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Plant Molecular Biology 44: 699709, 2000.

2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Requirement for cytoplasmic protein synthesis during circadian peaks of

transcription of chloroplast-encoded genes in Chlamydomonas

Ryo Kawazoe, Seongbin Hwang1 and David L. Herrin

Section of Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology (Mail code A6700) and Institute for Cellular and Mole-
cular Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA ( author for correspondence; e-mail:; 1 present address: Dept. of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Sejong University,
Kwangjin-Gu Kunja-Dong 98, Seoul, Korea

Received 29 December 1999; accepted in revised form 28 April 2000

Key words: Chlamydomonas, chloroplast, circadian rhythms, cycloheximide-resistant mutant, nuclear-organelle

interactions, transcriptional regulation

Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of cytoplasmic translation, induced a rapid reduction of 7080% in levels of mRNA
for the chloroplast elongation factor Tu (tufA) in asynchronously growing Chlamydomonas. This effect was shown
to be mainly transcriptional, and not restricted to tufA, as transcription of other chloroplast-encoded genes were
cycloheximide-sensitive, although not all equally (psbA showed no more than 40% inhibition). Confirmatory
evidence that the inhibition of chloroplast transcription was mainly due to blocking cytoplasmic translation was
obtained with the cycloheximide-resistant mutant act1, and by using another translation inhibitor, anisomycin.
In synchronously growing Chlamydomonas, chloroplast transcription is regulated by the circadian clock, with the
daily peak occurring during the early light period. When cycloheximide was added during this period, transcription
was inhibited, but not when it was added during the trough period (late light to early dark). Moreover, in synchro-
nized cells switched to continuous light, the drug blocked the scheduled increase in tufA mRNA, but did not remove
the pre-existing mRNA. These experiments define two functionally different types of chloroplast transcription in
Chlamydomonas, basal (cycloheximide-insensitive) and clock-induced (cycloheximide-sensitive), and indicate that
the relative contribution of each type to the overall transcription of a given gene are not identical for all genes. The
results also provide evidence for nuclear regulation of chloroplast transcription, thereby obviating the need for an
organellar clock, at least for these rhythms.

Introduction mechanisms by which these different developmental

and environmental signals regulate transcription of
Chloroplast-encoded genes have been shown to be chloroplast genes are poorly understood.
regulated at the transcriptional, and several post- Global and/or large-scale changes in chloroplast
transcriptional levels (Gruissem and Tonkyn, 1993; transcription during development may be mediated,
Mayfield et al., 1995; Goldschmidt-Clermont, 1998). at least in part, by the differential expression of two
Transcriptional regulation has been documented dur- different, plastid-localized RNA polymerases (Green-
ing development, in response to light, and in daily berg et al., 1984; Mullet, 1990; Pfannschmidt and
rhythms (Herrin et al., 1986; Leu et al., 1990; Link, 1994). One of these appears to be mainly
Schrubar et al., 1990; Mullet, 1993; Salvador et al., nuclear-encoded and phage-like (Lerbs-Mache, 1993;
1993; Hwang et al., 1996). In addition, both global Allison et al., 1995; Hedtke et al., 1997), whereas
and gene-specific regulation of chloroplast transcrip- the other is mainly plastid-encoded and bacteria-like
tion has been observed (Schrubar et al., 1990; Sexton (Greenberg et al., 1984; Gruissem and Tonkyn, 1993;
et al., 1990; Mullet, 1993). However, the precise Allison et al., 1995). It should be noted, however,

