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63. LVN 150:2004 Concrete strength test instruments with rebound method. Methods and means of calibration 7
1249. TCVN 10302:2014 Activity admixture. Fly ash for concrete, mortar and cement 15
1250. TCVN 10303:2014 Concrete - Control and assessment of compressive strength 18
1253. TCVN 10306:2014 High strength concrete. Proportional Design with cylinder sample. 25
1831. TCVN 10797:2015 Productc of precast concrete kerb 22
1832. TCVN 10798:2015 Precast reinforced concrete slabs for canal-slope and pavenment 16
1833. TCVN 10799:2015 Precast concrete support blocks 17
2368. TCVN 11415:2016 Asphalt concrete. Determination method of cantabro abrasion loss 8
3139. TCVN 3105:1993 Heavyweight fresh concrete and concrete - Sampling, marking and curing test specimens 9
3140. TCVN 3106:1993 Fresh heavyweight concrete - Method slump test 3
3141. TCVN 3107:1993 Fresh heavy weight concrete - Method for vebe test 3
3142. TCVN 3108:1993 Fresh heavy weight concrete - Method for the determination of density 2
3143. TCVN 3109:1993 Fresh heavy weight concrete - Method for the determination of mortar and water segregation 3
3145. TCVN 3110-79 Heavy concrete mixtures. Composition analysis 5
3146. TCVN 3111:1993 Fresh heavywight concrete - Method for the ditermination of air content 3
3147. TCVN 3112:1993 Fresh heavy weight concrete -Method for the ditermination of specifi c mass 3
3148. TCVN 3113:1993 Heavy weight concrete - Method for the ditermination of waterabsorption 3
3149. TCVN 3114:1993 Heavy weight concrete - Method for the determination of abrasion 4
3150. TCVN 3115:1993 Heavy weight concrete. Determination of density 5
3151. TCVN 3116:1993 Heavy weight concrete - Method for the determination of watertighless 5
3152. TCVN 3117:1993 Heavy weight concrete. Determination of shrinkage 3
3153. TCVN 3118:1993 Heavy weight concrete. Determination of compressive strength 4
3154. TCVN 3119:1993 Heavy weight concrete. Determination of fl exural strength 4
3155. TCVN 3120:1993 Heavy weight concrete. Determination of tensile spliting strength 3
3533. TCVN 3993-85 Anti-corrosion in construction concrete and reinforced concrete structure - General principles for design 3
3534. TCVN 3994-85 Ant i- corrosion in c onstruct ion c oncrete and reinforc ed conc rete st ructures - C las sification of aggress ive surroundings 4

3811. TCVN 4452-87 Precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Code for execution and acceptance 20
3812. TCVN 4453:1995 Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Code for execution and acceptance 50
4466. TCVN 5440-91 Concrete - Rules for the strength control 6
4588. TCVN 5574:2012 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Design standard. 170
8198. TCVN 8218:2009 Hydraulic concrete. Technical requirements 10
8199. TCVN 8219:2009 Hydraulic concrete mixture and hydraulic concrete - Test method 11
8209. TCVN 8228:2009 Hydraulic concrete mixture - Technical requirements 8
8920. TCVN 8818-1:2011 Cut-back Asphalt. Part 1: Specifi cation 11
8921. TCVN 8818-2:2011 Cut-back Asphalt. Test Method. Part 2: Test Method for Flash Point 8
8922. TCVN 8818-3:2011 Cut-back Asphalt. Test Method. Part 3: Test Method for Water Content 10
8923. TCVN 8818-4:2011 Cut-back Asphalt. Test Method. Part 4: Test Method for Distillation 9
8924. TCVN 8818-5:2011 Cut-back Asphalt. Test Method. Part 5: Test Method for Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacum Capillary Viscometer 13
8925. TCVN 8819:2011 Specifi cation for Construction of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Acceptance 38
8926. TCVN 8820:2011 Standard Practice for Asphalt Concrete Mix Design Using Marshall Method 46
8927. TCVN 8821:2011 Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Soils and Unbound Roadbase in Place 14
8928. TCVN 8824:2011 Cements. Test method for drying shrinkage of mortar 12
8929. TCVN 8825:2011 Mineral admixtures for roller-compacted concrete 11
8930. TCVN 8826:2011 Chemical admixtures for concrete 23
8931. TCVN 8827:2011 Highly Activity Puzzolanic Admixtures for concrete and mortar. Silicafume and Rice Husk Ash 19
8932. TCVN 8828:2011 Concrete. Requirements for natural moist curing 9
8971. TCVN 8857:2011 Natural Aggregate for Road Pavement Layers. Specifi cation for Material, Construction and Acceptance 11
8972. TCVN 8858:2011 Cement Treated Aggregate Bases for Road Pavement. Specifi cation for Construction and Acceptance 17
8973. TCVN 8859:2011 Graded Aggregate Bases and Subbases Pavement. Specifi cation for Construction and Acceptance 18
8974. TCVN 8860-1:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 1: Determination of Marshall Stability and Plastic Flow 15
8975. TCVN 8860-10:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 10: Determination of voids in mineral aggregate 6
8976. TCVN 8860-11:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 11: Determination of voids fi lled with asphalt 5
8977. TCVN 8860-12:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 12: Determination of remaining stability 5
8978. TCVN 8860-2:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of bitumen content using extraction Centrifuge 10
8979. TCVN 8860-3:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 3: Determination of particle size distribution 8
8980. TCVN 8860-4:2011 Asphalt C oncrete. Tes t met hods. Part 4: Determination of maximum s pecific gravity and desity of loose bituminous paving 11
mixt ures
8981. TCVN 8860-5:2011 Asphalt C oncrete. Tes t met hods. Part 5: Determination of bulk spec ific gravity and unit weight of c ompact ed bit uminous 11
mixt ures
8982. TCVN 8860-6:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 6: Determination of draindown 8
8983. TCVN 8860-7:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 7: Determination of fi ne aggregate angularity 10
8984. TCVN 8860-8:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of compaction coeffi cient 6
8985. TCVN 8860-9:2011 Asphalt Concrete. Test methods. Part 9: Determination of air voids 7
9142. TCVN 9028:2011 Mortar for lightweight concrete 14
9143. TCVN 9029:2011 Lightweight concrete. Non-autoclaved aerated, foam concrete bricks. Specifi cation. 9
9145. TCVN 9030:2011 Lightweight concrete. Non-autoclaved aerated, foam concrete bricks. Test methods 10
9149. TCVN 9034:2011 Acid resistant mortars and concretes 20
9244. TCVN 9114:2012 Precast prestressed concrete product. Technical requirements and acceptance test 28
9245. TCVN 9115:2012 Assembled concrete and reinforced concrete structures.Practice for erection and acceptance 28
9246. TCVN 9116:2012 Reinforced concrete box culverts 21
9247. TCVN 9116:2012 Reinforced concrete box culverts 21
9262. TCVN 9137:2012 Hydraulic structure. Design for concrete dam and reinforced concrete dam. 69
9463. TCVN 9334:2012 Heavy weight concrete. Method for determination of compressive strength by rebound hammer 20
9464. TCVN 9335:2012 Heavy conc rete. Nondestruc tive t esting met hod. Det ermination of compressive strength by using combination of ultrasonic 18
equip ment and rebound hammer.
9465. TCVN 9336:2012 Heavy Concrete. Method for Determination of sulfate content 9
9466. TCVN 9337:2012 Heavy concrete. Method for electrical indication of concrete's ability to resist chloride ion penetration 11
9467. TCVN 9338:2012 Heavyweight concrete mixtures. Determination of time of setting 12
9468. TCVN 9339:2012 Concrete and Mortar. Method for determination of pH by pH meter 12
9469. TCVN 9340:2012 Ready-mixed concrete. Specifi cation and acceptance 17
9470. TCVN 9342:2012 Monolitic reinforced concrete structures constructed by slipform. Construction and acceptance 48
9471. TCVN 9343:2012 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Guide to maintenance 120
9472. TCVN 9344:2012 Reinforced concrete structures. Strength evaluation of fl exural members in situ by static load test 20
9473. TCVN 9345:2012 Conc rete and reinforced conc ret e s truct ures. Guide on technic al measures for prevention of cracks occ urred under t he 22
act ion of hot humid c limat e.
9474. TCVN 9346:2012 Conc rete and reinforced conc ret e s truct ures. Requirement s of prot ect ion f rom corrosion in m arine environment 14
9475. TCVN 9347:2012 Reinforced c oncrete and prefabric ated c onc ret e building produc ts .L oadings test method for as sess ment of st rengt h, rigidit y 37
and crack resist ance
9476. TCVN 9348:2012 Reinforced concrete. Determining corrosion activity of reinforcing steel. Potential method 12
9477. TCVN 9349:2012 Coatings for construction structures. Pull-off test method for determination of adhesive strength 9
9483. TCVN 9356:2012 Reinforced c oncrete st ruc tures . Elec trom agn et ic met hod f or determining t hickness of c oncret e-c over and locat ion and 18
diam et er of s teel bar in the c oncret e
9484. TCVN 9357:2012 Normal concrete. Nondestructive methods. Assessment of concrete quality using ultrasonic pulse velocity 34
9509. TCVN 9382:2012 Guide for selecting proportions for concrete made with manufactured sand 29
9612. TCVN 9488:2012 Rapid hardening hydraulic cement 12
9614. TCVN 9490:2012 Standard Test Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete 22
9615. TCVN 9491:2012 Standard Test Met hod for Tensile Strengt h of Conc rete Surfaces and t he Bond Strength or Tens ile Strength of C onc ret e 12
Repair and Overlay M aterials by Direct Tens ion ( Pull-off M ethod)

