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Mallari Miller

Composition 2

Professor Stephanie Williams

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Argumentative Essay
Social Media Academic Argument
Social media is a various platform that enable users to connect and share content.

Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube are various social media platforms. These

platforms allow people to connect and are helping businesses grow. The surveyors said that

connecting with friends and family, networking, encouragement, keeps a person updated on a

followers life that might be distance, and helps build relationships are all positive impacts about

social media. These platforms allow people to post selfies, statuses and voice their opinion.

Social media has a positive impact because it allows connection with friends and family across

the world, self-representation, and advertising businesses.

Social media can have a negative impact. Cyberbullying, lack of sleep and studying, and

leads to addiction are examples of the negative impact that social media creates. Even though

social media can have a negative impact the positive impact over rules. The positive impact of

social media over rules the negative affect because it helps keep people interacted with similar


Social media has a positive impact because it allows a person to connect with friends and

family. Your school probably has a page for incoming freshman to chat and get to know one

another before you arrive on campus (Dashevsky, Evan). This means that students can interact

with each other and find some things in common by having a Facebook account. Various forms

of social media allow a person to connect with family and friends if he or she is far away. All of

the methods of communication through social media are easy to use when traveling or

volunteering abroad; just remember you need a Wi-Fi connection to use all of them (Darsch,

Rebekah). Blogging is used to describe a persons experience about something. Blogging allows

other people to comment on a specific topic and meet new friends. Instagram is a social media

platform that allows a person to share photos, videos, and direct message friends and family.

Snapchat allows a person to post a ten second story video of what he or she is doing. Twitter is

an easy way to connect with friends and family because it allows a person to post a thought

under one-hundred forty characters. An app called WeChat allows people to instant message,

send money, make video calls, order food, read the news and make important appointments.

Social media platforms are great to connect with friends and family, but advertising has a strong

impact on social media as well.

Social media and advertising go hand in hand. Businesses can increase customers by

advertising on social medias. Businesses can post interesting facts on social media. New

businesses can gain various benefits about how to reach customers and if their product or service

will be popular. Two surveyors said that they like social media advertisements. Nine surveyors

said that it depends on what is being advertised on social media platforms. This number is on the

low side but may rise due to time. Starbucks, Levis, and Target all parlayed their Facebook

presence into greater market awareness, leading to improved branding and higher revenue

(Evans, David). This means that by advertising on social media these companies have

transformed into better. Social media advertising helps businesses find new potential clients by

using users own shared information to identify interest. Social media is in the top five digital

marketing trends for 2017. According to Dave Chaffey, an author of five books on social media,

Social networks are now so well established, that there are now a core 'top 5' social networks

which doesn't change much from year-to-year. The largest social media platform that is

advertising is Facebook. The proliferation of content advertising on YouTube has attracted

advertisers' attention to invest in this evolving medium as a brand communication and effective

online advertising platform (Dehghani, Milad). Advertisers are noticing that YouTube is

increasing its brand by advertising various companies. YouTube has seen a tremendous increase

in advertising over the years. According to Sonny Ganguly, who leads the top marketing place

called Wedding Wire Social networks are a good option for advertisers because of the advanced

targeting options, reliable conversion tracking, and prevalence on mobile devices. Social media

collects a lot of user information therefore, it can target an advertisers audience in numerous

ways. General demographic and geographic data has helped social media advertisers develop

new ways of targeting users through deeper-interest, behavioral and connection-based methods.

Advanced targeting options provide a level of personalization which include: interest targeting,

behavioral/connection targeting, custom targeting and lookalike targeting. Interesting targeting is

the best because it allows businesses to look at users interests, activities, skills, and pages that

they are engaged with. Snapchat is allowing businesses to create geofilters so that their number

of customers can increase. Netflix used a geofilter to promote the new Gilmore Girls series. The

company recreated a fictional caf from the show called 'Luke's' and allowed customers in the

cafes to take pictures on Snapchat, using a geofilter with the fictional cafe's logo (Gee, Rachel).