that the putative sigma factors for the bacterial-like Materials and methods
polymerase are themselves nuclear-encoded (Liu and
Troxler, 1996; Tanaka et al., 1996; Isono et al., Cell strains and culture conditions
1997; Kestermann et al., 1998; Tozawa et al., 1998).
Thus, this situation provides the nucleus with the The wild type 2137 mt+ (CC-1021) and cycloheximi-
potential for global control of chloroplast transcrip- de resistant mutant act1 mt+ (CC-1589) were grown
tion by changing expression of the nuclear-encoded mixotrophically in flasks of Tris/acetate/phosphate
polymerase subunits. However, there is, as of yet, medium (Harris, 1989) with shaking (175 rpm) at
little direct evidence for nuclear regulation of global 23 C. To obtain asynchronous cultures, cells were
chloroplast transcription (Klein, 1991). grown for 2 days in continuous light to a density of 2
In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the 106 cells/ml (exponential phase); the light intensity
predominant chloroplast RNA polymerase seems to was ca. 40 E m2 s1 . To obtain synchronous cul-
be of the bacterial type. This is based on the fact tures, the cells were grown for three days under 12 h
that rpo-like genes are encoded in the chloroplast light/12 h dark cycles to a density of 1 106 cells/ml
genome (Fong and Surzycki, 1991), and that the bulk (using the same light intensity). The synchrony of the
of chloroplast transcription is sensitive to rifampicin cultures was checked by monitoring cell number and
(Surzycki, 1969; Fong and Surzycki, 1991). There cell division (Hwang and Herrin, 1994). For circa-
is no clear evidence for a nuclear-encoded chloro- dian experiments, synchronously grown cultures were
plast RNA polymerase in Chlamydomonas; however, transferred to continuous light using the same intensity
its absence cannot be ruled out. Indeed, Jahn (1992) as above. To perform inhibitor treatments, the drugs
partially purified an RNA polymerase that transcribes were added under ongoing growth conditions. Other
a chloroplast tRNAglu gene, although the subcellular details are given in the text or figure legends.
origin of this enzyme is not known.
We reported previously that transcription of several RNA isolation and northern blot hybridization
and possibly most chloroplast-encoded genes are reg-
The isolation of total RNA, northern blot hybridiza-
ulated by a circadian clock in C. reinhardtii. Circadian
tion, and 32 P labeling of DNA have been described
clock control may also be important to vascular plants
(Hwang and Herrin, 1994). The blots were stained
as the chloroplast psbD gene in wheat was shown to
with methylene blue prior to hybridization (Herrin and
be under circadian control (Nakahira et al., 1998). In-
Schmidt, 1988) to check for equal loading and transfer.
terestingly, modern relatives of the putative ancestor
The DNA probe was the PstI-EcoRI fragment of the
to green plant chloroplasts, a cyanobacteria-like or-
tufA gene (Hwang et al., 1996), which was labeled
ganism, also have a circadian clock that controls the
to a specific activity of ca. 1 109 dpm/g. The
transcription of many genes, including the photosys-
autoradiographs, exposed to obtain signals within the
tem II gene psbA (Johnson et al., 1996). This raises
linear response range, were scanned and quantified as
the possibility that there could be an ancient circadian
previously described (Hwang et al., 1996).
clock still residing in the chloroplast, directly regulat-
ing transcription. Alternatively, an extrachloroplastic Run-on transcription in permeabilized cells
clock could regulate chloroplast transcription, for ex-
ample, by directing the production of a regulatory Run-on transcription in toluene-permeabilized cells
protein(s) in the cytoplasm, such as those discussed was performed as described previously (Hwang et al.,
above. In this report, evidence is presented which 1996). The transcription mixtures contained 5 107
supports the latter hypothesis, namely that a nuclear- cells (2 108 cells/ml), 15 Ci of [-32 P]UTP (spe-
encoded factor(s) is responsible for the daily peaks of cific activity ca. 3000 Ci/mmol) as label, and were
chloroplast gene transcription. Moreover, this putative incubated at 25 C for 15 min. The specific radioactiv-
factor is relatively short-lived. ity of the RNA was measured by using DE-81 paper
(Sambrook et al., 1989). The transcriptional activity
of individual genes was assessed by hybridizing equal
amounts of the pulse-labeled RNA (10 g/ml in hy-
bridization solution) to DNA dot-blots (duplicate dots
of 2.5 g and 0.5 g) for 72 h. DNA probes for five
genes were used: pB10 for exon 1 of psaA1; pEC23 for

Figure 1. Effect of cycloheximide on levels of tufA mRNA. An asynchronously growing culture of wild-type C. reinhardtii was subdivided
into two, cycloheximide was added to one, and both were returned to ongoing growth conditions. RNA was extracted at the indicated times (in
h) from drug-treated (+CHX) and untreated (Control) cells, and analyzed by northern blot hybridization with a tufA probe. A. Autoradiograph
of a representative northern blot; the blot was exposed to X-ray film for ca. 6 h. B. Quantification of the blot in A. The data were normalized
relative to the zero-time value, which was arbitrarily set to 100%.