230. LVN 60:2000 Standard weighing machines. Methods and means of verifi cation 12
231. LVN 61:2000 Gauge blocks. Methods and means of calibration 13
232. LVN 62:2000 Hardness reference blocks. Methods and means of calibration 17
233. LVN 63:2000 Hardness testing machines. Methods and means of calibration 13
234. LVN 64:2000 Deadweight pressure gauges. Methods and means of calibration 25
254. LVN 92:2001 Wind velocity measuring instruments. Methods and means of verifi cation 15
270. QCVN 01:2011/ BYT National technical regulation on Hygienic conditions for Latrines 4
1252. TCVN 10305:2015 Inland waterway ports - Technical classifi cation 5
267. QCVN 01:2009/ BYT National technical regulation on drinking water quality 9
268. QCVN 01:2011/ BCA Nat ional tec hnical regulation on St ate res erve of materials and t echnicians inventory by the minist ry of public sec urity 12
2260. TCVN 11221:2015 Steel tubes for water and sewage 24
2384. TCVN 1321-72 Pipeline fit tings. M alleable c ast iron c onnect ors w it h taper thread used f or pipelines. Shouldered female fitt ing s 1
2809. TCVN 2230:2007 Test sieves. Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet. Nominal sizes of openings 8
2810. TCVN 2231-1989 Lime for construction 12
3557. TCVN 4055:2012 Organization of construction activities 25
3559. TCVN 4057-85 System of quality characteristics of construction products. Basic principles 7
4011. TCVN 4827-89 Test sieves and test sieving. Vocabulary 6
4012. TCVN 4828-1:2009 Test sieving. Part 1: methods using test sieves of woven wire cloth and perforated metal plate 25
4446. TCVN 5407-1991 Corrosion protection. Temporary metal protection facilities. Classifi cation and coding 7
1834. TCVN 10800:2015 Precast thin wall reinforced concrete. Slow fi ltering tank and storing tank of domestic water 18
5651. TCVN 6528:1999 Road vehicles. Dimensions of motor vehicles and towed vehicles. Terms and defi nitions 20
5652. TCVN 6529:1999 Road vehicles. Masses. Vocabulary and codes 10
6756. TCVN 7378:2004 Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Limits of vibration levels and method for evaluation 13
6932. TCVN 7475:2005 Road vehicles. 50 semi-trailer fi fth wheel coupling pin. Basic and mounting/ interchangeability dimensions 7
6933. TCVN 7476:2005 Road vehicles. 90 semi-trailer fi fth wheel kingpin. Interchangeability 8
6934. TCVN 7477:2010 Road vehicles. Fifth wheels. Interchangeability 12
6935. TCVN 7478:2005 Road vehicles. Procedure for H- and R-point determination 14
6936. TCVN 7479:2005 Road vehicles. C onnec tors for the elect rical connec tion of towing and towed vehicles. 7-pole connect or t ype 12 N ( normal) 12
for vehicles wit h 12 V nominal su pply volt age
6937. TCVN 7480:2005 Road vehicles. C onnec tors for the elect rical connec tion of towing and towed vehicles. 7-pole connect or t ype 24N ( normal) 12
for vehicles wit h 24 V nominal su pply volt age
7103. TCVN 7575-1:2007 3D construction panels. Part 1: Specifi cations 10
7104. TCVN 7575-2:2007 3D construction panels. Part 2: Test method 32
7105. TCVN 7575-3:2007 3D construction panels. Part 3: Guide for installation 20
2834. TCVN 2276-91 The reinforced concrete hollow slab for fl oors and roofs of buildings 15
7422. TCVN 7743:2007 Ceramic sanitary wares. Terminology, defi nition and classifi cation 18
7786. TCVN 7951:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Specifi cations 10
7787. TCVN 7952-1:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 1: Determination of viscosity 7
7788. TCVN 7952-10:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding syst ems for concrete. Test m et hods. Part 10: Det ermination of tens ile st rength and elongation at 7
7789. TCVN 7952-11:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 11: Determination of contact strength 6
7790. TCVN 7952-2:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of consistency 7
7791. TCVN 7952-3:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 3: Determination of gel time 6
7792. TCVN 7952-4:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 4: Determination of bond strength 9
7793. TCVN 7952-5:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 5: Determination of water absorption 6
7794. TCVN 7952-6:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding syst ems for concrete. Test m et hods. Part 6: Det ermination of heat deflect ion t emperat ure under 8
flexural load
7795. TCVN 7952-7:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 7: Determination of thermal compatibility 7
7796. TCVN 7952-8:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of linear shrinkage 7
7797. TCVN 7952-9:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Test methods. Part 9: Determination of compressive yield strength and modulus 7

7798. TCVN 7953:2008 Epoxy resin base bonding systems for concrete. Code of practice and aceptance 16
8020. TCVN 8094-1:2009 Arc welding equipment. Part 1: Welding power sources 111
8021. TCVN 8094-10:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements 39
8022. TCVN 8094-11:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 11: Electrode holders 17
8023. TCVN 8094-12:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables 16
8024. TCVN 8094-13:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 13: Welding clamp 14
8025. TCVN 8094-2:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 2: Liquid cooling systems 22
8026. TCVN 8094-3:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 3: Arc striking and stabilizing devices 22
8027. TCVN 8094-4:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 4: Periodic inspection and testing 21
8028. TCVN 8094-5:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 5: Wire feeders 24
8029. TCVN 8094-6:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 6: Limited duty equipment 41
8030. TCVN 8094-7:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 7: Torches 35
8031. TCVN 8094-8:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 8: Gas consoles for welding and plasma cutting systems 20
8032. TCVN 8094-9:2015 Arc welding equipment - Part 9: Installation and use 31
8196. TCVN 8216:2009 Design standard for compacted earth dam 50
8197. TCVN 8217:2009 Soil classifi cation for hydraulic engineering 21
8208. TCVN 8227:2009 Harmful termite for dikes and dams. Indentificat ion, det ermination for bio-ec ological charact erist ic s and asses sment of 49
termit e's damage
8323. TCVN 8297:2009 Hydraulics structures. Earth dam. Technical requirements for constrution by compaction method 41
8324. TCVN 8298:2009 Hydraulic s st ruc tures. Tec hnical requirement s for manufact uring and installing m ec hanical equipment , steel st ruc tures 71

8325. TCVN 8299:2009 Hydraulics structures. Technical requirements for steel gate and groove design 47
8326. TCVN 8-30:2003 Technical drawing. General principles of presentation. Part 30: Basic conventions for views 15
8327. TCVN 8300:2009 Hydraulic s st ruc tures. Hydraulic operating c ylinder. Tec hnical requirement s on designing, erection, acc eptanc e, t ras fer 29

8328. TCVN 8301:2009 Hydraulic s st ruc tures. Tec hnical requirement s for operating sc rew mec hanis m designing , m anuf acturing, acc ep tance, 45
8533. TCVN 8480:2010 Dike and dam. Demand for element and volume of the termite survey and control 22
8534. TCVN 8481:2010 Dyke work. Demand for element and volume of topographic survey 31
8554. TCVN 8498:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of nickel content. Dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometric method 14
8555. TCVN 8499:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of nickel content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 15
8556. TCVN 8-50:2005 Technical drawings. General principles of presentation. Part 50: Basic conventions for representing areas on cuts and sections 10

8557. TCVN 8500:2010 Steel. Determination of boron content. Curcumin spectrophotometric method 21
8558. TCVN 8501:2010 Steel. Determination of boron content. Curcumin spectrophotometric method after distillation 15
8559. TCVN 8502:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of cobalt content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 22
8560. TCVN 8503:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of molybdenum content. Thiocyanate spectrophotometric method 15
8561. TCVN 8504:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of manganese content. Spectrophotometric method 11
8562. TCVN 8505:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of manganese content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 20
8563. TCVN 8506:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of titanium content. Diantipyrylmethane spectrometric method 16
8564. TCVN 8507-3:2010 Steel. Determinat ion of M o, Nb and W c ontents in alloyed s teel. Induc tively c oupled plasma atomic emiss ion s pect rometric 18
method. Part 3: Det ermination of W c on tent
8565. TCVN 8508:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of vanadium content. N-BPHA spectrophotometric method 14
8566. TCVN 8509:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of vanadium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 19
8567. TCVN 8510:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of arsenic content. Spectrophotometric method 17
8568. TCVN 8511:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of aluminium content . Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 20
8569. TCVN 8512:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of chromium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 19
8570. TCVN 8513:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of copper content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 15
8571. TCVN 8514:2010 Steel and cast iron. Determination of copper content. 2,2'-Diquinolyl spectrophotometric method 13
8572. TCVN 8515:2010 Steel and iron. Det ermination of non-c om bined c arbon c ont ent. Infrared absorption method after combus tion in an 21
induct ion furnace
8573. TCVN 8516-1:2010 Steel and cast iron. Det ermination of t ot al s ilicon c ontent. Reduc ed molybdosilicate s pec trophotometric met hod. Part 1: 15
Silic on c ontent s between 0,05 and 1,0 %
8574. TCVN 8516-2:2010 Steel and iron. Det ermination of tot al s ilicon c ont ent. Reduc ed molybdosilicate sp ec trophot ometric met hod. Part 2: Silicon 14
cont ents bet ween 0,01 and 0,05 %
8575. TCVN 8517:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of phosphorus content. Phosphovanadomolybdate spectrophotometric method 15
8576. TCVN 8518:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of sulfur content. Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace 17

8577. TCVN 8519:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of sulfur content. Methylene blue spectrophotometric method 17
8578. TCVN 8520:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of high sulfur content. Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace 16

8579. TCVN 8521:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of total carbon content. Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace 18

9264. TCVN 9139:2012 Hydraulic structures. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures in coasteal areas. Technical specifi cations 22
9265. TCVN 9140:2012 Hydraulic structure. Technical requirements for preserving samples in the work on geological investigation. 22
9277. TCVN 9152:2012 Hydraulic structures. Designing process for retaining walls 116
9278. TCVN 9153:2012 Hydraulic structures. Method for correction of soil test results 33
9279. TCVN 9154:2012 Hydraulic structure. Calculation process of hydraulic tunnel 55
9280. TCVN 9155:2012 Hydraulic structures. Technical requirements for drilling machines of geological survey 78
9281. TCVN 9156:2012 Hydraulic structures. Method for engineering geological mapping for large scale 62
9282. TCVN 9157:2012 Hydraulic structures. Pressure relief well. Requirements of installation and test for acceptance 26
9283. TCVN 9158:2012 Hydraulic structure. Discharge structures. Calculation method for cavitation 70
9287. TCVN 9162:2012 Hydraulic structures. Construction roads. Technical requirements for design 31
9485. TCVN 9358:2012 Installation of Equipment Earthing System for Industrial Projects. General Requirements 53
9486. TCVN 9359:2012 Anti-condensation fl oor. Design and construction. 22
9510. TCVN 9383:2012 Fire resistance test. Fire door and shutter assemblies 81
9613. TCVN 9489:2012 Standard Test Met hod for M eas uring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plat es U sing the Impact -Echo M ethod 27


266. QCVN 01:2008/ BXD Vietnam Building Code. Regional and Urban Planning and Rural Residential Planning 84
524. QCVN 07:2010/ BXD Vietnam Building Code Urban Engineering Infrastructures 98
639. QCVN 18:2008/ BTNMT National technical regulation on fl ood forecast 5
900. QCXDVN 05:2008/ BXD Vietnam Building Code. Dwellings and Public Buildings. Occupational Health and Safety 26
901. QCXDVN set 01 Building Code of Vietnam Volume I 306
902. QCXDVN set 02 Building Code of Vietnam Volume II 385
903. QCXDVN set 03 Building Code of Vietnam Volume III 239
3884. TCVN 4601:2012 Offi ce buildings - Design requirements 33
3887. TCVN 4604:2012 Industrial enterprises - Production building - Design standard 30
4584. TCVN 5570:2012 System of building design documents - Symbols for gridlines and line on drawing 10
4585. TCVN 5571:2012 System of design documents for construction - Construction drawings - Title blocks 8
4586. TCVN 5572:2012 System of building design documents - Concrete and reinforced concrete structures - Construction drawings 20
4936. TCVN 5895:2012 Technical drawings - Construction drawings - Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids 9
4937. TCVN 5896:2012 Construction drawings - Spaces for drawing and for text, and title blocks on drawing sheets 9
5059. TCVN 6064:1995 Information technology. Vietnamese keyboard layouts for offi ce systems 11
5069. TCVN 6077:2012 Building and civil engineering drawings - Simplifi ed representation of technical equipments 13
5070. TCVN 6078:2012 Technical drawings - Construction drawings - Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures 14
5071. TCVN 6079:1995 Architectural and building drawings - Presentation of drawings - Scales 4
5072. TCVN 6080:2012 Building drawings - Projection methods 6
5073. TCVN 6081:1995 Building and civil engineering drawings. Representation of areas on sections and views. General principles 6
5074. TCVN 6082:1995 Architectural and building drawings. Vocabulary 6
5075. TCVN 6083:2012 Tec hnical drawings - Const ruc tion drawings - Gen eral principles of pres entation for general arrangement and as sembly 10
5076. TCVN 6084:2012 Construction drawings - Simplifi ed representation of concrete reinforcement 28
5077. TCVN 6085:2012 Tec hnical drawings. C onstruct ion drawings. General rules f or exec ution of produc tion drawings f or prefabricated s truct ural 8
component s
3560. TCVN 4058-85 System of quality charact erist ic of building produc ts - Conc rete and reinforced conc ret e - Nomenc lat ure of c haract erist ics 10

