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Impediments to Integrated Urban Stormwater

Management: The Need for Institutional Reform
REBEKAH R. BROWN institutional impediments to more sustainable management
School of Geography and Environmental Science approaches. The analysis reveals that the inertia with the
The Institute for Sustainable Water Resources public administration of urban stormwater inherently
Monash University PO Box 11a privileges and perpetuates traditional stormwater manage-
Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia ment practices at implementation. This inertia is character-
ized by historically entrained forms of technocratic
ABSTRACT / It is now well established that the traditional institutional power and expertise, values and leadership,
practice of urban stormwater management contributes to and structure and jurisdiction posing significant impedi-
the degradation of receiving waterways, and this practice ments to change and the realization of integrated urban
was more recently critiqued for facilitating the wastage of a stormwater management. These insights strongly point to
valuable water resource. However, despite significant ad- the need for institutional change specifically directed at
vances in alternative ‘‘integrated urban stormwater man- fostering horizontal integration of the various functions of
agement’’ techniques and processes over the last 20 years, the existing administrative regime. This would need to be
wide-scale implementation has been limited. This problem underpinned with capacity-building interventions targeted
is indicative of broader institutional impediments that are at enabling a learning culture that values integration and
beyond current concerns of strengthening technological participatory decision making. These insights also provide
and planning process expertise. Presented here is an guideposts for assessing the institutional and capacity
analysis of the institutionalization of urban stormwater development needs for improving urban water management
management across Sydney with the objective of scoping practices in other contexts.

It is now well established that urban stormwater proaches to improve the sustainability of urban
contributes to the degradation of urban waterway stormwater environments (Niemczynowicz 1999, Burk-
environments through adversely changing stream flow hard and others 2000). This has resulted in the design,
regimes, water quality, and aquatic ecosystem habitat testing, and scientific verification of a host of different
(Wong and others 2000, Roesner and others 2001). stormwater improvement techniques for both retrofit-
The traditional design of urban stormwater drainage ting of existing urban areas and new development
systems is directed at managing stormwater to mini- areas. These have been codified into a range of gov-
mize the risks associated with flooding in urban envi- ernment and professional association guidance docu-
ronments, which also perpetuates the waste of a ments (see, for example, WEF 1998). Given the current
potentially valuable and typically overlooked domestic availability of technological ingenuity and demon-
and industrial water resource (Niemczynowicz 1999). strated reliability of a host of interventions, there still
Consequently, this traditional practice is increasingly remains limited wide-scale implementation for
considered out of touch with the environmental values advancing ‘‘integrated urban stormwater manage-
of society and impedes the broader pursuit of advanc- ment’’ (IUSM).
ing more sustainable urban environments (Thomas The proposition that the current organizational
and others 1997, Newman and Kenworthy 1999, Wong administration of urban stormwater management is the
and Eadie 2000). most significant impediment to enabling the imple-
Since the 1980s, there has been significant devel- mentation of IUSM has been informed by experiential
opment of new management techniques and ap- evidence from water managers working in the industry,
as reported in Brown and Ball (1999), Brown and Ryan
(2000), and Brown (2003). It has also been grounded
KEY WORDS: Integrated urban stormwater management; Imple-
mentation; Institutional impediments
by broader commentary that argues that when inte-
grated environmental management approaches are
Published online August 3, 2005. superimposed onto conventional administrative re-
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; email: gimes, there will inevitably be a number of adminis- trative impediments. These typically include issues

Environmental Management Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 455–468 ª 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
456 R. R. Brown