psbA; pR03R141 for tufA; pBC7 for atpB; and p228 ca. 0.51.5 h, compared to genes for photosynthetic
for 16S rRNA (Hwang et al., 1996). After stringent proteins (Pfannschmidt and Link, 1994; Hwang et al.,
washing and exposure to X-ray film, the films were 1996). Hence, the mRNA data could be explained
quantified as above. Hybridization to the vectors were by a rapid decrease in tufA transcription, although a
negligible under these conditions. drop in the stability of the mRNA was also possible.
A rifampicin chase experiment (Hwang et al., 1996)
was performed with cycloheximide-treated and con-
Results trol cells, and the results indicated that the half-life
of tufA mRNA was unaffected by cycloheximide (data
The effect of cycloheximide on tufA mRNA levels not shown).
The wild-type strain of C. reinhardtii, growing under Run-on transcription assays of tufA and other
continuous light, was treated with 10 g/ml cyclohex- chloroplast-encoded genes
imide to stop cytoplasmic translation (Hoober, 1970;
Herrin and Schmidt, 1987) (at this concentration syn- To determine directly if a change in transcriptional ac-
thesis of major proteins in the cytoplasm is inhibited tivity was responsible for the decrease in tufA mRNA
immediately by >95%; Herrin and Schmidt, 1987), levels, run-on transcription in permeabilized cells was
and then levels of the 1.7 kb tufA mRNA were fol- used to estimate transcription rates of tufA and four
lowed by northern blot analysis. As Figure 1 shows, other chloroplast genes (rrn, psbA, psaA exon-1, and
the tufA mRNA level began decreasing ca. 1 h after atpB). Also, overall plastid transcription activity could
the drug was added, declining rapidly to a low level be estimated since, with this system, more than 95%
(ca. 10% of untreated) by 4 h. This residual level of of the [32 P]UTP incorporation is chloroplast-derived
tufA mRNA persisted for at least another 4 h (data not (Guertin and Bellemare, 1979). Figure 2 shows that
shown). The half-life of tufA mRNA is relatively short, total and gene-specific transcriptional activity declined

Figure 2. Effect of cycloheximide on transcription of tufA and other chloroplast-encoded genes. An asynchronously growing culture of
wild-type C. reinhardtii was subdivided into two aliquots, cycloheximide was added to one (+CHX), and both were returned to ongoing
growth conditions. At the indicated intervals, cells were harvested and used for run-on transcription with [32 P]UTP. The 32 P-labeled RNAs
were hybridized to duplicate dots of 0.5 g (1X) and 2 g (4X), respectively, of several gene probes. A. Representative autoradiographs. The
32 P-labeled RNAs were from cells at the time of culture separation (0 time), and 4 h later (4 h control and 4 h +CHX). B. Time courses of
total and gene-specific transcription activity. Total incorporation of [32 P]UTP was determined as described in Materials and methods. The 4X
dots were scanned and each point represents an average of duplicates, which varied no more than 15%. The data were normalized relative to
the maximum values, which were arbitrarily set to 100%.

Figure 3. Effect of anisomycin and cycloheximide on tufA mRNA levels and transcription rates in wild-type and the cycloheximide-resistant
mutant, act1. Asynchronously growing cells of each strain were treated with cycloheximide (+CHX), or anisomycin (+ANI), or left untreated
(Control), and then harvested at the indicated times. Portions were extracted for northern analysis or used for run-on transcription assays. A.
Time course of tufA mRNA levels in wild-type (WT) and act1 cells. The data were normalized relative to the highest value, which was set
to 100%. B. Time course of tufA transcription rates in wild-type (WT) and act1 cells. Pulse-labeled RNA (10 g) from each time point was
hybridized to duplicate dots (2 g) of the tufA gene. Each point represents an average of duplicates, which varied less than 15%. The data were
normalized relative to the highest value, which was set to 100%.

during the 4 h of cycloheximide treatment. The inhi- Effects of cycloheximide and anisomycin on the
bition started almost immediately after the drug was cycloheximide-resistant mutant act1
added, and for most of the genes, transcription had
decreased to ca. 20% of its initial value by 23 h. Drugs can often have unexpected secondary effects;
The psbA gene, in contrast, showed a weaker response hence, we wanted to look closer at the effect of
to the drug; inhibition was never more than 40% cycloheximide on chloroplast transcription by per-
throughout the time course. It should also be noted forming two types of experiments. In the first, a
that transcription was still present in all cases, even cycloheximide-resistant mutant, act1 (Sager, 1972),
after 4 h of drug treatment. In conclusion, these data was used. Cytoplasmic ribosomes from this mutant
indicate that the decline in tufA mRNA induced by are substantially resistant to cycloheximide (Fleming
cycloheximide is due to reduced transcription. They et al., 1987), although the precise nature of the muta-
also show that this inhibition is not unique to tufA, tion is unknown. Act1 cells were treated with 10 g/ml
but probably affects most chloroplast-encoded genes, cycloheximide and the expression of tufA analyzed
although not all to the same degree. over a 4-h period. Figure 3A shows that the level of
tufA mRNA in cycloheximide-treated act1 decreased
transiently, but had mostly recovered by 4 h (ca. 90%
of the untreated level). In contrast, the level of tufA