6905. TCVN 7451:2004 Window s and doors made from unplas ticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC -U ) extruded hollow profiles. Specific at ions 19
6906. TCVN 7452-1:2004 Windows and doors. Test methods. Part 1: Determination of air permeability 12
6907. TCVN 7452-2:2004 Windows and doors. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of watertighness 9
6908. TCVN 7452-3:2004 Windows and doors. Test methods. Part 3: Determination of wind resistance 5
6909. TCVN 7452-4:2004 Windows and doors. Test methods. Part 4: Determination of strength of welded corners for U-PVC profi les 4
6910. TCVN 7452-5:2004 Windows and doors. Doorsets. Part 5: Determination of closing force 3
6911. TCVN 7452-6:2004 Windows and doors. Doorsets. Part 6: Repeated opening and closing test 3
7803. TCVN 7958:2008 Proctection of buildings. Prevention and protection from termites for buildings under construction 22
9387. TCVN 9254-1:2012 Building and civil engineering - Vocabulary - Part 1: General terms 143
9392. TCVN 9259-1:2012 Tolerances for building - Part 1: Basic principles for evaluation and specifi cation 8
9393. TCVN 9259-8:2012 Tolerances for building - Part 8: Dimensional inspection and control of construction work 9
9394. TCVN 9260:2012 Construction drawings -- Indication of limit deviations 7
9395. TCVN 9261:2012 Building construction - Tolerances - Expression of dimensional accuracy - Principles and terminology 16
9396. TCVN 9262-1:2012 Toleranc es for building - M ethods of measu rement of buildings and building produc ts - Part 1: M ethods and inst rument s 75

9397. TCVN 9262-2:2012 Toleranc es for building - M ethods of measu rement of buildings and building produc ts - Part 2: Position of measuring points 21

9490. TCVN 9363:2012 Building surveys. Geotechnical Investigation for High Rise Building 23
9491. TCVN 9364:2012 High rise buildings. Technical guide for survey work during construction 42
9511. TCVN 9384:2012 Waterstops for joint in construction works. Specifi cations for use 29
9513. TCVN 9386:2012 Design of struc tures for earthquake res istanc es . Part 1: General rules , seis mic act ions and rules for buildings. Part 2: 288
Foundations, retaining s truct ures and geotec hnic al as pect s.
9523. TCVN 9398:2012 Surveying in construction. General requirements. 33
9524. TCVN 9399:2012 Buildings and civil structures. Measuring horizontal displacement by surveying method 45
9525. TCVN 9400:2012 Buildings and tower structures. Tilt monitoring by surveying method. 44
9528. TCVN 9403:2012 Stabilization of soft soil. The soil cement column method 42
9611. TCVN 9487:2012 Instruction for soil investiagtion and mapping at medium and large scales 51


1251. TCVN 10304:2014 Pile Foundation - Design Standard 86
1263. TCVN 10317:2014 Steel pipe piles and steel pipe sheet piles for bridge. Specifi cation for construction and acceptance 123
1264. TCVN 10318:2014 Steel pipe piles and steel pipe sheet piles for port harbour. Specifi cation for construction and acceptance 49
2352. TCVN 11321:2016 Piles. High-strain dynamic testing 19
7663. TCVN 7888:2014 Pretensioned spun concrete piles 39
7664. TCVN 7889:2008 Pretensioned spun concrete piles 13
9378. TCVN 9245:2012 Steel pipe piles 36
9379. TCVN 9246:2012 Steel pipe sheet piles 35
9487. TCVN 9360:2012 Technical process of settlement monitoring of civil and industrial building by geometrical levelling 61
9488. TCVN 9361:2012 Foundation works. Check and acceptance. 68
9489. TCVN 9362:2012 Specifi cations for design of foundation for buildings and structures 91
9519. TCVN 9393:2012 Piles. Standard test method in situ for piles under axial compressive load 26
9520. TCVN 9395:2012 Bored pile. Construction, check and acceptance 22
9521. TCVN 9396:2012 Bored pile. Determination of homogeneity of concrete. Sonic pulse method 17
9522. TCVN 9397:2012 Piles. Method of detection of defects by dynamic low-strain testing 20
9857. TCVN 9685:2013 Hot rolled steel sheet piles 12
9858. TCVN 9686:2013 Weldable hot rolled steel sheet piles 21
9593. TCVN 9466:2012 Standard Guide for Sampling Waste Piles 26

527. QCVN 07:2011/ BKHCN National technical regulation on steel for the reinforcement of concrete 12
2492. TCVN 1651-1:2008 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Part 1: Plain bars 14
2493. TCVN 1651-2:2008 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Part 2: Ribbed bars 27
2494. TCVN 1651-3:2008 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Part 3: Welded fabric 15
7764. TCVN 7934:2009 Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete 39
7765. TCVN 7935:2009 Epoxy-coated strand for the prestressing of concrete 23
7766. TCVN 7936:2009 Epoxy powder and sealing material for the coating of steel for the reinforcement of concrete 16
7770. TCVN 7938:2009 Certifi cation scheme for steel bars and wires for the reinforcement of concrete structures 13
8126. TCVN 8163:2009 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Threaded coupler splice #
9516. TCVN 9390:2012 Steel for t he reinforc ement of c oncret e. Pressed sleeve splic ing. Des ign, c onstruc tion and ac cept anc e requirement s 26

9517. TCVN 9391:2012 Welded steel mesh for the reinforcement of concrete. Standard for design, placing and acceptance 36

4589. TCVN 5575:2012 Steel structures. Design standard 133
1295. TCVN 10349:2014 Structural steels - Surface condition of hot-rolled sections - Delivery requirements 14
1296. TCVN 10350:2014 Hot-rolled carbon steel strip of commercial and drawing qualities 16
1297. TCVN 10351:2014 Hot-rolled steel plates - Tolerances on dimensions and shape 19
1298. TCVN 10352:2014 Steel - Surface fi nish of hot-rolled plates and wide fl ats - Delivery requirements 15
1299. TCVN 10353:2014 Continuously hot-dipped coated steel sheet products - Dimensional and shape tolerances 10
1300. TCVN 10354:2014 Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of structural quality and heavy thickness 14
1301. TCVN 10355:2014 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities 21
1302. TCVN 10356:2014 Stainless steels - Chemical composition 57
1303. TCVN 10357-1:2014 Continuously hot-rolled st ainless steel - Tolerances on dimens ions and form - Part 1: Narrow st rip and cut lengths 13
1304. TCVN 10357-2:2014 Continuously hot-rolled st ainless steel - Tolerances on dimens ions and form - Part 2: Wide s trip and s heet / plat e 14
1305. TCVN 10358:2014 Hot-rolled stainless steel plates - Tolerances on dimensions and shape 13
2270. TCVN 11229-1:2015 High yield strength fl at steel products -- Part 1: General requirements 11
2271. TCVN 11229-2:2015 High yield s trengt h flat st eel product s -- Part 2: Product s supplied in the normalized or c ontrolled rolled c ondit ion 9
2272. TCVN 11229-3:2015 High yield s trengt h flat st eel product s -- Part 3: Product s supplied in the heat-t reated ( quenched + t empered) condition 8

2273. TCVN 11230:2015 Hot-rolled carbon steel sheet as defi ned by chemical composition 11
2274. TCVN 11231:2015 Hot-rolled and cold-reduced electrolytic zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities 21
2275. TCVN 11232:2015 Hot-rolled steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved formability 13
2276. TCVN 11233-1:2015 High yield s trengt h st eel plates and w ide flats for c old f orming -- Part 1: Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-rolled 16
st eels
2277. TCVN 11233-2:2015 High yield s trengt h st eel plates and w ide flats for c old f orming -- Part 2: Delivery condition for normaliz ed, normaliz ed rolled 16
and as-rolled steels
2278. TCVN 11234-1:2015 High yield strength steel bars and sections -- Part 1: General delivery requirements 14
2279. TCVN 11234-2:2015 High yield s trengt h st eel bars and sec tions -- Part 2: Delivery condit ions f or normalized, normalized rolled and as -rolled 8
st eels
2280. TCVN 11234-3:2015 High yield strength steel bars and sections -- Part 3: Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-rolled steels 8
2291. TCVN 11243:2016 Prestressed steel bars. Test method for pull of synchronic system 9
2285. TCVN 11236:2015 Steel and steel products -- Inspection documents 9
2586. TCVN 1812:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of chrome content. Methods of chemical analysis 10
2587. TCVN 1813:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of nickel content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2588. TCVN 1814:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of silicon content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2589. TCVN 1815:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of phosphorus content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2590. TCVN 1816:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of cobalt content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2591. TCVN 1817:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of molipdenum content. Methods of chemical analysis 10
2592. TCVN 1818:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of copper content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2593. TCVN 1819:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of maganese content. Methods of chemical analysis 10
2594. TCVN 1820:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of sulphur content. Methods of chemical analysis 9
2595. TCVN 1821:2009 Steel and iron. Determination of total cacbon content. Methods of chemical analysis 12
2596. TCVN 1824:1993 Metallic wire. Tensile test method 8
2597. TCVN 1825:2008 Metallic materials. Wire. Wrapping test 6
2598. TCVN 1826:2006 Metallic materials. Wire. Reverse bend test 9
2599. TCVN 1827:2006 Metallic materials. Wire. Simple torsion test 11
2600. TCVN 1829:2008 Metallic materials.Tube. Flanging test 7
2601. TCVN 1830:2008 Metallic materials. Tube. Flattening test 7
2602. TCVN 1832:2008 Metallic materials. Tube. Hydrolic pressure test 7
2610. TCVN 1846-1976 Steel wire. Classifi cation 8
2611. TCVN 1847-1976 Cold-drawn round steel wires. Dimensions 8
2612. TCVN 1848-1976 Wire from carbon constructional steel 7
2613. TCVN 1849-1976 Wire of low carbon quality 9
2730. TCVN 2057-1977 Plates and wide fl ats of genaral structural hot - rolled - Technical requirements 8
2731. TCVN 2059-1977 Wide fl at steel hot rolled - Measurements 8
3138. TCVN 3104:1979 Low alloyed structural steel. Marks and general technical requiremenis 12
3144. TCVN 311:2010 Steel and iron. Determination of total aluminium content. Methods of chemical analysis 14
3561. TCVN 4059-85 System of quality characteristics of building products - Steel structures - nomenclature of characteristics 6
4447. TCVN 5408:2007 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles. Specifi cations and test methods 23
5325. TCVN 6283-1:1997 Hot-rolled steel bars. Part 1: Dimensions of round bars 6
5326. TCVN 6283-2:1997 Hot-rolled steel bars. Dimensions of square bars 6
5327. TCVN 6283-3:1997 Hot-rolled steel bars. Part 3: Dimensions of fl at bars 6
5328. TCVN 6283-4:1999 Hot-rolled steel bars. Part 4. Tolerance 10
5329. TCVN 6284-1:1997 Steel for the prestressing of concrete. Part 1: General requirements 11
5330. TCVN 6284-2:1997 Steel for the prestressing of concrete. Part 2: Cold-drawn wire 12
5331. TCVN 6284-3:1997 Steel for the prestressing of concrete. Part 3: Quenched and tempered wire 11
5332. TCVN 6284-4:1997 Steel for the prestressing of concrete. Part 4: Strand 9
5333. TCVN 6284-5:1997 Steel for the prostrating of concrete. Part 5: Hot-rolled steel bars with or without subsequent processing 8
5334. TCVN 6287:1997 Steel bars for reinforcement of concrete. Bend and rebend tests 8
5650. TCVN 6527:1999 Hot-rolled structural steel wide fl ats. Tolerances on dimensions and shape 11
5645. TCVN 6522:2008 Hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality 21
5646. TCVN 6523:2006 Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural quality 17
5647. TCVN 6524:2006 Cold-reduced steel sheet of structural quality 16
5648. TCVN 6525:2008 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality 19
7075. TCVN 7571-1:2006 Hot-rolled steel sections. Part 1: Equal-leg angles. Dimensions 8
7076. TCVN 7571-11:2006 Hot -rolled steel sec tions. Part 11: S loping flange channel sect ions (Met ric series) . Dimens ions and s ect ional propert ies 6