related to jurisdictional and institutional fragmenta- These need to be considered within initiatives such as
tion resulting in overlapping and often undefined demand management, cleaner production, and edu-
responsibilities between numerous organizations, fol- cation interventions for reducing water consumption
lowed by lack of organizational commitment to and pollution prevention at the outset. Goals for IUSM
changing implementation practices (see, for example, include (Chocat and others 2001, p. 63):
Burby and May 1998, Cortner and others 1998, Danter
and others 2000, Margerum 2001). • Flood reduction—minimizing peak stormwater dis-
Increasingly, commentators highlight that the charges from urban catchments
organizational administration of IUSM is yet the most • Pollution minimization—by preventing, collecting, and/
challenging dimension to practical realization (such as or managing pollution loads
Tyson and others 1993, Geiger and Hofius 1996, • Stormwater retention—harvest and beneficial reuse of
Lawrence and others 1999, Brown 2003). However, this rainwater and stormwater runoff within or near the
is not to suggest that this change has not been at- urban catchment
tempted in practice. On the contrary, there have been • Urban landscape improvement—showing rather than
a number of innovative programs proposed. However, hiding water by functionally incorporating storm-
as argued by Marsalek and others (2001) and Brown water into urban streetscapes and green areas, and
(2003), they have not been the subject of systematic • Reduction of drainage investments—innovative integra-
research with the explicit agenda of advancing knowl- tion of stormwater systems into the urban environ-
edge on how to institutionalize IUSM. ment for reducing the cost of infrastructure.
This paper presents a structured analytical assess- Therefore, harvesting and reusing rainwater and
ment of the institutionalization of urban stormwater stormwater runoff locally in addition to reducing
management over the last century across Metropolitan stormwater pollution for protection of the urban
Sydney in an attempt to scope the administrative water environment are equally integral to the flood
impediments to enabling the practice of IUSM. These protection focus of IUSM initiatives. However, these
results are intended to inform improved administrative are not always synergistic due to the historically
practice and guide a new institutional focus in con- separated administration of flood management,
temporary urban stormwater management and related water quality management, urban design, and envi-
water research areas. ronmental protection (Brown 2003). Therefore, the
need for intersectoral collaboration, involving stake-
holder engagement and community participation in
Integrated Urban Stormwater Management
decision making, is typically advocated as important
IUSM is a management concept that has evolved (see, for example, WEF 1998, Marsalek and others
over the last 20 to 30 years largely in response to the 2001), which is also reflective of the earlier integrated
knowledge that the rapid conveyance of urban storm- catchment management philosophy (Margerum
water led to the environmental degradation of receiv- 1999).
ing waterways (Wong and Eadie 2000). It has more
recently been influenced by the growing interest in
‘‘integrated urban water management’’ and the idea The Research Approach: A New Institutional
that urban stormwater could provide a valuable water
resource. Overall, it is a concept concerned with en-
abling more sustainable management of urban storm- This case study of urban stormwater management
water environments. However, the significance of across Metropolitan Sydney applies institutional theory
IUSM does vary between places attracting more atten- as an analytic approach that considers the historical,
tion in places such as Australia, New Zealand, and context-rich, and practice-based perspective for
many parts of the United States because the stormwater revealing how patterns of organized action are shaped
drainage network is typically separate system from the and institutionalized over time. Although there are
wastewater network, unlike many places across Europe. numerous experts and commentators contributing to
Drawing from ongoing commentary over the last institutionalism (see, for example, Zucker 1988, Powell
decade, both Lawrence and others (1999) and Chocat and Di Maggio 1991, Scott 1995), others have demon-
and others (2001) prepared position papers outlining strated the value of applying the institutional perspec-
expanded goals for the sustainable management of tive to land-use planning and environmental
urban stormwater reflecting values of water conserva- management cases (such as Healey 1998, Lowndes
tion, pollution prevention, and ecological restoration. 2001, and Motte 2001).
Impediments to Integrated Stormwater Management 457

Figure 1. Prominent urban stormwater management

discourses over the twentieth century.

Here the focus is on the extent of the institu- Case Study: Implementation of Urban
tionalisation of the three prominent urban storm- Stormwater Management
water management discourses, as shown in Figure 1,
experienced across Metropolitan Sydney over the Metropolitan Sydney Case Context
twentieth century. As discussed by Brown (2003), The bulk of Sydney’s separate stormwater drainage
modern cities such as Sydney experienced the domi- system was constructed during the twentieth century.
nant ‘‘stormwater quantity’’ discourse well into the This principally involved the conversion of natural
1980s, with best thinking focused on optimizing the watercourses into stone- or concrete-lined stormwater
drainage infrastructure design for efficient flood channels and pipes (the trunk system) followed by the
protection. The ‘‘stormwater quality’’ discourse, fo- periodic and haphazard connection of a large system
cused on pollution control and waterway quality, of local feeder drains (the local system) as new urban
evolved throughout the 1980s into the 1990s. The areas progressively expanded and developed. The
current ‘‘stormwater sustainability’’ discourse, pre- purpose was to constrict floodplain areas by ensuring
sented earlier as IUSM, has largely evolved since the rapid and efficient conveyance of surface waters and
early 1990s. stormwater runoff to enable ongoing urban land
This analysis was conducted through an extensive development (Aird 1961).
content analysis of local policy and industry literature Local government, as the local land-use regulator,
and over 60 interviews with industry experts, local has traditionally had the long-standing and leading
government engineers, and state regulatory officers. role in the provision of drainage infrastructure and
Scott’s (1995) institutional approach, as shown in Ta- services across Metropolitan Sydney (O’Loughlin
ble 1, was the analytical framework applied and pro- 1994). The administrative areas of the 44 local gov-
poses that there are three mutually dependent ernment organizations (subject to amalgamations) are
dimensions that enable and/or constrain an institu- geographically bounded by historically defined politi-
tionalized practice that include ‘‘best practice think- cal jurisdictions that are fragmented over an average of
ing’’ (or cognitive), ‘‘social values’’ (or normative), and three stormwater catchment areas (NSW EPA 1998)
‘‘organizational administration’’ (or regulative). ‘‘Best and are often shared with adjacent local government
practice thinking’’ represents the dominant shared organizations. State agencies are largely responsible for
meaning and purpose of the practice. It explains the the remaining infrastructure that often straddles and
knowledge frameworks considered legitimate to shape traverses various sections of the local drainage system.
the problem definition and corresponding action, Sydney Water Corporation is the most significant State
which may be expressed through the ‘‘organizational manager responsible for the bulk of the trunk drainage
administration’’ in a number of forms such as tech- system. Less significantly, the Roads and Traffic Authority
nologies, planning processes, organizational structures, and State Rail are responsible for managing any drain-
policies, and laws. The ‘‘social values’’ represents the age infrastructure located within their infrastructure
dominant shared values of the practice including the corridors (Engineers Australia 2003).
social norms of what are considered the appropriate The estimated depreciated value of the stormwater
processes or modes of action for pursuing these shared drainage assets within Metropolitan Sydney have been
values. It explains how values and norms structure estimated in excess of $3 billion, which excludes the
choices and organized actions. The ‘‘organizational land and environmental value of stormwater channels
administration’’ of the practice includes the implicit and urban creeks (Sharpin 2004). These assets com-
and explicit rules and sanctions. It explains how the prise (Doswett 1994):
implementation of the practice is organized around
what are considered appropriate ways, reflecting ‘‘best • approximately 20,000 km of local feeder stormwater
practice thinking’’ for pursuing the dominant social drains,
values. • over 350 km of large stormwater trunk drains,
458 R. R. Brown

