 0

s = -u2/2a = -(21.52)2/2(-1.52). s = 463/3.04 = 152.3 m

Given that a carriage is 20 m long

Number of carriages = 152.3 m/20 m = 7.6 ~ 8 carriages


(a) Since we know that the vertical distance is 2.5 m, final velocity is zero and
acceleration is g = -9.8 m s-2, we can use the equation: v2 = u2 + 2as to
determine the initial vertical velocity: uv = (2gs) = 7.0 m s-1.
angle of projection of the ball = sin-1 (uv/u) = sin-1 (7.0/8.0) = 61
Distance to goalpost = horizontal velocity x time = 3.9 x 0.714 = 2.8 m

(b) EITHER by Pythagoras:

horizontal velocity uh = (u2 uv2) = (82 72) = 3.9 m s-1.
OR by Trignometry:
horizontal velocity uh = u cos 61 = 8 cos 61 = 3.9 m s-1.

(c) ball is in air for twice as long as it took to reach the maximum height. Using
the equation: v = u + at = u - gt, where v = 0, t = u/g = 7.0/9.8 = 0.714s.
Therefore time of flight = 2t = 1.4 s


An athlete competing in the long jump leaves the ground at an angle of 28 and
makes a jump of 7.40 m.

(a) Rearranging the equation R = (u2sin 2)/g,

we get u = (Rg/sin2) = 7.40 x 9.8/sin 60 = 9.2 m s-1

(b) Since the range is directly proportional to square of the speed,

If the athlete had been able to increase this speed by 5%, (x 1.05)
This would make a (1.052 = 1.10)10 % difference in the length of the jump.


The hunters arrow and the monkey will fall at the same gravitational acceleration
g, reaching the ground at the same time as the monkey,

according to the equation : s = gt2

If the hunter has aimed correctly horizontally, then the arrow will follow the
monkey and hit it.

Hunter and Monkey animation

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