7077. TCVN 7571-15:2006 Hot -rolled steel sec tions. Part 15: S loping flange beam s ect ions ( Met ric s eries) . Dimens ions and s ec tional propert ies 6

7078. TCVN 7571-16:2006 Hot -rolled steel sec tions. Part 16: S loping flange column sect ions (met ric s eries) . Dimens ions and s ec tional propert ies 6

7079. TCVN 7571-2:2006 Hot-rolled steel sections. Part 2: Unequal-leg angles. Dimensions 9
7080. TCVN 7571-5:2006 Hot -rolled steel sec tions. Part 5: Equal-leg angles and unequal-leg angles. Tolerances for metric and inch s eries 8
7101. TCVN 7573:2006 Continuously hot-rolled steel sheet products. Dimensional and shape tolerances 9
7102. TCVN 7574:2006 Continuously cold-rolled steel sheet products. Dimensional and shape tolerances 9
7767. TCVN 7937-1:2013 Steel for t he reinforc ement and pres tres sing of conc rete. Test methods. Part 1: Reinf orcing bars, wire rod and wire 26

7768. TCVN 7937-2:2013 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Test methods. Part 2: Welded fabric 22
7769. TCVN 7937-3:2013 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Test methods. Part 3: Prestressing steel 34
7965. TCVN 8052-1:2009 Bitumen corrugated sheets. Part 1: Specifi cations 8
7966. TCVN 8052-2:2009 Bitumen corrugated sheets. Part 2: Methods of test 33
7967. TCVN 8053:2009 Corrugated sheets for pitched roofs. Design standard and guide for installation 18
10156. TCVN 9985-1:2013 Steel fl at products for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 1: General requirements 22
10157. TCVN 9985-2:2013 Steel flat produc ts f or pres sure purposes. Technic al delivery conditions. Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy st eels w it h specified 38
elevated t emperat ure properties
10158. TCVN 9985-3:2014 Steel flat produc ts f or pres sure purposes - Tec hnic al delivery conditions - Part 3: Weldable fine grain st eels , normaliz ed 24

10159. TCVN 9985-4:2014 Steel flat produc ts f or pres sure purposes - Tec hnic al delivery conditions - Part 4: Nic kel-alloy st eels with spec ified low 18
temperature propert ies
10160. TCVN 9985-5:2014 Steel flat produc ts f or pres sure purposes - Tec hnic al delivery conditions - Part 5: Weldable fine grain st eels , 20
thermomechanically rolled
10161. TCVN 9985-6:2014 Steel flat produc ts f or pres sure purposes - Tec hnic al delivery conditions - Part 6: Weldable fine grain st eels , qu enc hed and 19
10162. TCVN 9985-7:2014 Steel fl at products for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 7: Stainless steels 57
10163. TCVN 9986-1:2013 Structural steels. Part 1: General technical delivery conditions for hot-rolled products 18
10164. TCVN 9986-2:2013 Structural steels. Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels for general purposes 20
10165. TCVN 9986-3:2014 Structural steels - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for fi ne-grain structural steels 23
10166. TCVN 9986-4:2014 Struct ural st eels - Part 4: Technic al delivery conditions for high- yield-st rength q uenc hed and tempered s truct ural st eel 20
plat es


1902. TCVN 10864:2015 Fasteners -- Bolts, screws and studs -- Nominal lengths and thread lengths 11
1903. TCVN 10865-1:2015 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners -- Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs 34
1904. TCVN 10865-2:2015 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners -- Part 2: Nuts 27
1905. TCVN 10865-3:2015 Mec han ic al propert ies of c orrosion- resist ant st ainless steel fast eners - - Part 3: Set sc rews and similar fas teners not under 22
tensile st ress
1906. TCVN 10865-4:2015 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners -- Part 4: Tapping screws 22
1907. TCVN 10866:2015 Hexagon head bolts -- Product grades A and B 20
1908. TCVN 10867:2015 Hexagon head bolt s -- Produc t grade B -- R educ ed shank (shank diameter approximately equal t o pit ch diameter) 10

1909. TCVN 10868:2015 Hexagon head bolts -- Product grade C 15

1910. TCVN 10869:2015 Hexagon head screws -- Product grades A and B 16
1911. TCVN 1087:1990 Combined shearing presses. Types, basic parameters and dimensions 8
1912. TCVN 10870:2015 Hexagon head screws -- Product grade C 15
2383. TCVN 130-1977 Lock washers - Dimension and technical requirements 9
2385. TCVN 132-1977 Enlarged washers - Dimensions 8
2386. TCVN 134-1977 Washers - Technical requirements 9
2637. TCVN 1876-76 Hexagon head bolts (rough). Structure and dimensions 3
2638. TCVN 1877:1976 Hexagon reduced head bolts (rough precision) - Dimensions 9
2639. TCVN 1889:1976 Hexagon bolts (Standard precision) - Dimensions 11
2640. TCVN 1890:1976 Small hexagon head bolts (semifi nished). Structure and dimensions 10
2641. TCVN 1892:1976 Hexagon bolts (high precision) - Dimensions 13
2642. TCVN 1893:1976 Hexagon botls with reduced head (high precision) - Dimensions 10
2643. TCVN 1895:1976 High precision bolts with hexagon reduced head - Dimensions 11
2644. TCVN 1896:1976 Hexagon rough nuts. Structure and dimensions 6
2645. TCVN 1897:1976 Hexagon nuts (semifi nished). Structure and dimensions 7
2646. TCVN 1898:1976 Hexagon nuts with reduced width across fl ats (Standard precision) - Dimensions 7
2647. TCVN 1899:1976 Small hexagon thin nuts (semifi nished). Structure and dimensions 7
2648. TCVN 19:1985 System for design documentation. Rules for presenting spline joints on drawings 7
2649. TCVN 1900:1976 Hexagon domed nuts (Standard precision) - Dimensions 7
2650. TCVN 1902:1976 Hexagon lock nuts (Standard precision) - Dimensions 7
2651. TCVN 1903:1976 Hexagon slotted and castle nuts (Standard precision) - Dimensions 7
2652. TCVN 1904:1976 Hexagon lock slotted and castle nuts (Standard precision) - Dimensions 8
2653. TCVN 1905:1976 Hexagon nuts (high precision) - Dimensions 8
2654. TCVN 1906:1976 Hexagon nuts with reduced width across fl ats (high precision) - Dimensions 7
2655. TCVN 1907:1976 Hexagon lock nuts with reduced width across fl at (high precision) - Dimensions 7
2656. TCVN 1908:1976 Hexagon thick nuts (fi nished). Structure and dimensions 8
2657. TCVN 1910:1976 Hexagon thin nuts (fi nished). Structure and dimensions 8
2658. TCVN 1911:1976 Hexagon lock slotted and castle nuts (high precision) - Dimensions 8
2659. TCVN 1912:1976 Hexagon lock slotted and castle nuts (high precision) - Dimensions 8
2660. TCVN 1913:1976 Hexagon slotted nuts with reduced width across fl at (high precision) - Dimensions 7
2661. TCVN 1914:1976 Hexagon lock slotted with across fl at (high precision) - Dimensions 7
2662. TCVN 1915:1976 Blind nuts - Dimensions 7
2663. TCVN 1916:1995 Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Technical requirements 20
2664. TCVN 1917:1993 Metric threads. Fit with gap. Tolerances 34
2813. TCVN 2244:1999 ISO system of limits and lits. Bases of tolerances, deviations and fi ts 44
2814. TCVN 2245:1999 ISO system of limits and fi ts. Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts 46
2815. TCVN 2246-1:2008 SO general purpose screw threads. Basic profi le. Part 1: Metric screw threads 6
2816. TCVN 2246-2:2008 SO general purpose screw threads. Basic profi le. Part 2: Inch screw threads 7
2817. TCVN 2247:1977 Metric screw threads. Diameters and pitches 11
2818. TCVN 2248:1977 Metric screw threads. Basic dimensions 22
2819. TCVN 2249:1993 Metric screw threads. Transition fi ts 17
2820. TCVN 2250:1993 Metric screw threads. Interference fi ts 14
2821. TCVN 2251:1977 Metric screw threads used for manufacture of mechanical instruments. Diameter and pitches 13
2822. TCVN 2252:1977 Metric screw threads used for manufacture of mechanical instruments. Basic dimensions 22
2823. TCVN 2253:1977 Metric taper threads. Basic dimension and tolerances 11
2824. TCVN 2254:2008 ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads. Basic profi le and maximum material profi les 9
2825. TCVN 2255:2008 ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads. Tolerances 18
2826. TCVN 2256:1977 Round threads. Profi les. Basic dimensions and tolerances 12
2951. TCVN 2505:1978 Countersunk head screws. Dimensions 9
2952. TCVN 2506:1978 Raised countersunk head screws. Dimensions 9
2953. TCVN 2507:1978 Half round head screws - Dimensions 9
2954. TCVN 2508-78 Hexagon head screws. Dimensions 4
2955. TCVN 2509-78 Screws. Specifi cations 7
3292. TCVN 3608:1981 Studs with threaded end of 1d 11
3293. TCVN 3609:1981 Studs with thread end of 1d (higher accuracy) 9
3294. TCVN 3610:1981 Studs with thread end of 1,25d 11
3295. TCVN 3611:1981 Studs with thread end of 1,25d (higher accuracy) 9
3296. TCVN 3612:1981 Studs with threaded parts of 1,6d 11
3297. TCVN 3613:1981 Studs with threaded parts of 1,6d (fi nished) 9
3298. TCVN 3614:1981 Studs with threaded end of 2d 11
3299. TCVN 3615:1981 Studs with threaded end of 2d (higher accuracy) 9
3300. TCVN 3616:1981 Studs with threaded parts of 2,5d 11
3301. TCVN 3617:1981 Studs with threaded end of 2,5d (higher accuracy) 9
3501. TCVN 3944-84 Hot-rolled hexagonal steels - Dimensions 5
3937. TCVN 4683-1:2008 ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Tolerances. Part 1: Principles and basic data 22
3938. TCVN 4683-2:2008 ISO general purpose met ric screw threads . Toleranc es. Part 2: L imits of s iz es for g eneral pu rpose external and internal 10
sc rew th reads. Medium quality
3939. TCVN 4683-3:2008 ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Tolerances. Part 3: Deviations for constructional screw threads 20
3940. TCVN 4683-4:2008 ISO general purpose met ric screw threads . Toleranc es. Part 4: L imits of s iz es for h ot -dip galvanized ext ernal sc rew t hreads 8
to mate w it h in ternal sc rew t hreads t apped wit h toleranc e pos it ion H or G aft er galvanizing
3941. TCVN 4683-5:2008 ISO general purpose met ric screw threads . Toleranc es. Part 5: L imits of s iz es for int ernal screw thread s to mate w it h hot-dip 7
galvanized ext ernal sc rew t hreads with maximum size of t olerance position h before galvanizing
3995. TCVN 4795-1989 Bolts, screws, studs. Surface defects. Test methods 14
3996. TCVN 4796-1989 Nuts. Surface defects. Test methods 9
5418. TCVN 6360:1998 Fasteners. Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Symbols and designation of dimensions 18
5419. TCVN 6361:1998 Fastener. Fetter drive screws 14