Table 1. Scott's (1995) institutional approach for explaining social practices

Dimension of institutions Description Explanatory power
Cognitive (knowledge) • Shared meaning/purpose Expressed through technologies, planning
processes, organizational structures, policies, laws etc
• Knowledge frameworks considered
legitimate to shape problem
Normative (values) • Shared values and expectations How values and expectations structure
choices/organized actions
• Social actions (norms) considered
for pursuing objectives
Regulative • Rules and sanctions How practice is organized according to
(administration) what are considered appropriate actions
to pursue shared values
• Organizational forms

• over 3000 formal storm sewer overflow points to 2003, vi). Addressing these pressing issues is com-
harbors and river systems, and pounded by the complexity of the ownership and
• over 200 stormwater outlets that directly discharge responsibility for stormwater assets and management
onto ocean beaches. arrangements. The institutionalization of IUSM prin-
ciples and practices is essential for addressing many of
The Sydney context is reasonably representative of these issues.
contemporary urban stormwater trends and issues
experienced across a number of modern cities, partic- Stormwater Quantity Discourse
ularly for places with separate stormwater and waste- Until the late nineteenth century, the dominant
water drainage infrastructure (Brown 2003). Parts of focus was maintaining ‘‘public health’’ through sani-
Sydney’s current drainage system provide inadequate tation with the construction of the first combined
flood protection for storm events larger than a one in (wastewater and stormwater) drainage system between
2-year annual recurrence interval storm, resulting in 1852 and 1890 (Aird 1961). Stormwater runoff was
flooding and property damage (McManus 1996, Engi- considered important to the extent it affected the
neers Australia 2003). This lack of capacity has been hydraulic capacities required of sewers. By 1890, a
exacerbated through urban development encroaching separate stormwater system was initiated because the
on floodplain areas, reflecting a lack of foresight for combined system could accommodate the demands of
protecting these areas from increased exposure to rapid urban development (Aird 1961). Because it was
flooding risk when upstream areas were developed assumed that urban stormwater runoff was environ-
(USPTF 1993). mentally benign, the design and construction of the
Sydney’s drainage contributes to the degradation of separate stormwater system was relegated to providing
waterways through the transportation of polluted ur- economically efficient conveyance of urban stormwater
ban stormwater and storm sewer overflows, resulting in to meet flood protection objectives. Urban drainage
a number of observed adverse impacts on the waterway was clearly the lowest profile water governance issue
environment. These include: the sedimentation of compared with water supply and wastewater (Aird
waterways; algal blooms and excessive growth of aqua- 1961).
tic weeds; reduction in the diversity of aquatic flora and Until the 1980s, the community perceived urban
fauna; increasing population of less desirable species of stormwater as a public flooding nuisance with negligi-
aquatic life; and overall reduction in waterway and ble social or ecological value (Wong and Eadie 2000).
foreshore amenity (McManus and Barter 2000). It has attracted such a low profile that local govern-
Engineers Australia (2003) has concluded that ment only began determining the extent of the
Sydney’s stormwater infrastructure is in a disturbing stormwater infrastructure within their boundaries for
state and requiring immediate attention owing to management studies and establishment of asset regis-
inadequate capacity to cope with significant rain ters in the late 1990s and early 2000 (McManus and
events, and with stormwater discharges not meeting Barter 2000, Engineers Australia 2004). This is in stark
desirable water quality and pollution standards (EA comparison to the level of local organizational infor-
Impediments to Integrated Stormwater Management 459

