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Cory Maness

1) I completed and submitted all Process Draft Composing pieces.

No. I did not complete the research review.

2) Process Writing & Extended Inquiry

When I first chose this topic, it was because I was interested in helping or trying

to find a way to help people in need. At first, I had no idea what research I would need to

do or if there were any good sources that would help drive my argument. I chose the

military because it interested me and I knew there were people in the military who

needed help. After I finished the proposal, I still did not have a clear argument yet. When

I had finished the first rough draft, I still did not have one. The meeting with my

professor really helped me find a good argument and find something that was exigent in

my argument. The second draft had a clearer message and had a clear reason of why my

argument mattered. By the time I completed my final draft, my argument and message

were very clear. Citations are another thing that improved as my drafts went along. I did

not have any intext citations until my final draft.

3) In reviewing your final essay, what would you change or do differently if you had

more time to develop it?

I would develop my argument a little more and make it more persuasive. If I had a lot

more time, I would cgange my argument all together.

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