2264. TCVN 11225:2015 Steel tubes -- Preparation of ends of tubes and fi ttings for welding 6
2265. TCVN 11226:2015 Steel tubes -- Continuous character marking and colour coding for material identifi cation 11
2261. TCVN 11222:2015 Plain end seamless precision steel tubes -- Technical conditions for delivery 16
2262. TCVN 11223:2015 Plain end welded precision steel tubes -- Technical conditions for delivery 16
2263. TCVN 11224:2015 Plain end as-welded and sized precision steel tubes -- Technical conditions for delivery 16
2728. TCVN 2055-1977 Seamless hot-rolled steel tubes - Sizes, measurements 11
2729. TCVN 2056-1977 Seamless cold-drawn and hot-rolled steel tubes - Sizes, measurements 10
7296. TCVN 7698-1:2007 Steel tubes and fit tings. Symbols for use in s pecificat ions . Part 1: Tubes and tubular ac ces sories wit h circ ular cross-s ect ion 5

7297. TCVN 7698-2:2007 Steel tubes and fi ttings. Symbols for use in specifi cations. part 2: square and rectangular hollow sections 5
7298. TCVN 7698-3:2007 Steel tubes and fi ttings - Symbols for use in specifi cations - Part 3: tubular fi ttings with circular cross-section 7
9192. TCVN 9070:2012 Corrugated pipe HDPE 18

2266. TCVN 11227-1:2015 Cold-formed welded s truct ural hollow sec tions of non-alloy and fine grain st eels -- Part 1 : Tec hnical delivery conditions 34

2267. TCVN 11227-2:2015 Cold-formed welded s truct ural hollow sec tions of non-alloy and fine grain st eels -- Part 2 : Dimens ions and s ec tional 30
2268. TCVN 11228-1:2015 Hot -finished st ruc tural hollow sect ion s of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part 1: Technical delivery c ondit ions 31
2269. TCVN 11228-2:2015 Hot -finished st ruc tural hollow sect ion s of non-alloy and fine grain steels - - Part 2: Dimensions and sec tional properties 30

2281. TCVN 11235-1:2015 Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire -- Part 1: General requirements 24
2282. TCVN 11235-2:2015 Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire -- Part 2: Specifi c requirements for general-purpose wire rod 11
2283. TCVN 11235-3:2015 Non- alloy steel wire rod for convers ion t o wire -- Part 3: Specific requirements f or rimm ed and rimmed subst itut e, low- 10
carbon steel wire rod
2284. TCVN 11235-4:2015 Non- alloy steel wire rod for convers ion t o wire -- Part 4: Specific requirements f or wire rod f or spec ial applic ations 12

2726. TCVN 2053:1993 Galvanized steel wire for general purpose 9

2292. TCVN 11244-1:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est --Part 38
1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nic kel and nic kel alloys
2293. TCVN 11244-10:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 13
10:Hyperbaric dry welding
2294. TCVN 11244-11:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 30
11:Electron and laser beam welding
2295. TCVN 11244-2:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 37
2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys
2296. TCVN 11244-3:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 25
3: Fusion welding of non-alloyed and low-alloyed c ast irons
2297. TCVN 11244-4:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 19
4: Finishing welding of aluminium cast ings
2298. TCVN 11244-5:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 30
5: Arc welding of titanium, zirc onium and their alloys
2299. TCVN 11244-6:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 31
6: Arc and gas welding of copper and it s alloys
2300. TCVN 11244-7:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 26
7: Overlay w elding
2301. TCVN 11244-8:2015 Specificat ion and qualific ation of welding procedures for met allic mat erials -- Welding procedure t est -- Part 26
8: Welding of t ubes to t ube-plat e joint s
2511. TCVN 1691-1975 Welded joints - Manuel are welding - Main types and contructive elements 60
5420. TCVN 6362:2010 Resistance welding. Resistance welding equipment. Mechanical and electrical requirements. 46
5421. TCVN 6363:2010 Gas welding equipment. Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes 23
5422. TCVN 6364:2010 Welding and allied processes. Welding positions. 22
6929. TCVN 7472:2005 Welding. Fus ion-w elded join ts in st eel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam weldin g excluded) . Quality levels for 30
imperfec tions
6930. TCVN 7473:2011 Welding coordination. Tasks and responsibilities 14
6931. TCVN 7474:2005 Arc- welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys. Guidance on quality levels for imperfections 20
6963. TCVN 7506-1:2011 Qualit y requirements f or fus ion welding of metallic materials. Part 1: Crit eria for the select ion of t he appropriate level of 12
qualit y requirements
6964. TCVN 7506-2:2011 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements 16
6965. TCVN 7506-3:2011 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 3: Standard quality requirements 14
6966. TCVN 7506-4:2011 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Part 4: Elementary quality requirements 7
6967. TCVN 7506-5:2011 Qualit y requirement s for fus ion welding of met allic m at erials - - Part 5: Doc uments with w hic h it is nec essary to c onform to 15
claim conf ormity t o the quality requirem ent s of TC VN 7506-2 ( ISO 3834-2) , TC VN 7506-3 (ISO 3834- 3) or TC VN 7506-4 (ISO
6968. TCVN 7507:2005 Non-destructive examination of welds. Visual examination 16
6969. TCVN 7508:2005 Non-destructive examination of welds. Radiographic examination of welded joints. Acceptance levels 9
8582. TCVN 8524:2010 Welding and allied processes. Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers 22
9046. TCVN 8920-1:2012 Welding. Ac cept anc e inspect ion of elect ron beam welding m ac hines. Part 1: Princ iples and ac ceptanc e conditions 13

9047. TCVN 8920-2:2012 Welding. Ac cept anc e inspect ion of elect ron beam welding m ac hines. Part 2: M eas urement of ac celerat ing voltage 7
characteristic s
9048. TCVN 8920-3:2012 Welding. Ac cept anc e inspect ion of elect ron beam welding m ac hines. Part 3: M eas urement of beam c urrent c haract erist ics 8

9049. TCVN 8920-4:2012 Welding. Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines. Part 4: Measurement of welding speed 8
9050. TCVN 8920-5:2012 Welding. Ac cept anc e inspect ion of elect ron beam welding m ac hines. Part 5: M eas urement of run- out acc urac y 12
9051. TCVN 8920-6:2012 Welding. Ac cept anc e inspect ion of elect ron beam welding m ac hines. Part 6: M eas urement of stabilit y of spot posit ion 11

9052. TCVN 8921:2012 Welded st eel t ubes for press ure purpos es. U lt rasonic test ing of t he area adjac ent to t he weld s eam for t he detect ion of 11
lam inar im perfec tions
9518. TCVN 9392:2012 Metal arc welding of steel for concrete reinforcement 35

2369. TCVN 11416:2016 Fluoro resin paint for steel structures 27
2734. TCVN 2090:2015 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes. Sampling 19
2735. TCVN 2091:2015 Paints, varnishes and printing inks -- Determination of fi neness of grind 10
2736. TCVN 2092:2013 Paints and varnishes. Determination of fl ow time by use of fl ow cups 22
2737. TCVN 2093:1993 Paints - Method for determination of solid content and binders content 7
2738. TCVN 2094:1993 Paints - Method of paint application 6
2739. TCVN 2095:1993 Paints. Method of paint application 9
2740. TCVN 2096-1:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 1: Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time 12
2741. TCVN 2096-2:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 2: Pressure test for stackability 10
2742. TCVN 2096-3:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 3: Surface-drying test using ballotini 8
2743. TCVN 2096-4:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 4: Test using a mechanical recorder 13
2744. TCVN 2096-5:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 5: Modifi ed Bandow-Wolff test 12
2745. TCVN 2096-6:2015 Paints and varnishes - Drying tests - Part 6: Print-free test 9
2746. TCVN 2097:2015 Paints and varnishes -- Cross-cut test 20
2747. TCVN 2098:2007 Paints and varnishes. Pendulum damping test 13
2748. TCVN 2099:2013 Paints and varnishes. Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) 13
2749. TCVN 2100-1:2013 Paints and varn is hes . Rapid-deformat ion ( im pac t resistanc e) t ests . Part 1: Falling-w eight test , large-area indenter 12

2750. TCVN 2100-2:2013 Paints and varn is hes . Rapid-deformat ion ( im pac t resistanc e) t ests . Part 2: Falling-w eight test , small- area indent er 11

2751. TCVN 2101:2008 Paints and varn is hes . Det erminat ion of spec ular gloss of non-met allic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees 16

2752. TCVN 2102:2008 Paints and varnishes. Visual comparison of the colour of paints 15
9529. TCVN 9404:2012 Paint for construction. Classifi cation 9
9530. TCVN 9405:2012 Wall paints. Emulsion paints. Method for determination of resistance to damp heat 9
9531. TCVN 9406:2012 Paint. Method for nondestructive determination of dry fi lm thickness 12
9930. TCVN 9760:2013 Paints and varnishes. Determination of fi lm thickness 53
9931. TCVN 9761:2013 Paints and varnishes. Natural weathering of coatings. Exposure and assessment 20
9932. TCVN 9762:2013 Paints and varnishes. Determination of the eff ect of heat 9

2405. TCVN 1450:2009 Hollow clay bricks 9
2406. TCVN 1451:1998 Solid clay bricks 6
5403. TCVN 6355-1:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 1: Determination of dimensions and visible defects. 2
5404. TCVN 6355-2:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of compressive strength 3
5405. TCVN 6355-3:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 3: Determination of bending strength. 3
5406. TCVN 6355-4:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 4: Determination of water absorption. 2
5407. TCVN 6355-5:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 5: Determination of bulk density. 2
5408. TCVN 6355-6:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 6: Determination of void volume. 2
5409. TCVN 6355-7:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 7: Determination of pitting due to lime. 2
5410. TCVN 6355-8:2009 Bricks. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of effl oressence. 2
5582. TCVN 6476:1999 Interlocking concrete bricks 9
5583. TCVN 6477:2016 Concrete bricks 15
7804. TCVN 7959:2011 Lightweight concrete. Autoclaved aerated concrete bricks (AAC) 14
9148. TCVN 9033:2011 Refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns. Dimensions 8

2407. TCVN 1452:2004 Clay roofi ng tiles. Specifi cations 17
2408. TCVN 1453-1986 Concrete tiles 10
3720. TCVN 4313:1995 Roof tiles - Method of test for physic mechanical properties 7
5060. TCVN 6065:1995 Cement fl oor tiles 10
5068. TCVN 6074:1995 Granito fl oor tiles 8
5480. TCVN 6415-1:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 1: Sampling and product acceptance 5
5481. TCVN 6415-10:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion 4
5482. TCVN 6415-11:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles 3
5483. TCVN 6415-12:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 12: Determination of frost resistance 3
5484. TCVN 6415-13:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 7: Determination of chemical resistance 7
5485. TCVN 6415-14:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains 7
5486. TCVN 6415-15:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 15: Determ inat ion of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles 4
5487. TCVN 6415-16:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 16: Determination of small colour diff erence 2
5488. TCVN 6415-17:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 17: Determination of coeffi cient of friction 13
5489. TCVN 6415-18:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 18: Determ inat ion of s crat ch hardness of s urfac e ac cording t o Mohs' sc ale 2