mation to what have been perceived as ‘‘mainstream’’ the sophistication of this economic-risk optimization
activities of local government, including road building, approach was significantly enhanced with the devel-
land development, and waste management (Dollery opment of an ongoing series of hydraulic and
and Marshall 1997). The design and construction of hydrologic computer software programs that im-
stormwater drainage systems typically occurred as proved the power of the rainfall-runoff estimations
incidental or additional ‘‘engineering works’’ associ- and subsequent design size of the stormwater drain-
ated with road design and property subdivision. age infrastructure. The Institution of Engineers Aus-
Therefore, the role of urban stormwater management tralia in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff series
(drainage) was typically allocated to a junior civil codified these ongoing developments for stormwater
engineer located in the ‘‘engineering’’ department of management practice first in 1958 and later updated
local government (Brown and others 2001). in 1977, 1987, and 1999.
Given the low status afforded to urban stormwater,
combined with rapid urban development and urban
consolidation, the augmentation of the existing Stormwater Quality Discourse
drainage system and poor maintenance practices re- The 1980s was a period of significant change in
sulted in increasing flooding problems. As a conse- observed community values and best practice thinking,
quence, the common approach has been to increase with the quality of urban stormwater gaining both
local drainage capacity, which invariably led to the international and local attention, directly challenging
‘‘passing of the flooding problem’’ to downstream the assumption that urban stormwater runoff is envi-
areas outside of the municipal jurisdiction to another. ronmentally benign. Although it is difficult to charac-
Robinson and O’Loughlin (1999) also note how the terize the relationship between the changes in best
period up to the 1980s marked an informal assumption practice thinking and community values, there appears
by government engineers that best practice was to ex- to have been a synergistic shift, which mutually stimu-
port flooding problems downstream and let down- lated change in both of these dimensions.
stream land users deal with them as they could. Water quality and waterway pollution became an
This augmentation activity led to the development increasingly high profile public issue, with regular local
of specialized technical expertise, which adapted an and national media commentary during the 1980s. The
economic-risk approach to urban drainage design, by a community observed and was outraged by the visible
small and highly skilled research community. With the sewer pollution on high profile beaches such as Bondi
lack of community interest, stormwater quantity man- Beach from sewer overflows during storm events. This
agement was dominated by expert groupings of led to almost a quarter of a million people gathering
stormwater engineers including academic hydrologists on Bondi Beach in 1989 for a protest rally condemning
and technical government officials largely in local the government for the pollution of Sydney’s waterways
government organizations often convened by the (see Beder 1989 for an in depth analysis of this issue).
Institution of Engineers Australia as the primary tech- Public concern was further exacerbated by a number of
nical society for sharing and developing urban storm- blue–green algal outbreaks in Sydney’s Hawkesbury-
water management knowledge in the industry (Brown Nepean River system in the early 1990s. These inci-
2003). dents, at this stage, were still largely perceived as a
Over much of the twentieth century, expertise was wastewater management issue, with the urban storm-
dedicated to improving the technical design and local water system receiving far less attention.
optimization aspects of urban stormwater drainage It was not until the early 1990s that urban storm-
infrastructure. Vicar’s (1911 and 1914 as cited in water was identified more broadly in the public realm
Robinson and O’Loughlin 1999) provided the first as an equally significant part of the problem. This was
Australian source of drainage infrastructure design partly informed by the outcomes of the launch of the
information based on local rainfall data, the first now highly successful ‘‘Clean-up Australia Campaign.’’
empirical alternative to the UK design guides adapted This community volunteer program involved collecting
for the Sydney context. Following this, the engineer- and removing litter in and around Sydney Harbor. The
ing profession primarily concentrated on empirically first clean-up day, now an annual event, resulted in the
improving this work through collecting representative collection of over 10,000 tons of rubbish from around
local data and applying rainfall and stormwater run- Sydney Harbor (McManus 1996). It was soon publicly
off estimation techniques to continuously inform and concluded that it was the stormwater drainage system
refine the design of more economically efficient that was transporting this rubbish and polluting Syd-
drainage systems for flood control. From the 1970s, ney’s harbor and waterways.
460 R. R. Brown

