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Eksperimen Desain:

Confounding dan Blocking

Disiapkan oleh:
Shofi Andari

Departemen Statistika
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS)

Beberapa slide disadur dari DOX 5E Montgomery slide 1

Blocking & Confounding in the 2k

Text reference, Chapter 7 page 282

Blocking is a technique for dealing with
controllable nuisance variables
Two cases are considered
Replicated designs
Unreplicated designs

Montgomery DOX 5E 2
slide 2
Blocking a Replicated Design

This is the same scenario discussed

previously (Chapter 5, Section 5-6)
If there are n replicates of the design, then
each replicate is a block
Each replicate is run in one of the blocks
(time periods, batches of raw material,
Runs within the block are randomized

Montgomery DOX 5E 3
slide 3
Blocking a Replicated Design

Consider the example

from Section 6-2; k = 2
factors, n = 3 replicates

This is the usual method

for calculating a block
sum of squares
Bi2 y...2
SS Blocks
i 1 4 12

Montgomery DOX 5E 4
slide 4
ANOVA for the Blocked Design
Page 288

Montgomery DOX 5E 5
slide 5
Confounding in Blocks

Now consider the unreplicated case

Clearly the previous discussion does not
apply, since there is only one replicate
To illustrate, consider the situation of
Example 6-2, Page 248
This is a 24, n = 1 replicate

Montgomery DOX 5E 6
slide 6
Example 6-4

Suppose only 8 runs can be made from one batch of raw material

Montgomery DOX 5E 7
slide 7
The Table of + & - Signs, Example

Montgomery DOX 5E 8
slide 8
Confounded with
(Page 294)

Observations in block 1 are

reduced by 20 unitsthis
is the simulated block

slide 9
Effect Estimates

slide 10

The ABCD interaction (or the block effect) is not considered as part
of the error term
The rest of the analysis is unchanged from Example 7-2

Montgomery DOX 5E 11
slide 11
Confounding in Blocks

More than two blocks (page 296)

The two-level factorial can be confounded
in 2, 4, 8, (2p, p > 1) blocks
For four blocks, select two effects to
confound, automatically confounding a
third effect
See example, page 296
Choice of confounding schemes non-trivial;
see Table 7-8, page 298
Partial confounding (page 299)
Montgomery DOX 5E 12
slide 12

1) Apa yang dimaksud dengan confounding (pembauran)

perlakuan suatu percobaan dan kapan ini dilakukan?
2) Apa kelemahan dan kelebihan confounding dalam
rancangan percobaan?
3) Bagaimana prosedur melakukan confounding
perlakuan, berikan ilustrasinya masing-masing satu
contoh kasus confounding perlakuan untuk 2 faktor dan
3 faktor.

slide 13

Page 565-566, DOX 5E Montgomery

No 2. Problem 12-9
a. Define whether each factor is fixed or random factor.
b. Construct the table to find the expected mean squares
c. Analyze the data from this experiment

slide 14

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