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Tiffany Rascoe

May 5, 2017
Written Communication 102-21
Dr. Craig Wynne
Free writes
January 19, 2017:
Looking at this picture, I see what seems to be a U.S. citizen sitting down, waiting to be served
promises but instead he is given a dish of reality. I believe this relates to many political
campaigns. There will be a candidate that is trying to win your vote so they make empty
promises and when it comes time to follow through with those promises they come up empty
handed and all that is left is the reality that they could not live up to.
January 31, 2017:
I like Maya Angelou. I love how she spoke with such grace and poise, she was someone who
delivered speeches, poem, etc. with drive and a purpose. I love how she spoke about her
insecurities and finds ways to turn them into something positive (e.g. still I rise). She was a
speaker who influenced myself and many others.
February 2, 2017:
The genres I chose to write about are visual and written. I chose the genre written because when
we read the lyrics to the song in class it really helped with analyzing. I chose the visual genre
because I am a visual person and I find it easy to decode satirical pieces.
February 16, 2017:
I would like to know why Donald Trump feels the way he does about Muslim people and why he
feels he has the right to tell people where they can and cannot live. I would also like to know if
he really believes the way he acts and the things he says are not racist. Another thing I would like
to know is how Muslim countries feel about Trumps proposed Muslim ban, and whether they
plan on acting against it.
February 28, 2017:
As we did the breathing exercise, my mind was focused on if anything was behind me because
closing my eyes for long periods of time gives me anxiety.
March 2, 2017:
From the research I have done so far, I have found two different perspectives about how Trumps
Muslim ban is similar to the confinement of the Japanese after the bombing of Pearl harbor and
how Jewish people were treated during the holocaust. One of the perspectives is how history is
repeating itself with similarities between the Muslim ban and conferment camps. My second
perspective was how Trump addressed the claims of the Muslim ban stating that it was not
targeted at Muslims but more so terrorists.
March 30, 2017:
I would give the video an A- because of the way it was put together. It started by showing all of
the negatives of the world, the shootings of unarmed black people, protests, etc. but it ended on a
positive note. It ended by showing the world coming together and overcoming all of the
negativity in the world.
April 11, 2017:
There was a time when I was arguing a lot. One time when I was in high school, I got into an
argument with my financial literacy teacher over an error in my grades. It started out as a calm
disagreement but it quickly escalated when she kept insisting she was right about the grade. In
the end, it was discovered that she had overlooked my assignment. Therefore, I won the
argument because I was right all along.
April 13, 2017:
If I could change any policy, it would probably be the polices ability to stop and frisk. I would
change this because this policy targets people living in low income neighborhoods and is the
reason that young black men are lost in the jail system due to minor charges.

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