Internationally, there was increasing expert evi- reluctance from both local government and Sydney
dence, particularly from North America, that the Water Corporation to take responsibility for stormwater
quality of urban stormwater is linked to adverse im- quality management.
pacts on the waterway environment. These insights However, this was not the case for the local engi-
were adapted to inform local engineering research neering professional community, which advanced a
revealing that Sydney’s urban stormwater contains number of stormwater quality ‘‘forums and meetings’’
high pollutant concentrations (see Cordery 1976 for facilitated by the Institution of Engineers Australia
the first Australian empirical investigation). This led to and the Local Government Engineers’ Association.
a flurry of local research into the design and devel- O’Loughlin and Robinson (1999) highlight that the
opment of stormwater quality pollution control tech- existing wave of stormwater quantity engineers strongly
nologies that could be fitted into the existing drainage resisted advocacy from other engineering specialists in
infrastructure, now referred to as ‘‘end-of-pipe’’ solu- water supply and wastewater treatment areas for being
tions. the primary group dealing with stormwater pollution.
This first included gross pollution trap infrastruc- At this stage there was a distinct lack of recognition
ture that trapped pollutants such as gross solids (litter), that urban stormwater management should also in-
organics (leaves and grass clippings), and heavy sedi- clude harvesting and integration into the urban
ments flowing through the existing stormwater drain- landscape. The establishment of the Australian
age system, which then need to be periodically cleaned ‘‘Stormwater Industry Association’’ in 1992 soon ad-
and contents disposed at local landfills (see, for dressed this activism over which professional group
example, Allison and others 1998). These research would be the primary caretaker of the urban storm-
activities have also led to the development of a signif- water quality issue by attracting the bulk of its mem-
icant private sector industry in the design, construction bership from existing urban stormwater engineering
and maintenance of gross pollutant traps for storm- professionals. This was followed by two national con-
water quality treatment. ferences on urban stormwater quality management
There was also another concurrent flurry of re- organized by the Institution of Engineers Australia and
search into the use of constructed wetlands for storm- the Stormwater Industry Association in Sydney in 1992
water quality treatment based on diverting stormwater and Melbourne in 1995 as well as many other less for-
runoff from the drainage system to wetlands for bio- mal technical gatherings.
logical uptake and treatment of the pollutants (see, for In the context of institutional resistance and public
example, Wong and others 1999). However, the pressure to address the high profile waterway pollution
adoption of these systems during this period has issues, Sydney Water Corporation commissioned a high
proved difficult for urban settings with limited avail- profile engineering consultancy to conduct a technical
able land space. Today, the outcome of these research assessment of pollution loads entering Sydney’s water-
activities has allowed these technologies to be adapted ways from treated sewerage effluents, sewer overflows,
into built-up catchments through integration into the stormwater, and rainfall. The results of this investiga-
urban built form. tion revealed that a large proportion of the pollution
In 1989, the then State Pollution Control Commission of was caused by urban stormwater (CWP 1992). Sydney
NSW, predecessor of the Department of Environment and Water soon announced that half of the waterway pol-
Conservation, produced the first local stormwater man- lution problem was a local government responsibility
agement guidance manual encouraging local govern- (O’Loughlin 1994).
ment to consider adopting stormwater quality controls Also during this period, there were a number of
to capture and remove pollution that was flowing social attitude research programs implemented for
through the stormwater drainage system. As discussed determining community environmental values. In
by O’Loughlin and Robinson (1999), this was stimu- 1991, 64% of the sampled community in New South
lated and informed by the recent implementation and Wales stated that ocean pollution and/or freshwater
administration of stormwater quality controls in North pollution was the environmental issue of greatest con-
America and in the Australian capital of Canberra. cern (ABS 1993). Sydney Water also conducted a
However, although there was a growing number of number of community surveys between 1991 and 1994,
State government guidance documents, on-ground and generally found that the issue of ‘‘protecting
implementation of stormwater quality control tech- waterway health’’ was ranked as the most important
nologies was, at best, slow and ad-hoc. O’Loughlin value (as reported in Dowsett 1994). Overall, the re-
(1994) highlights that since the emergence of storm- sults of various social research interventions confirmed
water pollution as an issue, there has been a sustained that, by the early to mid-1990s, protecting the health of
Impediments to Integrated Stormwater Management 461

the waterway environment was a significantly important embodying both intrinsic and cultural value within the
issue for the community. urban landscape (Lawrence and others 1999).
Arising from this highly sensitized context of a mix With the recognition that the existing stormwater
of high profile algal bloom and beach pollution inci- system is ecologically unsustainable and no longer eco-
dents, public and political announcements, technical nomically viable (within the wider context of IUWM),
studies, and scientific research into pollution control the technical insights from the stormwater quality dis-
technologies, a State Inquiry was held in 1993 to scru- course led almost seamlessly into the mid 1990s dis-
tinize stormwater pollution issues (O’Loughlin 1994). course for improved technologies for advancing more
This was facilitated through a special Stormwater For- sustainable management techniques. In Australia, the
um that brought together representatives from the development of technical expertise with waterway
community, Federal and State government agencies, heath, pollution prevention and treatment, and har-
local government, business and industry, peak and lo- vesting and reuse aproaches has attracted the label of
cal nongovernmental green groups, and a number of being an expression of ‘‘water sensitive urban design’’
relevant academics. The clear consensus from the (Whelans and others 1994, Wong 2001). Much of this is
Forum was that the current condition and manage- based on the implicit philosophy of managing urban
ment of urban stormwater across Sydney was not sus- stormwater in a distributed manner throughout the
tainable and that there were many administrative catchment using technologies that are integrated into
changes required. ‘‘Sustainable development’’ was re- the built form. The overall approach of Water Sensitive
ported as the agreed framework for future policy Urban Design necessarily requires and has attracted a
development and for implementing solutions to the broader range of disciplinary expertise that has resulted
current urban stormwater issues (USPTF 1993). in an array of technologies and approaches from retro-
fitting and changing technical infrastructure, improv-
ing land-use planning and maintenance, and changing
Stormwater Sustainability Discourse catchment behaviors and activities.
It is difficult to mark a transition and clearly define Although the development of IUSM techniques
all the related concurrent drivers to the stormwater flourished over the last decade, the administration of
sustainability discourse. However, during the 1990s a these approaches has not been widespread. Since the
number of important contextual factors played a role Stormwater Forum in 1993, there have been various
in facilitating the advocacy of IUSM and include: evolving forms of State task forces, advisory bodies, and
policy groups producing a series of recommendations
• increasing social value of waterway amenity and and strategic policy reports. The most significant out-
health, and the conservation of water resources come of these groups was the recognition of the need
• rapidly evolving international research and best for an integrated approach for the administration of
thinking in IUSM, integrated urban water manage- urban stormwater management between Sydney Water,
ment (IUWM), and ecosystem management ap- local governments, and other relevant state agencies
proaches and community groups for sharing responsibility
• local urban stormwater policy development and (USPTF 1993, McManus 1996). It was also acknowl-
technology codification, and edged that significant impediments to achieving an
• political imperative of presenting a ‘‘clean Sydney integrated approach included (i) the current adminis-
Harbor’’ for the first green 2000 Olympics. trative arrangements; (ii) inadequate funding allocated
to urban stormwater management at all levels of gov-
The NSW Environment Protection Authority’s social ernment; (iii) fragmented organizational responsibili-
research program reported in the Who Cares about the ties; and (iv) an overall lack of legal accountability
Environment? series (NSW EPA 1997, 2000, 2003) has (CEPA 1993, Sharpin 1996). In 1996 a strategic policy
continued to demonstrate the community’s consistent discussion report was released advocating the pursuit of
and significant concern for the health of local waterways sustainable urban stormwater management through
and water conservation. More recently water conserva- the cooperative preparation of integrated catchment-
tion has increased in social value, which can also be based stormwater management plans developed by lo-
linked to the increasing media attention of Sydney’s cal government organizations (Sharpin 1996).
drought condition over the last 3 years. These observa- Since then, there has been significant political and
tions in shifting community values reflect how the urban public attention on Sydney offering the ‘‘first green’’
stormwater environment is an important resource for 2000 Olympics, and the amenity and health value of
human and waterway sustainability, with waterways Sydney Harbor and other high profile waterways were
462 R. R. Brown