mRNA was reduced by ca. 70% in similarly treated

wild-type cells. Run-on transcription analysis of the
tufA gene gave a similar pattern (Figure 3B), verify-
ing that the maintenance of the tufA mRNA levels in
act1 was due to transcriptional resistance. In addition
to tufA, transcription of the other genes used in Fig-
ure 2 were similarly resistant to cycloheximide in act1
(data not shown). These data support the view that the
effect of cycloheximide on chloroplast transcription is
mainly due to its ability to inhibit translation on cy-
toplasmic ribosomes. The transient, partial inhibition
by cycloheximide in act1 may be explained by the fact
that such strains (and wild-type) are more sensitive to
the drug in liquid culture (Fleming et al., 1987) than
on solid media (where the maximum level of antibiotic
resistance was shown to be 20 g/ml; Fleming et al.,
The other type of experiment that was performed
was to see if a structurally unrelated cytoplasmic
translation inhibitor, anisomycin (Chua and Gilham,
1977), would give the same result as cycloheximide.
Figure 3A shows that anisomycin produced a strong
decline in the tufA mRNA level in both wild type and
act1, and with decay kinetics identical to that induced Figure 4. Effect of cycloheximide on tufA mRNA levels in syn-
by cycloheximide. Figure 3A also shows that tufA chronized cells at peak (ca. L2) versus trough periods (ca. L10) of
mRNA is sensitive to anisomycin in the act1 mutant, tufA mRNA accumulation. Cells were grown for three L-D cycles,
as expected. aliquots were removed at L2 and L10 of the fourth cycle, and treated
with cycloheximide under ongoing growth conditions. Total RNA
was extracted at the indicated times from untreated (Control) and
Effects of inhibiting cytoplasmic translation under drug-treated cells (+CHX), and used for northern blot analysis with
diurnal and circadian conditions the tufA probe. The data were normalized relative to control cells at
L2 and L10, which were set to 100%. L and D refer to light and dark
The preceding data indicated that chloroplast tran- periods, respectively.
scription is tightly coupled to cytoplasmic translation
in C. reinhardtii. We hypothesized that the principal Similarly, transcription of tufA was inhibited
purpose for this interdependency would be regulatory, strongly by cycloheximide added at L2, but only
and sought evidence to support this contention. When weakly when added at L10 (Figure 5). Figure 5
wild-type C. reinhardtii is grown under 12 h light/12 h also shows that the transcription of several other
dark cycles, tufA transcription rates and mRNA levels chloroplast-encoded genes was strongly inhibited by
fluctuate daily, with the peak occurring in the early cycloheximide added at L2, but not at L10. As seen
light period (L1L4), and the trough in the late-light before with asynchronous cells (see Figure 2), there
to early-dark phase (L10D2) (Hwang et al., 1996). was less inhibition of psbA transcription than with
If the expression peak was under tight nuclear con- the other genes. Finally, it is important to note that
trol, then we might expect to see a difference in the the transcription rates at the different time points can
response to cycloheximide during peak versus trough be compared directly, since they were obtained from
periods. To test this, cycloheximide was added to the same culture. It is significant that the transcrip-
synchronized cells at either L2 or L10, and tufA tran- tion rates for most of the trough period (L10D2) are
scription rates and mRNA levels followed for 4 h. similar to the transcription rates obtained during the
Figure 4 shows that the tufA mRNA level declined peak (L2L6) after 30 min of cycloheximide treat-
substantially (ca. 80%) when the drug was added at ment. In other words, cycloheximide drops the peak
L2, but that there was only a small effect (1020%) transcription rates down to the trough or basal rates.
when the drug was added at L10.

