Death and Resurrection: Immortals - To Restore The Balance of Justice To A World That

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Death and Resurrection

Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from

all eternity; and the implication of causes was from
eternity spinning the thread of your being.
Marcus Aurelius

For millennia, the Nile Valley has cast its irresistible an unfortunate accident or active malice, your character has
spell over the youngest of the worlds children. From its died before his time. Only by bonding with a portion of an
source near the site of the earliest evidence of man at ancient soul can he return to the living world. In return for
Olduvai to the great rivers outlet near the deserts where the a second chance at life, your character becomes an agent of
prophets walked, the valley of the eternal river has been redemption in a world of despair.
mans kindest cradle. Now, like the sun rising after a long Your character has something special that cries out to
night, an ancient power returns to the Nile Valley. Osiris and his followers, some strength or insight that never
Osiris, the oldest and greatest of the Egyptian gods, has reached full bloom in life. Responding to this unrealized
long reigned in the Lands of the Dead. A recent cataclysm in potential, an ancient Egyptian spirit bonds with your char-
the underworld has roused Osiris from his seeming slumber acter and begins an arcane ceremony to return your character
to take an active hand in the living world once again. The to life. Upon returning to the living world, your character
agents of this ancient power are themselves things of legend. works with others of his kind, fellow mummies fellow
They are deathless beings who defy the grasp of mortality. immortals to restore the balance of justice to a world that
They are mummies. is sliding ever faster into corruption and decay.
In Mummy: The Resurrection, you are invited to play Even in the face of death, accepting immortality is not
one of these immortal beings. as easy to do as you might think. His transformation from
Most of us think of a mummy as a bandage-wrapped earthly to eternal changes your character forever. His scope
corpse from ancient Egypt, but a mummy in this game is of understanding broadens dramatically, but new mysteries
nothing so clich. Your character is a combination of old and are revealed in the process. The world is a grim place, the
new. He is a hybrid of ancient Egyptian spirit and modern victim of centuries of atrocities carried out against it. Crea-
day soul who has been empowered by Osiris with an ages-old tures supernatural and mundane advance malign agendas to
mission. Your character is a warrior for balance, who seeks to hasten the downward spiral of society, to snuff out the flame
preserve life against the ruin and oblivion that long-standing of hope and innocence in humanity.
evil threatens to unleash. When he returns to life, your character has the power to
But how does a modern man or woman become the stand against these forces. He has been given an opportunity
undying force of an ancient gods will? Whether because of for a second chance, a new beginning.