of significant concern. Sydney Water Corporation More recently, an alternative newly amalgamated
proposed the construction of a large sewer overflow State government organization, the Department of
collection system that was designed to capture and Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, has taken
ultimately minimize the number of sewer overflows on responsibility for addressing a host of sustainability
entering Sydney Harbor (WAP 1997). This proposal issues associated with residential developments across
met with a number of community opponents con- New South Wales. This involved the mandatory intro-
cerned that it was a technological fix rather than a duction of a centralized computer-based planning tool
sustainable solution. After much debate and review, in July 2004 (see that includes a
the NSW Government announced the additional requirement to achieve 40% reduction in potable water
funding of a Stormwater Trust of $60 million, which consumption in new and redevelopment projects. This
gave grants to local government for catchment-based initiative has the potential for advancing the adoption
planning and capital works for stormwater quality of stormwater retention and harvesting techniques as a
management (WAP 1997, Smith 1998). The State Pre- water conservation measure.
mier, Mr. Bob Carr, launched this as a ‘‘Waterways In summary, the overall administrative expression of
Package’’ in May 1997. the stormwater sustainability discourse to date has been
In 1998, the now disbanded ‘‘Urban Stormwater limited to the production of state position papers, so-
Program’’ was formed and administered by the then cial environmental attitudes research, and the imple-
Environment Protection Authority. This program mentation of a number of ad-hoc, yet state of the art,
mainly targeted local government with a strong com- demonstration projects. These demonstration projects
munity mass media education campaign and industry are based in new development or urban renewal set-
education component. It included a temporary legal tings and represent various facets of water conserva-
regulatory direction, imposed on April 24, 1998, onto tion, stormwater pollution control, and ecological
local government, Sydney Water, Roads and Traffic restoration. Some of these projects include the Koga-
Authority and State Rail (Sharpin and others 1999). rah Town Square redevelopment (Mouritz 2000), Vic-
The directive required the joint preparation of toria Park redevelopment (Wong 2004), and Sydney
catchment-based stormwater quality management Olympic Park.
plans detailing the catchment-based stormwater man-
agement techniques and processes they were com- Institutionalization of the Management Discourses
mitted to implementing over the next 5 years. The 44 The analysis of these evolving management dis-
local government organizations led the preparation of courses reveals radical change in the cognitive and
a total of 40 catchment-based plans for Metropolitan normative dimensions of the practice of urban storm-
Sydney. The outcomes of this intervention, as evi- water management across Metropolitan Sydney within
denced by evaluation research reported by Brown and the constraints of limited change in the regulative
Ball (1999), Brown and Ryan (2000), Brown and dimension. The review of each of the three manage-
others (2001), and Brown (2003), demonstrate that ment discourses, as shown in Table 2, reveals the
the overall outcome, although probably significant in institutional dominance of the stormwater quantity
raising broader administrative awareness of storm- discourse well into the 1980s. The stormwater quality
water pollution issues, was indeed disappointing in discourse reveals itself as a transitional management
practice. discourse during the 1980s and early 1990s. It served as
The Program outcomes were limited to the pro- a change management space for the significant shifts
duction of a host of technically elaborate plans largely in community values and best practice thinking be-
prepared by engineering consultants on behalf of local tween the stormwater quantity and the significantly
government. While the EPA regulators approved the different stormwater sustainability discourse. The level
plans, there was limited organizational commitment to and availability of technological ingenuity with the
implementation and for voluntary continuation of the current stormwater sustainability discourse largely re-
interorganizational planning process. Although the flect contemporary social environmental values.
Program has led to increased awareness of stormwater The stormwater quantity discourse as the traditional
pollution issues, this has not resulted in a sustained management practice was founded within a stable
regulatory legacy for sustainable urban stormwater technocratic institutional form (see Fischer 1990) for
management, but rather resulted in the production of the majority of the last century. Urban stormwater was
a series of yet to be published information and guid- valued as a low priority waste and managed for eco-
ance document packages for local government on the nomically efficient flood protection. A ‘‘technical
lessons associated with the program. engineering elite’’, in isolation from external players,
Impediments to Integrated Stormwater Management 463

