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Sub problems

How can public awareness and appreciation of film and other audio visual materials
be promoted in this facility?s
How can the facility introduce and integrate digitization as an innovative technology
to the audio-visual archives?

Why archives are necessary

4 things:
Accessible long term, good storage, good housekeeping, permanent custody of an

-chris wilkie
-videotape storage
-shelving for film and videotape
-shelves arrangement
Moving image collections
1. Large collections according to format
2. Alphabetically, title or subject
3. Unique shelf numbers for each format.
Stills collection

Archives resources and requirements

1. People volunteers, students and paid staf
2. Facilities- space and equipment
3. Money
Various materials formats
(managing film and video collections chris wilkie)
-types.. 16mm,35mm

-sound on film

Archive on tropics

-persons working on the field such as producers, filmmakers, and general public
such as researchers, cultural workers and students
Interviews with people working on the field of film and audio visual archiving were
conducted to test market feasibility
Technical feasibility
1. Physical requirements such as facilities and equipment
2. Personnel and their qualifications
3. Standard operating procedures
4. Organizational structure
Financial feasibility
1. Fees for rendered services- library fee, exhibits, archival screenings
2. Rentals

Mission statement:
An ideal environment for film and audio visual archiving in the Phippines which shall
properly collect , preserve restore and store film and other audio visual materials.
1. Provide proper adequate space for audio visual materials
2. Shall have controlled environments in terms of maintaining low temperature
and humidity level
-air conditioning and dehumidifiers
3. energy efficient building methods since operations and maintenance would
be costly.

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