Mummy: The Resurrection


Mummies new Spell of Life to priests and priestesses of unwavering

integrity and honor. Osiris centuries beyond the Shroud
Over the course of thousands of years, ancient Egyptians may have given him greater insight into the bond between
perfected the art of preserving the bodies of the dead. Their spirit and flesh. This new spell is without flaw, and it is far
intent was to maintain the body for the family of the more powerful than its predecessor. The newest spell of
deceased. After death, the individuals soul passed into Duat, resurrection imbues the dead with a life force that flows as
the Egyptian underworld. There, in the spirit city of Amenti, strong as the great river Nile.
Osiris ruled over the dead. The god Anubis guided new Part of the spells strength comes from the new manner
arrivals before the judges of the afterlife, so that they could in which the Reborn (as mummies are also called) are
determine the spirits reward for its life. created. Those resurrected in the wake of the Dja-akh are the
When incorporated with the mummification ceremony, product of a union of one of the storm-shattered souls from
the Spell of Life that had been set down by Osiris and his Amenti and the flawed soul of a mortal who has died
sister-wife Isis created an eternal link between soul and recently. Only the strongest shards of the souls of the ancient
corpse. Although the spirit still ventured into the under- Egyptian dead were able to survive the maelstroms savage
world upon its death, it could now return across the Shroud winds. At Osiris behest, the remnants of these ancient
(which divides the living and spirit worlds), infusing its dead spirits including many old mummies whose souls were
flesh with life. Proper service in the underworld realm of fractured by the howling soul tide of the Dja-akh are
Amenti allowed the mummy to gather sufficient spiritual spreading across the world seeking those whose weaknesses
energy to return to the living world. Months, even years, needs their strength. They solicit a bond with individuals
might pass, but a mummy would always eventually return to whom they can complete and complement.
life no matter how many times he was slain. From the perspective of those in the underworld, a
The followers of Isis and Osiris performed the resurrec- person who is soon to meet with death evinces a mark or sign
tion ceremony on a small number of their members. Because shortly before his end in the physical world. Spirits call these
of an imperfect understanding by Osiris and Isis when they prophetic markings death marks. When one of the Amenti
created the spell, however, the ancient mummies were subtly spirits finds a compatible individual bearing the spiritual
flawed. Although their flesh was warm and their hearts beat, death marks, the tattered entity waits nearby in the tumul-
the touch of death never left them entirely. Although they tuous ghost world. At the moment of death, the Amenti
had been infused with life eternal, they were completely spirit fragment reveals itself to the newly deceased and offers
sterile. Mystics found mummies auras dull and their blood to restore him to life. Should he agree, the shard of the
strangely lacking in life force. Egyptian soul animates the individuals dying form with just
Despite being small in number, the undying breed made enough life energy to make a desperate pilgrimage. The
formidable opponents. Horus, the son of Osiris and greatest spirits goal is the Web of Faith, a network of holy sites
of the Undying, led most of the mummies in a crusade to scattered across northern Africa to the Middle East, and
cleanse the world of his murderous uncle, Set who was infused with the life force of Osiris himself a life force that
himself the servant of Apophis. The faithful Followers of is vital to the resurrection ceremony.
Horus, the Shemsu-heru, returned again and again from In the Lands of Faith, the priests and priestesses of Isis
beyond the grave to stand against the evil of Set and the dark and Osiris wait for the joined spirits, and their sacred magic
gods venomous children. calls to the returning dead. Once the animated corpse is
The handful of mummies battled Sets corruption down taken in at one of the secret sites, the beloved of Isis and
through the millennia. Then came the Dja-akh, the ghost Osiris perform the divine ritual of resurrection.
storm, that ravaged the underworld. Even the eternal Shemsu- While the exact practice of the ritual of rebirth varies
heru could not withstand the fury of the Dja-akh, and many from cult to cult, the key elements remain consistent. The
of their number perished in the destruction of great Amenti, body is soaked in natron (a salt mixture common to the
the Dark Kingdom of Sand. Without the wisdom of Osiris, Egyptian embalming process) and wrapped in protective
the god of resurrection, all might have been lost. bandages that have been inscribed with spells. As long as the
ritual is performed within the Web of Faith, the deceased is
Amenti flooded with a surge of life force. The power of Osiris flows
In the aftermath of the spirit storm, the old Spell of Life into the corpse, burning away the weak portions of its soul.
has lost its potency. It now bestows not so much as a twitch The fragment of the ancient Egyptian soul replaces the
in a warm corpse. Osiris, active and interested in the affairs flawed or impure portion of the modern soul, and it is called
of the living for the first time in generations, has delivered a a tem-akh, or completing spirit. The new soul joins
seamlessly with old; the hybrid then faces the Judges of