5490. TCVN 6415-2:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of dimensions and surface quality 12
5491. TCVN 6415-3:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 3: Determ inat ion of wat er absorption, apparent poros it y, apparent relative 5
density and bulk densit y
5492. TCVN 6415-4:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 4: Determ inat ion of modulus of rupture and breaking st rengt h 5
5493. TCVN 6415-5:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 5: Determ inat ion of impact resis tance by measurement of coeffic ient of 7
rest itut ion
5494. TCVN 6415-6:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 6: Determ inat ion of resistanc e to deep ab rasion for unglazed t iles 5

5495. TCVN 6415-7:2005 Ceram ic floor and wall t iles. Test methods. Part 7: Determ inat ion of resistanc e to surface abras ion f or glazed tiles 9

5496. TCVN 6415-8:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion 2
5497. TCVN 6415-9:2005 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Test methods. Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock 3
6439. TCVN 7132:2002 Ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Defi nitions, classifi cation, characteristics and marking 11
6516. TCVN 7195:2002 Glazed roofi ng tiles 10
6939. TCVN 7483:2005 Extruded ceramic fl oor and wall tiles. Specifi cations 10
7423. TCVN 7744:2013 Terrazzo tiles 23
7424. TCVN 7745:2007 Dry pressed ceramic tiles. Specifi cations 14
7674. TCVN 7899-1:2008 Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. Part 1: Terms, defi nitions and specifi cations for adhesives 14
7675. TCVN 7899-2:2008 Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. Part 2: Test methods for adhesives 43
7676. TCVN 7899-3:2008 Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. Part 3: Terms, defi nitions and specifi cations for grouts 14
7677. TCVN 7899-4:2008 Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. Part 4: Test methods for grouts 30
9261. TCVN 9133:2011 Glazed ceramic roof tiles 10

4587. TCVN 5573:2011 Masonry and reinforced masonry structures. Design standard 80
3157. TCVN 3121-1:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 1: Determination of maximum particle size of aggregate 4
3158. TCVN 3121-10:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 10: Determination of dry bulk density of hardened mortars 4
3159. TCVN 3121-11:2003 Mortar for masonry. Tes t met hods . Part 11: Determinat ion of flexural and compressive strength of hardened m ortars 7

3160. TCVN 3121-12:2003 Mortar for masonry. Tes t met hods . Part 12: Determinat ion of adhes ive st rength of hardened mort ars on s ubstrates 5

3161. TCVN 3121-17:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 17: Determination of water soluble content 6
3162. TCVN 3121-18:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 18: Determination of water absorption of hardened mortars 4
3163. TCVN 3121-2:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 2: Sampling and preparation of sample 5
3164. TCVN 3121-3:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 3: Determination of consistence fresh mortar (by fl ow table) 5
3165. TCVN 3121-6:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 6: Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar 4
3166. TCVN 3121-8:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of consistency retentivity 7
3167. TCVN 3121-9:2003 Mortar for masonry. Test methods. Part 6: Determination of bulk density of fresh mortar 4
3576. TCVN 4085:2011 Masonry structures. Code for construction and acceptance 24
3721. TCVN 4314:2003 Mortar for masonry. Specifi cations 8
3815. TCVN 4459-87 Guide on mixing and use of building mortar 29
8998. TCVN 8874:2012 Test Method for Determining Restrained Expansion of Expansive Cement Mortar 11
8999. TCVN 8875:2012 Test method for determining the setting time of hydraulic cement mortar by modifi ed Vicat needle 9
9000. TCVN 8876:2012 Test Method for determining the air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar 9

3548. TCVN 4038:2012 Drainage - Terminology and defi nitions 17
4590. TCVN 5576:1991 Water supply and drainage systems - Rules of technical management 96
7802. TCVN 7957:2008 Drainage and sewerage. External Networks and Facilities. Design Standard 127
9243. TCVN 9113:2012 Reinforced concrete pipes for water draining 22

3541. TCVN 4029-85 Cements - Methods of testing - General patterns 2
3542. TCVN 4030:2003 Cement. Test method for determination of fi neness 19
3543. TCVN 4031-85 Cements - Test methods of standard consistency, times of setting and soundness 9
3544. TCVN 4032-85 Cements. Determination of bending and compressive strengths 11
3545. TCVN 4033:1995 Pozzolanic portland cement. Technical requirements 7
3973. TCVN 4745:2005 Cements. List of properties. 9
4464. TCVN 5438:2004 Cements. Terminology and defi nitions 12
4465. TCVN 5439:2004 Cements. Classifi cation 7
3723. TCVN 4316:2007 Portland blast furnace slag cement 8
4679. TCVN 5691:2000 White portland cement 9
3722. TCVN 4315:2007 Granulated blast furnace slags for cement production 8
5061. TCVN 6067:2004 Sulphate resisting portland cement. Technical requirements 8
5062. TCVN 6068:2004 Sulphate resisting portland cements. Method of test for potential expansion of mortars exposed to sulphate 11
5063. TCVN 6069:2007 Low heat portland cement 7
5064. TCVN 6070:2005 Hydraulic cement. Test method for heat of hydration 14
5065. TCVN 6071:2013 Clay for portland cement clinker prodution 6
5066. TCVN 6072:2013 Limestone for portland cement clinker production 6
5232. TCVN 6227:1996 ISO standard sand for determination of cement strength 10
5297. TCVN 6260:2009 Portland blended cements. Technical requirements 8
6062. TCVN 6820:2015 Porland cement containing barium. Test methods for chemical analysis 23
7073. TCVN 7569:2007 Alumina cement 12
2393. TCVN 141:2008 Portland cement. Methods of chemical analysis 31
8988. TCVN 8863:2011 Specifi cation for construction and acceptance of the surface treatments using the asphalt cement 20
8997. TCVN 8873:2012 Expansive Hydraulic Cement. Technical requirements 9
9001. TCVN 8877:2011 Cement. Test method for autoclave expansion 9
9002. TCVN 8878:2011 Specifi cation for processing additions for use in the manufacture of hydraulic cements 14
9150. TCVN 9035:2011 Guide to the selection and use of cement in construction. 10
9327. TCVN 9202:2012 Masonry cement 14
9328. TCVN 9203:2012 Portland blended cement. Method for determination of mineral admixture 14

9482. TCVN 9355:2012 Ground improvement by Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) 29
3551. TCVN 4046-85 Soil - Method of sampling 7
3552. TCVN 4048:2011 Soil quality. Determination of humudity and absolute dryness coeffi cient 7
3553. TCVN 4049-85 Soil - Method for the determination of less on ignition 2
3554. TCVN 4050-85 Soil - Method for the determination of total organic matter 8
3555. TCVN 4053-85 Soil - Method for the determination of total potassium 3
5601. TCVN 6495-1:1999 Soil quality. Vocabulary. Part 1: Terms and defi nitions relating to the protection and pollution of the soil 13
5602. TCVN 6495-2:2001 Soil quality. Vocabulary. Part 2: Terms and defi nitions relating to sampling 27
5603. TCVN 6496:2009 Soil quality. Determination of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in aqua 27
5604. TCVN 6497-2:2009 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of t he eff ects of pollut ant s on soil flora. Part 2: Effec ts of chemicals on the emergence and 19
growt h of hig her plants
5605. TCVN 6498:1999 Soil quality. Determination of total nitrogen. Modifi erd Kejldahl method 7
5606. TCVN 6499:1999 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of phosphorus. Spect romet ric det ermination of phosphorus soluble in sodium hydrogen 10
carbonat e solution
5836. TCVN 6642:2000 Soil quality. Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis) 13
5837. TCVN 6643:2000 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of nitrate nitrogen, amm onium nitrogen and t otal soluble nit rogen in air-d ry soils using calcium 17
chloride solution as extractant
5838. TCVN 6644:2000 Soil quality. Determination of organic carbon by sulfochromic oxidation 9
5839. TCVN 6645:2000 Soil quality. Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion ("elemental analysis") 10
5840. TCVN 6646:2000 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of effec tive c ation exc hange c apacity and base satu ration level using barium c hloride solution 17

5841. TCVN 6647:2007 Soil quality. Pretreatment of samples for physico-chemical analysis 16
5842. TCVN 6648:2000 Soil quality. Determination of dry matter and water content on a mass basis. Gravimetric method 9
5843. TCVN 6649:2000 Soil quality. Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia 11
5844. TCVN 6650:2000 Soil quality. Determination of the specifi c electrical conductivity 10
5845. TCVN 6651:2000 Soil quality. Determination of the water-retention characteristic. Laboratory methods 28
5846. TCVN 6652:2000 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of polynuc lear aromatic hydrocarbons . Met hod us ing h igh - performance liquid c hromatography 23

5847. TCVN 6653:2000 Soil qualit y. Biological meth ods . Det ermination of nitrogen mineralizat ion and nitrification in soils and t he influenc e of 16
chemic als on t hese proc es ses
5848. TCVN 6654:2000 Soil quality. Determination of water content in the unsaturated zone. Neutron depth probe method 26
5849. TCVN 6655:2000 Soil quality. Determination of carbonate content. Volumetric method 14
5850. TCVN 6656:2000 Soil quality. Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate 29
6110. TCVN 6856-1:2001 Soil quality. Determination of soil microbial biomass. Part 1: Substrate-induced respiration method 9
6111. TCVN 6856-2:2001 Soil quality. Determination of soil microbial biomass. Part 2: Fumigation-extraction method 17
6112. TCVN 6857:2001 Soil quality. Simplifi ed soil description 38
6113. TCVN 6858:2001 Soil qualit y. Guidanc e on laborat ory tes ting for biodegradat ion of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic c ondit ions 13

6114. TCVN 6859-2:2001 Soil qualit y. Effect s of pollut ants on earthworms (Eisenia fet ida) . Part 2: Determinat ion of eff ec ts on reproduc tion 21

6115. TCVN 6859-3:2004 Soil qualit y. Effect s of pollut ants on earthworms. Part 3: Guidance on t he d et ermination of effec ts in field situations 12

6116. TCVN 6860:2001 Soil quality. Determination of dry bulk density 16

6117. TCVN 6861:2001 Soil quality. Determination of pore water pressure. Tensiometer method 31
6118. TCVN 6862:2012 Soil qualit y -- Determinat ion of partic le s iz e dis tribut ion in mineral soil material -- M ethod by sieving and 43
sedimentat ionM ethod by sieving and sedimentat ion
6119. TCVN 6863:2001 Soil quality. Determination of particle density 10
6120. TCVN 6864:2001 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of t he pot ential c ation exc hange c apacity and exc hangeable c at ions using barium c hloride 14
solution buffered at pH= 8,1
6121. TCVN 6865:2001 Soil qualit y. Laborat ory incubat ion syst ems for measuring t he mineraliz ation of organic chemic als in s oil under aerobic 22
6533. TCVN 7209:2002 Soil quality. Maximum allowable limits of heavy metals in the soil 5
6746. TCVN 7369:2004 Soils quality. Determinat ion of m ineral oil content . Met hod by infrared spec tromet ry and gas c hromatographic method 20

