Comparing "The Sniper" and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (Graphic Organizer)

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Comparing The Sniper and An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

(Graphic Organizer)

You are completing this organizer comparing an important similarity in Liam

O'Flaherty The Sniper and Ambrose Bierces An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.
Exploring similarities is one way we can dig deeper into texts, finding rich connections
and meanings that make literature worthwhile.

This product will be assessed for Reasoning (LT4) and Expository Writing
(LT5). Your Reasoning grade will be determined based on the depth of your thinking
and your use of text-based evidence (TBE) to back up that thinking. Your Expository
Writing grade will be determined based on your use of parenthetical citations.

Parenthetical citation examples:

- Irish citizens turned on one another and were waging civil war (Sniper, p. 1).
- When the texts states, Death is a dignitary, it is clear that this hanging is a
formal event for those involved (Occurrence, p. 2).

Thesis: What is an important way these stories similar? Be sure this similarity
goes beyond surface level observations.

These two stories have obvious connections, but to find a meaningful connection you
must dig deep. I think that an important similarity between these two stories is the fact
that both of the main characters in this story want to prove themselves.

Body Paragraph 1 Main Idea: The Sniper

Do not discuss the other story in this section.

Main idea: In the story The Sniper, the main character is trying to fight for what he
thinks is right. He is trying to prove that he can fight up there with the big dogs.

Body Paragraph 1 Elaboration

More elaboration, TBE, and explanation

Elaborate first evidence

In this story, the sniper wants to do good for what he believes. He is used to fighting
and used to death. He also wants to have his place, to have a chance to be respected.
Include TBE (a short quote). He had eaten nothing since morning. He had been
too excited to eat. (Sniper pg. 1).
Explain this evidence
This shows how he wants to show what he is made of. He is excited for the opportunity
to prove his skills and to demonstrate his expertise.

Elaborate second evidence (or continue elaborating on the first)

He knows what he is doing and he knows how to do it. He is trying to prove to others
that he is experienced and can stand up on his own legs.

Include TBE (a short quote)...

They were deep and thoughtful, the eyes of a man who is used to looking at
death. (Sniper pg. 1).

Explain this evidence

This shows his experience and his determination to fight for what he believes in. How
far he will go to stand up for his idea of what is right.

Body Paragraph 1 Conclusion (XYC)

Wrap up with a So What, or
Set up next paragraph main idea

This story has a strong sense of validation because the main character wants to show
what he can do, he wants to prove that he has the skills to do what it takes.

Body Paragraph 2: An Occurrence at Owl Creek

Do not discuss the other story in this section.

Main idea: In the story An Occurrence at Owl Creek, the main character wanted a
chance to be respected, a chance to fight.

Body Paragraph 2 Elaboration

More elaboration, TBE, and explanation

Elaborate first evidence

In the story, it says that he was not used to getting opportunities like this one and that
he wanted to fight in the war. He wanted to prove himself. He wanted the chance to
do good
Include TBE (a short quote)...
longing for the opportunity for distinction as a soldier. (Occurrence pg. 6)

Explain this evidence

This shows that he wants to prove his worth and help out, not tag along.

Elaborate second evidence (or continue elaborating on the first)

In the story, it also says that he was a politician, so I thought that could have something
to with the fact that he hadnt had any opportunities yet.

Include TBE (a short quote)...

Certain events had prevented him from taking service with his neighbors
(Occurrence pg. 6)

Explain this evidence

It says certain events which makes me think that he did something before and wasnt
allowed or able to help out. He might have wanted a shot at redemption.

Body Paragraph 2 Conclusion (XYC)

Wrap up with a So What

This story also has a theme of validation, but it also has a tiny bit of redemption or
overcoming as well.

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