Snapchat geofilters are in the competitive market because not a lot of businesses are creating

them. I love using and seeing different brands with geofilters because it is creative, recognizing

brands and becoming an interest for other companies. According to Jomer Gregorio, who is a

specialist in integrated digital marketing and is the founder of Digital Marketing Philippines and

CJG Digital Marketing In 2016, eighty-three percent of all marketers have already taken

advantage of social media marketing and to increase their sales and boost their brand identity.

This statistic explains how advertising on social media is becoming popular and that marketers

are getting their brand out there to new customers. Brent Leary did an interview with Katie

McGee about advertising on Instagram and Facebook. According to Katie McGee, Instagram is

a real opportunity to help small businesses grow where they already have a community present.

This makes customers know that small businesses are present in the community. According to

Andrew Neman of the New York Times, The ads, which have menu tabs and increasingly

resemble mini-Web sites themselves, allow users to click within the ad to see a brands Twitter

messages or Facebook wall posts in real time, or to watch a brands video content from YouTube

all without leaving the Web page where the ad appears. This is making social media

advertisement more efficient because it is set up as a mini website. Advertising has increased

through the political market. Social media is a form of digital media which provides a place for

political marketers to create a political marketplace where candidates, government ofcials, and

political parties can use social media to drive public opinion in the desired direction (Safiullah,

Md). This is one way to engage the youth to vote by posting political ads on social media

platforms and to let them voice their opinion to which candidate is better for the right position.

According to Sarah Vizard, a news editor for Marketing week, Brands have been quick to make

moves onto Snapchat. The site offers something that almost all advertisers want - access to an

engaged, young, mobile audience. Brands are advertising more on Snapchat because they want

to get a more realistic perspective from the youth and see if they will be interested in buying their

product or service. Self-representation is becoming more positive through the acts of social


Heres the heart of the matter: the essence of social media is knowing your audiences

and engaging them in something they love. This means that your post should engage your

audience but most importantly they should represent you in a positive way. Self-representation

has a positive impact on social media because it helps builds a persons character. Any

individual may reach the service, both to create movements and voice themselves, for both the

good and the bad, as discussed by certain scholars, supporting that social media can be utilized

for both positive and negative communication outcomes (Dewi, Puspitasari). People can

represent themselves by voicing their opinion on how they feel about a post on a social media

platform. According to Jill Walker Rettburg who is a professor of digital culture, Visual self-

representation includes selfies, of course, but also other images and icons that we use to express

ourselves, such as the photos we choose to share on Facebook or the layout we choose for a

Tumblr log. Written self-representations can be blogs or online diaries, but also the many written

status updates we share on sites like Facebook, Twitter or in comments on Instagram. Quantified

self-representation can mean extensive and deliberate self-tracking, as we see in the quantified

self- movement, or it can be something as simple as swiping right to add a filter to a Snapchat

image showing the temperature where we are or the speed at which we are moving. Visual self

-representation and quantified self-representation are connected because once you post a selfie

you can choose which filter to use. Selfies could not only reflect individuals' personality but

also help convey their ideal self-concept, given that selfies are easy to manipulate. By engaging

in selective self-presentation (which can be accomplished in the case of selfies), people seek

affirmation from others to strengthen their self-concept (Shin, Youngsoo). Posting selfies will

boost your self -confidence when people give you a positive compliment. It can also help them

embrace their beauty by letting them know it is someone out there similar to them. Instagram

allows users to comment on and like photographs, which could help to satisfy the need to belong.

Instagram offers additional avenues for satisfying the need to belong by allowing users to share

and view visual representations of their relationships Tobin, Stephanie J. From personal

Instagram has helped me embrace who I am as an individual by letting me know its okay not to

have a lot of likes and comments on a certain picture.

To conclude, social media has made a positive impact on society. Social media platforms

are increasing with new people making accounts every day. Social media has a positive impact

because it allows connection with friends and family across the world, self-representation, and

advertising businesses. Social media can help a person love their appearance and have a stronger

connection with family and friends.


Works Cited

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