6747. TCVN 7370-1:2004 Soils quality. Dissolution for t he determinat ion of t otal element cont ent . Part 1: Diss olut ion wit h hydrofluoric and perc hloric 7
6748. TCVN 7370-2:2007 Soil quality. Dissolution for the determination of total element content. Part 2: Dissolution by alkaline fusion 8
6749. TCVN 7371:2004 Soil quality. Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion 8
6750. TCVN 7372:2007 Trade data interchange. Trade data elements directory 147
6751. TCVN 7373:2004 Soils quality. Index values of total nitrogen content in the soils of Vietnam 4
6752. TCVN 7374:2004 Soils quality. Index values of total phosphorus content in the soils of Vietnam 4
6753. TCVN 7375:2004 Soils quality. Index values of total potassium content in the soils of Vietnam 4
6754. TCVN 7376:2004 Soils quality. Index values of total organic carbon content in the soils of Vietnam 4
6755. TCVN 7377:2004 Soils quality. pH value index in the soils of Vietnam 4
7000. TCVN 7538-1:2006 Soil quality. Sampling. Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes 45
7001. TCVN 7538-2:2005 Soil quality. Sampling. Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques 30
7002. TCVN 7538-3:2005 Soil quality. Sampling. Part 3: Guidance on safety 27
7003. TCVN 7538-4:2007 Soil qualit y. Sampling. Part 4: Gu idanc e on t he procedure for investigation of natural, near- natural and c ult ivat ed s ites 21

7004. TCVN 7538-5:2007 Soil qualit y. Sampling. Part 5: Gu idanc e on t he procedure for t he invest igat ion of urban and industrial s it es with regard to 47
soil c ontamination
Soil qualit y. Sampling. Part 6: Gu idanc e on t he collec tion, handling and st orage of soil under aerobic c onditions for t he
7005. TCVN 7538-6:2010 14
assess ment of mic robiological proc es ses, biomass and diversit y in t he laborat ory
7149. TCVN 7593:2006 Soil qualit y. Guidanc e on laborat ory tes ting for biodegradat ion of organic chemicals in soil under anaerobic c on dit ions 17

7150. TCVN 7594:2006 Soil quality. Determination of redox potential. Field method 17
7397. TCVN 7727:2007 Soil quality. Extraction of trace elements by buff ered DTPA solution 8
7982. TCVN 8061:2009 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of organoc hlorine pes ticides and polyc hlorinated biphenyls . Gas - chromat ographic m et hod with 28
elec tron capture detect ion
7983. TCVN 8062:2009 Soil quality. Organophosphorus compounds by gas chromatography. Capillary column technique 39
8621. TCVN 8567:2010 Soil quality. Method for determination of particle size distribution 14
8622. TCVN 8568:2010 Soil quality. Method for determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) by ammonium acetate method 10
8623. TCVN 8569:2010 Soil quality. Method for determination of base cation exchange by ammonium acetate method 13
8733. TCVN 8660:2011 Soil quality. Method for determination of total potasium 8
8734. TCVN 8661:2011 Soil quality. Determination of bio-available phosphorus. Olsen method. 9
8735. TCVN 8662:2011 Soil quality. Method for determination of bio-available potassium. 8
8993. TCVN 8868:2011 Tes t met hod for U nconsolidated. U ndrained and Consolidat ed. Drained for c ohes ive soils on triaxial c ompres sion equipment 73

8994. TCVN 8869:2011 Method for measurements of pore pressures in soil 17

9006. TCVN 8882:2011 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of mercury in aqua regia soil extract s with c old-vapour at om ic spec tromet ry or c old- vapour 13
atomic fluores cence s pect rometry
9007. TCVN 8883:2011 Soil quality. Determination of herbicides. Method using HPLC with UV-detection 23
9008. TCVN 8884:2011 Soil quality. Pretreatment of samples for determination of organic contaminants 20
9009. TCVN 8885:2011 Soil qualit y. Det ermination of t race elements in extract s of soil by induc tively coupled plasma - atomic emis sion 38
spect romet ry (IC P - AES)
9010. TCVN 8886:2011 Soil quality. Determination of exchangeable acidity in barium chloride extracts 11
9070. TCVN 8940:2011 Soil quality. Determination of total phosphorus. Colorimetry method. 9
9071. TCVN 8941:2011 Soil quality. Determination of total organic carbon. Walkley Black method 8
9072. TCVN 8942:2011 Soil quality. Determination of available phosphorus. Bray and Kurtz (Bray II) method 10
9364. TCVN 9236-1:2012 Soils quality. Index values of non-organic content in m ajor soil groups of Vietnam. Part 1: Index values of exchangeable 9
calcium c ontent.
9365. TCVN 9236-2:2012 Soils quality. Index values of non-organic content in m ajor soil groups of Vietnam. Part 2: Index values of exchangeable 9
magnesium cont ent.
9366. TCVN 9236-3:2012 Soils quality. Index values of non-organic content in m ajor soil groups of Vietnam. Part 3: Index values of exchangeable 9
sodium cont ent
9367. TCVN 9236-3:2012 Soils quality. Index values of non-organic content in m ajor soil groups of Vietnam. Part 3: Index values of exchangeable 9
sodium cont ent
9445. TCVN 9317:2012 Soil qualit y -- Determinat ion of some selected c hlorophenols -- Gas-c hromatographic met hod w it h elec tron- capt ure 19
detec tion
9446. TCVN 9318:2012 Soil qualit y -- Determinat ion of polycyc lic aromatic hydroc arbons ( PAH) -- Gas c hromatographic method with m as s 23
spect romet ric det ect ion ( GC-M S)
9478. TCVN 9350:2012 Soils. Nuclear method for determination of moisture content and density of soil in situ 22
9479. TCVN 9351:2012 Soils. Field testing method. Standard penetration test 20
9480. TCVN 9352:2012 Soils. Method of cone penetration test 30
9481. TCVN 9354:2012 Soils. In situ test methods of determination of deformation module by plate loading 21

3806. TCVN 4447:2012 Earth works - Construction, check and acceptance 68
3556. TCVN 4054:2005 Highway. Specifi cations for design 66
6950. TCVN 7493:2005 Bitumen. Specifi cations 8
6951. TCVN 7494:2005 Bitumen. Method for sampling 14
6952. TCVN 7495:2005 Bitumen. Test method for penetration 11
6953. TCVN 7496:2005 Bitumen. Test method for ductility 9
6954. TCVN 7497:2005 Bitumen. Test method for softening point (ring-and-ball apparatus) 11
6955. TCVN 7498:2005 Bitumen. Test method for fl ash and fi re points by Cleveland open cup tester 22
6956. TCVN 7499:2005 Bitumen. Test method for determination of loss on heating 7
6957. TCVN 7500:2005 Bitumen. Test method for solubility in trichloroethylene 10
6958. TCVN 7501:2005 Bitumen. Test method for determination of density (Pycnometer method) 10
6959. TCVN 7502:2005 Bitumen. Test method for determination of kinematic viscosity 22
6960. TCVN 7503:2005 Bitumen. Determination of the paraffi n wax content by distillation 13
6961. TCVN 7504:2005 Bitumen. Test method for determination of adhesion with paving stone 7
8201. TCVN 8220:2009 Geotextile. Test method for determination of normal thickness 12
8202. TCVN 8221:2009 Geotextile. Test method for determination of mass per unit area 10
8203. TCVN 8222:2009 Geotextile. General requirement of sampling testing and statistical analysis 15

8535. TCVN 8482:2010 Geotextile. Test method for determination of resistance to degradation by Ultraviolet light, Temperature and Humidity 13

8536. TCVN 8483:2010 Geotextile. Test method for determination of transmissivity 14

8537. TCVN 8484:2010 Geotextile. Test method for determination of puncture resistance by drop cone test 11
8538. TCVN 8485:2010 Geotextile. Test method for determination of tensile strength and elongation 14
8539. TCVN 8486:2010 Geotextile. Test method for determination of pore size distribution by wet sieving test 15
8540. TCVN 8487:2010 Geotextile. Determination of permittivity 13
8986. TCVN 8861:2011 Flexible pavement. Determinat ion of elast ic modulus of soils and pavement components using stat ic plat e load met hod 9

8989. TCVN 8864:2011 Standard test method for measuring road pavement surface roughness using a 3.0m straight edge 10
8990. TCVN 8865:2011 The pavement surf ac e. Met hod f or measuring and as sessm ent roughness by Int ernational Roughnes s Index ( IRI) 18
8991. TCVN 8866:2011 Standard test method for measuring pavement macrotexture depth using a volumetric technique 11
8992. TCVN 8867:2011 Flexible pavement. Standard test method for determ inat ion of elastic modulus of pavement struc ture us ing B enkelman 33
8996. TCVN 8871:2011 Geotextile. Part 1to 6: Standard test method 50
9263. TCVN 9138:2012 Geotextile. Test method for determination of joint tensile strength 11

3796. TCVN 4430-87 Fences of construction sites. Specifi cations 8
3797. TCVN 4431-87 Protection fences. Specifi cations 7

5219. TCVN 6213:2010 Natural mineral waters 11
5220. TCVN 6214:1996 Code of hygienic practice for the collecting, processing and marketing of natural mineral waters 18
5221. TCVN 6216:1996 Water quality. Determination of phenol index. 4-aminoantipyrine spectrometric methods after distillation 15
5222. TCVN 6219:2011 Water quality. Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water. Thick source method 16
5223. TCVN 6220:1997 Light weight aggregates for concrete. Expanded clay, grawel and sand. Technical requirements 8
5224. TCVN 6221:1997 Light weight aggregates for concrete. Expanded clay, grawel and sand. Test method 20
5225. TCVN 6222:2008 Water quality. Determination of chromium. Atomic absorption spectrometric methods 18
5227. TCVN 6224:1996 Water quality. Determination of the sum of calcium and magnesium. EDTA titrimetric method 12
5228. TCVN 6225-1:2012 Wat er quality -- Det ermination of free c hlorine and t otal chlorine -- Part 1: Tit rimet ric met hod using N,N- d iet hyl-1,4- 18
5229. TCVN 6225-2:2012 Wat er quality -- Det ermination of free c hlorine and t otal chlorine -- Part 2: Colorimet ric met hod using N,N- diet hyl-1,4- 18
phenylenediamine, f or rout ine c ontrol purposes
5230. TCVN 6225-3:2011 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of f ree chlorine and tot al c hlorine. Part 3: Iodometric titration method for the det ermination of 15
tot al c hlorine
5231. TCVN 6226:2012 Wat er quality -- Test for inhibition of oxygen consum ption by ac tivat ed sludge for c arbonaceous and ammonium oxidat ion 27

5593. TCVN 6489:2009 Wat er quality. Evaluat ion of ultimat e aerobic biodegradability of organic c ompounds in aqueous medium. C arbon dioxide 27
evolution t es t
5594. TCVN 6490:1999 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of fluoride. Part 2: Determinat ion of inorganically bound t otal fluoride aft er digest ion and 11
distillat ion
5595. TCVN 6491:1999 Water quality. Determination of the chemical oxigen demand 11
5596. TCVN 6492:2011 Water quality. Determination of pH 19
5597. TCVN 6493:2008 Water quality. Determination of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) 28
5598. TCVN 6494-1:2011 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of diss olved anions by liquid chrom at ography of ions . Part 1: Determinat ion of bromide, 20
chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfat e
5599. TCVN 6494-3:2000 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of diss olved anion by liquid c hromatography of ions. Part 3: Determ inat ion of c hromate, iodide, 31
sulfite, t hioc yanat e and t hios ulff at e
5600. TCVN 6494-4:2000 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of diss olved anion by liquid c hromatography of ions. Part 4: Determ inat ion of c hlorrat e, 23
chlorride and c hlorite in water with low cont aminat ion
5851. TCVN 6657:2000 Water quality - Determination of alumimium - Atomic absorption spectrometric methods 15
5852. TCVN 6658:2000 Water quality. Determination of chromium (VI). Spectrometric method using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide 13
5853. TCVN 6659:2000 Water quality. Determination of easily released sulfi de 13
5854. TCVN 6660:2000 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of diss olved Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, M n++, C a++, M g++, Sr++ and Ba+ + using ion 26
chromat ography. M et hod for w at er and wast e water
5855. TCVN 6661-1:2000 Wat er quality - C alibrat ion and evaluat ion of analytical methods and est imation of performance c haract erist ic s - Part 1: 20
Stat is tical evaluation of the linear c alibrat ion f unct ions
5856. TCVN 6661-2:2009 Wat er quality. Calibrat ion and evaluat ion of analyt ical methods and est im at ion of performanc e charact erist ic s. Part 2: 17
Calibration st rat egy for non-lin ear sec ond- order c alibration func tions
5857. TCVN 6662:2000 Wat er quality. Measu rement of biochemic al param eters . Spect rometric determination of the chlorophyll-a concent rat ion 13