Figure 5. Effect of cycloheximide on the transcription of tufA and other chloroplast-encoded genes in synchronized cells at peak (ca. L2) versus
trough (ca. L10) periods. A culture was entrained by growth under three L-D cycles (12 h/12 h), then aliquots were removed at L2 and L10 of
the fourth cycle, and treated with cycloheximide under ongoing growth conditions. Cells were harvested at the indicated times from untreated
(Control) and drug-treated (+CHX) cultures, and used for run-on transcription analysis as in Figure 2. The data for each gene were normalized
relative to the transcription rate at L2, which was set to 100%. It should be noted that the relative transcription rates at different times for a
given gene can be compared directly. L and D refer to light and dark periods respectively.

We also performed a synchronization-shift exper-

iment to verify that the tufA mRNA peak is sensitive
to cycloheximide under continuous (or circadian) con-
ditions. Cells were synchronized by growth for three
light-dark cycles, and then shifted to continuous light
(LL) at the end of the third dark period. After 24 h in
LL (i.e. L0 of Day 2 in LL), and immediately prior
to the second scheduled peak of tufA mRNA, cyclo-
heximide was added to the culture and tufA mRNA
levels followed. Figure 6 shows that cycloheximide
blocked the scheduled increase in tufA mRNA, but
did not affect the pre-existing level of tufA mRNA.
Thus, cytoplasmic protein synthesis is required for the
induction of tufA mRNA under circadian conditions.
Since we have previously shown that the stability of
tufA mRNA does not fluctuate under these conditions
(Hwang et al., 1996), these data also support the
view that cytoplasmic protein synthesis is required for
circadian clock control of tufA transcription.


These results demonstrate that ongoing cytoplas-

mic protein synthesis is required for the circadian Figure 6. Effect of cycloheximide on the circadian peak of tufA
mRNA. Wild-type cells were entrained by three L-D cycles, and
peaks of transcription of several, and probably most, then shifted to continuous light (LL) for 2 days. At L0 (subjective)
chloroplast-encoded genes. This conclusion relies of the second 24 h in LL, an aliquot was removed and treated with
mainly on the differential effect of cycloheximide, a cycloheximide under ongoing growth conditions. Total RNA was
potent inhibitor of cytoplasmic translation in C. rein- extracted at the indicated times from the drug-treated (+CHX) and
untreated (Control) cells, and subjected to northern blot analysis
hardtii, on transcription of chloroplast-encoded genes. (10 g/lane). A. Autoradiograph of the northern blot hybridized
Although the use of drugs always carries the pos- with the tufA gene probe. Time is indicated as hours of the sub-
sibility of unknown side effects, there are several jective light period. B. Quantification of the northern blot in A. The
tufA mRNA level at subjective L3 in the control cells was used to
observations that support the vailidity of this approach. normalize the data; it was set to 100%.
First, translation in C. reinhardtii is quite sensitive to
cycloheximide, allowing relatively low concentrations
of the drug (10 g/ml) to be used. Second, since the for a circadian clock in the organelle, at least for these
response was fairly rapid, the drug treatments could rhythms.
be kept to a reasonably short time frame (4 h). These experiments also separate chloroplast tran-
Third, the inhibition of tufA (and other chloroplast- scription into two types, which are distinguishable
encoded gene) transcription by cycloheximide was by their short-term sensitivity to cytoplasmic trans-
substantially reduced in the cycloheximide-resistant lation inhibitors. We refer to these types as basal
mutant, act1. Fourth, a structurally unrelated transla- and inducible (i.e. clock-induced in this case); basal
tion inhibitor, anisomycin, induced a decline in tufA transcription is insensitive to short-term treatments
transcription with kinetics similar to cycloheximide. with cycloheximide, whereas induced transcription is
Fifth, and possibly most compelling, there was little rapidly inhibited. It should be understood that these
or no effect of cycloheximide on transcription of these are operational definitions, and there could be condi-
genes during the trough period of the circadian cycle tions (e.g. stress) that change basal transcription rates,
(i.e., late-light to early-dark period). The inevitable or there could be other factors besides the clock that
implication of these results is that one or more nuclear- modulate the inducible phase of transcription. For ex-
encoded factors are responsible for the daily peaks of ample, there is evidence of a direct effect of light
chloroplast transcription, thereby obviating the need on transcription of the psbA and rrn genes (Desh-

