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Savannah Anderson

Ms. Woelke


23, February 2017

Analogy Paper

Websters dictionary defines integrity as a firm adherence to a code especially moral or

artistic values, I believe in that ideology wholeheartedly. Since a young, we are instilled with the

ideals that integrity is apart of who we are and the type of person we will become. Life Is filled

with constant obstacles, testing your integrity. The way I perceive integrity, is a path leading up

to my ultimate goals, a healthy mix of experiences, much like a bag of trail mix. There is a

perfect blend of salty and sweet, much like life and it's ups and downs.

The bag: The bag that contains the trail mix represent my parents, giving me shelter and

protecting me from myself and the cruel world we live in. My parents are a huge part of my life,

they have been so supportive of many endeavors. They have instilled me with the lessons of

understanding, courage, and kindness, amongst the three most important traits a young person

can learn. My mother, Amy Anderson, is a second grade teacher, she has shown me to treat

everyone the way you want to be treated. That saying I incorporate into my life every single

day, the world is a harsh enough place, If we are kind to one another, we will make the world a

more enjoyable place to be. My father, John Anderson, a business owner, has instilled within

me the acts of courage. My father has made many financial risks which later paid off in the end,

but without courage his life would not be the way it is now. My fathers saying is be comfortable

being uncomfortable. My fathers quote is something that has helped me overcome a many

hard or uncomfortable situations, helping me face my hardships with courage. I plan on instilling

the same ideals and sayings upon my future friends and family.

The M&Ms: The m&ms symbolize the sweeter things in life, such as my love for music and

art. The two creative outlets allow me to express my many emotions and allow me to further my

inner journey, also the m&ms are my favorite part of the trail mix,much how music and art my

favorite hobbies. I believe music is the ultimate art form, it is human ingenuity at its finest,

adding layers of instruments upon vocals to create the ultimate art piece, a song. A song can

express so many emotions or themes, which often have helped me cope and move past a

tougher period. Music has also helped me feel positive or pumped up, such as a pregame

playlist, a ritual I part took in for 6 years since I played club soccer. Art is the other form of

expression I incorporated into my daily life. Art has taught me that mistakes are okay and often

have a positive effect in the long term. My detrimental quest for perfection was at a loss, when I

was struck with the realization that no one is perfect, and that the only thing you have to do

perfectly is be yourself.

Cashew: The cashews in the trail mix represent, my little sister. The cashews are the best

healthy ingredient in the batch, much like my sister, she is very helpful and sweet in helping me

become a better person. My sister, Kaylee Anderson, is truly my best friend, she is the most

caring and kind beings on this planet. She is a constant support system and has always had a

positive influence on me. Kaylee has been with through my several breakups, painful rejection

and disappointing failures, somehow she still manages to have unwavering faith in me. Her

support makes me want to continue on and make her proud, she deserves to have a sister she

can be proud of, I strive to be that. My sister has taught me to believe in myself, her faith in me

has inspired me to pursue goals and dreams.

The Raisins: The raisins in the trail mix symbolize my hardships and difficulties. When I eat

a bag of trail mix I always separate the raisins and choose not to eat them, much how I choose

not to have the past haunt my present. High School has been a long and grueling ride, filled with

hurtful drama, broken friendships, and poor decisions. Those past experiences have helped me

become the strong and knowledgeable young adult that stands before you now. I acknowledge

the past and the pain but do not let it control me, I simply set it aside and throw it away, the

same way I throw away unappetizing raisins. The hardships and difficulties have shown me that

I am resilient and overcome challenges thrown my way, a helpful encouraging outlook on life.

The air in the bag: The air in the bag of trail mix is a representation of my doctor. My Doctor

has given me tools and knowledge of how to breathe again,to simply enjoy life. The hardships

and emotion started to pile up along with hopelessness and once I met my doctor all of the

overbearing issues began to disappear. The removing of stress and unhappiness made me

become lighter and brighter, both literally and metaphorically. Since going to my doctor, I have

learned that asking for help is okay, everyone needs assistance, also to never be ashamed to

ask for help. After experiencing the dark, it is reassuring to know that people are out there who

want to help and give others a better life. The lessons my doctor has taught me, I will forever

carry along with me wherever I go and helping anyone along the way.

Peanuts: The peanuts in the trail mix represent my whole family, because there are a large

of them and they are always there. My family, on both sides, are extremely supportive and

amazing, at soccer and field hockey games, my family would take up a huge part of the stands.

My supportive and loving family have helped me pursue a passion to succeed and do my best in

everything. With high expectations comes high work ethic, something I can thank every single

family member for instilling me with. The love and support my family shows and taught me that

family is all you truly need. You only get one family, so love and cherish the one you have, they

will love you unconditionally, and that's all you could ever ask for.

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