5858. TCVN 6663-1:2011 Water quality. Sampling. Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques 40
5859. TCVN 6663-11:2011 Water quality. Sampling. Part 11: Guidance on sampling of groundwaters 40
5860. TCVN 6663-11:2011 Water quality. Sampling. Part 11: Guidance on sampling of groundwaters 40
5861. TCVN 6663-13:2015 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 13: Guidance on sampling of sludges 33
5862. TCVN 6663-14:2000 Wat er quality. Sampling. Part 14: Guidanc e on quality ass uranc e of environment al wat er sampling and handling 28
5863. TCVN 6663-15:2004 Water quality. Sampling. Part 15: Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples 13
5864. TCVN 6663-19:2015 Water quality - Sampling - Part 19: Guidance on sampling of marine sediments 20
5865. TCVN 6663-23:2015 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 23: Guidance on passive sampling in surface waters 32
5866. TCVN 6663-3:2008 Water quality. Sampling. Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples 44
5867. TCVN 6663-5:2009 Wat er quality. Sampling. Part 5: Guidanc e on sampling of drinking wat er from treat ment works and piped dist ribut ion 28
syst em s
5868. TCVN 6663-6:2008 Water quality. Sampling. Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams 27
5869. TCVN 6663-7:2000 Water quality. Sampling. Part 7: Guidance on sampling of water and steam in boiler plants 26
5870. TCVN 6664:2000 Wat er quality. -Evaluat ion in an aqueous medium of the ultimat e aerobic biodegradability of organic c ompounds - 24
Determinat ion of biochemic al oxygen demand in a t wo-phase c los ed bot tle tes t
5871. TCVN 6665:2011 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of s elec ted elements by induct ively coupled plas ma opt ical em is sion spect rometry (ICP-OES) 35

6488. TCVN 7176:2002 Wat er quality. Met hods of biologoc al sampling. Guidanc e on handnet sampling of aquat ic benthic macro- invertebrat es 13

6489. TCVN 7177:2002 Wat er quality - Design and use of quantit at ive s am plers for benthic mac ro-invert ebrat es on stony subs trat a in s hallow 14
fres hwaters
6544. TCVN 7220-1:2002 Wat er quality - Water qualit y ass essment by us e of biological index - Part 1: Methods of use of quantitat ive samplers for 14
benthic nemat odes and meio- benthos invert ebrates on s ubstrata in shallow freshw at ers
6545. TCVN 7220-2:2002 Wat er quality - Water qualit y ass essment by us e of biological index - Part 2: Methods of int erpretation of biological qualit y 16
data from surveys of t he nemat odes and benthic meio-invert ebrates
7392. TCVN 7723-1:2015 Wat er quality - Determinat ion of total cyanide and f ree cyanide using flow analysis (FIA and CFA ) - Part 1: Met hod using flow 21
injec tion analysis ( FIA)
7393. TCVN 7723-2:2015 Wat er quality - Determinat ion of total cyanide and f ree cyanide using flow analysis (FIA and CFA ) - Part 2: Met hod using 27
cont inuous flow analysis (C FA)
7394. TCVN 7724:2007 Water quality. Determination of mercury. Method using atomic fl uorescence spectrometry 20
7402. TCVN 7732:2007 Water quality. Effl uent standards for pulp and paper mills 6
7403. TCVN 7733:2007 Water quality. Effl uent standards for leachate of solid waste landfi ll sites 7
7646. TCVN 7872:2008 water. Determination of ammonia content. Ammonia selective electrode method 8
7647. TCVN 7873:2008 water. Determinat ion of b enz ene content . Purge and trap c apillary-c olumn g as chromat ographic/ m as s spec tromet ric 18
7648. TCVN 7874:2008 water. Determinat ion of p henol and derivatives of phenol. L iquid- liquid ext rac tion gas chromatographic method 20
7649. TCVN 7875:2008 water. Determination of oil and grease. Partition-infrared method 8
7650. TCVN 7876:2008 water. Determinat ion of organoc hlorine pestic ides content . Liquid-liquid extract ion gas c hromat ographic met hod 19

7651. TCVN 7877:2008 Water quality. Determination of mercury 24

7771. TCVN 7939:2008 Water quality. Determination of chromium(VI). Photometric method for weakly contaminated water 10
7772. TCVN 7940:2008 Water quality. Selection and application of ready-to-use test kit methods in water analysis 24
8154. TCVN 8184-1:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 1 23
8155. TCVN 8184-2:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 2 44
8156. TCVN 8184-5:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 5 20
8157. TCVN 8184-6:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 6 33
8158. TCVN 8184-7:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 7 21
8159. TCVN 8184-8:2009 Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 8 25
9003. TCVN 8879:2011 Wat er quality. Measu rement of gross alpha and gross bet a ac tivit y in non- saline wat er. Thin source deposit met hod 19

9004. TCVN 8880:2011 Water quality. Sampling for microbiological analysis 24

9005. TCVN 8881:2011 Water quality. Detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Method by membrane fi ltration 17
9374. TCVN 9241:2012 Wat er quality. Determinat ion of c ert ain organoc hlorine ins ect ic ides , polyc hlorinat ed biphenyls and chlorobenz enes - Gas 36
chromat ographic m ethod after liquid - liquid extract ion
9375. TCVN 9242:2012 Wat er quality - Determinat ion of amm onium nit rogen - Met hod by flow analys is (C FA and FIA ) and spec tromet ric d et ect ion 23

9376. TCVN 9243:2012 Water quality -- Determination of dissolved bromate -- Method by liquid chromatography of ions 27
9377. TCVN 9244:2012 Water quality -- Determination of soluble silicates by fl ow analysis (FIA and CFA) and photometric detection 17
9447. TCVN 9319:2012 Wat er quality -- Det ermination of tot al nitrogen aft er U V digest ion - - Met hod using flow analysis (C FA and FIA ) and 21
spect romet ric det ect ion
9532. TCVN 9407:2014 Waterproofi ng materials. Polyvinylchloride waterstop 13
9533. TCVN 9408:2014 Waterproofi ng materials - CPE (chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Specifi cations 12
9534. TCVN 9409-1:2014 Wat erproofing m at erials - C PE ( chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Test methods - Part 1: Determinat ion of thickness 7

9535. TCVN 9409-2:2014 Wat erproofing m at erials - C PE ( chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Test methods - Part 2: Determinat ion of peel res is tance 4
of adhesives
9536. TCVN 9409-3:2014 Wat erproofing m at erials - C PE ( chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Test methods - Part 3: Test method for volatile loss at 3
9537. TCVN 9409-4:2014 Wat erproofing m at erials - C PE ( chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Test methods - Part 4: Determinat ion of mic roorganism 3
resist ance ( soil burial)
9538. TCVN 9409-5:2014 Wat erproofing m at erials - C PE ( chlorinated polyethylene) sheeting - Test methods - Part 5: Determinat ion c hemical 3
resist ance
9889. TCVN 9716:2013 Water quality. General guidance on the enumeration of micro-organisms by culture 49
9890. TCVN 9717:2013 Water quality. Detection of Salmonella spp 29
9893. TCVN 9720:2013 Standard Test Method for Boron In Water 14

7074. TCVN 7570:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Specifi cations 14
7081. TCVN 7572-1:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 1: Sampling 8
7082. TCVN 7572-10:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 10: M ethod for det ermination of st rengt h and s oftening coeffic ient 5
of the original stone
7083. TCVN 7572-11:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 11: M ethod of crushing value ( ACV ) and soft ening c oeffic ient of 7
coarse aggregate
7084. TCVN 7572-12:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 12: Determinat ion of resist anc e to degradat ion of c oasre aggregat e 5
by abration and im pac t in t he L os Angeles mac hine
7085. TCVN 7572-13:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 13: Determinat ion of elongation and flakiness index of coars e 6
7086. TCVN 7572-14:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 14: Determination of alkali silica reactivity 19
7087. TCVN 7572-15:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 15: Determination of chloride content 7
7088. TCVN 7572-16:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 16: Determination of sulfate and sulfi te content 5
7089. TCVN 7572-17:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 17: Determinat ion of feeble weat hered part ic le content 4

7090. TCVN 7572-18:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 18: Determination of crushed particle content 4
7091. TCVN 7572-19:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 19: Determination of amorphous silicate content 5
7092. TCVN 7572-2:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 2: Determination of partical size distribution 5
7093. TCVN 7572-20:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 20: Determination of mica content in fi ne aggregate 4
7094. TCVN 7572-3:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 3: Guide for det ermination of petrographic c om pos it ion s 6

7095. TCVN 7572-4:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 4: Determinat ion of apparent spec ific gravity, bulk s pec ific gravity 7
and water abs orpt ion
7096. TCVN 7572-5:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 5: M ethod for det ermination of apparent s pecific gravit y, bulk 6
specific gravity an d water abs orption of original stone and coarse aggregate particles
7097. TCVN 7572-6:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 6: Determination of bulk density and voids 6
7098. TCVN 7572-7:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 7: Determination of moisture 4
7099. TCVN 7572-8:2006 Aggregat es for concrete and mort ar. Tes t met hods . Part 8: M ethod for det ermination of cont ent of dus t, mud and clay in 6
aggregate and c ont ent of c lay lumps in fine aggregate
7100. TCVN 7572-9:2006 Aggregates for concrete and mortar. Test methods. Part 9: Determination of organic impurities 6
8987. TCVN 8862:2011 Standard test method for splitting tensile strength of aggreagate material bonded by adhesive binders 13
9330. TCVN 9205:2012 Crushed sand for concrete and mortar 9

9184. TCVN 9065:2012 Waterproofi ng materials. Emulsifi ed bitumen paints 7
9185. TCVN 9066:2012 Modifi ed Bituminous Waterproofi ng membranes. Specifi cations 6
9186. TCVN 9067-1:2012 Modified Bituminous Waterproofing membranes . Tes t methods . Part 1: Determinat ion of load and elongat ion at break 7

9187. TCVN 9067-2:2012 Modified Bituminous Waterproofing membranes . Tes t methods . Part 2: Determinat ion of dynamic punc ture resist ance. 7

9188. TCVN 9067-3:2012 Modified Bituminous Waterproofing membranes . Tes t methods . Part 3: Determinat ion of t emperat ure st ability 6
9189. TCVN 9067-4:2012 Modified Bituminous Waterproofing membranes . Tes t methods . Part 4: Determinat ion of w at er pmabilit y at hydrost atic 6
press ure

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