pande et al., 1997) that is superimposed on the clock- (rpoD2) in circadian oscillations of transcription in
controlled rhythm. This is analogous to the regulation Synechococcus. Sigma-like factors have been identi-
of the nuclear-encoded light-harvesting chlorophyll fied in C. reinhardtii (Surzycki, 1969; Tozawa et al.,
a/b-binding protein genes in Chlamydomonas, which 1998), although they have not been well characterized
are light- and clock-regulated (Kindle, 1987; Hwang (or cloned). Sigma-like factors from a few vascular
and Herrin, 1994; Jacobshagen et al., 1996). It would plants and a red alga have been cloned, and found to
be interesting to know if light-stimulated transcrip- consist of a small gene family (Liu and Troxler, 1996;
tion of psbA and rrn is also sensitive to cytoplasmic Tanaka et al., 1996; Isono et al., 1997; Kestermann
translation inhibitors. et al., 1998; Tozawa et al., 1998). Although the indi-
The relative contribution of basal versus induced vidual roles for these proteins have not been resolved,
transcription is not the same for all genes that we ex- if the C. reinhardtii sigma factors are also a small gene
amined. The psbA gene was inhibited by only 3040% family, one could imagine one sigma factor for basal
by cycloheximide, compared to 7080% for the oth- transcription (that is also very stable), and another,
ers. This is interesting because the circadian rhythm of short-lived sigma factor for clock-induced transcrip-
psbA transcription showed a lower amplitude than the tion. The cloning of sigma factors from C. reinhardtii
other genes (Hwang et al., 1996). The low amplitude will enable this hypothesis to be tested.
can now be explained by a relatively greater contribu- A variation on this idea (which could also explain
tion of the cycloheximide-resistant, basal transcription these results) would be differential phosphorylation of
to the daily transcription pattern of psbA. In contrast, a major sigma factor(s). Phosphorylation of sigma-like
transcription of the rrn genes showed a strong cir- factors from mustard chloroplasts has been demon-
cadian fluctuation, and correspondingly strong cyclo- strated, and shown to affect their activity (Tiller and
heximide sensitivity. This seems somewhat surprising Link, 1993; Baginsky et al., 1997). The application of
for RNAs that are needed in such large amounts. The this hypothesis would require that an essential compo-
reason for such tight control over rrn transcription nent of the signaling/phosphorylation system be: (1)
is not known with certainty, although one possibility synthesized in the cytoplasm, (2) relatively unstable,
is that the synthesis of these RNAs must be tightly and (3) controlled by the circadian clock.
coordinated with synthesis of the ribosomal proteins Another possible means of controlling large-scale
(Schmidt et al., 1983). changes in chloroplast transcription could involve
This study raises several important questions. modulation of DNA topology. Changes in DNA topol-
What is the molecular nature of the cytoplasmically ogy have been shown to affect chloroplast transcrip-
synthesized factor(s) responsible for the circadian tion in vivo and in vitro (Stirdivant et al., 1985; Lam
peaks of chloroplast transcription? What is the mole- and Chua, 1987; Thompson and Mosig, 1987). In
cular nature of the factors that determine basal tran- C. reinhardtii, changes in chloroplast DNA topology
scription? To what extent do these findings apply to have been shown to correlate with circadian changes
other systems? The core RNA polymerase responsi- in transcription rates (Salvador et al., 1998). Inter-
ble for the two transcription modes may be the same estingly, light-induced alterations in the topology of
bacterial-type polymerase, based on the fact that ri- certain regions of the chloroplast genome in C rein-
fampicin inhibits close to 100% of total chloroplast hardtii were found to be blocked by cycloheximide
transcription in asynchronous cells (Sirdivant et al., (Thompson and Mosig, 1990). Thus, it seems possible
1985), and has been shown to block tufA transcription that the nuclear-encoded factor(s) that we have pro-
in both trough and peak periods in synchronized cells posed as a global transcription regulator could work
(Hwang et al., 1996). Thus, an obvious candidate for indirectly by modulating DNA topology.
the clock-induced factor is a sigma-like subunit of the Results such as these, which implicate such a
RNA polymerase. short-lived factor in the control of chloroplast tran-
In bacteria, sigma factors are necessary for tran- scription in C. reinhardtii, have not been reported
scription initiation at the correct site, and are central previously. Studies of light-activated chloroplast tran-
to regulation (Doi and Wang, 1986). Moreover, at scription in dark-grown barley have shown that cy-
least one bacterial sigma factor has been shown to cloheximide blocks the photo-induction of transcrip-
be an unstable protein that is regulated by proteoly- tion of several chloroplast genes (Gamble and Mullet,
sis (Takayanagi et al., 1994), and Tsinoremas et al. 1989; Klein, 1991). Klein (1991) also found that
(1996) have demonstrated a role for a sigma factor cycloheximide, added after 5 h of light, led to a de-

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