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Savannah Anderson
Ms. Woelke
March 23, 2017
Over the course of my four years at Great Oak, I have learned many skills and techniques of
how to communicate, inform, and explain my thoughts to others. I have always dreaded public
speaking, my grade I am most proud of is a Socratic seminar. The Socratic took place in Ms.
Sharfs class, it was a makeup, Ms. Woelke explained to her that I was not a fan thus not much
participation. I was assigned to be the conversation leader and controlled the topics, it was my
worst nightmare. It was the best possible situation at the same time, I concurred a large fear
and did not crack under pressure. It was my best score I have even gotten in a Socratic
Seminar, it gave me a little less anxiety going into the next Socratic.

Over the past four years I have remained very constant in the main category reading,
obtaining my four year average percent of 85-87%. In the writing category, I averaged and 85%,
which is consistent with my previous years. The speaking and listening category, often was one
of my highest ranging from 90-92%, which is interesting to look back on. Lastly, the language
percentage varied from year to year from 82 -89%, which is also intriguing since spelling is
difficult for me at times.

Since seeing my past transcripts over the past four years, I believe I have made the most
growth in language and speaking. There is an much to improve upon in those sectors, I wish to
better my spelling, also to be able to speak with conviction in professional settings. After Great
Oak, my Freshman year in college I plan on taking Speech and Debate right away, to deal with
my biggest fears head on. With focus and determination I know I will be able to achieve my
many goals in life.

I believe Great Oak has prepared a great deal for the real world, through my many
collaborations with fellow student I have learned about teamwork and tolerance. I believe High
School has taught me many lessons on friendships and relationships.

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