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Healthy and productive oceans and seas are one of the key priorities of marine and coastal policies for both the
European Commission and UN Environment.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDG 14 includes goals and targets related to to oceans
The United Nations Environment Assembly Resolution on Oceans and Seas (2/10), together with the other
relevant UNEA Resolutions related to the marine environment, such as resolution 2/11 on microplastics and
marine plastic litter and 2/12 on sustainable coral reef management, provides a strong global mandate for
A joint communication entitled International ocean governance: an agenda for the future of our oceans2 was
tabled by the European Commission and the High Representative in November 2016. The communication sets
out an agenda for the future of our oceans, proposing 50 actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably
managed oceans around Europe and the world.
In November 2015, UN Environment and the European Commission organised a workshop on regional ocean
governance3, resulting in a set of conclusions and recommendations, focusing inter alia on the fundamental role
of regional ocean governance in the implementation of the ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals and
associated targets. Whereas the main responsibility to implement the Sustainable Development Goals lies at
national level, regional mechanisms, such as the Regional Seas Conventions, can greatly facilitate
implementation, coordination, monitoring and follow-up. It was also concluded that the ecosystem approach is
of key importance, and that cross-sectoral institutional cooperation and policy coordination at national and
regional levels is necessary for effective implementation. There are a number of models, experiences and tools
developed in different regions that can be promoted to demonstrate best practices and concrete examples of
effective cooperation and coordination at regional level.
Further, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) has decided to develop a regional
ocean strategy for Africa.UN Environment and the European Commission can play an important role to support
this process.


The objective of this initiative is to develop a Roadmap 2017 for Healthy and Productive Oceans, which would
contribute to increase coherence, synergies in achieving global commitments and stronger regional cooperation
for healthy and productive oceans.

The activities under this Roadmap will be developed in reference to two milestones in 2017: the UN Conference
to Support the Implementation of SDG 14 in June 2017 and Our Oceans Conference in October 2017. In
addition, UNEA 3 in November 2017 under the theme "pollution" will provide an important forum for concrete
deliverables relating to marine pollution.

These two events will provide a platform for States, civil society, private sector, academia, regional
organizations, and international and UN organisations to leverage capacity, support and resources for an
ecosystem-based and integrated ocean governance that support the implementation of Sustainable
Development Goal 14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

This roadmap is without prejudice to the specific EC/EU and UN Environment process of preparation and
participation to these two conferences and UNEA 3.


Timeline Activity

20 December 2016 Finalisation of Roadmap 2017 2018 on Healthy and Productive Oceans
at the EC-UN Environment Annual High Level Meeting

December 2016 end of April Analysing best practices from regional sea programmes, including in
2017 particular UNEP/MAP, in order to develop a toolbox for achieving Healthy
and Productive Oceans through regional frameworks

January/February 2017 Workshop on Regional Cooperation/Governance (focus on institutional

interactions and Area Based Management Tools) for delivery of ocean
related targets and indicators in Agenda2030, prior to the PrepCom for
the UN SDG14 Conference.

January - March 2017 Contribution to the African Ministerial Conference on Environment -

mandated process to develop an African Strategy on ocean governance

January - March 2017 Preparation of a concept note for considering a joint strategic partnership
initiative with other relevant partners (possibly for Our Ocean

February 15-16, 2017 Joint meeting/side-event at the Prepcom for the UN SDG14 Conference

February June, 2017 Cooperation on preparing coordinated or joint commitments for

Partnership Dialogues of SDG 14 Conference and Our Ocean Conference
Joint review of UNEA 2 commitments on oceans in the perspective of
preparations of UNEA 3

March May 2017 Preparation of Guidance for policy-makers on tools and models for policy
coherence in regional cooperation

June 2017 Side Event on Regional cooperation/governance for delivery of ocean

related targets in Agenda 2030 at the UN Conference to support the
implementation of SDG14
October 2017 Our Oceans Conference Launch of a series of coordinated or joint
commitments for a Healthy and Productive Ocean. Possible side-events
with the involvement of Barcelona Convention

December 2017 UNEA 3 Side event related to the theme "Pollution" , including
implementation of UNEA 2 commitments

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