Table 2. Institutional analysis of the Prominent stormwater management discourses

Management discourse Cognitive (knowledge) Normative (values) Regulative (administration)
Stormwater quantity Flood protection Low-priority waste Monodisciplinary
Managed for economically Functional activity
efficient flood protection Autonomous
Stormwater quality Flood protection Low Priority Waste Monodisciplinary
Pollution control Managed for economically Functional activity
efficient flood protection Autonomous
and restoration of intrinsic
and aesthetic values of waterways
Stormwater sustainability Flood protection High-Priority resource Monodisciplinary
Functional activity
Pollution prevention Autonomous
Water conservation
Ecological restoration

administered the stormwater system as a subservient ues of receiving waterway health, water conservation,
functional activity of other broader and well-defined flood protection, and pollution prevention. This marks
governmental services such as road building and a paradigmatic shift from the conceptualization of the
property subdivision. This administration has been problem from a low-priority issue of delivering efficient
mutually constrained by the limited resources made stormwater conveyance to a high-priority issue of
available for the maintenance of stormwater infra- stormwater being a valuable resource and instrumental
structure, which is also procedurally entrenched in lo- to facilitating environmental sustainability. The
cal government operations and maintenance administration of this discourse has been slow and
departments (Brown 2003). incremental. The temporary regulatory instrument
The stormwater quality discourse characterizes the imposed on local government to enable catchment
significant change in community waterway values as planning proved overall a disappointment, yet the
demonstrated through local community activism about evidence is clear that at least State level regulators were
polluted waterways within Sydney. Although storm- aware that the current administrative regime was the
water was still largely valued as a waste, it was also most significant obstacle to enabling IUSM. Therefore,
considered important to restoring and maintaining the again implementation has been ad-hoc and largely in
intrinsic and amenity value of receiving waterways. This the form of information and guidance document
value could be expressed as an aesthetic priority be- packages.
cause the community was concerned about visually In summary, the institutionalization of both the
observed pollution, and led to the development of a stormwater quality and stormwater sustainability dis-
host of stormwater pollution control traps and tech- courses has been significant from a cognitive and
nologies, which were codified into a number of State normative perspective. However, there has been mini-
agency practice guidance documents. With the mal change in the regulative pillar supporting storm-
administration of the environment more generally only water management practice. The analysis has served to
being formalized in the late 1980s and early 1990s with reveal how well the stormwater quantity discourse is
a new State environment agency and a handful of local fundamentally embedded into the administrative con-
government organizations forming new environment text by inherently privileging and perpetuating unsus-
sections, widespread implementation of stormwater tainable management solutions based around
quality management practices was not realized. stormwater drainage objectives. The analysis clearly
The stormwater sustainability discourse reflects sig- demonstrates that the implementation problem is the
nificant and radical cognitive development with an result of administrative inertia.
exponential expansion in technical research and As discussed by Scott (1995), the depth of the
expertise into interventions to make the existing urban institutionalization of a social practice is measured by
stormwater environments more sustainable. This re- its degree of inherent stability. Therefore, the analysis
flects the perceived need to pursue sustainable total of current impediments to the institutionalization of
water cycle futures encompassing the community val- the stormwater sustainability discourse needs to
464 R. R. Brown

Figure 2. Simple
representation of typical
division, functional structure,
and stormwater relationships.

encompass a more detailed review of the organiza- ernment organizations. This structured pattern of
tional administrative context to identify and charac- environmental administration broadly reflects a tech-
terize these inherent impediments. nocentric administrative ideology where the environ-
ment is conceptualized as a machine with technically
Considering the Organizational efficient State departments and organizations repre-
senting functionally based services and systems such as
Implementation Dilemma
roads, water supply, wastewater collection, treatment
From an institutional perspective, it is essential that and disposal, energy and communication utilities,
the organizational administrative context is conducive public housing, and land-use planning. Local govern-
to assimilation of the advanced cognitive and norma- ment, as the traditional implementation arm and top-
tive positions supporting the implementation of IUSM. down recipient of State policy, reflects the technocen-
Recognizing that the implementation problem is lo- tric division through its functional silos (departments)
cated within the administrative context is not novel. of the State’s environmental administration. This
Local commentators such as Dowsett (1994), McManus inherently facilitates strong vertical relationships be-
(1996), Sharpin (1996), and Brown (2003) have re- tween the sectoral spheres of government, resulting in
ported that the current administration of urban interacting professional communities dominating sec-
stormwater management reflects an overlapping web toral processes (vertical relationships) rather than
of responsibility between local government and various collaborative administration across and within the silos
state government organizations, characterized by con- of local and state government departments (horizontal
flict, overlapping accountability, complicated legisla- relationships).
tive context, and inadequate management and funding The stormwater quantity discourse fitted seamlessly
for sustainable stormwater management. This is cer- within the technocratic administrative regime. As a low-
tainly confirmed for the case of Metropolitan Sydney, priority, expert-driven and subservient technical activ-
particularly when superimposing ecosystem-based ity to road building and subdivisions, attention was
thinking on the current administrative arrangements. largely limited to the engineering department of local
Shown in the top half of Figure 2 is a typical rep- government operating autonomously under the rele-
resentation of the numerous state agencies, depart- vant regulatory requirements of the State Roads and
ments, and corporations, and the bottom half presents Traffic Authority. The main concern is with sectoral
the typical departmental structure of the 44 local gov- planning and reductionist analysis. With the rise of
Impediments to Integrated Stormwater Management 465