introduction: Death and Resurrection


Maat. After receiving this arcane spiritual bodys judgment, are as ageless as the trackless desert itself. Islamic texts speak of
the newly empowered soul merges once more with the body. the djinn, beings created from smokeless fire by Allah before the
The resurrected individual referred to formally as an coming of man.
Amenti in honor of the lost city of the dead may undergo A handful of mystics of the World of Darkness believe that
small changes as the body adjusts to its new, more powerful life those who are slain and rise as vampires are actually reanimated
force, although these alterations tend to be subtle ones. The by the bestial spirit of a lesser djinn known as a ghul, which flows
most significant changes that the Spell of Life brings are clear. into the body along with the tainted blood and inspires an
The recipient has come back to life, and the weakest portion of unholy hunger. The same scholars say that the shapeshifters,
his soul has been replaced with the powerful tem-akh. nature spirits and faeries of legend are but forms of djinn and ifrit
as well. Tales of King Solomon trapping thousands of djinn
The Resurrection within various magical vessels continue to inspire wonder.
Before death and subsequent rebirth, a person who Wizards sometimes seek to follow in the Biblical kings footsteps
experienced the resurrection invariably led a stunted and by binding djinn to perform great tasks.
largely hollow life due to some weakness or flaw in his
character. Being made whole by the tem-akh grants the Apophis
individual an entirely new way to experience life. Some The entity known as Apophis knows only one thing:
describe it as finding a conscience that they never had. Some corruption. It has been around since time began, and it exists to
compare it to finding a new best friend that they will never defile and destroy. It is the ultimate trickster, the overwhelming
lose. Some describe it as awakening a great hunger for justice darkness and the unceasing perversion. Among the minions of
that cannot be denied. None go unchanged. Isis and Osiris, Apophis is considered the source of all evil. Many
In the new mummy, the child of the modern age and the are drawn into the Great Serpents snare unwittingly as their
abandoned child of a lost time come together. Two lives fuse. natural desires for success and wealth grow slowly tainted by
Each portion grants strength where the other was weak. Apophis insidious influence.
Millennia worth of wisdom combine with the enlightened The Great Serpent does not fear engaging in outright
attitudes of a new world. The fading essence of the tem-akh conflict, but it is just as skilled at using subtlety to achieve its
merges with the frenetic energy of the modern mind, and the goals. Likewise, its minions are corruption incarnate, perverting
resultant soul brings a unique perspective into being. The the innocent and defiling the unspoiled. Set was the Corrupters
self-styled Undying refer to this existence as the Third Life. mightiest champion, slaying Osiris and battling Horus through
Upon returning to life, the Amenti is more alive than ever the march of years.
before. His senses are more refined, and sensation is more The greatest threat Apophis presents comes from the
intense. Lights seem more colorful and brighter. Sex is more subtle depravities it uses to influence even the staunchest of its
fulfilling. Food is more flavorful. As every tactile sense is opponents. The corrupted Bane mummies are but one example
heightened, life becomes indescribably more sensuous. Al- of the Great Serpents ability to turn its enemies into its tools.
though the mummy still spends periods of inactivity within the
dead realms, the joys that life has to offer remind him constantly
to strive to return. The world that the Modeler has created is too
The Holy Land
To understand the ancient component of a mummys soul,
beautiful not to savor, and the spark of the divine wakes an
its important to understand the land from which it came. The
incomparable appreciation for living.
Near East of the Arabian Peninsula and northern Africa have
With a deep awareness of the preciousness of life comes
long been recognized as the cradle of civilization. Certainly, the
a heavy feeling of responsibility. Most of the Resurrected
three great monotheistic religions were all founded in the
realize that they have been called back to life to help retake
greater region of the Middle East, and their influence extends
the world from the corrupting forces of Sets master, Apophis.
around the world. However, the ancient homeland of mankind
Some seek to improve the societies that have adopted them
has become infested with agents of chaos and imbalance, and it
in the Lands of Faith. Others return to their previous lives in
roils with madness, violence and bloodshed. In the World of
hopes of healing the damage that they caused through their
Darkness, those who seek the unseen adversaries of mankind
thoughtlessness or selfishness. Those who understand the
here need not seek far.
principles of Maat best are inspired endlessly to change the
On the surface, the Lands of Faith appear much the same
world for the better and drive out the minions of darkness.
to the supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness as they do
Djinn to the mortals among whom they walk. The same ancient
Mummies are not the only supernatural beings in the buildings crowd the same dusty streets, sheltering their inhab-
world. Like the rest of the World of Darkness, the Lands of Faith itants from the suns harsh gaze. National borders seethe with
are home to a variety of preternatural creatures, some of which eternal tension. Fanatics target tourists, bystanders and
Mummy: The Resurrection

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