Table 3. Organizational Administrative Impediments to IUSM Implementation

Organizational administration Dominant factors of the IUSM implementation dilemma
Power and expertise Dominance of technical engineering knowledge
Technical expert decision and policy making
Stable knowledge/power relationship — threatened if shared
Goal of technically simplifying complex urban water issues
Values and leadership Stormwater as a low political priority, subservient to higher profile functions
Economic efficiency high priority
Distinct lack of leadership and/or stated vision for a sustainable water future
Local government priorities on residential services and road maintenance
Lack of institutional funding for stormwater management
Structure and jurisdiction Technocrats removed from working with communities
Functional state departments and agencies operating in isolation
Numerous organizations with unclear responsibilities
Top-down intergovernmental relationship between State and Local organizations
Political rather than physical ecological boundaries for local administration

modern environmentalism, NSW along with other vertical and horizontal dimensions of government and
developed nations and states formed new environment nongovernment organizations. This is notably absent
departments within different levels of government. within the current organizational administrative con-
This reflects the inertia of the administrative system text of urban stormwater management across Metro-
with the environment conceptualized as an add-on to politan Sydney.
the existing functional and largely autonomous orga- As presented in Table 3, the organizational admin-
nizational activities of governments. The stormwater istrative impediments to enabling the implementation
quality discourse was expressed through the new State practice of IUSM can be typified into the characteris-
environment agency, which attempted to impose tics relating to technocratic power and expertise, values
environmental management and planning regulations and leadership, and structure and jurisdiction. From
on local government for stormwater pollution control. the outset, the technocratic structure of the adminis-
However, there was much confusion over whether this trative regime inherently privileges technical expertise
was a job for the stormwater engineer or the new local and economic rationalism over an interdisciplinary
environmental manager (Brown 2003). Nonetheless, alternative that values community participation in
while awareness may have been raised, a change in decision making and environmental sustainability.
implementation practice was limited, with traditional With sustainability necessitating a broader knowledge
stormwater quantity management practices prevailing. and skill base, this also challenges the traditional
The sustainable stormwater discourse poses the administrative domain of the established stormwater
most significant challenge to the administrative con- engineering community. These engineers have been
text (Tyson and others 1993, Geiger and Hofius 1996, responsible for providing a level of service that com-
Brown 2003). This is because it requires a new form of munities have learned to expect in terms of reliability
governance facilitating integrated solutions and and quality of water resources, flood protection and
knowledge partnerships (Maksimovic and Tejada- recently, protection of the amenity of local waterways.
Guibert 2001, Brown 2003). Vlachos and Braga (2001), This reorientation attracts the implication of sharing of
Marsalek and others (2001), and Brown (2003) advo- expertise status and the potential redirection of scare
cate that IUSM requires participatory, interdisciplinary, resources elsewhere. Given this, it is clear that an
inter- and intraorganizational approaches within an administrative regime that promotes a learning envi-
adaptive management framework. For IUSM to be ad- ronment facilitating multidirectional information ex-
vanced, governance must be collaborative, adopting a change is required whereby the public and various
holistic approach by including participation of com- disciplinary technical experts gain broader under-
munity and all other stakeholders, comprising local standing of the totality of factors involved. This is likely
and regional authorities, employers, environmentalists, to be essential in dismantling institutional barriers and
decision-makers, politicians, and academics in the creating relationships, while fostering community
catchment management process (Vlahos and Braga, support where there are conflicting societal goals.
2001; Marsalek and others, 2001). In sum, governance Contemporary bureaucratic culture around urban
needs to be cross-sectoral, cross-organizational in the stormwater management lacks high-level bureaucratic
466 R. R. Brown

and political support for change towards sustainability. intervention pathway needs to be followed to get there.
While political leaders may have signed up to a vision The research supports the hypothesis that a successful
of sustainability, the impediment appears to be the lack administrative regime would reflect the anthesis of the
of executive bureaucratic leadership in implementa- stormwater quantity discourse. Therefore, the form,
tion. This combined with the limited parameters of culture, and operating context would be the literal
decision-makers’ knowledge and bureaucratic inability opposite to a mono-disciplinary, functional-based
to deal with competing interests, together with the activity carried out by organizations acting largely
electoral demands faced by politicians, further en- autonomously.
trenches the institutional inertia. The inability to
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